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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Mar 1948, p. 3

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____________________________________________________________ A ITHE VIUAfl W ANVILE.ONTRIAT\ VURSAY MA B 25h,194NVMW LAAA ONTARI" \, - -- Me-Fd 4WY wT W4est " NEW! " AMAZING! " INEXPENSIVE! 0 Think of it! A real oil paint that thins with water. So quick and easy to use ... so inexpensive. Here's the paint for people who want to decorate tastefully, yet economically. Just mix SPEED-EASY with ordinary tap water-no special thifiners are needed. You'Il find one coat's usually enough, even over wallpaper. Ten beautiful pastel colours and white to choose from. ASK US FOR THE SPEED-EASy FOLDERI -------------- - --------------- TMINS Ir .. . fIl HVII WAITK ONE COAT COVERS U>ne gallon of SPEED-EASY, One coat is usually enough mixed with water, makes up 1 over walipaper, walboard, to 11/2 gallons of paint. plaster, concrete or brick. ------------ 1 -- ---------------- fr DRIES IN 1 HOUR EASY TO WASH SPEED-EASY dnies in I After about 2 weeks, you hour. Then, you can replace 1 can wash SPEED-EASY witlz curtains and furniture. mild soap and water. - - - -- --- - -J. ---- - - -- - - - - - -- HJGGON ELECTRIC Your General Electric Appliance Dealer Bowmanville 42 King St. B. RED CROSS When flood, fire or tornado ravages the landi the Red Cross stands ready to stem the tide, soothe the scars and succor the panas af suft ering. Now Ready your Dollars-to help the Red Cross help humanity wher- ever and whenever it is needed. Veterans successfully face many critical problems thanks to Red Coss Aid; the misery of the aili'ng sooth- ed, and accident emergencies are met because the Red Cross prepared the way. So now Ready your Dollars ta help the Red Cross, comf art, sustain, and restore. A G0oNEl~/SoT<Donations mnay be lef t at the Bank of Com- 16 A 00apmerce, Bank of Montreal. The Hydro ShoP, cri6w / Carter Family Tea Rooms or with Joe + *44Vp #O'Neill. tien Lde Larv COURTICE Caurtice Young People hel their box social on March 15 witt I an attendance of twenty-five J President Kathleen Pidduck, op. ened the meeting with words o !welcoame ta the guests, Mapli Grave Young People, who took charge of the devotional perioc, with Jean Burgess in charge Scrpure reading was given by Doreen Jeffery. The tapic "The Shoemaker" was taken by Jean Burgess. Vocal solo was con- tributed by Doreen Jeffery, "The Old Rugged Cross." Recreatia, period followed with prize being won by Harry Rogers. Rev. F. Yardley auctioned the boxes with proceeds amaunting ta $16.- 40. A social time was enjoyed. Evening Auxiliary held a St. Patrick's party an March 17 at the home of Mrs. G. Chartran anc was in the form of a bard time gathering which really praved sc in every way. Coptumes were patch3* and ragged, aodd shoes ai every size, but ail had lots ai fun. Crokinole and Lost Heur were played and variaus ather games. Mrs. Wilfrid Brown won the prize for the mast original costume. Mrs. Sandy Muir, lue- ky cup. Mrs. Orville Haoey, lucky four leaf claver. Menu- baked beans, salads, bread and butter, cookies, tea, served by the "Chef" resplendent in high top. hat and large white apran. A presentation was made ta Mrs. Clyde Saunders who has left aur community ta reside at Camp Samac. Committee in charge were Mrs. G. Chartran, Mrs. Ar- chie Muir Jr., Mrs. Harry Gay and Mrs. Lloyd Courtice. Courtice Home and School As- sociation held a very successful cupboard shower at the home of Mrs. O. Hooey, March 18 when a lot of useful gifts were given ta the ladies, bath new and used, and will be very much appreciat- ed. The gifts were arranged on a decorated table and each lady present had the pleasure of open- ing a gift. Games were enjayed with Kathleen Pidduck winning the prize for highest points. Home and School members wish ta thank ail those who sent in dona- tions. Lunch was served by Mrs. O. Hooey asisted by Mrs. T. Glad- man and Mrs. Lloyd Courtice. On March 20 with ideal weath- er, the Homne and School spring tea and bazaar with home-cooking was a real success. The table of fancy work bad a fine display of lovely articles and of course the home-cooking table was soon cleared out. Pretty tables were arranged for serving afternoan tea, and which was very dainty and served from the new dishes. At 2:30 president Mrs. Lloyd Courtice called the company ta order and welcomed the guests and introduced Mrs. Valleau, the president, Home and School Council, Oshawa, who izÏa charm- ing manner, spoke highly of the loyalty and co-operation received by their Council from the Cour- I tice Association and commended the ladies for their untiring ef- success, regardless of the unfort- unate loss sustained in the loss oft their new chairs. She declaredi It HOPE p iThe z NE WTON VILLE Mrs. John Lancaster bas re- turned irom a three months' vis- it with ber daughter and husband, Mn. and Mrs. Wilard Lockhant, Niagara Falls, N.Y. Mn. Bert Bunt, Queen's Uni- versity, was home for the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stapleton are moving inta an apartment in the home ai Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Harcourt have taken possession of the Sta- pleton store. Mns. Hancount's rnother, Mrs. Miller, who bas been visiting them bhas returned to Winnipeg. Miss Mary Burley is with bier ister, Mns. Earie McEwen in Pet- erboro. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Tufford and famiiy spent Tbunsday with the former's sister, Mrs. Cameron Ai- ison, Peterboro. Mr. Neil Anderson with bis par-à nts aven the weekend. Last Tuesday evening aur tea- her, Mn. Neil Anderson, was ost at the monthly meeting ofI Mlarke teachers. Owing ta flood- d condition of chunch basement Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Bunt open- 'd thein home for the gathering. \.ften the business period, presid- d aven by Mrs. W. H. Joncs in ibsence af the president, Mn. An- lerson introduced the gu es t ;peaker, Mn. W. C. Carson, ex- hief oi Police of Pont Hope. Mn. ýarson spoke on criminology, a ;ubject ai which bie bas made ai ,areful study. Citizens would do Nell ta pause sometimes and re-1 riemben the Police Officer is the uardian of lufe and pnoperty, that e stands between themn and the .nderworld. Another remark ,'orth thinking aven is 'Thene is .0 such thing as juvenile de- nquency." Even parents moral- y dlean may bring up children ýo selfisb they cannot fit in weli n society. Mn. Carlton. I.P.S., 'anked the speaker ion his in- eresting address. The comit- ee served lunch. Women's Institute held a St. atrick's concert in the church1 )asement March 17. It was ai ilendid concert made up ai nead- ngs by Mrs. Percy Brown, New- istie, and Donothy Stapleton; so- s by Mrs. Red knap and Mn. henn Aluin, Newcastle; duets by lisses Dorothy Bnown and Edna )enault, alsa Billy and Gloria -ane. The school orchestra assist- d by Mrs. F. Gilmen at the pi- no and Mn. Mac Inwin on the uitan gave selections. A one- t play "Aften the Church Sup- e"was much enjayed. Mes- ames F. Gilmen, George Kimball, Stank. Bert Stapleton, C. Brown id C. M. Jones were the able ac- esses. Ail wene veny genenous n esponding to encones. Rev. unt was master of ceremanies d did a fine job iilling in the uses with a story and jokes. A iffet lunch of sandwiches, cake d pie with coiiee was much .ioyed. The Publie School bas been nnsoring a senies ai social eve- ngs in the hall. These bave c',n much enjayed. Mn. Wm.' ing on behaif of the people in e vicinity extended ta themn and SI t i c ec i si ci C St rn gt ut ni hit 1' th te ba Sr GI DE La ed an act da an( Jin pal bui anc eni spo nun ber Lai the er, after which we bad games. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billett, Mr.spr and Mrs. F. R. Allin, Bowman Spr ville, Mrs. Austin, Fernie, B.C., Mrs. Robt. Burgess, Tyrone, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stevens. Congratulations ta Miss Evai Souch on celebrating lier 86th birthday on Sunday, March 21.1 We wish her many more birth-1 days.1 Mrs. Albert Cale, Dr. and.Mrs. H. Ferguson and family, Bow- manville, Mr. C. W. Souch, Mrs. Ken Caverly, Hampton, visited with Miss E. Souch. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and baby, Claire, at Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey's, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Moffatt and Pure Silk son, Paul, Oshawa, with Mr. and. Mrs. Tom Abbott. S A V E Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. SC R E Edgar Wright on the arrival of a fine baby boy. A brother for four Complete your outfit with little sisters. one of these sheci pUI Mr. and Mýrs. Howard Oke, silk scarves. Made in Il- Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. John aly they come in a vani- Oke, Enniskillen, Mr. Bill Day, ety of colons and designs. $1.98 ea. Port Perry, visited with Mr. and hoeyusnw------ Mrs. Walter Oke. Mr. Hanold Spry, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright. ~ Mn. and Mns. H. C. W. Milîs and Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Werry attend- ed the Threshermen's ConventionW flS and banquet at Peterboro on Wed iesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bradley Phone 451 THE MOI andu -Biand, Bowmanville, Mr. and______________________ Mrs. Ross Page and family, Hamp- ion Associations bas issued a car. at hittinq their thumbs with a toon type of bulletin. It suggests hammer. Actually, the figures ln that women are safer on ladders the reports af the Workmen's and that one man in five fails Compensation Board show far too It aiso suggests that while women many falîs of persans each year are better at c.imbing ladders and many ai these are falîs fromn than men, the latter are better ladders. the bazaar oeen and Mrs. Clar- their teacher, Mr. Neil Anderson, ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ence Hockin presented Mrs. Val- a word of appreciation at Friday's Bradley. leau with a lovely cup and sauc- gathering. Mr. Anderson replied Miss Jean Werry, nurse-mn- Id er which was suitably acknow- telling af flot only the pleasure training, Peterboro and Mrs. W. h ledged. Proceeds were satisfac- they had had but the financial A. Van Camp, Blackstock, visit- e. tory. Accompanying Mrs. Valleau suecess these parties have been ed Mr. and Mrs. F. Werry. p- were Mrs. Mounce, Mrs. Fisher for the school. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Boyd and of and Mrs. U. Jones fram Oshawa. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Gardon visited Mr. and Mrs. G.' e On March 29, the Home and Herb Gibson (nee Marion Bruce) R. McLean, Uxbridge. k School Association will hold an- on the birth of twins, a boy and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill and d, other euchre party. a girl. family with Mr. and Mrs. Roy e. Woman's Association at Cour- Langmaid, Sauina. ýy tice met Wednesday night in the Mr. R. Stenger is visiting in e church. President, Mrs. McKen- PRESENTATION New York. * zie, opened the meeting. Scrip- The Newtanville Community On Friday of last week Mr. Roy 1- ture was read by Mrs. Bob Bar- Hall was the scene af an interest- Werry was one of the prize jud- ýe ber. Reading was given by Mrs. ing event Friday evening, when ges at the Quinte Seed Fair. n~ C. Choate. Secretany and trea- friends and neighbors ai Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John E. Griffin g surer gave their' reports. Topic Mrs. Hugh Stapieton gathened in and family, Yelverton, visited bis on "Faitb" was very ably given their honor and presented them mother, Mrs. Mary Giffin. ýs by Eddie Warburton. Business it- with a purse ai $1,400 and wards The ladies service club met at -ems included appointing Mrs. L. of encouragement in their effort the home of Mrs. Don Carr on Barnabal delegate ta W.A. Pres- ta re-build a mill in this district March 16 with a goad attend- bytery. at King St. Churcb. Osh- which was destroyed by fire re- ance. A social time was enjoyed tawa, on April 15. An invitation cently. Wm. Laing was chairman and lunch was served by Mrs. 1was received ta attend the North for the presentation. Brenton Carr and group. Next meeting eMinster United Church spring Farrow read the address and An- March 30 at Mrs. L. Wearn's. Dtea on March 23. April commit- drew Bandy presented the wal -__________ etees are: Lunch, Mrs. G. John- let ta Mr. and Mrs. Stapleton, fstan, Mrs. L. Hancock, Mrs. H. bath af whom replied in well- LADDER ACCIDENTS fHutton and Mrs. Eric Lilly; pro- chosen words their sincere appre- rgram, Mrs. C. Choate and Mrs. R. ciation. Rev. Bunt and Wilmott Each month the records af the rDeCoe. Refreshments were serv- ruesoeafwwrswihW kmn C pnatnBad ed. he adis hve fnised ivefitted the occasion. The first por- include a certain number af in- quilts and on Wednesday will tion of th e evening was spent juries involving laddens, same mi- have another quilting at the playing cards. The prize winners non but many serious. Some are chunch, ta which ail are invited. were: ladies' high score, miss J. due ta wrang placing of ladders. taine t haeorlttoleyfrendsr A. Tbompson: ladies' consolaton, Others are due ta slips of ladders, taied hiry-furlitle riedsMrs. Lanson Milîson: men's high which are caused by failure tai and some adults ta an enjoyable score. Percy Farrow; mren's con- provide safety feet. In an effort binthday party Saturday after- solation, Ross Brown; most ]one ta combat this "ladder bazard" noon. Gifts were anranged on a bands, Doreen Farrow. After the Industrial Accident Prevent-' table and each of the little folk lunch dancing was enjoyed. received a pnesent, with games ___________ played and ice cream, soit drinks and lunch being served by Mrs. LOT C'ITrI Toaley and daughtens, Madeline LNGL)kiUJJ and Dell. To say they ail had a ____ wonderful time is putting it mild- SCHOOL NEWS ly. On March 12, at aur Junior Don and Mrs. Thompson attend- Red Cross meeting, we bad pub- ed the funenai of Mrs. Robt. Mc- lic speaking by the seniors. The Nickle at the home of Mr. Leslie meeting opened with president Thompson, Tyrone. Bertha Pleasance presiding and Synrtpathy is extended ta Mrs. leading in the singing of O Can- Essery Sr. in the loss -0f ber bra- ada. Secretary Betty Burgess ther, Frank Pierce, Detroit. nead the minutes and bad the. Mrs. Geo. Reynolds visited Mrs. rail caîl. Collection was 40c. G. Robinson, Thornton's Corn- Program included readings by ens. Dorothy Burgess and Alfnedi Mrs. Simon Penfound was one Pesne af the attendants at the wedding...... on Satunday at Christ Church, Speeches by Bill Pleasance oný Oshwaofberfnind Mis EmaLouis Pasteur; Bob Burgess on! Shaw. Queen Elizabeth; Betty Burgess Mn. and Mrs. A. Clemens, Bow- on Robent Clive; Many yan Eyk manville, Norman and Mrs. CIe- on Evangeline; Rose Marie Pres- mens and Marilyn, Toronto, Gani cott on St. Patrick; Tom Pleas-A. and Mrs. Trevaîl and Syd, Taun- ance on Lord Selkirk, Bertha ton, were Sunday visitons with Pleasance on The Wan af the Ras- Gardon and Mns. Trevai. es. The pupils sang several sangs.... Mn. and Mrs. George Wright, and Bertha read a stony. Oshawa, were Saturday visitons On Manch 19 oun Mission Band with their daughten, Mrs. Oke opened with the eau ta wonship, ' and Douglas. Mrs. Wright, ac- which was responded ta by al. companied by several ladies here We then had the Mission Band attended the bazaar at the scbool. Aim, Watchword, Purpose and Mrs. Robinson Sr., Oshawa, was Memony Verse. We had the ral a Sunday visiton with ber daugh- cal, minutes and collection. Tom ter, Mrs. Raison and Fred. took up the giit box collection Mns. Wright, Thoroid, visited and Lamne, tbe binthday box cal- ber aunt, Mns. Sbipman and Earl. lection. We repeated the books Best wishes fnom bhis friends of the, Bible; had a temperance bere ta Mn. Fred Woods, Oshawa reading by Alfred; a chapter of and bride, Mrs. Olive Bnight: the study book by the teacher. Raglan. We sang, "Jesus Loves Me" and for the Easter Parade Yt tht 'un Easten Coat is first ho importance. lTere is utstanding value in a Shortie Coat that gives you le higbligbts in fashion at budget prices. An nlined, full swing back, collarless coat in aillof pring's new shades. A coat You'll wear for pring and on into summer. Sizes 12 to 20 $12m95 Straight-cut Just neceived! A lovcly selection of these populan slips. Three styles ta choose fnom. Rayon satin on crepes. Lace trim on plain. Sizes 32 ta 40. White only - -. . - $2.98 ea. r. i 'ERN STORE Bowmanville » MOUIDERS 0f bCAAA UffuMITmeD OAR0LGRM MANMDLE MORE iç-- TWAN 20 Pf.RI2NT OF TH4E CAN- -ADIAN VOtUME OF MEPeMANT- £mee-ABLE TIMBER CUl- AtNUMLY CUBC FEET OFTIMBER AVE BEEN I4ANDLED IN A SIN&LE YEAR IN ONTARIO 7~> ?~ff/4$ t4~# ~44~OVER WNI 1E QHTAUQ LOWME Dm Smis JOB @RiWiNG COMPANY LIMITED in the vastness of Ontaros lîmber lands, the Ontario Iogger guides legs ta pulp milis, paper milis- saw milis, etc., te form a leining; Iink from nature te industry. The Ontario logger contributos mightily ta Canaida Unlimited. ,Iýhone 438 i PAGE TIMEZ At Walker's you will find the very latest in style and f ash- !on. Everything that goes to complete your outfit. Blouses e a. gloves .. . handbags .. . scarves .. . hankies. Let us' help yau lead the Easter parade. Shortie Coats VEUMDAT. MARCR 25th, 1948 MMT. rAvAnTAM CPFAMÇVQffAv M-.-- , and including 2 P.M., MONDAY. Match 29. RETURN: Leave destination not lacer chas ...... ............. ............ 12 midnight, Tuesday, Match 30. Consali any Canadiau Pacifie Roiiuw Agent, '11% C".1 «ruibic UIITLJ . 1 1 $2.98 ea. )ERN STORE Bowmanville

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