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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1948, p. 3

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THURDAYAPRI l5h, 14e T~ CNADIN STftSAN. OWMAVTLE. OTART -~PAGETRE E NIKLL N Frank Osmond, Nwate attended the funeral of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Ennis- 0. L. Byers at Hampton Cemetery, killen, with his parents, M4r. and on Saturday. Mrs. Walter Oke. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Beckett Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mills a nd and Arvilla, Tyrone, Miss Jenny family with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Beckett, Maple Grave, Mr. and Milîs, Maple Grave. Mrs. Clarence Bradley and fam- Mr. and Mrs. Lea. Moffaît and , Mr'eSttin.wthMn son, Paul, Oshawa, were Sunday Mrs. Floyd Becket.t. guests at Mr. Tom Abbott's. Mrient n ImRh Mr.andMrs Lae Gif in nd. were Sunday callers at Mr. Rus- Mr. nd rs. orn Grffinand1.sel Griffin's. Jean, PlirpIe Hill, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry are Walter Rahm and Doreen, Tyrane,1 sparting a new Pontiac. with Mrs. Mary Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bradley Mrs. Mary Griffin had tea with and Brian, Maple Grave, with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Crifrin and Adam Sharp. iamily on Sunday evening. Miss Marion Thampsan. Nestle- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce AsiLhan and ton. Miss Jean Werry, nurse-mn- Larry, Purple Hill, visited with training, Peterborough. and Mas- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ash on. ter Bryan Barrowdale, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton wilh Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wer- and family with Mr. and Mrs. C. ry. Milîs, Part Perry. The W.M.S. Easter Thankoffer- Mr. and Mrs. H. Stcvens and,. ing Service was hehd Sunday eve- Gardon attended the burial of Mr. ning,- April 1l, with a gaod at- 0. L. Byers in Hampton Ceme-1 tendance. tery.. Rev. Seymour had charge af the1 Mrs. A. Leadbeatcr and baby» service. The president, Yrs. H. George, with Mrs. Percy Dewell, McGill, was unable ta o resent Hampton. on account of sickness. Mr. Ross Sharp spent the week- Mrs. Seymaur gave a fine ad- end with Mr Ross Ashton, Lea- dress on missionary work and side. aid she ws glad ta see so rmany Mr. and Mrs. Roland Thompsan children presenit for her address and Karen with Mr. and Mrs. was taken from "Suffer Little Children ta Corne unto Me." Everyone enjoyed the anthems by Tyrone choir and the solo by Gordon Brent. Nluch credit goes ta Mrs. Lorne Lamb and Mrs. Floyd Beckett, the April group leiders for preparing the fine ser- vice. The choir was entertained at the parsonage for lunch after the scrvice by the group. Mrs. Seymour moved the vote of thanks ta the choir for their splendid help seconded by Mrs. O. C. Ashton. Gardon Brent, on behaif of the choir moved a vote of thanks ta the Enniskillen la- dies for thieir hospitality. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm. Nestieton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tre- win and Lloyd. Blackstock, with Mrs. Sid Trewin. The W.MS. of Enniskillen held lheir annual Sunday evening ser- vice in the church last Sunday. A good congregation enjoyed the unique service when the minister and his wife conducted the meet- ing. Rexv. Seymour took charge ,.nd Mrs. Seymnour gave the ad- dress, stressîng our present day need ta educate our children and parents in ail phases of life. Mrs. E. Trewin and Mrs. A. Wearn re- ceived the offering. The Tyrone choir provided three verv fine numbers. After the service the choir wes invited ta the parson- Walker's SPRING CURTAIN EVENT Frilled Marquisette CURTAINS A group of odd lots, soilcd and disconîmnued lines Ibat sohd regularly up ta $6.95 pr. Re- duced ta cîcar aI anc low price. Reg. $695 Several sty les and colors la $ choose from - -- ---------$.79 pr. railored NET PANELS Champagne colored net panels dining room. Note the size! 36"x2l'4 yards long. Note the price! - ----- for living or Reg. $4.95 $2.98 pr. Rayon Marquisette PANELS Your windows will take on a fresb, new look with these smart looking curtains. Fine quality rayvon marquisette in Reg. $9.50 wieoffly. Size 40"x2l,4 yards $5.95 pr. 1~ 'Wd/ae4 unded Phone 451 THEf MODERN STORE Bowmanville P re sent age where a dainty lunch was served bý our ladies. On Thursday evening a goodly number of folks gathered in the Town Hall. Enniskillen, ta bid farewell ta Mrs. Stevenson, Miss Alice and Joseph Stevenson who ïre maving ta Tharnbill. The pro- ~rmwas opened with a sing- sang canducted by Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Mrs. Yeo presiding at the piano; falhowing this wvas a shart but interesting program of read- ings anid music, those participaI- ing, Mrs. R. McGill, Mrs. L. Ash- ton, Allan Werry, Miss Dickey and Rev. Seymour who ably acted as chairman. At the close a very apprapriate address was read by Mr. Adam Sharpe and Mrs. Stev- enson xvas presented wilh a bcd spread. Miss Stevenson a Ken- v.-ood blanket and Mr. Stevenson a wvallet. Fittiimg replies were made by the recipients and after lunch, ail returned home having had a good lime. Mr. and Mrs. Will Challis, Miss Phyllis Challis, Bowmanv i 1h e, ewith Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilcax. e A well known and popular e Hampton, couple celebraled thir 45th wedding annivcrsary whe the family of Mr. and Mrs. J. W Baison surprised them Thursday, Aprm .-_ ,;ith a party and presen- talion of a heautiful basket of *spring flowers and chocolates. Mrs. Macnab (Marion) made and decorated a tbree-tier wedding cake, which was cul and with de- iciaus sandwiches, tarIs and caf- fnc made appetizing refreshmenls. Trh&evening wvas spent in playing cards and music. Everyone wish- cd the happy couple many mare 'cars of married life. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Brawley (nee Betty Balson), Orangeville, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ferguson, Oshawa, Mr. Pnd Mrs. Leslie Hoskin, Thorn- ton's Corners, Mr. and Mrs. AI- ?ert Balsan, Miss Ilcen Balson, olina, were among the guests. Hampton C.G.I.T. met in the szement of the cburch on Mon- wý evening with Jean Kerscy in arge of the meeting. Muriel '-Iindman had charge of the fol- .owing worship service. Call ta worship was read by Audrey Ker-r scy, scriplure read by Evelyn Smale, meditation read hy Nancy CoulIs, prayer byý Grace Kersey. Grace Kersey bad charge of the FolloWing program. Poem read n y. Ev ,elyn Smale, piano solo by JeIan Kcrsey, topic given by Joyce Allin, piano solo by Grace Ker- -cy. Poem read by Irene Alhin. Mrs. Gilbert Adcock visited me- li-tives in Oshawa, Saturday. Dr. Norman Allin and Mr. AI- bcrt Allun, Bowmanville, visited C. W. Souch. and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly. Mrs. R. J. McKcssock, Mr. and mrs. Bryce Brawn, Miss Ruby Dcehel, Oshawa, Mrs. A. Lead- heater and son, George, Ennis- kihien, visited at Percy Dcwell's. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Herrington and daughtcr, Glenda, Napance, were visitors hast week with ber. sister, Mrs. M. L. Davy and Mr. Davy. Misses Florence Kerr, Toronto, Mary Weddell, Newmarkct, and Jean HunIer, Oshawa, nurses-mn- training at the Oshawa Hospital, were guesîs of Miss Eileen Wray on Wednesdlay. Mrs. G. L. Davy. Kingston, is visiting ber son, Mr. M. L. Davy. Mr. Levi Niddcry, Toronta, was a visitor aI Mrs. L. S. Niddcry's. Gail and Ronnie Baker, Solina, vmsit.ed their aunt, Mrs. Sam Dew- r cl. 1Mrs. S. Kersey and son, Lloyd v:sitcd in Toronto on Sunday. Misses Mary Peters, Kurv Inn, and Rota Kerslake, Bowmanville, were witb the Salters Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bulmer. Oshawa, wilh Mr. and Mrs. Wil. Wilbur. Miss Annabelle Adcock visited friends in Bo-wmanville during the weeken d. Miss Eileen Wray is visiting re- latives aI London and Dutton. Mrs. K. Winterburn bas return- cd from a few da.ys' visit with ber sister, Mrs. Charles Parker and brother Tom and Mrs. Martin, Oshawa. She attended the dedi- cation services of the North Osb- imwa United Church on Sunday, April 4 which was an interesting event. Maple Grave choir who supplied the music on this occa- s;on were cntertained by Mrs. Chas. Rundle. formerly of Hamp- ton. Miss Allison Rowhey, Toronta Normal. wvas student teacher at aur school hast weck. The Ladies' Service Club met aI the home of Mrs. James Smales on Wednesday nighl, combining wvork and pleasure. Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Linstead entertained tbe Ministerial As- sociation aI the parsanage on Monday atternoon, April 5. Mrs. Edilh Davy was in Toron- ta on April 14 Ici attend the 'flaughter of Nile" gathering. Mrs. Davy is a past Marshall of Daughters of Nile for Michigan. Guar thrcl frvou ,,loveobv pen- rolling ta conquer cancer. SOLINA BGDYSHOP We buy or ewpair ail types of damaged cars Ail Work Guaranteed TOWING SERVICE Six miles east of Oshawa. three miles west of Bow- manville on north side of Kingston Higbway. ]B. Budai, Prop. Phone: Bowmanville 2810 STARK VILLE Mr. Bert Trirn has returned af- ter a pleasant visit in Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. George Etwell bas return- ed home afler visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Plitz and daughters, Pickering, visited2ber1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Far- row. Mr. A. Dobson bas bis buildings wired for hydro. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ormiston and daughter, Bowmanvilhe, with ber father. Mr. A. Minto. Mr. Lawrence Farrow, al Mr. Laverne Farrow's, Welcome. Mr. Gardon Trim bas purchased a new tractor. Miss Helen Dcckcrt visited at Mr. Howard Farrow's. Miss Daroîhy Farrow, Toronto, vîsited at Mr. Victar Farrow's. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowel visited in Toronta recentl. Several in the community have been laid up with the 'flu. Miss Helena HallowelI nBw magville. WESLEY VILLE Sunday Schaol was held at 10: 30 with an attendance of 36. 0w- ing ta the absence of Mr. Wilfred Bee, Mr. Carroll Nicholls acted as superintendent and Miss Muriel Austin provided the music. Church followed with Dr.'Oke preaching an impressive sermon and with Mrs. Oke providing the mus ic. Wednesday evening the Young People's Union held an entertain- ment at the church. Program consisted of musical solos by Miss Muriel Mason, Mrs. June Nicholîs anid Mr. Lloy' d Kellogg, Piano solos were played by Misses Mur- iel Austin and Ruth Payne and Messrs. Ross Symons and Russell Oke, Welcome. Mrs. Campbell, schaal's music instructor, led the nupils in their sangs. A plav was presented by the pupils, "WÏildcat Willie has Brain Fever" which was very good. During intermis- sioal candy was sold and a quiz was held with Clarence Nicholls and Howard Payne as quiz mas- ters, Carroll Nicholîs was chair- m an. Mr. Arnold Thorndvke attend- ed the funeral of his uncle, Mr. William Cruse of Peterborough on Satu rday. Mrs. W. O'Neill and Maurice, Port Hope, have purchased the farm of Mrs. Rock in Port Britain and toak possession last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eyden and Pat with Mr .and Mrs. Bert Bin- sted. The Cemetery Board meeting wvas held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barrowclough Friday evening. Arrangements w e r e made for the care of the cemnetery for the season. .Mrs. William Mason with her daughter, Mrs. George Martyn, of Welcome. The cammunity extends a wel- came ta Mrs. Wilfred Bee who bas returned home after a lengthy iîl- ness. Miss Hclene Barrowco]ugh re- turned ta Lakeport Tuesday eve- n ing. Mr. Charlie Tapscott, Port Hope, has taken possession of the place vacated by Mr. Ed Eley in Port Britain. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Austin and family spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. John Woolacot wbo celebrated their 401h wedding an- nievrsary. On Monday atternoon a cerne- tory bee was held and the grass raked and burned. Il was de- cided ta commence work on the churcb steps this week. FIRST GUIDE COMPANY First Bowmanville Guide Com- 1 pany mept Mnnday evening under the leadership of Capt. Jean Dev- itt and Lt. Florence Sweete. Af- ter rail caîl and horseshoe for- l mation, Mrs. Buttery took thc Sc.nior Patrol in First Class work. Miss M. Couch took a class of Folk dancing. Tanya Goddard passed her Tenderfoot. Wilma Richards earned ber laundress' badge. A Court of Honor was held at 8:30 ta plan the meetirègs for April First Class work. Sa far this year the Buttercup Patrol is leading the race for theI Patral cup and Scarlet Pimpernel is the runner-up. Next meeting wi * l be leather- craft night, so remember pencils, rulers and scissars. NE WTON VILLE The dance held Friday evening was very well atîended. Mr. Sid Lackhart was the sponsor. Mrs. Westal Stringer accam- panied Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bandy ta visit friends in Belle- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Redknap and Douglas wvith bis parents. Mrs. (Rev.) H. A. Bunt has me- 'urned fram. visiting friends in Port Credit. Rcceipts of Red Cross Drive in Ibis district totalled $49.16. We have been told Ibis is the best sbowing in the township. Canvas- sers were Mesdames Geo. Kim- hall, Jim Stark, Chas. Morris and C. Burley and Mr. N. H. Ander- son and his public school pupils. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burley and Bruce, Messrs. N. H. Ander- son, Ethen Joncs and Arnold Wade spent Tucsday in Toronto. The Masonic gentlemen attend- cd ta business in Newcastle Tues- day evcning whi]e their ladies met in the home of Mrs. Frank McMullen. Girls' Softbaîl Team met Mon- day cvening ta lay initial plans for re-organization. NESILETON Miss Marion Thompsan, nurse- in-t.raining at Toronto Western Hospital, spent two weeks' vaca- tion at the home of ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. Miss Jean Werry, nurse-in- training at Civic Haspital, Peter- boraugh, visited Thursday with Miss Marion Tbompson. The Nestieton W.I. met at the home of Mrs. John Proutt. Meet- ing in charge of Mrs. W. D. Fer- guson and Mrs. L. Joblin. There were 20 ladies present. A good program was provided. Two min- ute talk - Mrs. Wm. Steele. Mu- sic, Four Leaf Claver by Mrs. S. Malcolm; reading, Mrs. W. Jack- son, "I was haro years ago;" read- ing, Mrs. R. W. Marlow, "A great ambition;" reading, Mrs. P. Lang- feld, "A Baomerang;" reading, Mrs. K. Burton, "The other fel- iow's job;" music, Mrs. G. Thamp- son, 'Moonwinks." Mrs. L. Job- lin put on a flower romance con- tert, woan by Mrs. S. Malcolm. La- dies decided la bave a eucbre par- iv and quilt two quilîs. A dainty 'unch and cup of tea was served by Mrs. W. D. Ferguson's graup. Mrs. Proutt and all in charge of a gaod meeting were given a hearty vote of tbanks. Next meeting at the home of Mrs. Gea. Bawers, in charge of Mrs. R. W. Mariow's group. Mr. and Mrs. George Johns and Billy visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Job- lin. Mrs. R. W. Marlow called on T RU CK 5 wiiI give you ECONOMY PLUS ""MILEA GE- LIFE"t 166 Ring Si. E. MdOUIERS 0jF CANADA (/IUMITED" Ontario nlckel-workers keep Canada in the forefront of the world's trade. Nickel from Canada flnds ifs way int more thon 3000 alloys and ranks tenth among Canadian experts. The nickel-worker is a moulder of Canada Unlimited. friends at Nestieton Station, Glad ta knaw Mrs. Tripp is able ta be home again. Mrs. Gardon Stinsan and Ger- aid, Cadmus. visited Mr. and Mrs., Wilmer Fitze. Mrs. Jas. Williamsan and Mr. Arthur Jackman visited Mrs. Ivan Wright in Lindsay Hospital. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Minshel on the arrival of a young son in Part Perry Hospital. Mrs. Norman Rarher is recaver- ing from an appendix aperation in Port Perry Hospital. The Women's Institute had a very successful quilting Mn Friday and two quilts were completedl. Mr. Laurie Hoskin, Minesing, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hoskin. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Mal- colmn visited her sister. Mrs. Min- erva Trewin, Enniskillen. One out of three can ho sav'ed witb the knowledge of cancer now possessed. Arrest cancer-it'. wanted foi murder. AID CELLARS WITH NEW -... SOIERTIFIC AQUELLAI *q. U.&SPort. Of.> Contrais water leakage. dmmp.' ries. or seepage inside or outside ...aboya or below ground on &Il porous masonry surfafes. Cal us tor an estimato. SHEPPARD & GILL Lumber Co. Limiled '1Bowmanville - Phone 715 BOWMANVILLE LIONS CLUB presents RY c. DUDLEY, R.R.CITe PIANIST in his first Concert Recital Assisting Artist: DONALD BROWN, Baritone HIGH . SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Friday, April 16,8:15 p.m. Tickets: Aduis 50c Students 25e no seats reserved Tickets available f rom any member of the Lions Club or at Bank of Montreal, Carter Family or McGregor's Drug store You'Il like the way these new FARGOS cut yaur hauling cosus. That's because each. FARGO is pawered with an engine that suits its particular haul ing capacity. FARGO wilI do ) our job hetter and at lower cast. FARGO trucks are STURDY-built ta give vou long, trouble-free service. Strong axIes and husky frames provide large carrig capacity. Semi- foating rear axies combine strrngth with easy servicing. Transmissions are designed for out. standing service and durahility. Corne in and sec these new FARGOS. We'iI show you why they are the biggest truck value on. the market to-day. N ew Styles à ,in Tropicana DRESSES $4m95 Sizes 14-20, 16 1/2 - 24 1/2, 38-44 New styles for Misses, Women and Haif Sizes, in these popular "Tropi- cana" Frocks. Bubbling Califomict borrowed colors, pressed anid pink- ed seams, sound workmanship and dependable washable ATC Spun' Rayon. A dres you'11 wear now and on into summer. BOWMANVILLE MOTOR SALES 0 Phone 585 0WT&rAm0PQçoUCs 95% OF iE WOO NIWKL PROOUCToOW AHNUAL MM SPAID 10 8260 ~~ ~ ONTARI NICeUL- WQRJ(E' A~O~%C~ M~'f *r 2t200000 ffOS MM& AN A14NUAI. ItEWNUE M O#4TAÇPJO OF ~WP5 4'%t~<ÈZ4tV ~450,000,000oo. BREWINQ COMPANY LIMITED TRURSDAY, APRTL 15th, 1949 THE CANADIAN STA"SMAN. BOWMANVMLE. ONTARTO HAMPTON

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