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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jul 1948, p. 1

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""Durham County's Gireait Famity Journal" VOLUME 94 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 22nd, 1948 6c PER COPYNUBR3 'SWIMMING CLASSES WILL BEGIN fouugsters to Have Denefit Supervised Instruction Class Sponsored by the Red Cross This year in co-operation with the supervised piaygrounds pro- gram and under the supervision of recreatianal director Bart Smith- son "Learri ta Swim Classes" willi lie held for children ages 6-16 dur- ing next week, July 26-30. Due ta improvements being carried on at the pool at the Boys Train ing Schoal, the classes will lie held at Bowmanville Beach. These classes are carried on thraugh the -co-operation of thej B3owmanville Red Cross. The in- structors wili be A. Witherspoon,i W. Bagneil and B. Smithson. While this program is being con- ducted the playgrounds will be I operated from 1:30 ta 4:30 in the afternoon.. Accordingly arrangements have been made ta carry out the pro-1 gram in the foilowing way: Girls' classes will commence on Monday morning, July 26 ta be followed an hour and a haîf lateri by boys' classes, al af which con-i tinue into Friday the same week. Ail girls who wish to attend these classes are ta be at their play- graunds at 8:45 every morning during the week. A bus will be on hand to take you to the lake and bring yau back at the end of the cla ss. Boys are ta be at the playgrounds at 10:15 sharp, in or- der ta catch the bus that, wili be leaving at that time. Children wîll be brought back ta the play- grounds after the classes, and will be home in plenty of time for dinner. These "Learn ta Swim" classes were started for the first time in Bowmanville last year, and they are considered one of the best moves made by the Community Council. It is hoped that the greatest number of children pas- sible wili avail themselves of this wonderfuI opportunity. Let's gaet going kids and make Bowmaa- ville proud of the best swimmers in the country. Arena Commillee WiIl Go Ahead Iloping for Funds When Ereclion Sure, This week, the Memorial Arena three groups will meet with the tommittee held a meeting at The Arena Committee. Statesman Office with the three It was also suggested that a members present plus president car be raffled starting as soon as John Braugh of the Lions Club, possible with the draw ta take Recreational Dîrector Bart Smith- place at the opening game in the son and later in the meeting May- Arena with two outstanding hoc- or Sidney Little joined the group. key teams as the feature of the .Bart Smithson reported that he evening. This also will be dis- Ixad contacted George Hipel when cussed Friday evening. in Preston on Wednesday of last In view of recent discussions at week and that Mr. Hipel wvas busy the Lions Club concerning the use 'preparing two sets of plans for of their property at the Commun- cur Arena here and would pre- ity Centre for the Arena site, the ment them to the committee with- committee adjourned to investi- Ia week or ten days. Mr. Smith- gate the grounds further. it was son stated that according to Mr. decided that the Arena would ~{pethrehvebenseveral spoil the grounds for further de- ey saving impravements such velopment as a Community Cen- n & sphaît floor instead of con- tre and that the Rotary Park was tre, aluminum roofing instead more suitable for such a huge .e hIngles raphî uing re- building. In future years, If and cent months whîch would make when the town should decide ta the construction cheaper than was estabiish a Parks Commission the vriginally thaught. possibilities of the Community Mr. Hipel recommended that, Centre property as a town park, ocnce the plans and price are ap- complete with tennis courts, wad- Sroved that as much volunteer la- ing or swimming pool and play- or as possible be recruited ta ground facilities would be curb- save stili further cast. Appar- ed considerably by the erection ently, in most places a consider- of an Arena on the grounds. able amount of the work is done Cliff Samis reported that he had ty people of the community on an contacted the Supervision Club of unpaid basis. Several affers of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber such help have already been re- Ca. with the suggestion that they ceived by the committee here and might organize and conduct the when building commences there hause-to-house canvass of the will be an appeal for more. Mr. town in September once the Ar- Smithson stated that the Hipel or- ena bas been started. He stated ganization could start in Septem- their reaction was favorable but bier and complete it before win- that their decision would be ter sets in. available at a later date. Proposais for further nianey John James stated that John raising projects included a joint Poolton had not only contributed carnival ta be staged by the Le- $10 ta the campaign but had also gion, Lions and Rotary Clubs of offered the use of his cement the town sometime in the not toa block-making machine, if it were distant future. This will be dis- required. cussed at a meeting in the Lions Oniy dther donation during the Community Centre on Friday eve- week was $10 from Mr. and Mrs. ning when representatives of the1 E. S. Ferguson. Hislory Night Have Deen Changed Rad Frenchmen Found Cobalt Silver (Fourth Insf.allment) In this the fourth and -final in- end of the silver boom days in the stalîment cancerning aur Weekly Cobalt district where William Newvspaper convention in Ontar- Henry Drumimond, the great Can- lo's northiand, w~e bring x'ou ta adian paet, lîved and wnote; the famous towns of Haileybuny where Totsky is supposed ta have and Cobalt and ta the wvanderland tried ta fomm a union before the taurist area, the Ternagami. wam; and wbeme Van Ribbentrop Haileybury, you wili recaî a a champagne salesman until liack at the near of your meman- lhe left bumiedly just before the ies, was the town that wvas almost last wam. completely destnoyed in that ter- But the main purpose of bis talk rible fine in 1922. Since then, it w'aF ta remove the miscanception has been rehuilt and naw b las a that the North îvas a country modern business section and a where people scrape tbnougb cee -wondenfui hotel where we w'ere and snaw ta get at the silver and dinnen guests of the town of New gahd and ive on moosemeat and Liskeard. The twa towns are an- blubben. This country is now a ly a few miles apant but Haiiey- praspenaus industrial and agnicul- ibury's hotel bas the anflv large tonal section with huge plants dining roamn in the district. such as Hill-Clark Francis Ltd.. which bias on of the best equipped At the dinner. wve not only met plants of its kind in the wonld. the town fathens and their wives Few people know that the area al- who wvere veny chari-ing people, so0lias 2,000 farms which vieid but wve also heard an outstanding more than $4,000,000 w'arth 0of addncss by Dalton Dean, a yaung produce annually, be cantinued. and impressive Haileybury law- Some day. the great dlay belt ta yer, who folawing the %van, taak the no t h of Cochrane and Kirk- a prominent part in the Nurem- land Lake will open up and the burg war ciminal trials. north will reallv came inta its Aithough the actual history of owý%n as an agicultunal area. the north only goes back 50 yeans, 1 Foilowxrxg the luncheon, the en- &hite men had first came ta the tire party embussed for Temag- country 250 years ago when a ami, passing thraugh Cobalt on Frenchman named Detroyes had the waN. it was a dnab town, stili corne up through this countnv on show,ýing signs of forest fines which his %%ay ta fight the British Itj bunned there hast year, but from Hudson's Bay-. On the shores off what %ve w'ere told thene w-as Lake Temiskaming, be had w-at- much hope that Cobalt would ched the Indians digging lead and boom again within the near fu- irone anc tram a mine, the metal turc. ta be used for their arows. That At Temiagami dock we w'eme mine. the oldest in Canada, w'as welcomed aboard the Aubrey C. only a few miles fram the hugeiCozens, V.C., an Ontaria North- silver beds of Cobalt. Had De- land Raiiwav boat named after a troyes found the silver. the French local Victoria Cross wvinner off the would undoîxbtedly have field on First G-eat Wam. On this trioD up a lot loiigcn andl probahly the, the lakes w~e w-ene guests off Sears %%.hol' li;Storv off thle world '1%ouild Conipany of Torontoa%-hio supolv have been changed. printing machinenv and suplies., Mr. Dean told legend after le&- (Continued on Page Eleven> ON 'MONDAY Canning- Factory in Eull Producti*on With 100 Employees Public School Pupils Run Model Garden A Sight to Behold Ontario Agricultural College may have its model farm, but Bowmanville Central P ublii c School has its model garden. As weli as turning out schol1ars the schoal bas budding young hri culturists in the making. The whole praject is under the capable supervision of Mr. T. Turner and is situated on the south side of Wellington St., west of the school itself. Although the main abject of the garden is the grawing of vege- tables, nevertheless a beautiful lawn and flower garden make a striking foreground. The vegetable garden ls '70 feet wide and 116 feet long and is di- vided into plots, with each room havîng seven plots, as their re- spansibility. Most af the vegetables that are grown are suitable for faîl use, cansisting of beets, carrats, pata- toes, onians, parsnîps and cab- bage. However, not content ta graw just an ordinary type of gar- den the childmen have branched out, and even experimented with pea nuts. The garden wvas planted in the middle of May-, but almost aIl of the annual flowers were grawn in the school, before this time, and transferred to cold frames in the garden. A number of experiments wereý carried out including sait ta kill weeds on beets, the u.ýe of 2-4-D on the lawn and nitrate of soda ta Doamote the growth of cammots and beets. Now that the halidays are here and anything cannected with sehool has been emased fram the pupil's minds, DaUg Walker, un- der the supervision of Mr. Turn- er, is attempting ta keep every- thing shipshape. Th~e majarity of the vegetabies wilf be donated to the bospitai, howevem some of them will be kept ta selI at the Field Day next year. Now, Instead of bothering aur warthx- Agricultu mal Representa- tive. Mr. E. A. Summers, about gardening problems, amateur gar- dnems wili be able ta gain ail their information fram their children. 92nd Birthday Another week and another sev- en days of wonderful summer weather. It seems that aId mariý sun won't be pushed off the bar-. moan by any would-be ram chauds. Three weeks af playground fun are over, but there are stili three super weeks ahead, with even bet- ter times in the offing. Sure it's a little hot, but how else do you expect ta get that tan that will make you heaithier and browner than any other kid in school next faîl. Besides, mo- ther finds it bat. toa, and it makes her housework much easiem if you aren't araund ta bother ber. Keep ail this in mmnd and be sure ta be the first up ta the playgrounds tamorrow mamning. Mo0vies ! Those movies hast Friday were terrifie and even though yau iked the camedy best, the educ4tional film and the one on sparts were prett)- gaod too. But here is the wonderful news. There will be movies this coming Friday and this time there will be four films. The Bell Telephane Ca. bas do- nated two films that will sure ]et you in an a lot. yau didn't know befare, and besides this, thcre is a Sparts Film. O' Yes! and we havent forgatten there will be a comedy, Bugs Bunn3-, Mickey Mouse, Pluto, w-ha knows? You, will have ta came on Friday and. find. out. Naw as you vemy well know it was matlwr that got your break- fast and got you ready, sa that you could go ta playgrounds ev- ery day. Well, here is youm chance ta repay ber for -al .kP trouble: Yes, yau can invite yaur mather ta these mavies on Fiday. Youn fathers may also came. You are ta go ta pla.ygmounds as usual an Friday aftemnoon and yau wiii be taken in a graup. Parents are ta ibe at the Badminton Club by 2:30. Baseball South Ward seems ta be captur- irig ahl the honors in basebali. lIn the two games piayed this week, the South Ward walked off witl decisive victaries each time. You fehlas from the North will have to enlist some recruits or else im- prove a littie on your style. Friday the score was 25-13 fr the South Ward. Tuesday proved ta be a little dloser with the f in- ai score 9-7 for the southerners. In this game it hooked at the first part of the game that the north- erners would be the winners. Holding their oppanents score- iess until the fourth inning they managed ta drive in two runs. K. Piper led the battery with a total of three runs. Lineup: South Ward-J. Vanstone, Rý Lane, K. Piper, G. -Lane (6), T. Johnston, C. Ferguson, Hughes (5), R. Wiseman, D. Bates, Smith- son (4), R. Woolner, Terry (5), F. Ferguson. North Ward - J. Richards, A. Joanes, R. Melean, M. Richards, D. Teble, K. Kelly, Cole (4), J. Bell, L. Hooper, J. Clarke. Horse Sense How are you at pitching horse -hoes? Weil hene is your chance ta find out. There are gaing to be horse shoe pitching tourna- ments held at the High Schoo] this week . Preliminaries INilI be held at the separate playgrounds with two boys aged 10, Il-, 12, 13 and 14, picked ta represent bis playground in the taurnament. Nýow here is where the hanse sense camnes in. In case you want ta practice around home, stay away fmom any windows or yaur y aunger brothers and sisters. And be sure ta bide the harse shoes fram Dad or he wili be out thmow- ing them ail the time and you won't have a chance. (Continued an Plge Eleven) 0. F. Robson Buys Sleepy Hens Confuse Bow'ville Motor Sales Amateur Farmerette The Bowmanville Motor Sales, With members of a local family on the north side of King St.E', absent for a week and egg gathcdr- beside Lyon's Dairy, has changed ing left to an amateur farmerette, hands. This streamline-d garage! the supply of eggs fell off from a was completed two years ago, dozen ta two a day. The decline wheti it was built by C. E. Mur- was so sudden that a reason was ehl and bas now been purchased sought when the family returned. by O. F. Robson. i The head of the house soon dis- SSituated at the east end of Bow- cavered the cause when he faund -~manville's main business street. twocucig essitngo this modemn garage will do a great whole flock of eggs. added ta deal ta give molorists a good im- daily by other hens laving eggs pression of aur tawn. in their customnary cubicles with Mr. Robson will specialize ini the setters. Dod.ge and DeSoto cars . eaJes and "I really thought of iooking service and a complete stock of there," said the confused yaung genuine Chrysler parts, Goodyear lady, "but I took it that the twn Tires, Philco Radios and Essa henq were sleepy and did nat wish Products. There is a quaiified ta be disturbed; they ruffled their personnel In the repair depart- feathers and 'became angry when ment ta give expert service toalal I approached them, sa I left them T. H. Everson makes of cars. alane, hoping thev wouid sleep it Ail year around, there is a 24- off and get about wîth the athers.' Well known business man and hour tawing and crane service But they stayed there for thc public spirited citizen af Oshawa that will be particularly helpful whaie week." celebrated his 92nd birthday on when old man winter returns. The payoff came in due course Juiv 15, whcn ail the membi1ersý When yaur car nced% lubricat- a day or 50 ago when the livo of his familv were home to lhonor ing or cleaning, a special pick-up oid 'sicepers" happed cantentcc:- him on the occasion. Mr. Everson service will be available, with a 1INy off a dozen or sa eggs in vaiaus enjoys remarkable good heallth guaranteed ]ubricating and wash- stages of incubatian, with the hap- and a keen mind for a man of hxs ing and poiishing job that will jpy contentment of mothering ex- advanced years. He is a native mak e yaur car run and look like activ one chick apiece. The of the Ebene'.er district ani 'ihe nwu Statesman's farm reporter, hap- Statczmn joins \vith hi s many Mm . Rabsan and bis emplovees :pening bN. found cam piete yn friends iii Durhamn County in lave Catirtcs i at ail tinles as their fie-aton of the starx. This v.-ofld wvishing himi manY more years of motta at the Bowmanville ïMotor .,have delighted the late- Andy healtli and happiness._ Sales., Clark. I .1 ) r [I The- Editor's Chair Relegated to Archives 0f Oblivion Daxvn in t.he archives in Ottawa are chairs that have become the jay of taurists and sightseers. There is nothing peculiar in the appearance of these chairs except that perhaps they are somewhat antiquated for the present modemn age. However, these chairs have reached their "Hall of Fames" t.hrough the famous men that have sat ia them. Sir John A. Mac- donald, first Prime Minister of Canada, is one mnari whose chair is on display. This week The Statesman staff decided that it had a chair, which merited just such fame. it seems that the editor's chair, which we might add is extremely camfort- able, bas gone into retirement af- ter 49 years' cantinous and faith- fuI service. Despite weak arms which tend Io give way, when any weight is pIaced upon them the chair is nane the worse for the longevity of its use.. However, with the threat of freighit incrcases, it was decided ta delay the shipment of this war- thy chair ta the Ottawa Archives until a future date. In the mean- time it bas been relegated ta the archives of abhivian in the dark and peaceful stareroom aof The Statesman office. «M' à, I Top left shows the cans being filied with peas and brine and corn- pletehy sealed, carried along by a convcyor and finally placed in cranes, ready for the cockers. Left, at the rear, Mrs. Alex Lyle,' Bill Hearl, Ron Rogers and Bill Lyle The conveyom table, top right, is situatcd an the second faonr of the factomy. The peas that are inspected here are of a special variety and are kept sepanate fromn the peas inspected on the grouind floor. Front, lcft ta night: Bill Temny, Mrs. Frank Piper, Jr., Jean Perfect, Helen Kilpatrick; (rear), Betty Hagard, Bernice Quinney and Audrcy Mutton. Above photo shows the peas passing aven a conveyar table, wbere they are carefully inspected by girls, who remove any foreign matenials that might have rcmaincd after the cheaning and wash- ing pracess. Left sîde, front ta rear: Ethel Edmonston, Ethel Luxton, and Mms. Ernic Luno; rigbt side, front ta rear: Peggy Goulah, Mns. Hattie Armstrong and Mrs. Menzo Clark, one of It's a Small Vorld the Jactory's za-yeam employées. Amog oto TuritsCanadian Canners Faclory is Hive The aId saving, "it's a small world,' pnoved true hast week in two cases that came ta the notice jO n u ty P c ig P a C o in the dining roorn of the Bal- With 'the pea scasan in fuit jccss that s4elî5 the peas and moral Hotel where discriminat- swing, and tnîîckloads off peasi dumps the, vines int a lange stack. *ing travellers enjoy an excellent passing through town every day-, On tOis stack you.r reporter was cruisiene in pleasant surround- a trip was made ta the Canadian ama-,cd ta sec a small tractor, *ings. Canners Ltd., factory ta find outj equipped with a hydraulic lift, In the first instance a lady was how production mvas coming aI ong. wý,hicli shuntcd back and forth, heard ta remark al4out another Amid the bustîe and activity, building the stack. diner: 'She greatly resembies my not mentioning the roar of thé These stacks are kept until sister wvnom navent seen for machinery, your reporter was1 spring and then thcy are sold ta years and yeams." Later in the able ta find out a few off the facts farmners for ensilage. t otunida she summaned up nerve about this industny, 50 fan rmmv- Next tOc peas arc weighed and e.nougb ta the appnoach the other e d fnomn the business section off dnawn up ta the pea shed on a lady, and nigbt there camne the the tawn. horse-cînawn cant. The pcas are typical 'O. Henry ending ta the Ntol osthsfcoy sorted--t.hnec types, Laxtons, stav.vide cmploymcnt for many local jSýý cct and Alaska. Thib peas ar; Yes indeed, they were sisters, citizens but alsgo adds studen1qts t ' leancd and w'ashed, thisties long separated and out off touch a~~~e-hl ttepe-r e n blown out an d tOny arc, ptmp- evenby arrspodene wichtime there ane approximatcly 100 cd tipstaims, where they anc gmad- feli away with individual family emplaoyées. ed accord ing ta size. During this dames and other interests. Coi-a The canning factory in Eovv pnocess the peas pass aven a ro- camne from North Dakota and Lil- manville is anc off a chain of 64 tating table, where ItOn are band- lie from the aid home i Virginia. - oissiute houhutte picked by a gnou p off girls who On a matai- tour thnough eastern y Th factoiestucdtrougho ut remv' a ny fareign matenial, Canada, fate brought them toge- incaury.T at ory w-a12. sin buta îhîatgdt eai ho ther in Bawmanville. iautwnn112 Sicthat Oc washing process. hn a sep- Tescnstyinoed time there bave been many addi - àaerohg ahusw The secon story inaratd noamnshundimpbathtuhs. wit' aId cranies who badn't seen each tions aan mpaditintws Tote-am pipcs in tOc hottom heat other for mare than 20 ya years aaa diinwa built Ite' brin. which is a mixture off With the bluff bilarity of men on j.ntefcom tcfad h i-sgar. saIt and w'ater. vacaiontheysoo gottogtherta ries were movcd outsidc ta pro- Tcpa hnps hog vactio thy son ot ogehertOvide mare space for machinrry, hlanching and sicnilizing proeess. celebrate tOceévent in ounces and Besidcs tOc viricnies at th(c fac- Tnnx peaino tcasm memnisencs. he teI i Paistory, there are thi-ce other viner- 0b,1.i takes place in an extreme- that if yau sit long enough in a ies, one at Hampton and two at Iy complicatedi machine. Empty boulevard café, you will see a iCaurtice. friend pass. The motor car 'now cn r e notemcieb makes this a cliche for the aven- MWith the ca-operation off tOn .an f a f etantO thmachine h age Ontario tow-n. weather, the cnop is higgeî- and 'and peas are poured inoatOecdans. bett'er this ycar than haïst ycar, [Tops are snaled an tOe rans by aecording ta manuager RalpO Stutt.j a header. The cranps arc Iawcred ec alnCaedr The FcaFon started June 28 and ÎS into cooking ntwhcwi ol .mat'-ly 50 loads passing through cooked for 35 minutes, then re- Thursday, .TuIy 22 j the factarY a day-. moved ffrom the cookers and pass- 7 ~ ...Shipm ents are made ta w-hale- ed through a dooling tank. It takes 7p.m.-Girls' Sortoall, Newcastl- salers, with sevenal carloads go- 15 minutes for tOe peas ta pass vs. Bowmanvilie at Memonial ing ta bath tOeceast and weSt froirn anc end off the cooîing tank Pr.Friday, JuIy 23 coasts. TOe, présence off a raiiroad fo tOe other. 2:30 pm-Pago d MaesI siding that nons alang side the j-Tlit tins are removed fram the Bidmnton C d ovisfactory makes shipment compara- emanes, piled in boxes, labeiled Bi p.miSotballua ,~ T tively easy. and are now ncady for shipmcnt. S ., Puofbli aelRr .. Production A factory off this type, in arder S., Pulie Shool.TOc peas are brOUght in tram ta operate smoa)thlyv and efficient- Saturday *, July 24 1 farms, tram ail thc surrounding ]v depends entineîx-1 on the cn-ap- 31 p.m.-lintermediate Basehal districts - Rowmanville, Part <ration off the individuial workems. Coîbomne vs. Bawmanvilhe. jl Hope, Newcastle, Hampton and Therefore, flot onîy Mn. Stutt, but 3 p.m.-Junior Basebaîl, Bow- Orono. cvcryone off tOc cmployces are ta manville at Peterboro "A." Truekens fnom Newcastle, Ty- be cangratuiated 'on their efforts Monday, JuIy 26 1rane. Bowmanville and Hampton that have made this factory not d p.m.-Softball, Pepsi Cola vs. bring the peas ta the(,-anning, on1v an asset ta the tawn, but a Ruýra'ls. Puiblic ScOl'0. I actory and they are dumped at ,.olid link in a c-bain off factonies Tueday'. JuIy 27 the thmee vinenies at the rean off opc-rated by tOc Canadian Can- 7p.ni.- 'oftb! Merebants vs. the factorv itself: These vineries ners Limnited, that help ta fecd .New-castle, Public SchooL., carry out a type off threshing pro- lour nation. 'I Zbe ian

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