PAGE TW]LVES col on Col, Alic Cha cerr The Newcastle Independeni Phone: Clarke 3314 A meeting cAf the Waman'sAu: iliary ai St. George's Church wa held in the Parish Hall on Tues day afternoon. President, Mis Beatrix Mclntosh, presided fo thie business and devotional per iod. At four o'clock, tea wa served and many lovely artice for th e bazaar werc recçived. Another break in occurred i Newcast.le some time during th, early hours af Monday marning when the Adamis' Lumber Ca.' premises wcre broken inta. Tht cuiprits, ai which the police thinl there were two or three, efiecte( an entrance by breaking the lacI on the planing miii door, frai there they gained entrance ta th( office, which w-as thorougbly rar. sacked. The large, hcavy safe wai whcelcd out ino the planing mil and blown open with nitra gly<. crin and the contents, includini about two thousand dollars ir cheques strewo over thc floor The robbcrs iailed ta iind aný money aiter ail their efforts, be- cause, as the manager, Major B G. Newell, explaind-this is tbE scvcnth break in the compaoy has suffercd. Their office in Simcae was broken into thrce times. Tie office in Otterville, Ontario, bro- ken into threc times and Ncw vcas- Mrs. W. H. Gibsan has returned home after spending the winter with her sister in Meafard. Miss Stella Blackburn has re- turned from a pleasant visit with Mrs. James Reid, Renfrew. Mrs. Stella Anderson is spend-i ing a few days in Toronto as guest of her sister-in-iaw, Mrs. E. Fol-1 ey.1 Mrs. P. F. LcGresiey has rturn-j ed home aiter spending the win- ter in Toronto. Charles Crowther, littie son aiý Mr. and Mrs. George Crowther,j is home from Oshawa Generali where he xent for ob- servation and x-ray. Professor and Mrs. MacEiheran af Potsdam University, Potsdam, NYwere luncheon guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare. Mrs. Olga Gibson was in Toron- ta on Tuesday attending the an- nuai meeting and banquet ai the Ontario Liberal Association at the King Edward Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Tomlinson spent Sunday with friends in Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare were called ta Brighton on Sunday ow- ing ta the critical illness a0 Mr Hare's mother, Mrs. George Ar- strang. Itýec -Ëcpqa te el u{wjMj THEATRE -BOWMAN VILLE eu- - O - SAT. - APRIL 15- 16 - 17 Meby JAMESFENIMOE COOPER 1 W Technicolor Carloon IT NON. - TUES. - WED. - APRIL 19 -20 -21 Moi vietone News - Short 1VONDERF EL LAUGHABLE HUTMAN AND LOVABLE! - Wonder Eye teen age children. supplying you,c We'll start at once Glen iss ýr- as ýes in he g9, .' he i- 2d g n ýr. ly THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTL.LE. ONTARIO Durham Team Wins Cup ai Pelerboro lie makes the seventh. The Com- pany therefare takes the' precau- tjon ta neyer leave any mariey en the premises or in the safes in any of their offices. Mrs. 0. L. Cale, Miss Stella Blackburn and Mr. Fred Black- burn attended a receptian Manday at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. Har- 3 y Doyd, Braaklin, it being the occasian of their golden wedding. W.A. af the United Church met 'April 8 with a good attendance. Mrs. J. H. Jase conductcd the de- votional pcriad, with Mrs. W. Patterson reading the scripture and Miss 0. Warren offered the prayer. Mrs. J. E. W. Philp rend- ered a vocal solo with Mrs. H. A]lin accompanying. President, Mrs. C. A. Cowan had charge of the business period after which a dlainty lunch was served by Mrs. Jase and her graup. The first meeting of the cam- ing seasan's softball games was held Friday evening when these officers were elected: Captain. Evelyne Bonathan; president, Vic- ky Gray ; vice president, Marg. Ash; sccretary-treasurcr, Doreen Embly; press reporter, Charlotte Rawe; transportation committee, Betty Gray and Elenor Hancock; Rae Dairy PHONE 444 FOR DELIVERY g IngSIf.,W Bowmanville WELDING Jim Camerait LESKARD) - O.NTARJO Phone Orono Ir 5- Formerly Cameron %Veldinlg Service, Toronto ELECTRIC & ACETYLEINE IVEL DING EC3'inder Blocks and Ileads E Velded. Specializing ln Alu- xinum and WhIite Metai. ! E (AI I Work Guaranteed) ROOFING AOPHALT - FELT - SHINGLE Brick Siding, Nova Scotia figures were 28 for KENDAL 1947 and 30 for the average: New Brunswick-31 and 30; Quebec- Miss Ruth Gardon, Peterbor- 19 and 25; Ontario-31 and 35. augh,, with June and Inez Gar- On the tcn-year average basis, don. 'which should take into account a Mr. Earl Burley, Peterborough, sufficient number af different with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Burley. seasons, feed grain production in Mrs. Hardy and Mr. Reg. Har- Eastern Canada will have ta be dy, Toronto, returned with Mrs increased some other way. While T. Hilditch for the weckend. improved cultural p r a ctice s Mr. nd Ms. ddieCourux hauld be the long range pro- Mr. nd rs.Eddi Carou gran, there are other met.hods of and Ray, Mr. George Mercer and gtiga lotimdaers Miss D. Elsey visited Mr. and Mrs. gonettn nams imdaers Vance Allin. Selectian ai high graee seed is Mr. and Mrs. Aylward Little the first consideration fallowed and Mr. Alec Little, Toronto, with bv, the use af recognized mercur- Mrs. Neya Little, who returned ta ial seed treatments ta reduce loss the city with themn for a visit. irom smut and injurv from soil Mrs-. W. Jackson, Mrs. M. Rab- organisms which attack young ineon and Mrs. Jennie Hoskin seed]ings. Chaice of the praper were in Peterborough Friday. fertilizer mixture ta fit the needs There was no Sunday Sehool of the crop wvill increase yields here Sunday due ta the heavy hv several bushels per acre. A ramn and just a small attendance fèw dollars spent an good secd, at church. Isecd treatment and fertilizers this The greenhouses on the tobacco spring will help salve next win- farms in this district have been ter's feed grain problem. stepmed and most of them p]antcd last week. They were planted Talk aften, but neyer long: in neari twa- wecks earlier than that case, if you do not please, at last year, when planting was gen- îeast you are sure flot ta tire your cral irom April 17 ta 25.' 1 J rr.LrdCetefed The uii1 of Kendal. MeTans err.Lr hseied 4 peic n ue re ag 4inst liu. See o~ ur la . . . . . . . . . . ............ PROCLAMATION DAYLJGHT SAVING TINE SUNDAY, APRIL 251h b SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 251h, 1948 WHEREAS the Council of the Village of Newcastle has passed a resolutian set- ting the date for Daylight Saving, I theref are request the citizens ta observe the same. To carry out the request of the Vil- lage Council it will be necessary that ail clocks and watches be advanced one haur at 12:01 a.m., Sunday, April 25th, and returning ta Standard Time at 12:01 a.m. an Sunday, September 26th, 1948. (Signed) GEORGE A.'WALTON, Reeve Village of Newcastle GOD SAVE THE KING boy, Earl Foster. And last, but lr isSdbt ,Nr aod Sixth Line Scbools enjoycd with uastaain, r ngerw he a. Ms ieotm omlthe'pictures put on by Mr. Car- noie ata armaagrwchveLD JJSehool student, conductcd gamnes. veth in flic 'Suniday Sehool roorn isWithre gt thelose of a er.i Ms lieSmsi îstn ih Mr, and Mrs. Earl Stephens, Thursdav afternoon. In the eve- SamisJoanvaodtLouise, Sutton, with re- ning grownups and cbildren turo- ae ur senior and excellent players, fricnds in Oshawa and Peterbor- latives.cdutasepiuesn Ppe andwih hene oessuces.ough. Percy Werry, Les Coombes. A. of Mexico,"' Farm Homes Beau- -In the past Newcastle girls have Mr. and Mrs. Les Taylor and E. Cresswell and Ald'en Hoar' at- tiful" and the "New Crop" and al- don wllandma tis omngfamily, Mrs New'ton Taylor, Bur- tnethhockey game in Maple so the amusing "Black Bear season prove as successful.* ktoi ,a .Sark's. Leai Gardens Wednesdav. Twins." Mr. Neil Britton underwent an - IJ.S About tw.-enty men met at the __________ iappeodix aperation last Saturday areiss Margaret and Ray Smith manse Thursday whcn a consid- and is doing at home iîl with measies. erable amnunt ai w'ork was ac- Weather Wofl't Solve Dr. and Mrs. H. MacDonald, To- 'Ae ]have had no church service complished. Sorne were bauling ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. H-. S. for four Sundays due ta bad roads dirt with trucks, while others East's Feed Problem e weather. I this candi- were levelling for the lawns and ____ Mis Kahlen Tms ithMr.tiono ntinues mueh longer wc others wcrc busy running cement Livestock raîsers in Eastern Ca- MissKatheenTomswith r.w iii bc in grave need ai a few and putting in the walks. nd r lge ysotgsa anid Mrs. Donald Gray, Toronto. hair-raising sermons ta get us Mr. John D. Coiwill, a resident fced grain. Much ai the trouble Y.P .U. met April 5 with presi- back on straight roads. The coun- ai this village for many years,isba donasyaradee det lnnAli care Cri-tenances ai -somce individuals are and w-ho bas been ini poor health climatic conditions. which held up tian fellowship convener, Evelyn shcwing signs ai moral decay, sa for seile lime, passed away Mon- secding in the spring. But sta- Allin conducted the worship per- ]et us hope for better weather for day in Oshawa Hospital, follow- t isties reveal that the weather is iod. Joyce Martin favorcd with the weekends. ing an operation which he under- two piano solos and Glenn Allun \TO odî ea evc not the only enîlprit. fax-ored witlî two selections on the wa ent, ed neainsMrise In 1947 'the average yedper cornet. E elyneled innaMsrng- acre for naIs, barlcy and mixed cornt. A ln le iPIONng-Funcral Chapel, Bow,-nanvillie, sang aiter whicb there w-as re- HAMPtTntrOeNinBthsa en grains in Prince Edward Island creaian etry. c cten symath taNova Scotia. New Brunswick, C.G.I.T,~Group met April 6 wiIlî Honie and SchQal Club met Mrs. Percy Phillips (ea i ubcadOtrawssihl a good attendance. President, Ha- April 6, witb the president in the Maidstone, Ontario, and James aimoreaterane29obuhels ear acre. zel May Fisher conducted the bus- chair. Plans w'ere made ta send this village in the passing ai their A96 nclurage, ors fygarse195ot mness period. Mrs. Pauline Stocks the senior cooam ta the museum in~ father. 1946, inlushos aefigre fof wvas in charge oi the warship per- the near future, Mr. Cccil Car- Mr. H. Philp bas made several mr hn.0bsesprar o iod. Kathleen Tams read the last \CIh shawed pictures- ai Mexico- ;rprovements an bis praperty the samle three ccops. In other chapter of the qtudy book "Out and Ergland and other interest- îately. words, despite the poor season in ai the Tepe.' Aiter warking on ing movies. Master Franklin___________ 1947. the average yield was ls the prajeet ai making pins the Truli and Mr. Alex Stackaruk than anc bushel below the avec- meeting closed with Taps. plal cd several vialin scîcetions. BURKETON age ai the previaus ten years-a Newcastle Woman's Christian Treasurer's repart was given. diffecence in production ai less Temperance Union are holding a Ncmnîating cammittee's slate ai than 10,000,000 bushels. flot en- Gold Medal éontest an Friday, oificers vas approved as iollows:E W.A. mct at the home ai Mrs. ough ta salve the Eastern fced April 23, at 8 p.m. in the Unîitcd Prcsident. Norman Yellowlces; E- Adams an April ý with a good problcm. Church Sunday Sehool. Prizes Ist vice president, John Reynolds; aedartcl.Mes ups fc he roWe Edcd sad poiuces, for al contestants. Pictures will 2nd vice president, Mcs. R. Wid- fal baaila nd.G roancs rtein ncaer ge of 3Isulbeds per acr also be show'n and music will bc dicomb; rec'ording seccctacy L news na acr.eof3 bsel erar nrovîcd Came and bring a Hiîidman; treasurer, Mrs. John charge with a nice pragrami and lofaioals, barley and mixed grains fried. efrshmets vil beRcvnlds Mis MuielHinmanlunch. May meeting will be at in 1947 compared ta the l0-year ered.Reresm-ns illbe cyoeds. iss Muc ineslosindmanthe home ai Mcs. Harcy Grace average ai 31 bushels per acre. servd. 6-1iacvred wthrf'ompian ls vcywith Grcup four in charge. thccfox adîotheran film nlde Owing ta the pcaîr raad candi- thn ox and minkranc heai Char io lns lu Lindsay the bus bas flot V r MA L GRVE linigs that happcned aI Orono .iayàM E n Fair. A gQnecai sing-san gwa arc disappointed, having ta fînd Special W.M.S. services on Sun- cjxc ihtemscadwors ,nother way ta travel ta High Mrs. Alcrt Brwn and cokîcs wcr te scsvc yahecn-Md adMr. obc Crtr day. Hope ta sec a gond bm nout. I0on th o scrceiî. A cup af tea and' S<_1a00, business and shopping, two --etc. children, Hamilton, are spencling Ire guoup. Ptrocgn oe a few weeks with ber parents, Ptroogi oe Mr. and Mr-. C. H. Snoxvdcn. Miss Ruby Bailey, Oshawa, withy Miss Marlon Snowden bas ce- hyvn~r er jJarcnts. tîîrned ta Toronto ta hec w-nrk ±LL1U.LE Mrs. Will McLaîîilJn and Jean C .TC aiter bcbghborne for a week with _____wceehonPeterborough. Ote trs the flu. 1\vu-. Jack Stewart, Baltimore, Mrs. Elcoor Brock w-s1s in Pet- . Paers Mc. Jack Munday, accompanied witih Mr. and Mrs. Wilhîs Stewart. erbne'oug1i. Disney Bldg. hy John Brooks, GIçon Brooks, Miss Helen Pactncr, Oshaw'a, : Jsobcl and Frcddie Carter x'ere George Brown, all Rfivers, a long j wilh Mr, and Mrs. F. Partoor. Al Bwavixile. op -. with District Scoutmaster, Denîis Mr. anîd Mrs. Gardon Kellogg 1Mrs. B. lHubhard attcnded the Piekard, spent the weekeÎd with anO Lloyd, \Velcome, with Mr. and itîncral af hec cousini, Miss Turn- Oshawýa, Phione 1516 Don Dudley, Trenton, forffierly oi Mrs. W. J. Miller. er in Oshawva. this towo. Mrs. S. Jewchl with Mrs. Earl Mus. E. Catighill with Mrs. Ida (No. 83) A nîîmber af frieods and neigh- Stîipmaîî, Couctice. Smlala. Hampton. Pain back cf the oies îîcticeable bacs gaîhcced aI Uihe omneaf Mr. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wright and Mc. and Mrs. Orval Greer bave aIt close wock, reading, sewing, i and Mcs. Russell Rahme, an Tues- elbildreii with Mc. and Mrs. Ken- maved Ia their homne hece foi the etc., may aitlimeshacrtou diay evening, foc a miscellancous nelli Flinit Maple Grave. sumrmer mioiiibs. Ibboie Whin c wrk tros shower for their daughter, Dora- Mr. sud Mrs. Lloyd Skinner M r. and' Mrs. Gilbert Dcewýýcr, p 1bcrsoiî' nîlv îolese, ksome Ihy, who wvas cecenîly married. witlî Mr. and Mrs. Dave Park, Whitby' , \ith Mc. and Mrs. Ken diizziness and billiouisncss mav be AÈler the bride had opened the Bowianx Ivle.J Roblin. nliccd. Thîis sui:gcsts anl crior paccels and thîanked aIl foc thecir Mcs. Harold Skinner, Mr. and Mr. Raynîond Davey ývas in To- of vision or pcrhiaps Ile icm:es lovelv guIfs, a daintv lunch x%,as McIs. L. Skinner \'isited Mrs. W. conta. niiec saevakoimrp- secved and a social lime enjoyed. Lake at Newcastle. of Ilccd.arenîcloim ilisn- Mcs. E. Hoocy, Nestîcton, with THEHAPY HMEMKER distant vision ývill ap- - Mc. and Mrs. Lloyd Yeo. Pcar normal. This nornial îp- Mr. K. Rahm, Union, witb Mc. The regular meeting ai the peacance ai tlîings is due, o and Mrs. W. Rahm. Happy Homnemakers Club was doubt, ta snme effort and this Mission Band will mccl this held April 8 at the home ai gcnup persistent effort croates the strain Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. leader, Mcs. A. Sands. P'e-sident \w-ili causes the aboya symp- .Ralim. Joan Wright presidad with eight tanîis. It is genecallv found that Mr. and Mrs. Art Covecly and members prescrnt. Mrs. Sands tlie far-sighîed or Hy peccropie chlidren and Mc. Duval with Mc. gave a discussion an parîy ce- patient is, the anc ta suifer mast. ni nug. W akM.Duval re- ing ts ashe nu. j lw-Although any case having any de- apind î'. WiPrkgM. rehes ana enus. Folothe e fastigmatism is sure ta be Mc. and Mrs. J. Gibbs and Mie- making ai cookies. The final'îcovn1oe n iin rcm h~ ael with Mr. and Mcs. H. Part- meeting wvill ha- held an April 2forta ble sceing. Life is spoilcd by r uer, Bowmaîiville. in the basenrient of Maple Grave inability ta use theees This Mr. and Mrs. N. Collacutt en- Chucch. RaIl eau will be a menu dis-comioct willpeisunith Iectained a number af friends on and tille for a party. prpe oretin istbtaied he Friday cvening. _____ VMrs. P. Ha 'vward and Grace with Mrs. J. H. Mulbon, Bowmao- ville. . . . . . . . Mc. and Mrs. O. Beckett, Arvil- S\la and Jonnie, with Mr. and Mcs. L. Beckett, 'Eniniskillen....... WlI. will mccl April 21 at the home ai Mrs. R. B. Scott at 2:30. ........ Tycone Senior Y.P. arc enter- ....... Iaining St. Paul's Y.P., Bowman-....... ville, on Thursday eveoîog. Junior Red Cross met i0 the school romr Friday aiternoon. LikeMilkTiie meeting opened with O' Cao- ilda. Grenville Byam Iook charge n i ai the pragram: Doreco playcd a lick-uppiano solo; Muriel Joncs read a 3hinq, and de- nts odce .*WlaTy U U' ndits MOVING WEST No wonder wei M., Rawlinson Limited regularly mk Up anddahlp Itousehold Furniture. Con- fam lls ~ihsolidated Pool Gara ta Muanitoba,Sakth famiies ithewan Alerta, British Columbla and te, CaIifrla. Write, wire or phone for reduced Tif - nt_.L -« ~îîhe 1. ... 3 GR A II IVe are offering the best seed of the best varietie-. COvr !eed' has been gcaw'n frein Registeced or Ccrt;fteç Serli with feld inspert:on for purity of varlt and frecf1mf'evm ciiease. Our Certificates showi no weeds and h!gh germina!ion, OATS-Ajax, Beaver, Beacon, Carjiu~ and Erban BARLEY-Moncalm, the 'bariey you have been waî for; Barliolf; O.À.C. No. 21, and Sunaiha. A few bushels of Real Chc 'celp NO. 1 RED CLOVER FOR BETTER YJE[.DS - SOIV BETTERsl;:J GARNET B. RUUP R.R. No. 4. BOWMIANVILLE P;lo:~E 2513 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................... . ..................... ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... ..... .... ... .................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . Month '2009 8250 Y diamond engagement ring, guaranteed JEWELLERY AND GIFT SHOF PHIONE 747 -i S E ED This Durham Counly team won top place in the juîdging campe- titian beld in cannection with the Quinte District Seed Fair at Peterboro. They wece coached by the Agricultucal Repx'esenta- tive, E. A. Summers. The team cansists af Roy Wcrry, Enniskillen; Beverley Gray, Port Hope; and Donald Prescott, Burketon. Roy Wercy, at the left, won highest individual standing in the com- petition. -Cul caurtesy Farmers' Advacate i FURN ACES A ND OILDURNERS CaII on us for Guaranteed Work DAVIS & GRANT PHONES- 2e*42 2674 TRURSDAY, APRTL 13th. 1048 P;10.';E 2513 ................. ..... ...... ........... .. ................... ............ .............. .................. ................. ..........