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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jul 1948, p. 11

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ib MRDAY, JtTLY lst, 1948 THE CANAD-TAN STATrESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTo PAGE ELVEN PAY CASHAND SAVE-MINIMtJM COST 35c PER AD 12,000 READERS BIRTNS DEATKS Articles For Sale ý1AUTTÇ ON S'A LE BENNETT-Mr. and Mrs. H. S. FERGUSON-I.*n Biackstock on RADIO. Sparton, small size, prac- J. i.) Ld a Benntt re app toannounce June 24, 1948. William Charles tically new. Phone 2734. 27-i*HOEFR e_____f__________ mbbyFrgso, ubad f h ltei . CANADJAN SHOME FARMj m faElaine, at Bowmanville Kezia Beacock, in his 86th year. TEN acres of mixed hay. H. B.13J1aV1 J' 1 mles forth of Ennisklllen i on Monday, June 28th, b ferment Union cemetery, Cad- Evans. Phone 2255. 27-1 ades 1948. 27-1 mus. an is _____ LADY'S English bicycle. slightlv fl ffe frsaeo JONE--M. an Mr. HaveyGOODALL-On June 27, 1948, used, S43 cash. Phone 2886. 27-1* IiT usaJl ,14 Jares nepy Chritinone Athe ad) Gae eenGodîl elvd * wife of John Goodall, in her 80th 1CEDAR rails, ten cents each. I U a s if e dj1the properfy of1 areahappy ter Vannounc edearrivai I-ear. Funeral from the Morris Charles Stire. Phone L'122. 25-3* dOMnil optlo a),at Funeral CaeItretBw E. A. Werry & Sons BowmanviîîemeHospitONEon Satur-yI ____ 2-1 cmeer. ~ n26-2At. * .' A d v e rt is.i f g R ate s 1urh sý,erolsanti Heforsan Jon IN MEMORIAM befurhmees and trhqaityr, ili Holmes, Newcastle, wish to an- EGRI lvn em faM-H. feam corn ctltivator, good EFFECTIVE JANUARY 23, 1948 . eil in d number ual i byer.i nounce the birth of a son. DonaldEdEr fter inlviagmEer, o acondition, S20% Chas. M. Carrtfh-10 ead ofnchoe oîsteins, hef- William. on Tuesday. June 22,1 ers. Phone 2250. 27-2 10rs, def in Augustnti See- 194, t owanile ospital, passed away June 27, 1928. ----__ _________ A27et-h1ht ascrt1aMCCORMICK mower, 5 ft.; hay ber; 5 head of Durham and Here- 21Keeps his memory ever iiear; rake, 10 ft., McCormick-Deering. BIRTHS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, ford springers and cows. We will TUNE-M. n Ms.*AthrTimes takes away the edge of Phone 1523 Clarke. 2- AD FTAK -$ oprIsrintcy to have a numiber of pigs and TUNRM.adMs rhr grief,i calves on hand. Two sows about Turner (nee Irene Jones), 28 Alb- But memory turns back every ALL-iron hay rake. Phone 2365.tomnh;Itemo ace ermarle Ave., Toronto, are happy leaf."s;1temofmtce to an o u ce th a ri ai of th ir - E e r e e b re y t e fa i y . r i . R R. 5 o m n i l .IN 3 ME M O R IA 3 MS - S1-00 P lu s 10e a ln e for v erses p er i ns in co lts, 3 --ear-o ld s : 1 sad d e h o rse, dauhte, (udih Elen atTor 271 2-1NOTICES,('OMING EVENTS, ARTICLES FOR SALE, 1 neiv Goodison Thresher. 28-46 ont Est enra Hopial n -ABOUT 70) lngs 50 hemlock, bal- with strawv cutter and high grain Mondv, Une28,194. Bth o-LIWEEn IvOn KeoFOof yS1LE, FOR RENT, WANTED, ETC. î elevator, just threshed 100 ce on davl. Ji ne 28-148 B th d RO W e -Ibn dlov i m m Cr at-f em , ance m aple andi dm . R . A . S udds, I0f capcnr147 ing wll. 2-1 oer ho sbd iam CJn hesphone 285.5. 2-i Cash Rate: 2e a word <min. 35c). NMust be paid hefore insertion. Row, wo pssei aay un 8th --if (hargeti: 3c a word (min .50c). Add 25e extra for box This being a holiday this sale will WADE--Peggy andi Jack Wade 1946. KITCI-EN suite, table, 4 chairs. numbers or replies directed to this office, commence sharp at 1:30, so you1 ar hpp t anonc te iifh"Toda.' recalîs sad memories cabinet, porcelain top, pale green miay go fo an anniveî-sary supper of a son, Douglas Symons, on 0f a dear one gone to rcst. shae hne29v27ii oit\iSh. June 28th, 1948, in Bowmanville Anti the one who thinks of hirn :(-Atditional Insertions at Saine Rates) Byyu atefo Vry' n Hospital. 27-1 todayu orctl fo er' n Is the one who lovet i hm hest." FARMndi gon. 40stqeelwheSixoo get the kînd you Nvant. We ~~l conditio. $40. nquiredater six ALI, CLASSWFIED ADS MNUST BE IN NOT LATER deliver these cattie te, Your ranch -Lvigv emmerd ybi j N. Dubvk., R.R. 1, Enniskilien. TIX ONWDEDY ah tmso oe or farm. Lost wife. May. 27-1 Phone 2068. 27-I IA ONWDEDY ah tmso oe _______ ____ ith order to get îov rate. These catle are young and can't i CEDAR stcip boat, 16 foot long, STARK--In lo0ing119 e O of FIFTEEN hivoes of bees with ad- lhaepbtb grass.rsifyo pantt wit nsti nt ofwihour dear mother, Ida Elîza White ditional boxes anti trames. Mur- aetegs. orange paint below the watorîino. Stark, who passed awav July lst,'ra-PyiR.3,NwsteCLPTIOU FR AD RE RNE Fidrpeaecnac he o 95 ryPy~e ..3 Nwate. ICI TI U FRHNYjEEEC Sale to commence at 1:30 (D.S.T.) Iidrpes otatCifo 95 27-1 Allen Werry, Cieck; Ted Jack- Police Sidney Venton. 27-1 --Evec cemenioered bv Gwen- !________________________________ oacine.2- dolyn. Laureyne, James. Mal-s -TWENTX'-EIVE acres of standing son_______r. 7- TAN bilifold, containing a small and John. 27-1 lha.y. Also quantify of barnivardAutonSae amount of money and persona] pa- _________________ nanure. James Stone, Lots 3'and LvsokFrSl uto ae pers. Please ceturn fo W. E. Riti4,Co.-,Clrk._7__noico___ifr dolis. Box 120, Bowmanyiîle.. ENGAGEMENT 4.Cn1,Clre 7l TEN pigs, six weeks old. Ailltur Teudrindhsrci 27-1* SEED biickwheaf: apple picking Reynolds, phone 2181. 27-V1ntutos osl ypuleac _____________________ Mc. and Mrs. R.C. Rogers wish 1 atiirs: hardwood barrols. Hecb - IN THE ESTATE 0F Thomas tion for Eti. Strong, Lot 20, Con. Fouild to announce the engagement of Rundie, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. COW, foui, 'years nid, just rcncw- 'George Maxwell Stapleton, late of 5, Cartwright Twp., (haîf mile Fudtheir daughter, Muriel Louise. f0 Phone 2623. eti. P. Finey, Maple Grave, phono the Village of Newcastle, in the easf of Cadmus) on Friday, Jui1 HEFE, tryei a hefam f'Arthur John Smith, son ni' Mr. I21 2309. -1 CoLinity of Durham, Retireti Farm- 2 at 1 p.m., all his farm stock antià andMrs N.N. mit, owmn- ~UC cae, outet onFor A ___________________ er, deceaseti, who dieti on t he 4th in'plements. Terms cash. Ted Her PhilisLowr Bse in.vile Th marciage will taketîukhacketeier tftoh BLACK gelding; bav marc, four day o f June, 1948, intestate. Jackson, auctioneer. 26-2 C Owner may have same by prov- place. Saturtiay, July 24, at 2 p.m. pow'er lft cîîltiv~ator Mrc ~ars nId; aiso 200 posts. Applv, THE TRUSTEE ACT R.S.O., 1937,5 in roperty and paying exesq at St. John's Chucch. 27-1 Paye N-atl ÈR . 27' . R. Knowlton. Enniskiilen. 27-.1 Ch. 165. Sec. 51. AUCTION SALE 0F HAY 27~1*a~uo New astl R.R 3. 7-ix C reditors an ti others having 1 have been authorize ti to se 111 I NRTN mtocyce,'47 ati 42TEN yugpgsxwceks nid. dlaims against the above Estate y public auction for Bey. Jaynes, 9 CARDS 0F TI-ANK S NOTNmtr.,l '7an'4 Geo. Skelding, R.R. 3, Newcastle. are requireti to senti pacticulars lot 14, Broken Front, Clarke, onj __________________________ Norton 500 c.c. 1928 Buick, cuns Phono Clarke 1930. 27.1* anti full proof thereof f0 the un- Fia vnnJl :0I Mcs. Jack Knight wishes f0ncl. hn saw 8J2 dersigneti on or before the r a 7 ce fstnighycnit thn alths woheptif rC-csFo al iAtîigust,of1948.affoaer whiichedate ,ing of ced clover, alfaîfa anti tim ry jmake the euchres anti traw for thCases f heEsat wFihodi- th t b Idth the memorial arona funti a suc- I HAVE sfrawberries at 20e per 1fributeti having regard fa cîaims ' g emsO c suae acre-30 cs, with speciai fhanks fa Mrs. qt., picked, or if you pick fhem. BRAY starfeti puilets. Starteti that have thon been receiveti. Noeim.E erWîrac mile ahe d W th G W. ee.27-1 15cS. Lot 33, Con. 7, Clarke A.age non-sexcd. Ocrclav'old,& Thceie Dateti at Bowmanville, Ont., tioneer. 26-2 rNeil-en. Phono I r 2, Orono. 27-1 are readY markets toi- what thev.1 h 0hdvo ue 98 The fam ly of t e late vtret301hdudayatof.Jet ne.m r1948. i h aîyo h aeTIN shingles, 350, size 15"x20", in ist from agent, F. L. Byam, Tyr- LWEC .MSN h nesge arcie M. ay lais and frinktio gond condition, will soîl roason-on.2- Barrister, etc., 30 King W. instructions from the executor of tebutflfoesatacs abiy. H. Moore, 9 Ch urch St., ________________ Bowvmanville, oiio the estate of the late Mrs. Arthur the eauifu flwer an 1 ct-ot hon 238. 7-1foc the Atiministratrix . Dewtiney, fo soul at hec lafe res- kindness anti cards of sympathyPhn268271FrR t 27-3 idence, 59 Division St., Bowman- in th e r su d n n i sa 2be e - N E W electric ran g e, ap ar fm en t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ v ille, a l of h e c h ou seh o iti effects, mn.21*size, 4-element. automatic aven NEW 5 cubic font cement mixer, N tc oCe os including antique dining suite, L 30f. Noic#tnCedtosspi"Technacaintpinodsto. The Ladies' Auxiîiacv to the control oniy $139.50. "h ai by hour or Cday, J. C. Wilton,30sidecnaabetpaoe-w JPcc aainLgo ihst hn hop." Phone 573. 27-I Torontb Rd., Port Hope. 24.8* AND OTHERS tees, walnut couch, two oak bei- SE %les L, al those who helpect make their TArcoringoirpi.Apoatdt en AENTC ha iresn nschis, kithnalecaiet, G home-cooking boothgoadsuccass.anti rockers, manv otitiwalnut tables rfr ealso , ta N orth cu tt an ti S m ith for npl J f am tE. nD e ne, ha fm ile s .h a_______a ns h E t t ce b x cr e s m d c n c b n ;/utheir ooeain 27-1cat COTTAGE at Boxymanville Beach 0f Edmunti Stevens Senkier who ets. cook stove, two marble docks, Li pe 7-1fist \v weksAugust. Phone dieti on or about the 2nti day ot hall rack, music cabinet, vases anti TT Mrs. Charles'Finley, Beaver St., BARN, 20'x26', steel roof on one 446. 27-1' Mai-ch, 1948, are requiredti o for- jardinieces, curtains and draper- thaewas t ishd oep epresatiber sîde. This building is in excellent-_ ____ ward details of the same, together les, follet sets, rugs, what-not. d thnk ad ee ppecatont with due proof thoroof unto the Manv valuable antique pieces anti y hec manv frientis anti neighboî's1 condition. sittuated 3 miles oasf of Xanted To Buy nesindEcuoon rb-alrgqattyfchcedhs 1for the thoughtful acts of kint-i- McCrees, Church. Apply 286 Jar. fore theo.t a fJl,14,adgasae anmwrad I ness, gifts of flowers, fruit, carcis, vis ýt., Oshawva. 27-2* HIGHEST lîrices paiti for scrap If a fJl,14,at iswr.Lw oe nir3 ItU h'N~LUietc. enttabe tii-ng oi sty ORDcoch 194,gooi ire atibatteries. Jamieson Tire Shop. affer which date fhe Exectîtor will many valuable articles ton num- la etc. set toherdurig hr st.ý ORD oac, 194, ooKinge an tiig n Silver Sts. 14-tf proceedti f distribute the estate faocous to mention. Sale at 1 p.m. t W' TV 1Jin Oshawa Generai Hospifal andI hody. Roasonable for cash, con- the parties entifleti thereto having sharp, Safurday, Jiily 10, 1948,.O also since hec retucn home. 27-1 siler brade for older model. Earl BEFORE selling your live pnultry regard only f0 such dlaims of Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer; T. Sm Stephenson, Mapie Grave; nocfh try use. Our prices are higher. M. Vdhich ho shall thon have notice. Mountjoy, ck.l- 27-2- Enl our Stock Room we have many Personal of Shoîl Station. 27-14- Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phono 7 r DATED at Toronto, SECONDS and USED 1-----__ 13, reverse charges. 17-ff this 101h day nf June, 1948.Cutm W r lieswih hosadsofmies H Y G I E N I C supplies (rubbor TRADE-IN mantel radios $15 anti _J.___KERR____________ ________________ édrs it thusnd ofmies goocis) mailoti postpaiti in plain up: comnbination Victor-radio, sac- bv lus Solicitors, PLOWING anti cultivating. Also ofsafe drlving left. sealeti envelope with price Iist. ciice, q59.50. Beatty lectrie wa- l-elp Wanted NýEWMAN & NEWMAN, John Deere repaic wock anti Si ape 5;14smlssn.* sher, reconditionei,_ $29.,90; rang- ___ _- 18 Toronto St,, Toronto. 25-3 prs .S lepoe54 G. F. JAMIESON Maif Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- eite, $29.50; electrie range (Hot- FULR rshCmaynes-.pt.F.SAlnho 94 be CoBx9,HmloOt point) $7,5; 5-pounti ice box $15. oeat appearîng manti o heîp han- 19-tf TIRE DEP T Ca, 9, Hailtn, 7ý91 Murphy's phone 811. Bowmari- tue local business. Speciai pay toNoie TIE D PO vle 2.*start, stoady'v ork. Write Box 7,9. Notices COMING EVENTS TORTURED by constipation? Try,- Statesman Office. 2,5-31 Cor. King and Silver Sts. proven Fruit-a-Tives, famous ber-_ OSI-AWA'S new furnifîire store- __ -- Lockers for rent at Slemon's Dance at Tyrone Hall, Saturdav, Bowmanville - Phone 467 bai medicine useti successfullv for Everything in modern chester- WANTED-Capable assistant for 1 Colti Storage, Eninskillen. 27-1 * Tuly 3. Ruth Wilson's Vaciety 45 years. Brings relief qiîickly fieId. bedroom anti dining roam kitchen of srrall stîmmer ri-t -Bandi. Admission 50c. Dancing' -tonies up liver-keeps bowels suites, anti studios. Bedding anti in Muskoka. Excellent wages anti Paimer's Barber Shop will ho from 9 ta 12. 26-2* ,itAilY TRE EADUARE - active-restaces gooti heait - flooîr coverings a specialt.v. Quai- living quarters assîtreci. Appl «cose Insr hrlolidays from July 5 f0 liable. 27.1ir t merchlandiso at competitiveT .1lugro7 uria o , inclusive. 26-2* Annîîal Church Service. Clarke prîces. Befoce buying visit Brati- Point, Ontario. 26-4 _____ID istriet L.OL., at Newtonville I Ki'sNetw.. OitreSha rea. 824t0 A ate o alcg u- Weber's Fabrie Centre, 19 King Unitedi Church, Sunday, July 4.,1 KingSt.,W.. -haw. 24t mess. No oxperience ni- capital St. E., wiillho closeti for Ju , a at 7: 31() p. m. Kential Fife anti CREM eamolet eok saxe:Incessarv. sales cas", tr ilmk 6, 7. Open again on July 8. 27-1 Drum Band,. 26-2 SERVICES that are DIFFERENT bner e):Cse: F2 C ake. 10'; ateid' v. Wite lawigStmîrtn. MI- Dr. Bicks' office will ho closeti.ersavdyon uny1 tia :30ehool A- sprng ntistif oot scfflî's<~G-140-190 M\onircal, Que. 27-S5fcnm Julv tb ta August 8th. vrsyosJu'iat43)pm A sprng nd____ oot s Junior football game, Tycone vs horse): electrîc fencer;selWNEftioîahr n 26.7 Ennsklln, olowti y mn Iii he Twn H ll verySundy eenin poss: oiîlrv fnce garon fnce 23-tf. r ,..,,bl. A0111, ppîrire Canadian Boy Scout Headquart- 703. 2- NOTICE RE BY-LAW cis hasý receixetd the following y "'TRE IY gà% IITE IF ODgar- R P IS1hv foliowed xith interest age; six building lots on Prospect -___voteona_____________________n anti gcowing estemr throughout S.50 fil frontage, 166 it. cdoop. mui'es iru Vailllage nI Nfoxyca"st]the flexcars the activities aitf Mrs.fa ail 13 Sid1k0 St.f roirg-orsfor sun n $.f0.payable $,tltBox' Scoutsz. It pcobably would Mrs Brist ln3 Sugo St 2.-tera orcore t c and romiuerc;al. prr yeaî' for- six 'o-ar. Vote f0 be ha\eoaea.ea icne ta SIX-romet brik lijîso îxio on E.lc cc 4.2 RKng St. E.. akeuu îuthue Couincil Chamber oni nî hbat the Bo'Scusbn These meetings are being sponsore.d hy The srev. sc atenaonae 438. 26.11 lio Coîmueitv Il. 1,Wednestayv. abhe iîni oi nutiui as g - ey sitîated o apprxiiuutclv ._1948.____ o - 8__1_k ne-hall acre of gound. Iîsîilat- .NEAT-W'av Shoe R'aîr1Go a, . J myl. , 14. rnu 8 o'clof otthe maofern ong isth te leigs Independeni BaplisiChurches of Canada ed, nexx' fireplace aîud in goot ce- zListsntial xxoknanslupr&ail- Ia. ,tntul f, o*(lck p.m. T ulio h oe r sta fet r* jInîmediate po.se-sionu Cas.h. itx', dveîng. oiF g z. n, ec.a Memoriai Rin.k. ivo anti maturoti instrument for Phiuîe 430, Boxx nuanx il, Ont. tT r 'te Neu.;t- \, 'ý, opî.u-<teLE-., . H . C. BONATHAN I..e dovelopmcnt (lofitu aho 27-1' manx'ulle Cieaîueî,. -_fL 26-3 Clerk and citizenship." B UR ETONerîy; Jean Munday reviewed lasi jory Jeffery gave a reatiing. Pres- Church services anti Suntiav itent Jean Munday took charge School wili ho heiti at the usual af business perioti. The Evening lame this Suntia'. - Chair pcac- Auxiliary wilî hoîti their pichie on f 'ce at the church on Thurstiay July 28 at Cream of Bariey Camp. evening. A number fram bore attended j Vistars:the anniv'ersary services at Hamp- JMrs. E. Caughill anti Mr. Ches- tan on Sunday. tefr Hoskins are visiting in Brace- r b'itge. Miss Ruby Bailey, Oshawa, is SOLINA home. Mrs. H.. Rahm has returnei1 Mc and Mrs. J. Grills, Mr. and home, rs. Roy Grills. Bruce, Glen*and Mrs, Clara Tee, Bradfiordi, Eng- Marlene, Valentia, at Wos Yel- lanti, anti Mrs. W. Retiman,, Roti- laxyloos'. ney, Ontario, with Mr. anti Mrs. McanirsRam dAth, J. A. Ton'pkins. M.adMs amn nhs Mr. anti Mrs. J. Smith anti Oc- Joan and Lorraine. Toronto, at E. vuBowmanville, wif h Mr. anti Millson's. Mrs. Anthes anti taugh. vus. .ra, tors remaiiued for a holiday. Mr. anti Mrsu Albert Drewrv- Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, at Whitby, witb Mr. and' Mcs. k. home, Roblin. Mcs, McCuaig aîîd Shirley, Mc. anti Mrs. H. Strutt. Oshawa, Suceiber, Mc, ant iMrs. William Mc. Henry DeMill, Miss Mary Culling, Oshawa, Mr. anti Mrs. Vigar. Miss Leslie Forester. Nor- 'Haroldi Patter, Brenda anti Rie- wich, with Mr. anti Mrs. B. Hub- ky. Hampton, Miss Annie Patter, bard. Toronto, Mc. James Kilien, Zian, Mr. Altien Hubbard bas builta at Alex Potfer's. refreshment booth next fo his, Mr. Bruce Potter bas returned home,.t his duties on <ho Provincial Mr. anti Mrs. Sfanlev Moffat. j Police1 staff at Pine Partage affor Mc. anti Mrs. Lea Maffat'anti Pan]l, a holidayv at hoame. Messrs. Arthur~ anti Stanley Mof- Mc. Raber t Scott is home fromn fat, Oshawa, with Mc. anti Mrs. Rehab sehool at Hamuilton. Orville Greer. Congratulations f0 Jerry Mîi- Mr. Tom Mahafi ' , Mr. anti Mrs.1 son on SUCCessfLiivý completing his Grant Wilson anti Beryl, Oshawa, , second yeac in Medicine at the wih rs P Aec.Universify'-of Toronto. The 00W Minshai] organ vwas ENFIELDinstalleti at the chucch last week. .TUNE PROMOTIONS ENFIELD SCHOOL Grade VIII-Kathleen Smith 89, M'arion Pascoe 88, Jack Hooper 65. Grade VIL-Locna Cochrane 81, Barbara Hooper 78. Grade VI-Evelyn Pascoe 87, )oceen Lycett 80. Grade V-Grant Sinclair 88, Glenn Prescott 60, Allan Taylor 53, Glenn Cochrane 42. Grade IV-Dellan Lycett 86, Keith Taylor 72. Grade III-Ronald Stephenson 91. Grade fl-Ione Ferguson 94, Bruce Ferguson 88, Garry Bow- nan 67, Ronaiti Hubbard 33. Grade 1-Berniece Cochrane 97, Kenneth Cochrane 74, Ruth Shar- on Hoaper 46. Figures tienote per cent. Mrs. Will Ashuton, Teacher. MAPLE GROVE Congratulations fa Mc. Robert LStevens (f3ob Jr.) an passîng, xifh second, class honors on his ?cond yeac work at <ho O.A.C, iuelph. Mr. anti Mrs. Ross Stevens ac- ýompanieti soveral other Lion iembors anti their wives ta <ho, ions' convention held at Tim- nins. Communion service next Sun- lay when our pastor, Rev. F. ardley, wiillho with us. The Evening Auxiliary met, on rue 24 af ho homeofa Mrs. Wal- ce Muntiay. Jean Muntiay fook he caîl ta warship, prayer by Kay )rmiston; Winnie Brown hati the editation; rading by Ivy Cox'- -ENNJSKILLEN Mr. andi Mrs. Becwin Adams, Mr. anti Mrs. Don Lee anti Wayne, Oshawa, Mc. Zaclu Adams, Bow- manville, at Walter Fecguson's. Mc. anti Mrs. Keith Ferguson anti Mc. anti Mrs. Walter Fergu- son attendedth le Ferguson-Adams reunion at Mount Forest. Li'sten to th5e ONTARIO STOCK YARDS BULLETIN frat*ring WALLY FORD erery Tuesday morning CHEX 1430 735 an TICKETS TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamnship consult JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. Phono 778 Bowmnanville MAPLE GROVE GARAGE BROWMANVILLE R.R. 3 PHONE 2652 General Repairs ta ail makes nf cars Imperial Oil and Gasoline HEALTH AND BEAUTY SALE June 23rd -Ia July 3rd Your Chance Io Save in Home Needs [!NIVFRSAL CLEANSER Reg. 60e --53e 1-SQUARE Silver Folish TOXEL ANTISEPTIC Reg. 65ce LIQUID GInEEN SOAP REXALL NERVE TONJO Rexail Aga-Rex Comrpound Reg. $1.25 . . - $1,.09 49e 9c --- 59C 1 JASMINFJ Face Powder REXALL ORDERLIES, 60's Reg. 60e ý- - 53e SILQlUE HAND LOTION Reg. 65e - 59e REXALL Nose and Throat Il 31 Tooth Powder with Sodium Perborate rINCTURE IODINE 2 4 Reg. 25e ----- ---- --- 'EAST AND MRON JURe Y 10' - LORIFae wdr 3 33e 1 19e Money Savers in Summer and Vacation Needs REXALL Ivy-Chek. for Poison Ivy. Reg. 7.5e 69e TA YNES Eczema Lotion Reg. $1.00 . -89e PI'RETEST Calamine Lotion. Reg. 29e --27c RIKER'S French Baim Regr. 60e .49c REXALL, Gypsy Creamn, Llquid- 40e and 75c KLENZO Nylon Tooth Brush. Reg. 50c ------33e TANNIC Acid Jelly Reg. 60e . 53e Epsom SaIts, reg. 25e- - --- 19e Savings in Toilet Needs Mi .11 DENTAL PASTIE GLOS-KREME reg. 45e- 39e LANGLOIS Lavender Tale. MIen's shade reg. 45e - 39e CAIMELIA Bath Poufder Reg. $1,35 .51.09 JASMINE or Gardenia Perfume, reg. 75e --- ie YOUR RE;-ALL DRUG STORE When We Test Your Eyes It is Done Properly BOW.MANVILLE HONE 778 69e -- 59e 1 'HONE 778 B E X A L L

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