PAGE EIGHTf Germans Appreciale Food Parcels Sent hy Dowmanviile Ladies The Women's Canadian Club dear ragged friends in Europe,I was very fortunate recently in have been wanting to write ar naving Norah Drewett de Kresz open letter of thanks. As a mat- speak at one of their meetings. In ter of fact, however, most of the lier talk Madame de Kresz gave parcel-,,have flot yet reached their a very realistie picture of the destination. The one smaller par- deplorable conditions of the peo- cel, registered, I sent with the ple living in Germany. Clothirrg most urgent baby-layette broughl atnd food are extremeîy scarce. a very loveiy letter which I amr The women of the Canadian sending herewith. Club went to work and dispatch- The ladies of Bowmanville are ed parcels to Madame de Kresz wonderful. They were and are to be sent to Germany. Follow- generous, and understanding and ing are. letters. from Madame de quick. Specd is often a great fac- KÇresz and a friend of hers in Ger- tor in these cases. many stating their aDpreciation Gratefuili, of the splendid response of the (signed) Norah Drewett de Krcsz members o! the Canadian Club. Reich-Stubenrauch To the Editor of the Bowman- May l5th, 1948 ville Statesman: My dear Norah, Ever since receiving those many I was really so very pleased parcels of clothes for our poor getting different nice things: first 14/E1 LU8RICA TE YO UR CAR CY CHARI r?~NO BY3 _CHANCE r WE take no chances of missing a single place on your car-what- eer the make - that Sneeds lubricating. And, of course, we use TEXACO MARFAK because it's' a fflugh, stick-to-the-job chassis lubricant. Resists squeeze-out and wash-out. Makes your car "feel" better as you drive. And we check over the whole car, too, to stop troubles in their tracks! So, don't take a chance. Let _____________ us give your car that "MARFAK" feeling today! l jiOCKERE*S GARAGE r eMLUBRICATION- FIRESTONE TIRES 153 king Street East Phone 804 -Ask/for it either way... boti, trade marks mean th>e sanie :/ibg. <P/as 21 wartime taxes 50 anudorders HANDLY'S CARDGNATED DBEVE11AUL5 OSHAWA PHONE 753 a letter by Air Mail dated April 20th, socondly: a lettor dated Ap- rul 22 together with a very fine parce]. Thank you se much ler the lovely things,you will per- haps neyer know what they mean Ite us. Just at this moment we are ,i se scarco with everything, and -this since woeks. I don't know il 9yen have ever read or heard oi r the radie about the strikes gemg -on aiseo in Bavaria,-thousands of 2women went te Munich townhall tprotestîng against the rations,- ithe Opera had te be cioseti and the Philharmonic Orc,heos t r *wanting to repeat a vcry succes fui concert conducted by Ber- lstein, could net go on, as the membors of the orchestra doclar- cd that they could net go on, So yen may sc that overy bit et food besides what we get on our ration cards, is a toast for us. And dear Fc will be s0 vei-y glad teo, aIse with the other things yenouse kindly sent, the wool stockings can easiiv ho mended, -thank yen for suggesting silk stockings with runs, we can of course get. them mendoti and giadly would use them. The wvoolcn enes wili corne In for noext wýinter, as nearly ail mine- and ad a great quantity which, have been robbed. And yen an- nounice a CARE-parcel, Oh my dear,-Ged bless your kind heart, -aIse teliing me about your speech and collecting things for that little bab3,-you are won- dertul I think. News from home is net at all pleasant, yen certainiy know how certain people nover wiii agree with the others. Now oven tra- velling between Western andi Eastern Zones is getting a prob- lem. 450,000 parcels are heaped up in Berlin and are net allowed te get dispatched. I saw a gentle- man the other day, he just came from the Austrian frontier, where ho corrld see and speak a fow words te his young wife over the turnpike. The same thing oc- ours with tniends of mine, who may, see their eblîdren that way. Weil mY dear, I arn always say- ing; wve have lest a lot o! things. fortune, furniture, householti things etc. But we are Ftill alive and net soparated, this is a groat plus. I think. Now, déar Norah, many. rnany thanks again, and much love te yen, trom your olti friend. (signed) Carlotta Bavaria Germany American Zone Max- 28. 1948. My very dear frienti: Yenr parcel arrived very quick- ly on the tho 27th o! this month. Yenu cannot imagine how thrilling it w-as for us te opeh it, and how delighted w-e were with the con- tents. Now the second groat jey shah he o tebring the things te my datighter Feechen, who said in ber letter, that she has many sloeploss nights asking herseif what te put en her baby when it arrives in Augnst. Hew pleaseti \'.ili she bc to get this sweet iittle jacket anti the fine warm bianket, and evor se many other useful things for the nursery. We reaily do net know how te express our thanks, and there is reaîiy only one wish. that we couid make up for the kindness e! the givers. New my dean triend, do thank Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmanvile Phone: Office 688 - Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 9'/2 King Street E. Bowmanville -Ontario Phone: Office 825- House 409 MISS APHA 1. HOUYGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 -Dental DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates o! Royal Dental College, and Faculty o! Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday. Closed Sunday. Office Phorie 790 Residerce: Dr. J. C. Devint 325 Dr. W. M. Rudell 2827 DI. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.rn. to 12 noon, Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 - 23-50 Monuments The Butter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port, Hope, Ont. triumph o! $ocialism in our time, saying. net sadly like his hero, but with a !ew colored expletives, that this is net what ho moant. Net anything like it. It is possible that ho would denounco it as the same monster as that against which he led a ertisade, that it hati mereiy discovereti that its loft hanti is ne stronger than its right." ENGLISH JOURNEY Song of the Sirens )r of Walter R. Legge, publilher popular with the smailer child- By Lewis Milligan - ofthe teader-Mail, Gramsby, I ren. The Sirens lured the Greek ad- ri Que., and Past Prenident of the Xhile the first accommodation venturers by their singing. They -e Canadian Wcekly .NewspapersJ was filled the public roomns were lived on a pleasant island and A ASmoOlation.> flot overcrowded, and it was ai- sang so sweetly that ahl who heard if ways possible to find a comfort- them would draw near to listen1 ýn In this series of articles it is able chair, or a table on which to and were wrecked on the rocks.1 ýg my hope to prement an accuirate play cards, if desired. The tour- The Argonauts were saved fromi if picture of conditionn an thry are ist accommodation, we were told themn by the music of Orpheus, Il in England todiay, 10 contrast pre- was much more crowded. and Odysseus escaped by tying - sent conditions wit.h what 1 foundc The "Ascaia'" is listed as stili himself securely to the mast and d when there wîth Canadian editors under austerity conditions but it stopping the cars of his men. a in 1042, and to make themn as is diticult to say just whcre there What was this song of the Sir- -interesting as possible. is any austcrity. Certainly not in ens that hcld such swect and fatal * Thiere are so many conflicting the dining room, where meals are enchantment for the toilors of the . reports of what the English arc as good as in peace-time. sea? Poets in vain have tried to1 -now endutring that this wiLl bc A typical breakfast menu lists recapture it. TcnnYson perhaps an effort. 10 present factual ini- 5 differcnt fruits, 7 breakfast cer- came nearcst to it in The Lotus it formation as 1 find it. cals, grilled frcsh herrings, calves Eatcrs n To begin with, it is difficuilt liver, broiled bacon, cggs in any William Morris. in his pocm, ibut flot impossible to get bookings manner dcsired, cobd meats, 6 The Life and Death of Jason, rep- d to Europe today. There stili is a kinds of bread, waffles, buck- rescnits the Sirens as offcring the ýs serious shortage of ships, but whcat cakes, with maple or gold- weary marinors a life of eomfort, )l Mr. Legge and 1 were fortunate en syrup, preserves, marmalade free from toil, change and fear. 1in being able to get accommoda- and six differont beverages. But this xvas only a vision of k tion on the Ascania lcaving Hali- During the morning hot broth hopoless monotony in the cycs of 4 fax on April 16, and returning is servcd in aIl the public rooms. Orphcus, who say's: "Toil rather, cl fromn Liverpool on June 5th. At noon, a luincheon menu is as suffcr and be froc." The poemn is e Mr. Abbot's dollar saving pro- varied as the breakfast one, and a plea against Utopias. And yeti r gram has not made travelling any about four p.m. tea is served to William Morris lator threw him- - more pleasant. It has stopped the everyono in ail the public rooms. self into the Sociaiist Movemont, à privilege of ailowing friends to The dinner menu is the*best OfI the'objcet of which was a u topian go on board ship to see you off, aIl. Hore is a sample one taken ordor of society, bascd upon the Also once on board, passengers at random: Oysters on haîf shell; thoorios of Karl Marx. ln that are flot allowed to comne off again Hors d'oeuvres; Consomme or movoment, Morris was intimaol rbefore the ship sails. cream soup; Poached filets o! associatcd with the Marxianr- r The boat train arrived at Hali- Turbot; veal and ham cutlets; oiutionist. Hyndman; and with - fax at about 2 p.m. and those Roast sirloin of beef; Haricots that elusivo robol, Bernard Shaw. pasengers, (nearly aIl of them) vert; carrots vichy; boiied, ris- But Morris's Socialism was farý 1who went on board were forced solees or voisen potatoes: roast, removed from that of Kari Marx,j ito stay there, although the ship chicken; strawberry souffle; wine whose works ho had nover rcad. did flot sali until 10.30 p.m. that jelly; vanilla or orange ice cream; Ho vory soon broko with Hynd- Snight. canope anchois, coffee or tea. man, whom he doscribed as a! 1 Although the passenger must There is nothing about such "politician dotormined to push his .declare on a Form H the amount menus to suggest austerity. advantago . . . tg frighton the 1of meney he or she is taking with There is plenty of entertain- powcrs that bc with a turnip 1them, the customs officers insist ment providod. Horse racing. bogie," andwh sought to attain uipon seeing and counting it. This bingo, and othor amusements are a kind of "Bismarckian State So- is one of the ways in which gove- organized each evening, while a cialism." "I cannot stand aIl this," erniment regulations undermine ship's orchestra of five piecos said Morris; "it is flot what I morals by considering everyone plays at regular hours. Deck ton- mean by Socialism cithor in aims as a felon. The passenger's signed nis shuffle-board and other games or means." The truth was thatý statement is not accepted at face are popular, and no one need Morris did not really know what value and is apparently only used1 have a dull moment, ho meant by Socialism. Although as an added charge against thel AIl in aIl, a voyage on the As- ho called himself a "practical So- passenger, if as the government1 cania is just as onjoyable today as cialist," ho was the most unprac- seems te hope, ho has either in- lit wvas before the war. tical of the group, se tar as any 1tentionally or not, made a mis- (To Be Continued) now occonomie theor -Nwas con- take.___________ cerned. In one ot his lettors ho If the oxaming officers are at wrote: "I have ne infallible nos- aIl suspicions, the passenger's Ujnite d Counties trum to cure the evii whoso person and baggage are subjected erowth is centuries old. Educa- to a thorough search. Mclntosh Apples tion on ail sides is aIl that wo We did not go on board at'mslokt.Hew fryop once. but going up to the Nova Best in Canada mst look to." Hcton,\vas flrm1z' Scotia Hotel, had a delightful -- tion, monopolization and robot- visit with the members o! the The question '"which province ism, and ho hated any suggestion1 Nova Scotia' Press Association. grews the best apples" was set- of dictatorship, howex-er benevo- who were gathered in session tled to the satisfaction of Ontario lent. His demands were summed there. With themn also were R. A. growers, Wednesday, June 23, but up as followvs: Giies and W. McCartney, presi- representatives fromn other pro- "Ahl persons educatcd aecording dent and manager o! the C. W. vinces sniffcd at the answcr. to capacity. Manners and brecd- N. A. Resuits of tcsts conductod at ing for ail. Wagcs only for Nvork The "Ascania" although not a the Central Experimental Farm actually done. Abundant wages very fast ship, has many ad- in Ottawa te determine, among for disagrceable and diff icuit vantages, not the least o! which other things, what areas grow work. Individual initiative and is that she is'a very steady ship. the tastiest Mclntosh apples, were originality oncouragod. Work- We were told by pasengzers who described to the Canadian Agri- mon sharo in profits." had travelled on many other ships cultural Institute convention. Born into a -wcaithiy middle that the Ascania does net roll The convention was attonded class familv, Morris nover koow as much as other larger and faster by more than 400 sciontitie ag- want, butlho sincerel.N symrpathiz- ships. Certainiy ive had a very riculturists from evcry province cd with the poor o! London and smooth voyage and very few pas- in Canada. the strîîggle of tho workers of sengers suffercd from sea sick- W. R. Phillips of the Centrai Britain for their logitimato rights. ness. Experîmentai Farm said th-it ro- But ho was, first and iast, a poot The chie! officers, Capt. W. M. peated tests with an impartial and çrtist, and ho hated povorty Stewart. OBE., H. E. Wardrop, taste panel placed McIntosh ap- bocause o! its ugiiness. Ho start- pursor. H. Tweed, chie! steward, pies from Dnrham-Northumber- ed up in business as an inic-rior and others are exceedingly pleas- ]and ceunties "consistently at the decorator; dosigning furnîture, ant and al. can spin exciting top o! the list!" tapestric's, wallpapcrs, staincd- yarns o! their war experiences. Other applo growing districts ef glass xindows, and aiso illumin- Capt. Stewart. who \vas on his Canada foilowed in this order: atcd manuscripts and fancy print- first trip in command of the As- Annapolis Valley, N. S.; Okana- ing. Ho wantcd everybody te cania, having previotisly been gan Valley. B. C.; St. John River enjoy thesc things, and ho bo. Staff Captain on both o! the Valley. N. B.; and St. Lawrence lieved that "frorýn simplicity ot Queens , was for most of the war River Valley, Ont. iife wý,ould risc up tho longinq for in command of a ship sailing up Ontario and Maritime apples k *- î- wrkl would be and down the east coast o! Africa aIse resisted rot betror than those turnod into artists. As ho strove and although he escaned torpedo- f rom British Columbia, tests to stir up pcopie te the ncr st ing. had his share o! excitement show'od. Core flush, a torm of of art and design in lifo, he foundi and difficultiesz. rot common te somne apples. wasý -te quoto bis own ý,ords: Every member o! the Ship)'s reduced, the tarther east the ap- "The causcs of the x'lgarization cemplement soems anxieus te do pIe vas grown. o! civilization lay deopor than 1 everytbing possible for each one- British Columbia delegates had thought, and littie by little I o! the pasengors. te the convention were net tee was drîven te the conclusion that Ships nt present are crowded pleased with the findings. One all those uglinossos are buIt the on everv trip and there were o! the delegates from that pro- outward expression ot the innato ,bout 800 passengers on board. vince statod that overyene knew moral baseness into which wo are There was a very large number British Columbia Mclntesh apples forced by our preont form of o et ebjîdren, but they wero al re- taste best. Ho continued that eut cietv, and that it is fuitile to ea marka'bly good, and there is a West there was ne doubt in the with it from the outside." weli oquipped nursery which is matter. Frem the amnount et Bri- But the Siron song of Socialism tish Columbia apples seld in On- has pro\cd as dlisastroLIs for the those ldnd donors for me please, tarie, it seems te be about t he happiness and liberty et the peo- and roceive ail my thanks foýr tastiost o! the heme-grown varie- pIe who wore attracted hy it as the yeurselftote, and rnueh love from tY. sn fteoiia iespoe your old friond. The resuilts of theso tests should s'ngo the rigmainSres. proveds (signed> Carlotta be capitalized on by apple grow- lite maN, be summed up in the ers in Durham and Nerthumber- wvord ho put 1 nt tho menti-iof ~uIn.eDreloy land ceunitios. Investigations one et his heroos, John B3il: Buines irctr should ho made to see why Bn- Mon an Columbia apples are-__Men ighaandewedthebattie, Progress is being matie in Poland, where experts et FAO are assisting Polish tochnicians. in the local manufacture and use et vaccines to central animai di- seases. Hog choiera, Newcastho woman to be so honoured. Sheetrock - Masonite Asphait Shingles - Roil Roofing TuleBoard - Aluminum Mouldings Sewer Pipe - Weeping Tule . Lime - Hardwall Plaster - Cernent Cedar Grain Asbestos Siding The Sheppard & GUI Lumber Co. Limited, Bowrnanville disease o! chickens, bovine tuber- cuiosis and bruceihosis - which causes tubercuiosis and undulant foyer ameng humans-are among tho diseases for which vaccines are being made, anti other pro- ventativo measures bcing studi&,, RECEIVES MEDAL The work in biology of Mar- garet Nevvton, a former officiai of the Dominion Dcpartment of Ag- riculture Rust Research Labora- tory, Winnipeg, Man., has recent- ly been recognized by the Royal Society of Canada. Miss Newton, nowv retired, was the recipient of ýithe Flavelle medal fromn the So- ciety. Miss Newton is the first LU MBER Il ~1 TRIM - DOORS SASH - FLOORING ROOFING -INSULATION AQUELLA Roil Brick and Insul Brick Siding . PIIONE 715 96 KING ST. E. !fe &,*4JrCfd c4emI SULFORONnX Ultra-Micron Wettable Suiphur SULFORON X is milder tlîan Bordeaux or line sulphîir, casier on foliamg and fruit buds. Its micro-fiqle particle sýze assures more thoroîigh cov crage, greater adhecsion, tester and1 more effective fun. gicidal action. SI,71FORON X is cern- pletely ivcttable, reinalus in suspension and ill IInet clog spray nozzlo. 6-lb. and 50-lb.. )ags. The Conadian hotel keeper ls making hospitality an art. Entertain- ment and comfort he extends with equal grace ta the traveller or ta the permanent guest. His trained staff ore yours ta commdndl for service club meetings, conventions, or your annual family dinner. For his contributions ta good tast., the Canadian hotel keeper is a moulder of "Canada Unlimited". BREWING COMPANY LIMITED THJURSDAY, JULY lst, 1948 %-. WHAT'S A PICNIC WITHOUT A COKE? -t 4- oftTARios 1,762 HontLs PLAY A /LARrl N ENTEZr&ININdê 0NUAR10S 1,000,000 MERIeAH TOURJSTS ANNULY ONlARJOMW4O AND MOLtOAV RESORTS IiUCP1D CASE CANACWS AMERICAN DOLLAR IeltmBy 1146000»0 M SYEAR IN WMUSA4NUALUI THE CANADIAN« STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO - FAO IIELPS POLAND wvwtw TRURSDAY, JULYIst, 1948 . Beaver Board Ten-Test