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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Apr 1948, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIL.LE, ONTARIO Impressive Masonic Radio Music Charmis -SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Service Held At Skunks SeiiingI n e66'Si.. John's Church Up Housekeeping I Mr. Don Mason, Toronto spent Mr. and Mrs. Chàrles E. Boun- Members of the congregation Seeking a suitable spring story the weekend with his mother, sali, 'Tom and Ted, Milton, spent and friends from town and afar1 in accord with the balmy sprinZ Mrs. C. H. Mason. the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. gathered in St. John's Anglican 1 weather, the editor investigated Mis Gads Jmiso, WndorGusBonsil Church by 6:30 p.m. on Sna a story which credited a local NEssGlads Jaieso, Wndso i Gs Bonsal. ýevening ta worship with the!I resident with using his radio toc was a recent visitor with her Mo- Mr. Alec Lyle, Town Clerkwasi members of the Masonie Lodges evict a colony of skunks that had ther, Mrs. R. M. Jamieson. 1 n Toronto, Friday night, attend-j of this district. Many of neces- taken up domestic quartiers un-S Miss Jeanne Bond enjoyed lier: ing a reunion of the l9th Batta- sit, worshipped in the Parish der his summer kitchen. The 1 e Easter holidays visiting relatives1 lion, C.E.F. Hall adjoining the churh n humor had ail the, color, even the t In Toronto. 1 Col. R. J. Gi, Brockville, and withi the aid of a sound sste pungency of.a first class tale, sa Miss Aileen Gibbs, Oshawa, his son, Mr. Charlie Gill, Hunts- 1 were able ta take part in the ser-I we motored ta the alleged scenea É ,pent thie weekei.îd with hier par- ville, were in town a couple days vice. jto éither prove or disprove theb ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Gibbs. last week renewing acquaintances. 'A beautiful setting of spring unusual circumstance. tý Mr. Don Ferguson, Toronto, "To Lorraine, wîth love from flowers on the altar and in the As it turned out we found thed qpent the weekend with his par- Mom, 1944" is engraved on a sul- sanctuary, placed there in mem- occupant of the. Louse ta be an i ent, r.an Ms. . erusn. ver locket turned in to The States- ory of Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie and old friend whose veracity is en- a ent, D. ad Ms. . Frguon. man office somie time ago. Owner Mr. Geddes, by loving relatives, tirely beyond question. And the il Mr. Stuart Ferguson, Toronto, please call.I provided the sacred and revèrent story in all its essentials ttlrned n spent the weekend with his mo- ther. Mrs. T. H. Everson, Oshawa, atrnosphere for those Masons and out to be true. Just ta be exact Mis RthTefor, r.~.R.who feli recently at hier home and friends who came toa orshp their the drama occurred at the home r MisseRuPth eorug, sp.nt.the fractured her collar bonie, is pro- God, 'the great architect' in a of Herb Wakelin, St. George St.,v wdeete bio r.uhan rsth essn aoalyi saacorporate service. Bowmanville. We quote his state- ii wekedwihMr ndMs Ho gespitg al. ayi Ohw His Lordship, Bîshbp Wright of ment just as hie told it: A. Eger.Hosptal.th e Diocese of Algoma and Grand "One evening 1 saw a nicely A. ndr. L. .eisiv Misses Lena Taylor, Ileen Bal- Chaplain o! the Masonic Order, striped skunk over by the neigh- M.anhod Mrs. . en str son and Helen Pritchard attend- chaîîenged ail present to "the Call bor's fence. I watched it ap- Dashwood. pretseeke nd guess ed the Oak Lake Camp Reunion of the Masons today." His text proach my kitchen and disappear. withk hellpares, M.adMs at Welcome United Church on Fni- was from the feedîng o! the Five 1 had ieft a board off for my cai r.an d iiiMs. adHfmn day evening. Thousand and "What are these to get in and out under the floor.' n.re and Jmms, WarnHofman, Murray Larmer and fiend Har- among sa many?" Lo and behoid the skunk went v ASndryeasnd imy, Tropnto, ry McCay, Peterborough, spent He pointed out that the Masons, in and out o! the aperture. Won- Mn. and Mrs. Geo. W. James. the weekend with the former's by their order could supply that dering how tabby would receive t] parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Larmer, link between man and God. The it I went out and there I saw two a Miss Yvonne Martin, secretai'y Scugog St. world's greatest need is God and skunks peering out of the hole." J. A. Riddell Co., Toronto. was a Mr. Lorne Plummer, druggist, the Masons were peculiarly fitted 'What to do? The radio was post-Easter visitor with Muriel son of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Plum- to supply the requirements in on so I had a* brain wave and a Dunni. mer, Bowmanville, has been el- building this world as laid down brought the radio to the spot andd ected a director o! Port Hope Ro- by their 'great architect.' They tuned in a snappy bit of jazz. b tary Club for the coming year. practise the alleviation of the suf- Whether that was the reason or fi Mr. and Mrs. Alan Knight and fering of humanity. This wvas not the pair of skunks were soon b son, John Thomas, Sarnià, visited done materially by sending food cavorting about the yard. Then ii Mrs. J. W. Knîght, at Mr. and parcels to Bitain, giving aid ta I hastened to nail a board overa IMrs. Dick Metcalf's home, Toron- the widow and orphans to the ex- the hole. That shut off their r ta. ~tent of $150000 in the past year. housekeeping ideas under my kit-d Rev. J. E. Griffith, as chairman A Mason must be faithful to his chen." of the Oshawa Presbytery of the church and a true and negular "But what do you imagine!! UniedChrchofCaada pesd-worshipper of his Lord. That is Next morning I heard a scratch-r Ued at he coanaservicesio! real religion and gives effective- ing and nemoved the board, theni Nore th th a Unervhichs o ness ta the work of Masons. Io and two beholds, still another SNdh a aUitd.uho In keeping with this theme the skunk xvas fourid peering out.r f nteriot Sndy choir added ta the worship in The sanie treatment, a Hollywood Iý Walls, CeilingL. Miss Nora Kersiake, Toronto; singing the anthem '"Seek Ye the jazz tune, apparentiy had the keyd Croam îvo.y Mr .and Mrs. Don Cameron, Hay- Lord," Mrs. G. Harle taking the ta the situation and skunk No. 3 Pocch don;, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sop- solos. wandered off in search of hi st Polo r.. er, Mr. Otto Madsen, Bowman- Rev. J. dePencier Wright was, companions. That's all there is tac Shili Pink Downey, Base Line. by Worshipful Master L. Clemens turned." 2" IYvomv Sunthine Yellov Oliver Roberts received con- and District Deputy Donald Gib- This is how we heard it. and Forgt-m.-not Blue gratulations from his colleagues son in reading the lessons of the as we say we can vouch 100 per * oid White in Wood's Senate, Saturday, on day. cent for the truthfulness of our being reappointed Weed Inspec- friend Herb.t tor for Bowmanville at a hand-a 'LEVMrNO RURoMRKent anJackson, reae.T ulip Time Dance i- 1"Prf. nd"rsBRoyrtClubonSECOND TROOP 0F SCOUTS visitors with Mrs. Jackson's un-15VSSCAP AMC I il HGlze cIe, Jack Miller and their cousin " On Saturday afternoon and ev- H Canda'sBeet Leola Miller, King St. The vis- Scores Bi g Success nigsvnenby !t e:c Fast drying, leaves no brush marks. For woodwork, walls and ceillngs. use "Intenlor Gloss" and "'Velvet" in matching shades A MAXIMUM COVERAGr, wtth A MINIMUM 0F EFFORT For Furniture use FOUR-HOUR ENAMEL Produces a beautiful, high *glass, finish easily kept dlean For Floors use FLOOR ENAMEL A bard finish, long wearig produet in a wide range o! shades. J. W. JEWELL '«BIG 201, PHONE 556 27 King St. W.. Bowmanvllle itors are baiM univensity research experts with the United States government. Mr. Rabt. Corbett, until necent- ly, editor o! The Cobourg World, when it was amalgamated with the Sentinel-Stan, bas been ap- painted editor o! the Wbitby sec- tion o! the Oshawa Times-Ga- zette. Bob is son o! Mn. and Mns. W. P. Conbett o! this town. Brig. O. Welbounn o! The Sal- vation Army, a neturned mission- ary, will give same interesting stories o! bis wonk and expeni- ences at a Missionary Service to be beld in St. Paul's United Cburcb qon Tuesday evening, Apnil 13 at 8 p.m. Annual meeting a! the Oshawa Presbyteny Woman's Association, will be held in King St. United Chunch, Oshawa, on Thunsday, Apnil 15. Mrs. N. R. Fallis, vice president, Dominion Woman' s As- sociation Council1, United Chuncb. Toronto, wiIl be guest speaker. Mrs. Pegg o! Oshawa wihl be the guest soloist. Registration will begin at 10:30 ar. When tillage begins, other arts foliow. The fanmers, therefore, are the founders o! civilization.- 1 Daniel Webster We think aur cîvilization nean its meridian, but we are yet only at the cock-crowing and the morning star-Emerson Wise distrust and cons t a n t jwatchfulness are the parents o! safety.-Secker ALL FURNITURE REDUCED TO CLEAR STUDIO ('OUCH SUITES, 3 pleces ln velour. At leading stores for $169.00. On sale $__~139.00 SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES Reg. S34.50 for -- ------ ------- $25.50 WALNUT VENEER BEDROOM SUITES, 4 pleees $40 regular $250.00. To clear at ---------- ---- -- 1 9 0 WALUTFINISH BEDROOM SUITE, 3 pleces.$95 Regular $139.50. On sale at----------------------- $ 9 5 IVIHITE OR XATURAL FINISH KITCHEN SET.$75 Regular $99.50. On sale - .--- ..$95 MfURPHY'S APPLIANCE AIND FURNITURE STORE Fhone 811 57 King St. W. Another season o! Club 15 dances bas been tabulated in the dianies of those wbo appreciate a good time in Bowmanville. The now famous decarations have donc their job o! cneating an at- mosphere o! gaiety and have been packed away for use at some fu- ture date. "Tulip Time" went off witb a bang last Friday nigbt. Good time, good music and good food combined ta make ane o! the best daW'es o! the season. ray Fry and Stew Ferguson danced their way ta a lucky spot prize as did Mr. and Mrs. James Barclay, and later on in the eve- ning, Mr. and Mns. Walt Dixson won a prize generausly donated by Jimmy Marn. Mrs. Sun Crago won the prize for holdingi the lucky dance prograni. Just about midnight the popu- lar club president, Mrs. Russell Oke. said a very sincene "Tbank you" ta all who have made the Club 15 dances such a success and expressed the hope that next yean would give more oppotunity ta bave fun by sponsoring more dances. And alI this just fon fun? Not on yaur life! The entire proceeds o! Tulip Time were donated ta, the CommVinity Council. PS.-Dan Cupid who is a regu- ian attendant at Club 15 dances really scored a bull's eye when during thé evening the engage- ment o! Miss Evelyn Parninder and Mn. Jack Large was announc- ed and fnom the star filled eyes a! the young fny it wasabiu ta sec the same wene under the influence o! a "Double Whamy" (apologies ta AI Capp). TRINITY W.M.S. April meeting o! Trinity W M S. was held in the Sunday Schýoo room on ADril 6. President, Mrs. Charles Wight, was in "the chair and conducted the business . Sec- netary, Mrsq1 A. S. Baker nead a' letter from Japan tbanking the society for box o! food sent. Miss Florence Werry and her group had charge o! the worship periad. Mrs. G. E. Pritchard sang, a solo. which wvas much enjoyed. I Mrs. A. Baker gave a short chap-!, ter o! the study book. Mns. Angus Cameron, as guest speaker, gave a very interesting talk on social, ecanomic and poli- tical conditions in South Africa. Sinpr Sewing- MACHINES gl "M Repairs for any make sewl.,nt machines. Free estimates. Used Machines bought & sold. Electric Machines available for rent or sale write or phone SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY *47 IValton St., Port Hope Phone Port Hope 1015WV (Our representative cailsi n *Bowmanvllle every Thursrlay) ond Bowmanvile Scout Tnoop journeyed ta Camp Samac for the weekend, occupying one o! the cahins thene. They wene under the leadership of Scoutmaster Bent, of Fourth Troop and who is also helping Second. Arriving at Camp the boys set out to secure wood and to make up beds and suppers. After sup- per they had as their visitors, the Fifth Oshawa Scout Troop. They sang sangs and Mr. Bent told a ghost story. The rest a! the Bow- manville Scouts. arrived witb ,Denis Pickard, wbo was unable to stay for the weekend. After a ligbt lunch. the boys started ta retire anaund 10:30 and around three or four hours laten, they fell asleep. 1Breakfast was compieted with many varied dishes and the by enjoyed four gamnes of "Flags." After dinner was prepared and eaten the Scouts cleaned up and waited around for the cars ta take them home! Visitars at the camo wene Lloyd Winnacatt, Mr. and Mrs. Ott and daughten. The Scout Association would like ta thank the following men for their co-operation in getting the boys in and out: Frank Jam- ieson. John James, Walt DeGeer, Sidney Venton and Mr. Ott. Churches ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCU Rev. J. deP. Wright, Rector Mn. R. G. Harle, Organist Second Sunday after Ester 8 a.m.-Holy Communion 10 a.m.-Sunday Sehool and Bible Class Il a.m.-Holy Communion Subjeet: "The Christian in the Wiiness Box" Nursery 2 years and aven. 7 p.m.-Evensong. Subjeet: "New Men for a New World" TRINITY UNITED CHURÇH Ministen: Rev. J. E. Griffith Organist: Mn. W. E. C. Wonkman Sunday, April llth 11 a.m.-"Our Share o! Hardtsbip"', 7 p.m.-'The On-Going Li!e in! India" i a.m.-The nursery Junior churcb 2:30 p.m.-Sunday Sehool THE SALVATION ARMY Major Florence Williams Capt. Evelyn Willett 1 Sunday, April llth Brig. and Mrs. O. Welbour ne- Lurned missionanies, will be con- ductirg the Sunday Services at; t.he Salvatian Army, Division St. The Brigadier has been a mis-! sionary for the past 23 years. Duning the Second Wonid Wan he spent three years un a Japanese Concentration Camp. On Tuesday, Apnil 13. at 8 pi. a miissionany service wiill be held in St. Paul's United Church when Bnîg. Welbourn -will give sanie ýnteresting stonis The Bowm&nville Community Council is presentirig a Hobby Show in the Lions Community Centre on Thursday, Fniday and Saturday, Apnil 15-16-17. The show will be open to the public each afternoon and evening on the above dates. Displays and demonstrations o! ali the hobby groups that have been active dVring the past win- ter will be shown. A special art lisplay by the Art Gallery o! To- ronto will be on hand and also a large display o! Canadian weav- ing by the Department of Plan- ning and Development. Tea will be served each after- noan and evening. No admission wiii be charged and everyone is invited ta attend. BIRD HOUSE COMPETITION Entry blanks for the finst an- nual Bird House Building Campe- tition, sponsored by the Bowman- ville Community Council are available from Mn. M. Slute at the Public School and Recreation- al Directon Bart Smithson at the Lions Commnunity Centre. The cantest is open ta allboys and girls 16 years o! age and un-1 der, as of March 31, 1948 and will1 be divided unta tbnee gnoups as fo'lows: Senior foi" boys or girls between the ages o! 14 and 16, ntenmediate for 1l ta 13 yeans and Junior for those wbo havei not yet neached their llth birth- day. Valuable pnizes will be given in each gnoup. AIl bird bouses m~ust be at the Lions Commun- .ty Centre by 1:30 p.m. on Thuns- day, Apnil 15. Judging will take pilace Thunsday evening and ail bird bouses will be on display durin-g the Hobby Show. Any buildens visbing ta seli thein bird houses may set their own price and offen tbern for sale during the show. Men are not ta be judged by their looks, habits, and appear- ances; but by the chanacter o! tbein lives and conversations, and by thein voices.-L'Estnange. The fruit o! the Spirit is love, ioy, peace, iong-suffering, gentle- riess, goodness, faith, meekness, temoenance: against such thene is no law.-Galatians 5:22,23 Alex We Deliver I. HROBIBY SHfOW lrsfm lals 1 ecenio aa w..0ar Thur"day, APrIl 1 7:30 p.m.-Tennis Club Executive!, Meeting, at Lions Community! Centre. I n Tune for Spring IDAPH OS------------------- [DATONE ---------------------- ------PRESCRIPTONS A SPECIALTY McrGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store FOR IGHTR - OR EDERE mum .'L rimm § K l ,W % j s =à Friday, April 9 ~I~..±I' 2:30 p.m.-Opening Annual On- 1 tario Recreation Conference at Oshawa. Saturday, April 10 8:30 p.m.-Teen Town, at HigbiJno B sebl School.JuirB ke al Tuesday, April 13 Team Wins Firsi ip.m.-Leathercraft Class, Lions ! Community Centre.: Game From Nananee Thursday, April 14r 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.-Hobby Bowmanville Juniors beat Nap- Show, Lions Community Cen- anee at the B.H.S. gym last Sat- tr. Friday, April 15 unday, 33-24 in the first o! home 2 ta 5 p.m. and 7 ta 9 p.m.-Hobbyjanhoeamspitsacut Show, Lions Community Cen- for the Eastern Ontaria Cham- tre. pionship, which is aiso ail On- 8:15 p.m.-Ray Dudley Concert taria semi-finals of the OBA. Recitai. High Scbool. The winner o! this senies will Saturday, April 16 meet Amhcrstburg for the Ontar- 2 ta 5 p.m. and 7 ta 10 p.hi.-Hob- îo title. b y Show, Lions Community Itwsaft notewhh Centre.gaîned momentum as the game -prognessed. Napanee flooned a Improvement Made iuil team of 12, whereas Bowman- 2 Hihwayville used but eight players. At To No. b ih a al! time the score sheet read 12- ________9 for the locals. Althaugb nia extension o! the dual highway, east o! Oshawa, is cantemplated at the present time, the Ontario Depantment o! High- ways last faîl taok steps ta ne- mave several bad curves in the Newcastle-Newtonville anea. At Curve Inn, west o! Newcas- tle, gnading bas been done for the construction o! a new noad ta el- iminate the double cunve. Tbe new noad will nun ta the narth a! the present bighway and connect with the aId road at the bottom o! the bill, just west a! the cneek. West o! Newtonville, the High- ways Depantment bas gnaded ta the south o! the present raad through a gravel pit. Tbis will eliminate another "S" cunve. An- othen major pnoject is the remov- ah o! a double curve and the eut- ting down a! a hill east a! New- tonville. None o! the new stretches o! road have reached the stage when paving can be dane, aithough it is passible this will be donc this year as ail the new sections have been gnavelled. In the second bial! 1t was a ding dong affain and the score kept \'ery close. Towand the end of the gamne the locals took complete control, and thnough their supenior speed stanted ta draw ahead. Hodgson popped in four fast baskets at this point, made possible by some very smootb passing plays and expert baIl handling hy the nest o! the teani. Napanee were trying des- perately ta hning the score dloser, but Bowmanville's defence held theni off. The final score was 33 ta 24. l'or Bowmanville-G. Hodgson with 10, A. Buckspani 6, T. De- Geer 5, W. Rundle 4, D. McGee and Bihl Dadson 3 each, M. Tamn- blyn 2, Phiilips. For Napanee, Elliott was top with 10, Allison and Finlay were next xith four each. The locals travel ta Napanee Apnil 7 for the neturn game. If tbey win the round the final game here wilh be with Amhienst- bung April 17 for the Ontario Championship. .UkIPJL~~~UU~E 14 The Siaiesman Sold Ai Following Stores Dyen's Drug Store, Newcastle D. G. Waiton's, Newcastle W. C. Lane & Son, Newtonville 1T. M. Siemon, Ennisklllen F. L. Byam. Tyrone G. A. Banron, Hampton Wm. Hackwood, Pontypool H. T. Saywell, Blackstock W. J. Bagneil, Jury & Lovel J. W. Jewell, W. J Berry and C. B. Tynrel. Orono The Siatesman Office. Franklin D. Roosevelt ieft pro- penty valued at about $12,000 ini Campbell's Island, New Bruswick. EUREKA VACUUM CLEANERS 110W on display Ted Woodyard' Appliance Store BOWMANV1LLE Cor. King and Silver and at ORONO s es Sts. Fuilendly Personal Service - Lowest Prices KLEENEX I.D.A. SPECIALS for this weekend A.B.S. & C. Tablets 100's --71 Almgnd Lotion ------- 37e! AIum Powder, 4 oz. 8e Analg-esie Balm, tube -,-----le Baby Cream ---------37e Camphorated 011. 3 oz. PACKAOU 0FP la- I300 tissues 63/" x9'# 20O r tissues 9" x 10" 2 for 35e MANS SIZE 12"xl2" 2 9c MAC LEAN STOMACiP OWDER SURPRIE!! YuIl be surpnised at the dazzling natural bnilliance nf your teeth when you useI Macleans. Helps remove and surface 23e 1B'L I9 RE1 EN TH.E PEFECT H I. ESN jTUBE IT'S NEW ýMEAD'S Pabena Oatmesl Cereal for babies . . - 45e NewLoner lsick $2.O GIN Pis AIka Seltzer- 29c, 57c Frosst's 217 Tablets 35c, 75e, $1.50 Phensie Tablets - - - ---ý25c a a 1 COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES, 100's - ----------73e COD LIVER OIL BD.P. Standard, 16 oz.---------- -63e VITAMIN BI TABLETS, 100's, 300's ---- 29e, 59e AYERST ALPHAMETTES-------. $1.00 to $15.0 BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS ----------$1.09 DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD ----------69e, $1.79 Ve FELLOW'S SYRUP ---- .------ --- --- - ----89c, S1.39 HORLICK'S MALTED MELK -------- 48e, 97e IRONIZED YEAST TABLETS ------- ---- - 98e NATURES REMEDY 23c, 45e, 89c OVALTINE ---------- - ----------- 38c, 58c, 98e S.COTT'S EMULSION ---------- - - -, WAMPOLE'S PHOSPHO LECITHIN W INCARNIS -- ----------- IDAFER $1.15, $3.45, 16 oz. -- 59c, $1.19 $1.00 $1.47 $1.25 $1.0 Toilef Tissue I.D.A. Bran 4 roi!. ------ ------ 29 Hot Waier Boufle "«Utillty' 73e Rtei. 89e - Pabi um T AKE 18 oz. carton ----- - - 13 9 Modess or Koiex 4fr Drugs Phone 792 THURSDAY. APRIL Sth, 1948 Casor il 4 z - -- ---- ---18e AKleen-Or Tooth Powder ---23e Milk of Magnesia 16 and 32 oz. --- -- . - 27c, 49e Oil of Wintengreeii (synth.) 19c Psyllium Seed, 1 lb. - -47e Syrup Wliit2 Pine and Tar 19e 33c, 2 for 65c; $1.23 Lantigen "B" for sinus, 'e. $60 bottie ----- $60 C_- - - - - - - - - - - a plo

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