BRING YOUR h RAEPYCSAN MESSAGE BEFOREJS VEMNRU 12,000 R E A D E R S C OST 35c P E R A DD 1fj~40 UY r DE-ATHS COLWILL-At Oshawa Hospi tal. en April l2th, 1948, John Daniel Colwill, husband of the late Mary Alice Collacutt, aged 88 ycars. ]Punera1 from the Morris Funeral Chapel. Interment Betbesda ceaTetcry. M,ýcDOUGALL-At Chatham,. Ont. -onl April 12, 1948. James McDou- gali, formerly of Bowmanville, aged 79 yeams, beloved husband of the late Mary Jane (Arnott) MeDougall. and dear father of Mis. James Hough (Jessie) of To- ronto; Miss Marion MeDougaîl of London. Interment in Maple Leaf cemcetery, Chathami. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Fagan wish to announce the engagement of their daup~hter Nora, Patricia to IN MEMORIAM BULLIED-In loving memory of my dear parents, who dcparted from this life, Frances Anne Bullied on June 6th, 1922, and R. Elijah Bullicd on April lOth, 1939. Time changes many tbings But love and memomy cver clings. -Daugbter Gertrude and Lamne. 16-1 GRIFFIN-In ioving mcmory of Myrtle Henry Grifin who passed away April l6th, 1943. Sleep on Dear Myrtle your cames are ended. Rest in peace your work is donc. You bave gone whcre those wbo loved you Will meet you anc by one. -Sadly missed by Husband and DaugÏhter, Mother and Sistem. 16-1* ElImer F. Gibson. The wedding HURLBERT-In loving mcmory will ltake place April 17, at St. of Hollis Humlbemt wbo passed Joseph's Cburch. 16-laa Arl1tI 97 1 "Gono from us, bis smiling face, Mit and Mr.Ni MtD n That ploasant, cheerful way; nounce the engagement of their A heart that won so many fricnds younger daughtem, Mary Eliza- In the bygono happy days. beth, to Mm. John Elwood Byors, Tbougb bis smile is gone forever, eidcst son of Mm. and Mrs. H. N. And bis band we cannot toucb, Byers of Calgary. Alta. TI*e wed- We shall neyer lose sweet mcm- ding will take place in Canadian 1 aries. Momorial Churcb, Vancouver. on 0f the anc we loved so much." May 2lst. at 8 p.rn., with Rev. Geo. -Ever remembcmed and sadly Turpin officiating. 16-1 missed by Mother and Dad C R SO H N S Spencer. 16-1* CARDS 0FT-Tl-IAinKSm____ Mr. and Mvrs. Frank Piper, Huit HRBR-nlvn mr St. Bomanill, wshta thank of my dear busband, Hollis, wbo St.,eirman fileds dreaivspassed away April lSth, 1947. otheir many caedsndbelatifus 'you have not died, Dear Love; for heirinan cads, eautful you have passed flowcrs and other gifts prescnted Froni out this dusty road which to them on the occasion af their we eall life Silvor Wedding Anniv.ersarv~ Into bis gai-don, thore ta find at 16-1* îast. Peace. cool and sweet, froni noise Mrs. W. R. Williams xishes ta and dust and strife; express hem grateful tbanks ta Dr. Your holiday, wheme you may H. Ferguson and ber nurses, Mrs. oani at wiîî Haterley, Tyrone, and Mrs. Win - Among the flowers you loved, or terbumn, Hampton, for speýcial care witlb a book given during ber long illness. She May sit at ease, as yestoryear, and also appreciates fiowors sent ber stilî and many other kindriosses shown Find salace, as of old in vour own hem by neighboms and ficnids. 1- nook. IYou are not dead, I see your dear Mrs. Sewamd Dowsoni and Mm. eyes shine Alvin K. Dowson and family wish Witb so much life and joy, it sure to thank ail their fiends and must be neigbbors for the flowems, cards That aIl your love and interest of sympathy and ail kindness at still are mine, the tume of their sad bereavernent Though you have entered life's in the deatb of a laving busband Eternitv. and father. 16-1 Within this gardon wait 'for me, _______if you May. Miss Ethel Axfard and Mrs. StaY close ta Eartb, until 1 find Chas. Snowden would like tn ex- mY'wa. prosý their sincero thanks ta their -Loyingly remembered and neil bbors, friends, the vaiaus or- sadly missed by bis wife, Molly. Cgan:1t1.0s and Maple Grave.161 0 ' ~ lnity for cards, lotters, flow- crs and the many other acts ofi JACKMAN-In loving memory of ]indness extended ta thorn dduring ouî* dear father, Sidney James their recent bereavemnent. 16-l' Jackýrnan. wvho passed away April 16 19491l, (ru Notice - Dear father, kind and gentie, ~Wanda's Boauty Sbop. 80 King Weli meet bum in God's mansions, tt. West. Permane-nts that-m-ake i When Ho bids us came in." permanent custamers. For aP- -Lovingly vromemhered hy bis pointments, phono 2851. 14-ti chiidrenl. 16-1* TO VEGETABLE GROWERS KILPATRICK-In ioving meni- Grawers interested in beet or amy o! aur dear son and brother, cucumber acroage contact Cana- Ernest J. Kiipatrick (Joe) wha dian Canners Limitcd. Box 280. passed axvay April l8th, 1936. Bow nian vi lie, phone 782. 16-3 Tbough bis smule is gono boroyer And bis hand we cannot toueh Garton Coach Linos xvih resume We shah nover lose sweot memor- service aven the Scugog Road. 7A i e and 5 Hghwas o Manay, Of the one we laved sa much. Aprîl 19. 161 Always iovingly remembered Iand sadiy nîissed hy Muni, Dad, COMING EVENTS * Sisters and Brothers, Wife j Flamenco and Daughtem Helen. Crokinole and Eucbre Party at, 16-1* Sauina Sehool. Tbursday' vcvening. ,____ Apri] 22, under auspices of the yp. U. Admission 25c. Lunich RING-In loving memory of Pte. sold 16- A. F. King, é45409, 2nd Batt., kili- sold. 1cd at Vimy Ridge, April l2tb, Sec ~rs as a Daisy-" present- 1917, ago 21 years. ed hy the Trinity Yotung People's Nothing can even take away Union at Hampton Unitedi Cburch, The love a beart holds dean, Tuesday, April 201h. at 8 p.m. Ad- Fond momonies linger every day, mission, aduits 35c, cidren 15Se. Remembrance keeps bum near."' 16-1* I-Fond]',v remembered hy Mother, IFather, Sisters and Brothers. Heai the Golden Cret Maie.; 16.1* Chair of Toronto nt IHi,-IlSehool 1 auditorium, Thursday. April 22nd,I PROUT-In loving memory o! a at 8:15, p.m. Admission: Aduits dear hushand and father, Thomas 5()c; Students 35c. Unlder auIspi- Everson Prout, who passed away ces o! St. John's Choir. 16-i 1Ofve yoars ago. Apriil 3tb. jThere is a link death ca--nnat Bro\,wnis Hoine and School Club1 sevèr, annual dance in Nec-castle Con- Lov e and renembrance last for- ynunity Hall. FridaY. Aprîl 16. ee. Music hy "The Georgians." Osh- Eveci rcmcmbened by' bis wife awa. Admission 50c. Tickots for and family.'161 sale on lucky draxv. 16-1 - Theannal ponmeeingo! heTABB--In ioving memory o! a Theannalope metig o th 1deai wi!e and mother, Evelyni Wamen*s Canadian Club Nvil ho Mary Stevens Tahb, wbo dopant. held at the Parîsb Hall, Monday'. ,d this bfe April 18. 1945. Aprii 19, at 3:30 p ni. Spcak&w. He weary boums and days o! Madame Geza de Kresz .Admisç- pain. sion for non mninbers 25c. Tea lier troubled nigbts are past; will ho servedi. 16-1 And in aur acbing hearts \wLkno\% She bas found swect rest at A dance xill ho beld inii niris- last." killenl Comnrunîty Hall, Friday -Ever emenihered by Husband cvcning, April i6tb. under aupices; and !amil 'v. 1 of Enniskillen Athietie Club. Mlu- 1 --1* sic provided by Ruth \Vilson's Room & Board Wanted Variety.Band. Danees xii] ho heldj every Frida y niglit untii further OFFICE girl equires rooni and notice. 16-i board in Bowmanviile. Write ------Miss Ruth Burgess, P.O. Box R, Lost Bownianville. 16-l'* SMALL Beagle hound. color black and4&b-iite. Please phonoeHarry BaýrV'.r at 2790. Bowmanviuie. r 16-10 L:ADYýS black kid gioves lo'st il, Boivnlanville. Satumday. April Io). 'Picase phono 2496 or leave at The Statesman Office. 16-1 TENDERS WANTED For redecorating Trinity United Church Sunday Scbool. Tenders ta ho in by Apnil l7th. For particulans sec A. M. Hardy. or phono 389. 15-2 Personal CIJRTAINS laundered and stret- ched. Apply 85 Ontario St.. front dooc. Phono 2630. 14-3* SLENDOR Tahlets are effective, 2 %veeks' suppiy $1: 12 weeks $3, at Jury*v& LovelI, and McGregor's Dnîig Store. 16-i H Y G. 1 E N I C supplies (rubber goods) mailed poýtpaid in plain sealed envelope %vith pice 'it. Six samples 25c: 24 sampies $S1 00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- hem Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 10-9 Work Wantcd HOUSEWORK, by the day. Ap- ply 292 King St. E., or phone 2724. 16-1* YOUNG girl desires light bouse- work. Apply at Miss Ethel Oke's. 10 Anne Street. 16-1* CUSTOM work, gardens ploughe and cultivated. Also dirt leývelled Apply H. T. Moore, phone 2368. 15-2 DECORATING-Painting and pa- per-hanging. New spring sam- ples are here. For estimates phone 2639. R. B. Brown. 13.6* Wanted to Rent THREE or 4 room cottage in New- castle. Write Box 52 Statesman Office. 16-1* COTTAGE on West Side Beach, 3 bedrooms, preferred, in ar~ back from the lake. Write 7ox 54, Staàtesman Off ice. 16-1 SMALL house or apartment in Bowmanville by May lst. Apply Clarence Osborne, Statesman Of- fice. 15-if Treacher Wanted Applications will be receiv ed for position of Protestant teacher of one room public school S .S. No. 13, Darlington. State qualifica- tions, experience and salary ex- pected., Fred Partrier, Secretarv. Tyrone. 15-2 Wanted To Buy HIGHEST prices paid for scrap batteries. Jamieson Tire Shop. King and Silver Sts. 14-tf SET disc harrows. Also 4-section drag harrow in fair condition. Write Box 53, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 16-1* Real Estatç Wanted Livestock For Sale TWENTY-ONE Yorkshire pigs, six wecks old. Phone 2254. 16-1 BLACK mare, 7 years old, works single or double, good worker. Phone 2979. 16-1'* FIFTY ewes and one purebred Suffolk ram. Apply Carîlus Dick- inson, R.R. 3, Port Hope. 16-1* DARK roan Shorthorn bull, ten months old, from my best milking cow; also dark bull, nine months old. R. Osborne, Newcastle. 16-1* TWO geese, laying, with 14 eggs at present, also gander. Also 40 mixed laying hens; one Jersey cow due April 24, and size 1, new creamn separator, also butter churn. Phone 502, Clarke. 16-1 EIGHTY head of horses including 40 good Ontario horses and 1 car- load of good Manitoba horses and 1 carload good bush horses. Can be seen at Alex Stewart's Hill- crest Farm, 11,à miles east of Newtonville. 16-2 Real Estate For Sale FOUR-room bouse and garage, 3, mile east of Courtice on Higbway. Immediate possession. Apply Matthew Marchant, R.R. 5, Bow- manville. 16-1* TWO-storey, 8-room brick bouse,1 m~odern conveniences, large gar- den, douible garage, eight gond building lots. Possession of three rooms. Apply- Mrs. Margaret Bmust, 103 Scugog St. (Dingman Estate). 16-tf HOUSE on No. 2 highway: 3rd,' residence w~est of Shell Gas Sta- tion, Maple Grove. Hot and cold xvater. 2-piece bath. kitchen sink, built-in cupboards, new furnace, fully insulated. Built in 1947 on haîf acre of land. Best cash offer. Apply B. Reid, owner, evenings at the house. 16-1 HAVING been successful in sei I ing sevemal properties in the hast $7)200 buys 5 acres of good land year, would appreciate seîling close tu highway and school with yaurs. Will endeavor ta giveyo modemn 6-roomn semi-bungalow, prompt and courteous service'. bot air heating, bath, bardwood Write or phone N. I. Metcalf, Real floors, built-in cupboards. double Estate Broker, 103 Ritson Road,1 garage, large hen bouse; several South, Oshawa, phone 762M. 1 fruit trees, hydro, 10w taxes. 1- Terms can ho arranged. Posses- sion within 30 days. l-lelp Wanted $5,400 with $3,000 down payrnent, TWO salesiadies wanted. Exper- manville, tile drained. about 5 ience nat necessamy. Apply Bres- acres of orchard: good 7-mooni lin's, Bowmanville. 16-11 solid brick bouse with built-in cuphoards, barik barn, silo, ben AVON> Products Inc. roquires a boliuse, pig poil and large impie- Sales Representative in Bowman- ment shed. Hvdro passes door. ville. Pleasant part time work. Early possession arranged. Write Box 51, Canadian States- $6,000 with $4.000 cash huys 120- man. , 16.1* acre fanm, sharp sandy loarn soil. SINGE mn fo geeraclose ta good town. 10 acres bush, SINGLb e mn forgen 1a farn l-rooni solid brick bouse, wator: wor, b th motb.Milking ma- in bouse, bank barn. silo and bon chine used. Apply W. G. Werry, bue ym ntle.Ol phoe 253 161*mile froni scbool. Possession whcnJ1 MIDDLE aged woman ta el deal completed. with housework and act as com-1 Exclusiv~e listings, contact N. I METCAL. Reln Eta Seed Grain For Sale AJAX Oats, Gordyn B r e n t, Phone 2274. 16-1* EARLY Abundance Oats, re- cleaned. Tyrone Mill. Phone 2305, 16-1 RED Clover, Alfalfa, Alsike and Timothy. Newton Taylor and Sons, Burketon, phone Port Perry 193 r 5.161 Chicks For Sale PURE Barred Rock (same popu- lar strain), and New Hampshire x Barred Rock Crossbred chicks. Ail blood-tested. Try this popu- lar cross for bybrid vigor, rapid growth and sustained production. Hatches every Friday-Ask for free calendar. Don Gibson, phone Clarke 3811. Bowmanville, Ont. 12-tf REPAIRS REPAIRS to ail makes of refrig- erators, domestic and commercial, Higgon Electric 42 King St.E. phone 438. 26-tif NEAT-Way Shoe Repair: Good, substantial workmanship, reliabil- ity, dyeing, soling, sewing, etc. Try the Neat-Way, opposite Bow- manville Cleaners. 7-tf AUCTION SALE The undersigned bas receîved instructions from the EXECUTOR 0F THE ESTATE of the late Seward Dowson LOT 35, CON. 4, CLARKE TWP. J'4 mile east of Providence Church te seil by public auction on Friday, April 16 ah bhis farm stock, implements, hay, tools and some lurniture. This sale will include MeCor- mick-Deering tractor; Goodison thresher; 3-furrow tralttor plow; tandem disc; hay loader; de- lîvery rake; nexv fertilizer drill; 7 foot binder; Bean orchard spray- er, driven from power take-off; circular saw; rip saw; turnlng lathe; drill press; forge; anvils; upright piano; two walnut bed- room suites; electric cabinet ra- dio, nearly new. At the same time and place the farm consisting ot 100 acres, more or less, with 25 acres in orchard, balance workable laffdi, with new 7-roomed house with Hydro, bath and ahl modemn conveniences. will be offered for sale, subject to re- serve bid. This sale will commence at 12 o'clock sharp and at tlhc bcginning of the sale there will be sold al kinds of -carpenter and mechan- ical tools. This is only a few of the man.) items to be off ered for sale. See bills. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 16-1 AUC TION Articles For Sale SPENCER 1jacket heater, ini good condition. Phone 2963. 16-1* RANGETTE in good condition, $30. Ph~one 2667. 16-1 FEW loads of mixed hay. Phone 2813, Bowmanville. 16-1 DEERING eleven hoe drill. Good condition. Phone 2839. 16-if KITCHEN buffet, extension table, chamber set. Mabel Challis. phone 703. 16-1 COON coat $45; Quebec heater $15; Marconi radio $20. Mrs. A. Langlais, Phone 2772. 16-1' '33 FORD Sedan, good condition, reasonable. Terhune, 128 Liberty IN. No phone. Evenings. 16-1* LADY'S grey tailored suit, size 16, in good condition. Price $10. Phone 2341. 16-1* SIMMONS bed; four kitchen chairs; baby's training chair. Ap- ply 157 King St. E. 16-1 * CEDAR pales, assorted sizes, suitable for ratters, etc. Apply L. Simpson, Enniskillen. 16-1* THREE good young horses, 4 sets new farm harness. John Rogers, Hampton, phone 2993. 16-1 PIPELESS furnace, excellent con- dition. Fergus E. Morrill, phone 2456. 16-1 POTATOES and Spy apples. Ap- ply 273 Simpson Ave., Bowman- ville. 15-2* BUICK coupe, 1934, heater and defroster. excellent condition. Ap- ply R. Williams, Newcastle. 15-1* CASE, three-furrow plow, K.X. bottom, nearly new. Phone 2271. 16-1* CERTIFIED and Commercial No. 1 Beaver Qats. Also baled hay and straw., Apply Clare E. Allin, phone 2847. 16-1* COOKSTOVE, large size, with re- servolr and warming oven. Apply Mrs. E. Perfect, 78 Ontario St. 16-1* ELECTRiC Washets, the famous Brantford "Locomotive" washers, F. F. Morris Co, 67th Anniversary Special, $117.00. 16-1 ONE t housend logs, mostly bass- wood, some oak ash and edm. Ap- ply Jack G. S;h~ith, R.R. 4, Bob- caygeon, Ont. Phone 32 r 12. 13-4 INTERNATIONAL, 1940 truck, D-30* stike body, just overhauled. 4 newý tires. Apply H. W. Staple-, ton, Newtonville. 16-1 MASSEY -HARRIS spring tootb cultivator, 16 teeth, tractor hitch and power lift, in good condition. Garnet Rickard, phone 2813. 16-1 QUANTITY of good mixed hay; LE aiso Erban secd oats Registered S A LE No. 1. Phono 2332, Alfred Allen. panion. '..,uuuhome and small re--------'------ -- - _- 1- ----. Statesman Office. 16-1 Oshawa. Phono 762M. 16-1* public auction-for 20 TONS choice mixed hay, Ai- EXCELLENT eamnings are yours Auction Sales Wilberl Breseil falfa -and Timothy. $10 per ton. if you are întemested in handling -LOTS 33-34, CON 2, popAhonieHoy20r.R 1Pnt- I ur line. Experieneed and inox- I have heen authorized to Fefl DARLINGTON popooBtay2r1 61 pcricnced men can make good by' public auction for Wilbert 1 milesouth of Prestonvale on NEW C.C.M. bicycle, balloon tires. money if they are eal go-gotters Bresett, Lots 33 and 34, Con. 1, No. 2 Higliway, on clectrie lght, parcel carrier and and out for business. Eurthcr Darlington. on Monday, April 19.jiystnaomufip.Ao information by a -q eta Blue al bis farm stock. implements. Monda y April 19 2 b.p. gasoline engine. Phono Brand Products, 7ý. ,ndra, tractar quipment, grain, e te. Scey Monrel.15-4 itemized listing next week. Sale Th e following: 2341. 61 - at 1 p.m. Ternis cash. Elmer HRE CORN King spreader; Isco sprea- F or Rent Y'lbur, auctioneer. 15-2 Brown mare, brown mare. der. Bath in running condition, FIFTY acres pasture, fresb water Teudrindacin .Holstein caw, 5 years old, bred price $12 each. Aiso new drive Th udesine a cor will Jan. 3îst; osencw,1 er chains. Appiy Archie Hoy, phono at ail times. Paul Haynal, Maple seli by public auction the fanm old, bred Oct. 2th; Black cow, 8 ___________20_R-41. ___ 16____ Grove. 16 -2 stock and implements of Living- yasod rsntbe;Hlti TDO cuhs pig-fle stone Miller, Lot 26, Con. 6, Dam- cw years id fes,no bred FeHoîstei TDO cocesrig-fie PASTURE-100 acres, well fene- lington, 12 'mile north of Eldad cx,4yasod rdFb Sh construction with back and ward- ed. plenty of shade and watem. Chuýrch, on Saturday. Apri4 24. Holstein caw, 6 years aId, milking; robe box, wine, blue or striped A. H. Clemens, 38 Concession St. Xlso quantity o! housebold effects. Holstein cow, 4 years old, bred homnespun. F. F. Morris Co., 67th Phono 2433.1-1 For list' see bills. Farn sold, March 3rd; Holstein 00w, 4 years Annivcrsary Special, $49.50. 16-1 Teris, eash. Sale at h1a 'dock. old, fresh, not hred; Holstein cow, FOUR or 5 acres of goad gardon Clifford Pethiek, auctianeer. 16-2 5 years old, bred Fcb. 26tb; Hol- ATTENTION Poultry Raisers- land, small arebard, use af barn, 1 ____ stein eowv, 7 years oid, bred Dec. six 6' square range shelters. like bon bouse, ete., in Neweastle. Box Alrecnineto oe 23 md; Holstein cow, 9 years aid, ncw. Apply T. A. Brereton, New- 75 Nxcatl.16h and antique fumniture, linon, bed-_ fresh, not bred;« Holstein caw, 8 castie. Phone Clarke 4402 after SEVENTY acres gaod pasture * ding, dishes, etc., the proporty of steico6yars old, res 9h, ot-sxp..1 land, good fonces, unning xater, Mrs. J. E. Beatty,' 80 Broxvn-St., re ostein cow, years old, eh o RUBBERmTIRED Case tractor; lots o! shade. Apply H. B Evans. Port Hope, on Saturday'. April 24. fnesh; Hostein cow, 3 years aid, BT itrCrir opoe R.R. 3, Bowmanvilie, phono 2255.' at 1 p.m. Anyane wanting good i red ; otlOb ostein cow, 3 er lýB.T. Lhay rCarrader ck; BT.e 16 1: funture would be well advîsed years aid, hmed Oct. lst; Holstein Duplex pressure watcr systeni. TWO nfunised roms to tten ths sle. erm cah.eow, 3 yeams aid, due June 3rd; W. H. Brown, Case Dealer. Phon<:ý TW ufunihe ronswith No mserve. Jack Reid, auction-Hosinow uaradueM 497. 16-1 board in marmied practieal nurse's cci'. 16-2 Holtein 4 Haîsteinhefrs l, bred M HSEFED uts ic home, in country about twelvc 3h osenhies rdadCETRIL uts ic miles froni Bowmanvillo, for eld- The undersigned has eceived vaecinated; 6 Holstein heifers, 1 suites covered ail over in velaur -1l copen cfdren. Reason- instructions froni the oxecutor o!f erol:4iavs or friezene, choose frani wine, able. Phone 384 Bowmanvilc. the estate of the late Fern Cbap TRACTOR EQUIPMENT blue, turquoise. à7. F. Marris Ca. 16-1* maPash ubi uta'a Allis-Chalmers Tractor, W.C.. on 67th Annivemsary Speciai, $l1 ") bermate reidencple, FrotioS t.O-rubher, new in 1945, in gaod con- 1- Pets For Sale benron a tu rday. ApFrint St, Oatdition; tractor manure spreader an ___1________1__ _______________________on_____- I p.m., il hemhoseoldfuni rubher, rîearly new, M.-Deering; DRY cedar wood, per cord, sawed REGISTERED Cocker Spaniel iture, hedding, linon, dishes, etc. 26Tractor poh lefur r M-H. No. into anc food, red , $1 ; p çpuppies. Apply Bernard Dilling.' Sec bills. Ternis cash. No me- 2:Srn ot ee arw,2lr 1;hrwoto u.$8 23 Nelson St., phone 2770. 16-2- serve. Jack Reid, auctioneen. soc.; rubher-tired wagon, good; cedar posts and paies, ail lengths. Tractai' dise, liý plate; binder, M,- Frank J. Gilmer, Newtonville. 15-2 H,. 7-ft.: mawer. Deering; corn Phone Calrkc 613. 16-1 binder, Me.-Deering; seed drill, Hayonae Grass There wili ho offered for sale at fertilizer attacbment, Deering; BEAN Power Sprayer or Moyen, bis late nesidence, King St. W. cultivator: roller; disc piow; corn 2 cyl;nder Pump Power Spmayer. CATTL SALE ý(,,,vr the Mili Bridge) the house- cultivator, 2 row; harows, 5 sec.; both in first class condition: a!-,* hodfurnitureofo the hate George fanning miii; cutting box; beet Preston Fertilator for il hoc e ' 150 Hcad of cattie including1 Gilbert. Sale xiii inclie two puiper; 2 1-borse scufflers; singia neariy new. Appiy R. Os-'- spningers., grass cows and 1 % Yr.- bedroorn suites: panior suite; plowv; set sieigbs; cutter;8 buek Newcastle. i - oids Up to 2 year old steerg and gramophone and records (good); mk;otrur i roe tv;SRWER lns- i hefr:odd tables and chairs; dressers; 2-wvhecl trailer; poultmy wire; i TABRYPa-s- DURHAM, HEREFORD and Gumncu cookstove (neanlu' new): barre] lime sulphur; harrels; lad- zie, Parson's Beauty. Dv-_q . !,2j POLLED ANGUS couch; toilet sets: lamps; dishes; dors; forks; bacs: whiffletrees; per huindrod. picked up. A-' ¼. feather mattrcss and piliows; kit- neckvokes. ichfcken sheltcrs, $30n h:nm F riday April 16 chen utensils: 2 lawn moxvers, and DAIRY UTENSILS 1 ber of feeders, wood and metal; 1.30O'COCKnumerous other articles. Also in- Magnetic mlking machine, De banc grinder, $10; severai drink- 1:3 OCLCKcluded in this sale will ho a i mgo Lav'al: Melotte creani sepaÏator; ing fountains. Cecii Alldread, 55 AIl cattie well wintered, excellent quantitx' of funiture &.nd dishes I ilk pails, etc.i Liberty St. N. 16-1* condition for grass, aIl deborned. froin anothor good town bouse. 11i- IIARNESS STRAWBERRY plants-Premiem We wili deliver al cattie direct ta cluding mahagany dining rooni Set of teani harness, côliars. (new stock) $i.50 prhnrd yaur ranch or fanm froc o! charge. suite: scycrai dressers* rideboard: 1vO Ctkîpe(rpt!vrtp>$2 r With grass right at hand do natrt of dawrs: lhall «at adQîtt !aplP O Troc wood. hundrcd; it frasry2cpe-. mis ths sle.Cale re f e- irror. Sale at 1:30 p.m., Satur- GRAIN Ltai eîm sz,2 ah rol len rquaiity, ofttiy seeddy.ArllJ, eni ah W."0bushels o! Viciand oats. A. La!rd, Maple Grave. Phono froi el hedbods ! ig befJ.Chailis. auctioneor; T. S.- FURNITURE 20.1- standing. Sale wîil ho held at "oi.i.tjov, clcrk. 1- J6pic dnngroi ute ouh -_15_________ 2__ HAYDON FARM, 10 miles north ---1day bee d2 hedroom suite; coalai RSBERYbshs.Vkig n o! Bowmanville. 1 mile east of!Th ear irpobtrî ca s2 to e o m 4-ue.Lahti eac uh; ColuViiandm Enniskillen, Dariington Twp 1Teeaeipratcssonýoe ec,4bre.Lthm cec;Clminbr Frda. prll6hat1:0o onk wbicb the difference between Terms Cash Sale at 12.30 ryroats, 20cecach ; Premier stnaw- FriayAprl 6th at1:0 oc c.bai! a beart, and a wboie beart ELMER WILBUR. Auctioneer berry plants 1 '2 cents eacb; Sen- TERMS - CASH makes just the difference bo- PS-If weather unfavorpe' the ator Dunlop strawberry plants, 1 E. A. Werr:v and Sons. Ted Jack- tw.een signai lcfcat ani a spien-. sale xii he held under caver, cent each. Ivan Farrow, New- son, auctioneer. 16-1 did x ictoru -A. K. H. Baud. 16-1 castle, phone Clarke 3921. 16.2* Articles For Sale FLEURY Bissell tractor double dise hamrows, one 26H 12. front, 14 ear, two 14 front and 16 rear; also tractor plows, two-furrow, with rolling coulters and skim- mers. Immediate delivcry. Cash or terms. T. S. Mountjoy, Hamp- ton. Phone 2503. 16-1* INTERNATIONAL gang plow; Kid Kangaroo gang plow; Victor sulky riding plow; 1938 Dodge stake body truck, new motor and stake body ycar ago. new battery. seal-beam lights, tires ail AI shape; also Holstein cow, due April 20. Apply Joe Crawford, Hampton. 16-1* OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Evcrything in mode--n. Chester- field, bedroom and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor covcrings a specialty. Quai- ity merchandise at compétitive prices. Before buying visit Brad- ley's New Fumniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S.. Oshawa. 46-tf INCUBATOR, oul brooder, coal brooder (buckeye's), new pump jacks, rubber tired wagons, wag- on wbeels for rubber, used sping- tooth harrows, M.H. cultivator borse or tractor 17 tooth, agent for Agrico fertilizers, Otaco and Bis- sel] implements, Perfection Milk- ing machines-try a unit-owest vacuum,. priced reasonable. Phone Carl Todd, Clarke 15-20. 16.2* QUEEN Bee chopping mill (crusb-- er) manufactured by Gmeey. This roller was opemating efficiently in Belmont mill whén miii dam washed out. Has four 24" rollse each driven by its own puiley which givcs the machine a good capacity. An ideal grain roller for customn work or large herd. $150.00 or best offer. Phone 1223. A. W. Graham, R.R. 2 Newcastle. NEW- Studio suites, velour, To- ronto's ieading del5artment stores $169.50, to clear $139.50; velour chestemfield suites regular $295, to clear $195; apartment size washers. regular $59.50 for $39.50; car radio, regular $64 for $49; niattresses, spring filled reg. $34.50 for .$25.50; kitchen sets complete, regular $99.50 for $79; bedroorn suites, Waterfall design, egular $139.50 for $99.50. Easy terms. Murphy's. Phone 811. 16.1* TRADE-IN- Princess Pat coal rtove with reservoi-, gondi co"'Ai- tion $19.50; mantel radios, five tube, six months bld, regular $37.50 for $19.50; steel beds $5; springs $5; Beatty washerà, re- condîtioned, guaranteed $19.50; chesterfield and one chair, excel- lent condition $49.50; Moffat gas stove $19.50, good condition, white enamel; Daveno bed ideal for summer cottage $19.50; ice-box, metal, 50 lb. capacity, good con- dition $24.50. Easy terms. Mur- phy's. Phone 811. 16-1* MET-WO Industries offer you Royal Flexalum Venetian Blinds. Before you select that new win- dow treatment, callyour local Met-Wo dealer and have hlm show you the latest method of contro]ling iight. Maké your oonis brighiter and much eoolç this summer, also warmer in win- ter. Met-Wo blinds cause no ob- struction of light or sight. Free estimates. no obligation, 7-day de- livery. Write to Ken Cain, Orono, or leave wvord at Murphy's in Bowmanville. Also available soon Drape materials at wholesale pri- ces to customers. 16-1 Articles For Sale SEVEN ft. power control Case dise barrows; set 6' Case dise harrows; set used Case sping tooth bar- rows; new 2-furrow Case tractor plow; new 3-furrow Case tractor plow; used eiectric rangette; farm fence; steel posts: barbed wire;, Swift's Gro-Mor Fertilizer. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer. Phone 497. 16-1 ]FARM SOLD 1 have been authorized ta scîl by public auction for Peter Kuzma LOT 21, BROKEN FRONT, DARLINGTON ( miles south of Sheil Gas Station at Maple Grove) on Wednesday, April 21 The following: HORSES Black mare, 10 years old; bay horse, 5 years old; bay horse, aged. IIARNESS Set of team harness; collars; third horse set POULTRY 223 Rocks, 1 year, laying 90 per cent.: 4 ducks; 150 Rock pullets, 5 weeks aid, GRAIN Oats, 250 bushels; Wbeat, 100 bu- shels; Barley, 75 bushels. CATTLE Holstein eow, 3 years, fresh, caîf at sido: black cow, 3 years, fresh, caîf at side; Holsteini cow, 4 years, ifresb, caif at side; Holstein cow, 3 years, due in May; Holstein cow, 3 years due in May; Holstein and Jersey cow, 2 yas due June lst. POTATOES 15 bags of Cobblers. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Dining rooni su1taý (good); ches- terfields and 2 chairs (good); end table; china cabinet (good); saw- ing machine, Singer, drop head», Maytag electric washer (ncarly new); wash tubs; Perfection ail stoveé, 4-humner, with aven; kiteh- en suite (new); coal ail lainps; Marconi electrie radio, 5-tube (good as new>; 3-piece bedroom suite (nearly ne¶v) with mattress; 3 bcds (good) with springs;- dress- er; fcmnery, in good shape; quanti- ty of sealers; cooking utensilq tmd other small articles; heater; stove, 6-lid, reservoir and wamming cia- set and many other articles. The above furniture is in excel- lent condition, and if owner is un- able to secure living accommoda- tion, the above valtuable articles will be sold ilso on the day of sale. * PIGS One sow, bred March 27tb; 2 pigs. 3 months aid. CAR 1932 Willys, reconditioned eng!ne, with ncw battemy end good tires. IMPLEMENTS Binder, M.-H., 6 ft.; mowor, Mc- Deering, 5 ft. '(new); sced drill, Cockshutt, 13 dise; wagon, hay rack; single plow; gang plow; hay rake; harrows; disc; roller; scufi- .1er; fanning milI; scales, 2,000 ibs.; grindstone; coal ail drum; stone- boat,' garden seeder; garden dust- cm (2 row); hand tomato planter, tomato hampesu (200); 2 brooder stoves, troughs and feeders, sep- arator (Renfrcw), good; garden bacs; forks; bacsi shoveis; chaine and many other ârtieles. Termes Cash. Sale at 12:30 p.m, ELMER WILBUR, Auct!pneer 16-1 Prescriptions Scientifie training, a rieh honi- tage o! pharmacal experience and a constant awareness of bis respansibilities quaiify yaur Rexali pharmacist ta serve you faithfully in pros- cription work. NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRAND$ Known Qualily Low Prices Fltch's Dandruiff emover Shampco -.35c, 69c, 98 e Phiilips 77iIk of Mazn2sa a--- .. 45e, 69e LysaI. the household disirfectant 35e. 65e, $1,25 Gi!letUe Lather Shaving ('rcam, large tube -. .-33c V'cks Inhaler, new breath- ing comfort- 39C Ipana Tooth Faste, good for gums . - 29c, 49e Celgate Dental Cream ZSc, 40e Rubberset double-duty Tooth Brush -....- ...49e Proul Radiant-Creme Sliampoo 27c, 63c, 89c Wiidroot Cream-Oli- ---- 59e ffalo Shanipo -----.- - -49e Iergen'a Lotion -- 29c, 49c, 98e Foot Remedies Blue-Jay Corn Piasters- 30e ,Scholl Corn Pads 25C. 35e Elmo Corn Salve ------- --50c Corn Flx ------ ---- 35e Cress Corn Salve -- -50e Rexal! Foot Powder be foot happy. 35c Mennen Quinisana, for fungus Infection of the feet <Athlete's Foot>) 59e Rexali Corn Solvent, an efficient application for the painless removal of corna, callouses, %' fi. oz. 30e Alarm Clocks Westclox Big Ben, loud alarm Westclox alanm $4.95 Big Ben, chlme ------- --- - -. - $5.75 Westelex America alarm $2.45 JURY & LOVELL TOUR REXALL DRUG STORE When We Test Tour Ey« Ik te Donc Properly Phone 778 C..N.R. Tickets *1 MURSDAY. APRIL 15th. 1948 J5uwrvlAr4vlLLE, UN. 1 , Aluo PAGE TMTEEN