PAGE SIX THE CANADIAI~ STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO TNUBSDAY, jTjIqE 3rd, 1948 I 7 for F-skin genuine rnink Neck Piece and Norge Eleclric Bei rigeralor Buy à Program for List ai EDents a] Pl Corne Early and fiay Laie for Fun ind Entortaiinont ROCERDS FOR LIONS CLUB COMMIUNITY WORK NEWCASTLI Lions Clul GRRflIVRI WEDNESDAY June 9 NEWCASTLE Athletic Grounds 9 a.m. Clarke Township School Sports Da 3 3 p.rn. until the eni of the Carnival Television Demonstration FARM MACHINERY DISPLAY ail during the day see the laiesi of new equipmeni 7:30 p.. BAND CONCERT by ihe Boys" Training School Band Nerry-Go ý Round for the children Entirely New and Diifferent Games and Enterlainment GRtAtan t', "Girls In Swing Skirts" Play. Here June l6th. In Rotary Bene fit Game E i L I I 'I I v I Tel Aviv is iess than 40 years old, while Jaf fa is mentioned in the Book of Joshua.. Export of unproccssed puip logs fram Ontario bas been limited un- der a progressive plan which will eliminate the export compietely from Crown Lands witbin ten. years. In Seattle the law says you can't board a street car with gaidfish unless you are sure they wili lie stili. Mexico was named ta the Unit- cd Nations' Narcoties Commission as an opium source, and Toronto as the distribution centre. Joint corrective action was promised. RADIO BROADCASTS In tbe interest of Frank McCallum,' the Progressive Conserva- tive Candidate in the Ontaria Riding Federal By-Election, Tuesday, June 8tb, aver CKDO Oshawa. THURSDAY, JUNE 3rd-' 11:15 ta 11:20 a.m. - 6:40 ta 6:45 p.m. - 9:30 ta 9:45 p.m. FRIDAY, JUNE 4th-- 11:15 ta 11:20 a.m. - 12:40 ta 12:45 p.m. - 6:40 ta 6:45-p.m. SATURDAY, June 5th- 11:15 ta 11:20 arn. - 6:40 ta 6:45 p.ftt. NETWORK TIMES - CFRB Toronto; CKDO Oshawa SATTJRDAY, lUNE 5th- 7.45 to 8:00 p.m. Hon. John Bracken, M.P. (Clip out for future reference) NOTICE mu- FARMERS M 24-HOUR SERVICE We pay as high as $10.00 for Dead or Crippled Horses and Cows According to size and conditlon-Small animiais removed free. No trouble to, the farmer. We do the loading HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES PHONE 4026 PETERBOROUGH - REVERSE CHARGES NICE PECONI. Owner ,J1C),IONMERRIre] MAKEyOURWIT#H AN RCAVICTOR "LITTLE MASTER" RADIO ICA VICTOR "LITTLE MASTER" RADIO "Golden Throat" tone systeni. Standard Broadcast band. Built-in Magic Loop antenna - no ground or outside acrial needed. Moulded Brown plastic $385 ( uwWtblini plastic fv.,', - $39.95, or in tint wood - $49.95¶) COME 19 FOI A DE1MONSTRATION The Radio Shop PRONIC 573 BOWMAN VILLE be the strongest male team that can be found in the county of Durham, just ta make the battie interesting. The Rotary Club is sponsoring this effort in order ta raise funds for their phiianthropic work throughout the community. Opening ceremonies, which will include a short band concert, start at 6:30 pifn. Tickets may bé purchased in advance from any member of Bowmanville Rotary Club. COMMUNITY COUNCIL NEWS GxIRLS' SOFTBALL RcefinClna In answer to many requests it is er ionCl da planned to organize a Girls' Soft -____ bail league in Bowmanville. The Canadian Order of Foresters have Thursday, lune 3 decided t!o sponsor one team and 6:30 p.m.-Intermediate Basebal it is hoped to have three more and Practice, High Sehool. thus operate a four team league. Friday, lune 4 Equipment will be provid ed by t.he Community Council and each 6:30 p.m.-Junior Basebail Prac- team will play one game per tice, High Schaol. week. Ail girls in their teenso p. m.-Softball, B.T.S., vs. Pepsi twenties, who wouid like to play Cola, Public School. softbali, regcardies of their exper- Saturday, lune 5 ience, will be welcomed. 3 p.m.-Intermediate Basebail, In this regard an organization Peterboro at Bowmanville. meeting will be held in the Li- 6:30 p.m.-Junior Baseball, Pet- ons Community Centre on Tues- erboro "A" at Bowmanviile. day, June 8, at 7:30 p.m. Any Mnaln girls who would like to play, but MnaJn cannot attend this meeting, should 7 p.m.-Sof'tball, Rurals versus give their names to Recreation Mike's Imps., Public School. Director Bart Smithson, before 7 p.m.-1jacrosse Practice, Rotary the meeting. Park. BIRD HOUSE CONTEST 7 p.m.-Juvenile Basebail Prac- The judging of the Bird Houses tic e, High School. entered in the Bird House Build- Tuesday, lune 8 ing Contest will take place ta- 6:30 p.m.-Jntermediate Basebal night and resuits will be announc- PiSctice, High School. ed in next week's paper. Fifteen 7 p.m.-Softball, Pepsi Cola ver- entries have been entered inciud- sus Merchants, Public Sehool. ing houses for Wrens, Martins, 7:30 p.m.-Girls' Softball Meeting Woodpeckers, Fiickers and one at Lions Community Centre. bird shelter. It is hoped ta have ail the bous- Wednesday, lune 9 es on display in one of the store 6:30 p.m.-Junior Basebali Prac- windows next week s0 that the tice, High School. public wiil have a chance to see 6:30 p.m.-Intermediate Basebali, the fine work and original de- Bowmanville at Cobourg. signs that have been made by the 7 p.m.-Lacrosse Practice, Rotary boys. Park. GIRL GUIDE NEWS First Bowmanville Girl Guide Company met on Monday evenîng in- the High School. Inspection showed ane perfect Patrol, "But- tercup." A good deal of work was covered as follows: Tenderfoot Badges - Muriel Stephens and Berniece Young'. Square Lash-Marie Anne Jef- fery, Peggy Stephens, Lamna Flet- cher, Donna Diiling, Barbara Mur- doch, Myrna Tuerk, Connie King, Ruth Ann Rombough. One Mile Scout's Pace-Marie Anne Jeffery, Jean Kitson, Muriel Stephens, Gwen Patfieid, Ber- niece Young. Two Mile Scout's Pace-Bever- ly Frank, Connie King, Margaret Leddy, Mary Pickard. Bus and Telephone - Peggy Stephens, Lorn% Fletcher, Myrna, Tuerk, Gwen Patfield. Entertainer's Badge-Catherine Dilling. Knats - Myrna Tuerk, Tanya Goddard, Connie King, Betty Ber- nul, Jean Stainton. A sng-song followed by the YOUR EYES and, Visioni Rewritten frarn previaus copyrights, af Optometrlst Disney flldg. (Opp. P.O.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 The effect of aur modern life shows occupational strain on the eyes that was heretafore un- thought of. Also ocu]ar science has improved ta sucb an extent that practicaily every new con- dition can be corrected and aisa this scientific knowledge is me- lieving and correcting imperfect- ions and is finding the means of preventing, injury, diseaae, and discomfort. Many af the physical errors be they ocular or otherwise being due ta the occupation are toaa great extent the reason of the age deveioping, we might Say an age of specîalists. In relation ta the eyes -for example, we have ta-day the Optomnetrist specializing an thet eye. This is the oniv profes- sion truly appiying itself to this Awork exclusively. Lord's Prayer and Taps brought the meeting ta a close. Next meeting on Monday, June 7 at 7 p.m. The Guides of Second Company wilI hold a hike next Tuesday night. Meet at the Centrai School at 5:30 and bring your lunch. Un- iform flot necessary. Because 35 minutes daiiy are iost by ramn in building in Brit- ain, giant umbrellas for construc- tion are being considered Political sanctuary in humani- tarian Bitain, given in the past ta» Kari Marx and Lenin, now bas been claimed by a Red Army colonel. A Dover ta Calais tunnel would take nine years ta build and cast an amount equal ta haîf a day's warfare on the 1939-45 scale. Legion Ail Set For Annual Carnival Fri.-Sat., lune 25-26 At the meeting of the Canadian Legion mnembers in the Legion Hall, May 20, it was decided that the Legion Carnival ta be held an the High School Grounds Fni- day and Saturday, June 25-26, would be bigger and better than ever. The main attraction of the car- nival will be the draw on the car which wiii take place Saturday, June 26. However, a new added attraction is the attendance prizes of five radios, of which three wi11 be gîven away the first night and two the second night. Free tic- kets on these radios will be given out at the entrance ta the carni- val and the only stipulation in- volved is that winners must be on the grounds when the resuits are announced. On the second night, there will be a "Beautiful Child Contest." Entrants are to be under five and aid enough ta walk on the stage. The contest is ta be judged by an applause meter. The prizes are lst, $15; 2nd, $10; 3rd, $5, how- ever, every child entering the contest will receive a prize. A military band will be pres- ent ta provide musical entertain- ment on one of the nights of the carnival. A great variety af bootbs pro- viding entertainment for ail is planned, including Bingo, Merch- andise, Grocery, FrÙit and Re- freshment booths, Bail throwing, Penny Game, Crown and Anchor, Seven Over and Under and Hoop- la. The Ladies' Auxiiiary are ai- so ta have a booth. It was decided ta withdraw the use of outside attractions in this year 's carnival; 50 that ail returns would go ta the Legion. Any Legion member not ap- proached for either of the two nights is asked ta get in touch with the camnival president and chairman, C. Samis. A U.S.A. rainmaker asks gov- ernment protection against law- suits for unwanted, ramn whiie ex- perimenting. Loneiy listeners in the far North frequently send hand-made gifts ta Northcmn Messenger Service annou ncers. Bing Crosby was beaten out iby Mr. Diii Pickie. of Missouri, as the National Pickle Packers' "Man GET MORE FOR YOUR OLD TIRES IN TRADE FOR Tqô.é44GENERALS Compiete Confidence With Safer - More Enjoyable Extra Mileage with Blowout Protection GENERAL TIRE Your worn risky tir«s are worth, more in trade for Top-Quality Generala. Don't let t}iem go until you get aur proposition. Corne in today. We'll go the limnit to give you a Trcide-In 4«1l you can't refus. G» F. JANIESON TIRE DEPNT COR KING and SILVER STS. PHONE 467 BOW M A NVIL LE SUNNYSIDEBEACH TORONTO FREE STAGE SHOW NIGHTLY 8:00 p.m. DANCING, SEA BREEZE 9:00 p.m. Sunnyside Pool now openi Free Parking for 5,000 Cars Picnic areas available for out of town LA. 0357 - MR. 1. VAN EVERA Il Ilcumier'9s JEWELLERY and GIFT SHOP PHONE 747- Bowmanvllle - 28 KING NT. IL lut On Election Day IDhcne 2173 (Liberal Committee ]Rooms) an*d a car wii pick you up, take you to the polis and return you to your home. (Poils open from 8 a.m. ta 7 p.m.) VCTEI CL? ~Ii meILU (Liberal Candidate for Durham) PLANTING .and lhe FUTURE Each day of farmlng là; not for that day alone-but fop the future. Similar ln electricai wiring-when wc do your job for you It Is donc to give you years of efficient service. We use onIy the beut of materils and work. manship ln each and every job. CALL US TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATES HIGGGN ELECTRIC Your General Electrlo Appliance Dealer Phone 438 Bowmanville 42 King St. E. Sunday Morning Class girls' softbaIl team of Toronto, pictured above, wiil play against AI Osborne's Bowmanville Ail-Star Men's Team at the High School grounds on Wed- nesday evening, June 16th. This girls' team is rated as the best on the North American continent and for that matter in the worid. They open their season tonight when they meet the Cleveland team at Oakwood stadium, Toronito. Their opposition will 1 PAGE SDt THE CANADUN STATIMAN. SOMdANVnd,& ONTARIO -Tau MAY, JUM Srd, 1948 visitors. For reservations call