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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Mar 1948, p. 5

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TRURSDAY, MARCH 25th, 1948 John Stone, Robert Ard and Quinte District Seed Fair in Pei George Morton attended the Eas- erboro. tern Ontario Threshermen's Con- Rev. A. E. Eustace and severE vention in Peterboro. members of the Young People Congratulations to Colin Smith Union attended a Presbytery par who obtained tops in aats at the ty for Young People in Oshaw CoriRihian Players P R E EN T ""SUGAR FOOT INlSTRELS"l IN THE BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL ON Saturday, April 101h, 1948 8:00 p.m. Be sure to see this outstanding show. À full night of Fun and Entertainment Sponsored by FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE LODGE 100.OF. A DM I S SION Adulfs - 50c Children - 35c ai door Tickets may be obtaincd fromn: ANY MEMBER 0F THE LODGE OR AT ALLIN'S MEAT MARKET OR F. F. MORRIS CO. are exclusive in Durham with F. F. MORRIS CO. FREE ESTIMATES - DELIVERY- INSTNLLATION "The Best in Venetian Blinds Cost Less' THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Wednesday evenmng. R. G. Moffat and J. J. Mellor attended the directors meeting of the Durham Farmer's County Ca- operative, at the home of Mr. anc Mrs. Wm. Bickle, S. Darlington. Spring was very welcome last t- week when it arrived with warn rains, balmy air and the cheery 'ai sangs of the robins and song spar- e's rows. The creeks ran thraugh the ir- village in torrents flooding the ca park and other low-lying fields. - Congratulations ta Neil E. Martin, yaungest san of Mr. anc Mrs. Wm. J. Martin, and Dorothy Mabel Rahme of Courtice who were married on Saturday by Rev. F. Yardley. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carleton, Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carleton, Ajax, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Caldwell, Peterboro, were in [town attending the funeral ai their grandmother, Mrs. W. J. Walter. Mn. Wm. A. Grady has a posi- tion in Oshawa. Heather Social Club held the second card and crokinole party in the Orange Hall Saturday eve- ning, when a splendid time was enjoyed. Mrs. F. W. Tamblyn was a del- egate ta the Ontario Horticultur- ai Society Convention at Niagara Falls, hcld at the Brock *Hotel. J. J. Mellor was guest speaker at a young married couples' meet- ing in Tyrone Church Friday eve- ning. Roy Forrester and bis seven- piece dance band played at the Goodyear dance at Bowmanville Saturday evening. Miss Betty Chapman was vocalist. Mrs. Jas. Dickson attended a trousseau tea in Hamilton on Sat- urday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Beck, in honor of their daughter, Miss Geraldine A. Bcck who is to be married te Harold Douglas Warner on March 29. Mrs. J. Blue and Mary Jack at- terided the Toronto Skating Club Carnival at Maple Leaf Gardens. Mrs. H. Walsh prcsided at the' iiiceting of the Womnan's Christian Temperance Union and Miss Stel- la Best conducted a lovely Eastcr warship service. Mrs. H. Rowc and Mrs. Delve were appointed delegates to the Ontario Temper- ance Federation convention in To- ronto on April 1-2. A Gold Med- ai contest was planned for Apnil 30 and a questionnaire on "'Gamb- ling" was conducted by the pres- ident. Miss Florence Gray of the O.C. S. staff treated Grades 12 and 13 to a trip to Toronto ta see 'Mac- IDeth" at the Royal Alexandra Theatre. Mn. Orme Gamsby, well known c-itizen of Orono, passed away S aturday in Bowmanville Hospi- iaftcr several weeks af illness. e uineral services werc hcld in On- 1no United Churchi on Tuesday .,ternoon. Mrs. F. Tamblyn, Mr. Carlos Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. H. Row- land and Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn at- tcndcd the silver wedding anni- v'ersary of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jose, Newcastle, on Saturday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Souch have rcturned home after spending two w~eeks with Mr. H. W. Jewell, Bowmanville. Visitors: Mrs. Lorenzo Trull, Mns. Lewis Truli and two little sons, Hamp- ton, Mrs. George Crowtber and Cries, Newcastle, with Mrs. ICharles Wood, Saturday. Mr. O. Fagan, Tilbury, at home for the weckend. Mrs. Drummond, Virginiatown with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Paterson. Mrs. Wes Elliott, Kendal, with Mrs. Jas. G. Tamblyn. Mrs. Ledrew, Vermont, with ber sister, Mrs. Ed. Dean. OBITUARIES ORMA A. GAMSBY One a! the most. colonful char- acters in this district, Orma A. Gamsby, affectionately known as "The Squire" or "The Mayor o! Orono" died in Bowmanville Hos- pital on Saturday, March 20, at the age of 84. Mn. Gamsby had been ailing for a year .and bad been in hospital for a month. Keenly interested in sports and the development af youth in fair play and dlean living, Mr. Gams- by xvas the idol of the younger generation in Onono and Bow- manville. Having participated in or been connected with sports al his life, he gave the youngsters the benefit of his \vide experi- ence and would spenci hours coaching themn in the finer points of hockey and basebaîl. Indicative o! his popularity with "the small fry" as he cal]ed them, wvas the guesture made by them xvhen, he was taken ta hospi- taI. The youngsters collected pennies and nickels and with the fund bougbt flowers for "The Squire." Even in bis illness, his intcrest in the boys did flot wane and many times from bis bospital bed he gave sage advice ta bud- ding hockey players. Born in Orono, soni of AImer- ick and Martha Gamsby, he spent most of his life on the !amily farm near there, iattcrly maving ta Or- ana. As a young man be was widely known as a basebaîl and hockey player. He was also fam- eus as an entertainer and teamed up with the late Chanlie Arm- strong a! Orono as a singing and camedy act wbich played befare many gatherings in the district. Mr. Gamsby was an enthusias- tic fisherman and deer hunter and was instrumental in the re-stock- ing of many streams in Durham Caunty. His father, also a noted deer hunter, went hunting every year until he reached the age of 85. While "The Squin&*' did net equal bis record, he came close ta it. Mr. Gamsby was a bachelon and is survived by one sister, Mrs. Norman Rickand, Newcastle, and anc niece, Mrs. Kenneth Werny, Newcastle. A sister, Ida, died in in fancy.t The funeral services were- heldj in Orena United Church on Marché 23, with bis paston, Rev. Andnew Eustace officiating. A great num- ber of floral wreaths came from !riends and arganizatians ta mark the general estecmn in wbich thet deceased was held. Intermentd took place in Orano Cemnetery. a EVENING AUXILIARY Over ferty ladies gathened at the home a! Mrs. N. Allin on Thursday ta enjay the March meeting ai the Evening Auxiliary. Vice president, Mrs. K. Gamsby, opened the meeting xvith the monthly music study. An invi- tation ta provide the music for the W.A. Sunday in Apnil was accepted and plans made. It was learned that the Auxiliary now has a membcnship ai forty, which centainly is a delight ta those wbo have worked ta make it a suc- cess. The pragramn was tunned aven ta Mrs. N. Allun, secretary af cammunity !riendship, assist- cd by some oi ber graup, Mns. G. Wr'-on, Mns. L. Hoaey, Mrs. C. T&mnblyn, Mrs. R. Gilbart with Mrs. Drummond pnaviding the music. High tnibute sbould be given ta, Mrs. Fred Lycett, treasurer, for the wonderful repart she gave of the W.M.S. Preshytenial meet- ing beld in Bowmanville. Her vivid description braugbt senlous and bumerous points o! bath ses- sions. Everyane then gathered in groups and enjoyed a cantest bas- edon questions fan the Bible, a!- ter which bomie-made cakes were served witb cof!ee. Generous contributions were neceived and bhe montbly bale packed. CLARKE SCHOOL AREA HOLDS REGULAR MEETING Clarke Township School Area Board met in Orono on March 17. Three delegations addressed the Board, A. Smith of Cauistic Sani- tation Co., Leroy Hamilton, re- .1rding insurance and A. Stevens -Area maintenance work at the -quest of the Board. AfVter stud.ving the teachers' onth]v reports the secretary was -..tructed to contact one family ,?4ause of poor attendance of the j-idren, and to see that the re- ýuests of the teachers for sup- BACKACHE May beWarninq Baekache may %b. a signal your kidneys are failing to filte'r excess acids and poison- ou& wastes front the system.. DoJd'a Kidney Pilla help relieve this condition, oten the cause of bac.kache, h,-adache. rheumatie pains or distwrbed reat. Dodd's contain essential oila and medicinal ingre- clients wWàhvst directly on t4i kidouja and belp them regain normal action. Get Dodd'à Kiclney Pilla o-dy. 138 Dod Kdn1II plies as directed be attended ta. Russell Osborne repanted that he had cleared up the matter of the deed for Port Granby School. After careful consideratian ne insurance it was decided ta place a blanket palicy for ail schools in the area with Mn. Porter and also have a policy taken aut in- suring the children who attend Area schools. It was decided ta punchase 16 new seats for Newtonville school with the object in view of secur- ing a camplete set. Secnetary was instructed ta con- tact H. Ouellette af Mil]brook in- forming hlm that he had been aPPointed ta look after ail the Anea pianos, and that he is ta re- part on the condition o! the Ken- dal piano. The matter of using scbools for evening meetings was discussed by the Board and it was decided that in evcry case the consent of the Board must be secured. Secretany was instructed ta place an orden for thnee units o! sanitary toilets with the Caustic Sanitation Ca., same ta be instal- led in S.S. No.'s 13, 17, 21. Allan Stevens was engaged as maintenance man. Secretary was asked ta com- plete the information for installa- tion of electric ]igbts in S.S. No. 's 1, 13, 17 . There is no assurance that this work will be done this1 year. Next regulan meeting wiU. be beld in Newtonville Sc'hoQl on April 21. Bills to the amount of $1,666.481 were passed. ORONO W.I. HEAR INFORMATIVE TALK ON HOUSEHOLD ACCOUNTINO On March 11, Onono Women*. Institute had as thein guest speak- er, Miss E. Slcbter of Tarante. whcn fifty ladies hiad the privi- lege and pleasure af hcaning bcr speak an Household Accaunting. A general discussion on rising casts of feeds, home predLcctioii of fruits and vegetables and 'bud- geting was hcld xvitlh variaus view peints expressed by ladies pres- cnt. A number af peints ta be re- membcned when kecping house- bold acceunts were: Let anc pen- son be responsible for the books: enter items in account book aon day o! transaction; anytbing pro- duced at home should be entereci in books at price that would have ta 'be paid at the store; keep a pensonal column in your book for each member of the family. It was explained that a great many people are under the im- pression that hausehold accaunt- ing requires many hours of tedi- ans bookkecping. It does require a certain amount of time but with a simple system it can not anly be profitable but enjoyable. Such courses as this anc arc sponsared by the Ontario Wo- men's Institutes and greatly ben- efit membens in rural communi- tics. MAPLE GRO<i This community extcnds hear t- iest congratulations ta Mns. Wal- ter Faley, who on Wednesday o! this week celebrates ber 9lst birthday. She bas been bed-rid- den for 14 months. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Neil Martin (nee Dorotby Rabme) on thein recent marriage. Mn. Roy Barrabal was rusbed ta Bawmanville Hospital on Tues. day evcning and operated on for appendicitis. He is duing as weil as can be expected at time af writing. Miss Marion Snowden spent thc weekend at home. Special Easter service and mus- ic on Sunday. Mrs. O. Meredith has returned fnom Trenton after visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. Parnell. Visitors with Mn. and Mrs. A. Spencer on Sunday were Mn. anC N4ns. Ed. Code, Dunbarton, Mr. and Mns. Harold Bateman andi Bruce, Mrs. Milton Bateman, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crowell, Mrs. Cro- well Sr. and Beverly Ann, Osb- awa. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gnose. Wingham, Mrs. H. C. Hurîbent, Trnonto, Miss Gertrude Hicks, Toronto, Mns. Vera Stilîman, Osh- awa. Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Gnose, Wing- ham, and Mrs. H. C. Hunîbent, To- N' v v i( fi a s N a E a M T T a h 4$OFI OUToaiBALANCE ALL PROPERTY VALUES are bigh-the law of supply a.- mand is working. It affects yaur home and contents. Fine may bring you a gr4ater loss than yau realize unless you in- crease the fine insurance on youn home ta caver its greater value. TaIk it over with Stuart R. James INS17RANCE - REAL ESTATE King Street, BowmanvillIe Phone: Office 681, House 493 flAriv WT~TU ronto, were at home wIth their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Spcn- awa, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Grose, Miss Gertrude Hicks, Toronto, called an Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Spen- cer on Sunday. THE HAPPY HOMEMAKERS The Happy Homemakers met March 11, at the home of the president, Joan Wright, with four members present. Roll caîl was "Exchange of material for refer- ence books." Party planning was discussed by club leader Mrs. Sands. Following this Mrs. Sands assisted by Miss Mildred Snow- den demonstrated the making of1 cup cakes. Next meeting at the home of Mrs. Sands on April 8. The roll caîl to be suggestions of a suitable name for a skit to be given on achievement day. Two mien can build a bridge a whole nation can walk across. I M Post Office Hours only. On Easter Monday t h Val. wickets wiil be open from 8:30 a. Postmaster C. B. Kent annaun- m. until 12:30 p.m. Persons get- ces that on Good Friday the wic- ting their mail at the wickets are kets of the Post Office will be asked to govern themselves ne- open fromn 9:30 a.m. ta 10:30 &.m. cordingly. IATTENTION FARMERSI i WE ARE PAYING THE HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICESt * FORDEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALSI HORSES . CATTLE . HOGS Telephone Collect for Immediate Service GORDON YOUNG LIMITED TORONTO: ADelalde 3636 COBOURG: 481 STANDARD ]PEACHES PLAIN LOAF CHEESE OGIL VIE GATS ... IONA RASPBERRY J AN (Pectin Addiod) Tin 27< lb. 45e 48-oz. Pkg. 24-oz. A & P FRUITS And VEGETADIES GRAPEFRUIT MARSH EDLEss 6 fr23e 25e STORES OWNED ANDO OflfATED ay FA N C TONKATO JUICE ..- NECTAR-FLAVOUR TESTED ORANGE PEKOE TEA ASSORTED JELLY POWDERS« ALL PURPOSE FLOUR RUQBIN HOOD 7-B.37e FA N C GRAPEFRUIT JUICE« STANDARD QUALITY GREEN PEAS « ORANGES BANANAS APPLES1 B.C LARGE WINESAPS NEWTON' NCINTGSH 7-lb 69e .lb. 14e< K ELLOGG'S IMPORTED BRISTLING SARDINES - Tin 23e JIFFY PIE CRUST Pkg.32 HEINZ BABY FOODS 3 Tins 250 A. & P. SALTED RS PEANUTS FRESH r-17e !/2-1b.49 3 Pkgs. 25e 24-1b. i2 Bag £~s *20-oz.10 2 205 Pko. 14g BROWN 6for 29e SUGAI 6 forZ25< 1 ir, ONT. No. 1 6-qt* s CAhROTS IMPORTED, TENDER, NEW lb. 10< NUSHROONS FRESH CUT No. 1 lb.w YANS SELECTEO QUALITY No. 1 2 lbs. 35< SHALLOTS Large Buhefor 25e POTATOES S/ &P Saper 2 1-1b. 19e A&P 130KAR CUSTOM GROUND COFFEE lb 51c SUPER SUDS P. & C. SOAP A. & P. EASTER GUN DROPS Pkg. 319 3 Bars 194 le-or* 29% k"Nt-9ý Qua/ity meat LEC NEflhS SMOKED. WHOLE or HALF . . . lb 49C POR SHOULDERS srnokcd Shankless, Picnic Style lb 43c SMOKED DONVELESS HAMS il,~ 72c SUCED COOKED HAM - lb 79c STEAKS or ROASTS RED or BLUE! BRAND BEEF - CANADA'S RNEST PORTEDJOUSE, Wing, Sirloin or Bonelems Round ilb 19C BLADE ROAST BLAI)E BONE OUT - b 35c MHORT RIB ROAST Tb -- 37c PRIME RIB ROAST FIRST FIVE RIBS- lb 39c - b 49C - b 37c - b 37c - b 53c ANN PAGE MILK BREAD 24 oz iO LOAF 1o MEXICAN Best for Juice GOLDEN RIPE FANCY & EXTRA FAN CY LARGE B.C. EXTRA FANCY N.B. No. 1 Pre-packed 15-lb. Peck59 PORK LOINS WELL TRIMMED, ETE N PORE SHOULDERS RSSHNLS DOlIUNG FOWL GRADE A- - TUEKETS YOUNG GRADE A- - CODFrIUIETS - î.7c HADDOCK I'ILLETS il,-- >37c SMOEDFrILLETS 11)-32, SOLE i'LETS ----lb 45< COHOE SALMON STEAKS -- lb 45< ipAr.r. VTVI 1

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