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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jun 1948, p. 15

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fFTIMR AV 2lTTtfV. 1948 U ANDA TTSA, OMN!LONAU AEFFrENC* M -- --------------- ------ BRING YOUR MESSAGE ,,BEFORE 12,000 READERS IAMN m m m m ON 1 PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COT 35c PER AD BIRTHS IN MEMORIAM DOWN-Mm. and Mms. Lloyd ALLIN-In loving memory of aur Down (nee Eileen Pickell) an- dear wife and mother, Beatrice naunce the birth of their daughter, Aluin, who passed away June lst, a sister for Gary, at Bowmanviile 1947. Hsia' on June lst, 1948. 23-1* "If we had ail the wold ta give, We'd give it, yes, and more MORE-John and Paul Moore To hear hem vaice and see her p-e ohappy ta announce the safe smile arrivàl of their baby sister at And greet hem at our door. Bawmanville Hospital, Fiday, But aIl that we can do, dear May 28. 1948. Mother and baby Mother, fine. 23-1* Is go and tond your grave, _______And beave behind tokens of love WELSH-Charles and Winnifred To the best mother, God ever Welsh are happy ta announce the e made. birth of their daughtem. Betty Ann, Werliever tHeav en ay ei e in Bowmanville Hospital on Sat- hrv Haemyb, umday, May 29. 1948. A sister for That she'l hoe standing at the dloor Donald and Keith. 23-1 Up there ta welcome us." -.Sadly missed and ever remem- ______________________- bered by husband and daugh- MARRIAGE tecrm. 23-1* BICKELL - MARTIN-Anraune- BARRIE-In loving memomy of iog the marriage of Audrey lcen, John A. Barrie who passod away, daughter of Mm. and Mrs. A. W. June lst, 1943. Martin to Keith Evereti. son of Somewhere back of the sunset Mr. and Mms. E. Bickell. The Wheme loveliness nover dies- mamiage took place April l7th I-He lives in the land of glory, 1948. 23-1* 1M/id the blue and goldi of the sky. Some day we hope ta meet again, BIRKS-SCOTT - At St. John's'Sm a eko o hn iTo clasp his hand in the btter Anglican Church on Saturday, land, May 22. 1948, with Rev. J. dePen- Nover to part again. cior Wright oliciating, Marian -Always rememhored by wife Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Etlaadsn ury 31 Mms. Sidney M. Scott, was united Ethaadsn umy 31 in mariage with Aleck M. Birks, son of Dm. and Mrs. W. H. Birks. BURLEY-In loving memomy of 23-1» orr dear father, James Burley, Mr. and Mrs. George Jhn Elliott, Bowmanville wish ta oan- nounce the marriage of their sec- ond daughter. Georgina Margaret, ta John Samis, only son of Mm. and Mrs. J. C. Samis, Bowman- ville, an May 8. 1948, in Toronto. 23-1 ENGAGEM ENTS Mr. and Mms. George Heath wish ta announce the engagement of their only datightem Florence Viola, ta William Thomas Patter, son of Mm. and Mrs. Lomne Patter of. Bowmanville. The marriage will take place June 26th at 4:00 p.m. at St. John's Chumeh. 23-1* Mrs. Harry R. Pearce, Newcas- tle, wishes ta annaunce the en- gagement af hem daughtcr, Patri- cia Jane ta Orval A. Stinson. of Chesley, Ont., son of Mm. and Mrs. Richard Stinson, Cartwright. The marriage will take place an June M~h in Newcastle United Church. 23-1* * 1ýî. and Mrs. Cecil S. Mutton, announce the engagement of their only daughtem, Leona Louisa, ta Mm. Morley Levi Etchor, son of Mrs. Etcher and the late Mm. Fay L. Etcher, of Oshawa. Tho mar- riage will take place at the Trin- ity United Chuirch, Saturday, June 26th. 23-1* Mm. and Mrs. Frank Robertson, Canleton Place, Ontamio, wish ta announce the engagement of their Fecond daughtem Beryl Adelone to Jack Mashall Comùing, son of :Mr. and Mrs. John Cowling, of Hiampton. The marriage will take ý lace on June l2th at St. Andmew's1 nited Church, Manse, Oshawa. 23 -1 *1 who passed away on June 4th, 1937, and our dear mother, Sarah Jane Burley. who passed away June 18, 1938. Your presence is ever near us Your love romains with us yet. You were the kind of a father and mother Your loved onos will neyer forget. -Lovingly remembercd by fam- ilvN Pearl, Roy, Clarence and Hazel. 23-1* HOY-In loving momory oif a dear wife and mother, Jennie Hoy, ;vho rassed away June 5, 1947. A xonderful mother, woman and aid, One who was better, God neyer ma de. A wondorful worker, so loyal and truc; One in a million, that, mother, xvas yju. Just in your judgment, always right, Honest and liberal, ever upright. Loved by youm friends and ahl you knew; A wondorful mother, that, mother, was you. -Sadly missed and ever roniem- bered by husband -and family. 23-1* POINTEN-In loving memory of aur dear mother, Louisa Pointen, who passed away June 4, 1945. Take hem in Thine amms, dear Lord And ever lot her be A messenger of love Between our hearts and Thee. -Son and daughtem. 23-1 Chicks For Sale BRAY chicks. immediate delivery. Catch your faîl and winter egg markets with started chicks. Pul- lets. cockerels, non-sexed. Agent, F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 23-1 FZDo't orget Your Vitamins this Summer Puretcst Plenamiiîs contain 6 essential vitmins with added v'alue of liver and iron. 50 capsules, 25 days' stipply - - ---81.85 Puretest Vitamin A. B. D, and G capsules, 25*s 85e Puretest 'Multiple Vitamiîi C'apsules. 50's $1.29 100's $ 2.19 Puretest Perco-Cod Cap- suies, 25's- 89e Furetest 1Yeast and Iran Tablets, 100*s 89e BACHELOR GROOIMING AIDS FOR 31EN Deodotnt ('ream 40e Brlliantine, liquid 50e Billiantine, solidified 50c ~ampoo with Olive 011 50e Although summier suoshine contributes additional amaounts of Vitamin "D" in many instan- ces, other vitamins Iom food sources are stili inadequate. You cao make sure of your full quota of vitamins by continu- ing their use without regard ta season. ADRIENNE HARMONIZED COSMETICS for beauty with economy lland Lotion ---65e CoId Cream ___-60e Tissue Cream ---- -- 60e Foundation Cream 60e Finishing Cream . .60e Deodorant Cream ---- ----40e Eau de Cologne .. 85c, $1.35 Face Powder, choice of 8 shades _. , .- ------85c Lipstick, 8 shades----- 85e Skin Lotion - -85C Skln Tonie ------5c Talcum Poivder 50e Perfume, 1 dr.--- - ---- 35c 2 % dr. . -- ------ . .------- 75C Hi-Foamn Shampoo, 8 oz. 85e Adrienne Soap, 3 cakes in box. per box -----------81.00 la.ng ream -, 140e natin owaer$15 fter Shave Lotion 65e Bath Beads ------------- $1.50 Talcum, gentlemen's shade 45e Liquid Brilliantine 60e JURY C LOVELL YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE Whpn We Test Your Eyes It là Done Properly [Phone ,uC.N.R. Tickets COMING EVENTS Keop the date open for St. John's Church Gardon Party, Sat-1 umday, Juno 12, 3-6. Home cook- ing, afternoon tea.232 Don't farget Memorial Amena ouchre at Union Hall, Fiday, June 4, 8:30. Good prizos. Also draw for pair of blankets on June 30. 23-1 Wakolin group of St. John's Church will hold their ouchre and draw, Wednesday night, June 9th, in the Union Hall. Good prizes and lucky door prize, 25c. 23-1* Reservo Friday, June 18, for piano and organ ecital by Miss Phyllis R. Chailis, A.T.C.M., and hem pupils at Trinity United Church, sponsored by Trinity W. A. 23-1 The Goodyear girls will hold a sale of homo cooking, linon coun- tom. afternoon tea and tea-cupi eading in the recreation hall, Goodyear, Satumday, June 5, fromn 3 to 5, the pmoceeds ta go to the new rink. 21-3 Tymone Recreation Park Com- mittee are holding the official ap- oniog of the new park on Satur- day, June 5. Oponing ceremon- ios followed by a basebali toumo- amont, children's sports and aIl- star football game in the after- noon. Full course meal (cafeter- ia stylo) served in the evening. followed by a beague football gamo, Hampton at Tymone., and dance aftemwamds at the Hall. 21-1 Salem Sunday School anniver- sary services, June 6, at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. xtih Rev. G. Cameron Quigley, St. Paul's Chumch. Bow- manville, guest speaker. Special music by the Sunday School choir, assisted by Mm. Glenn Ailin, New- castle. On Friday, Ju ne il a t 8:15 p.m., the young people will pro- sont their play "Wheme's Grand- ma," assisted between acts by Messrs. Keith Wood and Glen Hodgson, Bowmanvilie. Admis- sion 35c and 20c. 23-1 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Federal Buildings-Province of Ontario SEALED TENDERS addmessed to the undersigned and endorscd "Tender for Coal" will be eceived until 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), Tuesday, Juno 15. 1948, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifica- fions and conditions attached can ho obtained from the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and the Suporvis- ing Architect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should ho made on the fomms supplied by the Depatment and in accordance with depamt- mental specifications and condi- tions attached thereto. Coal deal- ors' licence numbers must ho given when tendering. Tho Departmont eserves the ight to demand from any succeâ fui tenderer, before awarding t l¶" order, a security deposit in the form of a certified choque on a chatered bank in Canada, made payable ta the order of the Hon- ourable the Minister of Public Works, equai ta 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Rail- way Company and its constituent companies unconditionaiiy guar- anteed as ta principal and interest hy the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certifled cheque, if required ta make up an odd amount. Such socurity xiii serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfil- mont of the contract. By order, J. M. SOMERVILLE, Secretamy. Depatment of Public Works, Ottawa, May 26, 1948. 23-2 Work Wanted HOUSEKEEPER, middle aged. re- flnod. reliable, wouid like position in eiderly peson's, or gentleman'.- home. Write Box 70, Statesman Off ice.231 bast WILL the persan seen taking lit- tie boy's tricycle, please phono 561 and thus have it returned ta own- or. 23-1 GOLD bracelet, sot with ame- thysts, lost in vicinity of Dominion Store and Aliin's Moat Market. Valued as keepsake. Roward. @Phone 2101. 23-1* ICOSTUME pin, sterling silver, twa bird design, lost between Trinity Church and Prospect St., Sunday, May 23. Finder please beave at Van Driel's Store, Centre St. 23-1 SMALL blue change purso con- taining sum of money, lost be- tween 30 Duke St. and Post Office. ISaturday moriling. Roward if re- turned ta above address or phon«ý 2850. 23-1* 1 Notices Wanda's Beauty Shop. 80 King St. West. Permanents that make permnanent customors. For ap- pointments, phone 2851. 14-tf This is to certify that I have appointed H. R. S,~ Ryan. of the Town of Port Hope, as my off iciai agent. JOHN W. FOOTE, Progressive Consorvative 23-1 Çandidate Personal H Y G I E N I C supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelopo with price list. Six samplos 25c; 24 samples $1 00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Ruh- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 19-8 ARE you a victim of constipation? Try proven Fmuit-a-Tivos, famous herbai medicine used succossfully for 45 years. Brings relief quick- ly-tones un livem-keeps howels active-restores good health-re- liable. 23-1 REPAIRS REPAIRS to ail makes of refrig- erators. domestic and commercial Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf NEAT-Way Shoo Repair: Good. substantial workmanship, roliabil- ity, dyeing. soling, sewing, etc. Try the Neat-Way, opposite Bow- manville Cleaners. 7-tf Wanted CATTLE for pasture, running wa- ter and shade. A. Tubb, 596 Rincg St. E., Oshawa. 22-2* Real Estatè For Sale COTTAGE, east side beach. Ap- ply 33 Odeli St., or phone 2494. FOUR-roomed bungalow fuis- ed if desired. Apply 3 Vete,rans Avenue, evenings. 23-1* BUILDING lot, 86x127 approxi- mately, sewer and watem access- ible. Apply 114 Elgin St. 23-1* SIX roomn cottage, nearly new; hardwood floors; in Tyrone vil. lage. Apply T. H. Tabb, Tyrono. 23-tf. SIX-moom, two storey brick house in West end of town; large gar- don. In good repair. Write Box 69, Statesman Office. 23-2* FARM-92 acres, ail workable, hydro, bouse and two barns, with hard and soft water in house and hard water at barn, near schoal, church, two stores and chopping milI. six miles fromn Bowmanville on County road, adjoining village of Tyrone. Piced at good value, terms ta be arranged. Leslie Thompson, R.R. No. 5, Bowman- ville, phone 2302. 23-J1* Help Wanted BOYS for weeding gladiolus. Willow Acres Farm, phone 245e. 23-2 WANTED: Man for steady travel among consumers in Bowman- vil.Permanent connection with largo manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write Raw- leigh Dept. ML-F-140.131, Mon- troal, Que. 23-4 FAST growing company has op- ening in your district for energetic and ambitiaus persan. Splendid oppatunity for aggressive indi- vidual. Excellent earnings assur- ed with future, secumity and inde- pendence. Apply Blue Brand Products, 7227 Alexandra, Mon- treal. 22-51j Custom Work PLOWING and cultivating. Also John Deere repair work and parts. F. S. Allen, phone 594. Auction Sales The undersigned has. recoived instructions from Mr. William Drew, Lot 7, Con. 1, Manvors Twp.. haif mile west of McCrae's Church. to seli by public auction on Friday, June 4, at 1 p.m., al his farm stock, implements, grain, lumber, wood, potatoes and some furniture. For further particulars see bills. Terms cash. No eservo. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 22-2 Furniture, Stock, Implements. 1 have been authomized to seli by public auction for Mr. Burmows, Lot 4, Con. 1, East Whitby, one mile south of Harmooy Corner, on Saturday, June 5, his house- hold effects, including chesterfield suite. (new), bedmoom suite, near- ]y new; kitchen suite, nearly new; Beatty electric washer, nearly new: and many other household articles; also seven head of cattle, implements, pigs and many othor articles. Sale at 1 p.m. E.D.S.T. Furniture sale at 2:30. Terms, cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 23- 1 Having received instructions from E. W. Milgate, north of Pid- duck's Store, Courtice, 21.' miles east bj Oshawa on No. 2 highway, 1 wiil seli by public auction on Friday, June 4, at 1:30 p.m. D.S.T. Fordson tractor on steel; Massey tractor plow (new); McCormick Deering mower, 5 ft.; scuffler; 3- scction set harrows; wa~gon on rubber with box 1x4x13; battery charger; one :34" electrie drill; set of clippers; Black and Decker 1/2" electric drill; quantity of tools; 275 lbs. cleaned timothy seed; 40 Chevrolet pick-up truck, 5-speed transmission; '33 Master Chevro- let car; '34 panel delivery Chev- olet; gobbler; turkey hen; apples by the bushel, Spys and Baxters; 2 lawn mowers; Princess Pat kit- chen range; 3-piece chestemfield suite; studio couch: car radio; mantol radio; high chair; eloctric fan; 2-piece chesterfield suite; vanity dresser; ice cream freezer, box of baby clothing; dishes and cooking utensils and many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms, cash. Persons wishing to put articles in this sale, phone Oshawa 908 r 4, Frank Stirtevant, auctioneer, Oshawa, phone 2714J. 23-1 Roomis Wanted FURNISHED room wanted in homne with modemn conveniences by gentleman. Will pay good rent. Write Box 71, Statesman Off ice. 23-2 Livestock For Sale JERSEY cow, due to freshen. Phone 2254. 23-1 SEVEN pigs, 7 weoks old. Alsa wanted. a caîf for vealing. Wal- tom Parrinder, phone 2470. 23-1 Wanted To Buy HIGHEST prices paid for scrap batteries. Jamieson Tire Shop, King and Silver Sts. 14-tf BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M.* Fiatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone 7 r 13, reverse charges. 17-tf The Sfafesman SoId At Following Stores Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle D. G. Walton's, Newcastle W. C. Lane & Son, Newtonville T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen FL. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barman, Hampton Wm. Hackwood, Pantypoal H. T. Saywell, Blackstock C. B. Tyrreli, Orono W. J. Bagneli, Jury & Lovel J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry and The Statesman office A much higher porcentage of Scots migmate than any other Eng- lis.h-speaking race. The CANADIAN STATESMAN Classified Advertising Rates EFFECTIVE JANUARY 23, 1948 BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, CARDS 0F THANKS - $1.00 per Insertion IN MEMORIAMS- $1.00 plus 10e a line for verses per Insertion NOTICES, COMING EVENTS, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, WANTED, ETC. Cash Rate: 2c a word <min. 35c). Must be paid before insertion. If Charged: 3c a word (min. 50c). Add 25c extra f-r box numbers or replies directed to this office. (Additional Insertions ai Same Rates) ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE IN NOT LATER THAN NOON WEDNESDAY. Cash, stamps or money order wlth order to get 10w rate. CLIP THIS OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCE LAWSON tractor, 20-40, with new sîceves and bearings; Red River« special soparator, 28-46, with seed attachment and re-cleaner; Inter- national cuttiog box, 16 inehes, type L.A., with distibuting pipes. This outfit is in ga.od working condition. Good easons for seli- ing. Leslie Thompson, R.R. No. 5, Bown-anville, phono 2302. 23-1* F2 Case 5 ft. combine, nearly new; now Case pick-up haler; new Case 6 ft. horse mower; new Case 10 ft. hay rake; new set 6 ft. Case tandem dise hammows; horse scuff- 1er; used M-H. 5 ,, mowem; Shur- Shock electrie fencers and batter- ies; famm fonce; barhed wiro; Gib- soo tractors; Velon sceeoing for doors and windows. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer. Phone 497. 23-1 NEW chîffoniers $24.50:' thmee- pioco walnut bedroomn suite, Wa- terfali design, $129.50; spring-fill- ed mattresses, $25.50;. tri-light lamps, complote with shades, $14.95; four-humner olectmic ranges automatie aven controls, $139.50; chromo kitchen tables, plastie top, $29.50; chrome chairs. $6.95; and chrome studio couches, $49.50. Murphy's, phone 811. 23-1* TRADE-IN - Hotpoint electrie ange $79.50; Maytag washer, $49.50, reconditioned and guar- antocd; ail stove, two-burner, $5; thmeo-burner, $7.50; Premier vac- uu,$15; ,two-piece chestefldj $45; coal stoves, Quehec stylo, $10; white enamel coal stove with sheif, like new. $6950; steel bed and spriog, $15; Simmons' occa- sional chair, $10; pull-out couch, $5; odd dresser, $8; Lazi-Boy chair with ottoman. like new, $49.50; ice box, 50 lb., $12.50. Terms. Mur- phy's, phone 811. 23-1* NE WTON VILLE We are somry ta report that Mrs. David Denault is in Port Hope Hospital for an opemation. We w'ish for hem a speedy recovery. Mm. and Mms. Chas. Morris with hem sistor, Miss Hayward, Mount Albert. Mm. Bort Bunt ieft Monday for Edmonton. From there ho will fiy ta Goldfield where ho has a job awaiting hlm. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mms. Harold Burley an tho birth of a AUCTION SALE I have be en favared by instruc- tions fi om Mr. Neil Curtis to soîl by public auction at LOT 11, CON. 1, MANVERS 1 mile south of Pontypool on Highway 35, on Saturday, Jur-1 121h AT 1 P.M. (D.S.T.) SHARP The following: HORSES Matched team, Belgian, 10-11 yms.; Shetland pony. CATTLE 5 yearlings; 1 3-ym.-old cow, caif at side. Articles For Sale PARIS icebox in good condition. Phone 736. 8 Liberty Place. 23-1 CHEVROLET coach, 1931, good running condition. Apply 27 Queen St., Bowmanville. 23-1* RANGETTE, only used one year, ih good condition. 36 Carlisle Ave., phone 312. 23-1 BABY'S walker complete with panel and handie, in good condi- tion. Phone 2744. 23-1* McCLARY electric stove, 4-humn- er, oven and warming closet, $25. Write P.O. Box 485, Bowmanville. 23-1 STANDING barn frame 72'x30', upright posts 14'. Murray Byers, Burketon. 23-1 TWO-horse scuffler, new, McCor- mick-Deering. P. Stackaruk. phono 2668. 23-1* LARGE quantity of new lumber, dry and ready for use. Write Box 72, Statesman Office. 23-1* FARGO truck, 1946. one-ton li- cence, in good condition. Phone 2679, Bowmanville. 23-1 LICENSED potato chip truck. Ap- ply Roy Wilkins, phone 2849. Bowmanville. 23-1,1 C.C.M. bicycle, in good condition*, Astra mantel. radio, nearly new. Phone 2281. 23-1* SECOND hand electrie watcr pump with motor. H. McKnight, 178 Duke St., Bowmanville. 23-1* COOK stove equipped with fairly new oul burners, or will sol uru- ers separately. Phone 2211.2-I APPROXIMATELY four squares of steel shingles, in good condi- tion. Apply to L. Lamb, phone 2450.231 BABY'S high chair, natural col- or wood, also chi1d's steel cot. Mrs. Harold Needham, phone 832. 23-1* ICE refrigerator, 100 lb. capacity; Jewel cookstove, suitable for a summer kitchen. Blake Short, phone 2479. 23-1 BEATTY deep well pump, comn- ploto with 80 ft. piping; Beatty pump jack, X/2j h.p. electric motor. Lyall Lowery, phone Omono 14 r 13. 23-1* PEDLAR'!ý steel roofing. 6 and 8 ft. sheets; corn planter with fer- tilizer attachments; 2-furrow trac- tor plows; rubber tired wagon; 7 and 8 ft. grain binders. J. Howard Hancock, Massey-H-arris Dealer, phone 781 Bowmianville. 23-1ý Terms Cash Alf Mitchel, Clerk», R. .. auctioneer. Payne, 23-1 PHONE Cash - Trade-ins IF YOU Require Uv -Easy Terms 445 HOGS Two snws; 2 sows. due June; 2 sows, bred 6 weeks; 30 chunks 25- 75 lbs.; 4 store hogs. liENS 15 Hens. Quantity of hardwvood in stove lengths. IMPLEMENTS 1939 Nash sedan, good condition: Ford, 1947 Tractor, tractor plow and pulley; tractor sawing ma- chine; steel trucks; crank-up gra- vol box for truck, good condition; wagon wheels; fiat bottom boat, new: gasoline motor and pressure pump; colony house lOxlO; haro frame: well pump and piping; one fumnished cabin. FURNITURE Piano, Grineli; dining raomr suite, new; cabinet radio, battemy set; cabinet radio and gramophone; 1 scttee, antique; 2 electrie lamps; 4 chrome kitchen chairs, now; coal ail stove; incubator, 600 egg; child's pool table; mantel radio, new; high chair: chcestcmfield, 3- piece; studio couch and 2 occasion- al chairs; 1 cook stove, Findlay, new; Frigidaire, now; kitchen ta- ble, dresser and wash stand; 4 small tables; Renfrew cook stave; studio couch, new; linoleum; elec- trie stove; several coal oil lamps; lawn mawor; 2 bicycles; child's wagon: 3 beds and springs; 3 pull- out heds; organ; ammn chair. Rcmarks: This fumniture i aIll practically new and in good con- dition. Good Used Cars in A-1 Condition ART'S GARAGE Hampton - - - Phone 2148 1940 Chevrolet Coach 1939 Ford Deluxe Coach 1936 Chevrolet Sedan 1935 Packard Sedan 1932 Ford Coach (four cylinder) 1932 Chevrolet Coupe 1931 Pontiac Sedan Transportation TO THE POLLS MONDAY, ]UNE 71h (Published by the Bownianville Protressive Conservative Association) -1-riuzu5mitx, touxim am, littie son.1 Mrs. Mary Armstrong, Bow- manvilie, with Mm. and Mrs. S. R. Jones. Mrs. Jack Turner, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Turner and famiiy, Bowmanvilie, with Mm. and Mrs. Fred Nesbitt. Mrs. Hazel Strînger with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wade. Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Chester of Oshawa, with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Whittaker. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Redknap with their son, Alfred, and his wife in Oshawa. Mrs. Wm. Lane is visiting her daughtem and husband, Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Leuty, Port Hope. Mrs. Willis Farrow with Mr. and Mms. Russelli MeNeil. Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hallowell, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapieton and Mm. and Mrs, Willis Farrow at- tendod the 3.5th wedding anniver- samy of Mr. aod Mms. Wmi. Cowan, Oshawa, at Bowmanviile. Mr. and Mms. Carl Farrow and daughtem, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow. The Girls' Softball Teamn played their first game with Newcastle and came off cheerful lasers. Those of us who know the inside feel vcry proud of our girls. Ear- ly this ycar thoy had no funds and no uniforms. They put on entertainments ta maîso the wheme- withall for matomial and in order ta save public funds sevemal of the girls made their own uniform. Now we have girls, uniforms but still no place to eithem practice or hold tbe ganlos and up ta date no coaching. Kendal has kindly in- vited the girls ta their park. This is a fine gosturo on the part of Kendal and is much appreciated. We wili bo able ta report m~xt week xvhat decision was reached. Good luek girls! W.A. met May 26 In the homo af Mms. John Lancaster. Mrs. Chas. Morris, Mrs. C. Bumiey and Mms. J. T. Poarce were appointed a committec ta look into the plant- ing of shrubs amound the church. Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Harcourt and Mrs. Chas. Marris presented an interesting progmam. Luncheon and social }iour was enjoyed. W.A. annivemsamy cf 23md and 24th was quite successful. The progmam on 24th took the formm of an old fashioned mixed pro- gram. Rcadings hy Mrs. Ken Mi!îs. Wesleyvilc, and Mrs. Koys, Port Hope, wome wcll given. So- lo by Mrs. Morley Robinson, of Starkviile was well received. The Goheen family, Newcastle, with singing and orchestra numbers was much enjoyed. We are con- vinced that people stih! love the local talent and infoxipal social gathemings. A Ïbauntiful lunch was somved . Pmoceeds wcme ap- proximately .$58.00, A Detroit factomy womker sent his pay home ta his wife by car- rier pigeon. The U.S.A. gave Canada Wil- liam Van Horne in railroad build- ing, and we gave themn Jim Hill. PAGE FIrrEffl THE CAMADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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