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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 May 1948, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN ~THE CANAI)IAN STATVSMAN. POWMANVI LE. ONTARIO HSDYMAOt.14 ZION Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glazpel and famnily, Mrs. F. B. Glaspel at Ivor Gerry's, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Morgan, Joan and Glenna, attended wedding of Miss Joan Crozier and Mr. Wal. dron Scott at Port Perry on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach ai Douglas Flett's, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Percv Davicison and family at Russel Cochrane's, Brady. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowcs and Bobbie, St. Catharines, at Arnold Venner's. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Wilks and Norma, Mrs. Harold Oliver, Toronto, Miss Belle McLarty, Sault Ste. Marie, Mr. Dcnnis Her- liky, London, England, Mr. and Mrs. Les Hoskih, Irma and Alan, Mr. and Mrs. John Crook, Thorn- See the New EUREKA Vacuum Cleaner and Floor Polisher now on display Ted Woodyard's Appliance Stores BOWMAN VILLE Cor. King and Silver St and at ORONO ton's Corners. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Owen Sound, Mr. Elroy Creepei Knowlton, Elinor, Stanley and Toronto, visited friends and at Helen, North Oshawa, at Ray tended the sale of houschold el 1Cameron's. fects of their cousin, Miss Kater r Mrs. Russell Pcrkins and Mar- son. garet, Mrs. Alf Avre, Mrs. John Mothe rs Day and Family Weel Cruickshank attended a miscel- thero wil1 bc followed in th flaneous shower for Miss Arlene:,Sunday, School session on Sunda: Northcutt at Mrs. Lloyd Met-1 afterncon and evening when calfe's, Oshawa.1 baptismal service will be held ii Mr. and Mrs. Percy DavidFon !charge of our pastor. tand family at Tom Abbott's, En- The' sale of the late Miss Mar: niskillen. Katcrson's houschold effects, hel( 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frarnk Pascoe vis- Saturday %vas very largacly attend *ited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomp- cd and -a very successful affair. son. Solin.a. Mrs. K. Caverly is receivini Mother's Day Service will bc care at tht' Bowmianville Hospi at 10:30 a.m., also baptismal scr- tai. *vice. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fice an( family, Taunton, Mr. and Mm F1r:îink Westlqkc Sr., Solina, a Tom Wslk'q HAMPTONUi Mrs. Charlotte Stephens has re turned te her house here afteý Tit' first meeting of the' Home Ibecing absent for the' wintcr, w-hicl Gardon Club wvas hcld on April she- spent with her daughter, Mns 23, at tht' re-sidence of Mrs. Jack R. Gibbs, Tyrone, and othcr merm Reynolds. These officers were bers of her fami]y. Her man, elected: President, Nancy Coutts; friends welcomt' her back. secretary -t reasurer, 1-bien Liptay; correspondent sccrctary, Yolanda Poa.Tegirls rcccived their So siaFvr seeds and pamphlets. Next meet- So sigFvr ing on May 14, at Mrs. Jack Rey- nold1s'. "If wc are going to make a suc Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cryderman, cessful stand against totalitarian Mr. and Mrs. Harold Salter wvere ism thon we must make very suri Feiday evcning suppor guests of that we are fret' fromn tht' cursi Mr. and Mes. Mlerwin Cryderman, ourselves." ýOshawa, on the occasion of theiri This wvas the' warning of WiJ tcnth wcedding anniversary. 1 liamn A. Irwin, cconomist for thi Mr. and Mrs. J. Enniis spent American Bankees' Association ir thc woeekcnd wîth their daughter, an adclress before tht' Canadia. IMr. and Mrs. Frank Starkey, Osh- Club of Toronto this week. aw\va. The Financial Post adds this: P Rev. and Mes. Walte'r Rackham big path has been worn to Ott IManilla, with Mr. and Mrs. BeKet': awa and Washington by so-callec Hogarth. froc citizens sccking special fav iMe. and Mrs.,J. Cowling and ors that in thb end mean highei Mrs Wfll Wilbur, xisited Mrs. costs, lcss compotition, highei Wiibur Burnott, Orono. taxes and mort' govcrnment coný Mr. and Mrs. Harey Cowl,,ing trol. and children, London, visited Mr, Uicss wo change our way tha and Mrs. John Cowling on Sun- sort can only lead to the sam( day. state domination which threaten! Mrs. B. Ferguson and Mes. Herb se large a part of tht' world to Hoocy. Blackstock, weee gut'sts of day, Tht' Post warns. Mrs. Wes. Hoskin. Mr. and Mes. Raymond Farrow Viihjalmur Stefansson, Aectiî and son, Roger, visitcd relatives explorer, advocates Cana d i a n in Clarke. soive the' problim of eccupyini Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Creopor, their vast riorthland. WEBER'S FABRIC CENTRE 10 KING STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE Rayon, Taff eta, Plaids, Woollens, Silks, Cottons, Gabardines, Coatings, Suitings, Plastic Drapery Materials, Rods, Cranes, Tracks, Hooks, etc BLANKETS, SHEETS PILLOW CASES, TABLECLOTHS and BATH MAT SETS BUTTERICK and SIMPLICITY PATTERNS' ýk e ly a in -y Id a t !h Modlern Roofing Modern roofing bas beari givcn a new twist, which harks back te tht' days of thet' tatched roof, in this Vancouver home. Here the bouseholder has taken advantage of the' pliability of asphaît shin- gles te carry bis roof beyond tht' .e ;e 1- TYRONE te ýn Me. an-d Mes. Chas. Murney and n Georgina. Pcterboro. visited ber mother, Mre. S. Duval who re- A. turned from the General Hospi- t tai, Toronto, last weok who is ,d with her son and daughter-in-law, -Mr. and Mes. W. Park. ýr Miss Yvonne Byam is slowly rimproving after tht' serieus car -Iaccident she was in Friday vn ing, eeceiving several bad cuts t and beuises. Her many feiends t' hope for a speedy recovery. Mes. R. Hatherley has returned home feom Dixie and Bowman- ville. ic Miss Evelyn Beckett visited sý with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brad- ýg ley, Myrtît'. Mes. H. Smitbson, Caledon, Mrs. *H. Rundît', Hampton, xith Me. and Mes. Neil Yelowlees. Joan Beckett, Bewmanvilie, soent weekend with Mes. Laura Virtue. Mes. Laura Virtue and Milton visited Mes. Elva Beckett, Bow- manvilie. Me. and Mes. E. A. Virtue and John with Ralph and Miss Evelyn Vietue, Enniskillen. Mes. W. T. Woeden with her daughter, Mes. Jas. Shorten, Tee- onto. Me. and Mes. Clarence Bradley and family, Myrtie, with Me. and Mes. O. Beckett. Me. and Mrs. Fred Bigneil, To- rente, with Mr. and Mes. Lorne Annis. Me. and Mes. John Skinner, Te- rente, Mes. H. Couch; Misses Eî- leen and Maejory Couch, Bow- manville, with Me. and Mes. R. B. Scott. Little Elsie Marie Dewn, Eben- ezer, xith her grandparents, Me. and Mes. Everton White. Me. and Mes. J. Bird and Jac- queline, Bowmanville, with Mes. W. Miller. W.M.S. Tbankoffering service was beld Sunday, May 2. With Peesident Mes. S. JcwýelI in .Ie chair, assisted by Rev. E. A. Cress- well. Mes. A. A. Drummond, Or- one, guest speaker, gave a splen- *did address on Christian Steward- ship, bringing eut several good points. Mission Band childeen and W.M.S. ladies sat in a body in the church. Mes. Maurice G. Abraham, Stamford Centre, fav- oeed xith two lovely contralto solos. "God is MY Steengtb" and "Ht' Shaîl Feed His Flock.'" The choir aise rendered an anthem. Graydon Cressweli and Laery Rosevear reccivt'd the offering. Thankoffering was appeeximately $24.00. A letter of appreciation was read by Rex'. E. A. Cresswell on Sunday memning from Mes. A. W. Clemens, Torunto, fer the loveiy sheaf of roses received. Congratulations te Miss Joyce Woodley on passing ber business school course with fiest class hon- ors. W.M.S. wili meet at Mes. O. Beckett's, on May 6. Special Mother's Day service next Sunday«, at tht' usuai houe. Me. and Mes. J. McRobeets, Me. and Mes. E. Geacb and family, Kendal, Mr. and Mes. H. Wooed and family, Long Sault, Miss Phyllis Maynaed and Me. Oscar Andrews, Mr. and Mes. J. Bird and Jacqueline, of Bowmanville, with Me. and Mes. R. Maynaed and Mes. J. McRobets. Junior Y.P. enjoyed a theatre party Wednesday ex'cning, later returning te the' S.S. eoom when ice cream and cake were seeved. Board of directors of Tyrone Recreatienal Park met April 30 in tht' hall. The meeting oetned with Bill Thiesherger in the chair. Oth- ers peesent weee Archie Virtue, Leslie Coombes, Ralph Glaspeli, Rev. CeesswclI and Percy Werry. It was decided te hold an officiai epening day on Satueday, May 22.' Peegram will consist of childeen' S sports, and a 'basebali touenament Gels New Look More Clofhing Depots Organized by Canadian Council of Churches . . . .Se great has been tht' respense Sof the appeal of tht' Canadian -conil of Churches for clothes to send te families in Brîtain and Europe, twe,- additional clothing centres have been opened in Re'- gina and Winnipeg, another is to be opened in Montreal .nd tht' I Toronto Centre is operating at capacity, according to Rev. Dr. W. J. Gallagher, secretary of tht' Funds are now urgently needed to carry on tht' arduous task tack- led. Under tht' direction of a spe- cial committet' rcpresenting tht' co-operating Churches, whîch was appointed late iast year, a Cloth-î ing Depot w-as opened in Toronto. walls of tht' house to give tht' The response to tht' appeal for thatched appearance. Seldom seen used clothing was beyond expec- in Eastern Canada, this treatment tations. But it is also necessary is becoming popular through thet' t have money to buy supplies, wt'st, due possibly te tht' western te meet operating costs, and to type of architecture and a ready pay shipping charges. Tht' bales supply of pliable shingles. are bound with steel steapping, wrapped in water-proof paper, a nd cevered with burlap. Theseý titled "Hospitality in tht' Club" supplies must be purchased. Much and gave tht' girls some informa- of this work is donc by volunteers tien regarding their reference but some employed help is necd- files and Achievement Day. Tht' cd aiso; wages must be paid. Heat, girls sorved a very refreshing light, and office expenses must lunch. Mrs. A. His kindly in- be met. Shipping charges are vited tht' girls to hold their next cons idtrable-approxi mately $100 meeting at ber home on Friday per ton te Great Britain, $125 to evcning, May 14, Miss Hart wiil Europe, $200 to Japan. Feeight be present. bills must be met promptly. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Don- Tht' Canadian Council of Chur- aId Davey and family, who have ches bas therefore appealed te the moved on to Me. W. S. Staple's Churches for mort' money te carry farm. ~forward this workofCnda Tyrone Greenhouse is doing a Church Relief Abroad. Addition- big busines these days. lai depots have been opened in Several farmers have finished Regina and Winnipeg, and it is ex- seeding and others are busy plant- pected te organize ont' in Mont- ing their gai-dens. reai. It is essential to have funds to ship the clothing now accum- ulated. Since the early part of 1945 the' Canadian Council of Churches and its member-Communions had been participating in the great mutual aid prograrn organized by the World Council of Churches and related agencies. Large sums weee contributed for the rehabil- itation of Christian work and in- stitutions in the' war-devastated countries. Many churches also had been sending food and other relief supplies abroad. Contributions to the' project may he sent to Rev. Dr. W. J. Gallagher, General Secretary. tht' Canadian Council of Churches, 3 Willcocks Street, Toronto, Ontar- Co-operation of Farmers Asked in Survey of Crops and Livesiock Forms for the annual June sur- vey of crops and livestock are now being sent to farmers ahl aceoss the' Dominion of Canada. This survey is undertaken by the' Dominion Bureau of Statistics in co-operatien with the' Provincial Depaetments of Agriculture. Tht' statistical erganizations depend on farmers te previde informa- tion concerning crop acreages, livestock and poultry numnbees and disposition. From tht' returns reeeived estimates are made of porduction for each province and for Canada as a whele. Tht' information that individual farmers provide to tht' Bureau is kept strictly confidential. Farm- ers, therefore, should not hesitate te make a cemplete and accurate return. The farmer is peotected by law against misuse of 'his rt'- tuen and his individual record is seen only by wo .rkers in the' Do- minion and Provincial statistical offices. Vnder no circumstances can the information on these forms be used for taxation pur- poses of any kind. Farmers who have been send- ing in reports on this survey in past years will notice that the form has been changed. We counted the questions. There are actualiy fewer on the new form than on last year's. We agree with the' statisticians that the' new araengement of questions makes it easiee for the farmer to answer. Diarnonds now are being cut with more facets to enhance bril- iswtoos a ofen tht' preset Bite;' of New York's Wall Street. Orono Mink Scarves 1, 2, 3or 4skins Fox Cape and single skins KNOX HONEY a few 4 and 8 lb. pails - t ~1 ----------- ý ý41 , TEMRSDAY, MAY M, 1948 PAGE FO'URTEElq

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