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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1948, p. 10

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TEX CANADLAIÇ STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLEONTAIO _________ ___________ ?USAYAPRMiUL 11948I m. aside from, thi nspired orat- oty of the guest speaker, worthy of special mention, that It- be-. came difficuit to assign thic Oscar ln the. subsidiary field. However, we believe if -wlll be agreed that i H glghiIntroduction- Rf Native Son .1 Rotary Club Feto To say that he is a native and Bowmanville brings immedia honor ta this community. He w Porm eof înetim na ndeed, born here on CentreS Prora me Eneraimetin humble but inspiring sron IeWCaSil ings. His grandfather, Steve Co e- ton, owned the land on whichv Ile C MMIg ify Iallnow sit. I should mention hei than plans have been formulait to have Harold's birthplacc r Oflstored for posterity within a pi ket fence so that hundreds4 1948 years ec ii nsfo WEIDUUUYi APIRIL 21si thraughtout the nvrem make their annual trek to vie "The Home of Harold Gully" I li u:uu p.m. a small admission charge of 29 to defray expenses. E VERYBOD.Y WELCOME He showedsome sigIs fb liance even when avoiding i scholastic studies in aur local plac * es of learning. One of the item W taken from his autobiography, yE ta be written, concerns his lac' of physical prawess and his sharî mental processes. His s c h oo HOWýý.RD HýAN OCKprincipal was a man of brawi MASSEY-fARRIS DEALER frequent lectures ta Harold, h, berated him for his lack of streng BOWM N VILLE th and boasted that when he wa Harold's age he could pick a 201 lb. man off the floor, put him oveý his head and hurl him 15 fee through the air. Harold's repI3 W. learn. to talk and to walk. pasa our exams at mehool. make aur tintt mIllion, W. corme Rotarians. We have first chlld or we help scmt who is les fortunate thani selves. Each time we undergo such experience we rejosce inwai and feed that, after all, we reaily getting somewhere a: the road ta success. It has been my deep safisfaci during my steps up Uic laddej have had Uic thrill cf introduc several famous people fa la and small audiences. Such r pie as Sir Gerald Campbell, B ish High Commissioner to Can and others of like calibre w enceuntered during that elemi ary training period-all of fh progressive points in a progr and education designed fow fthc pînnacle cf achievement fthc priviloge of being selcctec introduce Harold Gully, our*gu speaker for tonight. This personage who will dress you shortly - after I tlirough with him-îs a man cf numeraile capabilities, a c c o plishments and experiences. is the living embodiment of si cral famous personalties. In h we find the humanitarianism Elburt Hubbard, the humer Will Rogers, thc nasal twang Frcd Allin, flic haircut of Padei wski, the writing ability of Bi Rose, the oratory of Meighen Gladstonc, plus al the ailmei known ta flic medical professi( the following biographical. data Not fthc leest Of the. manY bril- on Mr. Gully as presented by Rot- liant efforts that characterized arien John M. James, was really thec Progran t tthe anuelLadesone of the hlghlights of thec- Nlght ban% an al casion. IHere is Mr. Gully as een nvmai ue ta ban uton» by onie cf his staunchest adniirers: &wy night, wuiche ntroducfion of Preuident ML 1idien and gen- the gust speaker, Harpld M. Gui- tlemen: lY, TorOnto. To the hard-boiled, During a liletinie, most of us ljnaentlmental reporter aslgnced experience nmny Uirilling inci- to cOver Uic affair for tic Press, dents whlch eve us a feeling of there were 80 ManY short addres- satisfaction and accomplishment. LUwO HEITISPHERES' somewhat higher than It other- wise would be. What is certain is that no amount of profiteering 4:fl -. ~ll4 :4can increase the cost of living as ~* ~ nuch as this, is increased by Gov- errnment spending. Wrhy do flot the Government and Parlaimert:tart by investigating ebe- our »one our- h an trdiy arc long 'tioxr r tc îing arge peo- krit- ada vere cnt- hem ram ard 1ta uest OB.JECT 0F EDUCATION (Orillia Packet and Times) The primai-y abject cf cducafian should be fa produce cifizens wif h character-te turn ouf young men and womcn imbucd wifh a seri- eus sense cf lite and ifs dufies; fa dcveiop a love of lcarning fliat wili induce them te continue their awn education with grawing ar- dour aff ci-lcaving scliool: te stim- ulate rcalizafipn cf obligation ta fli cocmmunif and ta the coun- fry, first arouscd by a sfrcng spir- it cf scheci loyalfy; and fa incul- cafe Uic basic virtues cf lioner, trufli and lioncsty. To this end flic pupils musf study sulijects fliaf will give fhem a knowlcdge cf and respect for flic tbought and achievements cf flic past, and thaf wili feacli fhcm fa fhink iogically and act consistenfly, as wcll as ccnscicntiousiy. Equipped with a citizcnry of this character, Can- ada can face flic future witli con- fidence that lier people wili be equal te wliatever prohlcms or emergencies they may be callcd upopn te face. Wc would repeaf flic warning cf Uic disfînguislied president cf Chicago University: "Ail oflier educafion is wasted if moral cdu- cation fails." )e." be- the ýck and )me :ed )re- tect or our ng ed the he her )s- iad ne iad the ,a red He ta nm. ;as an Id, 0 get was "Sure, 15 feet down a ho]t in. Versatile Youth mn- Affer his scliooing was coi He plcted, Harold decided Uiatb cv- cause he had been born on t] him ground floor, ho should go bai of ta fthc land se lie tricd his hai cf at farming. This lastcd for son cf time until flic cattle organiz4 ýre- fbemsclves inta a union and pr IlY senfcd an ultimatum ta the cffe or thaf ciflier Harold had fa goi 'ns they would. io. Next on flic programn for oi liera was a period cf bankir Whcre for five years lic warriE cf a succession cf managers at fI ate Dominion Bank and wbere1 as, learned ta handie money-athi St. pcople's, but not much cf bis. Di id- carding the cold cash as he ha 0ft tossed aside thc furrow, he carr we ta the conclusion that lie ha ere something ta offer direct ta th cd public se he bought a cane, re- straw hat, a pair cf chcckere Ic- pants, some buftaned sliaes an of took ta the stage wberc be ac mI hicved a measure of success. H iay played flic piana, sang sangi ew cracked jokes and "Shufficd offt for Buffalo" with fthc best of therx ý5c One of bis pet jokes which wà aiways good for a iaugh was th al. anc about the irate parent wl il- said "Son, who is the wild womai uis I bear that yau are runninr ic- around with?" To wbich the soi ns rcplied "A'w dad, she ain't wild ret anybady can pet ber." ck Finds Rainbow rp But vaudeville was an the wart oland aur liera, Horatia, alias Ha]ý v.n aid, was quick ta perceive tht lis fact. He remcmnbered bis young. hc er days and bis experience witl 9- Uie cows. He decidcd ta do some- as fhing ta win back the friendshir 0 cf the bovines sa lie entered tbE er dairy business wberc lic could bE etcertain tbat bis aid adversarieE y wouid be sure of sfeady work al gaod wagcs. Starting with City Dairy, lie soan switchcd ta tbe rapidly cxpanding Silverwood's as a vice president whcre lie dciv- cd into relations betwccn fli campany, the cow and flic con- sumer. Whilc there lic coined sucli phrases as 'You can whip aur crcam but you can't beat our milk." Soon, lie was spending fuil time on Public Relations, an oc- cupation lie stili cnjays. During the lafer period cf lis life, be hankercd for a journalistiu sideline ta give vent ta his vigar- ous ideas wbicb bad ne place lr the dairy business. Sa, bis most natural medium was his home- town paper where, under the namne Scribe G, lie acquired a fol- lowing cf liferary luminaries across Canada equai ta thaf cf Dr. Cliasc's Almanac. He aisa pubi- lislicd much materiai in flic Ro- tary Voice, the weekly publica- tien of Toronto Rotary Club and indeed became quite famous for bis jottings. Famcd Lecturer With this brief introduction- and 1 do mean brief because one could go an for liaurs telling cf tbis man's prowss-it mighf be just as well ta close. Harold hlas spoken ta the maie members cf this club ecd year for several ycars an sucb subjccts a.: Athlefe's Foot, Hay Fever, Forging Ahcad in Reverse, B.O. and How to Cure It, Spavins, Fallen Arches and How ta Prevent Dandruff. He is a member cf flic Arts and Letters Club cf Toronto and aise f Duf- ferin Track. During flie war, lic was organizer for flic Victory Loans and was in great dcmand as a pramoter of enthusiasm te increase sales. He is also lianor- ary treasurer of Tarante Rotary Club, plus a dozen and anc other jobs. As a speaker, he operates on flic principle that if a speaker doesn'f strikeoail in the first two minutes, lic may as well stop boring. Now, withauf furtber ado and if Harold is stililihere, may I pre- sent fer your edificafion and en- liglifenmenf aur dear friend whom wc shaîl ask ta remnove bis halo before arising, Harold Gully. cause flic cost of living ta be Business Directory Legal WE'RE INSURANCE-MINDED Over 4.5 million Canadians awn approximafeiy $12 billions cf life insurance and annuifies-equal fa $950 per capita, or $3,800 for a family cf four, says The Finan- cial Post. PARTICULAR ABOUT coffee? Then try Maxwell House. It contains choice Latin-American coffees. Expert Blending com- bines thein ail in a superb Maxwell bouse blend that has extra flavor. Chamber of Commerce productiotheeyudb Urges Tax Reductions Other rcmedtos between the dominion andc il The Canadian Chamber Of Coni- nine provinces. This sliould . b merce urgcd Uic federal govern- 'I satisfactory to Uic Canadian ment te lower taxes and fo cut taxpayer." down on its own spending. 2. Combination of personal lie- The suggestions were made by came and corporation tax *1f0 elh. the Chambcr's executive commit- minate double taxation of corporue tee in a 2,0O{-word statement to ate carnings."1 Finance Minister Abbott and Re- 3. Equal taxation cf ail bueI~ venue Minister McCann. ness whetlier corporation or co- Cuts in personal income and operative, whether prv&tely, corporation taxes did flot "neces- publicly or government-owned. sarily" hclp the spread of infla- 4. An "adequate" allowance f«~ tion. They would encourage depreciation. It should ensure greater production and lessen un- that a business asset-a building it csts. or machinery-'will be fully Reduction cof sales fax, excise written off within its reasonable tax and "other levies cntering di- profitable life." rectly into the cost f production" 5. Postponemnt for "4at leait also should be considered. another year" f Uic date for de. termining whether inventory r-i The Chamber was "in sympa- serves under the Excess Profite tby with" social security measur- Tax Act are no longer rcquired, es but could give n e "blanket en- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dorsation." To apply fao large a part of the national income 'You can lcad a man Info a Itbe. wouid tend ta wipe out the in- ary but yau cannot make hume centive for production. Without think. CARROT CONTROL Family Hcrald and Weekly Star An Oftawa despafch announces that Carrot Contrai is now in force. It got a two column liead- ing an the front page cf at least anc big daiiy newspaper. It was announced with fthc utmosf seri- ousness by a leading member of k Uic Gavernment. If is something te fhink about! Te us, the vcry phrase "Carrot Control" is impressive. We re- member the Steel Çontroller cf the war pcriod, the'Paper Con- troUler, flic Sugar*Controller, the 1. general regimentation dirccting WhatOthes S y te national energies ta winning atotal war. Why did we noi have a Carrot Controller during th, war? DicI aur Govornment THE PUBLIC IS DISIGUSTED shirk a duty there? The Cana- (OriliaPackt ad Ties) dian people have a right ta know (OriliaPackt ad Ties) the trufli of that. How many bat- Thc feud betwcen the Dominion tles were 10st, how many Cana- .and Provincial Governments is dians perished because flic Gov- Sdeveioping inte a scandaI. The ernment was tao weak, toa su- general public bas wafcbed its pine, fa enforce War-time Carrof prcgress wifb grawing disgust, ContraI. some people taking ane side and What was the sinister "'interest" some the other, but aIl agreeing behind fthe scenes that endanger- .that the spectacle was far from ed the nation by preventing Car- cdifying. Gcnerally spcaking, wc rot Control? Whio were the Car- ourselves have feit that thc Pro- roteers-and why werc thcy nof vincial Government's case has confrollcd? heen essentiaily strong. Efforts Those are some cf the questions cf the Dominion Government fa that must be answered and noth- reduce the Provinces ta economic ing less than the appointmenf cf subsidiaries, dependent on doles a Royal Commission on Why nof fram the Federal exehequer, was Carrofs, will safisfy the carrot a fhreafta Provincial autonomy. loving people cf Canada. The weaker provinces were bull- And, with regard ta fthc future, ied into reluctant acquiescence. wc hope that the Government re- But Ontario happened ta be alizes its full responsibility for strang enougli financially ta re- Canadian Carrots. Who is the Car- sist effectively, and thc Govern- rot Controller going ta lie? Em- ment appeared ta us ta 'be justi- phafically, this must flot be a pal- fied in doing so. ifical appointment. Some pronm- The O n t a'r i a Govcrnment's mnent Canadian must be appoint- schcmc for bringing Brifish set- cd witli a pro minent salary-and tIers inta Ontario was a refresb- anc who has carrots af bis finger- ing picce of well thouglit aut and tips. and if possible, in bis hair. wcll administered immigratioi There muîst bc a Carrot ContraI default cf a national poianm eBo ard with full powers fa bandie shaîl be sarry ta sec the plan drap- any Canadian Carrof, whatever ped because of differences over its age or racial origin, and flic the planes ta bc used. Board must lie amply staffed ta deal wifh its onerous problems. If such a Board is appoinfed, if START AT HOME may be relied on ta perpetuate and eçxpand itself indefinitely, (The Printed Word) and Canadians will no longer la- The rice Co mitt e of thc b r under fth c reproach that fh cy The Pri es om m tte of the live under an Econom y whcre Hause cf Cammons is having Carrafs alone run wild, uncortrol- quife a lot cf fun trying ta find led and free. whilc cverything profiteers. In this sart of ex- cIsc that anybody can think af cifed witcli' lunting, people are including peanuts is Natianally apt ta lose their judgment, and Planned by Boards of Experts gef carr:cd away with enthusi- with Nice Salaries. C onfederatiori Life I~I~~~JL1G LAU>' HEAD OFFICE TORONTO .Branch Office: 169 Charlotte Street, Peterborr P. J. MATHER, Divisional Manager k M .1 ffi firpiz O mfe / W. R. STRIRE, K.C. Barrister - Solicifor - Notai-y Solicitar for Bank of Montrea] Mancy fa Ican - Phone 791- Bawmanvillc, Onfaria LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Nofary Public King Streef W., Bowmanvilic Plione: Office 688 - Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solicit or - Notary 91/2 Kinîg Street E. Bowmanville -Ontario MWISS APHA 1. HODGINS rister, Solicitor, Notary Public 'uccessor to M. G. V. Gould emperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 Dental DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduafes cf Royal Dental College, and Faculfy cf Denfisfry, Torantoa. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily. 9a.m. fa 12 noon Wcdncsday. Closed Sunday. Office Plione 790 Residerice: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudeli 2827 DR.. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in liii home 100 Liberfy St., N., Bowmanvilie Office Heurs: 9 a.m. fa 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 naon, Wcdnesday Closed Sunday Monuments The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, On&. One of a series of advertisements in tribute to those Canadians in thte service - f thiepublic ' E miii milite ir he e- yp àe se es I' ansm. peoftati hefc that texaomittee halaidtfl tac thataflicsiCasistituhstlidndown efiat any busiesslnsttie onmayt bhe salri t eswi h the omittccr flic aaiswbc f ffcr e cive. softe oseo Committhae cfflic Hou, s e Comonhavfrte, baforesof, ase ofcd r oi anforflic salrimesofaflc waice cfthevnmefradil-th BankofliCanadveanmnthrdiosfic BaonksfoCnda ad thereinst.it tios bnawaysflc ole. Iht liasd benoa!fayiruic fit tif inourdaliefot fai tie ouffais iooi nformation abioufthnsalr fareof lifi ofcorprabosl arie cf raffescf coporaion a Wedoy privafe ifienn satWh ae mnaie ovenmte strfitinexmini atn f Ui prthe ering hich if reafemasby tfheocpleoynheafgorfmasses cofaco peopl bmote Govternmenf of livitori addoetanthe cost cf livn intandadflian lccost of Govcrmenft. he sould nof aCmmiftee af fli House af Commas, fcivngand in studying fic cast af iv ing atnthonfakthe ifac dwgierfrthatterniontfani pace wh oce fli overnmen a ment's awn spcnding? There mga lic prfifering in Canada. If ma . The Massey-Harris Special Centennial MOTION PICTURE IN COLOR Hondllng money' 0014money Ttcosta you more to live these days. And itcot your bank more to provide efficient hanking service. Ba.nk istaffs are more than haif as large again as before the war; payrolls have nearly doubled. Taxes are up. So is the. cost of everything banks huy. 'Yet you psy no more for banldng service than you did ten years ago. Today 7,000,000 Canadian. are bank customers-striktng evidence of the ever-widening usefulnecss of competitive banldng in aur national life. *@PoxNIeb oTr roua diN m - f ( Il IF ---j Ba irr Su rei 1- abEot it.SUECOSU If you have èhildren- consider this Many men are now buylng Insuranc Policies for their 'teen age chidren ancà for chidren even ycungcr. They buy tliem te provide moncy for children's higlier education or te provide capital for the starting cf a modest business-, as well as for protection. Sometimes there le an understanding bctween father and son that whcn the on arns enougli ta pay al or part of the premiunis, he wiIl do se. This compact between father and son works out wcll. It tcaches tliift ta the young man and strengtlicns hie sense cf re- sponsibility. 0 a 0 a 0 If you have a boy or girl a Confederation Life Representative wilI be glad ta show you what can be donc along the Unes Jicre suggested and within the compasa of yotqr means. Your inquiry wiil bring a competent representative to sec you IORONTO 1 ,associatior HEAD OFFICE 1

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