'ru7w.T.~rw2 TEE CANADIAN STA'rESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE, ONTAiUO 'TIIURSDAY, APRIL S2nd, 1948 Claims Conirols Chieck Progress (By R. J. Deachur "Fromn June the moi control to the end of production increased by of a billion pounds ove responding period of 19ý same period butter prod creased by over W7 pounds, evaporated mil ed by 181,2 million p. cream by 6½%rillioi skim mrilk powder by pounds."' These are startlIng fa, come f romn a speech of 'Srnellie, president of thý Dairy Council of Canadý ed at the recent con Quebec. Now Jet us note On fact, The only manufac ry product that dici noi increase was ch eese and significant to note, wa tioned for export on th the contract price and t fect, was flot decontrol "Let me ask what," Smellie, "in face of ani consumption of 28 milli, in the period under r butter supplY position v been today if the 17.5 n ditional pounds had not duced following decc think the answer to tha in itself fully justifies on the mnatter of deconi thermore, I feel that c most urgent subjects reç liberation by this meet effect in our producti( for the current yea2', of ceiling on butter, anc comnmitments and floor cheese. Neither the pri ducers nor the operatir MOTOR IN Enioy Life pO.rtvonorta Ameri<a s thrffi" tion. You'tI go 125 mites ona gallon of gai! iré a trect thai. hord ta bot. Whizzer Motor with ail ncos ettachments - - - - Comploes Standard Motor Bit lemi Deluxe with spring forl Remit wtthorder -or ser deposit, batonhe C.0 PEERLESS BICYCLE1 195 Dundas St. W. ROOFI] A&SpHALT - FELT.- 8 Brick SIdi Eavestrougli FURNACI A"U OILDURNI Cal! on uM fa Guarant.od Wo DAVIS & GI PHONES: 284 . EGG ROI 2 c. flour 4 Cp. Magic Bakdi gPo 3'1Ctp. Sait 4 tbe. chortoninj 1 eg ý C. milir 5 hard boiied oggc 4 ihc.milik 2 tep. temon jute. 3 tsp. chnpped onlon 2 lbe. chopped pargey 2 be. chopped green pi 1 top. dry mustard Sait, pepper, paprikta Sl1f t ogether firt 3 mngr., Cut in ctsorCcning. Beai measurmng cup; add xv make %j cup; add to fire ture. Roll out 1J Inch th fioured board. Chop boited eggs, mix with rem Ingredients, eprend on, Roll up lie jeiiy rol un 1 bot aven (4250 F.> 30 nu serva wi th Chaom ue.. of the induatry can plan ahead Iunless government policy on these matters is announced and clani- fied. Delay in announcing policy will only serve te aggravate an already difficult situation.," nan) Then follows this statemeat nth cf de- from Mr. Smeliie and it is back- 1947 ml ed up by ail the force of circum- * a quarter stances. r the cor- "Based on the rate of incrçase 46. In the in production from June ta the duction in- end of 1947, 1 think I am on per- !2 Million fectly safe ground if I suggest that .k increas- our present troubles may te some ounds. ice extent be attributed, net tea "de- n gallons, control" but te decontrol "tee 8 million late." In other words, 1 am sug- gesting that if our industry had ,cts. They been decontrolled three months Robert C. earlier than was the case, the ie National probability is that our production la, deliver- cf butter -wouid have been ample vention in to meet in full the incneased de- mand." ne furtber Mr. Smellie points out that in- tured dai- dustry must be prepared te meet t show an its problems witheut looking to d this, it is the government for heip every as nequisi- time a difficult situation develops. îe basis cf He puts the case 4n this way: thus, in ef- "As we know only tee well, led. one central breeds another and if 1said Mr. we desire the pivileges cf carry- increase in ing on our business without con- on pounds stant interference, erders and di- 7eview cur rections, we must revise the voud have tbinking whicb prevailed during million ad- the wantime emergency and de- Sbeen pro- vote our efforts te the job of con- )ntrol? I ducting the people of Ç anada in it question the most efficient mahner pos- our stand sible." trol. Fur- This is a statesmanlike presen- one of the tation cf the case. The daîry in- quiring de- dustry is a big industry in Can- ine' is the ada. Its cests have risen. It bas on picture gene tbrough and suffened from fthe pnîce the pre-war depressed conditions d centract existing in Canada over a long * pices on period o! years. imary pro- Every single factor that bas op- ng division erated ta increase the price cf % manufactured products bas oper- ated te increase the cests cf farm production. It is an eld, old say- ift ing thet we must net muzzle the ex when it treadetb eut the corn. I KE The dairy industry in Canada bas made great stnides but it is ab- surd te expect that we can bold 1 down the price of farm products * by gevernment regulations and restraints and at the same time - previde a sufficient supply of dai- ry products for the enlarged con- sumption o! the people of Can- ada. Serne, at least, ef eur nation- PO ai troubles arise frem the fact that we fail te look ahead and at the same time make haste te for- trnaeato~get the past. $169 0 ke $49ïo0 As Mr. SmIth Says rk-$26900 Farmers Should Pd 10% ).D. Note the Trend WORKS___ Tranto Speaking in the House cf Cern- ____ -mens on the amendment te the Wheat Board Act whlch seeks te bring coarse grains under controi M G of the Wheat Board, A. L. Smitb, M.P, Calgary, brougbt into ques- tion the extent te whic~h farmers have a say in considering legisia- tien of this character. He is re- IHINGLE 1 ported in Hansard, P. 2119, as suggesting à parallel between or- ganîzed labour and organized farmers in their submissions te the government. In generai the Ing men at the top are elected year after year. He observes that - problems corne up from time te - ime that are answered by these ES men almost immediately without censulting the rank and file cf the membensbip. He suggests that S the conclusion te be adduced itrom this is that these perpetual ERS leaders beceme, in fact, profes- sional advocates. j Mr. Smith, a ibrilliant western )OP lawyer with a farrn backgYound, has lived in western Canea al his ife and can dlaim pretty close knowledge cf western farm sen- timent. He states flatly that there esn mjrity demand in western U ANI Canada for this coarse grain leg- 2674 isiation. He xent on te submîit evidence te support bis conten- tion. His opinion was ef course - repudiated by the CCF wbe back- ed this additional sociaiist mea- sure in support cf the Liberal But it was seen in the vote tbat seme informed Liberals were o! --mthe same opinion as Mr. Smitb. ; ffljIn defence-cf erganized labor vecating a course that wil under- mine the freedorn cf farmers we propose te bave more to say on the issue. Wbat we do for each other is the measure cf what we do for the nation. ont COLIS affect umà Your KIDNIY Thé k"],$ an ar ey delcww rgl "),c cet-s~cclyby a C.Id. %jr duty is te Mier anuiie ,d esceai acids froue the bo.d. hen eu ha," a celd estra week s thrown upea your kidneyc. Dom'$ Kidny Pilla help jeta' kideje char 'tour systcs uo exceas acids and pison causal hy colds. and give yeu c Chance te shako inection caoner-Ieel botter fater. If jeu have a cold gtad use Deusc Lé., Pins. 139 Dodè Kd.Y Pilis PONTYPOOL Every year about this 4ime, a few thoughtless people wait until the wind is blowing a gale, the day is nice and dry, most of the men away from the village. Then they decide to burn some grass, usually allowing the fire to get out of hand and threaten the whole neighbourhood. Thus caus- ing a lot of anxiety to property owners, and, a lot of work for volunteer firemen who had noth- ing whatever to do with the set- ting of the fire. And, who will get no benefit fromn the efforts of the eager little firebugs. On April 25, 1893, five energetic y-ung men helped to form a lodge of Oddfellowship. It became de- signated, Pontypool Lodge No. 296, Independent Order of Odd- fellows. One of those men still living is James W. Anderson, Peterboro. Now after fifty-five years, the Lodge is going to close its doors and merge wjth Orono Lodge, No. 436 of Orono. And thus will end one of the really fine institutions that any village might well be proud to boast of. In ail, 197 men have helped to keep the lodge going, since its inception. We note, the first name in the register was that of W. S. Dodd. Station agent, Pontypool. And the last entry, Steve Nimigon farmer's son, Pontypool. In ýe- tween, the occupations of the var- ious members are listed as farm- er, merchant, section head, baker, bank manager, trucker, black- smith, labourer, barber, car deal- er, clerk, telegrapher, school teacher, builder, grain buyer, en- gineer, garage rnechanîc, doctor, undertaker, minister, miner, tin- smith. tailor, brakeman, assur- ance agent, barrister, occulist, carpenter, shingle .iointer, drug clerk, publisher, lumberman, pai- Ant un "1 ~ ~'was one cf the best years in the history .61947 oI f the Metropolitan LAfeInsu rance Company. 'The Company 's financial position was excellent. In Canada and the United States more Metropolitan policy- holders than ever before enjoyed the blessinga cf life insurance. Through investments, the Company pîayed a bigger roIe than in any preceding year in helping te keep the wheelis cf industry turning. . . te provide jobs and homea ... and te maintain high standarda cf living. 'Hcwever, the year was net withcut its problems. Insurance costs were hîgher because of lcwer intereat rates, and because of the prevalent increase in the coat cf goods and services." President Leroy A. Lincoln reporteci these facto in his account cf the Company'a 1947 activities in a motion Policy Reserves Required by Law ... Ili&s amount, together with future premniums and reserve interest, is require<l to assure payment o! ail future policy benefiti. Reservod for Future Payment Under Supplenentary Contracts.... .. .. Policy proceeda f rom death claims, matured endow.. ments. and other payments which beneficiaries and policyhoders have lcft wth the Comp~any ta be paid out ta them in future years. PolicyholdeWs Dlvldonds Left on Depoit Reserved for Dlvîdlends te Pellcyholders Set aside for payrnent in 1948 ta those policyholders eligible ta receive themn. Poley Clalms Currently Outstandlng. Claims in pracess of settlement, and estimated clams that have occurred but have flot yct been reported ta the Company. Other Polcy Obligations.. .. .. .. Inclucing premniumé received in advance etc. Taxes Accrm ...... . .. .. .. .. lncluding estimated amount of taxes payable in 1948 en the business o! 1947. Conting.ncy Reserve for Mortgaie Loans Ail Other Obligations.... .. .. .. nter, photegrapher, mason, wagon maker, clergyman and liveryman. It is aparent by the abeve list, that Oddfeiiowsbip is net cenfin- ed te any smali greup but em- braces men e! many occupatio ,ns and creeds. It requires new mem- bers te keep any erganization geing, pust as a body needs new blood. Lately, the supply of new members has net been too great. At present, the Lcdge has 25 members on its register. It wil t.ake te Orone Lodge seme $3000 worth of assets and ne liabilities. The iargest greup from ene farn- ily te join Pontypool Lodge is Ed. Ycungman and his three sons. Many places far bigger than Pon- typool cannot boast cf such a fine Lodge roem. It is on record that, when the Hall was built, many, wbo were not Oddfeiiows gave labour gratis, because tbey feit the'need for a community hall in the vicinity. Many men scat- tered across North America have, at some time, enjoyed tbe pleas- ant comradesbip, good entertain- ment wonderfui banQuets te be bad within its wall. We believe many a young man bas bad a finer conception of the principles of Cbistianity after be had et- tained the nequisite number of degrees necessary te entitie bimn te take bis place in a lodge rniet- ing. We bave seen young men who would neyer ise to face an audience, conduct meetings witb the greatest of dignity after join- ing this iedge and '"going through the chairs". It wili seer o t we, who bave gone through its portais se often for a part of tbe iast 55 years, that an oid and vaiued fiend is being murdered before our eyes, wben it is being soid. Members e! this Lodge served in the Armed forces o f Canada duning bath World Wars. Severai paid the Supreme Sacrifice. By merging with Oro- no. the Pontypool members know they are joining a warm hearted huncb of good feiiows and go- getters. It is te be hoped that each greup wiil, by merging, be of great mutual assistance to each other. Sa, in a short while, Pontypool Village wiil bid fane- weli te a Ladge tbat bas always tried to be beipful, kindly and tolerant. Personally, we don't want ta be around when tbey take the Charter o! oid 296 off the hook wbere it hds bung for the last 55 years. A symbol of every- tbing that is fine, bonounable, and decer.t in human endeavour. TRY A LITTLE KINDNESS Try a littie kindness when you want te get tbings done. Try a littie sympatby, for that's how heants are won . . . Try a littie gentieness with folk wbo make yeu mad-Maybe you will see that tbey're net really bal! se bad. Try a littie patience wben your tempen's getting sbort-Try a lit- tie quiet when you're worried and distraugbt . . . Try a littie bu- mbur wben you find you 'ne in a bale. Try a littie will-power when yau're losing self-central. Try a little laughter wben the skies are turning grey-A littie bit of bappiness wiii go a long, long way . . . Try a littie cour- age wben yau're tempted te turn back. Try a litti... confidence when tbings are turning black. A littie is a lot of wbat is rigbt and good and strong. A littie tune can beip a tbausand Men te marcb along . . . A littie ray o! sun can light the wbele broad sky above -and life itseif can be transform- ed by just a iittle lave. -Patience Strang. If we don't build a new world ourseives, someone else will do it for us and it wen't be ane we like. Outstanding Metropoli1tan' s picture entitel "Pages From An Open Book." Hert are some other important facts about 1947 presented by Mr. Lincoln: -Payments tô policyholders and beneficianies totalled $67 1,000,000 - topping aIl records. -More than 2,300,000 people bought Metropolitan pelicies during the year. The total 'of Metropolitan policy- holders reached 32,384,000. -At the year-end, policyholders owned a total cf $37,250,00,000 cf Metropolitan protection - the greatest amount in the Company's history. -Metropolitan will pay in 1948 somewhat more in dividends to policyholders than in 1947, although there will be downward adjt4stments for certain classes of bausiness. OBLIGATIONS AND ASSETS DECEMBER 31y 1947 ASSETS WHICH ASSURE FULFILMENT 0lF OBLIGATIONS1 $7,333,537,964.00 373,634,251.42 64,747.219-00 141,215,1 17.00 34,085,580.50 33.550,654.32 17,704,521.00 29,389,937.42 TOTAL OBLIGATIONS . ..............8.048,865,244.66 Thus, Asseta exceed Obligations by $499,55 7,356.51I This safety fund is made up cf: Special Surplus Funds . . . . $ 72,281, 000.00r Unassigned Funds (Surplus) . . $427,276,356.51 Governnsnt Securities U.S. Covernment .... Canadian Goverrnent Othor Bonds. Provincial and Municipal Railroad ...... Public Utility...... Industrial and Miscellaneous. .$3,632,510,803.00 244.410.821.32 $.* 74,399,932.15 510,214,387.99 975,68 1,105.50 1,150.294,533.15 $3,876,921.624.32 2,710,589,958.79 105,388,903.00 964,666,721.19 343,301,733.81 208,752,510.79 156,258,124.20 124.836.913.79 Accrued Intereet, Rents, etc.........57.706,111.28 TOTAL ASSETS TO MEET OBLIGATIONS $8,548.422,601 .17 This fund, representing about 6 per cent cf the obligations, serves as a cushion against possible eeeee unfavorable experience and gives extra assur- ance that ail policy bencfità,will be paid in fufi as they fail due. LEROY A. LINCOLI PRESIDENT Yea r Hi story Mr. Lincoln also reported that last year a committeO representing ail State I nsurance Departments completed, as required by law, a periodic examination of Metropolitan. In their conclusions, the examiners reporteci: '*The examinatien of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company inditates that it is in a sound financial condition." "Policy claims are paid promptly, and fair and equit- able treatment has been accorded the policyholders.' 2 Metropolitan's Annual Report for 1947, which is entîtled "Pages From An Open Book," containa much additional information about the Company's operations. If yeu would lîke to have this bookiet, fli in and mail the coupon beow. A copy will be sent to you without charge. SOME FACIS ABOUT METROPOLITAN'S OPERATIONS IN CANADAj Thes. Iighlighte of the Cc nipany's business In the Dominion during 1947,our 7Sth year in Canada, will b. of. par ticular interest to Matropolitan's Canadian policy- holdera and thair bencficiarjea. Uife lnsurance n Force In 1947, Canadians bought $209,634,649 of new Life insurance protection in the Metropolitan, bringing the total of the Company'sLife insurance in force in Canada to over 2 billion dollars at the year-end. This amount - $2,083.391 ,707 - is macle up of 58%/, Ordinary, 3 1% I 1ndustrial and 11%7 Croup. Payments to Polcyholders and BeneflclrI« Metropolitan paid in 1947 te its Canadian policy- holders and their beneficiaries $36,222,913 in death * daims, matured endowments, dividends and other pay- mente. 0f this, 69%7 was paid te living policyholderu. * The total amount the Metropoltan has paid ta Canadians ince It entered Canada in 1872, plus the amount now invested in Canada, ex- csoda the total premiums r.ceived fromn Canadians by moto than $306,000,000. Total lnvestmnents In Canada The Company's total investments in Canada amount- ed to $480,303,977 at the end cf 1947. 0f this amount, 5 1% 7 a in Dominion of Canada Bonds. Since the close cf the war Metropolitan's new investmentas have gene increasingly te help meet the needh of industry and the cemmunity. just as they were * doing before the war. * HeaIth and Welfare Work * During 1947, a total cf 234,835 nursing visits waa madle te those insured under Metropolitan Industrial. Intermecliate, aAcI Croup policies in Canada; over IV2 million pamphlets on health and safety were distributed. and the Company teck part in 54 Canadian health campaigna. r-------------------------- 1 METROPOLITAN UPUE INSURANCE CO.t Canadian Hoad Office - Ottawa, Canada 1 Gentlmen: 1 Peetnd mce the booklet of yeur Annuel Report to Pcm". 1 1 holders. "Pages~from An Open Book." STREET ....... .................. CITY ................. PROV............- Farmers Coniribule To Delinquency (John Atkins in The Scene) Farmers are net rendening a great public service wben they grew food and sell it in less than fair exehange for urban goods; tbey are contributing te the idie- ness and deiiquency o! urban people wbo refuse te do their ful share of the total work required to produce ail o! the gaeds and services Canadiens need. It is true that if farmers refuse te preduce except et prices which represent a fair excbange c! food fer other goods, same urban peo- pie will be hungry; but the bun- ger wili be the fault of those who refused ta produce other gjods in fair exchange for food. Those in cities wbo suffer from lack o! food toc cften are net the people whose folly produces the shortages. They are the victims o! the ignorance or greed of those who are organized te get more than tbey earn o! the total food and goods produc.ed, or o! those who are in a pesition ta get more than they earn tbrougb pnices. O! these two classes the organized exploiters represent the greater part of the exploitation because of their greater numbers and their vastiy greater combined ability tQt acquire goads on their own terms. By continuing te preduce, and excbange food at unfair prices farmers are aiding and abetting an ecanarnîc crime and delaying the day wben urban people wiii see that the crime does net pay. Tbe succor of the victims cf or- ganized urban felly is the duty cf those wbo cause their suffer- ing. OBLIGATIONS TO POLICYHOLDERS, BENEFICIARIES, AND OTHERS Stocks . . . . . . . . . . . . Alil but &1 ,565,382.00 are Preferred or Guaranteed. First Mortgage Loans on Real Estate.. Farm ... .... ......$ 86.117,937.09 Other Property..... ....878,548,784.10 Loans on Poliles..... .. .. .. . Made ta policyholders on the security of theïr policies. Real Estate (After decrease by adýustment of $25,000,000 in thie aggregate).... .. .. .. Housini projects and other real estate acquired for mnvestment $ 139,090,580.35 Properties for Company use. . 35,015,955.07 Acquired in satisfaction of mort. gageindebtedness <o! which $.098.579.%6is under contract o! sale) ....... ......59.645,975.37 Cash and Bank Deposts... .. .. ... Premiunss, Defen'ed and In Course et Collection .. ..... ...... NOTE - Assets carried at $411.328,264.37 in the above statement art deposited with various puWic oflcials under requirementi of Iaw or refulatory authority. Metropoliton Life Insurance Company (A MUTUAL COMPANY) HOME OFFICE: NEW YORK FREDERICK M. ECKER CHAIRMAJ< OF THE BOARD CANADIAN HEAD OFrICE: OTTAWA GLEN *J. SPAHN, IMCOND VICe-PRKSDZNT IN CHARGE Proclamation DAYLIGHT SAVING TUNE SUNDAYI APRIL 251h la SUNDAYI SEPTEMBER 261h, 1948 Whereas the Town Council has passed a resolution setting the date for Daylight Saving, I theretore request the citizens to observe the same. To carry out the request of the Town Council it wiU be, xjecessary that al clocks and watches be advanced one hour at 12:01 a.m., Sunday, April 25th, and returning to Standard Time at 12:01 a.m. on Sunday, September 26th, 1948. (Signed) SIDNEY LITTLE, Mayor Town of Bowmanville GQD SAVE THE KING 1 licil lu iiiiiiiit ý 1 jl'oulllle TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO 'TRURSDAY, APRIL 22nd, 1948 PAalm TWELVE 1