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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1948, p. 1

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tafgman "Durham County's Grteat Family Journal" VOLUME 94 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 22nd, 1948 6c PER COPY ROTARY PARK APPROVED AS SITE FOR NEW C.of C. Annual Meeting To-.night Tonight, April 22 at 7 p.m., thE members off the BowmanvillE Chamber of Commerce will meel et dinnen in the Balmoral HotE fon the annual get-togethen al which the work off the past year will came under review and fu- ture plans will be discussed. The executive extends a general invitation to people off town and district who wish ta, advance com. rnunity interests in becoming rnembers, ta came and enjoy the dinner and take part in the pro- ueedings. Tickets may be ob- tained at the hotel at $1.00 each. The speaker will be Prof. K. Grant Crawford, M.A., Dinector, Institute off Local Gavernment, of Queen's University. His address wvill be of paticular interest in 'view off the changing social candi- tions xvhich have brought abouta revised view of government and taxation on all levels. Post war canditians have made it mare than ever incumbent up- on people of every community fo support in every way possible ar organization such as the Chamber Off Commerce, the objectives ai which are snlely ta advance the tecst interests of the community. Greaten business. better business, ibetter receation, better living, are thc objectives. -Now that plans are well advanc- ed ta build a new rink in Bow. rmanville this year, which will provide recreation the y e a round, this alone fits in well with this part off the general pragrarn off the Chamber of Commerce. As we go ta press the indications are that the dinner will attract a large gathering frani town and district for rural members are in- cluded on the executive. Bill Flaherty Injured in Toronto Car Accident Reported in the evening press off Saturday, Apnil 17, was an ac- cident involving a car and a truck nt King and Tecumseh Sts., Tor- onto. One of 'the occupants off the car, William Flahenty, hotel prapnieton, Midland, was taken fa Wcetern Hospital, suffering fram i cul,- and concussion.- Alsa burt was Reg W. Sparks, an in- surance agent, reported to be driving the car. Mr. Flaherty will be remem- ,bered as the genial proprietor off Âhe Balmoral Hotel, Bowmanville, for many ycars. He disposed off the business two years aga ta Mn. and Mrs. C. A. Jarrett, the pres- ent proprietors off this excellent hostlcry. Mr. Flaherty later pur- chased a sumnmer hotel at Mid- lard. His rnany friends in Bow- manville wish for his speedy re- covery. Mrs. J. M. Johnston Celebrales Her 1001h e le et t ir .1 Il ýg ýe s Prime Minister Meets Durham County Boy 1 William Lyon Mackenzie King, OM, PC, Prime Mînister cf Canada, 9 a shown above with Editor Joe A. Osborne et the conclusion cf a 'visit at the Williamsburg Inn where these two noted Canadiens got together for a chat after the ceremonies in which William and Mary College conferred honorary degrees upon, Lord Alexander, Governor General of Canada. Herry Truman, President cf the United States, Mr. King and Governor Peck of Virginia. The occasion was one in which Mr. King made a notable ad- dress on the preservation of freedoni. The locale, with Williams- burg. Virginie. the oldest ccmmunity in America and William and Mary the oldest college,~ 'vas an historical background for re- affirming the principles cf freedom for it was there that the democratic freedcm cf America was fostered. The ceremonies were significent in view cf the current world situation. Prime Minister King, at age 74, smiles amazing vitality as he la about ta celebrute a tenure in office as the head cf a savereign government which exceeds thet cf any other Prime Minist@x in the history cf the British Emp *ire. He 'upse the record cf Walpole of over 21 years, Prime Minister cf Britain early In the l8th century. Mr. King plans ta retire in August, 1948. Mr. Osborne, the dean cf weekly journalism in North America, la stiU active et age 87 as the proprietor and Editor Emeritus cf the Virginia Gazette cf Williamsburg, the oldest newspaper in Amer- ice, established in 1722. After e long and distinguished cereer in Canadian journalism he entered the field in the U.S.A. and eventually purchased the famed Gazette. Mr. Osborne wes born on a farm at Tyrone, Durham Cauntv, Ontaria. See article on page 8 giving more details cf Mr. Osborne's impressions cf Mr. King's visit. Bandits Rob Nichols' Garage Threaten Night Man with Gun Council Rescinds Motion Decides No Parking Mleters Tractor Costs Under Fire "Off again, on again, gone Councillor Dilling who was ab- again, Finnegan" just about de- sent,'possibly checking up on the scribes Bowmanville Town Coun- effect of his by-law restraining cil in its deliberations over park- dogs within the corporation. Costs ing meters. At the regular Ap'-il of the new tractor and equipment session a motion was carried fa recently purchased were also en- instaï parking meters immediate- quired into by Councillor James. Iy on a one-year trial basis. Mon- The outfit purchased by the Roads day night, April 19, in special and Streets Committee was a Fer- session, a iaîeter salesman, at the guson unit bought at $3,200. Coun- invitation of council, took most cillor James submitted figures of an hour f0 explain the system ranging from $2,400 to $2,600, sub- and finance involved. When lie nitted by other dealers and asked retired bearing an expression off why taxpayers were Ioaded with thanks, the motion to recind the the extra cost when al units car- original motion was carried, with ried siilar equipment. Deputy Reeve Allison and C2un- It was explained by Reeve Ba- cillor Niddery dissenting. Bill as ker that the purchase was made thus killed for at least one year. on general representations and It was opposed originally by record off performance; that the Councillor James and Reeve Bak- Ferguson unit was specifically de- er. No statement was forthcom- signed for municipal use-and oth- ing as to the reason for the change er equipment examined was more off view of councillors originally for farm use; also that price con- supporting the motion. sideration was affected as between Tractor Costs industrial and agricultural regu- The decision was said bo ne- lations. It was also disclosed that quire a two-thirds vote and the the compressor which has been ofliy member flot voting was ?Çontinued on Page Four) Exhibition of Hobby Crafis Attracted Large Gatherings ,ln Lions Community Centre The Hobby Craft display and demonstration held under auspic- es off the Bowmanville Commun- ity Council, Thunsday, Fnîday and Saturdey, lest week, attracted lange numbers off people, bath af- ternoans and evenings each day.ý The pragram was supervîsed by Director Bart Smithson, assisted by representatives from fthe De- pertment off Planning and Devel- opmenf, Toronto, and other or- ganizations which contribu te d outside displays. The entire ev- ent was.funtber.greatly popula. ized in th é fact that tea was serv- ed each day by the ladies of lo- cal churcix groups. It thus be- came a welcome social and cul- turel affair. The craft and art displays sent -_ from Toronto occupied the lowAer floor and fixe craft work undertaken by local enthusiasts during thxe yeer was shown in li- teresting exiibits in fixe upper raoms. Attendants were on hand et the veniaus tables to explain how the work was done, how me- terials were assembled, and the small expense in fime and money necessary for the variaus under-' takings. Much interest was sixown in the model planes and masque work sent in ffrom the Hobby Classes et the Boys' Training 1la weaving such as has developed in Quebec and which has a fine market outlet among tcurists. 1The Department bas penfected 1plans ta prov'ide three-week cour- ses for groups in any community to take up this interesting and profitable work. Looms, mater- ials and instruction wi il be pro- vided for these cours*e. .Many of thxe general questions asked by local people concerning this'activity were very prectical- lanswered on Saturday affter- Mfon when Harry Iiengstaff, a Department expert, demonstnated hand lQom weaviag in the main rcom off thxe building. For those who were net present and who wîsh to join the class contemplat- ed under auspices off the Bow- manville Community Coun ci 1, furtixer information ni.., be oh- tained from Directar Bart Smith- son, who bas charge off enrol- ment. He will also be gled to en- rol anyone interested in any oth- er hobby craft.. Wider Plans The upstairs rooms containing leather handiwork, stamp collc- tions, fexidermy, bird banding, cerpentry and meny other exhib- its wes the mecea for the Young- er people off the town and dis- nirinay o ~unay Sixoo. fie entire show came in the eve- Shortl 'v after midnight, lest nothing in fixe waY off cash fixe Weaving Display nings. The general consensus was Thursday, effer The Statesmian doliberaxe robbers then forced fixe The display off weaving con- that this department in fixe activi- Mrs. J. M. Johnston, formerly head gane to press, two armed ban- cash register, took tixe money and tibuted by tixe Depantment off ties off the Community Council off Cartwright, celehrated lher 100- d its forced their way into the fadeq into the night. Planning end Development was fully justiffied ifs organizefion tix birthday on Sunday, Apnil 25, garage off Roy W. NichaIs et Cour- Il look some time for NichaIs in change off Miss Helen J. Mal- and effectiveness in the liffe off fie 194P). fxeDadGar(-)donihrais, ed t igh mra re'ol feefrm ibonds. Thon colm. Sixe expained that the De- people locehly. Plans are aIl set Eliza Ne- lived n the Drland ( on Nicols, wit a notiveiedlithempolice * vartmened tespolicemptingn f0s pro-ptfor evprn-goreater activitiesvit forfofixe fanm, norti off Enniskillen, from trussed him up an fixe floor, and fixe proprietor Roy W. Nic mate in Ontario a home indëstry current year. eanly ciildhood. fili hierm arriage smashed open fixe sefe and fixeixols. The garage las been fixe ta John AI. Johnston, ivlien she cash rogister and made good thein target for holdups sevoral f mes ~n rnve I Crwrgh. he adga ix e car in which they in tixe pasf and no great amnourns P o Im lLK m u F u I four children, David (deceased). amived. Their net taking was off money are left at nighf in fixe P o lm fE k P o l Rowland), Millbrook, and Alex of gister. The safe contained only Proicýil Conxstablcs Russell Pal- 11 1 Cadmus. There are Il grandehil - unnegotiable papers. lard and Ray Kowal, BowmMars dren and ten greaf. grandchildircn . Taken by surprise as fixe pair ville defachnt immediatoly n- Mrs. Johnston is in good heeltix ontercd thxe garage Gardon Nie- vesxtigated. The case is bcxng fol- f nt~ u and goes about wîxihouit a cane. hols found himself facing a black :a'.wed up as anc pcrpetrafed hy Speaking et Bowmeanville Ro- 1Anohr ust off fie day, Rev. Slie lias mnade lir home wvith hem revolver. He was ordered ta lie professional thieves. tany Club, Fnidey, Archdeacon i . dePencier Wright, nectar off St. deughfer, Mrs. Rowland, off Mill-o ieforad e efcvrd. asxoffx1reicutdi John's Anglican Churcix and Pad- ibrook for somie vears. bv thie man with tixe gun while i privile'- je deputy off Bis-1 gion, infroduced Arcix d e a c o n The Statesman joins with hon fixe other bandit securely taped Football League hop Fi-...i~ng in bringîng to a la- Marsix. Native off Enfield, Eng- in offcinc sincre and cordial pair wiecled fie office safe to th Elects New 'AicerS cal audience e reprt on fie Es land, ie came to Canada at age rn~in frîe ds in Durhe Counv bi1a8,sandaak]es. Thonnix iv____t rm congratulations an reacixing thxe sixon where if was opened with kimo people now tixat fh ixe 18mmgauetle i Savkntoon century mark.i cutter and pinch bar. Finding A mneeting off fie Darlington- paela ruh rae m - ciak onhp otalLa atofcvlzto pnfxi a was ondaîned and sent f0 bis Arc- 1are TwnsipsFoobal Le- pctof iviizaionupo thïr aytic mission Ekt ege 23. He has MAYOR TAKES ~~~~~~gue was held et fixe Township off liffe. But he hastened ta give sre mn ieEkm n n MA ORTA ESTEA AT HOBBY SHOW Hill,Hamnpton, on April 12. The assurance thet Bisixop Fleming is se. ly fo fixe es 26 yarsd gn- exectivefor he cmingyearrecovering from e pnatracfed il]- infothpa 2yerg- %v~ as elected as follows: President. ness and sent bis kind regards fa erell with beadquarters et Ak- Harry Dav ey: vice president, Tom bis long-standing fiends in Bow- lavik, site cf fixe Anglican cafix- Baker; secret ary-trcastx rer, Jack iranville and particularly fixe edral off fie nortix. By dagsled Reynolds. Bawmen ville Rotary Club. Arcix- 1 and air fixe Anglican outposts The Bowmanville tcam blas deacon Marshin a very cope have been regularlv visifed bv %ihdrawn fromi the League this hensive eddress set forth temain- this sfurdy misinr o h year and is bing replaced hy a farts off thxe presont case off fie past quarter century. frto teamn from MNaple Grave.. Eskimo people and suggesfed that Archhisixop Mersix toldfisof First gaine of fte seaon will there was a need for an infarmed the Eskimo community around ho plaved on Satuxday, Ma,,, 15. public opinion ta support fixe. Aklevik, where fixe cethedrel, The'scixecule x% ill ho arrenged churca and the government in fixe hospitel, sehool, movies, airport at fixe ncxt mncefing ta o hlcid et adnministration off effains in thxe and other modern amenifies have Hï,mpton an ïMay3. Arctie for fixe future. . (Contintied on Page Four) Preoelecti*on Politi"cal News First gun ta ho fired in Dur~ham iani, local member since 1943, tixat Norman Green, Dr. John Wright, ~ on vi -peparatic4n for the hie vould nof be a candidate in Millbnook, W. E. Tbompson, ex-i provincial olections June 7. is tixe this election. Since his retire- MyoPrHpead .R.S comination meetirg calie bv t he ment as Minister off Healtix and R3 an, Port Hope barnister. iexecuitive ofixhe Progressive Con- fefe ix e Drew Goverrnent Other names b:âe been favor- WVhen spectators et the Community Council Hobby Show conclud- to Orono Town Hall. Fnida v ove - idue et McGill University, ixelbas candidate tram West Durham is ed the interesting tour cf exhibits, they were invited ta, partake uiing. .April 30. As wve go ta press continucd as a pivate member bcing strongly mooted in view off cf a delfious lunch served by several qroups cf ladies lrom w.e have rio officiel information off tie legisiature. the fart tixat Port Hope has ixad Bowanvlle O Seurdy venngMaor idny itte tok conccmning the plans off thxe Lih - Spoculat ion is elneady rife as fixhe duailixonor for some time. i thevishow n exprs ednierebMaentruSidey Liaven te fin era:s or tfixe C.C.F., but il is ex- ta who will have the honor of 1 lire county is m ast vigorously re- in he howandexpessd cnsierale nthsiam oer he ine perxed that tixeir respective cen- cerving fixe banner s0 efffectively 1ipresented et Ottawa by Cherlie displays. Hoe lso participated in the lunch where we see hiîn dixc'at, ilhe xoiuaxctd iii due carriled by the vigcOrous Dr. Viv- Stephxenson who would fearn up t being served sandwiches by Mrs. Stuart B. lames with bis table course. tan, Durbem's first Cabinet Min- %vell with a provincial member 1 companians being Mrs. Howard V. Jeffery in the leit foreground Tixe Proý,res.sive Corservatix'e ister, whose majonity off 2,230 in tram West Durham infixe Drewý Ex\(LuIive ct pronmpt]'. ta sel- 1945 was also a countv record. ranks wvhicb t& il]I undolibtedly be r cf the piexure, P."rs. A. MacMillan on fixe riqht with Misa Helen 8 au:ltfio~u i u at etoe nld ri tegbndo ue7 Cryderman and Miss Jean Cunningham et the rear.I notice from on D.'. .Viv- o lNwat~ ex-wre Committee Given AutIuority Plan Quick Drive for Funds To Build Rink 6y TIiis Winti Plenty Parking SpacE And Itfs Free Now that the threat off parking meters has been disposed off. Bow- menvIlle will have luts off parking space and what is even betten it', fnee. During thxe past few weeks the rnerchanfs and citizens have co-openated in every way possible ta allo,.vfree parking space along main street. In this way they are making it easien for you ta come in and shap in Bawmanville's mo-. dern, up-to-date business section. B.T.S. Staff Forms Local Chapter Civil Service Association Wîth almost one hundred per cent off the staff panticipating members, a mnove wes made ta form a local chaptor off the Civil Service Association at thxe Boys' Training Sehool an Fniday, April 16, 194e. Mr. Sabiston, the Association secretary, ected as chairman and conducted the voting which re- suited in fihe following slafe off off- ficens for tixe ensuing year: Honarary president, W. J. Eas- taugx; president, J. J. Brown; lst vice president, W. L. J. Crabbe; 2nd vice president, K. G. Werry; secretany, E. A. Fairman; treasur- en. D. H. Williams. Now that the staff has ettained the status off a chapten off the Civil Service Association they will have a vaice in the general meet- ings in Toronto. For yeans naw the staff off the Training Sehool have received benefits without actively supporting this Associa- Lion. ~. j Plan s are naw being formed by circuses and othens. The Boy the recently formed Rink Man- Scouts an-d Girl Guides and su- agemet C'ilar groups will ho considered in agmntCmmittee to launch a laving plans as such groups are cempaign 'or funds within th, sorely in need of a meeting place. snext twa or tnree weeks in the Unless ail unexpected amauint hope that sufficient money may of on y i ras d t is b ie d 'be obtaîned ta start work on the1 that artificiel ice will be off sec- s Arena in July or August sa that ondary~ consideration at the mo- ment. The building will be con- eBowmanville will have hockey structed so that artificial ice may 9and skating by next winter. be edded later if desired, but thxe e On Monday night, the Cam- main abject now is the ceccnon em'ttee presented to town council of a good building so that there 1V.1,1 be hockeY next winter. *a report of its findings concern- It is îikeîy that arganizations iga suitable site. They invsi ing *inveti- within the town wil e requested gated three sites: at the Davis- to participate in thxe campaign by Houit plant; in the South Werd holding tag days, bridges, tcas, near Memorial Park and at Ro-I dances and other mnany- rais ing taryParkandwereunaimou inevents but the bulk of tfie cdona- teryParkand ereunenmousin ions will be by voluntary sxb- their 3pproval off Rotary Park as scipto.Atog sia r the mast desirable spot. Council by no means defmnite. it N prob- members, with one exception, ap- able that the campaign will have rproved their recommendations s0 an objective of $50001) or $60,- 000. Funds now available include 1that the committee now is empow- appnoximateîv $26.000. eed to, go aheed ta the com pletion Ths e kc d t e C mi c , of the Anena provided it spends eccompanied by Recreational Di- only the money collected. nectar, Bart Smithson, is planning For fixe first time in severel ta tour several towns which hava years it would appear that thene new arenas off appnoximatcly the is rea1 hope that a rink may be!,size Bowmanville m7ould require. built wîthiti the near future. It To get the people of Boawmuîiv\ille is now up ta citizens off Bowman- in the spirit of giving, thecocm..O ville and the surrounding district rnittee is esking if any citizen will ta iodiate by their willingness donate one tank full of gas for ta donate funds just how much the trip. If there is sucix a per- they want a rink. There has been son, pleese eall Committee Chair- much talk during the past yeans man John James at The States- and it is felt that this favorable man office, phono 663. conversation will be trensferred In next week's issue and each loto real finencial baeking now wcok following, thxe Coru mittce, that the time for action is ap- whose members arc J. Cliff Samn- pnoaching. is, Melbourne Wight and John M. The Committee has in mmnd a James, will mnake its report fa the buildin.g which will provide year public so that evcryone nxz.v know round fecilities for many aci. lvi- whet progress is hcing muýde. In fies includîng hockey, skating, the meantime, bank accounts roller skating, dancing, banquets, should be inspected sa that c-very general meetings, carnivals, b~ox- persan wil te prepared m-hcn the ixig wrestling, skating carnivals, caîl for funds la launched. Juniors Left Holding Bag in Basket Finals, Bowmanville'a Rotary Junior bakethaîl team started from scratch early in the season withne previaus experience as a unit, but they came thr9ugh so exceptionally well thq> .they made thxe Orntario finals. There tixey struck a considereble anag and leerned mare about bcsketball In two gamnes then they had ail the reat cf the season. The reason for this rapid acquisition cf bakeibal knowledge was that e team from Amherstburg demnoastreted the fine points cf fixe geme in no uncertain fashica. lanfthe firat encounter et Am- herstburg fixe Iccals were quickly subdued ta fie tune cf 7 1-29 and lanfixe game here on Saturday, Bowmanville came dloser but were still wel la the rear with the score 60-44. However, as you cen see, the deffeat did little ta dishecr;en fixe spirits of the boysalathougix Coach Walter DeGeer ia hol ding the bag as ain indication cf the resuits cf their gemnes. In the reer row fromr left ta right we find Billy Dadsca, Bill Rundle, Don McGee, Hank Tamblyn, Tom DeGeer, Dunc Phillips, Glenn Hodgson. The player in tixe front row la Bucky Buckapan and the other executive types wha cani- Iplete the picture are Deac Goddard fthe manager la tweeds, and Squeak Morris, the assistant mani- ozger in charge cf equipment who la wearing fixe fancy sweater. To add a littie color ta fthe pîcture a ur photographer shows six cf the fans et Sat- .urday night's game ail adorned in spring splen- deur. They are, starting et fixe lef t: Miss Marilyn Rundie, Mns. W. Rundle, Miss Joyce Pahingon, Miss Shirley Moore, Mrs. Walter DeGeer who undaubtedly will be pleciszed xhu t n.Lauk~ secîson ha concluded and Miss Doris Char tran. in 'ARENA 1 i - Zbe :er

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