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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1948, p. 7

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'ZU"f ID . *AP-RItI 115h, 19498IR ~MnA 'qcaa~ .. blAreA4 OJW LYtN VLLE.L.ONTIO UPAGE SEME~ IlSinger Sewing Il MACHINE S Repairs for any make sewing i machines. Free estimates. I Used Machines bought & sold. Electrie Machines avallable for ent or sale write or phone SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 47 Walton St.. Port Hope Phone Port Hope 1015W (Our representative calis ln Bowmanvilllc every Thursday> Social and Personal Mr. and Mrs. Howard Corden, Toronto; Mr. Teddy Bird, Peter- borough, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bird. Mrs. G. A. Beynon and baby, Parry Sound, ha-je returned home aftem spendlng a week with ber parents, MI. and Mms. J. New- man. Mr. and Mrs. Alpex Dingwall. Gwen and girl friend, Mrs. G. Williams and Mr. John Ellenor, Toronto, visited their cousin, Mrs. L. J. Barton. Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dudley, Don, Jean and Bill, Trenton, weme Denis Piekard, George Brown, Jaek Mûnday, Glenn and John Brooks. George Ingbam, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ingham, Millbrook , formerly of Bowmanville. xvas awarded a scholarship of $75 in the recent Kiwanis Music Festi- val beld in Peterboro. Mrs. W. E. Gery bas returned from visiting frlcnds in Wood- stock and Toronta. While in Tom- onto, she had the pleasume of at- HEAR PREMIER GEORGE DREW DISCUSS "ONTARIO MINING LOOKS AHEAD" Il IN QJJEEN'S PARK REPORT NO. 13 FRIDAYI APRIL 161h C FRB 8 60 8:00 p.M. E E I E E E = i i E = I ReouConditioned TrucksI Cood Used Vehicles Prices range front $250.00 Io $1,385.00 ail unils guaranieed 1941 REO TRACTOR, Mode! 30 A.H.S. Recondltloned 288 cu. in. englne, excellent tires, 825x20, dual rear. 1939 REO Model IB4, 145" wheel base, stake body 11'x7'. 32x6 tires. 1938 REO Model 1]34H Chassis and Cab 32x6 dual rear tires. 1934 REO, Platform Body, 13'xl7'; excellent tires 750x2O, dual rear. 1941 MACK E.H.T. TRACTOR, alniost new tires, dual rear. 1940 WHITE, Mode! 708, Chassis and Cab, 10 ft. baci Excellent tires 900x20 dual rear. 1939 DIAMOND T, TRACTOR, Mode! 614. Good tires front, 900x20 dual rear. Inciudlng 5th wheel, gallon aide nxounted gas tanks, 2 speed rear a traller brake, hook-up. 1937 MACK JR., Cab over englue, chassîs and cab, 1501 base, 32x6 dual rear tires. 1935 INTERNATIONAL 22 passenger bus, licensed f good tires 750x20 dual rear. 1930 WHITE. Model 60, 1-on, delvery express bod tires 32x6 single rear. CALL OR WRITE FOR FURTHER tDETAILS EGMOTOR COMPANY of CANADA 36 Yorkvllle Avenue - - Toronto, Telephone RAndolph 1105 OPEN EVENINGS Out-of-town guests at the Mc- KeP-Wilkinson wedding, Oshawa, which took place an Wednesday evening, April 7, were: Mr. and Mms. Samnuel McKee, Burketon; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar MeQuade, Mr. Warren MeQuade, Cadmus; Mrs. Sidney McQuade, Bumketon. A telegram of congratulations was received fmom Mr. Bruce Minns, cousin of the bride, and Mrs. Minns, of Hamilton. Out-of-town guests at the Kerr- MeQuade wedding which toaki 900x0 * THE ABC 0F IT kof cab. Y our wiming problems are E simple wben yau bring them :825X20 E ta us ta iran out. Our train- two 30-E ed technicians have been xle and E solving electrical difficulties E for yeams and will know the * answem ta your particular 0' wheel poEem for 948, If you want it done right - don't hesitate ta give us a E all. We are as near as y, good - your phone. Free estimnates wll be glati- E ly furnlshed on request. kLido ea Niggn Electric Ontario ! - Iour General Electrie Appliance Dealer ME 42 King St. E. Phone 438 BOWMANVILLE tplace in Blackstock, Saturday, April 3, were: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rowson, and daughteir 9Barbara, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. dJack Gay, Courtice; Mr. and Mrs. sF. Burns and son, Steven, Bow- manville;Mr. and Mr.5. Rager Oke and sons Wayne and Barry, Port Perry; M_ýessrs. Stewart and War- ren McQuade, brothers of the bride. 1 F.- il . à MeKEE-W]ILKINSON Baskets of sping flawems form- ed the background on Wednesday evening when Doris Wilma Wil- kinson, daughter of Mm. and Mrs. William Wilkinson, af Oshawa, became the bride of Harry Oscar McKee, of Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mms. Samuel McKee, of Burketon. The wedding took place in the home of the bride's parents, with Rev. J. V. McNeely pertormin-g the ceemany. Given in marriage by ber fath- er the bride chose a floam-length gown of ivory satin fashianed with a yoke of nylon trimmed wîtb satin rosettes and seed pearîs. Tiny buttons tram neck- line ta waist formed back interest and sheath tigbt sîceves ended in paints aver the bands. Rer fin- gertip veil embmoidemed with sced peamîs was caught ta ber headI with a headdmess of orange blos- soms. Completing her costume was a single strand of pearls and she carried a cascade of garden- las, white and red roses and ad- iantium. Miss Betty Harder, cousin of the bride, xvas maid of honor I wearîng a yellow taffeta gown with wine velvet streamers. She wore a headdress of yellow flow- ers and a gold choker neeklace. Churches ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. G. C. Quigley Organist: Mrs. Reta Dudley A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M. Choir Director: D. Alex MeGregor 10 a.m.-Sunday School Il a.m.-Nursery Sehool Il a.m.-Worship "Facing tacts and seizing op- portunities"' 7 p.m.-Worship "Possessing our Possessions" St. PauI's maie choir at both services TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. J. E. Griffith Organist: Mr. W. E. C. Workman Sunday, April l8th il a.m.-Rev. C. D. MeLellan, B. A., B.D., president Bay of Quinte Conference will conduet ,worship and preach. 7 p.r.-"What Comrmunications are these?" (Somne letters fromn France and Great Britain). il a.m.-The nursery Junior churchi 2:30 p.m.-Sunday Shool BE PBEPARED A ND PE Avoid the Rush! IHave your lawn moiver- a sharpened, ready to eut the Ilawn Vlth precision sharp- j ened blades. IVWE PICK UP AND E DELIVER = Gîve Us a Cal *G. Fr. JAMqIESON FTIRE DEPOT ICor. King and Silver St.:E Bouwmanville - Phone 467 . 1 1 Orchland Farm H. J. BROOKS Bowmanvllle Phone 2636 "21 T- 1; TASBL ETS GUICK RELIEF 0f SHEADACHES IIANDY TU#[ NEURALGIA 35c RHEUMATIC PAIN ICONOMY MIIS n 75c $1.50 COLDS Alka-Seltzer - - -----------29e, 57e Alphamette - -$1.00, $1.85, $3.50 Arrld ---------------------39c, 59C Bile Beans ----------------- 47e Burdock Blood Bitters -- - $1.09 15<-3 < I Ex-Lax 15c, 33e Fruitatives - .23e, 43e Kkovah Health Saîts ----- 29c, 49e Larvex -- --------- - - 8:3 , $ 2 Mead's'Pablum ---- - -- e KLEENEX, PACKAGE op 18C Io 3tsss 63/4- ff no0 fissuesS9l 0" ~~ 2 for 35o MANS SIZE 12"x12"# 2 9c Alex We Deliver 54, and Tucktts 47. mmly1series. The other- two tesns nmey igh single honors went ta - the Lucky Strikes and Wings have Marg E. King 318, Bern Carter 38 and 23 points, respectively. 294 and Lena Geddes 271. The first and third place teams High triple honors to Lena will plày and the second and Geddes with a nice 647, Bern fourth in the best, two out of three Carter 640 and Marg E. King 637. 11 tBORACIC ACID, 1 lb.---------------- 18e BORAX, 1 lb ..... ......-l6 "ECONOMY" Hot Water Bottie ---98c ESSENCE PEPPERMINT.........-----9e RI i EVER-READy Shave Cream -------24c CiE ýU FRIAR'S BALSAIII------------1_ 9c, 37e FULLERS EARTH, 4 oz.------------lic OO IODIZED Throat Tablets - - --- - 24e UI MAGNESIA Tablets 100's, 300's-- 27-53c FOR MINERAL OIL 16 and 40 oz. ---- 39c, 77c CHILDRENmV E SALT PETRE, 4 oz.--------------------8c .4 PIecsOntTust'i, SULPHUR, 1 lb.- -c-------------------mloe SYRUP FIGS & SENNA ------ 19e Cmi.'n t.o:a WITCH HAZEL, 4 oz - -- --- - --- g VITAMIN and MINERtAL ?00D SUPPLEMENT BAYER $~3572 DAYS' S *95144 DAYS $4 r9 j~~JASPIRIN Mecea Ointment - 25c, 49c, 890 for Pain relief Pepto-Bismal -- 60c, $1.20, $1.80 18c, 29c, 79c INHANodY 25C .49< Shasta Shampoo Templeton's Razmah Toni Kits 59e 60e, 51.25 51.50, $2,50 Vlck's Vapo Rub 43e Wood's Math Blockettes 15c, 2ric Zam-buk 47c Drugs Your Local-I- A.-Drug-Stor IFriendly Personal Service - Lowest Prices jAbsorbine Jr. - ------ -------98e, $1.95 Campana's Dtalian Balm -25,49e, 97e Colgate's Dental Cream ---- 25c, 40c, 75e Dodd's Kldney Pills ------------- 43e D ol în -------- - -- - --- --$2. 39 Fltch Dianduif Rem. Shamp. 35-69-98c Fletcher'. Castorla---------- 33c, 69c Forhan's Tooth Paste 29e, 49c Gin PUIl ---- --------------- - -------- 39c, 69C Ipana Tooth Faste - - -------29e, 49c Jergen's Lotion ---------- ---29c, 49c, 98o J. & J. Baby Powder --------- 28c, 55c Kolynos Dental Cream ----- 29c. 49e Kotex ------------ 33c, 2 for 65c, $1.23 Listerine Antiseptic ---- -29c, 49e, 89e Listerlne Tooth Faste --- - - 29c, 45e Lysol-------------------- - -35e, 65e, $1.25 Maclean's Peroxide Tooth Faste 29-47a Mason's "49" -------------------40c, 75e Mlnard's Liniment ----- ---- 29e, 59e Modes - ----- 33c, 2 for 65c, $1.23 M um 39------ - ---------------Î c, 63e Noxzema, -------------------- 39e, 59c, $1.25 PhIllip's Magnesia -- ------ 23c, 45e, 69e Prell -- ---- ------ - - 29c, 63c, 89e Rayve Shampoo ----- -43c, 75c, $1.00 Tampax ----------------- --25c, 39C. $1,29 TemDletOn'a T.R.C.'s - ------ 60c, $1.25 Tintex Dyès -------------------------- 15e Vîtalis Hafr Tonie----- -- 53c, $1.07 Wlldroot Cream i011 -------- -59c, $1.09 W lncarnls - -------------- - -- - $1.47 Pro-phy-lac-Uie Prolon Tooth Brush 50c Rubberset Tooth Brush -- ---- - 49o PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MorcGre... g ore tending the Marion Atnderson re- citai. Oliver' Roberts spent the week- end ln Toronto before assuming active direction of his job as weed in4;pector of Bowmanville. His duties corne under direction of the Provincial Government. Miss Marjory Couch, teacher ln Bowmanvjlle Publie School and her cousin, Miss Helen Baker, Sa- lina, spent t.heir Easter holidays in New York on the University Tour which scheduled the hig*h- hights of Gotharn. Keith Wood's group of St. John's Church Choir entertained .Mr. G. Vine's group to a delight- fui banquet Thursday evening, April 8. Miss J. Alîchin express- L- thanks to the host group. Choir practice followed under direc- tion of Mr. Harle. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. James were guests at the By-Line Bail held at the Royal York Hotel Saturday night sponsored by the Toronto Men's Press Club. Over 4,000 newspaper folks and their friends were in attendance. Mrs. Jim Devitt, Halifax, N.S., and friend, Mrs. Brazier, Toronto, were guests for a week with Mr. Devitt's father, Dr. J. C. Devitt. They were his guests, at the Ro- tary baIl and banquet Friday night. Mrs. Devitt returned to Halifax over the weekend. Edward A. Simmons, charter member of Trenton Rotary Club, and prominent druggist, has been elected district governor of Ro- tary International District No. 168, succeeding Kenneth M. Smith of Leaside, who will relinquish that important post at the end of June. Mr. Simmons, however, will start his duties July 1. Mrs. Alberta Layman, writing from Bradenton, Florida, where she has spent the winter at her home in the sunny south says: We are leaving here on April 13 and expect to be in Bowmanville by the 15. Mrs. W. McCulloch and Mrs. P. Laing are returning with me after having a delightful win- ter here. Her bouquet was pink Kedda carnations and sweet peas.KedrLadiesnBowling League -Mr. Orville McKee was his bro- ls ther's attendant. . Drawing to aCls The reception was held in the 1 ____ banquet hall of King St. United! On Tucsday nigbt in the Ladies' Churcb, Oshawa. Receiving the 'Major Bowling League, saw twc guests was the bride's mather, teams blacked out with no score gowned in turquoise blue crepeI and the Wlngs did flot appear styled with a side drape, a blacki on the scene therefore their op- hat and accessories. She wore a ponents, the Players Mild, re- corsage of pink Kecidar camna- ccived, seven points. The Kools tions. Mrs. McKec, the bride- defeated the Tucketts mn three grooms mother, assisted her rames as d.id the Exporta from the wearing a navy blue floweredý Lucky Strikes. crepe dress, with blaek bat and There is only one game left ini accessories. Rer corsage wvas of the regular schedule and it looks delight roses and Hibberd carna- as if the four teams competing tions. The bride's table beld light- in the playoffs will be Koals 77 ed pink and white candles in sil- points, Exporta 56, Players Mikd ver holders, and flowers in silver vases. The bridegroomn's gift ta the bride was a chest of silver fIat- ware, ai-d personal gifts were presented ta the attendants. Following the reception, the newly m'arred couple, who later BA B gets awen trhe oeRofhe the bride wore a light blue crepe C I K dress over which she donned a light blue top coat. Hem bat was matcbing blue and hem corsageI was Lestra Cliff yellow roses. On t their return Mr. and Mrs. McKee will reside in Oshawa. COYLE-ELLIOTT The marriage of Bemnice Ro- berta, daugbter of Mr. and Mms. Stewart Thomas Elliott, St. Cath- arines, ta Mr. William James: Coyle, Bowmanville, took place in Welland Avenue United Chumch,, St. Catharines, on April 3. Bas- kets of daffadils and snapdmagons decorated the church for the cer- emony, performed by Rev. A. A. Rogers, O.B.E. Douglas Camp- bell played the xedding music and accampanied Miss R u b y Brown, soloist. Weaing white bmocaded taffeta, with petal headdress ta match and with sheer yoke, the bride was given in marmiage by ber father. lier veil was pleated into a halo of taffeta and she carmied a cas- cade of rases, sweetpeas and for- g-et-me-nots. A peami nccklace, worn by bier mother on hem wed- ding day, completed bier costume. Miss Maxine Gladys Elliott was hiem bridesmajd in a gown of spring green brocaded taffeta sbe carried a cascade of sweet- peas and roses. Mr. Roy Durham, Toronto, was goomsman. Mr. James Webster, Toronto, and Mr. Alex Champion weme the ushers. Following a reception in the El- izabeth Room of the Queensway Hotel, the couple left by motor for Montreal. For travelling the bride wore a suit of green gab- ardine with grey accessories and gardenia corsage. Mm. and Mrs. Coyle xill lîve in Toronto. S.C. WRITE LEGHORNS BARRED ROCKS We peate a beeding farm flot a commercial hatcbemy. Ail hatching eggs produced on aur awn famm. 100% dlean blood-test February and March pullets make bcst fali producers. t Eidem CreQt Male Cbcir Borden Co., Toronto jThuerday, April 22nd 8:15 p.m. BIGH SCHOGL AUDITORIUM This la anc of the outstanding Maie Choirs froin Toron.to and they wlll festure as gucat sololsts an accordionlst and Bas-o Profundo, Arthur Fisher.= Admission: Aduls 50c Studenis 35c no res erve d se ais - UNDER AUSPICES OF ST. JOIIN'S CHOIR WEDDINGS =ý-q A qlc -------- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tap water which is unusually eold should be allowed to stand for one to two hours before wat- ering house plants during the wnter months. BEFORE SELLING LIVE POULTRY T RY M E MY PRICES ARE HIGHER M. ]Plait BETHANIr R.R. 1 ]Phone 7 r 13. Reverse Charges Time Table Changes EFFECTIVE Sunday, April 25, "481 Full information from Agents C AN AD IA N National Railways THE CAMADLAq q'rATir.R&4 À ta unmu",& mir" 7 ip É%%"n A "*ý ,ý1- ý .4

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