THURDAY APT!~22n, 148 EE CNADAN ~ --SM .. B -Av TLL«v. ON'rAWTOý% - A ~ I.t~IJI!j L'E i~i:'iji 'Pim iii .JlaTYRONE CALESTHIV Te Newcastle Iumependewd Tuesday evening, April 13,th Phon~ Clrk. 314Box Social was a real success Phone: Clarke 3314 with an enthusiastic crowd in at- LIKE C AM PS-tendance. Lorne Annis was an excellent auctioneer. Dr. Devitt and yIuNeprofits Vels one offered his ail for his coun- of Bowmanville, soe ooe trY. n--epCltPllt ' oving pictures of Nova Scotia [s it really the feeling of New- and Algonquin Park, which al Call Oncastlites that these men are flot enjoyed. Approximately $69.00 worthy or capable of building an was cleared. TownLOflCl arna? he ets eelthat90% Mrs. W. J. Miller is visiting her of the people in Newcastle are be-sierMr.WJhnnGat. (By H. R. Davies, President, idte nti rje n o Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees Newcastle Veterans' Association) this reason look forward with and girls with Mr. and Mrs. AI- The xectiv oftheNewas-confidence ta the outcome of the bert Rundle and Mr. and Mrs. Theexeutve ! te ewcs-election on May 3. . May 3 is the Don Thompson, Harmony. 'Co Lle Veterans' Association attend- date on which Newcastle ratepay- Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue and <. Ied the Town Council meeting on ers will be asked ta vote ryes" for JhMs ar iteadMl PI ~~~~~Monday night. The purpose of the issuance of a $5,00 debenture JhMs ar iteadMi their visit was ta request tefrteaea ton with Mr. and Mrs. A. Bolton, -c- cucl apta straight "yes ,th orT te ara .00 a enCampbellcroft. nro" question ta the vote of the Tromisdte nea r $9.000 hben Mission Band was held at the pople. ponsdo usrbd nte home of Mrs. W. Rahm with 17i !pe $,000will ibe available in the The vets have long since felt very near future from the pro- present on April 15. Roll caîl was that certain members of the coun- vincial government, (the Bill as rbookanofanherbl e ea Ting AF cil were against the erection o! reported in last week's StatesmanbokofteBl.WenaT- $AVV cAL00qetotevt il~ lr rad a story called "Wngin * a memorial arena and this meet- has passed its second reading). If t ing certainly confirmed the be- the people vote "yes" on the $5 eCuty. in ol yDr ay~.P lief.00qsin tevt cl a e en Rahm. The children enjoyed Bedlam might easily have brok- the arena built before next al fe games were played. p en baose when one member of It is proposed ta spread the de- Trn eirYugPol tecuncil stated that, quate: bentures over a five-year period eTroaned Seniorl' Young Peole fi'hi#4"etin people had expressed the and the mili rate would be upped enraneStPulsonge- ~ m ple o! Bowmanville on April 16 AL7opinion that the vets should have for that periad by three milîs, with a large attendance from 1 enlisted the assistance of some of which means that the average per- bot.LreAnspeieto Pli ~the more prominent citizens ta son's taxes would be advanced a Tyrth. wLmednnhs, pesdentt.of assist them (referring ta the vets mere $2.00 a year. The veterans yreelo dthgus.S. endeavor ta raise funds fbr the feel that the majority o! ratepay- Paul's presented the following1 Memorial Arena), instead of any ers will view this smaîî amount as program. Two solos by Donnie1 Tom, Dick or Harry undertaking did Mr. Emerson Fisher wheh ask- Creasser accompanied by Ileen such a job." ed by the council for his opinion Naloes accmped ol by Jen Fo n itzn ha a eas a atepayer r e the proposed as- Noe copne yJa For ny itienstha ma besessment; (quote in part), 11 thînk . rossman. Mrs. Stacey gave an in doubt regarding the organiza- the project most worthy and the interesting addmess on "Budget- Quuaker tion that is raising these funds the getbnftitofest h u ng." Two solos by Ross Met- III.f.UVflveterans wish ta point out that-tuc enrinaeubodd calfe accompanied by Mrs. Met- (uui 1) AIl manies collected are and can't -be measured in dollars c8ler ilnde y rc os CAL E MA held in trust by the Canadian and cents." bry and Arnold Anderson. Pi- PELLETS Bank of Commerce._________ ano solo by Ross Metcalfe. Trio _________________________consisting of Jamses Nokes, Bruce I*DE OD Y F O (2) The treasurer for the me- NEWCASTLE MEMORIAL Lonsbemry and Arnold Andersn marial is the local bank manager, ARENA SUBSCRIPTION LIST gave several musical selections. Mr. J. Porter. Program concluded by Ross Met- B. W. Bail & son (3) Out of the 13 that hold of- Peviously acknowledged calfe playing several selections on Taunton, Ont. fice in the association eight are $7,920.50 mouth organ. A social hour was Phone Oshawa 163 W3 ratepavers and six operate their Bowmanville Lions Club - 25.00 conducted by Tyrone Senior (rvesechrgs) 24 own b;usiness. Several held im- Vanstone Flour and Feed Young People under the directionr (rvrecags. 24 portant positions of trust in His Milli...................---------.0.00 lof Mrs. G. Brent. Lunch was _______Majesty's Forces and every last Orono Creamery - .-- 20.00 served. Newcastle-on-the-lake Rate- Mr. and Mrs. Everton WhiteI payers' Ass ociation - -- 185.00 with Mr. Russell White, Elizabeth- Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey _ 100.00 ville. Frank H. Masan------------- 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Albert His en- Alex Prout-- - ------ .----10.00 tertained Mr. Hilîs' Sunday School Chas. Gilkes M.. -- 1.00 Class of young men on Friday ev- A n O pen Letter To The C.Sly------ 5.00 ening. A dainty lunch was serv-è Ros Alin -- - - ----- 5.00 cd by Mrs. Hilîs and Bessie. W. Gadier5.00 Mr. a nd Mrs. Clarence Waodley,a H.Pearce ----------------- 10ff0 Mr. and Mrs. Norpian Woodley Breofo Rickard ------ 20.00 called on Mr.. and Mrs. Floyd J. J. Ireland -----1.00 Dudley at Trenton and also cahi Sid Brown...........------- 10.00 ed at tbe home of their cousin, J. S. Smart, Port Hope _ 10.00 Mr. John Elliott whose funeral L. C. Mason -------------- 5.00 was held on Monday. JCo agrave................------ 2.00 Mrs. S. Jewcll with Mrs. J.u 20 A ril 198 A E.McGregor and Co 15.00 Cookson, Maple Grave.V 20A rl,14 yai'e Dairy ------- 10.00 Mr. andMrs. J. W. Larmar,c Dea Raepa er:Can. Fruit & Produce Ca. 25.00 Mrs. Keith Larmar and baby and0 Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Rawe ---- 10.00 Domothy Bail, Millbrook, Mr. and yteV trn ofte John Labatt Ltd. ---- ------100.00 Mrs. ar Jones, ot, Mr. Vilgeta alvngm moilsh ud Total ta date- - --------- $8,523.50 Falls, with Mr'. and Mrs. Gussie be erected to perpetuate CLUB rnor W.M.S. Thankoffeming servicet th e oy NEWCASTLE LIONSCLB s May 2 with Mrs. Drummond, of the Newcastle boys who paid the su- YEAR 0F ACCOMPLISHMENT Orano, guest speaker and Mrs. t, premne sacrifice. Vlith this purpose in Newcastle Lions Club.completes tre olist.ramStmodCn view the Veterans' Association was its first year of activities flext Mr. and Mrs. W. H oper, fom dmonth. Looking back over the Peterborough, Mr. and Mmi. G.E for edin December, 1947, w¶th the ob- accomplishmcnts of the year they White and Jean, Bowmanvillea Ir are ta be heartily commended Miss Mary Argue. Toronto, with jento a it wa f unds to build a memnorial for leadership given many Camn- Mr. and Mrs. F. Werry.a aren . Itwasunanimously agreed thcrt been th means o! making New- Oshawa, and Mrs. Ross Law and C anarena would satisf y a long needed castle and district a better place Cherlyn, Whitby, Mis. R. J. Cas-y gin whîch to live and work. Just sidy, Mms. S. A. Cooper, Taronto, r want in this community for the better ta refresh your mind here are with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brent molding of Newcastle's youth. OytheoLiohns: a icth arie on:nM. a id M. Howard Philp, Supplied thmce pair of glasses ta Ronnie and Marilyn, and Miss- To date about $9,0O has been sub- needed cases.. Jean Philp with Mr. and Mrs. Gem- Sponsored a Douible or Nothing ald Philp, Morganston. scrbedorpro isd. noter$5,00will pragramn and Amateur pragram. Mms. Anne Phillips and Mrs. T. be vaiabl f om thePro incal ov the winner a! which waz en the Barr visited their sister, Miss ernment in the near future. - Rai Prd a~ Juvenile Hockey Mr.Eey ekt a eun teamn which won the group title inl cd home having spent the winteri On May 3rd you will have the priv- C Hockey. in the west. Childmen's Christmas party - Sunday marning service Rev ilege of voting "Yes" or "No" 'for the issu- gave ice cream., apples, cakes. E. A. Cresswell took for his teext. $5,00 y twn, cookies, Chocolat. milk, presents "Thie sun shone upon the water, ance of 5,0 debentures b the o n ta 250 childmen. Cost $300. etc." The choir was well attend- 4 -Donated money t.o Children's ed and sang the anthem "I knaw thsamoun n Le ue nrq ie to Aid and Hospital for Sick Chil-. my Redeemer Liveth." Mr. Gor- o plt th emorial und dren.. don Brent sang: "To sec Thy Supplied recreational equiP- Face." Wement in Community Hall. Junior Young People met Sun-!i We e rnetly equ st tat OUDonation a! $50 ta Orono Mem- day evening in the Sunday School anlv t YES ral Park. 'roote with a good attendance. wil1oe _S Sponsored a Hallawe'en party Dorothy Wigrht had Plcchae o! he Mm. and Mns. Russell Virtue andl John Moore with Mr. and Mrs. Thea Down, Lakefield. BUTER Enug fo Evrybdy Mr. and Mrs. George Rahm, of BUTT R En ugh for very ody Saintfield, Mrs. H. Rahm, Burke-' ton, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm.1 .Mrs. Charles Bigelow had a suc- Canned Peas, Corn or Tom atoes for sale by the case. Mr. and Mrs. L. Byam with Mr. and Mm Earl Byamn, Bowmnan- -~LA IEs!ville. A 1) E S!Mm. Wesley Hilîs has rctumned homne fromn Kemnptville Agricul- Phone 677 and give us your meat and qrocery order. We trsc~. Alldrcad and Lloyd,1 deliver ail orders over $1.00. M. ndMrs. George AHldread r.WnRois, Mr. and Mmi. G. Rahm, Saint- field, with Mm. and Mms. 0. Bec- kett. 23 KING STREE T 1% E T PHONE 677 BOWMANVILLK, ONTARJO J. MeIRoberti th r ndM 0%-ON-A-Mr. and Mms A. Wood and la-j Prog.-Con. Candidate Mayor Frank MeCalium Nomninated two wecks ago as the Progressive Conserviat iv e candidate ta contest the by-elec- tion in Ontario County on June 8, for the seat made vacant thriough the death o! the late W. E. N. Sinclair, Mayor Fmank Mc- Callum, Oshawa, has already per- fected a strong county organiza- tion and is confident o! victomy over his Liberal opponent, Lymnan A. Gifford, and any C.C.F. candi- date that may appear. Mm. McCallum is the hcad o! the widclv known McCallum Transport Ca. Stamting fmom scratch he has won success in business and in municipal life. He won an easy second temm as May- or a! Oshawa. He is expected te bring !orward well-de!ined issues in the campaign. including hous- ing and Dominion-Provincial re- lations. Many observers concede bis victory at the polîs. mily, Bowmanville, with Mr. and M~rs. H. Camemon. We extend sympathy ta Mrs. Douglas Cale in the passing o! hîer mother. Tyrone Cheery Hausema i d s -eeld their meeting at Arvilla's an Apri1 17 with a faim attendance. Bessie read the minutes. It was decided ta hold the next meeting at Dorothy Skinner's on May 1 with aIl members ta invite their mothers. We made oatmeal cook- ies with the hclp o! Mms. Yellow- cees, with each member taking part. While the cookies were b.- ing baked. Mrs. Yellowlees told uis about pîcnic lunches. Lunch s'as servcd which cansisted o! the cookies we made, also added was othem cookies, sandwiches and tea. SOLINA Mms. Gardon Leask presidcd for he missionary program at Sun- lay School which included reci- ations by Gail and Ronnie Bak- er and Lamne Tink, vocal solo by Kathleen Graham and, stary Iby Evelyn Taylor. The supcnintend- ent, Wes Yellowlees, cxpmessed appmeciation for the good attend- ancc and hoped it might continue and even be surioassed in the :ominz weeks. Plans were ar- 'angcd for the Mother's Day ser- vice on May 9 and the annual an- niversary. The memomial windows wer installcd at the church this week. CHARM ONE COAT WALL PAINT A fle-i.1. Quelity Produ., The perfect anc coat wall paint. In paste fomm to be reduced wîth water. USED ON IVALLS AND CEILINGS DRIES IN ONE HOUR can be washed with soap and watcm. Can be applied over plaster, wallpapem or wall boards. EIGHT ATTRACTIVE SHADES which can be blcnded to make additional colors CHARM affords a practical and easy method to redecor- ate your roomi. $1.35 a quart $4.75 a gallon J. W. JEWELL 4BIG 20" PHONE 556 27 King St. W., Rownsanvllle Charles Langmaid and Bruce Taylor have rcturned home aftre completing their second term at Xemptville Agmicultural School. Mary Cryderman, cltizenship con- vener, was in charge of the Y.P. U. meeting Monday night. Don- ald Taylor and Jean Cryderman assisted in the worship service. The topic "Faith for Taday" was wcll given by Peaml Leach and readings by Rae Pascae and Har- v'ey Yellowlees completed the pmogram. KENDAL Mm. Marris Patton and Mm. Ean1 Bumley, Peterbomough, et their homes. Mm. Bob Alexander, Toronto, with Mr. and Mms. Blake Alex- ander. Mm. Walter Wight and friend weme in the village Sunday. Miss Katie Stewart was in Tom- onto for the weekend. Miss Ruth Gardon, Peterbor- ough, with Mm. and Mms. Spence Gardon. Mr. John Gardon, Peterborough, with his son, Bill. Mr. and Mms. Jack Smith, New Toronto, with.Mm. and Mrs. Ben Madili. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hoy and Neil with Mm. Jas. Boy. Mr. B. J. High and Mm. Hilton High, Delhi, weme et Wm. Mer- cer'g, Thursday. Mm. and Mms. Sam Geach and !amily were guests of Mm. and Mms. Chas. Gay. Miss Ann Gardon, Whitby. with Mm. and Mrs. Spence Gardon and Mm. Bill Gardon. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stainton (nee Jean Boy), Bawmnanvîlle, on the arrivai o! a baby girl. Mm. and Mrs. Spence Gardon and Miss Annie Gardon were Sunday guests o! Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Curtis, while June and John- ny spent the weekend with their grandpaments. Mrs. Hardy and Mm. Reg Har- dy, Toronto, and Mr. Bob Hilditch, Oshawa, with Mm. and Mms. T. Hilditch. Mm. and Mms. Ray Hughes, Port Hopie, visited Mms. Luxari, Mm. and Mrs. John Thompson and other friends. Mms. W. Patterson, Mms. Wm. Wannan and son visited Mrs. Ma- ry Luxon Thursday a!ternoon. Mm. and Mmi. Harmy Mercer, Or- ana, weme guests o! Mm. and Mmi. Wm. Mercer, Sunday. Mrs. Norman Patton bu in Pet- erborough with hem daughter, Mrs. M-ilton Lowes, who is me- covering fmom pneumanîa. Mns. Alvin Lowes and Gardon, Peterborough, are visiting hem fa- ther, Mr. N. Patton. Mm. and Mrs, Norman Therteil, Mms. Glen Kirby, Miss Hazel Ther- tel! and !iend, Toronto, spent the weekend at their summer bomne hem.. Congratulations ta Mm. and Mms. Phone 573 George Mercer (the former Miss Domothy B. Elsey o! Toronto) whose marriage took place Satur- day in the Church o! the Advent, Toronto. Mrs. N. McKay, West Hill, with hem daughtem, Mrs. Roy Mercer. who has been ill. M u c h unfavorable comment has been made aver the condition o! the road at Hallowell's hill and many found the travelling !mom Kendal to Newtonville uncertain. Part o! the deputation which had beeen planned, visited the county couincil Friday a!ternoon and were given the assurance that miles o! this road is scheduled for e-making this summer. Folks are hoping that this will include cutting away those corners also. Motorists, watch out for child- ren ! Not just in the towns but also out on the highways and rur- al roads. Theme are thousands o! youngstems niding buses daily be- tween their schools and their homes. Watch out for childmen on the streets and roads, and give them the might o! way-!or life. k AI Seed and Seeds Again this year we are offering a choice selecfion of seed grains and clovers RE CO0RD S We have expandeci our Record Bar and now have the FULL LINE of Decca Records in addition to R.C.A. Vic- tor; Bluebird and a selection of American Recordings. Visit our remodelled Record Bar and listen, in privacy, to such artists as:f FRED WARING DICK HAYMES ERNEST TUBB DON MESSER BURL IVES BIBLETONE RECORD ALBUYMS Hymns Children Love Beloved Gospel H-ymns Best Loved Hymns Hymns of Inspiration The Messiah The Stamps Quartet The Lord's Prayer Hymns of Faith Including: AJAX, BEAVER, CARTIER, VICTORY, ERBAN OATS SUNALTA, 2-rowed Baniey O.A.C. 21, 6-rowed Barley SPRING IVHEAT, Secd Buckiheat, Goldvine Peas The above advertised grain ls ail govcmnment tested and graded, with special atten- tion belng given ta tjhe ger- mnination tests. You will find aur prices right. NEWCASTLE ALFALFA, RED CLOVER TIMOTHY and ALL CLOVER MIXTURES BOTH FOR HAY AND PERMANENT PASTURES White and YeIIowv Blossom SWEET CLOVER SPECIAL A limited quantity of No. 2 Sweet Claver at $7.50 bus. FERTILIZERS, CERIIFIED SEED POTATOES GARDEN SEEDS and SUPPLIES, etc. PHONE CLARKE 3~-1I BOWMA NVILLE 38 Kincj St. E. Plumbîng Rot* Water Heating Repairs Agent for OiI-O-Magie Oil Burners IDBtaHled i Any Type of Furnace Jack Brough Phn128 SENguw. (large lofs delivered) A, W. GLENNEY DE C'CA Sta r BING CROSBY GUJY LOMBARDO INK SPOTS ANDREW SISTERS AL JOLSON ENJOY The Comfort and Inspiration of Sacred Music in Your Own Home. THE RA-DIO SHOP TMMSDAY. APRTL 22nd, 1948 THE CANADIAN SPATESMAN. BO'WMANVILLE. ONTARIO PHONE CLARKE 33-11 ib à dq-lp %TTPM m Grain IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIif 1111111111 il Ill Ill Il il Ili Ili BOWMANVILLE 038 King St. E.