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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Apr 1948, p. 13

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THUrJr~ ~Y APPT!, 8th, 1948 TE~ CANADIAN STATESMA?. ROWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THIRTEEN g Notice Wanda's Beauty Shop, 80 King St. West. Permanents that make permanent customers. For ap- pointmonts, phone 2851. 14-tf Will the party who took boy's new blue C.C.M. bicycle, balloon tires. Sunday evening, please re- turn to Rill Clarke, Jr., Loyers' Lane. 15-1 FOOTBALL NOTICE A meeting of the executive of Darlingtan Football League will bo hold Monday, April 12, 8 p.m., Lt the Township Hall. Hampton, ta organize for the coming season. AIl clubs wishing to enter teamns [are asked to send representatives. COMINO EVENTS HORTON WIGHT--On Tuesday. Hoar the Golden Crest Maie March 23rd, 1948. at Queen's Ave. Choir of Toronto at High Sehool United Cburch parsonage, New auditorium, Thursday, April 22nd, Westminster, B.C., Irone Mac. daîîghtem of Mrs. Catherine Wight a' 1:15 p.m. Admission: Aduits and the lato Mr. George \iglit. to ISc Students 35c. Under auspices Charles T. Horton. son of Mr. and of St John's Choir. 1.5-1 Mis. Thomas S. Hor'on. Newv Westminster, B.C. s-lî Th-' Womens Auxiliary of the -- -- -Legion Euchre will be held in the DEATHS Union Hall, every Saturday night, _____- - eginning April 10. Proceeds ta HELLYAR-In Clinton an April beho used for comforts for sick vet- 5, 1948, William Henry Heilvar, in erans, 15-1'- his 79th year. Father of Fred S. Hollyam and brother of Mis., yv Home cooking and fancy work Hllvar, Bowmnanvillo. ]51^: sale. and afternoon tea by the - Homne and Sehool Association will KENEFICK--At St. Josepli's Hoas- pital, Toronto, on Monday, April 5, 1948, Annie Ketnefick, aged 74 years. Intorment Port Hope Un- ion cometer%. PLUMMER--Suddenly on Satur- day, April 3, 1948, at his home. 106 Parkhurst, Blvd., Toronto, How- ard Plummer, bcloved husband of Mary Heatiey and doar father of Marie and eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Plummer, Bowman- ville, Ont. Resting at the chapol of McDougall and Brown, 1491 Danforth Ave. (near Coxwell). Funeral service 1l a.m. Tuosday ta the Church of St. Mary-Mag- dalene, corner of Manning Ave. and Ulster St. Interment Pros- pect cemotory. 15-11, CARDS 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Norman Plummei and family wish ta thank ail tbeir friends and neighbors for thE flawers, cards of sympatby and aIl kindness at the time of theiu sad beeavement in the deatb ofa doar son and brother. 15-e', Mr. and Mrz.. James Smales anc ifamily wish ta convoy ta thebu mauny kind friends and neighbors thek. Ppreciation and thanks fat h 6 ~fare and after the sale; also Ithe eammunity for such a wonderful presentatian. We mast heartily thank ail. 15-1 The family of the lato William JLarretýt, Sr., wish *ta express to liheir rnany friends, relatives at.c especially the neigbbocs, tholu heartfelt thanks and appreciatior for cards of sympathy, acts of kindness and beautiful floral tri- butes extended ta themo in 'theii sad bereavement.151 Pets For Sale COCKER pups, black. Phono 2466. 15-1' ho hieid Saturday. April lth fromn 3 to 6 p.m. in the Central School Gymnasium. Proceeds for Com- munity Council. 15-1 Be sure ta hear "Sugar Foot Minstrels" at the Town Hall, in Bowmanville, Saturday, April 10, at 8 p.m., under auspices of Flor- ence Nightingale Ladge, 1.0.O.P. Admission: Adults 50c, Children 35c. .15-1 A box social will be held in Tyrone Community Hall on Tues- day evening. April l3th. Dr. J. C. Devitt will show pictures. Ad- mission 35e. Ladies with baskets free. Pmoceeds in aid of the par- sonago. 15-1* A dance will be held in Ennis- killen Community Hall, Friday evening, April 9, under auspices of Enniskillen Athîctie Club. Mu- sic providedi by Ruth Wilson's \Tarioty Band. Dances wiil be held every Friday night until further notice. 15-1 IN MEMORIAM FOWLER-In ever lovîng mcm- d ory of a dear brother, Roy »Fowler, r who passed away on April 6, 1946. s Yau're not forgotten, brother dear, r Nor over shaîl you be; iAs long as life and memory lest R Wo shall remember thee. t -Sadly missed by sisters and brathers. . 15-1* iGEDDES-In loving memory of omy doar husband Peter Gedd os, d who passed away April 8, 1947. r 'His weary hours and days of n pain, f His troubled nights are past; -And in my aching heart 1 know r Ho has found swoet rest at last." *-Sadly missed but lovingly re- membered by his wife., 15-1* -MONKLEY-In loving memory of a dear sistor, Melinda Monkley, who passed away, April 7th, 1946. -Thoso whom we lave go out of sigbt, But nover out of mind; They aro cberished in the hearts 0f thoso they leave behind. If woe had ail the world ta give, We would give it, yes, and more, To hoar your voice and see your smil o, And groot you at the door. -Lovingly remembered by Sistors Lillie and Emma, and Brother, George. 15-1* Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F DAVID 1 FERGUSON, late of the Town of Cobourg, in the County of Nor- thumberland, formerly of the Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, Farmner, de- ceascd, who died at Cobourg on or about the 6th day of February, 194 &. THE TRUSTEE ACT R.S.O., 1937 Ch. 165 - Sec 51 Creditors and othrs having dlaims against the above estate tirc rcquired ta send particulars and fouI proof thereof te the un- dersigned on or befare the loth day of May, 1948, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to the dlaims that have been ree$v- led. * atedi the ïtb day of April, 1948 at 13owmanville. Ontario. ýj Vilbert J. Ferguson and Albert L. Oke, b' tlîeir Solicitor, LAWRENCE C. MASON 310 King St. W.. Bowmanville, Ont. DURHAM Farmers' County Co-op ORONO Chop of ail kinds. Barley fofr Seed Quantity of Clean, Mixed Grain 0 Ail kinds of Balanced Feeds A courteous service mvili be given toalal custamers. PHONE 37-r-I Robert Glanville, Mgr. BIRTHS MANTLE-Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Mantle (nec Dorcen Phair) are hàppy ta announce the birth of theit daughter, Janice Marie, on Saturday, April 3rd, 1948, at T'ow&manvilie Hospital. 15-1* SUMMERSFORD-Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sui.. a-rsford (nec Jean Ste- 7;c.s) arc happy ta announice the rival o their son, William John, on Suinday, April 4, at Bow- manville Hospital, Mother and son doing fine. 15-1 WINTER-To Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Winter (nee Ellen Allin) at Oshawva General Hospital, a son, ont Aprîl 5th. 1948. 15-l* MARRIAGE Ai blod-testeýd.- Try'this popu lar cross for hybri.d vigor, rapid growth and sustained production. Hetches evemy Fiday-Ask for free caiendar. Dan Gibson, pbri,,ne Clarke 3811. Bowmanville, Ont.. 12-tf BRAY sterted puilets. Save time, worry, feed. Get you off toaa good start. Prompt shipment. Day-oids aira. Heavy cockerel chick exports ta the U.S. permit puilet chick prîce reductions to our Canadian customers. Be ;3ire you get new price list. Don't de- lay order, every day courîts. Agent F. L. Byem, Tyrone. 15-1 REPAIRS REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- erators, domestic and rammercial. Higgon Electric 42 King St. E.,1 Iphone 438, 26. tf NEAT-Way Shoe Repair: Good, substantial workmanship, reliabil- ity, dyelng, soling, sewjng, etc. Try the Neat-Way, opposite Bow- manville Cleaners. 7-tf Personal CURTAINS laundered and stret- ched. Apply 85 Ontario St., front door. Phone 2630.. 14-3* H Y G I E N I C supplies (rubber goods) mailed pastpaid in plain sealed envelope with prico I ist. Six samples 23c; 24 samnples SI100. Mail Ordcr Dept. T-38 No\v-Rtb- ber Co., Box 91, Hamiltoq. Ont. 10.9* The CANADIAN STATESMAN ClassiFied Advertising Rates EFFECTIVE JANUARY 23, 1948 Work Wanted CUSTOM work, gardens ploughed and cultivated. Also di-t levelled. Apply H. T. Moore, phone 2368. 15-2 DECORATING-Painting and paý per-hanging. New spring sam- pies are hero. For estimates phone 2639. R. B. Brown. 13-6* Wanted to Rent SMALL house or apartment in Bowmanville by May Ist. Apply Clarence Osborne, Statosman Of- fice. 15-if TWO or three unfurnished rooms required by young couple with no children. Possession required on or before May 3rd. Write Box 49 Statesman Office, Bowmanvillo. 15-1* Teacher Wanted Applications will be received for position of Protestant teacher of ane room public sohool S.S. No. 13, Darlington. State qualifica- tions, exporience and salary, ex- pected. Fred Partnor, Secretary, Tyrorie. 15-2 Wanted To Buy SEWING machine, preforably a Singer, in excellent condUition. Phone Clarke 3830. 15-1 SET of used in-throw di.*c bar- rows. Apply Sam Butterxv, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. Phone 2638. 15-I HIGHEST prices paid for scrap batteries. Jamieson Tire Slhop. King and Silver Sts. 14-tf FARM wanted-75 ta 100 acres, houso and buildings, good wator supply. Wi]l pay cash. Write giving particulars, to Box 50 The Statesman Office, Bowmanvil: 1; 1I LIVE horsos for min] ard fox food. Cali us for hig'ie prices. We also pick up dead farm stockl free of charge. Margwill Fur Farm. R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bow- manville 2679. 41-tf FIelp Wanted LAUNDRESS required. Applyý at Balmoral Hotel. 51 YOUVH intcrested in lcarning plumbing and heating trade. Writc P.O. Box 394, Bowmanville. 15-tf GIRL for light housework: good home. Apply Mrs. D. Feldman, 205 Arlington Ave., Toronto. Phone Kenwood 5687. 14-2 GIRL or womnan to help with of- fice work for the spring season. Apply Brookdale-Kingsway Nur- series, near C.N.R. Station. 15-1 MARRIED man wanted for dairy farm on main highway and equip- ped with milking machine and tractor. Living quartc'rs lias ruLn- ning watcr and hycîro buit ill ne- commodate only si-mal fmiy Write Box 44, Statesman Office. 14-_2 EXCELLENT earnings are yours if you are interested in handling aur line. Experienced and inex-j perienced mon can make good money if t.hey are real g-ctr and out for business. Further' information by appiying ta Blu e Brand Products, 7227 Alexandra, Montreai. 15-4 For Rent FIVE room house and garden, 1 mile east of Enniskilien. Apply in persan ta M. J. Stainton, Ennis- PASTURE-100 acres, well fenc- ed, plenty of shade and water. A. H. Clemons, 38 Concession St. Phone 2433. 15-1* TENDERS WANTED For redecorating Trinity United Church Sunday School. Tenders ta be in by April l7th. For particulars sec A. M. Hardy, or phone 389. 15-2 Chicks For Sale PURE Barred Rock (same popu-, lar strain), and New Hampshire1 (Addition%] Insertions at Saine R.-,es) ALL CLASSIFIVD ADS MIUST BE IN NOT LATER THPÂN NOON WEI'NESLAY. Cash. stamps or mon- ey order %vith order ta get low rp.te. C'LIP THIS OU' FOR HANDY REFERENCE il. - -~. AUCTION SALE? Seed Grain For Sale 11ýREGISTERED Erban Oats, No. L. E. A. Werry, Enniskiilen, il Alfred Allun, phone 2332. 15-P' seli by public auction on Frid ay. ___________ April 16, 150 head of grass cattle. Articles For Sale Sec bis for f.urther particulars __________________ next week. 15-1 OSHAWA'S new furniture store- - Everything in mode-'n. Chester- Articles For Sale field, bedroom and dining roam suites, and studios. Beddîng anc ARVIN car radio, 5 tube. Apply floar coverings a specialty. Qual. 10 Argyle St., Bowmanville. 15-1* ity merchandise at campetitive FORIDSON tractor, on steel. Phone 2989, Bomanville. 14-2* SEVERAL large off ice desks. Ap- ply Balmoral Hotel. 15-1 TWO-burner electrie plate, with small oven. Phone 2197Î. 15-1* prices. Before buying vîsît Brad- ley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S.. Oshawa. 46-t! PRICES ta clear entire stock oi> furniture. New white kitchen set compieto $79.503; 3-piece chester-. field suites $119.50; 3-piece studio suites, ail velour $139; automnatic CARTIER Soed Oats. Kennelh 20: rscs $29.503: vanitics. iHilîs, Orono. phono 5 r 3. 151lf $29.50: Force angettes %55. Eas, MASSEY-Hamris No. 26 new 3-1tomms. Mrh hn 15Bo- furraw tractor plow. Apply Fred mnil.î- Yeo, Orono. _51 NWCase mow.em; 00w Case 412 TWO h.p. gas engine: one cylinder onle-wvay dise: new Case 3-furrow spray pump. Percy Werryý. phone tractor plow: n@-,v Case horse 2124. 15-1* rako; used M.-H. nianîîme spmead- --~-- r; set uscd M.-H. spring tooth ICHEVROLET sedan 1931, heater. hamrows; sot used Case sping good tires, Lloyd Allun, phone tooth harrows; used 1941 Phonola 2656. 15-1 car radio; farm fcnce: steel posts: k barbed wire: Swift's Gro-Mor COAL brooder stove, 500 chick fertilizer. WY. H. Brown, Case size. Mrs. Bort Johnson, RHR. 2. Dý,a!cr phono 497. 15-1 1Burketon. Phono 229fi. 15-1 ______ _____ FOR sean,'33 god ondtio. IiiADE-IN Beatty electric wvash- i FOD sdan,'33 goo codito r, reconditioned, guarantced I G. Terhune. 128 Liberty St. N., vear. $59.50; Princegs Pat coal eveing. N phne. 15 - 1 range %vîth reservoiir>,29.50; Prem- BUICK coupe. 1934. heater and ior vacuum cîcaner. complote1 defroster, excellent condit ion . Ap- with attachments. 1 ycar oId, $49.- 1 ply R. Williams, Newcastle. l5-ý' *50:ýsteel beds $7.50: studio couch, I -chromo arms, $35: icn box, 50 lb. ______ -___ __- ~ ______ -TWO buildings w'ith metal ooS9$9.503; mantel radios $14.95. Real Estate For Sale Auction Sales 3xaad54' hre .Mrhs hn 1,Bvmn ______Osborne,_phone__2285._15-u ile.15-1* FIVE room cemnent block house, I have been autharized ta sel! OOD quality balcd bay. Bruce belRGH ~UNI haif acre of land, electricity, rtin- by publie auct ion for Wilbert Mutton, 95 Concession St. E.. ATRGTCLNl IIIS ning water; and small greenhouse. Brcsett. Lots 33 and 34, Con. 1, BoÀ,Yàanville. 15-1 ODE 'DYFO Apply R. Bothwell, north of Shell Damlington, an Monday, April 19, t________ ORmetTODAY FAO Ser vice Station, Maple Grove, aIl his farm stock. implements, LADYS grey spring'coat. size If), with nil imemrbers presentand! ~ ~ ff . 15-1* tractor ecîuîpment, grain, ctc. See never worn. Appliy 36 Jane S~. IRceve W. G. Bowles prosiding. f W!ai 8-ombik iternized listing ncxt week. Sale 15-' ' mocinunications wcre g cvdiB.W al& Son TWO-storey, h-ombrc ou.se, at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer i as foilowvs: Department state- TALT N TO N modern conveniences, large gair- 'Wilbur. atîctioncer. 15-2 FIÈTY place set of silverware niciitme road subsidv. Appoint- hnOsîa16W3 don, double garage, ight good____ (service for 12). Coonation l3al-PoeOhw 6 building lots. Possession ariang- i *dterri. No tax. Phone 2469. 15-,1* nment of Towniship Wkeed Irnspec- (reverse charges) od. Apply Mrs. Margaret Brust, 1.h nesgedla eevd---__ tor. Appraval of Federatimi- of FREE DELIVEET 103 Scugog St. (Dingman Estate). instructions from the executor of P.OTATOES and Spy apples. Ap- Agriculture b ' -law and dlaim m e ________________ ___________________________-- the estate of the late Fern Chap- ply 273 Simpson' Ave.. Bowman- acident at amena, all mceîved and .iriiiiiîIîîn,îîIwmImîIIIîII SIX-room house, garage and ben mari ta seI b'y public auction at ville. 15-2* l filcd. bouse, natumal gas and water in- hiem lato msiclencc. Front St.. Or-- - Dr. McArthur rcquested gravel side. Haîf acre lot. Best offer. ana, on Saturday, April 17, at* COBBTER potatoes grown from , pit at Armistrong's filled. Road C) houses west of Sheil gas, No. 2 1 p.m., ah bler household i'uirnm- Foundation A secd. Ralph Glas- Supt. statecl saine had been clone. E bighway. Maplo Grave R.R. 3_ turc. bcdding, linen, dishes, etc. pol. R.R. 4, Bowmailvillo, pharle Clerk ta prccure Municipal Act Bowmanvillc, Ont. 15-1* Sce bills. Torrns cash. No re- 2664. I3l for each merinhlier of Council. P hae areserve. Jack Reid, auctianeer. CH\RLT -Caclo alysi]ivestigate NECASTLE-We hv lre15-2 cahv13.go' i«rîng of lhaillancl înstalling cee assortment of farms for sale._____ running condition. good tires. mnicai tire extinguishier. Councîl- Farmm suitable for mixed farm- 1hv enatoiait elNi.anypoe1îr8 os Baîley ai-d Black are a comlir ing: fruit fro;dir am bavublien uth oiMi.E. ta siNiIRie. hn 7 .mit1co me amena and investigate E poultry far-ms. hobby farms, anpdlcauto frM. .Lv-I1=___ 00 iabîtfam.Wehae fmm cder. Lot 17, Con. 5, Ep.st Whitbyi CHEVROLET. 1931 baîf ton stake e-nlpamging sanie. onNo 2Hghay ada ret(1II miles east of Brooklin and -.% truck, necds somne irpairs, $75.00. Following accounts passod f oir numrber of gond inland farms. We mile southl. on Satumday, April Apply Sam Manetta, Pontypool. paymeflt P EP RE l~ are ndsmal olins nd 0,bi frmstock, implements, in- 14-2.:O. Hyland, secy.-treas. S. BEP E R D = mnost of oi owncrs vilî gIve im- cu bato rs, brooder bouse-. harnes OEtosn oa -s o 1 A N D 'eit oseso.P irneoill kindcx, an.d nany other ar- iOEtosn os mostly bass- H. Tbompson, secc.-treals. med00t ta 22.01). ontaPrctelvoftces a im cs.1ae tiP. oodi, srme Oak, ash and el m. Ap- scbool board 21000.00 -S,00toS2,00 onac i.ElerWlbractolé pyJakG. Smith, R.R. 4. Bob- sesrpotg -- 6.80 Avoid the Rush! E. Cooke. Real Estate. 5~-1 .EmrWluacine. cag .Ot hn 2r1.1- Star office, printing - --- .co0 ______N. Sof1-1ntn 1.0lav itr F.\RM-82 ac'rcs, largo hip-roof HOUSE taken cdown ini Sections, Safrpitig1.0 E Hv hao odbuse antI outbu'.igsA largo onsignment of farm with nails and îccquipnîon: MrinoW's ranspotdcliv- e-vharpyour an o erEh $4.000. m~~~~~nacbincry. hariness, dozens of cal- JIames Nîx;on, 160 Liberty St. N. CigWrlsd hr'nd ed aei h Farn-5:'- acres. hans.,e and barn, lnîrs, faim eupetand hre Phono 63.î1-i Mer laaitSrvc. woE In with precisien sharp- hydro, running stroam. amall the propeî-ty of J1. J. Powell. Cock- odsekrs400*e 1d Ee firuit, $4,000. ht dealer. at Millbrook, will ho AN atitonmatic contraI-, -portable. C.T.L., Warbleside 114.24 cnd a. F'ARM- 100 acres, large hip-r.oof off erod for sale by public auctiai'recrlyrwihrm ~cvs al mngrg 74 N bos, toneclwell:ng. other Out-, on Wodnesday, April 14. at 12 o- In pet-feet condition. Price $60. W. Pe-arco, balance salary WEPC = N buildings, 7 acr-es orclhard. bush. dlock noon. As Mr. Powell ;s. 'o Phono 2958. - s- e amena 150.00IEI E Ill umt of business evemthine -- P VnCmwod1 3 10.000. m REMINGTON Model 53 portable Prcmlium trels., bonds 3 9.7,5 DWELLINC- -Icil Tmmcah.JckRid acio-typewriter, with carînyirg case, Roads 63 = C Us Ia (al Bo\,ýmn\,ll, slidbrik,8 roms T cas. Jck ei, actin-exceflent condition. Apply 610 Clcrk reportss ermor ls $6.200. brc,8romcr. 1- Prospect St. 15-1 month. Should have read .90c per F.J NE N STULART R. JA'MES - -___ hotir irnan libor on road-. Ad- G.F.J M E O Real Estate Broker Flirnitire Sale-The exoctors NEW Iawn i-o\w.ers and powecr .ourned to rme"t Mav 93. 8 p.mi Bowanxull, pcoîe 01 u-î'ofthe estate of the late Mrs.1 mowvIrs. Lawn mowers sharpen- -I TR D P T Henry Jacks, at hem late residence, ed. D. R. Alldread, King St. E., 112 miles north of Bowmanville Bowmanville. 15-1m' Thr spectacle of a man wear , Lives_____orSaleo______________________- forine the firstt all ilk, bat ini Lon- or. King and Silver Sts. Livstok Fr Sle n Mnves RadwiI ofer orMODEL C-30 International truck, ci 501 yoars ago attracted such Bowmanville - phione 467 ________________ -sale on Saturday, April 10, at 1:-30 ngodcdio, odtrsadeacodn htth ere a1a CALF for vealing. Austin Woodingocndtnodtread Bowanvlle Phno 388 15 î~p.m.. all her housebold effeets, 1in sak- bda LlydCrgo R. mstd.,,î,theitiiiiiiiiIIlIIIlWlIItIIIIIIlIUII1t19~ ______________Phne_2388_._15-_ cluding bedmoom, kitchen and liv -___bod. Loyd____ _____2,__scci HORSE or team aof horsos. Phono ing raaom fumnishings; dishes: floor Bawmanvilie. 15-l* _ - -____ 2661. 15-1 coverings. etc.: alsa ail brooder BROODER bouse; xire turkey Z _______________________and quantity of wall board, Termis pen: fattening pen. Apply Phîlîp THIRTEEN young pigs. Taylor cash. Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer; Schwarz, R.R. 3, Bawnmanvil1e,~~O and Hall. Phone 2402. 15-1* Themon Mountjay, dclk. 15-1 phono Oshawa 491 %vll11. 15-1- CONIDENCE BL ASE O PERFORMANCE TRIO of Mallard ducks. Ready Wood Sale-I have ben author- THREE-pièecaIl velour chester-Uo h hraitmsstefi ta lay. Jack Purdy, Jackman Rd. ized ta seil by public auction on field suite, practically new. Au- I consîth oracompoundintegful Bowmanville, Ont. 15-1 Saturday, April 1Oth, at 1 p.m. ply 212 King St. E., Bowmanville : osklltyfr o p hsi- BLACK horse, rising eight years for Victor Poacock ont the north or phono 2698. 15-1* prescr~>~ ipdie. Thi s epsiit nid, 1400 lbs., gaod work horse. half of Lot No. 3, Concession No. Ë'FRW cosve Chta -Jndics.Tsrsplibiy W. G. Wery, phone 2 wh5it9eTw hpo Drintn ~î EN W aoksvvtove, h cfoeuho ;epas his duty ta the sick 7-___15-____ haîf mile east of the Long SaulI and reservoir, nearly new. Byron - md inîiîmed and bis skill and QUIET well-broken team of Clyde Chur-ch and one haif mile north, ae eom 8tge mares, four and five yeams aid, ail the hardwood tops and logs Nesbitt, Enniskillen. Phone 2468. inioNIedge hv eoeitgn fotîrteen hundmed lbs. each. Phono flot fit foi lumber, on about 10 __1- parts of every prescription. The Oshawa 3423.11. 15-1 * acres. To be sold in 1/4 acre lots O-NE barse drawn raw crop ta- - unqtîegtioning confidence placed THRE eg.vacintmoJese or less, srme to be emnoved bacco or potato spralyer, wîth in himhy «vil ss'hom he serves ix THRE re. vcciate Jeseyby June 30th. 1949. Terms Of boom. in good condition, cheap. Ijc ulcin ftef;ifi heifers, bred. Two ta freshen soon. sale. cash. C. Pcthick. auctioneer. AppI:' Brookdale Kingsway Nur7- atrcrleioîoth fihîi Quantity of good hay, aIra a Johni -1î.* cis cei ..R tton 42performncne of bus prýofosîmnIlal stan Jiffy chicken pieker. Apply , ies duties..Stton 1- Harold Farder, Blackstock. 15-1 1 base been authorized ta sel] COOK stove. almost nesvý. witb re- bv public auctian for Mms. C. A. servoir. Maris pockot watcb a YORKSHIRE s0w witlh 9 pigs ac i-elow, Lot 11, Con. 6, Darling- found, alsa spare tire and ss-heel. M hcde"Balby" week oud. Also Seenader batter.ysutotTrn ApyJ.M ui,28Bo S, radoingod oniton ad ol- Mi, n avers Road) on Wed- after 6 p.m. .15-1* aaua aI Grath, R.R. 3, Bowmanvilic. 15-1w YOUNG toam of horses. rising 5 andl 6, sveigbt between thirtoen and tourtoon hundred poundcs, good sinîgle or double. Kenneth HuIsi, Orono, phono 5 r 3. 15-f NEW set of team hamness; York- sbire sow, due iin three weeks; ton Yorkshire pigs, seven weeks nesday, April 14, a quantity of household furnishings, including bedroom furniture, tables, chairs, dishes, cooking utensils, lamps, sealers, washing giachine, cook- stave and many other articles too numerous ta mention. Anyone wishing ta put fumniture in this saie may do so by contacting the auctianeer. Terrns cash. Elmer Wilbur, aucetioneer. 15-1 umrm. ElIUU ..AUUobbeick, paunie 1224 Cl.amke. 15-1 There wiIl-lbe. affered for sale at 1i.10 b;as is late residence, King St. W. 1PERCHERON gelding, 5 i ea f oyer teMiil Bridge) tebouse- old.170 Ib.; lsoauto-trac;, will hoid fuiniture of the lete George ,seli or trade anc or bath for good Gilbert. Sale wiIl include two mixed grain seed. Phione 2993. jedroomn suites; parlar suite; 14gramophone and records (good); GENERAL pumpose bey mare, 7 odd tables and chairs; dressers; years old. Approxirnateiy 130 Gurney cookstove (nearly new); lbs. Will seIl or trade far live- couch; toilet sets; Iamps; dishes; stock. Phone 671 Bowmianville, feather mattress and piliows; kit- aftcr -5 p.m. and ask for Harold chen uitensils: 2 lawn mawems, and Moore. 15_1 numneraus other articles. AIra in- cluded in this sale wiIl be a I-cge GREY Percheron horse, rising 6 quantity of fumniture and dishes yea rs, stands 15-3, weight 1400 fmom another good town bhouse, ini- lbs.; brown gelding. 7 years oid, cluding mahogany dining roorn 1400 lbs.; gcoy mare, four vears suite; several dress:ers- sideboard; oid. 1500 lbs.; also M.-H . steel chest of drawers; hall seat and coller. two drunms. ini good candi- i mirror. Sale at 1:30 p.m., Satur- 1 ion, ail Inew 'bcaritngs. Lamne day. April 17th. Temms cash. Wm. Griffin. Bîîr-keton, phone 165 r 2. J. Challis. auctioneer; T. S. Port Pcrry. 13-1* Mountjoy, cierk. 13-2 CHEVROLET '38 haif ton pane]' truck in Al condition, will not bri: appreciated until seen; '33 Dodgc, sedan; '29 Ford coach. Cash. trade-in or easy terrns. Art's Gar-. age, Hampton, phone 2148. 15-l* STRAWBERR'Y plants-Premnier (new qtock) $i.50 per hundiredi; Catskill. (great favnriteb $2 per hundred; also raspberrv caiie5. Latham, medium size, 2c each. A. Laird, Maple Grave. Phone 2109. 15-2 STORE fixtures. Sahid ash top, ail varnish finish, centre aisile counter, size twelve feet long. 3F'. inches wide, 33 Inehes high , ith six drawers Itx27xl6; aira other, smaller counters. Ward's Stor e.1 Oshawa, phone 982. 15-1i __________________.__.-__i BABY bed, modern commode chair, swan rocker, baby swing, man's suit and spring coaL.ýsize 37. electric >heater, double soring mattress, carbon sunshine !amp. Mason and Risch piano, tenor ban- jo, 67 Concession. Phone 545. 15-1w Enough steel nails wcre macle here last year ta supply every resident with an eighth of a keg. ,RcXalM oth Co1 l ~ nîrol I,.îtUud wilil prntret yaur garnîenl's. 'Kills elothes math.s or "does not %tain eiothing * non-pnisonnux * non- Inflammable 16 fluld ouncrs 95e EÏlkays , Motit Fume (ry-sfals mai' be used in a vacuum 153C $2.55 $1.29 r25C 49e c lb. 49r. C69e dlean er. 1 1l). 5 Ilhs. l'arvex 83C.S WVoods Math Cakes 15c, Math Tox Nlath Baîls 25C Dep Tee %lath C(rystals lb..- Sprayers -- 3---- I>ui saif Diaper L nin gsç 200s s3..1 <astaria 33r, 69C Essence of Peppermint 1 oz. 25V .Iohnqnn'.s Baby Soap cake 20e tJnhinsons B aby 011 60, 1.10 Johnson's Borated Baby Povder 28e, 55r Niead'q. Dextri Maltose- 65r Slork Nurser Bahv Bottles, eaeh Specials 25r, jar Noxzema only 19e $I Eversharp Schlck Injector Razor:, 12 Ever- sharp Sehlek Blades; 1 (olgate Shave (Crem Ail Thrce for onîy 98e JURY & LOVELL YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE Mhen We Test Yaur Eyes It Is Donc Properly P'hone 778 C.N.R. Tickets M BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, CARDS 0F THANKS - $1.00 per lnseeiton rN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus 10e a lune for verses peîiinsertion NOTICES, COMING :VENTS, ARTICLES FOR SALE. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, WANTED, ETC. ýash Rate: 2c a word (min. 35c). Must be paid before insertion If Charc:d: 3c a wod (minimum 50c). ArId 25e extrr for box numbers or replies dlrected ta this office. Experienced HeIp Wanted hosiery loopers MUST BE experienced Experienced Opierators van earn 75c la 90c an hr. Write Box No. 47 IN ('ARE 0F THE Canadian Stalesman r").'I.NVI..lONT. Àý M CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTAp.10 PAGE THMTEIN APrTT, Sth, 1948 . 1

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