'AGE FOURTE!~ THE CAADIAN STATSMAN ROWMAvTL %JinTI-%riC l.TTfrl- V.Afl. Durham Couaty Shorihorn Sale Drought Good Average Relurns Large Crowd ini AtteRdance The 27th annual auctian sale The entry, Spring Grange Dukel of the Durham County Shortborn 2nd was a igbt roan born March Club, held on the farm,.of A. J. 31, 1947. The buyer, George Wic- Nesbitt, Brooklin, Thu r s day, kett, Port Hope, paid $245 for March 11, brougbt good average this excellent animal. Top price prices considering all factors o! for females was $290 paid by Ad- the present Iivestock situation. dison Fisher, Ayton, Ontario, for While a large gatbering was in at- INunpareil Beauty 3rd, born Janu- tendance the bidding was a bit ary 2, 1947 and contributed by draggy at times. Jt was apparent1 Lew Ricnardson and Son, Ash- that the feed situation had some burn. effect in retarding the usual brisk- Comiplete List ness i4 disposing o! real bigh class The complote list o! of!erings offerings. and prices given to the press by AIl but une o! the 26 entries, sccretary-treasurer S. Charles AI- together with a few calves aI foot, lin. follows: were sold. The animal not sold Red cow from Robt. Parrott was flot brought forward. Total1 and Sons, Myrtle, sold to S. B. receipts amouinted to $4,640. Thej Gray and Son, Port Hope, at $170. average price for 12 bulîs vasI Red cow from Parrott to Garnet $182. The average price for 13 j Riekard, Bowmanville, at $ 18 0, females was $189. These aver- A Parrott red heifer to Harvey ages were cunsidered exceptional- j McGilI, Enniskillen, at $165. Red, ly good value., vear-o]d bull from Parrott to H. Top PriJ. Anderson, Port Hope, at $125. Top PicesLocal Buyers Top price for buils wvcnt to W. Roan, year-old bull from E. F. F. Riekard and Son, Newcastle. R.Osborne, Newcastle, ta Wmn. ...... Auctioneers Rêd yearling bull from Capt. Cyril Mumford, Hampton, to Nor- man Holman, Newtonville, at $195. Red heifer from Lew Rie- hardson and Son, Asbburn, to Ad- dison Fisher, Ayton, aI $290. Red heifer from Hugb Miller, Clare- mont to Herbert Hutcbings, Osh- awa at $135. Red heifer from .onMelntyre, Myrtie Station, to S. W. Gray at $170. Red, Mcmn- lyre bull, yearling, to Thos. G. Norton and Sons, Loeust Hill at S210. Red yearling bull from Gar- net Riekard bo Lloyd Sutton, Fras- crville, at $210. The auctioneers, Duncan Brown. Shedden, and E]mer Wil- bur. Hampton, were assisted by fiecdman, Jack Baker. A feature o! the sale was the purebase of manv animals by local buiers. It is expected that their offer-- Inps will appear in future annual )r THE SIFOE The sunflower is a familiar i nIant common ta backyards and hedgerows like the bollyhock. Il is one af the many plants that are native ta the Western Hemisphere ~ ~but. it is flot grown in many parts o! the warld. The plant derives ils narenefot anly !ram its gen- . eral appearance, but because the bead follows tbe caurse a! the sun eacb day, rnoving !ram east ta west. The sunflower plant bas been growing for many years on fver 6 à eads Cl5.5 à.5the American cantinent, but ils peuple say that Peru or Mexica KANGEROOS consuit the "4roomns for rent- columns of is its 'home, athers the central the classlfieds i"hen they contemplate addltional famnily plains o! the United States. expansion-so do a lot of aur single readers without-_________ offsprlng who are getting tlred of the park bench. Add J. E. SUTHERLAND DIES to your !ncome! Fix a room to rent-advertlse It ln the ____ classlfieds! Joliette, Quebec, March-J. E. Sutherland, conductar witb the Canadian National Railways since The ANADAN TATEMAN 1910 and general cbairnan of the since 1934, died here recently, in CALL 663 FOR AD TAKER bis 61s1 year. Mr. Sutbjrland wvas a native o! Smitbs Falls, On- tario. continuing demand for service just as fast as equipment becomes available. Ail this is being done in the face of rising costs. Yet, up to now, there has been no increase i the basic telephone rates established 21 .years ago. For you, this mean-s greater value than ever before: for us, the satisfaction of providing "the best telephone service at the lowest possible cost". THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA 1 tendance at the Brighton meeting. Following a drive for enrolîment in the variaus counties il was dis- closed that 629 members had al- ready signed up as owners o! 6,- 573 cows, The drive stili con- tinues as plans proceed for the general consolidation o! ahl coun- ty units. Officers elected ta put the seheme into operalion are: Presi- dent, Fred Hubbs, Prince Edward County, a past president o! the Haîstein-Friesian Association of Canada; vice president, Lindsay Anderson, secretary Northumber- land Holstein Club and A. O. Dal- rymple, Dcpartment of Agricul- ture, was named secretary-trea- surer, pro tem. Directors from eacb county will act as soon as tbe presidents are ehosen. It was agreed that for general administration the head office sheuld be located in the Belleville area. Direct action was taken ta secure aceredited sires in the ap- pointmenî o! the president and vice president and E. A. Summers, Agrîcultural Representative. Dur- ham Caunty, ta acî as a bull buy- ing committee. For the present the sehemne will apply only tu Holstein - Friesians. Owners of Holstein dairy herds in thîs dis- trict may obtain further particu- lars from Mr. Summers, ineluding membership !orms. if t'Sey wish ta affiliate with Ibis important undertaking. TCA'S .GROWTH IN 1947 Trans-Canada Air Linos con- tinued to cxpand in 1947. The re- suit was the company flew 1,527,- 471 ton miles of mail: 1,072.517 ton miles of express, and 230,178,- 216 revenue passengor miles. Business Directory Legal _ _ _ IV. R. STRIKE, KC. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money lu Ican - Phone 791- Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 - Residence 553 W. F. IVARD. B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 9)ý King Street E. Bowmanville -Ontario Phone: Office 825- House 409 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanvil]e Phùne 351 Dental DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental College. and Faculty of Dentistry, Tûronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. 9 arn. to 12 noon Wednesday. Closed Sunday. Office Phon.e 790 Residei.ce: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr W. M. RudelI 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liber~y St., N., Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a rn. to 12 noon, Wednrsday Closed Sunday Phone 604 .23-5* Monuments The Rutter Granite Company j Phone 501 - P O Box 622 j -Port Hope, Ont. Rev. Linstead, l-iarpton, gave a very interesîing sermon at Shi- lob on Sunday. Mrs. George EIwcll bas re- turned home fram Mrs. Bailey's, McCrea's. Miss Norma Hallowell, Toron- to, spent the weekend witb Mr. Llew Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Todd at Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton, New- tonville. Mr. A. Minto spent Sunday with friends in Toronto. Miss Helena Halluwell an d !niend in Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rogers, Osh- awa, with Mn. and Mrs. M. Shut- ka. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Farrow and son, Hampton, with Mn. and Mrs. Victor Farraw. Mrs. Bert Trim entertained a number o! young folk- at a party Saturday evening in hunor o! ber son, Raymond, on the occasion o! bis birthday. Miss Eileen Farrow, Bradley's, spent the weekend at home bore. Misses Jean and Lorraine White and friends, Maple Grove, at Mr. Ross Hallowcll. Mr. and Mrs. John Stone witb Mn. and Mrs. Frank Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Trim vis- îted in Oshawa. Miss Helen Deekent witb ber moîher in Toronto. Art McKay attended the sale a! Shorthorrs in Oshawa. Wes Falls is having bis bouse wired for bydro. Rev. Linstead at Mr. Ross Hal- lowell's. W.A. of'Shiloh beld their mert- ing this month aI Mrs. Carl Tudd's. Scventeen members were present. Aflor the business dis- cussion a short program was en- jaYed after which Mrs. Todd serx'- ed a most delicinus lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Todd in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Andree and famil.,, Oshawa, witb Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka. Mrs. Llew Hallowell visited bier mother, Mrs. T. Falls, Kendal. 1 1 Jibb and.Sons, Coiborn e, at $200. Dark roan, Osborne, year and a half bull to Roy Werry, Enniskil- len, at $175. Roan, Osborne, heif- er to S. W. Gray, Port Hope at $150. Bull from W. F. Rickard and Son to George Wickett, Port Hope at $245. Dark roan, Rie- kard, bull, year-old, to S. J. Gray, Port Hope, at $210. Rickard, white cow, to Innes Bros., Black- water. at $210. Red, year and a bal! female, frorn W., A. Dryden and Son, Brooklin, to Addison Fisher, Ay- ton, at $200. Dryden, red yearling bull to Arthur McKay, Newton- ville, at $175. Dryden, bull cal!, red, to Lorne Thompson. Port Perry at $155. Forder Bras., of Blackstock, red cow contributed by W. R. Chapman, Myrtle Sta- tion.to Walter Hapkins, Ashburn, $205. Dark roan female caîf fram A. J. Howden, Columbus, to D. J. McPhaden, Cresswell, at $160. Howden, red heifer. to S. W. Gray of Port Hope at $160. Howden, red heifer, to R. L. Cookman, Blackwater, at $220. Red yearl- ing bull from F. H. Deacon, Un- ionville, to John Ogden, Newton- ville at $150. You Can't Keep Beef WESLEY VILLE On a Greyhound Sna School was held at 10:- This week, E. A. Summers, Ag- ing to the absence o! Mrs. C. ricultural Representative, Dur- Payne, Miss Dora Ander so n ham County, is sending out mim- taught the Senior Girls' Class and eographed warnings to the farm- as Miss Muriel Mason was also ab- ers of the county to join in a con- sent Ruth Payne provided the certed war on warble flics this music., Church followed with Dr. spring. The pamphlet is headed Oke speaking on Jesus' Purpose with the ýlogan: *-You cîn't keep of Coming to the World. beef on a grecyhound." In o ther 1 Twenty-three members o! the words an animal pestered with Young People's Union met at the warble flies gallops around on sehool bouse Wednesday evening. pasture and loses weight rather Topic discussed wvas led by Dr. than taking on fat. Oke who spoke; on symphonie According to the pamphlet, 1 music. beef hides spoiled by warble fies, Woman's Association met at the cost the farmers o! Onta^riol$5,- home o! Mrs. Truman Austin, 000,000 a year which figures out with an attendance of -22. Rol to an estimated loss in Durham call answered with several quilt County o! $98,000. blocks and aprons was very well To eradicate this menacc, op- replied to. Mrs. Truman Austin, portunity is given municipalities leader of the graup, led tho wor- ta take advantage of the warble ship period. fly cantrol work set up by the Archie Ford and Bert Binsted provincial governiment. O nlIy attended the Railroad Men's meet- two townships, Cartwright. and ing in Bellevillo on Sunday. Manvers have been enterprising Misses Margaret Binsted, Elsie enough to j oin the drive in Dur- Schwarz a n d Dora Anderson ham CountyN. Their couneils pur- spent Sunday with Miss Jane chàse ivarble fly powder to dis- Reeve. tribute to al cattlo owners. Mr. and Mrs. KCen Dinnor and The campaign nowv carried on by Mr. Summers seeks to induce Ronnie witb Mr. and Mrs. Perey evcry farmer in Durharn and Snell. South Monaghan to adopt the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrow- treatment prescribed. Instruc- elough. Bill and Mrs. Len Ought- tions in the pamphlet outline red and Donna with Mr. and Mrs. treatment to be followed in late Edgar Barrowclough. March and up to about the first Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nicholîs o! June. If any farmers wish and Gloria Jean spent Thursday further information tbey should in Toronto. contact Mr. Summers. Mr. ard Mrs. Bob Hils- and _________________ Laurel with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ba rrowcl ou gh. Inse inaion nitThe Farrn Forum war: held at Insemnatio Unitthe homeo Mr. and Mrs. Ken A ssred or his rea Ashb. There was a fair attend- ________the views on Immigration. As a result of action taken at a Sunda.v isitors with Mr. and general meeting of dairy cattle Mrs. C. Payne were Mr. and Mrs. breeders in Brighton, March 12, it Arnold Thorndyko. Sharon Ann is virtually certain that an arti- and Carol. Mr. Clarence Nicholîs ficial insernination unit embrac- and Miss Pauline Peters o! Mur- ing counties from Durham to rish. Frontenac will be in operation on Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. or before June 1, 1948. Follow- W. A. Mcadows. Port Hope, form- ing meetings in the variaus coun- erly Wesleyville residents, who tics involved, delegates came to- on'March 16 eelebrated their 6lst gether at Brighton tu eleet offi- wedding anniversary. cers and consider plans for fulfil- Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne, Mur- The central organization will be ner with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mea- made up o! the president of coun- dows, Port Hope, on Tuesday. High TributeE In Praise of Ont.t AgriculturalCollege A high appreciation of the standing of the Ontario Agricul- tural Coilege at Guelph, and the part it plays in agricultural de- velopment, is contained in the folloving editorial article wvhich appeared rccently in the Windsor Daily Star:- "Many Canadians may not know of the exceedingly high standards of the Ontario Agri- cultural College at Guelph, butj there are people in other count- ries who undcrstand it. It is re- garded as one of the best schools of its kind in the world. '*The other evening, five young men fromn the Collegq- were broughit down to speak at Chat- ham. They represcnted five dif- fcrent lands, being from Colum - bia, British Guiana, India, Jam- aiea and Malta. "During the %war, this influx of students from othcr countricsqwas interrupted. It has iiow been re- sumed, and the College at Guelph would probab]y have rnany more if it had the capacity to handie them. "Ontario farm-ers are singularly fortunatc in having such a pollege to whieh theY can send thcir sons and daughters. It keeps abreast of sciontifie devolopment in ag- riculture, and its graduatcs en- sure that Canada will continue as one of the grcatest agricultural COuIntries in the world. "It is a tribute to the Ontario Agricultural College, to those who had the vision to establish it and maintain its standards, that young mon from far off corners of the world should corne rapping at its door for cntry7.' Montreal, March - Appoint- ments to senior positions in the Canadian National Express have been announced here by F. N. Wiggins, general manager of the eompany. The post of generall superintendent for the company's easterh district with headquarters at Montreal is to bo filled by F. M. Smith, former superintendent of the Atlantic division. C. W. \) 28 KING ST. W. PHONE 747 BOWMANVTLLE Jewellerv & Cift flucp I - --------- - MOUIDERS OF CAAA(AUitliED Èl--lONTAR.'0LO«iCR$ IMMDE MORE TI4AN 20 PERCENT OF THE eAN- ADIAN VOLUME 0F MERCkANt- ':z-c ABLE TIMER CUT ANHUALLY ASM»C AS 508,500,000 eUBIC FEET 0F TIMBIR HAVE BEEN I4ANOLED IN A 61NOLE SYEAR IN ONTARIO t<~ ~6/OQ Q / D~ 4 77fgfi~ 10,000,OOACRES 15 TWEANU 7?> I~M/ $ ~W M~4~OVER wNHck TWE ONTARIQ O mil DS146JOB In the vastness of Ontario's timber fands, the Ontario Iogger guides Iogs te pulp milis, paper milis, saw milis, etc., to ferm a jeining Iink from nature ta industry. The Ontario Iogger contributes mightily ta Canada Unlimited. BREWING COMPANY LIMIUED, Smith, of Montreal, is namned sup- R. A. bordon is appointed iuper- erintendent of air and foreign intendent and Neil McLellaq.ý as- traffic wvith headquarters at Mon- sistant superintendent, with héad- treal. On the Atlantic division, quarters at Moncton. SAVE MONEY AT THE Special Easter Sale OF Nationally Adverlised IIFIexalumh VEnETIAR BLIflOS READY to PICK-UP - E/ SY to INSTAL - FINEST QUALITY 24 inches m-ide ------- $6.60 34 inches %vide $8.25 26 inches wvide ----- 6.60 36 inches wide____ 8.80 28 inches wiide ----- - 6.'60 3 nhsi e93 30 inehes mwide ----- 7.15 40 inches %ide ------_--- 9.35 32 inches %vide ------ 7.70 40 nce 'd .0 ALL LENGTHS 64 IN. BRING YOUR IVINDOW SIZE TO MURPHY'S IVESTINGHOUSE DEALER IN BOIVMANVILLE Mon., March 22nd Io Wed. noon, March 241h THIS SAME SALE WILL BE HELD IN NEWCASTLE AT AITKEN'S APPLIANCE SHOP AND IN ORONO AT BARLOW'S HOME FURNISHINGS Thursday, Mar. 25 and Saturday, Mar. 27 ALSO AVAILABLE Maide-to-Measure Blinds insialled in 5 Days -FREE ESTIMATES - PHONE 0O LKen Cain MONO 56 r19 - - ORONO, ONTARIO ?AGE POURTEElq THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO %ffAl5rý" 1041- a ONTARIO 28 KING ST. W. PHONE 747 .- - -ý ..- l>, ýl STARKVILLE uccuuu*s 1 1