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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jul 1948, p. 10

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P A G T ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T îM C A N A D IA N TA TE SM , EO W M A N V ILL E , O N TA IU O D A Y . îrn v ¶. t 10 The Dutch governiment has talc- The British goverrnen en over the late ex-Kaiser Wil- asked Canada's participatioi liam's palace at Doorn, in which food growing plan to CopE he found sanctuaj-y when he fled a threatened world food sh Germany 30 years ago. within the next 10 years. aEATRE -BOWMANVILILE SIATURDAY CONTINUOUS performance - 6:30 p.m. fo 12 MATINEE! Thursday, JuIy 1sf, 2 p.m. ##GOLDEN EARRINGS"' *SATURDAY, JULY 24- HRO fOgRS - IRIGG[R . ADDED J J a o! B d H n 1 T e t d a a o i i NON. - TUES. - WED. . JULY 5-6-7 BUD Add trcto o ' ABBOTT de trcinCSTELLC ""LOST IN A HAREM"' MOVIETONE NEWS Thank Yc Bowmanville Branch No, 178 of the would like to thank the general pui helpers for their generous support( Carnival, Friday and Saturday, lune. ing to raise money for our building. BOWMANVLLE BRANÇH NO. CANADIAN LEGIOI I mmýý A FINISH FOR EVERY SURFACE - INSIDE AND OUTSIDE - for sale by -L8 Fe Ce CRGWE UELGIN STREET flfIWlU5 A ~.TWW w - - .s'r .V .VflA*~fl4L,. Oshzawa, Phono 116 9 Myopia or near-sighted cases should receive prompt attention. Ail childi-en should be examinedI yearly whether they are wearing glasses or not. The eyes o! the child are formative, developing, and therefore are censtantly changing. There are a number of casesî bordering on the serious. These! borderline cases may require a, general building up o! the person, are perhaps more phYsical than just a serious eye condition. Ser- loua eyestrain mnay on the -other hand when the proper correction is made to the eyes, disappear, and with it the apparent physica.1 disconmfort. Nerve cases, Chorea, St. Vitus Dance have been knewn te be benefitted by the proper glasses and the proper follow-up (Copyri hted I .1. .. I . j ..., j. . ...........................' i~ . Hol Waler Heating Repairs Agent for 011--Magie 011 Burners lnstalied ln Any Type of Furnace Jack Drough Phone 2384 3 King St.W. FaIrbaven-In 011 Tollet Tisne R SARDINES tin 8c CASHMERE 3pkgs.301 A Ontario Grewn New Cabbage IL 7c 0:tIô<efi6 Ontario, Snow White ea. Local Gro-wn. Avalable ln bulk Ni Caulflowr l9-25cor by the basketc Nalfo. i B Sîze NEW Fresh Green Peas C y'-S-NO. 1B Siz NEW B.C. Extra Fancy Wlnesap 130's L Potaloes - 5 lb. 27c Apples - - 6 for 30c fi Values Efeet closlng Sai 4uly à it bas and other relatives. )n in a Mr. and Mrs. Fred Froste, Tan ýe with worth, with Mr. and Mrs. C.1 ior :Ih e Orono News rse Mr.andMrs Mat arn t Sid Hughes. Young People's Union of Park the children who are hoping to Keith and Dick Gj.bb, Dunbai St. Church held its annual picnic have a return visit from hirn. Mrs. ton, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gri at the Park in conjunction wlth W. E. Armstrong showed very in- ham. the Y.P.U. of Port Hope United teresting filins of the Brownies' Miss Betty Linton, Toront Church on Wednesday. picnie at the Park and the Scout with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Linton, Miss Catharine McKay left last Camp at Cold Springs Camp Mr. Murray Paterson, Tanr week for North Battieford, Sas- Grounds. worth, with Mr. and Mrs. J.1 katchewan, where she will reside At the morning service at Park Paterson. with her sister, Mrs. Bell. St. Church James Richard, baby Miss Estella Penfound, with Mi Malcolm McKenzie entertained son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dun- and Mrs. Clarence Penfound, c a number of his littie friends at can, was baptized by Rev. A. E. Courtice. a birthday party. Eustace. Miss Hazel Barrie, Oshawî Mrs. C. L. Powers, Toronto, and Mrs. C. Wood and Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lycett. andMr. Cev ClmececfR. E. Logan visited Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Txull an, Mr. anu mbs lvCer fOooMnic M.ars og atndd De-Mand Mers. Fredy Trintn. Oshawa, were in town. Neil Wood, Lakefield, on Sunday. Mr.aughter Nacy, ington, wi Lodge attended the Installation of coration Day service at Little agt Mrs. Cecilm, orsh,.hh dayceveningPorwhe a fome riO- Lake Cemetery, Peterboro. Mrs. W. J. Lycett with rela day venng hen fomerOr- Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Tyrl-ell and tives in Millbrook. ono boy, Roy Cornish, who has famnily camped last week near Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fralici been principal o! Port Perry Pub- Lakefield. Jim Patterson, BOw- Prince Albert, *ith Miss Matie * lic School, was installed as mas- manville, had charge of the drug Davy., ter. store. Mrs. E. Storie with relatives ii Mrs. C. Warman and two daugh- Jack Penfound, Oshawa, !S Tyrone. ters, Winnipeg, who have spent spending the summer at Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Eady anc the last six weeks with her sister, Mrs. M. H. Staples'. Miss Jean Buchanan, Graven Mrs. A. E. Eustace and family at Park St. Church Woman's As- hurst, with Mr. and Mrs. A. A the parsonage returned homne by sociation catered for a picnic sup- Drummond. plane from Malton Airport. per at the Park last week when Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith ané At the closing meeting o! the Oshawa Collegiate Teachers and two children who have recent1: season, Heather Rebekah Lodge their familles held their annual corne from Jamaica, have ar held election of officers. Rebekah picnic. apartiment with Mr. and Mrs. Sib Degree was canferred on seven Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hamm. of Hughes on the Forestry farm. * new members. Sister Hattie Wil- Fort Francis, arrived on Frid*ay Misses Grace Hudson and JOYCE son, Junior Past Grand, gave a evenng to spend the ho)lidays Tennant, Toronto. are spending 3 concise and enlightening report with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hamm their vacation at their homes. 3 of the activities of Grand Lodge and other relatives. and the Rehekah Asse rbly held Police Constable Pollard who at St. Catharines. Thirty-six mem- has resided in Bowmanville for H Y O *~bers of May Belle Rebekah Lodge,serlyasismvntiswe ~: Port Perry, were guests o! Hea- to the house owned by the Dur- Cnrtltost odnSe S ther Lodge. a amrC-patv an Mr. and Mrs. O. Fagan and Mie- ham armoce Co-opecivl an onrtuaios oGodn formel cuidb ei ok mon on receiving bis Degree af hael have moved ta their new wood's. Master of Applied Science. home in Tilbury.MrRnlPatsoTrto Margot Rankine has gone ta At the closing meeting of Orono has been spending his vacation inToot to ped he oiay Brownie Pack, held in Park St. Orono. with ber mother. Church school raom, the splendid Senior Mission Band of Park Mr. Stuart Hoaey and Mr. Clar- work of Brown Owl Mrs. F. Ly- , Cuc el t îsîgme-ence Woodley called on Mr. Rich- cett was demonstrated by the ing on Friday evening with their ard Hoskin and presented hirn verv interesting program put on mothers and other friends as the-r with a new Philco radio for his bv the Brownies. Seven Brown- uss'is dt hewn\hj birthday on hehaîf of Long Sault les spelled out the word 'Wel- get. Ms dihIewi h and Haydan cammunities and Ty- corne" in semaphore code. Ser- traîned the gilsand well dur vicestar fo theyea~s wrk ng the year played for the hvrnns rn rinsadjtes fortheyea's orkand two charuses by the mnem Don't forget aur tea and con- were awarded to Ann Best, Dor- bers. Joanne Cornish, the presi- Icr nJl .Cm n na een White, Jean Williams, Mary dent, conducted the business, El- a splendid tea and grand concert. Anin Armstrong, Joyce Jones, eanor Robinson the worship 'ser- For further particulars see Coin- Marilyn Lockwaod, Gai] Cooper, vice and the different members1 ing Events. Dareen Alldred, Joyce Bostock, each took part in the story of Mr. and Mirs. W. Brawnlee, MWr. Glanna Pasey, Berice LunnsD- Hw we got aur Bible." The Ross and Miss Marie Asjiton, Lea- annePhaeyBernce unnandgirls served very dainty refresh- side. Mr. and Mrs. J. Aikenhead, Madeline Cowan. Gomen ets from a daintily decorated Toronta, Rev. H. F. Yardley and were presented by District Girl table wbere Mrs. V. R obinson Ruth Ann, Caurtice, Mr. and Mrs. Guide Commissianer Mrs. A. paured tea. A profusion of flow- S tuart Marton. Maple Grave, Mrs. Frank, Bawmanville, to Bernice ers beuiul ragdtraugh..CeclCosaBwavle Lunn and Madeline Cowan. Two atMerti.l rangddh ci rs. se l Bamnle otthe sehool room r an Ms.Husel Orison girls who have completed ail the ly ta the enjyeto Joe and Garth McGill, Enniskill- Brownie wark, received Golden . jy-noftev- en, at Lloyd Ashtan'S. Hands, they were Mary Ann Arm- Oroo Lodge, A.F. and A.M., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thampsan strong and Marie Lewis, who are with a number o! visiting breth- and family, Bowmanville, Mr. and ta be highly congratulated on ren fram neighboring lodges at- Mrs. Frank Osmond and family, their achievement. Brown Owl tended divine service at Park St. Newcastle, at Mrs. W. Thomp- Mrs. Lycett gave special prizes o! Church an Sunday evening. Rev. son's. bminitpures ta nn Beost, oycan A. E. Eustace gave a splendid dis- Mrs. Aylmer Beech in Toranta. bel pusesto nn est Jocecourse, Bro. W. E. C. Warkmar Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn and Jones, Daree'n Alldred and Marie presided at the argan and several family, Miss Bessie Blackburn, of Lewis wha had attended every Masois made up the Chair. Bras. Salem, Mr. Elwyn Dickie, Nes- one of the 37 meetings during the Owen Nicholas and Mel Dale, oý itietan, at Mr. W. Blackburn's. year. A similar award was pre- Bawmanx-ille, sang a very much Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martyn, of sented to Mary Ann Armstrong appreciated duet. W. Bra. - J Bowmanville. Katie Olesen, Mr. who had missed anly one meeting Sher win, Master of the'Loage, C. Averyr at Mr. Wm. Trewin's. in tnree years. ivicîners of the read the lesson and W. Bro al Mi-. and Mrs. Adam Sharp, En- Locl Asocatin nd arets t-Billings, Chaplain, gave the pray- niskillen, Mr. Stuart Haoey, Long ) tended t.he meeting and were very er. Sault, Mr. Harold Wilsan, Osh- proud of the work of the girls and Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. awa, at Mr. Frank Denby's. their leader. They also enjayed Fe .Bry omryVlaE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gay and! a wonderful talk on birds by Mr. Martin who were married at the family, Oshawa, Mis Shirley Gar- Allex Kay af Peterboro who is an parsonage, Courtice, by Rev. F. rard, Toronto, at Mr. C. Garrard's. instructor in the preservation o! Yardleya n Saturday. Mr. and *Miss Meta Degeer, Bawman- Wil Lie ad aso ameWarenMrs,. Han- Berry and family and ville. Mr. and Mî-s. John Janes of th is district. He madf> the Mr. and Mî's. W. J. Martyn at- and family at Mrs. Eanl Degeer's. study of birds mst interesting ta ed tercpin Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm and Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper have M noeen, Gwen Davey, Tyrone, at I returned from a pleasant holidayMr. Rov Graham's. aDenHdo'sLadge aMr. and1 (Mrs. Les Taylor and Lake. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Haop- frA shlýýBtonMd.familda Mr. er, Peterboro, have been enjayingA.r ed 's.o n fml a r a vacation in Orono.AReds Orono Cemetery was beautiful Mr. A. McGregor, Mr. W. Car- ly decorated an Sunday for the rthers, Bowmanville, Mr. and Decoration Day service held i Mrs. Bert Ashton and fa mily, To- the afternoon. Mr. H. E. Soucin, ronto, at Mr. H. Ashton'S. chairman o! the Cemetery Boana, Mr. and Mrs. A. His, Tyrone, conducted the service. Rev. A. E. Mir. Jim Nokes. Miss Jean Cross- Eusacerea th lesonledinman, Bowmanville, Miss Kay Mc- Eusacerea th lesonledinDonald, Tyrane, at Mn. Leslie prayer and Rev. D. Dewdney gave Graham's. the address. He made special M.adMs .S onjy mention of the trustees and care- Hmr.tond Mrs. S. Mo, untjoy, takers who keep the grounds in in H .and Ms C . lSuener such goad condition and of the Mad r. andthr Mr. WD onl î1 beautiful flawers that had been liams, Bowmanville, at Mr. Cecil M Iplaced on the graves in loving Slemon's. Smemary a! those who had passed Miss Mabel Silîs, Mr. Fred Ross, a n. The Masonie, floral emblem Trno t MrDo Cameron's. Canadian Legion ~ ~~ just inside the gates, in m!emnoiy Mr.HrBadebsrtun Trti- n buidn th em0d1oe2fer s en i g e Grad- u -to < Lio TTTnr,4,.0 d Mn. and Mrs. Francis Hall, Tor- Taylor 75%, Eldon Cresswell 75 y anto, with Mrs. W. T. Worden. n Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Virtuean Grade I te Grade Il- Betty d John, Mi-. and Mrs. Neil Yellow- Phi]lips 82%, John Moore 82%, (. lees, Carole and Donna, with Mr Joan Davey 79%, Grace Gibbs, e and Mrs. H. Wonnacott, Dixie.. 76%. 9 Mn. and Mrs. Walter Rahm at- tended the Fice-Rahm wedding n B A Saturday afternoon in Enniskil- B A L T len United Church.____ Mn. and Mrs. L. Williamson, SCHOOL NEWS Pontypool, Mn. J. Hatherly and June report a! Bradley's (S.S. childi-en, Newtonville, with Mr. No. 14, Darlintgon): and M'ns. R. Hatherly on Sunday. GaeVI esBby Mn. and Mrs. Dave Alldread and Leask, Marilyn; Smith, 'Lloyd.- Mary.,'Bowmanville, Mn. and Mrs. Grade VI - Cryderman, Olive; Ewant Petens and John. Ottawa, Vice, Donna. swith Mi-. and Mns. George A11- Grade V-Leask, Donald. ~ ei.omye dread.. Grade IV-Crydenman, Keîth; ohrieyumà e Mns. (Dr.) T. PhiIp, Picton. vis- Gnaham, Kathleen. NOTIING or aWRONG NUMBER ited Mns. H. Philp and Miss Jean Grade III-Bal, Billie. philp. Grade I-Ball, Donna; Bowman, .POi~ 3Congratulations ta Mn. and Mns. Bruce; Knox, Helen; Maver, Ray- ~A tAnthun Hamiltan on the birth of a mond; Recalla, Jean; Recalla, H ELTLPHONE COMPANI littie son.T E L EE We op fa Bi- Strea seeyRaymond: Recalla, Ronald; Wood- O F CANADA We hpe fr Brt Sirea spedyru!! D orothy. recaverv having had an attack of Names are in alphabetical ord- pneumnonia. Mission B3" ý - -nic bas been pastponed ta July 8. Mr ndMs,1iýryHatherly, A Delicious Cool Drink Lai-ny, Wayne and Shirlie Ann, D ixie. sr,n t. the w eek en d w ithD i e io s M k e e a e c ly s u s l . . . W h e M. a nd Mrs. R. Hathely. Dstiho ogossea eaty s ucfi...ed w Mrs. L. Vitue visitcad her tlho pour I 'glsesflidwth cracked daughter, Mrs. Arthur Spicer, of, . . Add sugar and lemnon to taiste.* Bo wman vi ' le. Mr. and Mns. Thea Down, Billie and Carokyn, Lakefield, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Virtue and Mi-. and Mrs. L. Moone, Billie, i-emaining for a holiday. Miss Mary Arnold, Toronto, with Mrs. Mina Hugbson. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Philp, Ronnie and Marilyn. Miss Jean Philp with Mr. and Mrs. William Goodfellow, Codringtan. Mi-. and Mrs. 0. Beckett left T U Aà Friday fan a trip ta the west ta H. o! Irs. r- ra- to, A- Ir. ,a, nd dt l'do jjjjk e," Torsey jarana-Sweetened BLENDED JUICE 2 20 Oz. oufR Itiz-Dellclouu AÀLAD )RESSING «z.439 farvest-Fancy APPLE SAUCE 20 Oz. IO ap Powder I UI1X .. Ige. pkg. 27c :njoy Its Tender Goe'dues Brown or Whllt,, ICHMELLO BREAD Ln Economical Famdl Loat ooklng Inions - 2 Ibs. 25c ew Green Size 55's ýeery - bunch 15c Dcal grown, arrlvlng dally. Sirawberries fghest quality, local prices. 'J D EFESIf DAILY-StuARtED RICHMELLO DONUTS doz. 20c DOMINION PEANUT BUTTER '%a'351 ENGLISH QUALITY-BLACK 8 OZ. PKG. 43o DOMINO TEA a. .lb. 85c IRRESISTIBLE FLAVOUR..-FRESHLY GROUND RICHMELLO COIFFIE lb. 51 RED GLO CHOICE TOMATO JUICE TinZlic BOSTON STYLE-WlTH PORK AYLMER BEANIS 2Tm 23c VARIETY 0F FLAVOURS-DALTONS onte, at Mr-. Jas. Hanna 's. (Inter4ded for last week) Mrs. W. Thompson has the hy- dre in her home. Leslie Graham and Peter Jeg- erîngs have the phone installed. Ina Beryl Read entertained a few little girls on ber birthday. Mi-. and Mrs. Don Cameron at- tended the christening o! her niece, Margaret Anne Marie, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Downey, Bowmanville. Mr-. and Mrs. John Brown. Or- ana, Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Millson, Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. James Brown and family, Newcastle, Mr-. Ray- mond Petit, Toronta, at Mi-. Lloyd Ashtan's. Mr. Wm. Vu-tue, Tyrone, Mi-. and Mrs. W. Cochrane and Reed, Kirby, at Mr. Wm. Trewin's. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Denby, Mill- iken, Mr. and Mrs. C. Maynard and family, Unionville, at Mr. Frank Denby's. Mr. and Mrs. Van Byke and son, Long Sault, at Mr. P. A. Jeger- ings'. Laurel and Hardy Short Cartoon in Technicolor Short: Around the World in Californii quw jOR yul Ive lUntulV ' l [W tarday, i v *' ILkI h PAGE TM visit relatives. Mr-. and Mn. Russell Awde, Mr-. and Mrs. Melville Awde, Mr. Robt. Awde, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright and Mrs. E. Wight. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Pedlar, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Mr. T. White attended the fun- eral o! bis brother, Mr. G. White at Port Hope last Wednesday. Mr-. and Mrs. W. Rahm and Dor- een and Gwen Davey with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham, Haydon. Several from here attended an- niversary services at Haydon and HIampton on Sunday. June promotions at Tyrone School: Entrance Class-Clifford Byam, Louis Phillips, Ronald Philp, Vel- ma Taylor, Doreen Rahm, Grace Hayward, Larmer Rosevear. Fi-rn Grade V ta VI-Arlene Rosevear 88%, Marilyn Philp 76; %, Grenville Byam 76%. From Grade IV ta Grade V- Jacqueline Rosevear 86%, Carole Phillips 77%, June Taylor 75%, George Gibbis 70%, Graydon! Cresswell 69%, Ralph Davey 67 '7, Douglas Jones 59%, recom- er. The grade listed la the on. fi-rn which promotion has been made. Best wishes for a happy holiday to ail my pupils. Con- gratulations on yeur promotion. to the next grade. Your teacher, Eileen E. Farrow. The training of childi-en Isa profession, where we must know how ta lose time in order ta gailt it.-Rousseau. deore you dial LISTEN for the -(r DIAL TOME m id ly in id ýe tg 1 . . ',.'i , - i. . ý'à , , é.. TYRONE ý il (),

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