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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Apr 1948, p. 10

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PAGE TEW TEE CANADIAI< STATESMAN. ~OWMANVTLLE. OWrAI~!O ?RTTW~nAV AD~TT. ~ 905e The minute you set eyes on these suits, coats and dresses-you'll love 'em! And besf of ail, you can have them because they're priced sa low. Take advantage of these bargains-choose your spring apparel here. Every kind you want- every colorn every size ta Please and suit everyone. VISIT OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT for the SPRING HA suit X7 X-% i TI 1L u u 1 CHILDREN'S DRESSES Just arrîved' A new shipment of chihdren's dresses in fashions that bath daughtcrs and mothers adore-fashions just as practical and prctty as can be. Sizes from 1 Up. Couch, Johoston & Cryderman PHONE 836 - 49 King St. W. BOU7MAN VILLE J "COME ON! SWIM FOR SHORE!"I nu laicould see it now. But, thirough' Durham County Lad a rize Wiuner the window, zny brave woodlot stands ready ta help as I recali II Athe words of Henry VanDye In Pu li S ea in C nt st at "Many a tree is found in the wood, And every tree for its use is good; Ont.Ass' Co venton ome for the roof and some for Ont.Eduatin As"n onvntin sthe beam, _________Some for the boat to breast the Glen Bidgood, 1l-year-old pu- management of a farmn woodlot. In the wealth of tlÈe wood since ~,lof Beachwood Schoal in Cavan I have a dream. When I graw the world began ownship, was awarded third up, Pmrngoing ta have my own The trees have offered theit gifts prize in the public speaking conl- farma. It's going ta be a fine farm, to man.' test held under the auspices of with its rnost treasured possession, 0f course, there's the answer. the Ontario Trustees and Rate- a healthy littie woods, just where lil repair the house with the lum- payers Association at the conven- I want it. 0f course, I may have ber from the woods. From where tion of the Ontario Education As- ta do some looking ta find such a I stand I can see the stately pine sociation held in Taronto Easter farm but I have few years jet in on a hill top, that handsome 'Week. Glen had previously wonl which ta look. spruce and those twin elms. These first honors in township and coun- Now my father's woodlat i.s on will serve my purpose. I look at ty contests in Durham County a hili at the north end of aur the floor and say ta myseif, "Who and also eastern district honors farm. My father says that since wants ta paint floors ail his life at Brighton which entitled him aur woods is on a hili it's in a anyway? I'1l look tomorrow for to compete in the Ontario finals good position to soak up the wat- a choice oak tree.. That will make at the Central Technical School, er from heavy rains and from me a hardwood floor. Toronto, on April 1. Great credit melting snow in the spring-time. Going outside again the birds is flot only due Glen for his spien- This soaked up water can't wash look eagerly at me. These little did performances, but also ta his away the top soil on the fields friends have nested, I knaw, in teacher, Miss Stewart, who coach- south of the woods and so these the quiet cedars in my woodlot. cd hlm for the variaus contests. fields can keep on producing good And speaking of cedars, from In the finals at Toronto all con- crops. Then, too, the water which these will came the pasts ta make testants spoke on the sarne sub- the woods has absorbed fis the me a fence. It will keep my fine ject, "Management of the Farm springs ta supply aur well with herd o! Jerseys from grazing in Woodlot." As conservation and drinking water. Now you can the prize woodlot. I simply can't peortain sube tbeyng diuse readily see why my drearn woods have themn eating the littie sap- potatsujet big rnuse ust be on a hill. lings that will help make me my and advocated in rural Ontario Years pass and my imagination fortune. Oh yes, I have ta make these days we are publishing takes me ta rny dream farm and a fortune, for Alice's sake. Glen's speech in full in the hope ys hr' h od uta sIwl lsrt h od tl.at aur readers will glean some- hyes, tere s t odut asok s I a lk doer ta terhe woos thing helpful in putting these pro- hdpimre.t Itrnt o Theautm besut rhe lmsi jet nooprto.Weaei-at the house, for I mnust have ameThmaesrebaign jees itoopeaton.Weareinhome for that pretty girl 1 met ail1 their rich color and rernind- debted ta Mrs. Fred W. îoen ast rnonth at the garden party. ing me thp.t next spring they will terehst inloal public speak ing But here, I nearly hase my cour- supply me with syrup (with a- conestsinfoalpulieeeaing thtaegot . The poor litthe house looks littie hard wark an my part). acopy atsforGlens adress wich ,ry neglected. The roof needs Looking dloser, I see some treeF a op of'Ge's:des hc re-shingling. the doors are warp- that have no color. What's wrong? follows:ed, one shutter is hanging broken, Why they're dead! Here I can Mr. Chairman, ho no r a ble the whole place is crying for re- kili twa birds with one stone. I'11 judges, ladies and gentlemen, fel- pairs. I go inside, and the floors cut these dead things down and] low contestants, in the next few are uneven and unpainted. What leave roam for the healthy sap- minutes I arn going ta explain to arn I ta do? Alice certainly lings and at the same time get you the profitable and proper wouidn't want ta live here if she my winter's supply of fuel. And as -T continue ta look about, there .4re several things wrang with Sthis prize 1 thought I'd won. Nofi matter, my chief joy will be in sh ~e ~~ z4 «7making it what I think it should e be. For here are trees that are O too close together. lil have ta hi cut same down ta give the others f more raom - but flot toa much of room, for I want taîl, straight Hi trees with branches at the top, not L CONSULT srwigdw h rn.Adst craoked tree. Down it carnes and r" just look at that fungus growing b CO&CH LINESpi. n such a splendid maple tree. It t que is a sharne ta cut it but if I don'tan spores frorn the fungus wiîl hi 1 spread the disease ta nearby trees.ne And what are those evergreens h doing in here? They should be as planted instead around the narth- west corner ta protect the trees tC The idenetorkof oloialCoah Lnes deinside from drying winds. ait The idenetorkof oloialCoah Lnes deSoon I corne ta an open spot- thi luxe mnotorcoach services in Eastern Ontarioi very lonely and grassy-a spien- ru with connections throughout Canada and the did place for picnics. But wait a str United States, offers >'ou convenient and cota- minute, you know as welh as I ga fortable travel at a real saving. that sorne careless young lad (a thi For complete details regarding rates and fooish persan) wihl forget ta put g]z scbedules, please cotsait your Local Agent. out the corn-roasting fire and it,'lie r. roast the woods, tao. Instead, si I'11 plant some trees here. We ei CARTON COACH UINES can have aur picnics sornewbere g else. But what kind of trees shah 51P BOWMAýNVILLE TELEPHONE: 2666 1 plant? Oh, the ground's quite an dry so here's the place for pine, i hi ch: if SPRIfG VAUES!hi% The red long ones and the coon coat are put away for the summer as the fanmer invests in a new îpair o! averails and a bright red shirt ta show the cohorful tremors o! bis soul. The farrner's wife ap- pears bedecked in her new print diress. Even the dog is sbedding bis fur. Spring, it's wonderful! Sorne complain about the long Canadjan winters, but in reahity they are a blessing in disguise. The prolonged state o! inactivity gives Canada's fertihe sou a chance ta rest, recuperate and gain new strength ta produce the crops which rank in quahity and amaunt with aniy in the world, even though the farmer's work is a race against tinie from April ta October. The sumrner's brailing suni bas a bot bouse effect that Ifew narth- cmn cauntries dan boast of. At heast in Canada ane bas the rigbt ta expect gaod weather from May an. Ail cauntries are not sa for- tunate. The carly springs of ma- ny European nations give the soul toa short a breathung spehi, and although the crocus there are seen in March, the cold and ramn sets in again in April and May when the draps shouid be get- ting their start. The folhawing exaniphe shows the arnazing productive power o! a Canadian summer, even sucb 71 wet anc as hast year. A farmner th, in ho trE a SCE ,,k and basswood. Loaking Up, i :orrible tbought strikes me, for > ee !rom my bihl-top position :rethe bydro men bave wLghitered my neighbar's woods hnild a new bydra uine. And i rLlrnbhe away ta mysel! that if IF farmers wouhd take care a! heir waods, there wauhd bave bccn enough water power ta sup- '1ýy ehectricity without building 3 extra bydro ine. Dear me, :Ženis that education does nat ý1'd1 when we stop schooh. Thinking tbus I stand in the setting sun and my drcam takes me ta the tirne when I must pass an the came o! my waods ta mny sons. They've roamed every inch of il, froni the Uirne they picked lhe first bepaticas and ahi through the y'ears have helped ta make il a profitable. prohific and pleasant waOodhot. This is the way 1 want it ta be ladies and gentlemen. Nia v the future be kind ta nwy dreamn! north o! Bawmanville was unable ta bring in a field o! Ajax Qats, due ta ramn and lack of help. Per- severance !inally broke the spehl, with the resuit that the field was seeded an the tcnth o! June, near- ly three weeks after the usual seeding priod. The farmer cx- pccted some gaad pasture from bis work, but was happily sur- prised wben on the twentieth a! August the field produced a bar- vest on a par wîth ah bhis athers. It just goes ta show what a good rest and a bot sun can do. The tenth o! June may be a littie late, but beware o! starting too eariy. After some premature planning brougbt an by open roads, two days o! sunshine and a Lake Ontario breeze, farmer John had decided, late in March, on oats in the north-cast field, five acres of corn by the miii and ai- falfa by the ohd watershed.. While stîli turning over in bis mmnd wbich heifers ta sell and which ta pasture, be woke up one bright marning after to find snow on the sill and the windows 'be- smeared" with mare of Jack Frost's artistry. Farmer John cimbed back into bed. "I wish it were Spring !" be said. In arranging your kitchen, place the range away from the sink. If the range and sink are side by side, water is likely ta splash an the range, and the work surface at the sink is reduced. Several in this district have ~ - -~ - - tSOPYUONT UT CARtJNGI. ose "TheGreaestPractical Naturalist on j theGrlaet.ates wa ri .C nledt".Tat is ack vin. obbu cale hi ne late Jcck Mne.on hswtroo ofsacunself igs rk Ont atrowa sNcuryatioKdIngsvile Onaria, a Naoal id Lle eek his een r prclaimedto 1be hl Cdis earfo Aprgi 10peta1.l Cndais ourd' ntra gie suel onsfiedrain toour andt r resaucsofeand atem wherever possible. TUE CARLINO INEWERIES LIMIIED TOURS TO ENJOT - TOURS TO PROTECT 1 thank you. 1 ,- t. k m we Na' 1 e eow 0 1 N THE CANADUN STATESNLA.N. BOMIANVILTIE. ONTARIO Dr. . P ViianDircistapped aconsiderable number of Jand early plantings. Healih Survey retuap fo a rm iguthe speli o! warm wcather set in and In Cly o Monreal the flow ceasd. But brigt ays Init _o___fea and frosty nights of late have[ MoTGR BIK - Ieen Ideal for this enterprisr. According ta an announcement Maple syrup is quoted at present made in Mantreal on March 27th from $4.50 ta $5. per gallon. t the Montreal Protestant Central Ini western Ontario many farm- School Board autharities are ers are on the land and some Eio ! planning ta launch one o! the drpErenig*lne frcm greatest bealth pragrams in the mercial markets., Peel county re- 1f bistory o! educatian in that city. parts some acreage already sown w Its interest ta people here lies ta peas, and some farmers have 0deeI ors in the fact that a comprehensive taken a chance on plantiftg carly survey of student health bas Ïbeen potatoes. No activities o! this Amorise's thrifiet completed under the direction o! character have so far been report- pow6rty.r('"to Dr. R. Percy Vivian, chairman of e inthus district,.mileso alno an tmtoeef the.department o! health and soc- In the livestock field the report mt0 0tn1%iiot',ra f t t ' O il medicine at McGill University, states that there is a large current Whitter Motai' with ail necessary M.P.P. for Durham County in the demand for sows and yaung pigs aftachments ------ -----$169.00 Ontario Legisiature, and former and for springer cattle. United Comploe Standard Mater Bike : $709.00 IMinister o! Health and Welfare in States buyers are at present*very Semi Deluxe with spring fork $269.00 the Ontario Government. active in some Ontario centres' Remit with ordier -or senti 10% tinizing toerd ber prio rua- buying Up good dairy cattlg. The deposit, balance C.O.D. tiing th rtepubic, w ich thebard k-next two weeks willtell pretty. PEERLESS BICYCLE WORKS exgpt licta do sbothebordisgenerally what may be expected 1 195 Dundas St. W.Tret expecte ta do hortly.in regard ta fahl wbeat, forage, Trt The health pragram, as envs -_________________________________ aged in the repart, will be tackled T- - - - from many angles, with emphasis d being placed on prevention and early detection of physical and Thle 1 dern Tirenad mental troubles with provision ta be made for frequent check-ups on the progress o! remedial meas- uires. It is no use inding the de-...... fects unless something is done abaut them. The bealth pragram is ta be ac-T companied by a new stressing o! participation in games and phys- E ical recreatian activities. Inter- class competition is ta be one o!f,~ the highligbts a! the new physical t' education pragram, it is being re- E cognized that the greater number orptcants h randte w ethe 0 AQUELUIZE your homo spaor rticipantsand the fewerthe overall benefit. For this reason in- ter school competîtion will nat be L with nSw scs oentlflo pushed extensiveiy.B In these and a variety of other * ways, the Central Board plans ta Tu Q U M forge abead in the great task of M developing sound minds in saundT L bodies. Formai education, board members believe, has for fao long Reg. U. S. Pet. Off. o! te-educasztio la rpart S oirl eae apeao of he ductioal rogam.Conôepager n g aiposm onr- Uncertain eather O aes. o n apy smconrdnsur. E UncetainWeaherd faes.ti na cmewih ach baig t. Mý Danger to FalilN dietosta oewhec bg Wheat Crop ***E A year ago farmers were puvgu- ZMl: dwt wtr c ed with weather conditions that - M- crdng to ditrctn casda drastic shortage in feed Nodn odietos grains. Sa far this year the ur- . "one baà makes I1gai. rent worry is the in-and-out wea- E _ iat cont cvera 60 teT ther wich makes uncertain the 120 sq. ft. p~er ga.; sec- success of the fal weat crop as E nit. 0ar ga0i.. T wel as forage prospects. Accord-Zrpe a ing ta this weck's release from Oct Aquelia No. 1 for Interior the Ontario Department of Agri- qelNo2frExein culture, the thawing and freezing . Acl o o xeir of the past week, if extended, wilh seriousiy affect these drops. La- T e S E P R ý& G L cally at the marnent it appears Lm e o iie that fahl wbeat bas not attained u be Co Lmid a re-growth sufficient ta be ad- Phonie 715 Bownxanville 96 King St. E. verseiy affected. 1 PAGE TEff TMMSDAT. APRM ftit- lait FRusiles of Spring As Observed By High School Studeni (by Gregory Frlend> Wben tbe snaw in the lane has finahhy vanished and the driving- shed is opened ta reveai a blank- ted Chevvy about to be rattled ut of its winter idyll after a long .ibernating season is over, the [armer tbinks no langer in terms f coal, sleigh-beils and drifts. [e bas plans. Millions o! tbem. Like the cows who farce down the tale remaining Timotby because o ather bay remains, the borses ha prefer wbeels ta runners and iake themseives unmanageable Dy their tulip time cntbusiasrn, îe brooks bursting at their banks ind the robin planning ta give is borne the New Look in bird iests, the farmer is gripped witb he vcry pleasant malady known is spring fever. The green fali wbeat lies ready ,continue its grawtb, ta culmin- de in August gold. The trees, heir iimbs cracking and sap lnning like the tarrentuous trearns nearby, appear nude and raunt in tbeir present state, but heir Maytime biossonis wiii soan ýadden the hearts of apple grow- ýrs loyers and. honey-bees. The pring breezes fan the steaming îrth; spring sangs issue !rom the ,lden throats of early birds; the pring sun shines on and an and *1. Enraptured, the fanmer begins is eariy spring work. The plaugh srolhed out, fences are repaired, he orchard is pruned and ma- iinery is rnade serviceable. New Ians are always in line, and even fthey do not turn out if 15 won- ?rfui ta dream with a scented mid clouding ane's mmnd. Tbe farmbouse becornes a bee- ve of activity as the bouse-wifc he queen bee, removes ail drones r forms of dust, trash and cob- ;ebs. Even the farmer hirnself 'mes in for bis share of tbe ousework-he bas ta beat mat- ýsses and dlean windows. What change from tbe icy winter

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