P o~~ull wi eme'e1 ~0. country. There's thie fine i~,~ "~ï. ~ p - and wbose bearts are expanded modem cy mbof onon u. by benevolence and goodvill. By adaynme 04 i thx erx' fact %ve are Masons, we aree leced th exctamun - l holiday fun and relaxation. %vhich we live. We are expected For route and accommodation to acîix'elv interest ourselves in dtîs rt eOtreHu Ask the steady ppesmker ... the man those agèeies, thue churchthe day, Roaml1004, Victory s heio bjecnd tve h e wimphxveBidnTrno U who knows good tobacco ... he wiIl tell you there'sasterojciehempv- ment off conditions and relations LET'S MAKE THEM WANT nothing jusf like Old Chum for 'downright in aur neighbomhood. The Mason TO COME BACK wxho attends his Lodge egularlv sotisfying smoke. A fourite since 1888, Old Chum -nd gives heed ta the lessons Let's see they get the best we taught in our ceremonies is boîind have to.offer. Everyone bene- k se fresh, se cool, so Censistently pleosing. ta grow socially-, merally, and fits from the incarne taurist *i1L spirit ua 111v. with the resuit that businiess brings ta Ontario. he becemes a better citizen' and a So it's ini your interest ta en- iner husband and father.corg u finsrm If ,veu ladies believe Masonrv ouhra s your fries r s %orthwhile there is a job for te at asaear Ontario Holidays. The obaco o Quaityogdize anv counter part off aur TOURIST BUSINESS mission. but xve as Masons are net US GOOD BUSINES'------ * . - * . . .. * * *nn;:dfiim off ,our mmense in- CU (ASFFO IP CTFIEFO RLIN YU ON fluence on aur affairs. X'oum bus- ______________ PUBLISHED IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST BY JOHN LABATI LIMITED Masoni '~ ubands, sons and brothers can bc CTown lGlenn Allin, with Miss Betty AI- and he complimented them onPO WI! .~ o m 'nfuecds a bny yofur aitu e et-n L U er U l in as accom panist; vocal solo, y their artistic decorations. He thei i g in T r n o Th e c sl n e e d n fD ra og euse asre h as deben C i lihaer anCyers ndwhoisnowxi The Ne castle Indepe dent 0 Durha Lodge~ ~dge3 Othe Cilîzns SeeBro. E. H. Pankhurst, Sr. Warden presented Mrs. Clarence Allin,.s A thcolsin fteba beoiga fie.ecuaeTemple Lodge, Oshauetand ajeurnmenoftte cs mttdet Phone: Clyarke 3314 E hm to take his part, because you Sneln rn double quartette consisting of the a token of appreciation fromth te feiiiscoind w} _______ Jwill bc making it easier for him ____ members cf the Allun and Os- lodge. dnigt h ui 1Rs The home of Mr. and Mrs. Vic- the quartette are Wilbur Basker- One of the most en.ioyable ev- w otin an evcation erhit-he tor Hancock is now in quaran- ville, Ross, Glenn and Bill Alun lents of the sear and one that iwoldoteris eyr e erit O carsh4thpred buews-nd bore a qu martt itMr.pSanlev Woer. Mste erlimeRmadCrihob Oceta tine for scarlet fever. Their son Mrs. Douglas Dewdnev and always eagerly looked forward wtd eeno, n yuasmt es evwralcr tr and orte Nea- crd ams coM r.t panoCac- tas anexpred the member'c omitewohdter~ tl&s Town Councitelis MssCthrie ewne atnandcure someavevnigsev-li hm e oibilitytme 0en1 tn and wiveswIîl see improvemett eietst udran.Tedr orontoumbersby Mr. avCtdal- t ns a tppecitin n lo- o panin ad ary ease. ed the Toronto Skating Club Car- mnembers off Durham Lodge, A.F.-1j oin aur ranks. membei ship is de- excellent hce*vgm vsoff accompanist fer the community Entertainment committee and t n Mr. ar MEvy s edig ialonModasweeth ad .Mert an redsa theie.r ived by men having first formed secondary interest compared with singing. Bro. C. A. Cowan who had chai~ r.Hwr .TmR.Wr p wehat n red tterithe intense interest displayed in Wor. Bro. Clarence Allun con- off sale of tickets, for their unir o.Dnl GisWr.Bo few days with Mrs. John Sears, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoar, Mr. ana aoi tHm. a favorable opinion off our frater- Sunderland's sumptuous arena. veyed the thanks end apprecia- ing and indefatigable workmnI'i olllWe.B.E.T Port H pe. Ha old Ho r. To onto. ame do n a an outstanding occasion, itoyp r M ote dr e. c anhe at t hen W ith subs riptions stili rolling in, tion of the m em bers of D urham m aking the evening the ver n - u s i s o n . B o r d W Mrs. Ida Stin.son andaherfrmtecytotend dagtr rmtect aa theMendîrtn ihabnqe on rpe edrc the attention LS replica should be in use for! Lodge ta Bro. J. S. Dyer for his joyable and outstanding succesB enB.ChrsA.Cw, Miss Francis Sinison, Toronto, ic "At Home" on Fridav ex enîng.stars tin 7 oclocaane dn i fh tais on encourge h i1 te tinakegn adpr-i ws H pkewthde were down at their cottage at Mr. and Mrs. George Farncomb dnei h uioimt h mug.sie 7off Russ andreightn'sOrchs-tes atecomuroe hoftus. He An excellent job was done by ducing such a very enjoyable and gret off the absence ffrom the heai edy r. onRea Ne,,ý,,casle-on-the-ake on Satr- spent afew thes ieTeranto'adancetecommitteeme oeexcellenttherogram.s'Heanceeomnittdetablecelheotghogial.eHsproffntedtahon-t_____________of______h day.ushe ofginning off the weok. . . will be better for it. datra.he commmttee o tne charge talking some four hundred peo- him with a gift as a token off their ored guests off former yeams in th1 Mvrs. Stella Anderson was hos- Newc~astle Lions Club were are ta be congratulated on the IDra og hudfe eypi atk nterdneisedappreciation. persans off Xor. Bro. Frank Brn- h tpefo o 0prcn tess at a luncheoin bridge party hasts to ther Newcastle Lions 1 smoothly unning arrangements proud off the fact that so many off one off several other fimst rate, Bro. Alex Hendry tendered a ton and Mrs. Branton. Wor. Mas f hIdaspplto fmr Mrs. urdkinferDncn ad onHockey emattersupper frrom h jt ejomet getsar recid This vnnh netirmn held on the same ivemy hearty vote of thanks to the ter W. Rowland then read a 1e-ta 0 ilo ep.l ie IIr.EsieDna n ofro e itrlde.Te o-ingt e proceeds were $163.- ladies off the decorating commit- tcr off greeting and good wishei n h eann 0prcn e Halon Thusa vnn.Te most attractive and festive sight ence and show emphaticallv xvhat 1 eeas are reminded te se- they had carried out their duties er secrctary off Durham Lodge orgais ripent Sunday at their cottage at alzo had as guests referee George wit h their dEcorations off gold and lVue tern frhi crs Newcastle-on-the-Lake. splendid Masons we .have in On-cueter em rspcasb- Mr. and Mrs. Wakelin. Port Cow.ther and Messrs. Cecil R. blue tissue paper runners down traie District. I firmly believe ifore the next monthly dinner. Hope, were guests off Mm. and Mrs. Carveth and H. S. Britton. Mag- the ceteo h alsadwt htfinlne ste oe iet h olwn dnaisar istrate Ronald B. Baxter, Port entr ff te tabesrganits that friein es ho e r lnofcietMhefa-oin dnaioslr H. S. Britton. pt f lxeigsrn lnsffoe ntewoegr nofVagratefulix' acknowledged since the Misss Mrgart Ah. BttyHope, xvas special speaker. and taîl white lighted tapers insoran esud 1tti Gray', Evelyn Allun. and Kathleen W.A. off United Church met on sîlver candlesticks. The decorat- thomoughîy se that it mas' grow Prev-ieusîx' acknowîedged Toms, and-Mr .and Mrs. Brenton March il with a good attendance. ing seheme was a credit ta the and blossom te gladden the heamt s765 Riekard and George visited Mm. In the absence off president, Mms. skill off Mrs. Clarence Allin, Mrs. off all those with \vhom we cameTont and Mrs. Joseph Hockin. C. A. Cowan, lst vice president, George Stephenson, Mms. Austinincta.Tono Y.P.U. met March 8, ivith presi- M1Vrs. Ross Dickinson presided. De- Turner and Mrs. J. S. Dyer. cott. T. Eaton Ce. Ltd. ---- 50.00 Alu i vtina ws n hageAs Masons today we do flot Robert Simpson Co. Ltd. __ 10.00 dent Glenn l n charge. Chrîs- vtoa si hreoff Mrs. Wor. Master Bro. William ROW- build matemial Cathedrals but we Canadian Brewemies Ltd. 25.00 tian fellowship convener, Evelyn Austin Turner, Mrs. A. Stone- land who ably' filled the position are building something off far Molson's (Ont.) Ltd . 50.00 Alith aon Eter h worship per- burg read the scripture and Mrs. off toast master, is well known greater importance ta the xvemld Bn f omre100 so ig snEvsey theme. After Harold Toms led in pra,\er. Mes- for his ability and cleverness as __'Character and Reputation." A. Bradshaw and Son Ltd_ 50.00 ,,9 a sng ang Evlynconducted e- damnes H. Toms, H. Pearce. J. Ah- an after dinner speaker and he The Grand Sr. Deacon, Very Com. Electric Supplies--- 5.00 creation. lin and H. Allie rendered a dou- caried eut his duties in his us- Wom. Bro. Harry Wallace, aise re- D'Rene Beauty Shoppe- 20.001j As there was a small attendance blp duet 'Give off ,our Best." Mrs. ual fluent and versatile manner. plied te the toast te Grand LodgePotHp Tuesday evening, C.G.I.T. mem- J. S. Dyem was guest speaker and Taking in his stride aîl the many i aveortouet aHoipeic bers preserit worked on the pro- gave an interesting account off littie innuendos and jokes on his he si ecnurdhatl in Charlie Stephenson, M.P . 25.00, ject. Beffome adjourrîing the girls hem recent trip te Miami, Fioida, state as a handsome, eigible ba-R.WrBo.Gbnsmams A. W. George and Son 10.00 enjoyed a short period off reumea- telling off the things that interest- chelem which weme handed ta hlm He aise touched on the funda- Bovmanville tion. ced hem most in the varieus places in a witty manner by the speak- mentaIs and the aims off Mason- Couch. Johnston and Congratulations and best wish- she visited en meute. Mrs. How- ers during the evening. ry, the qualifications and beliefs Cry-derman ---.------ 10.00 es ta the Newcastle Mahe Quar- ard Allin moved a heat vote off eaeathsmgtttehadneam fetemmbsofte Dr. Hf. B. Rundle --- --- 10.00 tette xxho xxil Fine on Rai Pur- thanks tea Mr.Dreode j table xvas Mrs. Dora Brooks. look- Order. In conclusion, he men- Rotar\ Club ----------- 25.00 dy's proramn over CFRB at 8:30 Mis. Austin Turner. Mrs. Pemcy ing verv loveî. in a floor length tioned the three great virtues- J. Brough ------------ 10.00 Sunday exening. Be sure te tune Eroxvn's group served a dainty dinner geoxxn off turquoise corded Faith, Hope and Chamity; Faith le W. L. Elliott - ------ 5.001 in and hear them: Members off lunch. taffeta with shoulder corsage off the future, Hope that the days ta Sheppard and Gill Ltd. --- 25.00, --pink carnations. Mrs. Donald Gib- came will be Iess troublesomne, Nelson E. Osborne - --- 25.00 son, wife off the District Deputy than those that are past; Charity JGus Anni-,.- 00 Grand Master, was strikingly off thought and purpose. without Boxvmanxville Cleaners _ 5.00 handsome in a lovely dinner gown enxv off our fellowmen, te rejeice R. Noble ----- 1.00 off seft mist blue crepe with shoul- in t'heir success, te folloxv ourOon dem corsage off white carnations. Lord's cemmandment "Thou "haIt Fred Lct . 00 IAffter the toast te the King had love thy neighbers as thy-self."'IL. Lowemy -------»- 5.00 been pmeposed and duly honored, Bmo.'George Stephenson pro- R. A. Fommc"tem ----- 15.00 ________________________________________ i_ the toast te Grand Lodge w-as pro- posed the toast te the ladies. It Newcastle posed by W. Bro. Russell Os- was a mastempiece off humer com- -rs.Joh--a-od - 5.80 berne in an able manner. He bined with a little touch off sen- (Scn doai) T EAT -BO ANV LEpaid warm tribute te the womk off timentalism. Bro. Stephenson Chris Law102 THEATRE-_____B__0__ W__M__ A__N__V_1 __L __L__E the Grand Lodge District Deputy said: The delightfful duty yOu Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shortt 5.00 Grand Master. Rt. Wor. Bro. Don- have asked me te pemform'bas, Mm. and Mrs. Hamv Britton 100.00 aid E. Gibson in responding te given me a ffew more gmey hairs Mr. and Mms. Dave Shaw 2.00 S ai., March 20 Lxon., Tues., Mar. 22-23 the toast said. '"I shoulî like at in an effofrt te do justice te the 'Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pollard 10.00 te utset te thank Wem. Bro. Os- os eteldis esoeofMr. and Mms. Douglas borne for his perfectly splendid his ceutship off twenty yeams ago Cu--n--a--.-- 20.00 toast te Grand Lodge and ta you whcn he wooed and w-on the faimr Mm. and Mms. Clarence ail for the very enthusiastic man- lady wbo is now his chamming Allen 25.00, *1 ner in which yôu have received wiffe and whose courtship was due Mr. and Mms. Harv Allen 5.00 it. Wem. Bro. Osborne although largely te the eloquence and flu- Mm. and Mms. Frank Weber 2.00 , paintin.g a vemy glowing picture ency off many ardent billet-doux. Mm. and Mrs. Harold Couch 25.00 off Grand Leelge and myselff, isIn an effort ta make his remarks Mms. John Cunningham - 5.00,s nevetheless most sincere. The original he decided ta delx'e into Mms. E. E. Cooke - ---- 20.00 bîessing was offfered by the Dis- the past and gain inspira'onbyDeug Wright. 250 . .. triet Chanlain, Rex'. Bro. G. C. reffeming te the missives off twen- Mm. and Mrs. Wallace .* Ie~', Bewanville.ty yeams ago but alas lie discov- Gbo r~L~In esponding ta the toast ta emed that his daughter Betty and Miss E. Rowland ---------- 2.00 Ji ~~Grand Lodge, it is perhaps ffitting hem cousin June had spent manY 1R. J. Dummond.---------- 2.00 that I sheuld tell yeu samething entetaining lîoums in pemusing theLloymStephGison -------- -----5.00 U ~~~~off Grand Lodge and m.\ concep- love tokens and their conclusions LodSehno 50 tien off Masonrv. The Grand Sm. were they were "hot stufff." "cor- AifAar- 20.00 Deacan, Very Wor. Bre. Harmy nyý,," etc., and te prevent any fur- Mm. and Mrs. E. Powell and25.00 Wallace, will aise respond, which ther eaders, Mrs. Stephenson had an-----son00 makes it vemv nice for me because burnt them. Bro. Stephenson said W. . Laking--------------- 5.00 if I ramble heme and there 1 cao the subject off aur ladies bas fui- Chas. Hancock --------- 5.00 depend tipon him ta fiI tmp any ed thousands et books antd mil-Toatade--------S790 .511111 gaps. Statistically speaking o u r lions off sheets off paper by men, Toa edt 7905) ALSOJ55f Grand Lodge now embraces 104,- when expounding on the wondems ALO400 members in 571 Iodges. On- off our sweetheamts. Most menî Bro. Austin Turner was given the NoADDE fes4el Fx Lae N~ D ItarmeDistricteineshicPhe1 ave ae a sdy of w flSome orof presenting Mrs.Rickard Calon n olr te.. Port Perrv. Financiaîîy we se, that na man can boast off net proposed bv Wor. Bro. Imwin Col- todian eff Ibis fund and it is their then sister, and if we missed eut ment bv a couple off wel laIod job te administer it wisely and here, next it was a sweetheart jokes beaing on some off bis bro- WEDNESDAYI THURSDAY, MARCH24 5 elA great deal off this money and Ihose whe passed the exam ther Masons in Durham Lodge. is uedto bring relief la the wid- at this point took a wiffe and then He spoke off one off liffe's great- ows and orphans off oum deceased made posîgraduate studies in est possessions in the possession brethren. It is alsoi being used te "Mother - in - Iaw." One mother off friend, and he feît that ail vis- educate children whe weme left slightly disgrun.tled was heard te items present could qualiffy as destittîte by the untimely death emark-it takes a mother txventy friends. He expmessed the plea- A TNUItY HIART-WARMIN !off some off oum members, and in yeams ta make a mtofabx uetemmesofDma PlMA.. IffD RIO"NT mafly ether wavs. and same girl txventy minutes te ILodge lhad in weiceming their CkDuring the wam yeams, thmough make a fool eut off hirm. Women Bmýothem Masons from ether lodges. . when you shower your numet srn P'.T YURNEATIthe free wilI offfeings off the easen with their heamts, and are 1 and their wives and sweetheamîs.- members, Grand Lodge was able much less otten wmong than men 1 It xvas esponded ta by Ruling romance with ai magnificent bouque fou uh te send ta Great Britain ever a who reason wilh their heads. Mlaster C. Smith, Cedar Ladge, * * * quarter million dollars le assist When a man's wiffe is late coming' Oshawa, Ruling Master Clemence, garden fresh flowers any.kin~ '--~O ibemb xictimrs. Last Jui-v , again home hem hîsband begins te won- Jemusalem Lodge, Bowmanville. L' a4 OUVJL. by free will offfeings off ils mem- dem what happened te ber. When Rîling Master J. H. Meeking, On - bers, Grand Lodge commenced te a wemnan's husband is late com- tarie Ledge. Port Hope, and Rul- would you rather deck her lapel wtha E 'ser RUTHI WALTER DEAN CUAELOT~ NATALIE send 600 food parcels per month ing home bis wife wondems xvho ing Master' Hector Ince, Hope tun u wul10 P Mf M afamilies in Great Britain. The the hussy is. Cherkove won, î Lodge, -Por t Hop. Thrr il c- "cet.1ovly oragel-.. rra ge1spcillyfo THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TIMSDAT. MARCH 18th, 1948 L'i PAGE TRMTEEN