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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Mar 1948, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Daughter: "How can a girl keep her youth?" Mother: "Neyer Introduce hlm to enother girl" BABY WHIS S.C. WIELEGHORNS BARRED ROCKS We operate a breeding farm flot a commercial hatchery. Ail hatching eggs produced on our own farm. 100% dlean blood-test February and March pullets make best fail producers. Orchland Farm H. J. BROOKS Bowmanville Phone 2636 Camadian Club (Cantinued from Page One) work and recreation. The spea an declared that these things cý be observed by anyone davotii sufficient time ta the study ai ti birds commonly found in ba( yards. He toid how the robin wi equipped with glassas in the wi af a cavering film that defied pei etration and lha bad yet ta iind blind robin. He dcscribed ho the naglected wife ai the wil canary had ta remain in its ne ta pratect and fead the fami brood. The nest was iurnisb( with seeds that the faithiul mn ther actually cooked with ber b dy tempenature as a breakis food. The stary ai the robir cametery which they bold invi, late was a story that dan ha ta aven and aven again, always wii fresh interest. Llghter Vain n lightar vain Mn. Kay advisE bis audience nat ta lie loolad i slick sahesmen selling milhinai guaranteed to lie decorated wil neal osprey icathars, and sa fort] The iact is that aIl birds ai th kind ara naw protected ar-1 sa. ai their feathars is prohibited. S the feathars usad in mihinary t( day arc usualhy taken irom d( mastic fawh and worked aven pratty choyer imitations aoftU real thing. The speaker gave a roalistic a( caunt ai the xvoodpecken that goE on an annual drunkan spnea b tapping the hamhock. birch an maple and imbibing the sap. Fi EXCHANGE NECKTIES! Send us i-6 ties you are tired of plus oniy si, thon receive prompiiy sarne number of handsorneiy cean- ed DInrERENT fies thru: NECKTIE EXCHANGE P.O. Box 234-8 - Oshawa el King St. W. FOR CeePROFiTS YOU TNAT'S WHY DE LAVAL MAGNETIC SPEEDWAY MILKINQ PAYS REAL DIVIDENDS TH uiorgent!. rilkins netic Speedway Milker pleus the cow . . . becatue it con- forme exactly to he delicate milk.malcang system. The tl De Laval Better Milking ths pleases her ...profimb YZII tbrough higber production and bitter udder healtb. Why not ta&i it over witl h u goay? DE LAVL.. . MILItER 0F CHAMPIONS A,,tier reat dan ,ceete jeinth Ie ionorrolli of champons tg eoI saiy 26eb i4 13, the great Hotolenoned by 161r. Fr.d Start rightIM. Snyder, Waerloo. Ontario She e enow Il yemc.otd andi hasa lhetune preduction record et 27.080 t,, etof ,ett, and 413 lite of wlth Cu 11.trnadeine, mght laetteeShe v.s bced adnd "livMr De Lavai Miter, h.ich'M. Snydec has bon i eg t'eîce aday' for te tM De Laval 5.porasors De Lavai Sterling Milker .Skm dC1e« , peoduce ..A sgteat milk.r lisghuîquality cria, acltr 4 mlefoP . lonser and ctu! es pr~ mpe 1ndab.le.k_ r~ Year 0f un. A site : a g pforan1ýceand con- style for eve ned nd aecc. t i aDe aa pur"a - band o- motor Seln uutrbuol drive. Baty f0 vag. eomoig a Phone 497 QUICK RESULT USE THE STATESMAN CLAS SIFIED AD SECTION ruI-csL CC3 you can bring your advertising message to the attention of 12,000 PROSPECTIVE DUYERS at a minimum cosi of 35c - uof lie and tmus cneffectively traffic deathls-aogschool chil- Immdat ob w t is agan LEKR NAI on u h anes .. r (, aalgIlilditiWeticurb may rmn anto tûa road wlth- mal traffic laws, but in the com- LESARD - NTAIO poit ut ha anerstht aeIri*get 5-14) actually went or a task. This keaps accident pos- out warning. Thc5e parkad cars yau mon-sense safety ruhes zliich mnay Phone Orono Ir 5* now no clearhvý apparent. It is dou%. In tha ast quarter af 194? sibilit:'es ;ont ar their minds. T'ne are about ta pa.ss may be a deathi prevent tragadias ta young lives: Formerly Cameron Weldlng higbly a ssential ta emphasizo the: compared with the sae m nths busier they are the les.s ikely thIley ta bu asnn nuwr oIawys Service, Toronto M naarness cof the showdown, flot of pi-vious years. aet So ta hlabor o s orinanb ,5yunçback îDo Wac ot orchhde ELECTRIC & ACETYLENE a eitniplv as a miatter af passible Teae cors must , cab re aso ta her aut ai your veay th. weit Vun WELIN pac~ r ar bt s mttr i ai cnsdea-traîîlc dang e r tiI you feel a sait bump barore 2. Driva sIowly %%ILth extra eau- àCylinder Blocks and Heads ble credit for this, area, and th ey Coigt e fth a sda.ton whanci-er I sac cliildlien llededSpeiahzln inAlutha sa. bcaue *cannot. until tliey and in school zones or rcMiden. mlnum and White M~etal. agreement with the Departmaent more and mare .. grow older, bea cx- On the other hand, it is well tial arcas, v. hether I soc cliild, (AIWr GuaIIIranteeilIIII tIlI Ileeul knownîîsmgIIIiIatai noaetvfort a n noar- nacos (III Work ~oaiLands and Forests wherby the emphasis has I IL~ Lpectecit ee konta cicrnler yaen r nfrpý arne) public will be permitted to go an b en laid an - much sense ai ne- ample. If mnothar dasties ars grarp aws iai haevo Il AwA fli and I oin jby machine. Meehanlcàliî CHAPM AN'S SavService Leave Your S A. E. NMeGREG( K ing St. E. fisbing for brook trout with wvhich the Department ara in appracia- nt e4 tian ai the granting ai the ftshing pnivilega. restocking the cracks in the district in the interest af the public. Membars af the many sports- men's clubs thraughout the pra- vince bave pladgad tbamsalves ta igratefully rcespe-t end pratect n ;aivs at prapert v on which they go for thlbe p ris-ilI ge af fishing and as tim2 )R :O goes an filchîng in Ontario is grcat- Bow-manville j ly împroving. s a fe ty training 8l Pa nslbihitv ta- against the rai lighît, bar yonngster 4. '.Look'ou o USYlen latJi in t h enRVs hools other usersaofth-! cati *hardly be expected 4.Lok ntfo hicien(irtn since thaen roaci sncb a.- mo- saiely onl streets. If aider brothers Ufombtenprdcr? ai t he w arl torists. Cbildren and s Qte".'s or anvor.r'e:se i-nore 5. TIry ta anticipaea the unaxpedt.. Lat ue n are caneince rathi- trafftc hazards, what sort af habits cd whenaver I sec chilciren LatJn and er than careais. will thear.t smallr' d2'. elop? playing in or near the street? tebrteOntario Department are supposed ta be respansible Are You Responsible? aUleaconscaencetanlof tyese i of HigbweYs and the Depart- people a0 mature judgment If you acpt the sasfety e::pQýrts .liva questions, you can't blemne the inrr of Fdu'lon cD operated t They are Supposed to know verdict that traffic traged!eeo are the childrcn for the traffic accidents brlng accident fcs n peen- tatthey should ha extra cautions 'responsibility ftofai îî ". , 5e- iwiich kll and maîm sa many tof t.lan :dee.s into ahi c!earcon. a ven and vigilant when driving anywhere candlv af parants and aansismd mh en every year. Watcb ont for givrm cbldasfety niatenmal ta near children. ta assume that clmild- last af childran therm"~Iva", you cani chilciren. W. Hi. BROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm Machinery - Firestone Tfre DeLaval Mllkers and Separators Beatty Bras. Stable Equlpment woweeks he and his cramies fight i' a q'L.ace in taking resolute steps ta aaa E RCSSTFR h ih oorbeJmsG and argue just like the beer par- Co OE uUR1st hai e8 e nd re d m O I W REXP T E GSa d n r, a u ry 2 19 . lor crow d. B ut w hen he returns d fTh r e o d W ar A il fSTlFO Rthe fall-in tra e riJam es dG . h o m e fh ea i s f m t w it h h s as p u s e C o n t i n u e d f r o m P a g e O n e ) T h eW R i .aol d B e i n n n Ed nRT E G Sd a , JGu r a r n r y , 1 9 4 8 , t h 1 B a rd8a wh efan fo s odng a dThe speaker then îsted a sr _ _ _ _2, t e Sp ca r d es B ad pId the alcents periodoende t s e t s a b o u t g e t t i n g w e t l e a v e s t a r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s b y e a c h sci t i z e nA Uie s aa ndr a s t i c h a p p e n i n g s i m p o s e d Mr y a n ta r e a 2 îl .9A, ea o i a r d o n - an ean UP his soiled garments. The who values the free way of life. by communism since the late war This article continues the serie iI eueit aig rc o144nt. AWen ag t ne oa.. nge em was e il eueit aig rc o heg 1 human parallel could beiere If we fail in these, then we may ws on The cold war launch- reprinted from the book, W Ai ckfomtisrcrrn stato. lase and deserve ta lose aur free- ed by usi as expased and its Own Canada" written by Alice centsa e by thr e nd one-f winter period opens in late Aug- Ne ieihsdom. As ta the duty of vigilance gains enumerated step by step. Willard Turner, M.A., Ph.D., flot-cnsaoe.Depthse- ust, the Board will pay a new ewSdigt the task is one ta apply thraugh The Marshall plan was explained ed Canadian economist. Where duction, the new price will be six high oft53acents,, basis9Montreal, ras New sidelights introduced in parliamentary bodies. But the and the threat to its success on charts are mentioned, they are and one-haîf cents higher than autilaeJur,19. 'ayi the lecture included an accounit of source of their strength camesi the part of Russia brought the omitted in the absence of plates. year ago, say Board officiais. m-the black-crowned heron which from the people whose views are1 address down ta the crux of the The contents of the boak are plac- Under contract with the United a fishes at night with a self-gener- carried iargely by the press ta moment. In outlining these ev- e& before readers ta show the Kingdom Ministry of Food, the )Wated electric light. And the bar- their elected representatives. ents the speaker blamed parlia- general distribution of the nation- Special Products Board has twoleS id red owl was acclaimed as a bet- In order ta be vigilant it is ne-! mentarians rather than the press al weaith and ta refute mislead- buying periods: fall-winter, Sep-Rem st ter ventriloquist than Edgar Ber- cessary ta understand clearly the for the hesitancy in taking forth- ing socîalist propaganda. tember 1 ta late January, and iygeti. Hunting for rabbits con- differences existing between thei right steps ta stop this commun- spring-summer, late January to edcealed in underbush the Ow i free democratic way of life and ' st penetratian. <Article 12) August 31. In the spring-summer I-could throw his voice in a manner the controlled and regimented~ It was pointed out that fareign Chartered Banks period, just beginning, the Board tiha tcas therbttalo u n state system of communism. Our policy is fot a partisan questioni There were over four million, will pay for canlots f GradeA nit hto oands iin taeonedenm freedom stems from the nule of but a national one becau se the si hundred thousand savings de- Large eggs prices which var£R e 'st ab agti h pn But law which grewv up with free security of the state depends UPOfi posit accounts in Canadafoth acnoss Canada but which are bas- i owls wene the chief agencies for parliaments that were set up aften its success. Hence failure of gav- ten chartened banks at fcor 30e ed on 46 cents per dozen at Mont- )I killing mice. one was found ta wnesting freedom from arbitrary ernments ta take the people into193Ocoe30 real. In 1947, the spring-summen it have 27 of these in his stomach at authority. Communism. on the their confidence was the mast re- Savings Amaunt pnice was only 39' cents until ".mCeaer &Dyr one time. other hand, seeks utteriy ta re- prehensive failune in the free de- Depasits of Deposits May 5, when the Board began ta 2 In closing the speaker suggest- verse this order and ta restore mocratic system. -Drift and un- $100 or less $617,260,480 pay 41 cents. The 1atet and peak 7 igS.W ed a dloser study af bird life right desootism with ail its brutal fea- 1 cetainty were the things mOst Over paying pnice for the spring-sum-..,77KnSt . ed at home. He told how easy it tures. caiculated Ia destroy confidence i 000) ta 5,000 -- 671,132.745 mer peniod is resuit of new ex- bywas ta observe the wren who lien- Bsso reo in the United Nations. Things 5'a05,0030,88.36part egg cantracts announced by rypecks lier husband inta gathering are shaping ta a divisioni 50 al- 25.,000 ta 10l00à0543038 th material ta build a haif dozen The maintenance of the supre-1 arming at the moment that ail the 00 000 - 105,4320,7829 th.f nests before selecting one ta meet macy' af îaw is thus the corner- force of public opinion must be $l10 ------------ ,78,90.4 lis her nequirements for a well ord- stone af aur system. In assuring1 marsh.- led ta support the 'strong- Ths abe s omtie uedta0n ig on6 le ered domestic establish ni e n t.prsna freedom courts are set est resolution possible in gavern- prove that wealth is concentrated SOWatch the birds in summer, feed up ivhere ail may secure justice ment action. i h ad fafw lhuh FlosSrp 8e 13 o- them in winter, protect them in These have no caunterpant un- Pin Wl ecd os fthe hadeosiaccw Aou ere Wamols Etra----c, $1.00 a- eveny way possible, save the sev- der cammunism. Sa it is in thePepeWl ei msoftedoi acuswr apl' Erc --$10 as en vanieties that are now îegaîîy case of political freedom. The Concluding, Mr. Fulton said: below $1.000 and averaged about Scott's Emulsion---59c, S1.19 he open ta be destroyed and a new relationship between the citizen "True, this natian's contribution $144, their aggregate amaount was One-a-Day Tabs 53c, $1.33 weathai apinss il befondandth stte te nghs ad u-ta international peace will be lim- aimost one-third of the total Waterbury's Camp. ---1S.00 caround the average home. ties of one ta the other, are de- ited by the vision of its people, amount. Kepler's Extract 90c, $1.50 e pi etr ind in the ontiuon lg but it is the responsibility af the Deposits Vi-Mi Caps --8-1S.85, $3.00 ApilFatr as we defend it we shall retain goverament of the day ta see lta There were 738,333 current de -____________&_____-----_-_98e Foliowing the tea served at the freedom. If we permit an indiv- it that the extent of that vision posit accaunts in Canada at Oc- L oopening af the meeting, president, idual or group ta arbitrarily sab- is not lessened by a lack of gen- tober 30, 1943, with deposits L wer Prce Mrs. L. W. Dippeli gave way ta otage the constitution, then free- eral knowledge of foreign affairs. amounting ta $1,826,837,690. pasi president, Mrs. F. S. Phillips, dam is on the way out. For this reason the foreign policy Itsudbenedttmsto Palmolive Soap 2 for 15e Show o e as A t convener for the Hobby !of this countny should be formu- the large bank accounts are heid Coeaode23,3,69 Sow nt ehi in the Lions Ato ndteamcfe edom veitdo lated, not by the delegates ta in- by Dominion and Provincial gov- Robinson's Barley . 33e Cente o r ftfind The m halor thvsitua- ternational bodies, not by the ernments, municipalities, public Blondex Shampoo 23e April 16. named the committeesin Temiriva Ur citi- i . ... i__-------__------__69_,__$1.59 ,isblee Cbntaoebu ytepol tlteisrnecmaisad 100 A.S.A. Tabs 19e topoiethe cookery and r e: zn b1iv in free enterprmse, themselves through their elected businesscoaatnswih id-___ freshrents for the occasion. A but unfortunately there is only a representatives." spea dsributionsof wnrh ip.- further announcement wil ap- bare beginning of laws gove rn- Totealastiuts of hwtnchered ARWIC jpear in the press in this regard. ing and securing uniform free- Tank s fth eme 31,1943,ex- K AIisHoseol Oo __________ dom in this sphere. bThere is lit-, 94, e- i î HuOTHEROor tle definition, ai the limit beyond THE TE FELLOW'S JOB ceeded $5,609 million, of which89 - $19 which fneedom becomes flot iib- Dmno n rvnilscr- 'BAYER'S ASPIRIN Town Council erty, but licence, hence burtfuî The man behind the barrow, with ties comprised $2,627 million or 47 18 9 9 _____ta othens. It is lawful ta make . i jerseyfulo dirt, per cent. and other secunities 18EO - 29cA-F7OD aprofit but it cannot be denied ýLooks with ever-growing envy at about $313 million on six per cent. Liquid $1.35, $2.95, $4.95 (Continued from Page One) that there are instances or roor- 1 the merchant's laundened shirt' There are about 51,190 sbarehold- Capsules $1.45, $2.65, $5.95 all wrngpractic-s in makingBu the man behind the counten nr nteebns Ayerst 10D ai raisig asessmnts eeme ofaithese profits. Bfeels the naggîng of te trade, Government Inspection N' 7 16 someasatorzdtoDt o rs Canadian chartened banks areE0 S COD LIVER OIL Clerk Awas authonipzedstaoWritedrequired ta make monthly ne-67-$19 Mary Ann Smith advising hier Therefore, one challenge before' scissors for the farmer's rusty partsc of Mhialerttn oahnCdLIE 01 that'ber furnitune wilbe imoved us is ta remove the discontent spade; potofvrnm entate nk t is FR ITf. '59O - 98VE - OSII69 out ai apartmant in Horsey Block occasioned byý those who seek un- In the nightan the sep dotrubctarviinB anlctia ____ after Apnil 8, if not already rnov- just Profits. Regulatory laws hears the clanging of the phone, mentary Committea every ten 4 lo WtetBaoe ed before that time. passed hy a free parliamient are Andl "I wish I were a iawyer," is years. Two independent auditors, HotUAtrN otieE On motion ai Councillor James the means at hand for correcting bis aggravated groan; elected by sharehalders and ap- GAATE 1 seconded by Reeve Baker, thé these inroads on freedom. 't is But the lawyer in bis nightie proved by the Government, can- _______________ 89e - $1.19 - $1.49 - 82.00 1 Community Council will b e the dut y ci the 'press ta bnmng hears the doctor's car go past, stantly scrutinize bank aperations. gnanted $600. these things ta light and urge Ihe And PGeerlofBak thirehmiaton Fe!mAsur- e says, "That lucky îeîîow TeIsetrGnrla ak Thermos Botiles Prks Boafrd xas ecivte nd filas aswt theire int .Fre e of ub- must be making monay fast." inspects each bank at least once a espsed on mthanoce sees- year and has full access toalal its S1.50 - $1.65 mak otion of CocillrDanfil- Ili opinion aiways strengtben thej The mnupon the vassal se the records and transactions.________________ LNHKT--- 810 ingan Nddry TwnClrk cnsittincoastline slowly dwarf, The Canadian banking systemn, Whitby wiil be contacted ta îearrn We bave becomne aware that lAnd be longs for "terra firma," as it now exists, sa thorougbly terms af bus franchise recently certain contrais become necessary with the man upon the wharf. protects and serves the public in- granted ta Garton Coach Lines in times of emergency but we can IWbile the othen marks the vessel terest that it is often ragarded as Afnacin ±ablets auickl rliîv edah with a view ai establishing a îoc- see that mast of these dan be safe- moving out alone and free, a pattarn for the wbole world. It ai cervice. ]y applied wîthout danger ai de- And he longs for the boundiess is significant tbat no dapositor AQ - ' - di1 CoLncl ws nfome ofth Ftroying the basis of the consti- frcedom with the man upon the of the Canadian chafiered banks25 - 49c 74c - $J.19 Concl asifoma o tetution. But emergencies are af- sea. lost a dollar or had any cause for sUccessful sale of the Horsey ten easy to manufacture as wE The little boy in rompers thînks anxiety concerning the safety of ** WFI Block ta an Oshawa buyen. See bave sean in the case of dictators his daddy first in grace, his deposit accotint througbout Phono We Fitu.. seaaanesme.who justify unlawiul action to And hie wishes hie were grown up the wonld-wide depression. IjUWLINIIIUJ IIDSTOR Trusses win power. In a more limi ted1 with some whiskers on bis face; <To Be Contlnued) 5ST R form, this tamnpening with t h e And his daddy feels the burden of ________________________________ GoderR d&Cn constitution is sean among sorte the mortgage and bis debts, THEY LIRE FF COLD -____________________________ f ~~~~~~~rsponsmble, democratic govern- And ha wisbes be were Willia in ___________________________________ (Continued froni Page One) -ments. This bas no sound basis;1 his little pantalettes. Wbile Canada sbivered in the Awands are pouring in from it resuits generally from short- 1 The young man sees bis sister, grip oi a flow of polar air necent- Dominion Marksmen Haadquan- sighted policies and a course oi with ber money spanding beau, ly, a iew people weran't satisliedi ters praving the proficiancy ofth drift. Pbi And he says: "If I were sister I it was cold enough and vient in John T. M ceCreery locls.Th laestar F.BeryPubieAppeal could save a lot ai daugh." search ai temperaturas lowar bronze; Dr. Storey, gold; T. Gat- Thus when considering the But the young girl sees bier biro- than the prevailing 20 degreasO to ert chel]. silven; Stu Cotton, bronza, questions ai vigilance and respon - ther, witb his'volatile finance, below. They found them within po ers Stu also bas targets avaîlabla for sibility t ha noie di the press i And she longs ta be the owner ai fiva miles ai Winnipeg and spentj his silver. H. Luxton, bronza; G. responsibility ta expose and ne- the wallct and the pants a hali-boun cruising about in 80-. Young, silver. Those sbooting fan sist any thrcat ta freadomn fromn Says the peasant in the cottage, below zera waather. The group Eyes Exaniined - Glasses Fitted ftheir expert shield ara progress- wi'nadfo mhu.Tae What a grand and happy thing, were Trans-Canada Air Lines ne-I ing rapidly. scores naquirad for i iand roeal that. t reo To bave the mighty sceptre and search engineers. Thay took aThrdy -2pm to8pm thesheldar, ron 200; sttngat the moment in bath directions. the station of a king.' Mark II North Star "upstairs" ta or kneeling 1.960; standing,900 The thrcat is ai course rnainly1 Yet I bave beard it wvispered 32,000 feet to sea bow th e iiquid- pia Reis ont i apasibl 2,00 or acbthe threat of communisma but it1 that the man upon the throne coolad Rolls-Royce angines andOpca Reir Regsiain mein ith lb a eally goes deepr than that. i Would athr be the peasant with pressurized cabin reacted ta in- beld March 6tb in the Wingfoot The tbreat ai communism is snta sisow. es col.Threutwees- hall. Arrangements were made multiplied and enlarged by aur So, if your lot is irksoma, you can ilcoy It is prabably the COWLING'S DRUG STORE for the annual fisbing trip ta Ke- own indifference, ta our lazy me- get your pulse a-throb, firs t time a commercial airliner missis Lake on the weekend ai tbods ai government and aur Just by musing an the v,,iritues of bas been ilown at such tempera- Civic Holiday in August. The raadiness to accapt methods the ather fellow's Job. tures. club wiil look aiter the aats and which provide made-to-orden pre- are hiring a coak ta go along thus cedants for the application ai the giving the boys mare time ta at- communist system. We are at the MotorisisUrged To W atch Out For Children tend ta the business ai fisbing. crossroads and must choose whmch Expenses incurred will ha sbared way ai lufe wa wish ta folhow .1_________ by those partîcipating in the trip. If we choose the frec way, then ________________________________ The annual Mason & Dale we must put an end ta practices ry~ ~ 1àaITIf *~r~ 1 PAGE XIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY. MARCH inth- 1042 ka

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