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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jul 1948, p. 11

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~, -r--- r - -r- -' THfURSDAY, JULY 22nd, 1948 'At*E FLMEI IBRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS SELL TRADE moi fO~ PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 35c PER AD BIRTHS IN MIEMORIAM DUNCANSON-Mn. and Mrs. P. BAILEY-ln loving memory o R. Duncanson, Vancouver, B.C., dean hu-sband and father, Fred (nee Jean Hanna, Corbett's Point, Bailey Who passed away July Whitby), are happy f0 announce 1943. ýhe birth o! their daughfer , Linda Five yeans have passed since t x4qse, on Friday, July l6th, 1948. sad day, 30-1* When one we loved was cal a wa v. HAZELDEN-Mr. and Mrs. Jack God took hlm home; it was Hazelden (nee Dorothy Wonna- will; cott), are happy to announce the Within oun hearts hie iiveth st birth o! a daughten, LAnda Dor- -Lovingly nemembered by othy, at Strathcona Private Hospi. wife and family. 30 tai, Tuesday. July 13, 1948, a sister for Ralph and Shirley. Mothen KENNEDY-Sacred to the me and baby doing fine. 30-1k ory o! our beloved son and brc er, Geo. M. Kennedy, killed in ENGAGEMENT tion in Sicil.v. July 25, 1943. ___________________________ iJust wvhen youn life was brigbl Mn. and Mrs. Walter Parnînden, Just when y-oun yeans wene besi Hampton, wish f0 announce the You were cailed fnom this w' engagement o! thein daughten, of sornow, Evelyn Audrey to John Robentt To a home of eternal rest. Large, son of Mn. and Mns. Ed- 11ow xe miss the welcome fo wand Large. Bowmanville. The steps manniage will take place August iOf the one w-e loved so dean 7th in Eldad United Cbuncb. 1 Oft we listen for thein coming 30-1* Fully sune that they are near. If is not at the time the teans __ _DEATHS shed ____ __________That tell o! the beant that is to RUNNALLS-In Pont Hope hospi- But the lonely tears o! the ai tai, on Tuesday, Jul 'v 20, 1948, Lil- yeans lian Tamblyn Runnalis, o! Clarke, And nemembrance silentiY bon beloved wife o! the late George -Lovingly remembered by Runnails and dean daughter of the Mother, Dad, Sisters and late Mn. and Mrs. William Tam- Brothers, 30. blyn, Clanke. 3- VIRTUE-Io îoving memory Personal oun dean brother, L/Cpi. Roy'X tue. killed in action on July 25 NEED a really effective laxative? 1944. Try proven Fruit-A-Tives, fam- 'Hononed among the nation's hl ous herbai medicine used success- oes lies oun dean brother, fully for 45 yeans. Bings relief Beneath ar simple wooden ec quickiy - tonies up liver - keeps his cnown, bowels active - restones good And we Who knew and loved h- health--Reliaiahl. hene can say A simple love, a simple trust, H YG IE NI C supplies (r u, smple duty done. goods) mailed postpaid in plain SadymisdsyRbyiv sealed envelope with price list. and Ralpb. 30. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.0,0 Mail Onden Dept. T-38 Nov-Pub-1 CAR DS 0F THANK*4 ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, O0-___________ 27-9 Mn. and Mrs. Lewis Roach wi %7CC Is ail you NEED if -you can qualify for a Provincial Second Mortgage ofYOU GET i4,modern new home wlth elo the foilowlng features: 1. A good location. 2. An excellent investmnent as weIl as a home. 3. Repayment of mortgage Is probably less than your present rent. 4. Efficient floor plan. 5. Large rooms wlth plenty of light and air. 6. Brick construction with full 7' basements. 7. Hardwood f loors. 8. FuIly Insulated walls and ceiiing. P. Ample supply of double electric piugs ln ail rooms. 10. Some bouses ready for oecupancy very soon. il. Built by contractons who know their business, to N.H.A. specifications. Don't delay seeing us for funther details, lllustrated ibookiet and prices. These homes are selling before they are finished. You must act quickly if You want a home of Your own before the snow flies again. Monthly Payments Start at $25-50 Per month. (Price and lnfenest) Ask for N r. Nash at 4400 NSURANCE Realtors 6 Simcoe St. N. rOSHAWA to thank their many friends, w so kindly drove them to Oshai Hospital duning thein son's illne also for the many kind acts, lett and acts of kindness at the tir of his passing. Thank you. 3C We desire to express to c kind neighbors and thoughtf friends our heartfelt thanks f thein many expressions of syr pathy. The beautiful floral offe ings wene especially appreciate Mrs. E. O. Roach and daughtei 30- Legal Notice Take notice that a motion wi be heard on Wednesday, the 251 day o! August, A.D., 1948, at' o'clock in the fonenoon, before ti presiding Judge in Chambers Osgoode Hall in the City of To onto for an onder declaring that presumption has been establishE o! the death of Sidney Albe Hepburn late of the City of Osl awa in the County of Ontario an fonmenly of the Town of Lindsa in the County of Victoria, Barbe Any person having any infoi mation as f0 the whereabouts( the said Sidney Albent Hepbur now or since the lst day of Sel temben, A.D., 1924, please cor municate with the undersigned Dated at Oshawa, this 17th da of July. A.D.. 1948. Arthun W. S. Greer, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, 6 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario 30- Work Wanted PAINTING, papening, repair 'etc., Ken Cain, 56r19. Orono. 29. Custom Work PLOWING and cultivating. Als, John Deene repain work an4 parts. F. S. Allen, phone 594. Strayed BLACK and white collie straye( on pnopenty of Refond Camern Hampton. Ownen may have samý hy paying expenses. Phone 2537 30-1I IN POUND-Hereford steer wit] horns, about 700 pounds, strayec from ownen about 2 weeks agc Owner may have same by provini property and payving expenses Wallace Pascoe, Enfield, phonE 2881. 30-1 SEE THE FILTER QUEEN Canada's Bagless Vacuum Cleanet FOR FREE DENIONSTRATION WRITE OR PHONE: A. L. ITCHING 19 BRADSHAW ST., BOWMANVILLE USED TIRE SALE Looking for a bargain ln safe and sound used tires? Stop ln and sec our sciection. Mileage on some ià oniy a few thousand miles. Whether You need one tire or à complete set. youlIl get more niles for your moncy at ------------ - $5300A G. F. JANIESON TIRE SHOP Phone 467 ofai 1A., 22, that lIed His iil. bis eh - ac- test ,ord ot- are rn, i 'ter ne. of* COMING EVENTS Dance in Tyrone Hall on Satur- day, July 24. Ruth Wilson's Var- iety Band. Admission 50c. 30-1* Girls' softball game, Newcastle versus Bowmanville C.O.F., on Thunsday, July 22, at 7 p.m., at Memoriai Park, Bowmanviiie. 30-1 Solina Young People will pre- sent their play "It Looks Like Ramn" in the Ennîskillen Chunch shed on Monday evening, July 26 at 8:30 p.m. Admission: Aduits 35c, Children 20c. 30-1 Hampton Women's Institute is having a Cafeteria Supper on Fni- day, July 23, in Hampton Park, commencing at 5:30 p.m. Through- out the evening home made cook- ing will also be for sale. At 7:30 p.m.. a League football game ,vill be piayed, Tyrone vs. Hampton. 30-1 On Monday, Aug. 2nd, "Civic Holiday,' the Newcastle Bisebaîl Club are having a Sports Day. At 10:30 a.m. Onono-Newcastle Girls' softball, sîlver collection. 1:30 p. m., a hardball game, Kendal vs. Newcastle, at 3:30 p.m., Bowman- ville play the winnen. Admission, aduits 35c, children 10c. A carni- val in the evening, ramn or fain. 1l p.m., a dnaw for 21 prizes. At Articles For Sale I Real Estate For Sale Tweed News-and Cecil Bond, the I president and publishen of the STUDIO couch, dining roomn table COTTAGE at East Beach. Phone Temiskaming Speaker. These and chairs. Phone 710. 30-1 2008, Bowmanviiie. 30-1 men, plus a few othens who an- nanged pnognam detFils for the GURNY ragewhit enaeli DWELLING, solid bnick, 7 rooms business session. did a manvellous GUR cnditonra nbe enam. ,0-n and bath, good location, immed- job o! onganization and handled A-i ondtion Phne 67. 0-1iat posesson.th~e speaking assignments f0 per- BABYcariageandcribin oodfection. We must also tbank oun BAB canae ad cibin oo FARM, 37 acres on paved road, 6- friends the Canadian National, the condition. 50 Hunt St., Bowman- roomn dwelling, barn and other Cnda ail n h nal vil.30-1* outbuiidings, hydro. Stuart R. Nothiand Railwavs and the offi- James, reai estate broker, Bow- cials o! the vanlous municipalities SILO filuer, neanly new. Phone manville. 30-1 w'bo treated uis 50 generously and 2315. Wm. C. Pansons, Bowman- --I_ ae h rite r-tse ville. 30-1 i $4.500 - 9-roorned brick bouse, mae hetp tegeaucess if l argelien house, wood shed, on was. ILADYS used C.C.M. bicycle. Cail 3/4ar an. Onn1evn We must also urge any b 431 or apply at 94 Cori..ession St. town. Apply J. Sugar, Ponty- have their holidays ahiead of tbem W. 3-1* ool.30-2 to make centain that they visit our 30-1wpool.Northenn Ontario neighbors either FINDLAY Ovai cookstove, pre- COTTAGE, six rooms and suni this yean or at somne future time.! war make, good as new. Hanny p onch, hardwood floors, wined for There they will find wondenfui Wright, Phone 2289. 30-1*1 electricity, nearly new. in Tynone hospitalitv., wonderful people and village. Apply T. H. Tabb, Ty- beautifui country. MASSEY-Hannis 6' binden in fair- irone. 28-tf ly good running condition. Phone ' _ 24017. 30-1 EIGHT roomed, two-storey brick Pl gru dN w b ouse, modern conveniences, gar. iygondN w WEDDING dress, wbite satin with age; six building lots on Prospect train, wiii fit size 14 or 16. NeyerI St., 50 ft. frontage, 166 ft. deep. (Contînued fnom Page One) worn. Phone 2334. 30-2* Mrs. Brust, 103 Scugog St. . 25-tf Safety NEW 3-bunner Monarch oul stove.FA -20ars15 okbe Red Ligbts! Gneen Lights! N'ou FARM 200 cres 150workble know what they rnean. How about H-. C. Pedwell, Newcastle, phone balance bush and pasture. running setuing those carclcss grownups a Clacke 3823. 30-4* w'ater; main bai-n 100x34 with L gond example by following safety DODGE coach, 1941, gond tires, shape 60x2.7; silo; water in house; rules ail the tîme, when cnossing good paint job. good upholsteny, n~doi oueadhr; ten- the stet moton in good running condition. roomed frame bouse; milk o-C3'clists Bewane! Phone Port Penny 172 r 12. 3()-1* tract; six miles from Bowan Now w-e are sorny f0 say that ville. $12.500. Charles Stine, we have heard from a very relia- WOOD-Quantîty o! stove wood, tPhone 2122. 29-4 1i'oie sou1rce. tît Ci('-f . ntn 9:30 p-m., a dance, music by Roy e ut in foot lengths. Delivered. ' _________naigsm iffilv it cyc- ;i-Forstran is71FARM for sale, 50 acres, mostly îst bekig aft nle.you th, tr.se n i -piece orches- i$30 per load. Phone Betbany io it raigsaey'ue.Y tr.Admission to dance, 50c per 23. 29-2* cbaî-d, gond buildings, lar-ge had betten get one o! those e-person. 3- fruit bouse, good bouse, 9 roomsNoRd-"sissthtyu LISTER engine, 12 b.p.. on truck, garage Linder bouse, hydro, waten bestfrfiend won't be tempte .d f0 in good condition. Hanny Cowan, piped in buildings, gond road to ask for a ride uptown. oss, Niotices Orono, phone Onono 15 r 19. towo. One mile nortb o! Boys' Aiso something bas to be done 30. 1* Training Scbool. Apply' vto ownen, abot ibis ridiog on sidewvalks. îim Dr. Stoney's office will be closed Mns. John Luxton, 99 Queen St.. Sbuifmubesrtoid a July 3th to September 8th, inc u- THRESHING machine, MasseY- Bowmanville. 30-2* bike than pusb if aloog the street, asive. 30-7* Harris 36-50. Apply Robert bttin oramnuean o Coates, Port Penny, phone 109r2. Auction Sale butll nalfeohe a mnean yous ly n The Iris Beauty Sbop wîll be 29-2* w_________ _thedangr_____caus -~ciosed for bolidays fnom August IPAO es atessdes Clifford Pethick, public auction- the people who are walking. Jo - s ' eent1th nluie.3-* IN. bes atsedrs-ehas neceived instructions from fact the wbole idea o! safety adds s Agut ltb iniuive 34*ens, tables, etc., etc. Ardagh, I atnPrJ. 0sl ypbii) tb a few seconds of thinking - Catageand ruckng. . D.Beaven Street, Newcastle. House acini h ilg !Trnadcmo es ahdy ,ish artae andTrucing.R. D.openFrida aftrnoo. 30- aucion i thevileee oouyrpitchingoupi bonse hr seoeses is PretonM leGro phone 2493 _pnFiayafnoo. _- on Saturday, July 31sf, a quantity__________ 'o Bowmanville. 30-2 THREE good canvasses for 7 ft. o! bousebold effects, list in next ewa Deening binder, repairs may be week's papen. Anyone wisbing to ,er Dr. Birks' office wili be ciosed faken off binder. Phone 947 be- put anytbing in this sale may do TYRONE me from July 9th f0 August 8th. fween 7 and 9 p.m. 3()-l* so. Clifford Pethick, auctioneer. ____ () e2- SPECIAL prie o -srn-- ot 30-1 1 ne foilowing pnogram was giv- un Wanda's Beauty Shop 0 in and sfiff footh scuffiens. R. W.By en Sunday mornîng instead o! the ur)8KigWanted To nu egulan S.S. session with Mrs. S. Sut. West. Permanents thaf make Bl & Son, Taunton, pbone Osh-. T. Hoan in change. Stonies for ro emaetcstmn. o p awa 163w3, reverse cbarges. 30-1* 250 Barred Rock puliets, 12 to 15 tecid~b n.Ha;Crl M-pointments, phone 2851. 14-tf CHILD'S 3-piece bednoom suite, in weeks Ont. PF. e W . 3d0e-1PrtPbillips a recitation; Marion er- ~~~~~~new condition; 2 pair blankets;Wrgteaa om"TeGsl ed. The office of John A. Holgate spread: pin-up ligbf; comfonter. BEFORE seîîing your live pouîtny accoî-ding 10 you." Coombes bro- ýrs and Son will close for holidays Apply 43 Horsey St. 30-î'* try us. Our pnices are highen. . thers gave a vocalnubrRad ~* ul l9h nd e penonAu- Fiatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone7 r îngs wene gîven by Bessie Hilis -ust 3rd. 29-2 DUMP truck, Dodge 1941, in good 13, reverse changes. 17tWn rigttlne Roer. Mrste. F. condition, two new tires, just Wih odasoyf h hl - The Tot Toggeny wili be closed overbauled. Palmer Motor Sales, SECOND band movable vault or dren. Lillian and Helen Cole gave for bolidays from Monday, Juiy 26 20 King St. E., phone 487. 30-1 lange safe. Apply Bnookdale- a piano duet. A missiooary exen- di, to Wednesday, August 4tb, indlu-- Kingsway Nurseries, Bowman- cise was given by Grace Haywand. t0 sive and wili open again, Thurs- LAWN mower, kitchen sink, vac- ville. 30-l* Patsy Phillips, Veima Taylor and hie day, August Sfh. 30-i uum cleaner, radio, settee, odd- - - Gwen Davey. Next Sundav tbe ments. Pbone 615 eveniogs 6 to 7. FARMS-5 to 25 acres with bouse W.I. will have change o! the pro- at Permanent Waves-tbe famous ».1 and oufbuildings suitable for tun- gram r-N '" key raising. Hydro. Fiftî' acres Fotalg escdudfr b uocold wave, done in yu own FER Bisseli manure ped withbuidns on or near No. 2 Footba4 wll bae .lay ued fora ee ad home. absolute satisfaction guan- es orimeae eijîc reao.-W buila, dgs, riko uv 4wl e 1. dFrdyee rt anfeed. For appointment pbone Ben So nmedautondphiveny OsR. W.Highoay, ydro.Larege brck r ning, July 23, at Hampton. (Note' h-Onono 56 r 19. 30-4ail&Snw a un13wonrverehongesh-soebus.ml ceaepee-change). awa 13w30evrs cares red, on on near No. 2 Higbway, Mn. and Mrs. Harris Little, Mrs. ay REPAIRS h~~~30-~ ydro. Evelyn E. Cooke, Real Es- . fl ubrowt r n r. PLATE glass sbowcase, lengt 7' fate, Newcastle. 30-1 Mrs. Lorne Annis. )r- REPAIRS b ail makes of refrig- 10", 3 plate glass shelves, minror Mn. oade a nd Mo Tns toBi MrHuG.nAd of enators, domestic and commercial. back; also "K oken" barber chair P t BoreAbyol.Errl ont, M . . .a rnHiggon Electnie 42 .Ing St. E., and autobanp, practically new. DOGS -- Annold. Gornmle. se w-, Mrs. D.K. Fra-n p-phone 438. 26-tf Phone Pont Hope 606. 30-4* Tw'î,n Bincb Kennels R.R.3, Osh- M adM ~ Hgsn n- -- Mr an Mrs S.Jew-ell and Bill 1.NEAT-Way ~ Repair: Good. ROY Thermo oil beaten; Malotte awa. Telephone Wbitby 839. and Miss Dorofby Wright wîfh ay substantiaI 1- ansbip, reliabil- sepanaton, 500 pound capacity; 29-3* Mn. Charles and Miss Ida Jeweil, IYity, dyeir ig, sewing, etc. Uoderwood portable typewriten.Osa . Try the > aY, opposite Bow- Ail in good condition. Appiy Mns. Pets For Sale Mr.banda. Kne amo manv' ders 7-f A R.Bakr, hon 292. 0-1HOUND pups, black aod tan from Clarkson, with Mn. and Mns. G. _3 fHeip Wanted HARLEY Davidson motoncycie, excepfîonaliy good parents. Phone Alldnea. W oisn mme - - 100 miles sioce rebore, in godd Clarke 2412. 30-4* with Mn. and Mrs. Howand Brent YOUNG man as salesman. Apply condition; also Indian 74, just ne- and Mrs. Bigelow. in person to'Bneslin's, Bowman- bored. Rod Simpson, Enoiskîlien, Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Rosevean, rville. 30-i phone 2876.. 3o-l*I C.W.N.A. Convention Mn. and Mns. Oscar Ligbtle, John 4 BOYS wanted. Appiy Brookdaie- MASSEY-Hannis binden No. (C tiudfo Pae n) and Beatnice, Pont Hope, Mn. and - Kiogsway Nurseries near C.N. with 6' cut, in good ruooing con- (otne rmPg n) Mn. and Mns. Cordon Larmar, o! station, see Mn. Luoneman. 30-1' dition, banvasses cut only 70 acres, fa the iodustry. If was undoubt- Tor-onto, with Mn. and Mrs. G. -see Mn. Lunneman. 30-1'* John Rickànd, Newcastle, phone edly' v0oe o! the most restful and Rosevear.dMs lr n tn o0ï7 Cak 23.3- laatprso h ore.te M.a Ld AN antd-Fr RwlegW - -com!ortable boat winding bhere i ley Engiand with Mn. L. Tbomp- ioess. No experience on capital SET o! runoing boards for Fond and thene tbnougb the beanutifuLI .n f necessary. Sales easy f0 make Fenguson tractor-never been uis- almost primitive couony uotil we Miss Helen Perfect, Bowman- -and profits lange. Start îmmed- ed. Also set o! one-ton platfoî-m came to Bean Island and its trad- ville, with Mn. and Mrs. J. Gibbs. iately. Write Rawleigh Depf. ML- scales. W. G. Bowles, Nestîcton. ing post. lodians were dnaped al Mn. aod Mrs. James Shorten, - G-140-190 Monfreal. Que. 27-5 30-1 oven the verandab of the post and Jimmie and Bobbie, Tornto, and ýd_____________ - we bad visions o!f hem bringing Judy Spragg. Hamilton, witb Mns. n, WE are looking for an eoergetic USED rubber tined wagon: new 3- peits to be tnaded for fond, but W. T. Wonden. ie and ambitious representative f0 funrow plow; steel posts; staples; the ioside o! tbe store w'itb ils Joan Cano, Bowmanville, with 7. handie superior uine o! products. poultry' fence; used cultivaton for modern frappîngs c ernt a i n]I arole Yelowlees. *Apply on)l'v if you are befween 25 Allis-Chalmens B. W. H. Brown, bnought us up 10 date in a hurry Mn. and Mns. Morley Hoopen, -aod 55-hax-e on cao secure mneans Case Dealer, Bowmanville, phone because if could easilv bave bren Q',Aendolvn and Alan, Edgeley, h o! conveyance. Blue Brand Pro- 497. 30-i one o! our own Bd;wmanville Saskatchewan, with Mn. and Mns. d ducts, 7227 Alexandra, Montreal. 1. 29-3 NEW studio coucb, $49.50; Dav- grocenies, it was so well equipped. Arthur Richards. 9 - ______- eno beds $89.50; cbesterfield suites, Aften we had returned to Tema- Marilyn Pbîlps is bolidaying at S. Summer Resorts 3 piece. velour. $195: nangcftes garni, we tbought we'd be a littîe 1M1. Gerald Philps', Morgansfone. e$39,50; Maxwell wasbing ma- diffenent and our good friend Car- Ronnie Pbilp is attending Kan- 1 FOR an ideal vacation or week- chines $114.50. Munphy's, phone son Brown, edifor o! the Temniska- awatha Camp on Stoney Lake. - ed wthexcllet omecooed811 Bomavile. ol* mîng Speaker, anranged tbat we Mn. and Mrs. H. Pbilp and Miss meals visit Grand View Lodge, --- bave dinner af a tourist ecamppwt nînsa~Co' EastBeac, Bomanvlle.ForTRACTOR dise, 5 ft.; 9 !t. ]and about a mile distant. We were Landing. resenvafion, phone 2050. 29-3 packen: 2 and 3 section sprng the sole occupants o! the dining MacksoFwithMn.r and Mss. L. footb lever harrows; farm fence; noom o! this superb Camp Amicb Mcon wiand M. ad Ms. . n For Rent gates: posts; barbed, galvanîzed witb ifs new, spotless cabîns com- Mc-adM.adMs .Vr and black xire. R. W. Bail & plete witb electric ligbts, toilefs tue. ýMODERN 7-roomed apant ment. ;Son, Taunton, phone Oshawa and running waten. Jo conversa- Miss- Marlon Hayward wifh Mrs. beated. Write f0 Box 95, cane o!f 163w'3, reverse changes. 30-l* tieno witb the manager o! tbe place J. H. Mutton. Bowmanville. Statesman Office. 30-11 - wbo w-as almost tearing bis bain. . i rs .S.Saie.o moem ofic sac - QUANTITY o!ftised lumben 2*"x8", w ere hfw' eebsfntBowmanville, aod Mn. and Mns. LARG modrn oficespac on2"x6", 2"x4" and sheeting approx- guests althougb be lhad openied Eventon White, visifed friends in Kiog St. Suitable for any type o! imately 3.000 !t., also 2 windows oven a w,%eek before and in past MisesDonMel and Baoaoft Ioffice business. Write 10 Box 96, and frames and used nails. Lange '-cars had been doing gond bus- 1 cngt emrewf n cane o! Stafesman Office. 30-1 Ren!reiv Cookrife cook stove w'ith loess at Ibis time o! yean. He w-,as aM rs. K. Colbewarke . h r reservoin and wanmiog closet also most unappreciative o! tbe free n r. .Clay Livestock For Sale seveo piece breakfast suite walntît but unfavorable publicity wbhich - Misses Evelyn, Arvilla and Jen- andbore.89 Scugog on phooe bad been given the foresf fines nie Beckett visited Mn. and Mns. FIFTEEN Yorksbine pigs, 8 weeks 2707. 30-lt.wbc bdbe ain nterGordon Beckett, Oshawa. whic hadbeenragig inthe Mn. and Mrs. A. Grace, Bow- jold. Phone 2495. 30-1 - ---_---___________________ille hi ______- OSHAWA'S new furniture store- norlytb be cse if h anild bis manville, with Mn. and Mrs. W. YORKSHIRE sow due August 10. Everything in modern chester- large stad ercopeo elx- and hi'Rahm. Phone 2075. 30-l* field, bedroom and dining room .,safwîemr rls ut Mrs E. A. Virtue and John vis- - sutes andstuios Bedigands ittiog on their hands with noth- ited Mns. Chas. Shaw, Bowman- EIGHT pigs. 6 weeks old. R. C. forceigsapcalvQu i g mucb to do. We assured him xvine Tindaîl, one mile north o! Hamp tv merchandise at competitive r hnwentre he M.DnLm.Eosiln ton. 20- y South w-e w-ould do our utmost 1 u-s.en n vl- ekt I~~S ~-____________ _-pîe.Before buving \isit Brad- t i et -y n EevnBckt CALF for x'ealing. Apply Autn ey s New u iure Store, 38-40 'e people knou- that therewee ithMnd MrsAi. aenie AutningS. W ,Onoa 4t forest fines in the Temagami Sctigog Island and Mn. and Mns. Wood phne 388 Bowanvlle _____________ _______area. but there was plenty o! rooml George Rabm, Saiotfield. 301' TRADE-IN Renfnew olad for tourists. 1 Mns. P. Havwand and Grace VIS- GOOD Jersey cow. good easy mîlk- iwood stove. like oew, Princess Paf Jo concluding this series w'e ited Nlrs. J. Hi. Mutton, Bowmani- er. Seli neasonabiy. Write Box 97 coal and wood stove; Beatty elec- must pa.1 Ztribute to those men ville. Statesman Office, Bowmanv-ille. fric wasber: play pens; odd dress- f.who, because of thein positions. Miss Ruth Rahmn, Saîntfield, 30-1' ens: buffet: chest o! drawers: por- wene unable to enjoy the trip witb ber cousins, Evelyn and Jen- -_ celain top kitchen table: Axmins-I quite as mucb as we did. They ny Beckett. Y'ORKSHIRE Boan. 7 month old. ter r-ýgs. battery* radios: w-ite kit- included the secî-etarv- of tbe asso- Miýs K. Macdonald, Oshawa, baif sister qualified in advanced rhen buffet: kitcben suite. natural ciation Bob Giles o! -the Lachuite wi th her parents, Mn. and Mrs. nregistry. Ralph Larmer, Nestle- wood; occasional chairs. Munpby«sI (Que.) Watcbman: the immendiate i Wm.Mcnad Irb- Juniors Lose Game To Oshawa M.C.C. Failune to bunch hits and pl ay co-ondinated bail cost Bowman- ville Rotary Juniors thein second straight defeat Monday, in the Lakeshore Basebal League. Osh-1 awa M.C.C. had the edge ail the way to win the game 5-2. 1 Rundie. West and Stunrock had two bits each with Rundlesc- ing once. Dadson countere the other on great base running wifh the theft of two sacks, the only play' er to register in this depart- ment. Oshawa bunched hits among the lead off players that netted one run by Benko wski and f wo each by Jazkoski and O'Co n- nor. West pitched good bail] but, yielded nine hits against eight for Bowmanville off McTavish who fanned ten against five for West ' There were no extra base clouts. Bowmanville-Rundle cf and 3b, Hooper ss, Martyn c, West p, Dadson lb, Cowle 2b, Stunrock If, Piper rf, Perfect 3b, Buckspan, sun cf. Battery, West and Mar-' tyn. WANTED Young Women Young Men for Hani'estingr Peaches, Plums Pears, Apples, Grapes. To- matoes and other Fall Fruits and Vegetables Camp Directors. Cookfi, Camp Assistants also wanted Accommodation ho Farm Service Force Camps Aug. 15 to Nov. 15 Campers must bring blank- ets, sheet-s and piilow cases. for funthen information write ONTARIO FARM SERVICE FORCE 9 Richmond Street East Toronto 1, Ontario Auspices: Dominion-Provin- cial Farm Labour Committee LANTIGEN "E" FOR RAY FEVER Lantigen "E" is a' simple and convenient treatment f or Hay Fever and being a com- pletely dissolveci oral vaccine, if is opera- tive immediately if is taken. Get Lantigen "E" today. Start your Lantigen treatment for Hay Fever at least one month before the usual onset of the attacks. $6 per boff le Vacation Needs Bromo Seltzer 25c, 49c, 95e Aika Seitzer- . 29c, 57e I%'elch's Grape Julce ---- 29e Yardley Lotusq Cologne $1.50 Max Factor Pan-Cake $1.75 622 Inseet Repeilent Bathing Caps---- Toni Home Permanent, $2.50 and 51.50, Reflil 51.25 'Noxzema Suntan Cream, greaseiess 50V Dettol Antiseptie .,-53c, $1.60 Brylcreemn---- 25c, 49e lodine 5% 25c, 51.25 Arrid. new, . ith Creamogen wlli not dry out ,-39c, 59e 6c759û 69,$7.5 Suggestions, Bargains English Style Health Saîts 59c Puretest Heavy American M inerai 011 -- 16 oz. 85e 40 oz. - - . .... 1.35 Aromatie Cascara 25c, 50r Castor Oil 20C. 35c, 60C Seiletz Powders, boxes of fSeven -----30C Boraclc Acid 10eo, 20c Iv (hek, pibison Ivy Lotion 75e Puretest VeCetahie Laxative Tabiets, 24%s 30C Milk of Magne"ia, plain or mint flavored. 8 oz. 25e Aga Rex Compound- 75r Puretest Epsom Sait, 1 lb. 25e Filr-Tox wlth 5% D.D.T. 8 oz.1 24e Briten Tooth Parte, wlth alkalizing foam. tube 29C JURY C& LOVELL YOUR RE;-ALL DRUG STORE When We Test Tour Eyes 1PHONE 778 It ls Donc Properly BO1'ê'M~~N VILLE PHONE 812 Corner Kint and Silver Sta., Bowmanviile G. Phare. JvnlsC niu Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clapp u efe o tn e with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clapp, Winning Streak Blevi lie. Wt itre Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bigelow and îWihTwo itre Rhoda, Oshawa, Mrs. T. W. Ro- 1 binso'n, Qmemee. Mrs. Nelson Wil- Bowmanville Juveniles are set- kins and Ray, Bowmyanville, with ting a hot pace in their league by 7! Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bigelow. %winning their last four games. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hather - 1 iFinefelig n pt v. W innipeg. M r. and M r,. Lew . i ttn , fed ng a d pt h IWilîiamson, Pontypool, with Mr. ing are the reasons for their suc- and Mrs. R. Hatherly. cess. Miss Reta Reynard. of Whitby, On July 14 the Juveniles defeat- with her grandmnother, Mrs. Ber- ed Oshawa Victors 7-5 at dthe tha Yeo. 'High School. This was Victors Mr. and Mrs. J. Hodgson and first loss of the season. granddaughter, Miss M. Clark, of Oshawa collectei two runs off I Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Stanly two hits and two errors against Hodgson, Mrs. H. Moses and n1e. pitcherDvBarwoasmk Yeo. Bowmanville, with Mr. and ing h is fist star t of the season. ýMrs. Clark and Mr. L. Thompson. Bowrnanville failed ta score in Mr. Robt. McNichol. Toronto, this inning. returned home last weekend. In the second inning Oshawa addcd one run to take a three run lcad. WESL Y VLLEFor Bowvmanv~ille Gallagher WESLE VILLE walked and moved to second on BttonshawA-s Qacrifice h.it. Mantie SundaY School was held at 10:30, walked and Falls hit a long tri- xvith an attendance of 35.* Super- pie to score Iwo runs. intencient was Mr. George Tuf- In the third Bowmanville took tord in absence o! Mr. Wilfred !the lead scoring three runs. on Beck. Dr. Oke preached on sev- oie, hit and good base running. eral chosen passp.ges of the Bible.,Rov Falls came to the mound for Miss Diane Burley, Oshawa, Bowman%,ille in the tliird and xvith her grand parents, Mr. and pitched the rest of the game al- Mrs. Rov Nicholîs. lowijng only three hits and strik- Mr. Robert Hill, Port Hope,,ing out eight Victors. Both teamm with his sister, Mrs. Edgar Bar-i added two runs and the final score rowclough. was 7-5. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, Tor- Team R. H. E. onto, with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Oshawa 5 6 3 Thorndyke. Bowmanville 7 4 3 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lineup: Lloyd Burley (nee Jean Nichols), Bowýmanville- Hamilton 3b, Oshawa. on the birth of a baby West ss, Barr lb. Gallagher c, girl on Friday. I 0uttn ha v if, Sellars nf. Falls p, Mrs. Harold Caswell, Zion, with Stutt 2b, Dadson cf. Mrs. Edgar Barrowclough. On July 19 the Juveniles defeat- Mr. Sidney bockhart. of port i ed Oshawa Legionnaires 11-9 at Hope. with Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'Alexanden Park, Oshawa. "Lef- Nicholls. Ity" Jack Buttonshaw (the Oscar Mrs. Barton and .Miss Nola Judd of the Juveniles) gained his Holdawav, Toronto, with Mrs. L.1 second victony in as many tries. Hold awa v. The Juveniles had a field day as Mrs. W. T. Nicholîs, Port Hope, th ey collectcd il runs off.13 hits. with Mrs. Edgar Barrowclough ' Buttonýhaw allowed Oshawa six Mn. and Mrs. Roy Nicholîs and hits. The hitters were: Barr a famil-. Mrs. Sidney Lockhant. of home run and a double, Gallagher Port'Hope, and Miss Diane Bur- a trinle and a single, Falls two leY, Oshawa, spent Sunday after- doubles with Hamilton. Frank, noon at Gore's Landing. Mantle Stutt ai-d Kilpatrick each Mns. Arnold Thorndvke. Sharon collecting one bit. Ann and Carol and Mrs. Arm- Team R. H. Er. stnong, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Boivmanville il 13 2 J. Brimacombe, Osaca. Oshawa 9 6 6 Mr. and Mns. Cecil White and 1 Buttonshaw had elght stnike- Gloria. Port Hope, with Mr. and outs. Mns. C. PaYne. ýM -MURU 1 TIR CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANVILLE. ONTARIO Air WIck 89C BOIV.%ii's.N VILLE s A lÉý» 1» ý r 1

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