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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 May 1948, p. 15

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tftnWMAV . MAV e4éLi194 rtwà%x, 2A % T4 - et C Ève 8% r% B BRING Y'OUR -muon SELL 41 S RÎ U R /kfle M 1 ESSAGE BEFORE 12,0100 READERS PAGE FFEN TM CANADIAN STATESIM. BOWMAY4 VilLE. O ITAI PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 35c PER AD BIRTHS DEATI-S BLACKBURN - Mr. and Mrs. BUNNER-In the Oshawa Gener- Walter W. BlackbuiM (nee Grete aI Hospital on Wednesday, May 5, Zorsting). Toronto, wish to an- 1948, Rev. John Wesley Bunner. xDunce the birth o! th eir daugb- beloved husband o! the late Nellie Elizabeth Anne, on April 22, Grant, in bis 83rd year. Resting If 8.19-1* at Armstrong Funeral Home, Osh- awa. Service in Trinity Uinited LeqH-Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Churcb, Bowmanville, on Friday, Ce ho! Bowmanville, wish to May 7, at 4 p.m., D.S.T. Inter- announce the bîrtb of their son ment Bowmanville Cemetery. at Bo.wmanville Hospital on May 4,ý 1948. A brother for Sharon HARDCASTLE-At Hamilton, on Anne- 19-1*j Tuesday, May 4tb, 1948. Hazel 1Marguerite Martin, dearly belov- MONROE-Mr. and Mrs. Forbes 1 d wife o! Percy Lawrence Hard- M nroe, Ottawa (nce Bernice castle, aged 30 years. Resting at Wight> wish te anounce the aîr- the Morris Funeral Chape], Bow- rival o! their daughter Robin Lee mauville, until Friday noon. Ser- at'Bowmanville Hospital on Wed - vice in Orono Ulnited Church on nesday, April 28th, 1948. 19-1 Friday-. May 7th at 2:30 p.m. In- terment Orono cemetery. Funeral PURDY-Mr. and Mrs. George under auspices Heather Rebecca Purdy wisb to anounce the birth Lodge. 19-1 o! their daughter, Janice Laura, at Bowmanville Hospital on April' MARTIN-At hem late resideuce, 29ý 1948. 19-1 Salem. on Monday, May 3rd, 1948, Ida May Harris Martin, widow o! WESTLAKE--Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thomas Martin, aged 77 years. Westlake. Hampton, wish to an-j Interme ut Orono cecmetery. nolunce the birth of their son, j____ Dwight. at Bowmanville Hospital TAYLOR-At Port Hope Hospital orý April 28, 1948. 19-1 on May 3. 1948, Alexander Taylor, -. eldest son o! the late Mr. and Mrs. ENGAGEMENTS Neil Taylor, (late o! Bowman- __________________________r vlle). in bis 86th year. At rest at M~r. and Mrs. Sydney 3M Scot the George Funeral Chapel. Port announce the engagementlof ttheir* Hope. Service lu bbc chapel on 'dàughter Marion Elizabeth toMrThsa, May 6th, at 2 p.m. Iu- Aleck M. Birks, son cf Dr. and terment at Bowmauvil]c cem- Mrs. W. H. Birks. The, wedding eterv. 19-i will take place at St. John's An- glican Church, Bowmanville, on1,WALSH-At h is residence, Saturday. May 22nd. 19-i Chuirch St., Orono,. on Wednesday, .April 28th,.. 1948, John Howard Mr. and Mrs. Bcnny King an-1 Walsh" beloved bugband o! Leti- oune tb enagemnt o thi tia HamilI in his 83rd. year. Rest- daugbter, Gladys M., te Arthur G.1 ing at the Morris Funerai Chapel. Etcher, son cf Mrs. F. L. Etcher Bowmanvillè.. Service was held and the late Mr. Etcber, Oshawa. in Oono United Chumcb on Fmi- The xedding will take place May day, April 3 Oth, at 2:30 p.m. In- 29 at St. John's Anglican Church. terment Orono cemetcry. Fxjneral 19-1", under auspices I.O.O.F. 1- The engagement is anounced o! IN MEMORIAM Marion S-hi-rley, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. H. R. Foley and the late Mrs. Foley, to Mr. Howard Ross Allin, eldest son of Mr. Howard Allin and the late Mrs. Allin, Newcastle, the wedding to take place Saturday, May 8th. 19-1 Mrs. E. Cole, Hampton, announ- ces the" engagement of her cousin, Marian Pauline Johnson, daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mi-S. W.*C.' Johnson, Toronto, to Mr. Edwvard James Kersey. son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey, Hampton. The mar- iage will take place in late May. MARRIAGE JACOBS - MORRIS - At St. John's Anglican Churcb on Fr1- day, April 3th, 1948, with Rev. J. de Pencier Wright officiating, Dorothy M. Morris, eider daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris, Bowmanville, and Ernest William Jacobs, eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. W. A. Jacobs, 1' manville. 19-i* TRACTOR TIRE REPAIRS Have You Enough Traction? Increase the traction by fill- ing your rear tires witli Calcium Chioride Calcium Cllo,l-e in the rear'tires %viIl incrcase the xvelght from 300 to 800 Ibs. per tire. Added wveight to the rear tire~ more thaxi doubles the traction. HIAVE ALI, (UTS AND BREAKS VULCANIZED IN YOUR TKA('TOR TIRES NOIW G. F. Jamieson. Tractor Tire Repair Depoi KING and SILVER STS. Boivranville - Phoue 467 BROWN-In loving memiory o! a dear wife, mother and Grauny, Mary Elizabeth Brown. who pass- cd away May 8tb, 1947. "Two dear, brighi eyes, a tender smile, A loving heart that kuew no guile, Deep trust in God that ail was right, Her joy te make some other bright. If sick or suffering one she kuew, Some geutie act o! love she'd do. No thougbt o! self, but o! 'the other;' I kuow He said, "Weil doue, dear mnother." -Ever lbvingly remembemed by ber husband, son, daughter-in- 1awaxïidl grandchildreu. 19-1* McKEE-In lovin$ rmemory o! a dear son and brotber, Orma Mc- Kee, who passed away May 8, 1946. jDays of sadness stDl corne o'er us rTears in silence oèften flow For memory keeps-you ever near lis Thcugh you died two years ago. -Ever remnembeçd and sadly missed, Father, 'Mother, Sisters -and Brothers. 19-1 rMOLLON-In loving memory o! our parents, Maude Blythe Mollon who passed away May 2nd, 1945, and John T. Mollon, on August 19, 1942. Nothing can ever take away, The love a heart holds dear, Fond memnories linger every day .Remnembrauce keeps them near. -Lovingly remnembered by the Family. 19-1* Notice to Creditors HCreditors and others baving j daims against the estate o! AI- meda Beatrice Worden, late o! the Township of Darlington, in the County o! Durham, are required to send full particulars o! such dlaims to the undersigned, solici- tors for the Executors, on or be- fore the lSth day of May, 1948, after which date the Estate's as- sets wiil be distrihuted baving re- gard orly t1 daims that then have been received. CONANT & ,ANNIS, Solicitors. 7'2 Simcoe St. S-, Oshawa, Ontario. 18-3 Room & Board Wanted YOUNG business girl desires room and boamd in retumn for light housework and miudiug chiidreu 4 nights per week. Apply Ellen W'ard, Box 81, Bowmanville. 19-1* 17 MENT NOW AVAILABLE AT OUR WAREHOUSE GHLIN COAL and SUPPLIES LTD. 110 King Street W~est 0SIiANVA. ONTARIO Phone 1246 WANTED FOR EXPORT Registered and Grade Holstein Springers WALTER FRANK - Bowmanville COMING EVENTS If you are interested in tennis, attend the Bawmanviile Tennis Club meeting tonight, Thursday, May 6, at 7:45 p.m. in the Lions Community Centre. 19-1 A dance wili be heid in Enis- killen Community Hall, Friday evening, May 7th, under auspices of Enniskillen Athletic Club. Mu- sic provided by Ruth Wiison's Variety Band. Note change of date. 19-1 Tyrone Recreation Park Coin- mittee are holding the officiai op- enîng of the new park on Satur- day, May 22. Opening ceremon- les folowed by a basebail tourna- ment and children's sports in the afternoon. Full course meal (cafeteria style) served in the ev- ening, foliowed by an ail star football game. 19-3 Bowmanville's second annual Sport Days will be held on May 22 and 24. The track and field meet on Saturday, May 22 with Junior events at 9:30 arn . and Central County and Open Events at 1:30 p.m. Monday, May 24th events will include the opening Intermediate bail game in the j morning, the Junior game in the1 afternoon, and a dance in the Bad- minton Club in the evening. 19-1i Nfolices Wanda's Beauty Shop, 80 King St. West. Permanents that makel permanent customers. For ap- pointmerits, phone 2851. 14-tf Hairdress-Start a business of your own-giving Arle Cold Wave Permaments in the homes. Arle Cold Wave Co., 106 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Ontario. 18-2 Rotary Tee Revue. Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Friday, May 7. See Barbara Ann Scott. Good seats. Tickets and transportatiori. Phone 2666. 19-1 To Vegetable Growers. Growers interested in beet or cucumber acreage contact Canadian Can- ners Limited, Box 280, Bowman- ville, phone 782. 19-1 Solina Beefring Association will hold a meeting, Friday night. May 7, at the hall, 8 p.m., to mýake final plans for this seasoxi. Any- one interested please attend, or phone 2235.191 CARDS 0F TI-ANKS Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee wish to express sincere thanks and appre- ciation to the neighboring farmers of Enfield community who so kindly helped to do their plowing. 19-1 Mr. and Mv1s. A. N. Piper, 56 Brown St., wîsh to express their appreciation to neighbors, rela- tives and mainy friends for gifts, flowers and cards sent to therm on the occasion o! their 25th wedding anniversary. 19-1*: 1 wish to express my sincere thanks to my relatives and friends and to the A.Y.P.A. o! Blackstock for the lovely cards, fruit and plant sent to me wbile I was sick. Also to Dr. Ferguson. 19-1* Irene Rahm. The family of the late Mrs. J. H Morris wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for kind- nesses and expressions of sym- pathy shown to them ln their re- cent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. G. C. Quigiey, Dr. Storey, Beehive Rebekah Lodge and al who sent floral tributes. 19-1)' NO0TI1C E The CADIAN STATESMAN ClassiFied Advertising Rates EFFECTIVE JANUART 23, 1948 BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, CARDS 0F THANKS - $1,00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus 10e a lune for verses per insertion NOTICES, COMING YVENTS, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, WANTED, ETC. ..ash Rate: 2c a word (min. 35e). Must be pald before insertion If Charzed: Se a ivo.,d (minimum 50e). Add 25c extra for box numbers or replies direeted to this effice. (Additionil Insertions at Sanle R. t4es) All, ULASSIFIV'D ADS MUST BE IN NOT LATER THAN NOON WErNESLAY. Cash, stamps or mon- ey order with order to get low rete. CLIP THIS OIJT FOR HANDY REFERENCE _ I Real Estate For Sale EXCELLENT building lot. Apply R. J. Niddery, 114 Elgin St. 19-1' LOT on Brown Street, -45 ft. x 113 ft., suitable for building. Apply 26 Liberty St. N. 19-il SMALL dwellmng house in Black- stock in good repair, can be mov- ed if needed. Apply Norman Mountjoy, Blackstock. 19-1* FIRST rnortgage for $5,500, 5 per cent interest, on towii property, by June lst. Write Box 58 The Statesman Off ice. 18-2* IMMEDIATE possession, large street frontage suitable for bus- iness block in better business sec- tion of Oshawa, central. Write Box 59, Statesman. 19-l* FURNISHED 4-roomed cottage on Wcst Beach. Private drive, run- ning water, electricity. $1,500 cash. Appiy 15 Cedarvale AIe., Toronto 13. 18-2 FIVE roomed frame bouse, partly Insulated; bal! acre of good gar- den soil. Price $1200 or best offer, Apply Russell Brown, 10 Brad- shaw Street. 19-1* COTTAGE, East Bowmanville Beach. furnisbed, winterized, el- ectricity, water, six rooms, two enclosed verandahs. Garage. Phone 2890. A. Darch, 33 King St. E., Bowmanville. 17-4 TWO-storey,'8-room brick bouse, modemn conveniences, large gar- den, double garage, eight good building lots. Possession of tbree rooms. Apply Mrs. Margaret Brust, 103 Scugog St. (Dingman Estate). 16-tf ONE o! the best farms in Ontario county-200 acres of level land with twenty acres o! bardwood; bush; large stone bouse and large barn; bydro and running water in ail buildings. Situated on eounty road, only two miles off main higbway. Must be sold as owner is in ill healtb. A bargain at $20,000. Write Box 62 States- man Office. 19-l* NOTICE DOG OWNERS $10,000-Gentleman's country es- Ail persous owuiug or harbour- tate on river and near lake, situ- ing a dog are required to secure a ated at Sutton West, Ont. Prop- licence for samie. Prosecution for crty coutains tbree acres with 132 failure to hoid a licence ma ' vbe foot frontage on the Black river, instituted without further notice, hal! a mile from Lake Simcoe. under By-law governiug the keep- Beautifully landscaped, trees, iiug or harbouriug o! dogs. fiowers, raspberries, etc. Two car S. VENTON, garage 20'x24'. House is a com- 19-2 Chie! Constable pact dream, hardwood floors, al ______________________- jmodemn converiiences, tbree bed- Teachers Wanted 1 rooms, stone fireplace in living roomn, bot air heating. Would PROTESTANT teacher for En- consider exehange on property be- field School. Salary $1600. Ap- tween Osbawa and Newcastle. For ply R. W. Pascoe, R.R. 2, Burke- further information write or ton. 19-1 phone R. W. Horsley, Real Estate _____________________1______ I .'79 Iillsfiale West. Toro- Livestock For Sale SEVEN pigs, seven wceks old. Phone 2356. Alex McRobbie. 19-1 ONE s0w and fifteen pigs. Phone 2472. 19-1* SEVEN Yorkshire pigs, 7 weeks old. Rimer Cox, Phone 2488. 19-1)' TEN young pigs, five weeks old. Apply Frank Aldsworth, Courtice. Phone Oshawa, 491J2. 19-i* YOUNG cow part Jersey and part Holstein. Apply after 6 p.m. to R. Bottrell, Newcastle. 19-l* PERCHERON gelding, eight years old; two yearling Holstein bulîs; several fresh Holstein cows and heifers. Walter Frank. R.R.5 Bowmanville. phone 2403. l-' Articles For Sale AMATEUR developing set, nearly new. Phone 2281. 19-i QUANTITY of mixed hay. J. R. Kiveli, phonie 2235. 19-l* HOT water tank, 30-gai, good condition. Phone 2343. 19-i* STOVE wood. Apply Nelson Rob- bins; Hampton. 18-3* DORCO medium sîze jacket heat- er complete with pipes. Good condition. Phone 2807. 19-i* 13 spring tooth cultivator for Ford Ferguson tractox¶ $25,00. Phone TWO cars, Buick 1927; Ford 1936. Apply Pete the Shoemaker, New- castle. 19-i* BROWN steel bed, 4 ft., and4 springs; dresser. Apply 21 Beech Ave., Bowmanville. 19-i* SUNSHINE electrie plate, 2 ele- ments, three-way switch, almost new. Phone 838. 19-i* CHEVROLET truck, 1936, A-i condition, $300; 1936 Dodge coach, $300. Phone Orono 57r17. 19-l* MAPLE syrup, No. i Grade. Phone 2966 or 2348. George Knox, R.R. 1, Enniskillen 18-2* FOR quick sale-1932 Chevrolet coupe. Priced reasonably. G. Kovaes, Tyrone. Phone 62 r 10, Orono. 19-i G.M.C. 1934 Chevrolet panel truck good running condition. Sacrifice for cash. Can be seen àt Sisson's Garage, Orono. 19-i PIANO and bench, 7 1-3 octaves, colonial, walnut. apartment size. Telephone 492. F. J. Mitchell. 19-l* STRAWBERRY Plants-Dunlop, $1 per hundred, $8 per thousand. T. Buttery, 125 Scugog St. Phone 2190. 19-1* MODEL A Ford wheels and tires; cookstove with reservoir, nearly new. App]y J. Maguire, 28 Brown St. 19-i* RED clover seed. We have a few bushels of good quality Red Ciov- er at a bargain price. Garnet Rickard. Phone 2813. 19-i WHIPPET sedan, 1931, good con- dition, reasonable. Apply A. E. Graham, 29 Second St., after 6 p.m.. 19-1* ____________________-LATHAM raspberry canes. $2 per GLENNARIFF Rag Apple Chie! huudred. Phone Frank Aldswomtb, Holstein Friesian bull, 200815, six- Oshawa 491 J 2 betweeu 7 and 8 teen mouths old; aise eue brood pm(odlvr) 73 sow, due to farrow May 20. Chas: p*.(n eivr)'1-' E. Daw & Sou, R.R. 1, Hampton. BARN, 20'x26', steel roo! on one 19-1 side, this building is in excellent condition, situated three milcs Work Wanted east cf McCrhe's Church. Apply 286 Jarvis St., Oshawa. 17-3: PAINTINIG and decorating. Phone 339. 19-1* NINETEEN foot fiat bottom, aIl- __________________________purpose farm trailer, seven foot Wantd toRent racks; sçix-bundred-sixteen tires, Wantd toRent steel body; cbeap for cash. Apply GARAGE, peferably East end. Chas. Nesbitt, 304 Scugog St., Apply 240 Church St., Bowmau- North. 19-1 ville. , 19-1M REFRIGERATORS-75 lb. capa- BY lady-Two uufurnished reoms city, steel refrigerators, fiberglass by September, suitable for light insulated, latest single door de- housekeeping. WTite Box 61, Isgimediate delivery, regu- Statesman Office. 19-1* lar Ki79.50, F. F. Morris Co. 67th ________________________ 1 Anniversary Special, $64,50. 19-1 BY JUNE ]st, tbree unfurnished rooms or a small bouse. W. T. Pot- ter, King St. West, Bowmanviile. 19-P, Help Wanted BOY to belp at Cream o! Barley Camp. Appiy D. M. Mitchell, Cream.- of Barley Camp. 19-i* GIRL for dining room, woman for kitchen, 8-hour day, good wages. Apply Olympia Cafe, Bowman- ville, phone 888. 17-3 EFFICIENT young woman for general bousework. Must be good cook and capable of taking full charge. No cbildren. Apply Mrs. Irwin Ormiston. R.R. 1. Columbus, phone Brooklin 47 r 6. 19-3M For Rent TWO cottages for the season. West Sicie Bowmanville Beach. Apply A. G. Terry, 235 Medlaud Ave., Toronto. 18-3* TWO furnished rooms for sum- mer montbs, central location, suitable for young man willing to heip with lawn and garden. Write Box 60, Statesman Office. 19-2* DAISY churn; one- horse spring tooth cultivator: 2 scufflers, single horse; set single harness; Armyl saddle and bridie; pair light bar- rows; one-borse plow. Phone 2778. 19- l USED bot air furnace, large size, purchaser to remove same, $15; two Findlay cook stoves with wa- ter jackets, ln fair condition, $20. Apply Art Walker, Horsey Block. 19-1* HARLEY Davidson Motorcycle, 1943, No. 45, new twin lights, sport shield, muiff1er straight through, etc., motor excellent con- ,dition. Sei cheap. Clifford Mack- lin, came o! Jas. T. Brown, R.R. 2, Newcastle.192 KROEHLER bcd sofa suite, new "Cushionized" construction, with ail the Kroehler beauty of design, Chesterfield Bed and two large club chairs. F. F. Morris Co. 67th Anniversary Sale Special. Reg., $295.00. Sample suite only, Cash Special, $229.00. 19-i OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything ln modemn. Chester- field, bedroom and dinîng room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a speciaity. QuaI- ForSae b 1, Hudson 8827. Sutton Office, Seed Grain For Sale prices. Before buying visit Brad- FrSl yphone Sutton 91. 19-1 ley's New Fumniture Store, 156 OATS-Ajax; Barley, Galoré and Simncoe St. S.. Oshawa. 46-tf T fDEBPets For Sale Barboif; smali quantity of Coro- - - ESTATE 0F SETH DEAN nation wheat, for sale at cosi: SET new 7' Case tandem disc bar- 76 Duke St. Bowmanville, 5 room REGISTERED Cocker S p a n i e I, Buckwheat. Eruest Swain, R.R. rows: set new 6' Case tandem disc frame bouse. Occupied byr puppies. Apply B. Dilling, 23 Ne]- 1. Bumketon. 18-1* harows, new Case horse rake: No. a moihl tennt.son St, Phone 2770. 191*SE b33-T cc h m-~ M-H. mower, set new drag a________tenat.__________________the__e harrows; B.T. electrie grinder:i 80 Duke St., Bowmanville, 7 room quired increascd production of wirc feuce; barbed wire; steel frame bouse, Vacant. Personal Ontario feeds, we must have more posts: staples; Sbur-Shock electrie SEALED Tenders will be received i barley, cither mixed with oats or fencers and batteries for fencers: for the above premises cither as a H Y G I E N I C supplies (rubber sown scparate]y. We bave four Swift's fertilizer. W. H. Brown. whoie or in two parcels aud must goods) mailed postpaid in plain kinds of bamley o! the besj quai- Case Dealer, phone 497. 19-1 be mailed or delivcred to the sealed envelope with price list. ity. Gamnet Riekard, phouç 2813. office of the undersigned on or Six sampies 25e; 24 sampies $1.00. 19-i NEW-Apartment size washcrs,j before May 8th, 1948. 1 Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- $ 59-50;' Westinghouse washers. r The tenders wili be opencd af ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Custom Work .'ii44.50, sprinig filledi mattresses, the office o! the undersigrîed ai 19-8 $ ___________ 25-50; studio couiche?. !ffl.50, sec- 3:00 p.m., May Sth, 1948. aud those _ PLOWING and cultivatiug. Also tional suiteF. four pieces, $99. 50;! submitting tenders mnay be pres- YOU may borrow as higb as 90 John Deere repair work and end tables, $4.95; vacuum dlean- ent. per cent o! the cost o!f 'our new parts. F. S. Allen, phone 594. crs, $49.50: rangettes, $64.50; and Tems arcdceqe o tnhome under a National Housing 1 9-tf three-piece velour chestcrfield Tem:Mre hqefrt"Act Building Loan. Whrtby and .________________ suites, S129.50. Tcrms. Murphy's. per cent of tender price to be en- district needs maniv more homes. Phone 811. 9l closedi with the 'tender and bal i- e inigapproved plans ____________________ auce 10 be paid in cash on or be- may~ be had at a nominal cest or REPAIRS to aIl makes o! refrig- Capital punishment bas becu fore May 29tb. 194~8. vou may submuit your own plans erators, domestic and rommercial. abolishcd lu the U.S.S.R.; penal- The property la offered subjeet for approvai. The National Hous- Higgon Electric 42 King St. ýE., tics for crime iucreased. ta a reserve bid. The higbest or ing Act lbans are open 10 ail who phone 438. 26-t! When an American girl biew a any tender not necessarily accept- eau meet the approval o! the Cen- lfoatxinLnda ed. tral Housing and Mortgage Cor- NEAT-Way Shoe Repair: Good, wbistl o aii adu APHA 1. HODGINS, poration and the loaning com- subsiautial workmanship. reliabil: policemai; respondçd. 16 Temperance St., Bowmativille pany. 1t is easy. Don*t dclay. gel ity. dN eing, soling, sewiug. etc. IThRususbvadpeor Solicitor for the Administrator. in touch Nvith A. E. Murdoch. 23 Try the Neat-Way, opposite Bowv-i word ~hooligan" te describe for- 18-2 Sinicoe St. North, Oshawa. 17é-4 manville Cleaners. 7-tf 'eigners who anuoy, them. -t Articles For Sale- CHESTERFIELD Suites - New designs and covers, specially prie- ed in F. F. Morris Co. 67th Anni- versary Sale. Limited stock, car- ly selection is advised. Anniver- sary Special, 3pcs., $149.001. 19-1 TEN pce. Living Roomn or ten pce. Bedroomn Groups are featured as! May Specials in F. F. Morris Co.' 67th Anniversary Sale. bct-'~ bargains. Reg., $249.00. Value, Cash Special, $197.50. 1- TRADE-IN comjbination coal and electric Moffat range, guaranteed, $75; battery radio, $15; Beatty electric washer, guaranteed, $49.- 50; tent, complete with floor and cot, $30; three-piece Chesterfield suite, $19.50; three-burner coal oul stove, $7.50; metal ice box, $29.50; large size coal heater, good con- dition, $7.50: dresser. $10; Coffield washer, $24.50; mantel radios, good condition, $14.95. Ternis. Murphy's, phone 811. 19-1* RADIOS-fully reconditioned. 6- tube floor model, beautiful tone, new radio guarantec, $29.50; De- forest Crosley floor model, recon- ditioncd, $15: Philco table mode], six tubes. good tone. $22; Deforest Crosley table mode], four tubes, nice tone and cabinet, $23.50; Northern Electrie four-tube bat- tery floor model, long-short wa,ýe, comrplete with ail batteries, ready to play, $22.50. Ail may be seen at The Radio Shop, phone 573, Bowmanviile. 19-1 Wanted To Buy SMALL adding machine. Apply Jack Wilson, Supertest Gas Sta- tion, Bowmanvilie. 19-3* HIC HEST prices paid for scrap batteries. Jamieson Tire Shop, King and Silver Sts. 14-tf BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone 7 r 13, reverse charges. 17-tf WANTED curling stones at once. State condition and price. Write Carlof, 537 Besserer Street, Ott- awa, Ontario. 18-4 Lost LITTLE brown purse, initials P. D.T., lost between McFeeters Store and 64 Wellington. Cali Don Tripp, 343, or leave at above ad- dress. 19-1* Wili the party seen taking gen- tleman's new grey gabardine coat from the Community Hall, New- castle, Friday evening, April 30, please phone Bowmanville 456. 19-1* Phone7 778 The puma, or cougar, believed. extinct there for 100 years, has re-appeared in New Brunswick. THEIR TOMORROW GIVE GENEROUSLY TO HELP THE BLIND Wanted to Buy USED CAR RADIOS <1941 or newer models) ilighest Prices Offered Our representative wiil be at the Balmoral Hotel, on Tuesday, May 11lth from 2 to 4 p.m. 60 cycle ýj and ~hp inotors also wanted Address enquiries to Bowtow Radio Supplies, Bal- moral Hotel, Boivmanville BOWTOW RADIO Supplies 1878 Dorchester W., Montreal, P.Q. RES 01 I ~FOR IAKERY AND TAURANT riIy the Best QUALITY AND SERVICE Phone 855 MOTH.ER'S DAY GIFT IDEAS Select a gif t for Mother that expresses the love she deservez. Dellgbt ber with a fragrant bottie of hem favorite cologne. . . a set of cosmetica for her beauty ritual - a box o! ber chose» face powder.- Whether you're looking for a blig or little gifti- Jury and Lovell's have just what you ivant to express fully the love you feel for MOTHER. Adrienne Gift Sets $1.50-$10.75 -Adrienne Cologne, Decanter bottie - ---------- 1.25 Adrienne Bath Powder --- $1.35 Adrienne Bath Beads .---- $1.35 Adrienne Face Powder -------75e Adrienne Lipsticks -75e Adrienne Perfume 35e to $3,00 Chanel Cologne No. 5, Gardenia, Cuir de Russie --- - -S2.00, 85.50 Chanel Perfume No. 22, Gardenia - 85.00, $10.00 Evening in Paris Gift Sets -------. $3,25 and $4,00 EveningIin Paris Face Powdér with matcliing Rouge and Lipstick ---- $1.25 Elizabeth Arden GlUt Sets .. $2.50 to $13,00 Hlelena Rubinstein Gift Sets - --- ý $2.40 to $4,10 le.v 7 Mr IV.» 1 Candy FOR MOTHER'S DAY Smiies'n Chuekies 3j lb. assorted . -45c 1 lb. assorted - 90c 1 lb. Freshmaster $ 1.50 1 lb. Orchid ---- $1.75 2 lb. assorted. $1.80 2 lb. Elite - ------ 2.50 12 oz. CIocolate eoated Nuts -.. ... 1.50 3j lb. Pepermint Patties 45e 1 lb. Peppermint Patties 90e Pro-Phy-ILac-Tic Hair Brushea w~ith matching Comb. Gemn- like colora o! ruby, sapphire or crystai. $2.50, $3.50,845 Yardley Oid Engllsh Lavender Yardley Old Engiish Lavender Soap, box of 3 cakes 8 1.35 9% luv u 9 C.N.R. Tickets CE McLAUI Phone 2403 UlD8qi a U LdV e8iL.l VOUR REXALL DRUG STORE When We Test Your Eyes It ls Done Properly f - - . 1 Min 1

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