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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 May 1948, p. 6

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g PA~AT)?A!~ ~TAT~SMA!~ ~WMANVTT.T~K OWrAWTO THURSDAY, !~'AY 6t2I. 1948 A d.lU. qTV ME RCHAN.TS a nd EMPLOYEES This is ToHR By Your Oportny iBuild the Arena a m Substantial Donations Wky You- SkouId Be In te re s ted 1.An arena will bring business to Bowmanville by providing entertainment to attract local and rural customers. At present many people have to go out of town for the entertainment and recreation that an arena can provide. When they enjoy them- selves out of town, they shop out of town. You and your employees should be interested in keeping them in Bowmanville. You will benefit financially from having an arena here. Many will benefit consider ably because of goods required by an arena or by persons using the arena for sports. 2. An arena makes your town alive, builds a town pride and advertises it as a good place to live or ta locate an industry. You will benefit. 3. Young people of the tow-n will have a place to en- joy themselves in healthy recreation such as roller skating, ice skating and dancing. Older people enjoy themselves watching the entertainment pro- vided by hockey, carnivals, wrestling, boxing, live- stock sales, pageants. Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and other organizations will have a place ta meet or hold large banquets. You will benefit. 4. The townspeople who have made your business successful throughout the years are depending on you to help them obtain an arena. If you set the example and give generously, they will 'f ollow your lead and also c ontribute. They are looking to you to start the campaign rolling. It every established business can donate ai least $200 and if every employee can dona le $10.00, one third of aur obeivewi have been reached. Donations may be given in a lump sum or extended over the balance of the year. Dig deep now.Naeino how litile can 1 qive, but how Mucha <SPACE DONATED BYTUTE JAMES PUBLISHING CO.) SPORT Local Fishermen Had Varied Luck As Season Opened A clozen local anglers were up long before dawn. Saturday, to snatci~ a hasty breakfast, pick up fizhiiig tackle and hasten ta fav- orite streams in the county for th'e opening of the 1948 fishing B. W. Bail & Son Taunton, Ont. Phione Oshawa 163 W~3 (reverse charges). 2-4 Darlington-Clarke Football Schedule NEWS May: 15-Enniskillen at Courtice Hampton at Maple Grove 19-Salina at Zian season. Some stayed at it for.the Tyrone at Orono two weekend days but the major- 22-Courtice at Hampton ity found the speckled beauties Zion at Tyrone toa wary for better acquaintance. 24-Maple -Grove at Enniskillen The general resuit was poor cat- 26-Orono at Solina ches averaging four apiece and 29-Orono at Hampton just over the legal length limit. 31-Tyrone at Solina Champion of this initial foray June: was Wilton Bagneil, P.T. Instruc- 2-Courtice at Maple Grove tor at the Boys' Training School. Enniskillen at Zion He brought back a prize brown 5-Zion at Courtice trout measuring 15½ inches and Tyrone at Hampton tapping two lbs. But the weath- 9--Solina at Enniskillen er wasn't right. It was cold and Maple Grove at Orono the streams didn't really look 12-Courtice at Solina very inviting. The trout season Enniskillen at Orono will really open up when warm 16-Maple Grove at Tyrone weather sets in. Zion at Hampton On the other hand, local lads 19-Orono at Courtice with dip nets had a field day along Tyrone at Enniskillen the creeks leading ta Bowmana- 23-Sauina at Hampton ville marsh. They gat a good Zion at Maple Grave riess of suckers and the odd ath- 26-Courtice at Tyrone er variety. But the pier fisher- Orono at Zian men at Caesarea outfished them 30-Maple Grave at Solina all. With hoak and uine the ag- July: gregate take was several hundred 1-Enniskillen at Hampton mudcats. 3-Courtice at Enniskillen Trout sportsmen whipping local Maple Grave at Hampton streams included Dutch Halîman, 7-Zian at Sauina Fred Cale, Stu Candler, Bill Bag- Orano at Tyrane nehi and even Cauncillor Frank l0-Enniskil.len at Maple Grave Jamieson took time off ta try his Tyrone at ZVon luck. Nat the least discouraged 14-Hampton at Courtice at their first try the same gang Salina at Orano will try and try again in the next 17-Solina at Tyrone few weeks. Hampton at Orono Since the above was written we '21-Maple Grave at Courtice learn that 'Hi' Ormiston was well Zian at Enniskillen rewarded for his early rising on 24-Courtice at Zion May 1, as he brought home 14 Hampton at Tyrone speckled beauties of good size. He 28-Enniskillen at Salins shared his catch .with his aunt. Orono at Maple Grave Mrs. Grieves, who celebrated her 31-Solina at Courtice 95th birthday ast month. Orono at Enniskillen August: 4-Tyrone at Maple Grave Juvenile Team Hampton at Zion 7-Coutrice at Orono ,Thanks Merchants Hampton at Solina _______ 1-Enniskillen at Tyrone At reenteletio ofoffcer Maple Grave at Zion At arecnt eecton o oficr1 14-Solina at Maple Grave for the Juvenile Basebaîl Club_ Zion at Oram, Robert GaUlagher was Selected 18-Tyrane at Courtice president and Gerald Morris, sec- Hampton at Ennlskillen retary-treasurer. I ___________ The club passed a resolution of thnsta the many merchants Hampto Bowler wh a be o eeou ndo- i, LjJU .JUV~L nating uniforms and equipment ta enable the team ta get away Enjoy A nnual Banquet ta a good start. A Manager of the team will be Ab AiDalmoral notel Sturrock with the first games Iat-____ ed for Saturday afternoon, May Te Hampton Bowling Club, 28 29, against last year's finalista strang. enjoyed #n excellent chic- Ployers, in the meantime, are quet in the Balmoral Hotel. Fri- working bard trying ta persuadej day night. The occasion was the Herry "Dutch" Osborne to coach1 windup of the 1947-48 bowling the teamn. Though i' no' league,; season which has been greatly the youngsters will play several Popular among the members. exhibition ganlc3 un*,il the;r turn Sweet peas anid daffodils adarn- camnes to compete in the play- ed the tables. Tt was just a get- clowns. together with no formai programn arranged save a short business session. Charles Warren, president, c- cupied the chair and a motion carried unanîmously that the bal- ance of funds on hapd shall be donated towards the purchase of a new electric organ for Hamp- ton United Church. Following the dinner the members adjourn- ed for an evening of bowling on Martyn's speedy alleys as a con- trast to the smart bowling enjay- ed during the winter on the ho- tel's fine alleys. You can lead a man ta freedom but that doesn't make him free. Tibet has neither rail nor road. Stewed roses once were eaten in Europe. The transparting ta Canada of overseas war brides is completed. THE TOT TOGGERY MRS. BERNIECE COLLIS Proprietor 57 Ring St. E. - Bowmanville (Opposite Balmoral Hotel) Gif ts f or the New Baby 75c up Diaper Bags $1.59 Boys' Wash Suits aites 2 to 6 $1.25 up Girls' Sun Dresses Pinafore Style, sites 2 to 6 $1.35 up BOYS' and GIRLS' Coat Sets sites froni 6 months up starting at $4.25 PURE LAMBS' WVOOL Toys $1.49 up Town Softball League to Organize MeetingFriday Night The Town Softball League le back ln the news. The or- ganization meeting for the league wiil be held in the Lions Community Centre on Friday evening, May 7, at 7:30 p.m. Ail parties Interested ln entering a team are request- ed to be present so that com- plete plans may be made. Election of officers, perm- anent location for the league and schedule wiil be the main Items of business. Four or fîve teama have already sig- nified their Intentions of en- terlng the league with several more ln the planning stage. If interested be sure to be on hand. Darlingion Softball League Formed On Thursday, April 29 repre- sentatives from Tyrane, Ebenezer, Courtice, Newcastle and Maple Grave met at Maple Grave and formed the Darlington Saftball League. Several special rules were worked out and it was decided that the schedule would start on May 21 and end July 30. The first three teams will be in the play- ofîs with the top team getting a pass into the finals. It le hoped some kind af a traphy can be la- cated for the champions. The fol- lowing schedule has been drawn up and it is advised that everyone clip aut this schedule and watch for these games. Schedule First Haît: May 21-Maple Grave at Ebenezer Tyrone at Newcastle 28-Caurtice at Tyrane Newcastle at Maple Grave 31-Ebenezer at Courtice Tyrone at Maple Grave Julie 4-Newcastle at Caurtice Ebenezer at Tyrone 7-Maple Grave at Newcastle Courtice at Ebenezer 1 1-Courtice at Maple Grave Newcastle at Tyrone 14-Ebenezer at Newcastle Tyrone at Caurtice 18-Maple Grave at Tyrane Newcastle at Ebenezer 21-Maple Grave at Courtice Tyrone at Ebenezer 25-Ebenezer at Maple Grave Newcastle at Courtice Second Haîf: June 23-Maple Grave at Ebenezer Tyrane at Newcastle July 2-Courtice at Tyrone Newcastle at Maphe Grave 5-Ebenezer at Caurtice Tyrone at Maple Grave 9-Newcastle at Courtice Ebenezer at Tyrone 12-Maple Grave at Newcastle Courtice at Ebenezer 16-Courtice at Maple Grave Newcastle at -Tyrone 19-Ebenezer at Newcastle Tyrone at Courtice 23-Maple Grave at Tyrone Newcastle at Ebenezer 26-Maphe Grave at Courtice Tyrone et Ebenezer 30-Ebenezer at Maple Grave Newcastle at Courtice Local Lawn Bowling Season Promises Many New Members The annual meeting of the Bow- manville Lawn Bowling Club was held in the Club-house Friday evening with an unusualhy large attendance. Follawing the gen- eral business session, off icers were elected for the comning year. Two main things were decided upon ta make the 1948 season the best for many a year. A ladies' section has been promoted which will permit them ta bowI as la- dies' teams and in mixed events. Following the succesaf younger men who joined last year an in- vitation is extended for other bowhers ta enjoy the facilities of the greens. To accammodate these new de- partures quite a large number of sets of bowls are on hand et the club-hause which will be loaned free ta ladies and new members who have no sets of th'e1r own. The caretaker has been warking for two weeks getting the greens in shape and the grounds are ai- ready in excellent condition. The1 apening gauies will be played on Monday, May 24, when tea will be served by the ladies. The new officers are already working' an plans for the annual local tournament and for out of town tournarnents that will take: place during the season. The folowing officers form the incoming executive: President, Owen Nicholas;, vice president, Daug. Carter; secretary, Eddie Gibbs; treasurer, Fred Cale. Osborne and Brough Again Champions ai Badminion Club best, battling it out for the Club Championships. Possibly the keenest competi- tion af ahl occurred in the ladies' doubles, where the ultîxnaete win- ners hast their first game but came back stronghy ta win the next two. Complete results were as folows: Ladies' doubles-Winners, Mis. M. Breslin and Miss B. Flaxman. Runners-up, Mrs. L. W. Dippeli and Mrs. S. R. James. Men's doubles-Winners, A. 11. Osborne and J. Brough. Runners- up, G. Flaxman and R. Kent. Mixed daubles-Winners, Mrs. L. W. Dippeli and A. H. Osborne. With the playing of the tourna- ment finals and the election ofj next year's executive the Bow- manville Badminton Club 'brought another successful season toaa close hast Friday evening. As us- H ual, the general public was invit- ed ta watch these final games and ihose wrho took advantage of the, Phone 438 opportunity 88w Bowmanville's Runners-up, Mr. and Mrs-. S R. James. Later in the evening suitable prizes were presented ta all the above by past presidexit, L. W. Dippell. The evening concluded with a social hour and the election of of- ficers for next season. Resuits of the latter were as follaws: President, A. H. Osborne; vice president, G. Flaxman; secretary, A. C. Anderson; treasurer, R. Kent; directors, Mrs. M. Breslin, Mrs. L. W. Dippeil, Mrs. R. Kent, Mrs. A. H. Osborne, J. Braugh, F. Cale, S. R. James and Dr. C. J. Austin. IGGON ELECTRIC Your General Electric Ap pliance Dealer Bowmanvllle 42 King St. E. ^Ur; wýA l7rUltSnAY, IVFAY M. 1948

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