~- -~ ,'AGI EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. MARCE 251%, 1944 Sharp Rise in Hospital Cosi Disclosed ai Annual Meeting Dy Chairman R. L. Mitchell In his address at the annual accaunt for the current year amn- meeting of the Bawmanville Hos- ounts to $311976 which is $1317.- pital Board, heid in the Council 57 in excess of the years 1945-46 Chamber, on Tuesday evening, comnbined. These particularly March 16, Chairman R. L. Mit- cantribute ta the 1947 deficit amn- chell reviewed the activities of ounting ta $10,444.77. the Hospital for the year 1947 Memorial Fund and at the same time announced 'ru re~reentfrorn the Board. Declaring his wish ta retire, ýhe main point brought out by Mr. Mitchell was pleased ta re- Mr. Mitchell in explaining the port appreciable cash reçeipts ta current deficit was the sharp rise the building fund for the new in the cost as figured on the Memorial Hbspital, which brought "day's stay" basis. This is the the total of cash and pledges ta traditionai yardstick in estimat- a grand total of $202,844.49. Sub- ing hospital economy. tracting architect's fees and ad- Mr. Mitchell said: "Your Hos- 'vertising leaves a balance of pital Board, lîke other hospital $199,700.31 in the fund. Out- boards of Ontario, has had a dif- standing promises are being met ficult year. With increased casts in a very satisfactary manner. of operation there is no assurance In conclusion Mr. Mitchell ex- that the peak has yet been reach- pressed sincere thanks ta, the Hos- ed. During the past few years pital Superintendent and staff your directors have increased rat- who have carried on in a very es only by a maderate amount, efficient manner under very try- but the steady increase of costs ing conditions, such as lack of have elways been in advance of help and inadequate facilities. incarne. The last increase made Thanks were expressed ta the la- was ane of 10 percent which went cal Hydro management for their into effect on Feb. 1, 1948." consideration during the recent MNunicipal Grants power cutoffs. To the Women's Wchave aiso approached the Auxiliary, the Directors and al County, the ?1own and Township wh o helped during the year in- caunicils for an increase in their cluding the general public for grants. The town bas incrcased donations as well as contributions ifs grant from $1000. ta $1500. ta the building fund Mr. Mitchell The cctinty has prornised ta i- had bigh prais e for their interest creas2 its grant of $1000 and we and support during bis terrn of are hoping ta receive some assist- office. ance fromi the townships at pres- General Statemnents ent flot mFking grants ta the bas- Increment, 1947 pital. The leficits have been made' up through the sale of Cash Receipts ------ ---- 60,345.49 bonds held in the bequest fund. Paid out _.-- -- - ---- 3,144.18 These have bcci sold ta the build- ing account fund." 57,201.31 Mr. -Mitchell referred ta the Treasurerfs Report to show that Cash in Bank ------------- 1,576.23 the day's ccst rate has increasedl Bonds---------- -- 55,625.08 appro.-imately. 45 percent since 1945. Evilc.ing and maintenance 57,201.31 O NTARI O Afteir APRIL 1sTl 1948 TOURIST CAMP OPERATORS Require a LICENSE > ,4pply to Your Municipal Clerk Under the provisions of the Tourist Camp Regula- tion Act 1946, effective April le, 1948, each tourist camp operator is requircd to secure a license which may be obtained upon application to the Municipal Clerk. For a copy of the Regulations write ta The Director, Development Branch, DEPARIMENT 0F TRAVEL & PUBLICITY PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO HON. ARTHUR WELSI4 Mini if., TOURIST SERVICE EDUCATION WEEK Front Match 3 1 st to &pril 6th Tourist business is YOUR business. The Canadian Associa- tion of Touri st and Publicity Bureaux has 'ished an informatiýe booklet "The Visitor Industry" whpiý:uhbýells what you can do to help further this important national program. Write fer your frce copy. TOM C. McCALI. Depuly Minuster General Tires 46 KING STREET M'EST Private and semi-private - Wards ------------------ Nursery----- Municipalities Grants and donations - Bequests -------------- Sale of land------- Deficit Total day stay-------------- In d ig en t --------------- - ------ Cost par day exclusive of dep Including --- ------ ---- ---- Lass an indigents at $4 per da Balance, 1 Jan., 1947-------------- Cash Receipt.% for 1947 --------- Intercst ----- Pied ges: Misceilancous (Unpaid) ---- Bow m anville ------------------ Dariingt ------n ----------- Carkegtn----- Newc,,astle Goodyear Tire ------ ----- Rotary and Lions ------------- Paid Architects fees advg. etc.- In the first two months of 1948, there bave been 27,924 accidentai injuries reported ta the Work- rnen's Compensation Board of Ontario. R. B. Morley, general manager, Industrial Accident Prevention Associations, says there wcre 27,197 cases in Janu- ary and February 1947. Fatali- ties in those months were 53 in 1947 and 60 in 1948. Il ARE YOUR TRACTOR TIRES Willard Batteries PHONE 4671 1947 -21,415.65 8,990.55 2,035.35 -- 718.49 33,160.04 --3,073.10 - 1,500.00 --- 100.00 37,833.14 --10,444.77 $ 48,277.91 --- 8,133 --- 678 t. 5.94 --- 6.09 y $2,712.00 1946 19,058.05 8,2 10.05 2,765.30 30,033.40 5,774.09 35,807.49 1,066.30 $36873.79 7,619 4.83 26,347.81 3,060.79 29,408.60 2,030.57 $31,439.17 7,520 4.181 Expenditures Statianery and Office ------- Telephanes ----- -------------- D ie try -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Housekeeping and Cleaning ----- Main tenance-Buildings ---- - Equipment ----- Additions ta 13uldings ------------- Equipment -------- Linen and Beddings -------- - Laundry ------------- ------- Dispensary - ----------- --------- P athology ----------------- ----- S alaries --- ---- ------- ---- - Surgical and Sterile Supplies F u e l --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Light and Power -- - W ater --------------- -- -- Miscelianeous ---------------------- Warkmen's Campensation Bank Interest --- --------- - ----- Flawers, Advcrtising etc. D ishes, etc.- - ------------ Fire Insurance -------------- - A udit, etc. --------------- --- - - Operating raorn supplies -------- T ax es --- --- -- - ---- --------- N ursery --------- ---------- ---- Remnoving Ashes etc. ------- Discounts ------------------------- Exclusive of depreciation 1.200.00. 300.07 240.78 8,026.15 -567 .21 1,631.92 543.28 872.06 72.50 174.49 436.16 2,503.58 82.00 25,595.14 3,005.89 1,981.54 690.03 89.73 311.11 144.60 53.f',9 81.60 93.97 417.51 100.00 98.01 6.18 134.62 45.00 20.31 396.06 159.55 net 6,875.49 314.68 917.72 435.84 67.67 297.46 1,779.68 70.15 20,401.35 1,104.20 1,392.66 733.46 79.80 178.07 81.78 13.68 301.46 149.02 286.07 704.13 61.58 72.23 444.37 6,021,45 825.64 448.63 3,001.37 17,968.86 2,224.11 246.70 258.041 48,277.91 36,873.79 31,439.17 27,339.50 32,227:94 ,78.05 33,005.99 60,345.49 2,099.00 100,000.00 12,000.00 8,000.00) 2,400.00 15,000.00 3,000.00 202,844.49 3,144.18 199,700.31 Women's Hospital Auxiliary Submits Excellent Report In canjunction with the annual meeting of the Bowmanville Hos- pital Board, held in the Tawn Hall, Tuesday evening, the fol- lowing repart af the Women's Auxiliary was read and appraved. The Board extended great thanks for the splendid wark done the past year. The Report The annual meeting of-the Wo- men's Hospital Auxiliary was held in the Balmoral Hotel on Friday, Jan. 9. There are twenty- five members in the organization -two of ,which contact the Hos- pital each month ta see that ade- quate supplies are maintained. Money wps raised during the year by the Birtbday Party, a large bridge party in the Lions Recreation Centre and a house- to-bouse canvass of the Town. The usual Christmas remem- brance was sent ta the nursing and service persannel. The auxiliary is indebted ta Miss Spry's group far a donation of six infant gawns, ta Trinity Church groups, ta Mrs. J. D. Ste- vens' Graup at Maple Grave, to Mrs. Widdicambe's graup at Hampton for assistance with serving and mending and ta En- niskillen Service Club for serving and donation of 3,4 infant gaw-ns, with Minard's, the. groat rubbing "~ ment, sworn foe of muacular and jolat soreneu, etifnem and pain. Un à semoualy. It's groaashu., bus » uaplnaant odor, dlu qulckly. Un Sti for dandiff and akin disordens, te*, Get a battis at your druggt'a today. Keep it handy on youwgj bathroom shelf.lu NIL M E NI Bowm anvil le Hospital Total --- ---- Callective dayss - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- 2 6 stay were: ---------- - 8,133 1 Daiil' average: Adults and children --- 14.36 Infants -- ------- ------ 5.62 Ta the Ladies Auxiliary I wuuld like ta say tbanks, 1 ap- preciate the tremendaus amount of wark wbich you do for the Hospital, and it is a pleasure ta attend yaur meetings. To the many Ladies' Groups, 19 diapers, 30 T straps, 34 infant bands and 34 eut sheets. Articles Purchased The following articles were purchased: 8 daz. pieces af flat silver for nurses dining room and trays, 25 kitchen utensils, 540 yds. of curtain material, fiannel- ette sheeting, cotton, linen and tawelling, 4 prs. blankets, 6 bath mats, 3 tablecloths, 58 wash and, dish cloths, 30 nurses and sur- geans' gawns, 100 sheets. From the linen supplies: 433 articles were Tfade-tea and sur- gicai towels, sterile covers, drum linings and bags, aprans, curtains and aven mitts; 249 articles for nursery. Treasurer's Reart Total Receipts ---------- --- 1375.15 Total Expenditures ---- - 843.94 Balance. -------- r--------- 531.21 Pres. Mrs. L. T. McLaugblin lst Vice Mrs. F. Heyland 2nd Vice Mrs. M. Vanstane Corr. Sec'y Mrs. R. L. Mitchell Rec. Sec'y Mrs. V. H. ýStarey Treas. Mrs. H. Rundle Executive: Mrs. Gea. James Miss F. Galbraith, Mrs. Gea. Alîchin, Mrs. L. Dumas, Mrs. O. C. Ash- ton, Enniskiilen, Mrs, O. Gibson, Newcastle. Report of Hospital Superinfen'denî Reveals Many Details The following report of the Su- perintendent of Bawmanviiie Ge- neral Hospital, Miss Lenore J. Harding, RN, submitted at the annual meeting of the Hospital Board, March 16, gives a cam- plete summary of the work ac- camplished during 1947. Mr. Chariman, Ladies and Gen- tlemen: Rt gives me much pleasure ta present the Annuai Repart of The Baovmanville Hospital for the year 1947. Our bcd state is rated at: A duits ------ ---------- 18 N ursery cats ------- ------- We can and do accammodate: A duits ------ -------------- 24 Nursery cats --- ---------12 Patients treated during the year wvere _ 1,203, and 30 autpatients Operations were: Majors --------------------- 149 M inors - ---------- ---_ 311 Total ------------------ ----460 Births: Females --------------------- 137 Maies ----------- -------- 155 Total -- ----- 292 Deaths: Infants under 1 year 3 Non-surgical ----------------- 23 Surgical ----------------------o--- .,4~n ae4&' daughter. She was a very devot- cd member of King St. United Church and was active in the wark of the wamen's organiza- tions of the church. The deceased is survived by four daughters, Mrs. C. Colville (Lila )of Hamptan, Mrs. Robert Bamlette (Aima) of Calgary, Mrs. Earl Davison (Ruby), of Edmon- ton and Mrs. Walter Fair (Lulu) of Oshawa, and two sons, Ernest and Raymond Blair of Oshawa. The funeral was held in Cal- gary on March 22. Interment was made there. from Enniskillen, Hampton and Maple Grave and Newzcastle I ex- tend my sincere thanks for the many articles which you have do- nated and made for the Hospital. To the local Red Cross I give my thanks for your generaus help. To the many Service Clubs, Womens' Institutes, Lodges and the Sunshine Girls I extend my thanks for generaus help during the year. To Mr. R. R. St.evens I would like ta say thank yau for the generaus way in which yau pro- vide for aur Nursery. The Bowmanville Public and High School students are mucb deserving of praîse, during last summer we were kept supplied with mnany fresh vegetables, for which I thank yau. Without the help of the above mentioned groups and persans, 1 fear we would be helpless ta render service ta the public. I wish ta tbank the lacal mer- chants and druggists for their fine gifts at Christmas, also the Radio shop who sa generously loaned radios ta the patients. I wish ta extend my thanks and appreciaation ta Miss Clatwortby aur Assistant wba has been my main standby during the year, I alsa wish ta thank my entire Staff for their co-operation dr ing the year, and ta Mrs. Proutti who is in charge of the dietary Department I give my thanks. Ta the General Duty Nurses I wish ta say thank you far your help and kindness. I sincerely thank the Medical Staff for yourJ help and ca-aperatian during the 1 year. Ta the Board of Directars I thank yau for your suppart and kindness. It does not seem a year since I came ta Bowmanville. I hav enjaycd my work, and also have I enjayed meeting the citizens af the tawn, I arn not sarry that 1 carne ta Bowmanville. Last year I had hapes, like ail the rest that aur new hospital would be under way, but many circunistances prevent this large undertaking,' we do hope that in the not taa distant future, the autharities can sec their way clear ta get on w-ith the job. Respectfully submittcd Lenore J. Harding Superintendent OBITUARY MRS. BESSIE BRAUND A resident of Oshawa for niany years, Bessie Band, beloved wife of the late Joseph Braund, died at the home af her daughter, Mrs. Robert Bamiette, in Calgary, on March 19. The deceased, who was in her 86th year, passed away suddenly. A daughter af the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bond, the deceased lwas born at Enficîçi on March 17, 1863. She was married 62 years aga ta George Blair who prede- ceased ber abaut 40 years aga. She later married Joscph Braund, wha predeceased ber same years aga. Mrs. Braund lived for the great- er part of ber life at 29 Brook St., East, Oshawa, before gaing ta Cal- gary in 1938 ta live with her AJAX, BEA VER, CARTIER, VICTORY. ERBAN OATS SUNALTA, 2-rowed Barley O.A.C. 21, 6-rowed Expect to have later Spring Wheat, Sprlng Rye, Gold- vine Peas. The above advertised grain is ail government tested and graded, with special atten- tion being given ta the ge- mination tests. You wiIl find aur prices .- Ight. NEWCASTLE Everybody says "Cooperaie", but flot ail who say it do It. Leae YurSaws a A." E.u MseGdEand & O. 7y macne. St.E Bowmnvil G rcneflig a"sctuin B ALFALFA, RED CLOVER TIMOTHY and ALL CLOVER MIXTUItES BOTTI FOR HAT AND PERMANENT PASTURES also FERTILIZERS, CERTTFIED SEED POTATOFS GARDEN SEEDS SUPPLIES, etc. Seed Bowmanville Hospital Treasurer's Report 1947 Revenue and Seeds Again this year we are offering a choice selection of seed grains and clover including (large lots delivered) A. W. GLENNEY PHONE CLARKE U8-12 Building Fund Account' WILL TAKÇ AWAY ALL Dead or _Cripp led Farm Stock FREE 0F CHARGE Highest Prices Paid for OId Horses PHONE 4026 PETERBORO - REVERjSE CHARGES, N. PECONI, Proprietor. lVhat MiAKEN a good citizen? Agood citizen respects hiniseif .. o and respects the rights of others. He avoids bigotry and intolerance. Rie puts the welfare of his country and bis community before his own advantage. Be is moderate in bis thinking and moderate in bis actions. H1e is moderate in bis use of luxuries. Wben an occasion calis for the enjoynlent of whisky4 the good citizen knows, as The House of Seagram ha@ so frequently pointed out, that he bas a personal responsibility to hirnself, to bis family and to bis country. It is to e"drink moderately" ... or not at all READY FOR SPRINGR Have Them Repaired at This Complete, Modern Tractor Tire Depot We are equipped to do a compiete repair job an the largest tractor or truck tire in the district. Every. thing donc In the one shap frani vuicanizing to emptying and re- filling the tire %vith calcium chior- Ide. Make use of aur speedy, efficient service ta get the most out of your tractor ihis spring. GUARANTEED SERVICE 1 G. . amieson Tire Depot q~AW .9 JAao~w~fr TUE BOUSE OF SEAGRAM s * »ZU:Lj