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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jul 1948, p. 5

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THtTRSDAY, 3ULY lst, 1948 1'JP iA 17A 1%A W? SrATESMFAN'? OW .AN.... ONTARIO Durham Federation of Agriculture Church, Picnic ai Orono Huge Success President Hannam Chief Speaker A warma sun and plea sant Representative for Durham, read breezes providcd wonderful wca- the following list of nominees for ther for the Durham Federation the County Executive: Clarke, H. of Agriculture Picnic, 1eId a r Staples, Gordo Martin; Manves ono Cammunity Park, Saturday, Howard Malcolm, L. MeGilîl June 26. Hope, Dawson Bebee, Beverly . President Chas. Osborne opened Grey, Cavan, Lenard MeNeal, the program with an autline of Donald Lowes; South Monaghan, the achievements of the Federa- Robcrt Dawson, Harold Bebee; tion, since ifs organization includ- Darlington, Garnet Riekard, Bruce ing the Hospilalization Scheme, Taylor; Cartwright, Dalton Dor- Durham Farmers' Co-operafives,ý rell, Murray Byers. and the Community Park. J. J. Mellor, secretary, 'gave a A. E. Summers, Agricultural rrief outline of the Medicai Ser- Svices Plan provided by the Dur- ham County Co-operafive. Mr. Melior introduced the spe- cial speaker for the day, Mr. H. H. Hannam, Ottawva, president of the Canadian FederatiQn of Agricul- ture. Mr. Hannam gave a sumnmary of the Canadian Federation of Ag- f ... riculturre objectives. He explain- cc! that farm forums were unique in Canada and that the National Radiýo Farm Forum was instru- mental in sfimuiating nation-widc interest and co-operatian among % *farmers. . W He safisfied the euriosity of bis - audie'ncep hy givîng a ful account of conditions causing the break in THE cry of "Fire" brings an meat prices. He statcd that the cmbargo against shipments of instant picture to yaur mnd rmeat to the United States had been lifted in order to kcep thei -your own home going Up mirket rcsh for surplus beef. In fiames and everything In This open market, in brief, wilh give risc to bighcr prices, which V It destroyed. ,viii ciimb ta the consumer prices i in the U.S.A. If that happens, Fire Insur- Mr. Hannam had just returned from the Intçrnationai Fedea ance provides the only certain. tion of Agriculture Producers'i Conference beld at Paris. France. When the Canadian Pacifie lin- indemutity you'Il receive ta He gavc a vivid description of theI er E rss of Canada cleared enable you to rebuild. Be living conditions in France and from Montreal recently (Jonc 12) told of the heroic struggic f0 re- J ffor Liverpool she carried a group sureIt s aequte.Ask gain economic stability. kof Anglican and Episcopalian bi- sureit l adeuate AskThe conference, said Mr. Han- shops who wili attend this sum- nami, gave onaniMOUS support ta mer. s Lambeth Conference in the international wheat agrec- London. In the picture are shown ment by a resolution calling on al I govcrnments concerned ta sign ' *the agreement. Bradley's School liiCThe aim behind the conference Hods, StuartI R. J cmeS was to instifute a program of ex- tween Open o s INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE nutritionai standards for worldtBradSly'sanSEboo, iaed e-a Phoe: ffie 61, es.493 consumers. The food situation is un aun afand Eenfed, hed1a Phoe: ffie 81,Res ~ considercd a major problcm fac- wun s uiqueafai aWdesdyJue 16 King Street- Bo-wmanville ing nations and people today and che, 18 pu pus oaiddsponsea- it is a great cause for concernchrEienFroadsno- ~ whthe ornotword ntios xiiicd b yth Home and Sehool Club, wîenthe o e ol and iowers of staged an Open House for inter- thenthed Naonsand pagricof- ested citizens. thrae orniz ation soand cnouta Sampies of the daiiy producfiv- duaoanfiiet inenonalo-ity af the students, plus evidence doanficijob inteorndaproduction- of their hobbies contributed fa PAPERLJ GOODS and distribution of food. The e the maein. tAs se ttrsenter- speaker went an ta explain that aedih m aenrancs e the er if m'as essenfiai that effective ma- ingadwi t h Srfoah'sHen"dpec- chihcry shouid be provided ta n wya e fo sseds deaiwîf an surloss wîcbplayed ber charms in a cardboard develop a nsurues th hycarton. To ber right were 'Pat "' ~ may nd Mike' two cov littie kittens are directed fa the areas of great- at ibn ron hi ek price bouse largdtei ek est nced and that sucb surpluses .,should not be alwdta under- and next were several rabbits He stated that a decision of con- 0 sirlerable importance and signifi- ehbe ipasicue h r canc taCandianagrculure xhiittheplasticine creations of w as e wheCndtheagcfereethe yoonger students, smali mo- w madeb en thesm nd enedel bouses camplete wifh model- wiîth uhetuis an com- led resdn, apeofltrig plefe agreement chose ta bold its sidents salmps aof aetten f or Summertime 1949 conforence in Canada. This ageorap h as and aofdtze is the first conference of I.F.A.P ada.ote aitiso h t o ho held outside the continen t ork donc by children including SaeTieaciLbr fEroe Telcainfoih those opening their seholastie Save Tme andLarooferoncein lcain bsflothecareers and others wbo were in Sbfeen dein d anatais cxpetedifenfrance class. or picnics I i epete i The program lneluded folk and for pcnicswill ho held during the earlîr part ballet dancing by a graup af girls of l'une. rmOhw PulcSols Paper Cups, Plates, Spoons, MÀr, M. H. Staples voiced the shrtm rsawa blc Shool s Forks, Table Paper and ipreciafion of the audience forshradessbyShoInpc Mr anmssleddades or T. R. McEwen and Murray ServittesMr. Chaans.Stpenson. eder- McRae. who is assisting Agricul- ServietaIemebor. ofas Parliampenson.forDur- torah Representative E. A. Sum- C eofv.Pai bis copliment mers during the sumrmer bolidays. f or home use 'o eFeciecration and gave a sur-ý a, Llt.,Da hscmim-t There were also musical nom- Smary of bis efforts in narliamenf bers by Alex S tackaruk, violin- Paper Towels, Baking Cups, to ta1ko rare of the apple surplus- ist. Wax ape an Delie es in Canada. The original Bradlcy's, accord- WaxPapr nd eiles This part of the program was ing ta the sehool register, was followed by children's sparts, a built betxvecn 1840 and 1850 with Cook's Foil baIl gamoe, free trips around the William Bradley being anc of the Fores trY and a display of farm im- first pupils. Since thaf time, two Pure Aluminumn Foul for plements from the Cockshutt, other sehools bave been crected, Cas.e & DeLqaval, McCormick -ind the second on the narfh-west cor- 101 Househod Uses Massey -Harris agencies in the dis- ner of the intersection and the Practical and Decorative jfnefc. presenit anc an the sauth-wesf corner. In the early days there xvere as manv nas;80puils. UnT- Good Used Cars in A-1 Condition ART'S GARAGE - - - Phone 2148 1942 BI'ICK SPECIAL SEDAN, radio heaters 1940 CHEVROLET COAC'H 1940 HUDSON SEDAN 1939 Bt'ICK SEDAN, radio and heater 1939 FORD COACH 1936 CHIEVROLET SEDAN 1933 DODGE COACH 1932 CHEVROLET COUPE - Trade-ins and underseat -Easy Terms M 1 inda y School anniversary sevcswere held Sunday rnorn- ing. Mr. Whetstone was guest speaker and interested both chil- drnand adults alike with bis story and application. Gloria 'Lane and Billy, with Mrs. Ross Hallowell accompanving, sang a duet which added much to the service. Rev. H. A. Bunt, the pastor, wvas present, Kendal kind- lyr changing to the evening ser- vice. Mr. Sid Lancaster,' super- intendent. had charge of the ser- vice with Margaret Ovens inj charge of the music. Mrs. G. W. Jones supplied the beautiful flow- ers. Neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoad met in their home in Port Granby on June 16 t0 Qffer their best wishes and congratulations. Approximately 75 were present. Dancing was en- i joyed the early part of the eve- ning. Lovely gifts were present- ed to the bride and groom at the' luncheon hour after which danc- ing was resumed. Ail present had a pleasant time. Mrs. Hoad cornes to us from Toronto and we trust she will feel at home in our midst. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bickle, Can- ton, called at J. T. Pearce's. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farrow and Mr. and Mrs. Lanson Milison and Neil wedding in Oshawa on Sat- Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Hughes and eh ildren. Mr. and Mrs. Soxv- den.- Elizabethville, Mr. and Mrs Herb Giliner and Gwen, Bo,- men Sail for En gland left to right, front row; Bishop row: Bishop Hallam 0of Saskatoon, dLyons of Ontario, Bishop Brough- Bîshop Jefferson of Ottawa, Bi- )ail of Niagara, Bishop Dixon of shop Sovereign of Athabaska, Bi- pMontreal, Archbishop "Kingstons of Nova Scotia, Primate of the shop Lofthouse of Keewatin, Bi- Church of England in Canada; shop Kinsolving of Arizona and -Bishop Carpenter of Alabama and Bishop Moorehead of Frederic- rBshop Beverley of Toronto. Back ton. manville, with Mr. and Mrs. Bert from work for a few days the re- Stapleton. suit of an accident. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Redknap Mr. and Mrs. Robb of Montreal and Douglas with his parents, are at their cottage. Newtonville Girls lost to New- Mrs. Alice Rowe-Sieeman, Tor- icastle Girls at Kendai Thursday onto, was guest of her sister, Mrs. evening. There wvas lots of action Robb. in the contest. Mrs. Jas. Stark Miss Carol Brooks and lady was injured but we are glad to friend, Toronto, with her mother, report flot seriously but she xiii Mrs. Robb for the weckcnd. be confined at home for a few Mrs. Isabeila Tisdell, Cavan, days.aged cighty-one, aunt of Mr. Geo. days.McCullough was buried in our Mrs, MacIntyre, Detroit, is vis- cemetery on Saturday afternoon. iting her cousin, Miss Isabel Laing. Mr. and Mrs. AIf Graham of We welcome to our community Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Mr. and Mrs. David Abernethy Samis and Mr. and Mrs. Jack and daughter, Elma, of Scotland, Kimbaîl and family with Mr. and who have moved into the home Mr,. Geo. Kimbaîl. on the farm of the late Thos. Bur- Mr. and Mrs. Harcourt, of Port kell. Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Members of the Orange Lodges Harcourt. of Newtonville, K e nàda Iand __________ Clarke will attend service in our church on Sunday, July 4. Turkey flot Holland, first was Geo. Kimbaîl has been home noted for tulips. Lake Shore, Clarke Three Injured In Car Accident Mrs. J. Hendry attended the Intermediate Peony Show at Guelph, Frîday.1 One of the worst car accidents Miss Jean Gilchrist, Mr. Jim in this district occurred on Sun- Harris, Toronto, spent the week- day evening, June 20, when Mr. end with Mr. and Mrs. John Hen- Charlre Cowlie, Mrs. Stella Mc- dry. Pherson and Miss Millie Jones, ail Mr. and Mrs. Cran Scott, Ty- ofO rone, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas., shawa, when the car in which Aldred and Mrs. Hotson. they were riding failed ta make Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin the turn at Dean's Corner, 2 and family attended the McNeil- miles south of Orono and plunged Hale wedding in Ottawa at which into a six foot ditch aldng the Joyce played the pipe organ and roadside. Alec and Lloyd were ushers. The trio were proceeding north Miss' Joyce Martin and her when the. accident happened. Mr. grandfather, Mr. T. McNeil are Cowlie is the rnost seriously in- staying in Ottawa for a week. jured, suffering from a fractured Several from here attended the skull and probable internai in- Decoratian Day service in Orono. juries. Ail three were removed Mr. and Mrs. Bb Shupak, Miss to Bowmanville hospital. Nancy Cannon, Toronto, Mr. and The car was badly smashed, Mrs. Glen Poilard and family and the steering wheel, wind- Brampton, with Mr. and Mrs. * shield and front windows were Holmes. Master Jimmy Pollard ail broken. is remaining for some time. Measles are again prevalent in ur community.A Establish Clubs t'nflfoulci In Winter Wheat FiftY bushel per acre Winter wihatotlbalr 281 comp this iO P E l year in fifteen Ontario counties, the membership of these clubs.j The clubs have been organized by I the Crop Improvement Associa- tions in the following countries, York, Haidimand, Lambton, Bruce, Elgin, Peel, Peterborough, M9 U T I] Middlesex, Grey, South Simcoe, Perth, Lincoln, Durham, Halton and Huron. Elgin County, with I E 34en st he andYrk ist se wth SE 34,ie hantheYorg ses cnmberofV IC E crops on 32 farms entered. Prac- tically ail growers have used ei ther Of two varities, namely iet t Dawson's Golden Chaff or Corn- ~ R WA H N e 595. so hecntss Ta H atn ir of theess says . H. artndireectoraof he Cntro eds anWoedsgrach,- tane wiaDeartentof gricul-n tuem, wrichisncoragertengsein tho em arc aencuaedte secof- togooreaeracetice isy eaecon- tri, graderuferilfy, bte crop pîmng ad colturailpr ce;b aîmingouageathe royidsoperacre; tra enourageofthegtrwing of arg- e rov mount of reisfeedsccd anf ta oviededhih qaiity isecd af vrcmededdiseasetipresaiosntpaun- varoses n f or utpaetionpur- pngosesalargen crage the grow ingpotatlasgercreae f hi Competitars may use any means af their disposai ta produce a record yicld of bigh quality wheat. The three high compefi- tors in each conty wili be cligi- bic for the intcr-county contcsf, for wbich $335 in prize maney, plus a trophy will 'be provided by the Maple Leaf Milling Com- pany, wbich also) finances the cou nty competitions ta the ex- tent of $100 prize money for each caunty. m OSHAWA m x P.M. P.M. P.M.1 2.001 I3.35! 2.10' 3.00 3.451 2.30 3.15' 4.05 2.45, 3.30; 4.20, Favorable Report Given By Directors Farmners'Co-Op, The Directors of the Durhani Farmers' County Co-operative met on the evening of June 17 lIn M!r. Summers' office, Bowmaf- ville. The treasurer made a znost fa- vorable «report of the business done up to, date showing a very healthy increase and also the splendid condition of the financ- esit seemed, owing ta the lIn- crease in business, it will be nec- essary to purchase another truck and Charles Osborne and William Bickle were appointed a commit- tee to make inquiries and report back at the next meeting. You can only die for your court. try once but you can live for it daily. STATION 'reet South Y T £-INPJTTcJT-T %-T(K UliA aaa. 5ASING . IMPERIAL QIL PRODUCTS Including Gas, Oil, Batteries, Tires a f ull une of accessories. Phone 992 C'ARS PICKED UP AND DELIVERED PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SERVICE Caton Coach ines Sehedule Effective lune 28th, 1948 BOWMANVILLE - OSHAWA - WHITBY - BASE LINE ONTARIO HOSPITAL BOWMANVILLE - BLACKSTOCK - LINDSAY HEAD OFFICE BOWMANVILLE -ONTARIC) Phone 2666- 2667 Chartered Coaches for ail occasions DO WMAN VILLE READ DOWN WEST BOUND Bawmanviile Courtice Oshawa Whitby READ DOWN EAST BOUND Whitby Oshawa Courtice Bowmanville A.M. A.M. 16.20! 6.10' 6.30' 6.25' 6.45 6.401:6.55; A.M. A.M. 7.20! 7.30 7.30 7.45 7.40 7.55ý 8, ,, 9.00de 8.25 9.101 8.30 8.40 9.251 8.40j j9.4011 r4 >, - W 4> A.M, A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M.j J6.30' 7.15 7,30' 8.15' 8:'30' i6.45' 7.25 7.45 8.25 8.45! 6.55: I 8.00 9.00 7.151 8.1l0r 9.10i A.M. 10.10 10.10,12.551 1.501 rzz A.M. P.M. P.M. 11.40 12.151 1.15! 11.50 12.251 1.25 Qn no n niM A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. 9.10! 1050,11.50, 9.20 10.00 11.05 12.08 9.35 10.15 11.20 12.25 9.45,10.25,11.30,12.35 1.05' 1.55~ 3.25, 4.35~ 5.35, 5.55, 6.35 6.50 7.55, 8.40 9.40,10.30 Connections at Bowmanville for: Harnpton, Enniakillen, Burketon, Blackstock, Nestîcto n. lanetville. Lindsay, Thurstonia and Bobcaygeon. Connections at Oshawa for: Tarante, Columbus, Part Perry. Connections at Whitby for: Manchester, Sunderland, Lindsay. Bowmanvile - a 2666 -2667 Whitby-Brïant Mtra - 675 Lindsay-Union Bus Terminai 1058 Bobcaygeon Rockiand Heuse 20 BOBCAYGEON and m WHITBY P.M. P.M. 4.05! 4.40' 4.15 4.50 4.35' 5.15, 12.40 1.3 3.0'ý 410 445.458 5.30 1255 1.4 3' 425 4555.5 12.0:1.15!' 2435504.'4.350 .5 P. M. 5.00! 5.10 5.30 5.45! 5.45' 5.0 60 5.15' 5.45 P.M. 5.30' >4o n P.M. 5.4 0' 5.50 6.151 6.30ý P.M. 6.25 6.40 P. M. P. M. 6.50' 8.00' 7.00 8.10 7.15 8.25 7.30j 8.40, P.M.F 7.15' 7.30 7,45 P.M. 8.00' 8.15 8.30 P.M.1 8.451 8,55 1 9.10 9.20;1.0 9A> 0.0 P.M. P.. .M PM 9.00' 9.50 10.40 11.40 9.10 10.00 10.50',11.50 9.30 10.15 11.05:12.05 P.M. P.M. )10.50' 12.00 i11.05 12.10 11.20 12.25 )11.30 12.35 DOWMANVIL LE READ DOWN ti t2tOu ii *A.M. 12.15' 1 2.25' 12.30 12.40 12.50; P.M. 8.30' 8.40 8.45 8.55 9.05 9.10: 9.20' 9,30,E P.M. 7.00ý 7.10 7.15' 7.2 5 7.35 7.40 7.50ý 8.00 P.MNt P.M. 'l2.15: 7.20' 12.20 7.25 12.30' 7.35 12.40 7.45 12.55. 8.00, AM. P.M. P.M. P.M. 6.30' 6.40, 6.451 6.55 ý 7.05' 7.10' 7.20 7.30« 7.30: 7.50'ý 8.00ý 8.101 8.15:1 8.25; 8.35 8.45i 9.00' *Connections at Lindsay for Toronto, Peterboro, Fenelon Falls, Haliburton, Orillia, Kxrkfield buses, C.N.R. trains. *Connect ions ut Bowmanville for Oshawa, Whitby, Toronto, Port Hope, Cobourg, Belle ville, Kingston, MontreaL. '7.00 p.m. and 9.10 p.m. from Bowmanville and Lindsay wili be operated Wednesday, June 30. P.M. 4.45, 4.55 r 5.00'i 5.10: 5.20 5.25 5.35' 5.45 P.M. A.M. A.M. 2.00 10.30! 2.10 10.40' 2.15 10.45: 2.25 l0.55ý 2.35 11.0o i 2.40 1l l0r 2.50 11.201 3.00 11.30 3.00. 3.20, 3.30' 3.40! 4.05'ý 7.51 41' 8.00 4.301 8.15: A.M. 7.25' 7.35! 7.40 7.501ý 8.00! 8.05 r 8.15ý 8.25i mLINDSAY Effective lune 28, 1948 Lv. *Bobcaygeon Red Schooi Scotch Line Thurstonia Park Dunsford Pleasant Point Ops P'actory Ar. * Lindsay Lindsay Janetvilie Yelverton Nestleton * Blacks teck Burketon Enniskillen Hampton Ar. * Bowmanville - OBCAYGEON HEAi d 0Uxp >c ti M >4 'J, eO >,.e .e A.M. P.M. Ar. I1.20 12.55 I 12.45 : 12.40 12.30 Lv. 12.20 12.00 1 r11.35' 'l11.25' 111.15 11. 10 11.00! 10.50 10.40: Lv. 110.30,' P.M. 4.15 4.05 4.00 3.50 3.40 3.35 3.25 3.15 P.M. 6.10 6.00 5.55 5.45 5.35 5.30 5.20 5.10 es.. .e~d ~ -C ~ Z~ P.M P.. PO. .M.P.O 10.00'11.00 9.55 10.55 9.45 10.45 9.35 10.35 9.30'10.30 I 9.20 10.20 8.30 , 9 i , 0 l 8.10 .Ž 8.00: ým *7.50 P.M. 5.50' 7.45' 8.501 5.40 7.35 8.40 5.30 7.25 8.301 5.20 7.15 8.20& 5.10 *'7.00 8.05 6.50' 6.40 6.35 6.25 6.15' N -~ i Hampfon Cash li'R (4AVAnTAM -Q'rAMVIZXgÀM lDn'UMXA'e.T'tr"TMI r%%TMMA-nird% a a a For Information Phone Oshawa . 2825 A.M. ,ing

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