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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 May 1948, p. 3

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THITSDA, MY O.h, 948TuECANDIANSTAESMN. OWMAVTLE. NTATO AGE rTTmrE hIthe Dùm and Distant Past From The Statesman Files FIFTY YEARS AGO captains. May 4, 1898 Enniskillen - AIf. N. Mitchell has returned ta Toronto Univer- Another '"Halleluiah Wedding" sity ta write his second year ex- is announced ta take place in The ams. Salvation Army Barracks on May Hampton-F. T. Ellis lett Fri- 9 when Thos. McCullough will be day for a trip ta England hoping married under the Army flag. ta benefit his health. Tyrone - Dr. J.. C. Mitchell's License Commissioners I.LMid- fine spirited horse ran away and dleton, Peter Werry and Robert on reaching Jas. Byers' farmn yard Philp met Satunday and granted "an abrupt terminus was reached licenses ta Reuben Bennett, Henry by one desperate leap o"ver the Warren. Bowmanville; D. N.1 gate , the only acciden being a King, Burketon; Geo. Bone, of v roken shaft." Hampton, F. E. Hawken, Black- Liquor commissions have grant- stock and Frank Bennett, Newcas- r19 licenses in East Durham, ten tle. J. W. Tuff's license at Port bling in Port Hope.I Newcastle was flot granted. Newcastle-A. W. Pickard.will1 open a bicycle livery shortly.-_ TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Howard Rickard fell and brokeMa3,12 his armn while playing at schooL. a ,12 --- The schooner "Flora Carveth" Citizens again packed the Op- loaded last week with barley for era House for the fourth presen- Kingston. tation of the ligbt opera "Th e Clarke Union-Congratulations Message of the Blue Bird." ta J. P. Berry on his grand suc- Dr. James L. Hughes, Inspector cess in his theological exams. of Public Schools, Toronto, con- C. Arthur Cawker, N o b 1 e tributed an interesting artiole ta Grand, presided with grace and The Statesman on "Durham becoming dignity at the Oddfel.. County Boys Who Have Made lows' entetainment in the 'Town Good." lncluded in the list were Hall. John Hoskin, Judge Armour, J. A. MeClellan has been ap- Judge R;ddell, Judge R. Hoskin, pointed accountant at the Ontario W. N. Tilley, Robt. McLaughlin, Bank. Chas. R, McCullough, Sif Sam Albert Darch has opened a bar- Hughes, Jos. E. Atkinson, Senator ber shop opposite the Statesman Robt. Beith, Dr. J. T. Gilmour' office. Dr. D. J. Goggin, Wm. Scott, W. Rev. E. 0. lnwin, Fredonia, N. A. Tamblyn, Prof John Squair, J.' Y., has accepted the pastorate of J. Tillcy, Dr. W. E. Tilley, Wm. the Disciples' Church. J. Hamblv,, Prof. J. B. Reynolds,! Will Tapson, Fnank Grigg, Geo. Dr H. A. Bruce, Dr. F. W. Manlow, Mason, Merwin Worth, Bert Souch Dr. J H. Elliott, Dr. R. J. Nidderie, and Fred Downey wheeled to Dr Geo. A. Bingham. (Editor's Port Hope Sunday. Note-At a later date when space One can tell what chunch a permits we hope to republish the man belongs ta by the people who entire article as written by Dr. attend his funeral. Some people Hughes. would no more miss a funenal N;ames in the Honon Roll for than they would an invitation to Apnil in Principal J. H. Johnston's attend a feast. j class who received over '755% in- Enfield -Anothen contest has lud ed, in order of menit, Doreen started at Division with Miss E. i nf t -- -le ,, ~ul IIIIUL' Hulbnt nd M. C Gilert a i e ~, ist)i Mcur ,..si, o w ISinger Sewing MACHINES Repairs for any make sewing machines. Free estimates. Tsed Machines bought & sold. Electrie Machines available for rent or sale k write or phone SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 47 Walton St., Port Hope Phone Port Hope 1015W (Our representative calis ni Bowmanville every Thursday) fred Hamley, Marion Roacb, Gni ta Pollard, Annie Cartwright. Engagement is announced of El va Louisa Clarke and Josepl Grant Bennett of South Darling ton. Maple Grave - Ross Stevem was elected president af the El worth League. Enfield-Fred Bray was electec preFident of the Sunday Scbool. Ebenezer -Percy Hare, papi. lan agent at Dalington G.T.R station, is driving a new auto. John Reynolds, Solina, well known cattle dealer, passed awa3 Apnil 29, aften a lingering ilîness Honor list in Easter exams a B.H.S. uppen scbool included Al ]an McKessock, Ralph Carruthers Chas. Pethick, Helen McGregor Mary Found, Ross Pooley, Edni Jewell, Doris Foster, Mary Soir env ille. Newcastle-Cbas. Hancock hw bought the stationery and fancy goods business from F. F. Mor- ris.-J. J. Uglow has retired frai the tailoring business after nearly haîf a ejtLiry in business. Dr. Jabez H. Elliott, Toronto has advised Darlington Council ci his willingness ta give funthci pnoperty adjoining the Hamptor Park which could be used foi parking purpoFes. ONTARIO HOUSI!G PLAN FIFTY PER CENT REDUCTION 0F DOWN PAYMENTS ON NEWLY CONSTRUCTED LOWER COST HOUSES UNDER THE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ACT (ONTARIO) The Province of Ontario will arrange for the loan of fifty per cent of the difference between the amnount of the first mortgage and the sale price of a newly constructed bouse, the Provincial advances not to ex. ceed $1,250.00 on any one house. The loan jwill be repayable on a twenty year amnortization plan with interest at 3Y2~ per cent per annumn. Satisfactory evidence will be required that the amnount of tbe first niortgage advance is a reasonable propor- tion of the value. .4ppIicdrtionIformç and ail ngccssgry iuformation ma b. obuined (rom:- uNE DEPARTMVENT 0F PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT Room 4602, Eat Block, Queens Park, Toronte Ontario The Honourable Donc Porter, K.C. 2 S ~on Guaranteed 243% Trust Certif cates lSSUED for any amnount ... . for a terrn of five vears .... guaranteed both as to principal a.nd interest ... . Intereat cheques mailed ta reach bolders on due date, or, at bolder's option, may be allowed ta accumnulate at f cbmpound interest. An ideal investment for individuals, corn- panies; authorized by Iaw for cernetery boards, e,.ecu tors and other trustees THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 37 Vears in Businessj Death Cails Editor Cart er Family Reunion Port Perry Star Aftfer 35 Years Publisher of the Port Per 'Sister Flies from Eng. Star for tkqe past 40 years, and ac- ~ti ve in church, educational and A veny happy celebration took tempenance cincles for many i place at the home of Mn. and Mrs. years, Samuel 1anmer died in the Charles Carter Sr., Silver St., last Port Penny Hospital Apnil 30 ifl week which marked a neunion of his 77th year. He undenwent an two sistens aften a sepanation of opcration thnee weeks ago. 135 yeans. Mrs. D. J. Ayres, a sis- Mn. Farmen l*e survived by his ter of Mns. Carter, flew out from wife, the former Grace Abenne-1 hen former home, Lowestoft, Suf- thy. ta whom he was mannied inI fol k. England, with the intention 1901; twvo daughters, Mrs. I. A. of making hen future home in Boy d (Marian) of Pont Penny and Canada. Mns. Carter had not seen j Mrs. Anne Bo-yd of Ottawa, and hen since she and hen husband two sons, Archie of Timmins and came ta Canada three and a haîf John of Weston, Also sunviving decades ago. are 14 grandchildren. Mns. Ayres was met at the Mon- The funeral was held at the Port treal airpont by Mn. and Mns. Car- Penny United Chunch at 2 p.m., ter who motored down with their on Monday, May 3, conducted by daughter, Mrs. Ed. Hanlan and Mn. Hanlan. A welcoming break- fast was held in the Mount Roy al Hotel and the sights of the city were taken in befone motoring back ta Bowmanville, for a fur- then reception extended by the en- Mrs. Ayres is a wîdow of means whose husband was a boat owner in the great fishing fleet off Lowestoft, the gneatest in the S . British Empire. She reports liv- ing conditions littie improved on aIl counts, principally in the ma- ny depnivations of needed foods which are still unden seveera- tioning. The luxury hotels and the amn- azing anray of goods in Canadian stores immediately captuned Mns. Ayre's fancy and she bas been 'hopping in unrationed abundance since comning to Bowmanville. She finds pnices lowen than "aven home," panticularly mill i n e r y, which is about a third less in pnice in local storcs. While ne- . . . .. .....fusing to comment on the politi- Samuel Fariner cal situation in England she is finm in ber determination ta makc Rex'. W. C. Smith, minister of the Canada her home for the future. chiireb Tntpirment. wvhich was under Masonic auspices, was in Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince AI- bent. Native of England Religion Taught In Public Schools i- Born in London, England, in____ e1871, Mr. Farmer came ta Can- ada 62 y cars ago and fon a time (by Lewis Milligan) lived on a farrn in Wellington The United States Supremne h Couintyv. Aftcr the family moved Court has ruled that religiaus in- ta Utica, in Ontario County, he at- struction cannot be given in pub- 9tended High Scbool in Port Penny lic sehools. The court upbeld a osand Uxbridge. protest by Mrs. McCollum, "athe- p- At the ageofo 24 he entened the ist" wife of a University afI 11h- employ af the Uxbridge Journal nis, professor, wbo contended d and later worked for the Satur- that a system aof neligiaus teach- day Nigbt in Toronto. In Sep- ing in Champlain, Ill., scbools Stember, 1907, be came ta Port _breaks dlown the wall between R. Penny and bought tlic villages two cburcb and state." She comn- weckly ncwspapcrs, The Stand- plained that ber eldest son, aged ard and The Staýr and amalgamat- 12, was "embanrassed" because h e iy ed them. Alway-s held in the was the only cbild in his class not S. bigbcst regard by his fellow work- taking religiaus instruction. t ers in the pinting -business. he It seemis that religiaus instruc- 1_ publishcd the Canadian Scbool tion has been given in sehool .,Board Journal for many years as buildings, eithen during or out- r, well as a large number af pam- side of school hours, in many a phlets which he wrote bimsclf. communities at the requcst of the 1- Adevoed embe ofthe ortlocal counicil on religiaus educa- Pe- r A Uni'ted Cmembe r.thFPrt tion, and it is claimed that no PenyUnte CurhMn Fr o nc chunch has benefited as s er was supeintendent of te ~ aantaohr u the Sunp- ýy day School for about 20 years. HereeCutbsuedtate ralso served as secretary of the e Cuthsrldhate ni church and recording stex aird of practice is unconstitutional. The [y the officiai board of the cburch court argued that "religion and for many vears. He was greatîy government can best achieve ci interestcd in young peoples work their lofty aims if each is left f and also took an active part in the fe rm teohrwti t r recent renovation of the church. respective sphere." )n H wason everl ocasins alay There is fia doubt that the U.S. n)er so svrlocain a Constitution is emphatically op-1 rdelcgate to the Bay' of Quinte posedt n salse eain Conference, and was the first lay ship betýeen Cbunchead reate.n- chaimanai te ObawaPreby-The Constitution ai 1788 stated ter~ of he UitedChurh. Iat "no religiaus Test shahl ever Active in Education be required as a qualificatio n ta It ivas perhaps in educational an.v office' or public trust unden cîries that the deceased ivas best the United States." At that time known. He had senved as a nim there wenc tbousands of people ber of the $cbool Board at Port wbo had emignated from Englandf Perry for m any years and carried because of a law tbat pnovided outthflicdities of its chairman that no one could hald public with distinction ta himself and office unless he took an oatb ta the board. His wvork in this di- support the establisbed Cbuncb of rection was marked bv the estab- England, and tbey wished ta bc lishmcnt of anc of th e best bigh free ta xvorsbip God according ta schools in smaîî communi ties in their own consciences. the rovice.The supporters af religiaus in- the rovice.struction point eut tbat schoo' I-is intercst in educational mat- buildings are used for political ers cxtcndcd tathie provincial meetings, that the name of God field. He was a regular attendant, appears on U.S. coinage.-a n d at the canvecntians of the Ontario thy migbt bave added that Con- EduICationIal Association which he gressan oteUS lgiaiv ser%-cd as president for one term. bodies are opened with prayer. He also served as president olf tbe They agree that fia cbild shouldi School Trustees' Association afi be compelled by public authority Canada in 1929. !ta attend classes for religiaus in- Mn. Farmer xwas a man af van-1 stnîîction, but beyond that the ied intcrcsts. During bis rcsi- Govcrniment should not interfere dlence in Toronto hc was vice pres- iw1th the action o! local school iclent of flhe dcbating socicty at 1 boards. the Y.M.C.A. in 1899 and was a Tecifagmn gis e memben of tlic Ruskin Debating ligiauIs instruction is that it might Society there in 1906. be the thin end of the wedge of IVrote }Iistorical Book lan Established Chuirch: but there 's little fean af that in the United Much enthusiasrn xas anoused1 States xvhere there are so many in the district vhcn lie published1 denominations. Moreover, reli- bis book, 'On the Shores ai thei giauls freedom is strongly guarded Scu&og,"' which dealt witb the 'by the Bill of Rigbts. the finst bistony af the lake and surround- article aifxvhicb precludes the es- ing district. tablisbment of any State religion. He xvas a strong advocate aof One can wcll undrestand Mrs. trmopcrance and usedi the columns McCollum's objection ta religiaus of bis niewspapcr on numenous instruction. Being a professing occasions ta advance Ibis cause. atbeist, she naturally desines her An Indcpendcnt Liberal in poli- son ta be brought up in ber own tics. the dcceased was a memben belief tbat this is a Godless uni- of Fidelity Ludge, No. 428, AF. verse. On tbe other band, pro- and A.M.. and a chanter member fessing Christians bave a natural of the Pont Penny Lions Club. desire that their cbildren sbould __________________________be brougbt up in their belief that _____________________ _____ Iis is NOT a Godless unîverse. It is unfortunate for Mrs. McCol- hum tbat there are s0 many pro- Iumhinnfessing Chnistians in Champlain, Plunihing ~~and that tbey do ntwn hi children ta be educated in God- Us fer iess scbools. as in Russia. The fact Hot a e t b er boy is embarnassed" (ashamed?) because be is the on- ]y cbild flot taking religiaus in- Heatn istruction is fia reason wby the rest o! the cbildnen sbould be de- tpon boy is a minoritv af one,an RepUaArs be might well wne hte bis mothen is the only iepr son in the community. Agent for IFan my own part, 'l tbink that 0iI-0-Magit religious instruction in element- anv schools ean be overdone. The 011 Burners prope place ion sucb instruction iinthe home and tbe cburch. B ut in these days when s0 many Installed in Any Type proiessing Chnistians neyer go tao of Funaei c bunch and neglect ta send thein cf Funacechildren ta Sunday Sebool, 't is the duîty ai the cbunch ta go ta t emn, and at leas.t 10 infuse the edlîcatian oai chilciren witb a spirit Phone 2384 3 King St.W. lacking todiav in the rising gener- a lion, due ta the indifference ne- ther than the opposition of par- ents toward religion. Every child Stephenson Leads government ta change this toaa has within it the seed of immor- voluntary basis. tality which must be cultivated Fight in IncomeNetwsheolgintafe or it will die. Religion is the'~ income tax statements on or be- highest instinctofm ; it was 1 a fore Apnil 30. Due ta floods and the first ta distinguish him fram asranth al rsth altepigadtefc ht the beast and ta set his feet on asr n h alypestealt prn n h atta the upward road ta civilization. past week pays tribute ta the part farmers in man3' cases had ta em- If that instinct is suppressed or played by Chanlie Stephenson, M. ploy accountants ta make out neglected, a process of devolution P., Durham County, for getting their forms, a jam occunred at sets in and men become eanth- the government ta amend regula. local offices to try ta meet the bound and nothing more than in- - deadline. It became anîimpossîble, telligent animnais. 1 tions in respect af the new in- situation. came tax forms. There were two Sa. Mn. Stephenson and A. L. things particularly in this con- Smith, M.P., Calgary, led the op- When the water supply became nection, that appeared unfair te position to these government ne- exhausted, a group of French Canadian farmers. First they gulations. A promise was made farmers used thousands af gallons were the only class required ta ta considen it but nothing came af of fresh apple ciden ta put out a file a statement af net worth. it. Finally on Apnil 26, Mn. Step- fine. Opposition pressure forced the henson rose in t.he House ta ask for a showdown. 'Ihe o.... wvas that the Minister of National, Revenue announced on Apnil 28, that the government had agreedý ta postpone tax returns until May. 31. That shows how an opposi-: tion- member can get things done: with the weight of farmn opinion;ý behind him. MOVING WEST: M. Rawlinson Limlted reaularly oeak*,e op and ehp Household Purniture. (;on- solldsted Pool1 Cars to Manitoba m, aktch. ewen, Alberta. British Columbia and le California. Write, vire or phone for rdue freight rates. Establlsbed 1885 610 Yong. St., Toronto. Kingadals 5125. SUNDAY, MAY 9th Yes! Remember that she neyer has forgotten you .. .. Show her your gratitude and aff ec- tion. Select a Mother's Day gif t from our varied "Sure-to-Please" selection. 7 1») .2 ,.\ ..~'.. » N... SHEER, WHITE SCARVES Give mnothen a lovely scari to set off her new outfit. Deligbtful plain sheers inwhteony it hmsith-_$1.00 ea. LACE-TRIMMED S L IPS A lovely straigbt cut slip that bas arrived in time for Motber's Day giving. Fine quality rayon crepe xitb deep lace trim top and bottom. Wbîtc' $2.98ea only. Sizes 32 to 40 - -------- FABRIC GLOVES Here's a gift Mother will like. Fine quality chamoisette gloves in smant "Pull-On" style with long cuiT s. Colons ae"' I black, white, na-$1 5Pr vy bowbeige-.5-r Lace Trim Hankies Dainty little hankies that Mothen will be pnaud ta have. Wide lace edging with eïtre linen centres. $1.00 ea. OTHERS AT 55e and 75e ALL WOOL CARDIGANS Mather loves sweaters like these . . . p cause tbey're so soit, se ligbt iweigbt ion summer wear and ever so handsome. Choose bers $4.95 ea. fnom aur large selectian OTHERS AT $5.50 and $5.95 DAJNTY PRINT APRONS Always acceptable ta mother is in aprrnn. Ouir choice is wide and varied. mcom dainty tea aprans ta large bib s ty 1e. AIl in small de- 7cea sinpnint .-79 ea OTHERS AT 59e- R9r - $1.00 klad4e4c s&*4ee, it c Phone 451 THE MODERN STORE MOUIDERS 0P CANADA V(IIM/TEe r ~À TRANSFEP. 0F OWNERj6IIS MADE IN ONTAZIO FOR ABOUT 90,000 PUÇtE'BPEO CATTILE, HOW56 AND HO"S EMW V'EAP, A ONfAF40 PRVIDS«MOf IiT4 Ï44U ii . MEM&WuîP ÇORT64E LARusr AI40 EALRIESr 8R5EDERÎ e ~ ~4 6CATwlION u BRIT16M EMPIRE - 101.TEIM-FRIESM ASSOCATION OF CANADAA /~I~9~'O £wrn NO~5~5*VOIN1<5 f CANAUP$dIA gTWON ~f~/sfgEo/4' 4>4'44 AU IIY OF IILSTgIN CANLE NUMBERIO 52,907 0F wwn %4 WER£ 0W1>At0 OWNED Bowmanville Through his skili end knowledge the Ontario breeder of pure-bred livestock has earned a high inter- national reputation. ln winning his share of grand champlonships ho has become a moulder of Canada Unlimited. SREWJNG COMPANY LIMITED ONTARIO THMSDAT, MAY Oth, 1948 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ROWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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