PAGE "MN Ni' _____________________________________________ - ~ V C~* ~J~~ i ~ TIaUR5DAY, MAE~N 25th~ lUS I'~1~ fIA%?AflAt? q~A'rFq~AW UU.~Wt.,A ~aW1? 7 W A BURTON Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Tompkins celebrated their first wedding an- nlversary March 22, with their faxily visiting them for the oc- casion. Mliss Ruby Bailey spent a few days at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer, Mrs. Moffatt and George Wolfe visited friends. Mrs. Rilda Stephenson visited her family. Mr. Chester Hoskin was in To- ronto. Mrs. J. McLaughlin, pshawa, TYPICAL FARES FI TO BROCK VILLE___ CORNWALL _ _ MONTREAL OTTAWA ____ Bol On( Fuil information fror tLARTON CO 66 KING STI ýWMANVILLE - THEATRE - BO FRIDAYI M Tarzan and t] FRIDAY, SATURDi M4ATINEE MONDAY, 2,p.m SONO of thi NON. - TUES. - WED. y e 4 'I (t IF is spending a week with her fa- Cartwlgh Lady pot-luck supper and concert'in mily and friends. the Comrnunity Hall Wednesday Mrs. L. Haesnian la spending Wins High evening. Rev. Harrison wa s 1Easter with relatives in Omemee Musical Award chairman. Program i n clu de d and singing; vocal duet by Mr. and Mrs. Herb Richarsad Miss Jean Malcolmn, music Mr.To snanTudeF- ervisor of Islington School, won sn;isrmetlbyEey Mr. Reg. Harding, Bowmanvile, a shieid on her fine choir at the Sanderson; play entitled "Uncle were guests with the Gis. Kiwanis Festival in Toronto. Jean Bob's Bride," Irish sangs by Jean The health nurse and Dr. Mill- says she was greatly thrilled cen Keith Johnson and How- er visited the sehoal children this when she received word that her ard Saywell. A skit was much weekbefre astr hlidys. chair wouid sing at the final con- enjoyed, presented by Kathleen weekbefoe Eater olidys. cert in Massey Hall on March 13. and Dalton Darreli, Neil Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bryan, Osh- Remarks of commientator Roy Howard Forder and Keith John- awa, Mr. Henry DeMille, Mion, Fenwick were that this choir who stan. with Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. sang a dulcet part sang by "Han- Mrs. L. Ellins, Mrs. A. J. Cook, Mr. Ross Hubbard spent the del" were timidly exuberant and BakiMs .VceeOh weekend in Taronto. in fine choral farm. awa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jean is a daughter of Mr. and Neil Malcolm. Mrs. Stanley Malcolm, Nestieton. Miss Phyllis Gray attended the skating camnival in Toronto Fni- day evening. _____ILL NEAR TRAGEDY AVERTED Mr, and Mrs. Gardon Trim vis- Here is the kiind of news that ited in Oshawa. shauld give an uplift ta us ail. A The Brimmacombe sawing ma- near tragedy with a very happy chine of Osaca is in this neighbor- ending, ail due ta the nimble wit hood.and action of Mrs. W. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallawell at- Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Walter tended the funeral of her aunt Lawrence, Blackstock, were re- in Castietan. turning from Port Perry. Com- Mrs. Fax, Toronto, visited with ing down Pierce's hili they couid fiends here. see twa littl 'e children playing on ~~ugumMms. Bei-t Tnima has returned the bridge and as they watched 101q OWNAN ILLE home after visiting ini Oshawa. the littie girl fell over the bridge. Return Return Miss Eileen Farrow, Bradley's, Walter stopped and jumped, but ýe Way (5 days) (180 days) spent the weekend at home, as he said, Mildred beat hlm ta .385 $6.20 $6.95 Mr. C. Carveth, Newcastle, it. With one motion she jumped showed pictures in the schoal on out of the car and rolled dawn 5.15 8.25 9.30 Thursday evening. The pictures the hank, no small distance, inta 6.90 11.05 12.45 were splendid and we had a goad the creek pta hier waist, grab- 5.45 8.75 9.85 crowd. bed"the lîttie one, who wîthout (Transportation Tax extra) We are hoping for a gaod crowd a doiibt, in another minute would at Shiioh on Sunday, At being have been washed under the rn your Local Agent: Easter, also Communion, bridge in the rush of water. Get- ACH LINE A number from here attended tig pth in ndoble-quicr IA H L1 fESthe presentatian ofa pure ta Mr. onPecesi obck ta Mr REE ESTand Mrs. Hughi Stapletan at New- time they called the doctor. At -E EASTelpoe 66 tanville. last reports the wee one was none Telehone2666 Miss Helen Deckert spent the the worse. She is the daughter weekend in Taronto. of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Reader. Mr, and Mrs. A. Dabson and fa- Three cheers and a tîger for LNmily were in Orano. Mrs. Lawrence BLACKSTOCK HAMPTON Woman's Mîssionary Society Mm. and Mrs. Orme Cruick- met at the home of Mrs. Norman shank and Joan, Mrs. Wicox, Mr. Mountjay with president, Mrs Bill Nichol, Peterbomo, iVrs. H. E. Taylor in charge. Devotional per-* Tink, Sauina, Miss Ruby Deweli, iod was canducted by Mms. E. Oshawa, were guests at Percy Larmer who gave an encauraging Deweil's. ~' Eastem message. One of t h e Mr. and Mrs. Anson Phair,I thoughts was that evil men can- Caurtice, visited Mr. and Mrs. nat prevent the working out of Russell Luke on Sunday. God's plan. The study book was Mr. and Mrs. Narval Watten, taken by Mrs. Hoaey and Mrs. Francis and Amnot, Sauina, visited Dorreli and was the story of Mr. at Sam Deweii's.t and Mrs. Gregory Peck in Guate- Miss Linda Gilchmist, Toronto, c mala and the stony of Andrew spent a week with lier aunt, Mrs.s W Henry in Central Africa. The star- J. R. Reynolds. dsn ies revealed what great things can Mm. and iVrs. H. Town andsn W MA N VIL LE bd accomplished in a few years Stephen, and Miss Helen Moses,0 when a life is fuiiy given to Gad. Toronto, were guests of Rev. and a A temperance message by Mrs. Mms. E. S. Linstead ait the par- r Harrison and readings by Mrs. sonage.a I MtFarder and Mrs. McLean cam- Mrs. Harry Baldwin, Courtice, i pleted the pragram. Plans were was a visitor with Mms. R. Luke.E I ARCH 26 made for a '"Father and Son" Miss Helen Rogers, Bowman- s banquet ta be heid during Easter ville, was with friends here on NL f vacation. Refreshments w e r e Sunday. t( ;he Huntress served and a social time enjoyed. Mms. Amthum Van Camp, Black- h W.A. of Anglican Chumch met stock, was a visitor with Mrs. Wes d ait Mrs. Fred Hamilton's Thurs- Hoskin. c day afternoon. Morley Hastings, Toronto, visit- b IqARCI 26-27Blackstock Community H a 11 ed ait G. Adcock's on Sunday. was, on Saturday night, the scene Miss Phyllis Niddery, Toronto, m of a surprise bithday party for spent Sunday ait home., Peggy and Trudie Finlayson. Mms. W. W. Homn visited fiends a' r8 V 1Dancing was enjoyed ta music in Oshawa on Saturday. ju r SA provided by Keith Wilson's Or- A number of Hampton ladiesE chestra. Sangs were requested, attended the Hospital tea in Bow- E' ws ack at white sung by the two sisters. A pres- manvilie on Thursday. R VSentatioh speech was made by Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. E rer..mnTaza's 'SMerlin Baiiey and iavely gifts Clifford Colville in the death of 1- venture! were presented by A u d r e y her mother, Mrs. Bessie Braund ai Mountjoy and Jessie McArthur at the home of lier daughter, Mrs. p which were duly acknowledged Robert Bamiett (Alma), at Cal- tc *by Peggy and Trudie. A delici- gary, Alberta. o us luncheon was semved by the The Home and School Club a r,'. hostess, Mrs. George Finlayson, met Tuesday evening, Mamch 9, w~ assisted by Mrs. H. Baiiey, Mrs. with a good attendance. Mm. Will eý E. Butler, Mms. G. Fowler, Mrs. White presided and conducted the 1 M. Graham, Mrs. L. Mountjoy and business. Mr. Cecil Camveth, w Mrs. J. Farder. About 125 guests Newcastle, showed many intemest- C were served. A delightful eve- ning was enjoyed. The hall was decorated with St. Patrick dec- Miss Evelyn Sanderson visited Miss Norma Hooey, Toronto, and attended the skating carnival. Mrs. Sayweli, Oshawa, mother of Howard Saywell, siipped on t he hamdwaad floor at hiem daugh- ter's home and broke hiem collar- . D 0SON bone and arm, an Wednesday. .ANEMm. and Mrs. J. W. Cunning- EXTRA ham,*Tamonto, with Mr. and Mms. >UTH UNCLE REMUS ANO moTcu IRER RABBIT TonoflTo Ford Hotois re fInroof end ra Ann Scott, world th 50r Im n .chali have private bath and rado. 1ELCOME HOME PICTI RES Forrmservatons wrteorwire HORT the Manager weII in ad- vance of enficipaIed arrivai. ing pictures, Misses Nonah Horn and Mary Niddery contributed a lively piano duet, and also later conducted a sing-song which ail entered into heantily. Refresh- ments were served and a social time was spent. A Good Friday service wil be held at 8 p.m. Fntdey with aur qpastor in charge. You are cordial- ly invited. Congratulations to Miss Jean Balson, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Balson, on neceiving a pass in Grade V Histomy and honors in Grade IV Counterpoint. Also to her pupils, Jean Kersey and Muriel Hindman on passing thein Grade VI piano at the recent Con- senvatory exams. Jean is a pupi] of Miss Phyllis R. Challs, Bow- manville. An interesting meeting was held on Manday night when mem- bers of the Oshawa Presbytery: Y.P.U. conducted the wonship sen- vice and necreation period. Hamp- tan president, Orville Hindmnan, opened the meeting and welcam- ed the guests, after which Ralph Larmer of Blackstock presided. Those taking part in the worship service were Miss Peggy Snow- den wha nead a paem, "~The Sun is Always Shining." A devotion- ai hymn was sung and Miss Snow- den led in prayer followed by an Eastem reading, "'The VJay of the Cross," which was also presented by Miss Snowden. Miss Jean Burgess presented the topic which had the Easter theme as its foun- dation. This inspiming program was interspersed with apprapri- ate hymns and was foilowed byi two well rendered readings - a humorous one and a mare seriaus number hy Miss Gienna Wilson, Oshawa, Miss Ella Down, Ebene- zer, conducted some lively games after which Hampton yaung folk semved refreshments. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE PRESENTS ST. PATRICK'S DAY CONCERT Hampton Women's Institu t e presented their annual St. Pat- rick's Day concert in the Sunday School room ta a large audience, under chairmanship of Rev. E. S. Linstead. The program was ap- ened by some stirring selections by the Kitchen Orchestra under leadership of Mrs. J. R. Reynolds with Miss N. Horn at the piano. A,'choral group under the direc- tion of Mrs. J. W. Balson and ac- companied by Mrs. M. Mountjoy, sang two numbers. Mrs. Chas. Daw gave two very fine humor- ous readings. Two delightful and appropriate vocal duets were rendered by Mrs. K. A. Caverly and Mrs. H. Milison, ably accom- panied at the piano by Miss Jean 3alson. This was followed by a skit, featuring Mrs. F. Honey and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, drawing at- ention ta the changes which have aken place in the lives of ail during the last 50 years. The choral group sang another num- ber. The highlight of the evening vas the play "Sewing for the leathen" which was very cap- ably given by the foliowing cast, inder the direction of Mrs. W. W. Hor: Mrs. S. Kersey, Mrs. J. R. Knox, Mrs. H. Salter, Mrs. John Reynolds, Mrs. MacMahon, Mrs. J. Ennis, Mrs. K. Ceverly, Mrs. E. H. Cale and Mrs. F. Honey. The audience thoroughiy enjoyed the play, and ail members of the cast took their parts very well. The Kitchen Orchestra played afew more rollicking airs, after which president, Mrs. Cole, was scorted ta the platform, w7here frs. Lorenzo Truli, with a few weli chosen words, thanked Mrs. Cole on behaif of ail the Institute members for her splendid leader- ship in the past three years, and called on Mrs. H. Wilcox ta pre- sent to Mns. Cale a beautiful bou- quet of spring flowers. Mrs. Cale was deeply moved by this ges- ture and thanked the membens very sincenely. A fine evening was brought toa.a close by the singing of the National Anthem. The Siaiesman Sold At Following Stores Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle D. G. Walton's, Newcastle W. C. Lane & Son, Newtonville C. B. Tyrrefl, Orono T. M. Slenion, Ennlsklle F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Banron, Hamptont Wzn. Hackwood, Pontypool H. T. Saywell, Blackstcck W. J. Bagnel, Jury & Lovefl J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry andi The Statesman Office. w Fashions in the Toddler Parade AGIRLS' COAT and BONNET, in wool crepe. Cmes in nse, blue and fuchsia.$72 Sizes 2 ta 4-$7.- BLITTLE BOYS' TWEED COAT SETS in tan. Complete Coat and Hat Sets.------------$ 75 p CG IRLS' TWO-PIECE SUITS, direct fmom New York.Ail woai, corne in green, tan, wine and grey. . 9 4 S zes 4 to 6X ------------------------------ ---- $ 9 4 GENUINE FLEUR-DE-LIS TAMS White-------------------------------------- 890 Colomed - - ------------------------- 79o THE TOT TOGGERY MRS. BERNIECE COLLIS, Proprietor 57 King St E. (Opposite Balmoral Hotel) Bowmanvllê 0TJi 11a P]ump & Meaty California 24 Iz2gÇ RAISINS 16 oz,2 J&r c0,110 kg23 Armnour LAUNDRY SOAP 10 5 Ritz 16 oz. Jar 37e Plump & Meaty Califamnia Classîc SALAD DRESSING ' ;:, -19' CURRANTS "kg 19Ç CLEANSER Coloured Hamosey or Apte Brand Master MED. OL» CHEESE Lb. &3 ORANGE JUICE 2 2%'n 29e UG FOODS Rayai City--Choice, Mixed Hamsey or Apte Brand A sparagus-Vege table PEASU CARROTS 2 2Toz 35Ç BLENDED JUICES 2 2Z 27 HEINZ SOUP 2 Tliirn De Pkg. leOz 13Ç H-orsey or Apte Brand Assorted Meat Spreads GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 'OTIF - lçHEDLANDS 2 Tia 25 Monarch Baby 2"o-291 CHEESE Ral Plain or Salted (E) ~6z35; WESTONS SODAS Rayal Manor Stuffed 37Ç OL LIVES Ice Box Jar PoUnd 45 0 0£. 4 lç - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - Texas Grown New Carrois - 3 1hs. 29c New Green Cabbage - I-L.16C Ontario Grown Waxed Turnips -2 IL 9c Messina Lemons - doz. 29c California Navels, Sunklst uize 288 Oranges - - doz. 26c Combination Grade Spy Apples - 3 1hs. 25c 0We pay highest prevailing market pprices for ungraded eggs. Ship withl confidence ta Dominion Stores Lim. * ited. 832 OId Wes Wn R.oaid, Toronto Registered Number 0-29.j [n the News . .. Barbar FIGURE SKATING CHAMPION Wi SELECTED SI Domino "New Law Price" Leading Bands-Red BAKING POWDER '%Tin '15' CHERRES Assarted Brands-B.C. Pack, Fancy Quality BARTLETT PEAU 2%Toz 35e KETA SALMION Henley, Choice Fancy PRUNE PLUNS 2 Tin2s IK ALO 'j, [II C-DjABE PElT. Selected Murfie Queen Potaloos - 10 lbs. 45c Ontario Grown Cooking Onions --lb. 1lic FIRM, RIPE DANANAlfàS -L.15C TEXAS MARSH size 96 GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 23c VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATTLRDAY DOMINION frouas Umniti LW-I v à TRE 93AMADUN 9TATrAvAlq- MWMAWTn 4 u