PAGETE~iTHE CANADIANSTATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO SELL 1oM~ [ADE BIRTHS #, Nolices GLENNEY - Helen and Charlie Glenney, Newcastle, are delighted Dr. V. H. !;torey's off ice will ta announce the birth of a daugh- be closed Tuesday, May 4th, until ter et Bowmanville Hospital on Monday, May lth. 17-2* Tuesday, April 20. A sister o Margaret Jane and John Charles. Wanda's Beauty Shop. 80 King 17-1* St. West.Permanents fhat mak MORRISON-Mr. and Mms. J. M. Morrîson (noe Margaret Rowe) wish ta anounce the arival of their son, Sherman "Dane," on RUNDLE-Mr. and Mms. John Rundle (nee Dorothy Young) are happy ta announce the birth of their son an Friday, April l6th, 1948, at Bowmanville Hospital. 17-1 * STEPHENS-Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Stophens (nee Katbryn Moore) are happy ta announce the birth of their daughter, Linda Kathryn, at Bowmanvillo Hospital on April l4th, 1948. Mther and baby do- in.- fine. 17-1 VIVIAN-Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Edward Vivian (nee Dorothy Hoskin), Milliken, wish ta an- nounce the birth of their son, Ger- ald Wilson, an April 12, 1948, at Bowmanville Hospital. 17-1 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Sam Olver wish to announce the engagement of their yaungest daughter Noreen Gen- eive to Waybumn John Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Zach Adams, Centre St. The marriage is ta take place Àon Saturday, April 24 at 2:30 wilh Rev. J. E. Griff ith, officiating. 17-1* DEATHS ALUIN-At the residence, Lot 14, Broken Front, Darlington, on April lSth, 1948, Nellie Ann Dow- son, beloved wife of Wesley R. Allin, aged 75 years. Funeral from the Morris Funeral Chapel. Interment Bawmanville cemetery. BLAKE-At Hamilton, Ontario, on Tuesday, April 20, 1948, Rev. William George Blake, beloved husband of Maraquita Waon. Resting at Blachfard & Wrays, Main St., and West Ave., Hamil- ton, Ont. Service in the chapel permanent customers. For ap- poinîments, phono 2851. 14-tf Beginning April 281h, Durham Fammers County C o-o p e r a tIlvo will bo closed every Wednesday aflemnoon for the summer months. Robert Glanville, 17-1 Manager TO VEGETABLE GROWERS Growers interested in beet or cucumber acreage contact Cana- dian Canners Limited, Box 280, Bowmanville, phono 782. 16-3 Having sold my business ta Mm. VanDriel, I would like ta take Ibis opportunity ta thank my eus- tamors for their loyal patronage during my twenty-five years in business. Your continued patron- age is respectfully solicited for my successars. H. C. Osborne, 17-1* Community Grocer Whereas the Newcastle Voter- ans' Association has requesîed the Municipal Council of the Village of Newcastle for a grant of $1,000 for a period of five 'years for the construction of a rink. Therefore the property owners of the village are requesîed ta vote on the ques- tion, for or agaînst the by-law, Wednosday, May l2th, at a polî ta be held in the Council Chamber of the Community Hall from 8 o'clock a.m. until 6 o'clock p.m. H. C. Bonathan, 17-2 Clerk The Ontario Departmenl of Planning and Development is ar- ranging a course in home weav- ing ta be given in Bowmanville cammencing about May 25th. This is a basic weaving course of ap- proximately 120 boums of instruc- tion. The department will pro- vide the insîructor, looms and weaving supplies. A number of people have already signified their intention of taking the course. If you are interested contact Recre- ational Dimctor Bart Smithson aI the Lions Community Centre, or phone 880 or 2630 for furîher in- fdrmation. 17-1 llelp Wanted Articles For Sale SALESLADY. Apply Breslin's, CHEVROLET coach, 1933 Master. Bowmanville. 17-1 Phone 1 r 8, Orono. 17-1* GIRL for dining roomn, waman for SET of teamn harness, complete. kitchen. 8-hour day, good wages. Howard Milîson. Phone 2432. Apply Olympia Cafe, Bowman- 17-1 ville, phono 888. 17-31 THREE-burncr coal ail stave, like CAPABLÈ girl or woman ta as- new. Phono 2444. 17-1 sist with house cleaning. Applyj Mrs. M. A. Pickering, R.R. 2, New- DODGE sedan, 1934, goad candi- castle, phono Clarke 2534. 17-1* tion, new tires. Apply 36 O'Dell St., evenings. 17-1* MAN for farm work no milking. Goad homne. Apply M. A. Pick- ering, R.R. 2, Newcastle, phone Clarke 2534. . 17-1* EXCELLENT earnngs are yaurs if you are interested in handling aur line. Experienced and inex- perienced, men can make good money if they are real go-getters and out for business. Further information by applying to Blue Brand Products, 7227 Ale:ýandra, Montreal. 15-4 Wanted To Buy BARREL Sprayer in good work- able condition. M. Heard, Ennis- killen. Phone 2887. 17-1 EIGHT or ten head grass cattle, 1 to 2 years old. M. A. Pickering,' R.R. 2, Newcastle, phone Clarke 2534. 17-1* HIGHEST prices paid for scrap batteries. Jamieson Tire Shop. King and Silver Sts. 14-tf GOOD heifer caîf, fexv days old. Thos, Luke, R.R. 2, Newvcastle. 11 / miles east of Newcastle on, Highway 2. 17-1:- BEFORE sel]ing your live poultrY try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phono 7 r 13, reverse charges. 17-tf Work Wanted HIGH Schaol girl requires steady employment. Phone 2928. 17-1* TRACTOR custom work-plough- ing, tillîng, cultivating. Robert Allin, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 3830. 17-2:1 DECORATING-Painting and pa. per-hanging. New spring sam- ples are here. For estimates phone 2639. R. B. Brown. 13-6* Real Estate Wanted QUEBEC cooký stove with warm- ing aven and reservoir in perfect condition. Phone 2404. 17-1 FORD haif-ton panel truck, 1935. App]y Bowmanville Cleaners and Dyers. 17-1 HARDY sprayer, 160 gal., three puimp. in good condition. H. C. Pedwcll, phone 3823 Clarke. 17-1* SINGLE bcd, thrce pieces and crib mattress. Apply Mrs. J. Mar- tyn, 20 Division St. 17-1* TWO spray guns, one single, one double, in good conditio.n- Geo. C. Wright, Newcastle. , 17-1* COBBLER patatoes, apply George Allin, 9 Albert St., Bowmanville. 17-1 * MAPLE body wood in foot lcngths. Also Ajax seed oats. A. L. Blanchard, phone 2231. 17-Vl TRACTOR Cultivator, 17-tooth, Massey-Harris. Apply Henry Nixon, R.R. 2, Orono. 177 1* GOOD quality baled hay. Bruce Mutton, 95 Concession St. E., Bowmanville. 17-1* WARDROBE trunk, 5-ply, three drawers, hat box, shoe box, drop lid; splendid condition. Phone 2870. 17-1* TWO coats, girl's size twclve and fourteen, two dresses, size fifteen and sixteen; two suits, size twelve. Apply 26 Division St. 17-1'* BUILDING, 18x32, would make1 good implement shed or hen bouse. Phone Clarke 16 s 1. 17-1* QUANTITY of goad mixed hay; also Erban seed oats, registered No. 1. Phono 2332, Alfred Allin. 17-1 Articles For Sale USED hot air furnace, large size, as it stands, purchaser ta remove same, $15; two Findlay cook stoves with water jackets, in fair condition, $20. Write Box 57, Statesman Office. 17-1 RASPBERRY bushes, Viking and Latham, 4c each; Calumbian ber- ry roots, 20e each; Premier straw- berry plants 1M2 cents each; Sen- ator Dunlop strawberry plants, 1 cent each. Ivan Farrow, New- castle, phane Clarke 3921. 16-2* M.-H. spreader; Case hay rake; Case 3-furrow plow; Case 2-fur- row plow; used set spring tooth harrows; set used tandem discs; 7' set new Case disc harrows; DeLa- val gas engine 2 h.p.; Iran Horse engine, air caoled; Briggs & Strat- ton engine, air cooled. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, phone 497. 17-1 INCUBATOR, ail brooder, coal broodor (buckeye's>, new pump jacks, rubber tired wagons, wag- on wheels for rubber, used spring- tooth harrows, M.H. cultivator horse or tractor 17 tooth, agent for Agrico fertilizers, Otaco and Bis- seli implements, Perfection Milk- ing machines-try a unit-lowest vacuum, priced reasonable. Phone Carl Todd, Clarke 15-20. 16-2* TRADE-IN 'brooder, $20; apart- ment size electrie washer, $39.50; metal ice-box, 75 lb. capacity, $29.50; chesterfield and one chair, $49; Moff at gas range, $22.50; drap side couch, $7.50; mantel radios $14.95; Daveno bed, $29.50; Victor car radia, $49.50; rangette, recon- ditioned. $39.50; chrome kitchen chairs, $6.95; demanstratar elec- tric braamn vacuum, $39.50. Terms. Murphy's, phone 811. 17-1* Pets For Sale REGISTERED Cocker Spaniel puppies. Apply Bernard Dilling, 23 Nelsan St., phane 2770. 16-2* GOOD Collie pups starting ta work. Phone 2121. Norman Col- lacutt. 17-1 Seed Grain For Sale OATS-Beaver, Cartier, Ajax; Barley, Galare and Barboif; Mix- ed grain; small quantity of Cor- onation whcat, far sale at cost; Buckwheat. Ernest Swain, R.R. Real Estate For Sale SMALL lot. Apply 110 Conces- sion St., or phone 2241. 17-1* FIVE-room brick bouse, bath and garden. Central location. For particulars, phone 760, Bowman- ville. 17-1* COTTAGE, East Bowmanville Beach, furnished, winterized, el- ectricity, water, six roams, two enclosed verandahs. Garage. Phone 2890. A. Darch, 33 King St. E., Bowmanville. 17-4 HOUSE at 68 Duke Street. Fur- nished, three bedrooms, brick with modemn bathrooni, large gar. age, extra lot with fruit trees. Owner will be on premises April 26 ta 30 ta show bouse and give any further particulars. 17-1* TWO-storey, 8-room brick bouse, modemn conveniences, large gar- den, double garage, eight. good building lots. Possession of three rooms. Apply Mrs. Margaret Brust, 103 Scugag St. (Dingman Estate). 18-tf FARM SOLD I have been authorized to sell by public auction for E. A. Sipe LOT 20, CON. 3, WHITBY (1 mile north of Winnle's Inn and second farm west) on* Friday, April 23rd CATTLE 1 Holstein heifer, milking good; Holstein heifer, fresh caîf at side; Holstein heifer, 11/2 yoams; Hol- stein heifer, 7 months; 9 Holstein heifers, 1 year old. PIGS 1 saw, 6 months old (flot.bred). IMPLEMENTS - Corn bindem (Deeing); seed drill (Frost & Wood); Harrows, 4-sec.; dise; horse rake; cultivator; mow- er, 5 ft. M.-H.;* single scuffler; steel wheel wagon; farm wagon; sleighs, toboggans; single plow; hay rack; gang plaw (Kangarao); hay rake; brooder stave; scales; flat rack; post hale auger; separa- tor, M.-H., new; staneboat; steel drum; 1 barrel sprayer (new) - self feeders; forks; hoes; whiffletrees, neckyokes; chainÉ, and many otlt- or articles tao numemous ta men- on £ iutay aLIellion at 2 o'clock, NV. . . I ramorevn 1 urketon. 17-2*tin NEVER drying Rstreamdorceveneayr FINDLAY kîtchen steve, four lids, 'RAY AND STRAW intrmntin ivrsdo emtey, PARENTS ATTENTION spring sîream near a house. Any i val fireplace, in gond condition. - 1 mow, 18'x32'xlO' of hay; 1 mows Cayuga, Ont. Flawems gaîefully Parents of children beginning acreage. Evelyn E. Cooke, Real Apply 141 Carlisle SI., or phono Cicks For S~ale 16'x22'x7' of hay; stack of hay, declined. 17-1 seboal in September are requost- Estate, Newcastle. 17-1 2216. 17-1* BRAY Hatchery can give prompt whety f at straw tcko ed ta register them with Public Pt_________________qatiyoeat st maw sac o CLARK-In London, on Sunday, Health Nurse, Miss Taylor, aI Wanted to Rent DODGE coach, 1937, goad tires shipment-day-old chicks, or star-HRNS Apil18 94, ilim lrk b-CetrlSchool between the and paint, accessories. Apply. ted. Specials on startod pullets Set of teami hamness; single har- loved husband of Alice Taylor, hours 0f 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. from THREE unfurnished romrs in Clarence Gibson, R.R. 2, Newcas- due to heavy exporîs of cockerel es aged 40 yoars. Funeral from the May 3 ta May 5, inclusive. Bowmanville required by June tle. 17.1* chicks ta the U.S. Can give gaod FURNITURE Chapel of Northcutt & Smith. In- Besides the registration requir- IsI. Apply Mrs. George Heath, 57 delivery, most breeds, pullets, Piano (Chickcring); cook stove, terment Bowmanville cemetery. ed, Miss Taylor would like ta dis- Duke SI., Bowmanville. 17-1* MONARCH 3-humner coal ail cockerels, mixed. Ask us fopr- ricsPa,6idrervran cushealth problems with the sae sdaesao;as -cs .L ym yoe 17-1 warming claset; Quebe heater, 2 MUTTON-AI the residence, 15 mothe~rs of beginners. FURNISHED room for young burner hot plate, new, Phono 711. UEBre ok(a-chesterfleld suites, comPlctè, din- Chrc sret as, owanile, This survey is being made a gentleman in business, in Bow. 17-1* PR Baed oc(sme popu- Churh steetEast Bowanvlle,1km strain), and New Hampshire îng roomn suite; 2 kitchen tables; on April l6tb, 1948, William Hon- manth earliem this year s0 Ihat ar- manville. Write Box 56, States ry Motton, hiusband of the late rangements may be made for ad- man Office. 17-1 FALCON make car, in faim candi- x Barred Rock Crossbred chicks. 3 stands; go-cart; arm chair-, bem. tion, only gone 42.000 miles. Ap- Ail blood-tested. Try Ibis popti- ineIte; 2 dressors; 2 rocking chaiîs Phoebe Luxton, in bis 83rd yoar.equate accommodation. SMALL house or apartmcnt in ply Carl Wright, Blackstock. lar cross for hybrid vigor, rapid drap leaf table; 10 chairs; uphals. Funeral frnm the Morris Funeral Bowmanville Board of Education Bowmanville by MaN, Ist. Apply 17-1* growth and sustained production.tedrok;2bdsspigan Chapel. Interment Bowmanvjlle sixne son, ttsmi f Hatches evory Friday-Ask for maîtresses; kitchen cabinet; nurse cometery. IN MEMORIAM fice OsoreSttemaAf~ HAPPY Thought cook steve,si froc calendar. Don Gibson, phono rocker; bath 'tub; sink and cup- lids, with water front, in good Clarke 3811. Bowmanville, Ont. board; 2 couches and many other VIVANAtBomanile osi-KERR-In loving memory of aur For Rent condition. Apply il Chapel St., 12-tf articles too numemous ta mention, VtaN, A t Bow1anv194eHospi- dear daughter Joyce Lorraine., ______________ or Phono 2248. 17-1* MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES ta, Apnfan13,s1948, Mr.adWilson wo passed away, April 24, 1947. FIFTY acres pasture, frsh watcrLTA aperycns pr Auction Sales 140 cedar pss (god size); 7 rals W ivinl atson of Mr.Vvia and Mrs.l Beside your grave we ofen stand at al limes. Paul H4aynal, Maplo LH AM ras. P eFrr can e ls, $ r _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ of barbed wire (new, 80 rods); brother f Johnn, Millien. In- Wndred.atPhono rFrank nAldswort16-,*The undersigned auctioneer will electrie foncer; gardoen seoder; 10 terment Hampton cemetery. 17-1 soro; Gae 62 Oshawa 491 J 2 between 7 and 8 selI by public auctian the farm rods chicken wiro; grass seed; 5 But in the gloom the sweet words PASTURE-100 acres, well fenc- p.m. (ne delivery). 17-3* stock and implements of Living- bags bran; chicken equipment; a COMINO EVENTS NASH coupelintexcellent candi-te.stn Miller, Lot 26, Con. 6, Dam- quantity of lead, wiring and ather ___________________ Not losI, but gono beforo." A. H. Cle mens, 38 Concession S tosxt irAS.cue, thecenptacncdi- lington, i mile north of Eldad articles. Dance, Wednesday, Apri 8, aI ot nw ovmc ems Phono 2433. h51 ~ bteyntaya i.A-Curch, on Saturday. April 24. Sale at 12:30. emCah oina F ool l. sosrdb o- He ounîts the tbars we shed, SMALL store, next door east f1 ply Len Richards, 65 Church St., so quantiy of household effecs. ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer. in oobl Cu.Bill Clarkes For list sec bis. Farm sold. 17-1 Orchstr. Amision50c 'sAnd whispers, "She only sles Bowmanville Glove. Possession phono 549 evenings. 17-l' Orcesra Amisio Sc.17-1 "Youm îoved anec s no dead." îsî of May. Appîy ai 56 KingTDOE lcre agî Ternis, cash. Sale aI 1 o'clock. Grs otalTanDneinSa we'll be brave, dear Joyce west, or phono 896. 17-1* UHP lcrcrnetwt CluTford Pethick, auctioneer. 16-2 Getirl oftall.Ta Dnei And pray ta Gd each day; automatic ven control, used onlyFU NT R Newnille Hall. ednesday, And when hoe als us home t yu, Notice to Creditors five months. May ho seen aI W. AI rg cnsgnen c mde SALE Apil28h.Millbrook Orchestra. orsiewl ud h . Roberts', Apt. 2, 99 King Street Alrecnirmn fmdr 17-1isadoy missedeandsover romem- N THErESTATE 0FlDAguDdeashe l7y1*and antique fumnture, linon, bed- I have been authomized ta sell by Admissionly40e.sRefres menîsrsold. INTHE________OF__________East._17-*ding,,dishes,,etc.,, tee properîy of public auction fortheeEstateeof _____bored by Mom and Dad. 17.1* FERGUSON, late of the Town of BEDROOM suite, 3-piece; also a Mrs. J. E. Beatty, 80 Brown St., the late Dance in Newcastle Commun- Cbug in the Couinty of Nor- wash stand; 1 shcet wallboard and Port Hope, on Satumday, April 24.,aero ity Hall, Friday, April »0 undor MURDOFF-In loving memory of thumberland, formcrly cf the1 slicet masonite. Mrs. J. R. Or- at 1 p.m. Anvone wanting gaadMayK fro ausice o NecatleVýera s a eV wife and mother Flamenco Township cf Darlington, in the miston, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, fumniture wvould bo well advised in the village of Association. Dancing from 9 to 1,V. Allin, wbo passod away April County cf Durham, Fariner, de- phone 235,5. 17-l'* ta attend Ibis sale. Ternis cash. HAMPTON '22nd, 1945. ceascd, who dicd at Cobourg on- Norrev.JcRid utn n Don Hamm's orchestra. Proceeds PTime speeds on tre years have or aboutt he 6th day cf Febîtiary', TWO grain wagon~s, onie hay wa NoJac Ridaucio-o for Ncewcastle Memorial Rink. Ad- lm__ iin~ ±,a S mission 50c. 17-21I passed 1948. gon and racks, one dump cart, IaturdaUy, ayz s Since deatb ils gloom, ils shadow THE TRUSTEE ACT R.S.o.. 1937 ane 1-horse mangel and turnip Th cloig AdneNilb edi ni- cast Ch. 165 - Sec. 51 seeder. Apply AIf Shmubb, phone FURNITURE SALE Thirfllon uteg( kle omntHal rdyWithin aur homo where ail soem- Creditors and othcrs baving 2680. 17-n1r nd anecîe al ak;eetrcwsig ma- killen.Commu23 ni Hll. rsices' cd brigbt, dlaims against the above estate - Teudrindhsrcie alrc;eeti ahn a of Enniskillcn Athletic Club. Mu- lAdto rm us a shining light. are roquired to send particulars COOK stove. warming closet and instructions 10 sol y public auc- chino; studio couch, good; centre sic provided hv Ruth Wilson 1s 1 We miss that light, and ever will, and ful proof thercof ta the un reservoîr; also small hocater, bath tion for Mm. Robert Gardon, Con. table (antique); 6 dining room Varietv Band. Dances will bceheld Hem vacant place there is nane dersigned on or before tho îOth in good con~dition. Appîy 208 King 7, Hope Twp., anc mile east of chairs, good; fern stands; music overv Friday nigbt until furthor cao f111. day of May. 1948, aftor whicb date St. E., or phono 2698 after 6 p.m. Elizabethville, on Wednesday, stand; radio stand; beds, springs Downher wemour, bt nt intheassts o th esate illbc 7-1* April 28, at I u.m., all his bouse- and maîtresses; wash stands; notice. 17-1Dwnhmwoounbufotith asesfIhesao ilho________________ ____ vain distributed having regard onîy ta AR 0'6-I hold effocts. Torms cash. No me- dressers; 4 chests of drawers; kit- A meeting-c h omnil For up in Heaven we will meet the dlaims that have been receiv- BARide 26,Ibisebuildingisonex elln serve. Willamd Lord, clerk; Jack chien table; 12 kitchen chairs; 1 Prges onsvtih e wAssoi- again.ed. sdti uligi necletReid, auctioneer. 17-1 couch; book case and wmiting desk PorsvvCnevtvAsoi _ gi.condition, situated three miles (combined); refrigerator (Gener- ation wîill ho beld in the Council -Sadly missed and ever emem- Dated the 7th day cof April, 1948 east cf MeCrac*s Church. Apply ai Electric> good condition; Hoov- Rom n onay Ari 2thIIbered by Husband Mort and at Bowý\malNville, Ontario. 286 Jarvis St., Oshawa. 17.3* The undersigned auctioneer will or vacuum cleaner; sewing ma- 8lection cf ificers ndgee rl uhtrBre.1-1I ilbcrt .1. Ferguson -seli by public auction the farm chine; spool bcd; antique side. p.m., Daofyliht saindgeefr Daîgte Boea 1 and Albert L. Oke. ýSTRAWBERRY Plants-Dunlap, stock and implements of Albert board, drap la abe, god; a' business. Public cordiallv invit- Personal by their oicitor,1 SI per hundred. $8 per Ihousand; Oke, Lot 20, Con. 9, Darlington bed; cuphoards; scmeen; flannel cd. W. Len Elliott, President:i - LAWVRENCE C. MASON 1 Premier, $1.50 per hundred, $10 Tsvp., 1U' miles narth of Ennis- blankets (new); motor rug; bcd- F. A. Dilling. Secretarv. 17-1 -I Y G IEN I C supplies (rubber 30 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ont.' per~ thousand. T. Buttery, 125 killen and haîf mile wost, on Sat- ding of ail kinds: dinner sot, good; goods) mailed postpaid in plain______ 15-3 1Scugog St. Phono 2190. 17-1 iîrday, May 1, three good work dishes and glasswame; cooking ______________________ngiseamp ele 5c t4saprilestG. FrATETO1 tlrhorses; tifteen. head cf caIlle; 400 utensils, siîverware, etc. iec CSaix rseamele 5 it2baprie s.. Livestock FrSale ATNINPutyRaisezrs- bushels cf grain: '38 Packard car; Also: Five tables; table lamp; GET vour grain cleaned wvithin Mal___ ____T-8 oN-Rb six 6' square range sheltcrs, like MiOdeDptT38NvRbr-and some household effects. For rug 12x10%/ ft.; floor lamps; cush- two daNs' notice. iI.atest equîn. br Ca.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. FOUR Yorkshire sows, due the new. Apply T. A. Brerelon, New- clit00bI.FrmnîdTesiosnd as;erotrgs ment out. Svain ~~~~~~~lasI week in April. Apply Hî'nry castle. Phono Clarke 402a ler e- ils hm etd Trsinsadmts eron us ment 16le yU 2- -402afe cash. Salt, aI 1 p.m.. D.S.T. A. large mirror; 2 loilet sets; antique oot n ut. kwan a.,hon milert ou may borrow as high as 90 Nixon, R.R. 2, Orono. 17-9'six p.m. 1-2 F. Boyd. clerk; Clifford Pelhick, rce;bo ae rns pn not fBiktn hn otper cent cf the cost of yeur now irce;bo ae rns pn Pemry 193 r 13. frqm 12 ta 1 p.m. homo under a National Hoîîsing NUMBER cf Pigs-Suckers and SHAVINGS-For urpuîy auctioneer., 17-2nigwel(opt);gdn 17-2' Act Building Loan. Whitby and feeders u o ta 0 lbs. Lelanld chicks or~ other b@dding, $2 per olofa knslw m er district noeds manv more homnes. Payne, phono 1304, Clarke. 17-1 truck Joad when pi(ked up. Osb- Teewl osl ypbi coal oil stave, 3-burner; sealers; LotPrii'e winning approved plans 1 awýa C:abinet anîd Planing Mill,1 auction on Wednesday, Apil 28, crocks and many other items. ma>, be liad ai a nominal cos r"W oiti dP-e Iieod 473 Rulsenn Ruad South, Oslla%%a. 1 on No. 2 highway, two miles west L D. lHogarth, Theron MountJoy. HUB cap for~ Packard car. lostin 1011 ou ay submit your own plans1bouls of serviceablea amt. priced ta Phono '4?,J. 17-2;; of Bowmanville, the contents of clerks: Elmer Wllbur, Auctioneer. Boiviaîîville. Monda.v, APiil 12. for approval. The National Hous- seli. George J1. Stapieton, New-Saet1 . D.T ____poe67.1-*igAc on r oe oalw tonville. Phone Clarke A3611. CHEVROLET 1938 haif-ton panel!P Black Cal Inn, including Iwo ches -Saet pn.D.T -can mecl the approval cf the Cen- WNYTO Dra truclî in Ai condtîion (real bar- terfield suites: dining room suite; PiS.teed ar Ibisasale.e17-2 PEARL necklace, single -day bcdi l'ardroie: drapes:erock- lost ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Dra srn.taIosigad oraeCo-aot.0lb.alo steers,! gain); 1942 Buick sedan. Art's 1ung ch:air otabl pes:n rchis ge bou 75 Ib.: lso seenpure- Garage, Hampton. Ue asingcar;oigstaîresses; haiwo poraion nd te loningcom bred Durham heifort-s, two y Ncar"; houiht and solcl. Cash. Irade-i lo E AR picase 17-1 pan~~~~ Il j~oea, .aDonnatedelail, getDor teris. Phono 2148. i raidios: wicker set: gas steve: lwo _________________ TOYFo Trrer al hie od 1in ouh it A E Mrdch 2 ;untîil grass. Garnet ovo. il htimners; two electrie heaters; REPAIRS to alI makes of refrig- withbrbown heald. AnNone hav'ingl Simce St. North, Oshawa. 17-4 Phono 2459. 17-1*' OSHAWA'S new fumnitume store- gocd cook stcve: wooden ico box; oratars, domestie and rommercial inforinalion kindly phone Lame j Everylhing in mnode-n. Chester- large metal ice-hox, suitable for ignEete42KgS.E. Hoskin.2. 17-1l Transportation EIGHTY head of hor?es includingi field, bedroom and dining room restaurant, store or boarding phigon e eci8.2 Kni t .f 40 good Ontario horses and 1 car- suites, and studios, Bedding and bouse, in good condition; dishes; poo48 FRONT buinper from 1931_ Chev- DAILY transportation available îoad of goad Manitoba horses and floor cavorings a specially. Quai. cooking utensîls; lawn chairs; NEAT-Way Shoe Repair: Good. milel car. on .April 19, vicinity th between Newcastle and Torpnto, 1 carload good bush horses. Car, ity morchandise at campetilive lawn mower: boys' overcoals: and substantial warkmanship. reliabil- cri8 &h conc.'ss;on. Darlinvton. and return. Apply Major I). L. ho ci-ii ai Alex Stewart's '1h11- pricos Before biîying visit Brad- i nierous otheî- articles. Sale ai 1 ity. dveing. soling, sowing, etc. Pliane Herbert Prescott ai :?-1. Benneitt. Box 62, Nýewcastie. Tel. cri, t Farmn, 1!.! miles eaýý.:'0f ioy's New Fumnitume Store, 156' 1:30 D.S.T. Terms cash. Win. J. Try the Neat-Way, opposite Bow- 17.1*~ ephone Clarke 1212. 17-2 Newîonville. 16-2 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa.. 46-tl Challis, auctioneer. 17-1 Imanville Cleaners. 7-tf Who Owns Canada? We Ail Own Canada This article continues the series reprinted from the book "We AIl Own Canada" written by Alice Willard 'lurner, M.A., PIi.D., flot- ed Canadian economist. Where charts are mentioned, they are amitted in the absence of plates. The contents of the book are plac- ed before readers ta show the general distribution of the na- tional wealth and ta refute mis- leading socialist propaganda. (Article 15) Profits In reality, business aperates un- der a profit and loss system-a fact that is frequently overlooked. Obviously, no business can long survive if operated at a ]ass for several years. Nor can gavern- ments continuausly func t i o n' through deficit financing. Gov- ernments, however, can survive where a business cannot, but an- !y at the expense of taxpayers and the general prosperity of the country. Profits are Moderate Profits are frequently labelled "inordinate" or "excessive," but this is a misnomer in the case of an overwhelming majarity of bus- iness campanies in Canada. Com- petition constantly and automati- cally tends ta force any business not only ta keep its profits at rea- sonable levels, but ta produce con- tinually better and cheaper goods and services for the consumer. Companies vying with one anoth- er for public favor in a campeti- tive market simply can't long con- tinue in business when there is an excessive margin between the overaîl cost and the selling price of their prdducts or services. It is this margin that determines their profits. Since the public will naturally buy those goods and services wherein they find the best value for their money, no business concern can compete indefinitely withaut a sound bal- ance between the cost price and the selling price of its products or services. Even the very few so-called "imonopoly" companies are con- stantly competing against alter- nativeý goods and services that are continually entering the business markets of aur rapidly changing and scientific world. Distributed Profits Through Dividends Average earnings of Canadian chartered banks, after taxes, last year amounted ta approximately 1/3 of 1 per cent of their total assets. Shareholders - ver 51,- 000 in number-rceived divi- dends equivalent ta an average return of approximately 3.29 per cent on their total investment. In 1942, Canadian life insurance companies-mutual and non-mu- tual-paid out $188,370,000 under insurance and annuity contracts, $28,298,000 under settiement an- rîuities, premium reductions and deposit withdrawals. Dividends ta shareholders of the non-mutual campanios aggregated only $1.- 386,000-about one-fifth as much ai; these companies paid in taxes. According ta a study nmade by the Bank of Canada, cash divi- dends paid ta sharebolders of 484 industrial companies in Canada avor the six years, 1936-41, inclu- sive, averagod but 6.3 per cent on their invostment in these com- panios. If data had been worked ouI for a few years prior ta 1936 -when business conditions were depressed-the average meturn on their invesîment from. dividends would be much lower. Dividend payments have been a decreasing percentage of stockholders' in- vestment in each year sinco 1938. Undistributed Profits--Reserves and Surplus Many people seem ta have the idea that all profits fromn a corn- pany's operatians are paid ouI in dividends ta the shareholders. Ac- tually, shareholders usually re- ceive only part of the profits, and, as illustrated above, this part constitutes a very moderato me- Iurn on the-capital they have in- vested. Furthermore, shareholdlers doa not always receive dividends, ev- en when the company shows a profit from its operatians. For ex- ample, holders of the ordinamy stock of the Canadian Pacifie Railway Company have been paid noa dividends whatsoever since April 1, 1932 (the first dividend since that time will be paid March. 31, 1944), Undistributed profits serve ta build up reserves and surplus which provide basic strength for aur entire economny in times of war or peace. Reserves of the chartered bankçs help ta safeguard the country in emergencies such as world-wide depression, drought, or war. Ho who believes in goodness bas the essence of all faith. He is a man of cheerful yesterdays and confident tomorrows. - J. F. Clarke. Ail aur actions take their hue from, Ihecomplexion of the heart, as landscapes do their variety fram. light.-W. T. Bacon When I hear a yaung man spok- on of as giving promise of high gonius the first question I ask about himn is always,-"Does ho work ?"-Ruskin WANTED TO BUY Four ta six roomed house, atone or cernent basement- with 3 -to 10 acres of land- situated an No. 2 Hiqhway between Bowmanviilo and Oshawa. Apply T. G. BLACK 183 Mary St.. Oshawa. No Agents = TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECE]IVIED BY THE 'UNDERSIGNED UP TO MAY IST, 1948, FOR THE PURCHASING, TEARING DOWN AND REMOVING FROM PROPERTY A TWO- STOREY FRAME HOUSE ON THE CORNER 0F CHUIRCH AND SILVER STREETS. Highest or any Tender not necessamily acccpted. Roy W. Nichols, Courtice What is the Cause of "Spring Fever" Yk Tiredness and lassitude with- out any specific reason, om- monly referred Io at Iliis limne of year as "Spring Fever," is Soften indicative af an insjt- cioncy of vitamins in the <Nect. C o en-ý- Fortiinately any lack from die- Deodorants andJ Depilatories 1 Bachelor. Deodorant- Adrienne Deodorant- Arrid - - - ---.---- .- Fresh Odo-Ro-No Cream Neet Depilatory ----- - X-Bazin --- - -- - - 40e -..40e 39c, 59e 39e, 63e 39e, 59e 39c, 65e -- 39e, 75e Dental Needs Tek Tooth Brtishes Single 29C. Double 49c Polident -- --- ----- 39e, 73e Staze 39c, 59e Rexaîl Chlorodent Tooth Pante, antiseptie with chlorophyll, lime flavor- 33e tary sources can ho rcadi]y romedied by the adm inistrationi of vitamin concentrates. Avail- able in tablet, capsule or liquid fomm. they are obtainable un- der their brand names at your Rexaîl Store. SNAPSHOTS enlarged .from, your favorite negatives ta SiUC 4x6", niounted In attractive Studio Folfders, complete. 2 for 29e JERGENS Lotion, large size. and JerKens Face Cream. $1.37 value for 98e WILLIAMS Shavlng kit: Shav-j lngr Cream, 60e size; Aqua Velva 60e size. both for 79e SPECIAL Brylcreem OfTer! Pocket ('omb free wiîth each large size Brylcreem only 49c~ JURY & LOVELL TOUR REXALL DRUG STORE Whcn We Test Your F.yeq Ih k Donc Properly Phone 778 C.N.R. Ticketsq BRINO YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS THURSAY. PRIL22n&Omo4 PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 35c PER AD PAGE TEN TRUMDAY, APRM 22nd, 1048 m 1%- 1 -4;