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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1948, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAW ~TATESMÂN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO TrHURSDAY. APRIL 15t1î. 11141 Roi«Y lub Te coffin was borne ta the train hch was to carry the remains back ta the smali town where the (Continued from Page One) deceased was born. Whiie the ting ta bis journalistic attain- smaii knot of mourners stood ments. The weight became tooaabout after the train had departed much and one day il ail ended inth Mayor turned to one of the a dipsomanic decease. Mr. Howe bearerz and whispered the ail- and a coterie o! oid cronies then motn enquiry: "~Who was arranged a funeral deemed fitting he?"That was the epitaph of to the aura o! importance 'iil The Impcortance of Being Import- around the departed. But of the ant and the O. Henry climax that six palibearers chosen, one tailed concluded with a burst o! ap- ta turn up and a basty search was plause for a very cleverly con- made for a substitute. ceived and truly important lec- Who Was He? ture. The Mayor o! the city happened Cu Io be passing and he was pressed L i nto service. The dignity of bis Lins Cu position and bis sense of import- ance added the rcniui,- I o. (Contînued fron' Page One) the importance of the occasion. means view that the address bad ugiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii;iitigiiiuontiimugbeen greatly enligbtening. Youthful Orator 41/0 - :Young Robent Suter who was introduced by one o! bis teachers ~a/tbe B.T.S., J. H. Parkhill, spoke on Boy Scout Work and the life ~proved 10 be a real orator witb a copeegrasp of bis subject and r-~A Tr f rU'wiseiv used, couid well lead to an RCAV ICTOR aduit-life as a member o! p' -ia- iment. Don Mason pnesentej the [ shied he wvon to Principal E. A. R ECOR S. Farmanto be bung ia the Hall of Fame et the school for future compet'ition and the individuel Il cu p was presented 10 the winner I ie? ~ as a permanent possession. r ' ~Carter Presentation Tnternational Caunselior J. J. 'I Bert Parker made the presenta- Wl; ~tion to Past District Governar ~ \...)' ..} Charles Carter Jr. in token o! the -. great service rendered 10 the club ..- and the Lions movement by one ~ o! ils outstanding men*ers. The (,V ~gift was a dual-airpack travelling case, selected as Mr. Brown sug- I geFted "in view o! an anticipated coming event." Mr. Carter man- aged to express his bewildered Dreaniy LuilaLy - Tex Beneke An Old Sombrero I Can't Afford ta Send You Roses The Dream Peddler- Sain. Kaye The Secretary Sang IlH. Carrol The Big Brass Band from Brazil The Bec Sang - Louis Prima Tutti Tutti Pizzicato Completely Vours - V. Monroe The Lovclincss of You Wishing Thoughtlets Larry Green1 You IVere Meant for Me I'vc Been a Good Girl - C . Spivak Chcrokee Canyon - Tex St. Louis Blues March Benekel The Radio Shop YOUR R.C.A. VICTOR DEALER 38 King Street East. Phone 573 B0W M A N VILL E BAYERS ASPIRIN 18e - 29e - 79e ANACIN TABLETS 25e - 49e - 74c Treat Seed Grain Ceresan Dust Treatment 1 lb. $1.10 4 lbs. $3.50 Toni ALKA SELTZER 29e - 57e CHASE'S Nerve Food 69e - $1.79 - j' HOME PERMANENT De Luxe Kit - $2.50 Refill - $1.25 Guard Againsi Moths Larvex Spray. 83c, $1.29, Larvex -nd Sprayer - $1.29 Dec Tee Math Crystals 49e Garment Bags 39c, 55e Thr o Btle Mathi Blocks 15c, 30e: $1.50 - $1.65 Sheli Tox 24c, 43c, 73f UCHKTS-$10 Aerasol Bomb $1.35, S3.9;) UC IT 10 FOR THAT CBLI RUS IN..., Low Prices Palmolive Soap- 2 for 15e Odex Soap--- 2 for 15e Corega PoNder 23e, 39c, 69e Blondex Shampoo ---23e Lactogen -- -69c, $1.59 100 A.S.A. Tabs - --19e Robinson's Barley ----- 33e 46M Cream Shampoos e51 Prel --------- 27c, 63c, 89e IShasta -- - - ---- ----59e ____________________ Rayve -----75e Fitch ----- -------- S- 1.00 Nyal Creophos stops bronchial coughs $1 bil. :'CO WLING'S ORUG STORE w l John T. M4cCreery Optometrist 1 Eyes Exanuned Glaises FÎtted Thursday - 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Optical Repairu COWLING'S DRUG STOM'E ithanks. à The five oratoricai finalists !from the B.T.S. who were guests of the club at dinner with their 1teachers mer tioned above, inciud- ed Robert G. Suter, the winner, Robert Elluff, Oscar Graham, ,John Langton, winner of the 1948 Character Award, and F re d Thompson. Young Langton very capably expressed the thanks of bthe group for the Lions Club in- terest in the scbooi and for the hospitality of a splendid evening. Club Quartette The Lions Quartette was made up of Alex McGregor and Don Mason, tenars, Don Williams and IWilf Carruthers, baritone and bass. Chairman Braugh suggest- ed, after bearing them, thàt club financs were assured if the taI- 1ented group couid secure suffici- ent bookings. Alex McGregor recounted the arrangements made for the Ray Dudley Concert in the High Scbool, Friday evening, which is mentioned eisewbere in Ibis is- sue. Bart Smitbson gave details af the Hobby Show to be heid in flie Community Centre. Tbursda, Friday and Saturday, wbich is ai- zo mentioned separateiy in tbis issue, BLACKSTOCK RECEPTION AT RECTORY Rexv. and Mrs. John McKibPin entertained members of St. John's Cburch, Cartwright, àt an infor- mai receptian in the rectary, Blackstock, Tbursday evening, April 8. The reception xvas ar- ranged so that the cangregation rnigbt bave opportunity ta inspeet the rectory kitchen wbicb xvas recently re-decorated thraugh the kindness of the W.A. The tea table was tastefuiiy ar- rangeci with pussy wiliows and blue candies. Mrs. Joseph Fard- er and Mrs. Arthur L. Bailey poured tea and coffee-deputising for the busy xvives of the cburcb wardens (Mrs. Creighton Devitt and Mrs. John Rabm) who xvere unavoidably absent througlh iliness in their bornes. Also as- sisting were Mrs. Florence Craw- ford, Mrs. Thos. Hodge, Mrs. Har- aidý Crawford, the Misses Doris and Ruth Hamilton and Miss Mar- garet McKibbin. Coffee served at the reception was a gift to the members of the cangregatian from Rev. and Mrs. Merrill Ferguson. It had been grown by them on their mission station in Angola and tbey chose this novçl, and mucb appreciated «'ay o! sending greetings ta their friends at St. John's Cburch. Miss Agnes Whittaker, Toron- to, visited Mr. and Mrs. David Archer. St. John's A.Y.P.A. met April 6 at the home o! Miss Jessie Me- Arthur for "Newspaper Nigbt." The secon'i edition of "The Cart- wrighter" was produced. Vani- vus memnbers directed the make- Up o! news, editoriai, sports, wa- men's and advertising pages in a program wbich dispiayed much ingenuity and afforded a great deal of fun. Miss Vivian Sadier, Toronto, wjth ber parents. Mrs. J. A. Johnston and Keith took Mrs. Roy Avery and Donna Marie home ta Tilbury on Satur- day. Tbey returned home Sunday and Mrs. Fred Bailey came back vith tbem afer visîtingc in Wind - Miss Wiima Van Camp, Toron- to, with ber parents. Symoatby is extended ta Mrs. Robt. Bruce and Miss Mae Kin,- on the death of their sister-in-law. Mrs. Frank King, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtis attended the funeral in Lindsay on Manday. The teen-agers of this commiuni- ity and Nesîleton eniayed a dance in the Cammunity Hall Saturday evening.1 Several !rom here attended thbc Oshawa Skating Club Tee Frolics and realiy enjayed the program. Wom-en's, Jnstitute met at the1 home of Mrs. Clarence Marlow, I April 7, with a good attendance. Roll caîl was answered by -Haw long I bave been a W,ýomen's In- stitute member" and the replies MARRISj JEWELLERy BOWMANVILLE 43 King Si. IW. Phone 463 were very interesting. Mrs. W. A. Van Camp and Mrs. James St-rong headed the list with 38 years and Mrs. Leith Byers with 37 years. The programn was ini charge. of Mrs. Jack Rahm. Mrs. Arthur Baiiey gave a very inter- esting account of her Florida trip, traced the route on a map and passed around post cards. Then Mrs. Clarence Marlow reiated her impressions of Fiorida and, sur- rounding district, passed iovely shelis ,snapshots and a cocoanut in its very outside covering. Wýe were ail delighted with botac counits. Singing ciosed the meet- ing, then a delicious lunch was, served by the hostess and the group. Next meeting, which is Grandmothers' Day, xiii be at the home of Mrs. Oscar Graham and Aima. COURTICE Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arnott, Maxwells, with H. F. and Mrs. Osborne. We are sorry ta report Mrs. Hil- ton Tink is flot improving ver fast from her recent proionged illness. Mrs. Harry Baldwin and Anson and Mrs. Phair with Russell and Mrs. Luke, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perkins, Oshawa, with their niece, Mrs. F. Baison and Fred. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Russell, Aj- ax: Malcolm and Mrs. McGregor, Maxweli's, with Gordon and Mrs. fTrevail. Jesse and Mrs. Arnott, Max- weli's, with Blake and Mrs. Oke. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Luke, of Hampton, witli Anson and Mrs. Phair. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hancock xvith Mrs. A. Niddrie at Manches- ter. Norman and Mrs. Griffin with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hutchings, Bradley's, aiso Mr. and Mrs. Les- lie Hancock. Mr. Hutchings basi been very ili ail winter 'but is somnewhat improved. Norman and Mrs. Ciemens and Marilyn, Toronto, at Gardon Tre- vai]'s. We are sorry to report Mrs. Harold Burnham not nearly sa well after her recent iiiness.* Ormey and Mrs. Robinson and baby, Carol, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, Lindsay. Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Mantie (nee Doreen Phair>. Bowmanviile, on the ar- rivai of their littie daugbter, (Jan- .ce Marie) at Bowrnanvilie Hos- pital on April 3: also to grandpa and grandma Phair and great- grandpa Found. Bert RobInson, Sudbury, accom- panied by his mother. Mrs. Rob- inson Sr., Oshawa, with bis sister, Mrs. Fred Balson. Mrs. Cedrie Robinson and Mrs. Wally McKnight with relatives at Newmarket. We welcame Sim and Mrs. Pen- faund, who have cor-ne ta reside hcrc, thcy having lived in Osh- awa qince their marrie ge. Their many friends wili be giad ta know Mrs. Gordon Trevail and Mrs. Eari Mehean are recovering nicely after their operations. The "NEW LOOK" also "New Performance" For Your Outboard Motor Our factory trained outhoard mechanie will overbaul your moton with thei and knowiedge. OBITUARY Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATt 0F DAVID DR. GORDON J. MILLEN FERGUSON, late of the Town of Cobourg, in the County of Nor- A papular summer resident at thumberland, formenly of the Bowmanviile Beach for a number Township o! Dariington, in the o! years, Dr. Cordon J. Millen, County o! Durham, Farmer, de- Progressive Conservative M.P.P., ceased, who died at Cobourg on for Rivenside, died Apnil 10 at bis or about the 6th day o! February, home on Glen Manor Drive, Tor- 1948. onto. He had been iii since be- THE TRUSTEE ACT R.S.0., 1937 fore Christmas. He xvas a former Ch. 165 - Sec. 51 scbcol trustee and alderman in Creditors and others having Toronto. He was 49. - bd caims against the above estate Born in Toronto, Dr. Millen are required to send particulars practised dentistry in the River- and full proof thereof ta the un- dale district. He xvas eiectedt derslgned on or before the lûth the provincial iegislature in 1945. day o! May, 1948, af ter which date During the first great war he serv- the essets o! the estate wili be ed with the Canadian Dental distributed baving regard only to Corps. He greduated from Uni- hie cdaims that bave been receiv- versity o! Toronto in 1921. ed. Dr. Millen senved as alderman Dated ibe 7th day of April, 1948 for Wend One for seven consccu- at Bowmanvilie, Ontario. tive years, fnom 1938 ta 1944. A IVilbert J. Ferguson former chairman o! the board of and Albert L. Oke, health, bis city hall associates say by their S'iitor, he bas always taken a keen in- LAWRENCE C. MASON terest in the affairs of the hcaith 30 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ont. department in Toronto.I 15-3 A memben o! St. Barnabas' An-, ------- glican Cbunch, be was at one lime first vice president o! the Dan- S A F E forth Business Men's Association. 1 Dr. Millen xvas a member o! the SatisfyingSevc Queen City Blue lodge and Cy- S ;sy ervi.ce rene Preceptory Masonic Orden. He was amember of the Cedar-ij1 brook and Scarboro Golf clubs. S T E Y EE N Surviving are bis widomr, the Norman end Dr. John, and a TI - Il - daugbter, June, ail o! Toronto. 1 As a measure or respect. the op- ening af the Ontario Legislature Phone 822 was postponed until 4 p.m. Mo- O MNILE - NT day la allaw members to attend' B MAVLE -OT bis funeral. "Hîs unexpected deatb cames as --_______ a great shock toalal members,'" ENJOYED BY MORE Premier Drew said. "He bas been a splendid public servant." fainilies than any other 1He who postpanes pradtising the Golden Rule until others practise il towards hlm, becomes incapable o! pnactising il et all. He who bas an open mmnd cen consider a probÏem as if he bad no relation la it. brand of coltee in the word ... that's Maxwell House. Recause of- its extra flavor it's always "Good to theLast Drop!" WALLPAPER 1 !O. SEASON-at its height SUPPLV-at Its best SUN WORTHY-' semi-trimmed a paper for every roomj New Designs- New Color Combinations Special reductions in price on room lots and discontin- ued patterns Prepared Wallpaper Paste Wallpaper Brushes J. W. JEWELL "BIG 20", PHONE 356 *27 King St. W., Bowmanville WFWOW sayse 0 'Lagins moyes 80 ilowly that poveaty, following fast, soon overtokes hlm' An accident happens fast, too;, 3a fast that you cannot prevent it. But you can prevent the expense that follows faut upon an accident - by having ane of Mutual Benefit's many Sickness and Accident plans. Fill in the attached coupon and mail to address below. Learn how you may be assured of this ample protection for a f ew cents a day. MUTUAL BENEFIT HEALTH aund ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION .. . PAi à r 5 Bassett Bldg. 1Siroe St. -S.. Oshiava Nom* ................................... Street ...................................... City or Town ............................... Ago.Occupation .................... 40 YEARS 0F SERVICE THE ORIGINAL STORE utmost skil AIl work is gu aranteed. HANNAN BROS. 1 MILE EAST COURTICE Phione, Bowmanville 2833 Osha-wa 393J R. W. Bail & Son Taunton, Ont. Phone Oshawa 163 W3 (rey'erse charges). 2-4 OUR MODERNIZED STORE Se rving You Belter HARRY LPoneIE 1 Carpenlers Contractors Home Owners HAVE YOUR SAWS PRECISION FILED BY MACHINE Ail types of hand saws, rip saws and panel saws accurately jointed, set and fiied. Ail Work Guaranteed c H A PMA N Saw Service Leave Your Saws at A. E. McGregor Co. 7 King St. E., Bowmanville or at D. R. Alldread's GENERAL BILACKSMITH King St. E. Bowmanville ALLIN THE CORNER GROCERY Bowmanville King St. E. 1 PAGE SIX THE CANADIA" STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Forty years is a long time, and in forty years many things change. There is one unchangeable policy that has and will continue to be a major one in aur business and that is one of Service Io Our Customers Through good times and bad times, wyar and peace, we have striven to give our customers the best value for their money. We have endeavored to treat aur customers like' f riends for we feel they are aur f riends. 1 Our present system of business which is called a semi-sef-serve-is one where aur customers may either serve themselves or enlist the aid of one of aur clerks to assist them with their shopping. We also de- liver phone orders as well as those purchased directly in the store. We are the only grocery store in town that selîs frozen fruits, vegetables and f ish. Our equipment for servingyou is the most modern in town. Everything we do and every article of modern equipment we have is for the one obj ect of ý6'7

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