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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 May 1948, p. 8

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~,W *, -~ * - -i'--,...... - -.---................. PAGE ]DORT THE CANADIAS STATESMAN. BOIMANVnL&E ONTAPIO THURSDAT, MAY 2Mt, 19« Liheral President Suggests Prog. Cons. PuingVivian Act Due ta the local election luil which, apparently, in but the iorerunflar ai a real siorm, out Liberal reporter decided this week ta 1»e what was dolnq along his party limes. Sa. ho intervlewed MoL H. Stcfples, Liberal Association President, at his home near Orano. Mr. Staples. 11k, cil Liberals, found his party arganizatian in a state of unpreparedness for the surprise election annaunce- ment by premier Drew. Not being the party in power, the Lib- rcial aeafauxid thermelves short ai funds-to stage an ail out battîs. They were also awed when the Conservatives announc- ed that they were running a comp<ratively unknown man who was the holder ai the Victoria Cross. Things didn't look toa qaad for the Liberals. However, poitical parties are quick ta recaver from even the greatest surprises and right naw the Liberals of Durham countv are preparing for the greatest fight of their career, accord- ing ta Mr. Staples. Funds are gradually boing contributed by local people; the feeling of awe has completely passed with the nomination of Garnet Shield af Cavan as the Liboral candidate and the battle i8 on. In Mr. Shield, the president feols the Liberals have a worthy candidate for the legisiature. He is a Durham county man, born and raised here. Me is public spirited, possessing considerable abilitv along govornment linos, a trait which hoe showed with great success as a Cavan township councillor and as its Reeve for several years. At the moment, lie is Township Assessor and the owner of a 200 acre farm. Tall, gaunt and rugged hoe is s;nr-e in everything hie says and does. Me le intensely interested in education and did excellent work with the Counties Council committee in charge of that function. Always interested in young people, hoe has beon superintend- ent of the Sunday School in Mount Pleasant for 20 years and was also connected with basebail and soccer teams in earlier years. Me was forced into accepting the Liberal nomination and bas fia personal political ambitions other than ta see that his upright princîples are not off ended by any gavernment of whichhle sa part. Mr. Staples believed that the Liberals and quite a number of non-Liberals were boginning ta realizo that Major Foote, the Conservative candidate was not quit. the sure-winner the Con- servatives thought he was when they nominatod him. The Victoria Cross is a wondoriul decoration and Mr. Staples was laud in bis praiseofa any man who bas won it, but lie failed ta see how it qualified a man ta be a member ai parliament. The V.C. is awarded for personal courage, mat for personal ability nor oxperionco in governmental lines. He feels that the Conserv- atives are tryimg ta do the same as they did with Dr. Vivian, who was elected, and twa years ago loi t Durham county stranded wben hoe accepted a post in a university and forgot bis political obliga- tion ta Durham county. During those two years, Durham was flot represented in the legislature and the Conservatives lot the county down badly when they did not force Dr. Vivian's retire- ment and caîl for a by-election. Apparemtly, people don't forget nar forgive such occurrences, according ta Mr. Staples. To furthor support this contention, Mr. Staples states that ho bas been iniormed that Major Foote lait a job with the Chaplain service which was paying $4,500 a year ta accept the Conserva- tivo nomination in Durham-a position which would bring himn $2,500 as a member ai parliament. Surely, hoe said, thore le nmre- tbing aut ai lino li such a rnave. A great church man hirneeli, Mr. Staples went an ta say that hoe can fot understand how Major Foote, who is a minister, could roconcilo himseli ta fallowing Cal. Drew's policies concern- ing liquor. le Major ,Foote in favor ai the evident Drew policy ai extending the liquar and beer autlets throughout the province witbout the peaple ai those areas having anything ta Say in the inatter? If hoe isn't, how can ho run on a Conservativo platfarmi and be sincere, hoe wanted ta know. Sa far as I can see, contlnued Mr. Staples, Major Foate han been nominated li Durham county rather than in somne other couty bocause the Conservativos considor this riding a sure thing. They are going ta get tho surprise of their lives in this election bocause if every Liberal and evory thinking persan will work and vote for Garnet Shield and remember whilo they are doing it that the Conservatives have playod us for suckers too long. the Liberals will win. -Advt. * I KING'S TAXI 5 heated cars - Passengers insured 24 hour service * CALL US FOR PROMPT SERVICE TELEPHONES: Days: Phone 561. Nlhts: 561, 707 or 922 IOperated by Lathangue Bros. CUSTONE RAY SUN GLASSES CUSOUT HARMFUL LIGHT AND 95% HEAT RAYS $2.75 - $3.25 - $6.00 - $10.0~ Home Permanents DeLuxe Toni Kit $2.5 0 SU R Regular Tonl Kit $.5 Yau Il bcaurpnisedai Toni Refil $1.25 briice of your t Hudnut's Permianent--3-3.25 Mdacleaus. Helpe r Hudnu's Rfit 5.75 nokc and surface Hudnu's Reill $.75 tains. Cbarm Kuri ------- - 1.79 Charm Kuri Refit - $1.25 Crecam. Shampoos Prell --- -------27c, 63e. 811c Lustre Creme 55e, $1.00 Rayve -----_- - - 75e Shasta -_______59e We have a saf e cleaner for floors, blinds, rugs and clothing, 1 gal. tin --60C MI D TUE. g D.D.T. Aerosal flomb for use on clothing or cioseta $1.98 Larvex with sprayer $1.29 Larvex Sprayv 83c, $1.29, 1.98 D.T. Math Killer, lb.- ------49e Dicbloricide5e L ADI1ES8 Hair Brushes PlastIe Handies Nylon Bristles 1231.98, $8, $3.75, $5.95 Wooden Handie -- il1.50 NE WTON VLLE Mr. and Mns. Alex Barclay, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. C. M. Jones. Congratulations toMr. Law- ronce Savery, Oshawa, an neceiv- ing his B.A. degre.e t Queen's University, Kingston, an Setur- day. Lawrence was aur publie school teacher fan a number of years. . The meny fionde af Mmi. Reu- ben Payne will ho sorry ta hear ai hon citical illness at hor daughten's in Taranta. Mn. and Mrs. Milton Kimbaîl. wha have spent the winter with the latter's mather, Mrs. William Smith, have neturned ta the fanm on the lakeshone for the summer. Several fram the district spent Sundey et Niagara Falls. Mrs. Lawrence Gilmer and little Pet- en joined the party on a sight- seemn gtaun. Mns. A. Panas visited in Ton- onto lest weekend. Mn. end Mrs. Wills Farrow with Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Turner, Providence. STARK VILLE Shilab W.*A. ladies wero enter- tained et the home ai Mrs. Bunt, Newtonville. After the meeting a dainty lunch was served. Next meeting will hoe t the home ai Mns. G. Tnim. Mn. and Mns. H. Banrowclough and son with Mrs. R. Bou.1ben. Mrs. M. Shutka visited iniends in Oshawa. Mrs. M. Bennett and Joan. Ton- onto, with ber parents, Mr. and Mns. J. Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. L. Paeden have punchased the store from Mrs. Clysdale and will be taking pos- session soon. Rev. Bunt made pastoral celle here last week. Mn. and Mrs. Tom Falls, Ken- dal, visited Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. HAMPTON Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Fannow entertained et thein home an Wed- nesday evening, May 12, for the christening ai thein son, Rager Raymond. Those present includ- ed Rev. E. S. and Mme. Linstead and daughten, Ilda; also grand- parents, Mn. Victor Farrow ai Clarke, Mn. and Mns. Blake De- Hart, and great gnandmnother, Mns. Sam Kiveli, Broaklin. Lunch was senvod. Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Farrow and son, Rager, attonded the fun- oral oi ber gnendmathen, Mns. Nichoas DeHent, Brooklin, on May 17. Mn. Mervin Mountjoy bas on- ected a noat new garage. Mis many friends are pleesed ta know Mn. S. Williams is con- valescing iavorably aiter his op- enatian et Toronto General Mas- pital, and who was neceiving cane previausly at the Bowman- ville Hospital. Mns. K. Winterburn attended the funeral of hon niece at Orano. Sympathy le extended' ta Mn. and Mrs. Will Martin Onono (nee Aleta Martin), ionmerly ai Mamp- ton, in the death af their daugh- ten. Hen many Hampton fiends ne- gret ta learn thet Mrs. Herbent Stevens, Toronto, fonmerly ai Hampton, foîl, breaking ber hip. Miss Beatnice ColwiUl wha spent the winten with hon sister, Mrs. J. Willis, Toronto, bas neturned ta h er home bere. MAPLE GROVE Dr. and Mme. L. H. Coates andi Master Danny, Brantford, spent the weekond with Mrs. L. C. Snawden. This community extends hear- tiost congratulations ta Mr. and Mns. John Metcali, Bowmanville,1 ionmerly Maple Grove, wha on1 Sunday celebreted their diamond wedding annîvorsany.% The name af Mns. Howard Fol-1 ey was inadvertedly omitted f rom the Allun - Foley wedding repartç who assisted in receiving with5 Mrs. Freeman and Mrs. Allun. Lion Gond Elliatt expressod the very keen appreciatian ai the clubF for the constructiv'e end technicala information which bad bep-n sa ably given by an expert in bis chosen field. He aiea made the observation thet ho was finding certain hazards develaping in thea kitchen, ý The address wss arranged by Lion Ralph Ames, Chairman af L the Safoty Committee. C Visitint Club IV A very pleasing feature of the meeting was the visit af 12 mem-ü bers tram the Markham-Union-j ville Lions Club. whose quartette tl rendened a number ai very fine t musical selections. l Lion President Earl Riddalls carried on the business session ai h the meeting which canslstedv mainly ai funther plans for the cemnival and a discussion on theT extension ai athletic activities on h the graunds adjacent to the Liens n Centre. il TYRONE Mr. end Mrs. F. Werry with Mn. and Mms. Clarence Rowen, Bethany. Mn. and Mns. T. Aked and Miss Alenie Aked have returned ta thein summen home, Quaint Acres. Mn. end Mms. George Graham and Barbare, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mrs. Art Youngman. Mn. Leslie Tbompson visited Mn. George Brooks, St. Cathar- ines. ionmerly ai Tyrone, who col- lebrated hie 90th bithdayMa 12. R. Kalknem, Gneenwood, Mn. and Mns. L. Bonneville, Ajax, were guests ai Mn. and Mrs. C. Colbany. Miss Jennie Beckett is doing nicely aiten ber openation in Bowmanville Hospital. Mîrs. W. Brown had a tonsil op- eration in Bawrnanville Hospital on Monday. Sorry ta hean Mme. A. Virtue hurt ber fingen and has it in a cast. Mr. Henry Dove and Miss An- geline Drewnîck, Oshawa, wene mannied at the Tymone manse on May 12. Mn. and Mrs. M. Elford and la- mily, Pont Penny, with Mn. and Mrs. T. Tabb. Mn. Clarence Goodman, Bow- manville, with Mn. L. J. Good- man. Mme. H. Findley, Dean and Bruce, Unionville. with relatives. Sanî'y ta hear Mrs. H. Hall fell and inactuned hon shoulden. Field day is deferned till June 5 Mm. and Mns. Clarence Bradley and children, Myntle, Mn. and Mrs. Moward Bradley and Bnian, Ma- pie Grave, with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Beckett. Mn. and Mns. G. McCoy, Mme. R. Hawkey, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mrs. A. Mawkey. Mm. and Mrs. Ronald Scott with Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Smith,, Ca- lumbus. Jr. Y.P. met Sunday evening, with Velma Collacutt's group in change. Veina Taylor and Grace Hayward sang. Rev. Cresswell gave a topic on "If Winten Cames." Louis Phillips gave a reading. Re- fneshments wene senved. Mn. and Mrs. F. L. Byan and Grenville visited et Canningtan. Several from bere attended the lunenal ai Mns. Clanence Avery, Haydon. Mn. and Mns. Eanl Sbipnan, Countice, with Mn. and Mme. S. Jewehl. Mission Band met at the hone af Mrs. W. Rabm Thursday with~ a good attendance. Mn. and Mns. Arthur Barber, Tononto, witb Mn. and Mme. Wil- liam Macdonald and Mn. and Mrs. W. Stewart. Mn. and Mns. G. Rosevear witlb Mn. and Mms. Edgar Rosevoan, oai Port Hope.1 Mn. Wesley Wood, Millbrook,! with Mr. and Mrs. M. Bront and Mns. Bigelow. Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Annis and' childnen with Mn. James Thomp-, son and Gardon, Pont Hope. R. Glasp eil with Mrs. -F. WeViry and Mrs. W. Miller's gnaup in charge. Mme. F. Womny visited with ne- latives in town. Miss Yvonne Byam with Mn.. and Mrs. Jim Colville, Bowman- ville. We welcome'Mme. G. Pheir and! Lance to, the village beving pur- I chased the property ai the latei Mrt. John Calwilu. Wonen's Institute will meet in, the S.S. roan an May 26 et 8 p.m.: J. J. Meilon, Onono, will diseuse the Durham Co-operetive Haspi- :alizetion Service. Everyone la welcome. Congratulations ta Wes Hills an! his high standing et the Kempt- ville Agnicultunal School. The annivorsary services v-trie I'yrane Sunda y Schaol wlll be, held an Sundav-. V"' *P fi noon trerviise et 2:30 vwilh Rev. S Hienderson, A.lbent St. United Church. Oshawa. Mr. Stephen1 Saywell, lay preacher of NorthI Oshawa, xviii te speaker at the evening service at 7:30 D.S.T. Music by the school. Collection on tag day for the blind was $5.60. BLACKSTOCK Just for the record, we will Imention the hail storm we re- ceived on Sunday afternoon. For- tunately it didn't last very long as it was as big as good sized mar- bles. The weather hasn't been very encouraging up to date. Mrs. Osmond Wright was in Toronto last week and attended a shower for her daughter, Edith, a bride-to-be. Congratulations to A u d r e y Mountjoy and Aileen Toms, who successfully completed their bus- mnes courses in Bowmanville and now have positions in Toronto; also to Joyce Edgerton who has finished her course in Toronto, and now has a position there. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Byron (Barney) Holtby, (nee Willa Edgerton), who were mar- ried in St. John's Anglican Church on Saturday afternoon with Rev. John McKibbon officiating. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Parrett, Portland, Oregon, visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson. Jack Marlow is home for the summer months having finished writing his exams for his second year at Toronto University. Mrs. Orr Venning had an opera- tion in Port Perry Hospital. We wish ber a speedy recovery. A miscellaneous shower was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sameils, (nee Aileen Hyland), in the Community Hall Friday eve- nin!1 in honor of their recent mar- mage. ý_ympathy is extended to the Trewin family on the sudden passing of Mrs. Everett Trewin, (Sophia Wilson). The funeral on Mondisv was largely attended. Don't fail ta attend the meet- ing in the Community Hall. May 127 and hear Major John Foote, V.C.. Progressive Conserva t i v e candidate. An interesting meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs. E. Larmer on May 12. The theme was Chris- tian Stewardship and the devo- tional was ably taken by' Mrs. N. /V 29 RING ST. W. Moumtjoy. Mrs. Drummond, sec- retary of chrietian stewardship lor the Preshyterlal, and Mrs. W. H. Staples, Orona, were guests. Mrs. Drummand gave a splendid address on the stowardship af per- sanality. She mide her listoners feel very aware af the great value of the individuel'end gave in- spiration for each ta develop hon best self by every available means. Intenesting readings wore given by Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Byors nead a po- em "The New Cenadian.' ' Mrs. Drummond sang two beautiful so- las with Mrs. Staples accompany- ing her et the piano. A buffet suppen was servod. A shawen was held in the Com- munity Hall, B]ackstack, for Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sameils, (ne Aileen Hyland) wbo were manried on May 8 et Betheny. The show- er was langely attended and the gits were many. A programn was given with W. D. Fergusan, Nos- tieton, chairman, consisting ai a solo by Mrs. Lamne Thampsan; reading by Joan Venning; sang hy iDelton and Stuart Dorreli and 'Keith Johnston; neadings by Mrs. W. Archie end Nana Venning. Lunch was served and the dancing began ta Dot and ber Merny Mak- ers. Aiten the showen the young- or set iollowed the bnidal couple ta the home ai the groom's par- ents, Mn. and Mns. Tenniyson Sam- ells when they Dnaceeded ta char- ivari them. Tbey wene invited in and senved witb cookies, home made candy and pop. Aiten wish- ing the young couple a happy mannied lii e. evenyone left fon home ta try ta catch a iew hours' sleep befone the sun came up. COURTICE Woman's Missionany Society met May Il with president Mns. A. J. Oke pnesiding. Devational was in charge ai Mrs. Hopkins, assisted by Mrs. A. J. Gay. The themne was "Each for ail, and al for each." Mrs. Gay read the scipture, the main thought It- ing "Love." Mrs. Hopkins toak the leader's part, in alternate reading. Mrs. Harold Muir con-' tributed the vocal solo 'Mother, Dean.' Guest speaker was Mns. L. -W. Dippeîl who spoke an "Building," inom which a most intenesting and appreclative talk on characten building was enjay- ed. Re-building aur churches by welcoming the new Canadians ta aur land of plenty was one point which was stnessed by Mns. Dip- peli. Mrs. Oke conducted the bus- ines peniod. A letton af thanks fon boxes sent ta a iamily in Hol- land was reed. The supply pan- cel is ta 'be in by the iirst ai June. The Sunday morning service, in change ai W.M.S. is ta be held on May 30 with the guest speaker ta be Mms. Owens, Oshawa. Re- iresbments were senved. Friends af Mrs. Thos. Bickle hope for a speedy necovery, she being a patient in Oshawa Hospi- tal for an eye correction. Mn. and Mrs. Wbitesides and daughter, Toronto, have taken up summen residence at the Edward's iarm. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Peacock. Oshawa, with Mrs. Trevail and Gardon. Mn. and Mrs. Ormy Robinson and daughter, Caral, with Gardon and Mns. Osborne and Lynda, Hamilton. Northern Ireland, composed of five caunties, is a dominion. There is between my will and all offences A guard of patience. 1 ~-Shaksepeanei> r -- Tax HOOPER'IS BOWMANVILLE Marion Foley Showered By Her Many Frienda On Eve ofMarriage. Priar ta hon marniage on Sat- urday, May 8, Marlon Faley, a populan employee in the office af R. M. Hollingshead Co., was en- tertained by hon many fionds. On Saturday, Apnîl 3, she was presented with a radia by hem fel- 10w empl6Çyees, as a taken ai their appreciation for ber five and a haîf yeans ai iaithful service. On Tuesdey, Apnil 13, the Girls' Club, ai which ah. was a populer member, met at ber home and presented her with an attractive silver cheese and crocker dish. A cammunity surprise party, taking the iarm oi a miscellen- eous sbower, was held in the base-. ment ai Meple Grave Church an ThurAday, April 29. The base- ment was beautifully decarated for the occasion. The aunt of the hnide-elect, Mns. H. 9. Freeman, pnesided as hostess, and an appe- tizing lunch was senved by girl iniends. Ail present were thank- ed gnaciously hy the bride-ta-be, for their Iovely giits and were in- vited ta visit hen. Menu-Makers Club The Merry Menu-Makens geth- ened at the Community Centre, Beech Ave., an.Tuesday, May il, ion another session an "How ta Cook and Entertain." The minutes were nead iby sec- retany Joyce Grant and business was discussed. The moll caîl was "Plan the family meals ion a day." Some excellent suggestions for menus wene given. A discussion iollowed on "In- troductions," and included "How ta Reply ta Introductians," "Shak- ing Hands," "How ta say Good- bye and "Gnoup Introductions," etc. Women's Awdliar Hoat to OshacwaW.A. The. Womnan's Auxllimryof the Canadien Legion entertemned 58 members ai the Oshawa branc1à et e social evenimg, May 17, at the Legian Hall. Mrs. C. Gat- cheil was in charge ai the enter-. tainment, whîch began with eora.- munity singimg, iallowed by a quiz gae. A cantest of guepa- ing the number ai buttons in a bottle wes won by three of the. Oshawe ladies. Wlnners oaitwo drews wore Mns. M. Clarke and an Oshawa guest. Musical enter- tainment was pnovided by Mrs. Hanry Smith, who played the pi- ana. Refreshinents were served, and the Oshawa visitors thenlced the Bowmanvills ladies for a verX enjoyable evening. Local Mail Service For the benefit ai local citizens wo publish the schedule ai mail service, anniving and leaving the Bowmenville Post Office. The time given in each case lo Day' light Saving Timo. Mail Closes Gaing East 10:30 arn, Going.local Rural Routes 11:00 arn, Going Pont Hope only 1:30 p.m. Gaing East and West 6:30 p.m. Going West 10:00 p.m. Mail Arrives From East and West 8:30 a.m, Fmom West 12 noon Fmom West 3: 15 p.m. Fnomn East 8:00 p.m. Cut this schedule out arnd paste up in a handy place ion neference. What hec nat unself'ed love ec- hieved for the race? Ahl that ever was accomplished and mare than history bas yet recarded.-Many Baker Eddy. 'w FIND ALL YOUR FAIM NEEDS HERE If yau ivant a small trata we can give you immediate delivery an the GIBSON TRACTOR It la cheap ta openate and will do a lot ai work ln a hurry. Lot us explain these tractons ta you. BEATTY WATER SYSTEMS ln stock for immediate dellvery BEATTY BROS. STEEL STANCHIONS IN STOCK DE LAVAL MILKERS, COOLERS and SEPARATORS for immediete installation W. H. BROWN DEALER FOR Case Faim Machlnery- Ftretoneý Tfrei, DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Dram. Stable Equipment 91 King St., W. Phone 497 REMOVED ON ALL SIL VER PLATED CUTLERY Due ta new budget changes we are very leased ta announce ail silver plated flatware may naw be purchctsed tax free. Drop in and see aur large selection today 25 per cent. Tax Remo'ved on -al] Alarm Clocks up f $10.00 . .a This Ineludes exeat &Il Weat- elox Alarrn Coceks. You can new buy these handy clocks tax free. COW LING'S ORDO STORE JEWELLERY& GIFT SHOP PHONT 747

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