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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jul 1948, p. 3

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. f q, MV muN li'..i ONTAIO 1 .FPAGE VIVRE ?riemds and Neighbors Honor Gibson- Family ai Surprise Party The spacious borne of Mr. D. J. Gib8on and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gibson was filled ta capacity on Tuesday evening June lSth, WVhen their neighbours of No. 9 School Section, also many friends aind relatives from Newcastle and 13OWanville gathened ta bid tUiera a reluctant fareweil on the eecf their departure ta make thein home elsewbcre. Mr. Don- aI Gibson having sold the fanm grM. and Mrs. Johnson of King- IB'on.LThe farm bas been.accu- pied fa is branch of the pioncer Gibso uamily for many years, in fact, Allan Gibson the young son of Mn. and Mrs. Donald Gibson is the 6th genenation ef the fami- IY ta live there Sa anc can readi- ly undenstand the note of sadness that accompanied the best wisbes of those assembled ta do them bonor when they realized th a-t thcy were losing them fnom the reigbibourhood and tbat the fam- 1ly home which bad been the scene of so muqkh graciaus bas- pitality and friendship for sa ma- ny years was passing into oth bands. Surprise Party The Party was a complete su prise ta -the Gibson famiiy, w: upon thein return from baving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Howai Gibson found thein home effe< ively dcconated with fragrai garden flowers and were greefi with the smiling faces of tho: assembled ta, do tbemr honor. was a double celebration beir the birthday of Mr. Donald Gil son, in wbose bonor a love' birtbday cake made and decona cd by the clever fingens of Mr Fred W. Bowen, and surnoundE by an arrangement of flower gnaccd the centre of the dinin, room table. Aften the guests( honor had been escorted ta spei iai chairs, Mn. Fred W. Bowe acted as chairman for the evenir and carnied out bis duties in bý usual fluent happy manner. M A. E. Summers, Agicultural Rer resentative for the Countyc Durham, made a .mQst efficier, leader of the Commnunity singine An eveny-day film for eveny-day pictune-takers, Kodak Veichrome Film gives you more of those sparkling, praisc-winning snapshots. Canadian Kodak Co., Limited, Toronto. lt's made in Canada ... Kodak Film. the film in the familiar yellow box "KODAK'.' IS A TRADE.MARK One of1a series of advetisements in tribule to those C<zadians in rases and mauve sweet peas. The toast ta the bride was pro- posed by Rev. R. B. Harrison and MILKMAN respondcd ta by the groom. leasnteac days erlyFollowing the receptian the Da lis way. with its twinkling pale blue can- n - heerull meeingdles was cut. Everyone joined in n - heerull meeingwishing Donald many more hap- the weather in order ta py years. eof his cammunity. The caMmnittee are ta be con- gnatulated on the wonderful suc- same of Canada's inest; cess of the evening. Evenything ce of the public-at your was arnanged perfectlvy and the names af the membens of the committee ta whom warm praise is due are: Mn. and Mx-s. Fred K NOISE SREWERY W. Bowen, Mn. and Mrs. Russel Osborne, Mn. and Mrs. Howard Gibson and Mn. and Mns. Hanold Gibson. Two bonored guests at the ev- ening wene Mns. Scott Howard, theu~m.ccofg#jubU~ Newcstle. and M-r. Alan How-IUIc n rte 01 Mrs. Donald Gibson. i led in ajolly sing-song whlch put W D IG eveyon i a oliaymood. W D IG Mr. Bone in bis opening re-___ marks touched on the many years TAYLOR-PETERKIN tbe Gibson famlly bad been resi-. dents of Clarke Townsbip. In ail A very pretty wedding was sol tbose years the family had been emnized on June 18 at Wesmin ernoted for tbeir sterling qualities ster Central United Church, Tor eras neighbours. . Always ready to onto, when Dorothy Jean Taylor lend a belping hand wben called daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarl upon. He also spoke of thé many P. Taylor, Toronto, became the happy gatherings that bad been bride of Stuart Tinsdale Peter. r- held in the spacious rooms of the kin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart-M4 ,ho home. The family would be Peterkin, Iroquois, Ontario. Th( Sa greatly missed, and it was with ceremony was performed by Rev &d a feeling of sadness that their Dr. Bruce Hunter. e-many friends had gathered to The bride wore a portrait gowr int say good-bye and to wish tbemn of white satin with sheer yokE e every success and happiness in and a deep neckline embroiderei )se their future place of residence. with aridescent beading. The fui' It Presents Address skirt.caught up at tbe back witt lb- Mr. Bowen then called upon pannier draping feil into a train, ýyMr. Russell Os'borne ta read an Her long veil was held by a wov- t- eulogistic address expressing the en tulle and peari headdress. ShE rs affection and esteem of their ma- carried an all white cascade. He: ed ny friends, the sorrow at losing sister, Mrs. Miller Ballem, Mon- rs, them, and the good wishes for treal, was matron of honor anc g-_ their future success and happi- Jean MacDonald and Joan Peter- of ness. At the conclusion of the kmn were bridesmaids. Tbey were ýc address Mr. Howard Gibson, ail dressed alike in mauve taffeta en stepped forward and presented with bats to match and carriec ngMr. and Mrs. Donald Gibson witb bouquets of pink roses lsa very handsome Tri-lite standard Donald Wagg was best man with Ir. lamp, which be asked them to Ballem Miller, Jack Regan, Rich- p- accept from their friends as a ard Evans and Russell Sanger as of tangible expression of their good ushers. nt wisbes and affection. For the reception held at Anne- gMr. Donald Gibson, although sley Hall, the bride's mother wore -taken completely by surprise, ryceewt osg fpn thakedthedonrs n bhal ofroses while the groom's mother his wife and bimself, *in a very chose blue accented with a cor- witty speech, which shows the sage of fuchsia roses. expenience hie has been getting since hie received his higb office Miss Nancy Whitehead sang in the Masonic Grand Lodge in very sweetly before the ceremony making impromptu speeches. He and during the signing of the reg- always was clever at that branch ister. of ability, we admit. However On the bride and groom's ne- touching on a*more serious note, turri from a maton trip east tbey he bespoke for the new owners of will reside in Toronto. the farm, the samne loyalty of friendship that had always been extended to his family, by every- FORDER-RANSBERRY one in the No. 9 Section and the Spring flowers decorated Mon- sunrounding district. treal West United Church on Sat. D. J. Gibson Honored June 12 when Norma Louise Mr. Harold Gibson then had Ransberry, daughter of Mr. and the happy duty of presenting ta Mns. James Ransberry became Mr. D. J. Gibson a very lovely the bride of Harold Rutledge For- leather writing portfolio, which der, son of Mrs. Charlotte Forder was also given him with the deep and the late Mr. Jos. H. Farder of love and 'best wishes of those pre- Blackstock. The marriage was sent. Mr. D. J. Gibson who was performed iby the Rev. Dr. Wads- visibly overcome by the proceed- worth. Given in marniage by hier ings thanked the donors in a few father the bride wore a p i n k well chosen words. One can nea- printed silk-print stneet-length lize the pangs it must cost Mr. D. dress with matchihg headress and J. Gibson to say farewell to the carried a bouquet of sweet peas home which for over eigbty years and bouvardia. Miss Barbara bas been the scenle of his happy Anri Ransberry, sister of the bride family life. A place whene lhe was bridesmaid, dressed in blue has welcomed bis children into printed silk-print with matching the world and where hee bas also head-dress and carrying sweet said good-bye ta bis loved ones. peas and bouvardia. No one can break the tics that The groom was attended by his hold so mnany memories without brother, Mr. Howard Forder, being sad. Blackstock. Rev. Douglas Dewdney, W. F. Rickard, James T. Brown, Inwin The groom's gift ta the bride Colwill, Allan Howard, and D. was a Zircon necklace and brace- Bernard ail gave short speeches, let, ta the bridesmaid a pearl which ail stressed the admirable necklace and ta the graamsman, qualities of the famili7 whom they a signet ring. had gathered ta do honor ta that The guests were received at evening.. Qualities that should 'be the home of the bride's parents at cxamplary for everyone ta fol- Senniville, Quebec. The bride's low and capy. They ail spoke of mnother gawned in green sîlk jer- the general regret. that the des- sey with a flower corsage was cendants of anc of the outstand- assisted by the groom's mother ing pioncer familles of Clarke in blue printed silk with flower Township were leaving to make corsage. their home elsewhcre. They A teiegram of congraulations would take with them the best was reccived from Mr. and Mrs. wishes and love of their many Wallace Holmes and JhOh friends and admirers. awa. Jon1Oh Musical Program Out-of -tawn guests also in- A very excellent musical pro- cluded Miss Lucille Farder and gram had been pnovided by the Mr. Gardon Sturrock, Bowman- committee in charge of the even- ville, Miss Dorothy Howsam, Tor- ing, and cansisted of vocal solos onto and Mr. Gordon Ransberry, by Mrs. James T. Brown and sel- Orono. ections by the Osborne-Allun The happy young couple wil quartette. Mrs. R. Campbell act- make their home in Toronto. cd as accompanist for the even- ing. MAPPIN-JOHNS At the conclusion of the pro- gram deliciaus and bountiful re- Peonies, iris and taîl fcrns fr eshments werc served 'by the formied the setting for the prctty committee and the birthday cake lawn wedding when Hilda Ber- nice, only daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. David Johns, Nestleton, be- came the bride of John Randolph Mappin, only sarn of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mappin, Toronto. Rev. R. B. Harrison pcrformed 7RII7LfAIJLI(7 the double ring ceremony with about forty members of the im- mediate familles present. Given away by bier father, the bride wore her going away suit of greygabardine with navy blue shortie top coat and matcbing ac- cessonies. Her corsage was of red rases. happy couple lef t after being showered with confetti and best wishes Their honeymoon will be spent at points north. Prior to their marriage the bride and groom were tendered a nuscellaneous shower by the groomn's sister, Mrs. Herbert Luke roronto. The bride received a shower of many beautiful and useful gifts from ber girl friends of Unemployment Insurance Commission, Toronto. wihere she is on the office staff. They also received a cablegram from Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bridgeport, Dar- wen, England. The happy couple wvill reside in Toronto. rk ie ie re .d Il r- -e neckline and long pointed sîceves s-.. The leader of the famous Chivag.fteLgtBiaesr LA137 - M .J A V R NESTLETON e M.an r. .Joln Miss Gladys Emerson vlsltetl Mn. and Mrs. Melville Henry Miss Elva Bradley, Oshawa. and family, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Service in the United Church Harold Wbeeler and family, Of will be beld at 11:,15 a.m. through Blackstock, visited Mn. and Mrs. JuIy and August. R. M. Hoskin. Don't forget W.r. meeting at Miss Margaret Steele, R.N., Mrs. Wm. Steele's on July 7. London, spent a few days with MErs. Herb. McGill and Jin% ber parents, Mn. and Mns. William pnWeesawiherbo- Steele, befone leaving for a ttar spen e.DnvidayJwhn br oh Banff, Alberta. er.OMn. Dav id ohs otel Mn. and Mrs. R. M. Hoskin vi- Mse n. nendiliparyaMonra, ited their son, Mr. Ivan Hoskin, MisesonnieMr and MryTHoalrd Blacktock.Wonnacott, Port Credit, with Mx&. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Malcolm, and Mns. David Johns. Mr. and Blackstock, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John R. Mappin spent the L. Joblin.- weekcnd with ber parents Mr. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Playfoot and Mrs. David Johns. and Bryce, Lindsay, visited M iss _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ethel Thompson. Mns. George Johns ententained Canada's newspnint production~ ber pupils from Lotus Scbool ta is more than baîf the wonld'a to- ending in points over the hand.s. The full skirt was caught up in front to show the lace underskirts and the matcbing lace headdress trimmed with pearîs, held in place the fingertip veil. She carried a cascade of red roses. Mrs. W. J. Hockin, Ajax, sister of the bride, was ber only attend- ant in a gown of powder blue faille with matching mittens and cap banded with pink and blue flawens. She carnied a cascade bouquet of raptune roses. Attending the bridegroom was his brother, Mn. Roy Stinson, Port Penny. Mn. Marley Bruce and Mn. Joseph Hockin acted as ushens. Mrs. Peance, mother of the bride, received the guests at the neception beld later in ber home, and chose a gney crepe dness trim- mcd with blue. Her accessories wenc black and ber corsage was of pink roses. The bnidegnoom's mothen assisted ber in grey crepe dress trimmed in mauve. She ai- s0 chose black accessonies and wone a corsage of -vellow rases. Vases of peonies wene anranged in the rooms wbile the bnide's table was centered with the bridai cake, a bouquet of sweet peas and fon- get-me-nots and pink and white candles. Mn. and Mns. Stinson left for a honeymoon to points east and north, the bride weaning a white linen dress with navy blue shor- tic coat and matching accessanies. Hen jewelleny was a single stnand of pearîs, the gif t of the bride- groom and ber corsage was of ned carnations. On their return thc newly married couple will reside in Chesley. Pcn Fr a resvatil or outof t vLsitor5. Fo RerVAN cali NEEDS, Patricia Jane Pearce, R.N., of Oshawa, became the bride on Sat- urday afternoon, June 26, in New- castle United Cburch of Orval A. Stinsan of Chesiey, Ontario. The bride is daughten of Mrs. Harny R. Pearce of Newcastle and the late Mn. Pearce an-d the bridegroom is son of Mn. and Mrs. Richard J. Stinson, Nestîcton. With a background of fern, peonies, American Beauty roses and candelabra, Rev. W. W. Pat- terson perfonmed the ceremony wbilc Mrs. E. C. Fisher, cousin of the bride, playcd the wedding music. At the beginning of the service, Mr. Glenn Allin, cousin of the bride, sang Through the Years and during thc signing of the register, O Promise Me. Mr. Albert Pearce, yaunger brother of tbe bride, gave ber in marriage, fan which she worc a white satin gown styled with an off-tbc-shoulder effect inset with lace designcd with seed pear1sà The fitted bodice had a round Sfriped Awning Duck Good weight canvas in attractiv.. painted designs. Ideal for recavering dcck chairs, or for summer awnings at the cottage or home. 27 inches wide. Severai colon combin- ations ta choose fom------------------ 85 yd, I An outstanding gnoup of pure linen nunnens in sevenal sizes and designs. Runners that sold regularly up ta $2.85. Ail markcd at thîs one law pnice ta clean -$1.00 ea. Two-Tone Chenille BATH MAT SETS Soft, closely tufted chenille bath sets. A set you'Il be proud ta have in youn bathnoom. Set cyDnsists of large bathmat and toilet seat caver.$29 se Pastel colons__ _$2 8se Greaily Reduced! CHENILLE RUGS A veivety finished chenille mat ta bnighten Up your bednoorn. Will wear and wash well. Sevenal sizes and soft pastel shades ta choose $39 a from. Reg. $5.95 $3--Oa "Belvaf ex" Pap er Drapes 13eautiful paper drapes for home or cottage, in bright floral designs. Spe- cially pracesscd ta bang in clath-like falds, with re-infarced cdges ta neduce teain. ~4yards long. Natural, maize. rose or 12 r blue backgrounds ------$12 r Bath Size Terry Towels Supen-soft, absorbent towels in a gen- erous bath size. High value at a low pnice. Pure white with check design or solid calons of rase, 75 ea green, blue, on gold. Pniced at ------- - -- 5 a Prinied Tableclois Fine cotton breakfast or luncheon cloths in a wide vaniety of veny smart flower designs in multicolor. Grand for kitchen or summen cottage. Size 298e 54,,x54" $298ea 'hone 451 THE MODE RN STORE Bd'wniII~vî11é 'I 36-inch Flowered Chintz An inexpensive chintz ini bnight floral colons for use at the cattage or ini sun- raoms. Ideal for recovering boxes in bedrooms, 36 inches widc. Specially prc- 75 d cd at -- Pure Linen Tea Towelling Pure linen weft tawclling that is heavy, durable and absorbent. Woven bnight attractive borders. Red-gold-black, blue. gold-black. green -gold- black.79 d 17 inches wide ---- c---- Plastic Teesacable o ve orspckt Here' achance tale our pockhet-am book. an yore si table cttes wtimcoe. Transpr stialecvr Sith colo"d5brder Pized 54"t498OC ea. STORE OPEN ALL DAY WEDESDY, UNE 30, 1948 t CLOSE AT 6 P.M. M'URSDAY, Z.TtIlt, 1948 TM ! CAAAV rN SATEULMAN. UfnWuUUmff.T.v ImAwT SUMMER W~~AtKR Summertime once again and you will find that Walker's have just what you need to make it more enjoyable, be it at the cottage or at home. We invite you toecome in and see for yourself . .. and save money. 100 YARDS FLOWERED PRINT Reg. 49c and 45c 39Ç YARD Here's a fine quality cotton print at a price you haven't seen for a long tîrne. 'Me took 100 yards night from aur regular stock and reduccd it ta this low pnice. Ideal for housedresses, aprons, little girl's dresses, etc. (LIMIT 5 YARDS TO A CUSTOMER) JLEIJD O.L£%£-Mmnm, SUNNYSIDE BEACH TORONTO FREE STAGE SHOW NIGHTLY 8:00 p.ii DANCING SEA BREEZE 9:00 p.m. Sunnyside Pool now open Free Parking for 5,000 Cars qmý Clearance! 1 1 L 'I STINSON-PEARCE visitors. Phone 451 THE MODERN STORE Bd iliè

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