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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jul 1948, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JULY 22nd, 1948 ~1?EE CANADIAN STATESMAK. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARTO FIFTY YEARS AGO June 29th, 1898 On the, front page o! this issue appears a writeup o! Rev. Thos. W. Jolliffe, president o! the Bay o! Quinte Methodist Conference. Born in England, he lived in Bow- manville for ten years attending Publie and High Scbaol bere. Or- daincd at Brampton, Rev. Jolliffe was stationcd at Orangeville, Et- obicoke, London, Brant faord, Brampton, Kingston and Bow- manville. During bis stay in Bow- manville, Rev. Jalliffe was elected Noble Grand a! the Grand Lodgc of Canada o! the Independent Or- der o! Oddfellows and was after- %vards Canadian representative ta the Sovereign Grand Ladge o! North Amenica. Miss M. Mosetta James, eldest daughtcr o! Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James, graduated fnom Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, with First Class Honors, received ber A.O.C.M. degrce and won the Gold Medal in the Vocal Depant- ment. Miss James also received ber graduation from the Toronto Conscrvatory o! Music with First Class Honors taking tbe degree o! A.T.C.M. and winning the Gold Medal in the Vocal Department. Maple Grovc-Wm. Foley's new barri was erected with neatness and 'dispatch, Thursday afternoon. Mount Vernon - Master Hugh Annis bas become quite a fisher- man but bis lady companians no doubt bave something ta do with bis success. Master Gurnsey McClellan was taken ta St. Paul's on Sunday ta hear the new preachen and wasi toid ta be a good boy and not talk.i OR. FOE GýAEA JO #i un C*WÀ#g AD49 After the service hes to Rcv. Trunbuil and "You were talking in Lt.-Col. Sam Hughes, ited Belleville ta seE !iends and especiallyc Durham Battalion, camr bis brother, Col. John camp there. There basr anything but fiendlyr tween these two aid co arms, the 45th and 4E lions. It was therefai plcasure ta Col. Sam ta congratulate Col. Jack such a magnifîcent regi 45th, howevcr, feel thi the 46th may surpass equipment and age an( tion o! officers, yet far work, for drill and ail ti make up manly. stead3 well drilled soldiers the tonia lads take second nane in Canada. JuIy th, 1898 Mn. H. Gay bas draf for the new G.T.R. bote manville Station. The trim littie stean et," Capt. BaIl, Nestletci Lindsay every Saturda3 the awner's wharf east area at 8 a.m., Capt. Bal] on Mondays ta accomn campers at Washburn Is' Maple Grave-J. Snci a successful barn raisifj ncsday, the boys enioyec did game a! football a! t In Geneva, there ar( marriage brockers who o! marriageable girls ai classes witb notes o! thei ai attractions, fortunes cumstances. The brc( ?a v4 %em/wo, oy er INCREASED EARNINGS If you want ta increase your incarne buying mare cattie, thse Bof M will be glad finance thse purchase, and you can pa>' ba your loan eut of yaur regular mnilk chequi See your aearest Bof M manager today.A or ivrite for folder "Quiz for a Go-ahei Farmer." BANK OF MONTREAI workrng witb Cnadianslina wtt.y valk of ie neco 19 In the Dùm and Distant Paw From The Statesman Files 2. Break used matches in two. Remeber- "n once f **<. ...3. Build campfires near the water on rocks or wefl '~.~brain is worth a Pound of J..:~... ,, cleared minerai soil. strain." So relsx! Concen- - ..,e 4. Make sure your fire is eut before you leave il - trate an improving your skill unattended. and working methods. You'il do more and better 'iork!1 No one can relax completely tS IGT YbiSG. t"if he is worriecl about. bis tOYIH YCRNI l )m immksfamily's financial future. TU CARLINS IREWEUIES LIMITI msrie m maes Th Iat is why millions of Cao- WAT8ILOO. ONTARIO îg surshe fr gi meouadians own life insurance t imitnapsToteronto. is the most dependable way ta mîeTrnoprovide for the faniily's needs YO RST ENJOT O R T RTC under any and ail circu.- in the familiar yellow box stances. "KODAK" Il A TRDE-MA.K 5 -t.' ~ IL. ~ .~, - about endeavoring ta arrange con - Good Men Are as strong on publicity as it should Queen's Theological CUegçl nections in the same off-hand~ have been but that is being re- Dr. G. G. D. Kllpatrlcm !j1c manner that they would a mer-~ Not motyredied now. If I were Iooking of United Theoogic1 1 chnietasato. MriaeT l D k I!KVlt~ ~ for a job I would seek for a firm Montreal; Rev. Dr. A. A. thee remor ote a imleA ElN . . Dacma) a highly paid management. Principal of Indore ô matter of business calculation, H U(yR .Daha)I means higher pay and better India; Rev. Dr. James SeM - generally settled by relatives, who- Early this year I sent out an conditions for the worxkers. of Peterborough; Rev.* often draw up the contract beoe I T N E artcile entitled "London Shows Gordon A. Sisco, Sle cr- stepped up the partners have seen each otherj $ The Way." it gave the record of tary of the General Council; Fe*. remarked, It is only, when everything hasIi profits and the distribution of the NominationFo Dr. Douglas H. Telfer of Vartebu'- church." been arranged and a few days v m sales dollar in nine differentFo ver: Dr. J. S. Thomson, Prealdent' 9M.P., vis- previous te the marriage cere-j ' R NTSE D plants in the city of London, Ont. Moderatorship of the University of Saskatche- ýehis old many that the future husband s DIFE ENWUUED Now these business firms have wn of the 46th introduced te bis intended wife. -~' followed this with another article. 0f United Church Eeto fteMdrtrl imanded by Shauld he find fault with her1U , It was written in answer to a Ee____ote__draorl Hughes in manner and appearance, he may AmAoo' criticism of the previous story. Prsyeesnd ofrncsofrth GeraConi fi, neyer been annul the contract on çonditian of I6w0ponedot tth im ha TeUntd hrc ! aad oni fte Chrch rdof an uaines rivalry be- defraying the brockerage and any Vhca$,l,3 hdbe adi al aetefloig oiain tmet nVnovro enu oimrades in ahrepnu nurdaries and wages. Quite naturally mfor the Moeraorsipnoitof nsi- be 21. anove n ete 16th Batta- I~there followed this question:fot oe rch offad h evUn- D r. rsetM2ea1.o h cu re a great ..DSUC How much of the $4,612,834 went be able to TWENTY..FIVE YEARS AGO exctv1aaie n ovmc Willard Brewing of Toronto; Pre-. rsnMoearoftehuc onhvn ident Walter T. Brown, Presi- 's th RitRv.TW.Jns on ~un hain8ddthseslaie1afct2ae dent of Victoria University; Rev. MA., D.D., of Montreal. ýiment. TheJue2h,13 and the price of goods? D.J rc utro hat though In the electian of June 25, the 8 fThsarisothnneopx-Dr. JHBrcA Knrot Toronto; The Moderator serves for, two them in Conservatives won a sweepingecivsithsLndnftres. . ,Picpa of years. d in posi- victory over the province. The [7' amounted to $102,000. If in these )r practical latest results show: Conservatives i fn lnseeuieslre a that goes ta 75, Lîberals 14, U.F.O. 17, Labour been cut ta the level of the best y, fearless 4, Independent 1BVE men in the shop and the amountT IT fl AD ED e 45th Vic- The severe thunder storms ~AP E taken off divided among the otherAT I I I I Il IIL 1 place ta which rumbled and broke into ATpTENeTtIeOdditon t eac copious showers around towni on 9.1*t man's wages would have been ab- W AR PAIG.'HE HIGHEST PREVAILTNG PRICES Monday night prevented many ;out lc on each dollar o! wages, EAEPYN £ Liberals workers and supporters' or on $35 of wages, 35c. Need-FO ED RCIPL AMAN AS ifted plans of Mr. W. J. Bragg, the successful iHUP less ta say, on the price of goods u - ~ t ~ C T L elatBoTcadiat n es Dramfrm it would be infinitesimal. HOR ELiJLiIJH GS expressing their jubilant feelings iitne ner "Com- in real oId election style. Here are some other stories of Telephone Collect for Immediate Service ), runs ta On Saturday there gathered!eeuie y, leaving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas- excVR ltispsalaries and their re-G tof Cacs- eph Burgess, Tyxýone, a number of DRIVER, I tinbsinesfrt e mpot l yed for- TOOGOR DOaideUNG36 COBOU Il may run nearest relatives ta celebrate their ti uiesfr mlydfr OOT:Aead 66CBU nodate the golden wedding. 3O DANGER ty persans with annual sales of sland. Prof. John Squair was includ- 20miies3 ie s 4Omiei 50miies $200,000, the payrall was $80,C000____________ I and the manager's salary $4,000. odn aed inte"ptlgthClun o ou' r hour bper hour per nour No one would criticise that al- SaWd- ronto Star in which men of prom- r -rtag trprsns2efsls d sin-ieneare written up. Prof. 5% of payroll. Here's anather: er Suai isa wll now Duham Can 1 stop soon enougb? The answer to this question Is important tn 300 employees, annual sales $1,- 'e regular County boy and a leading educa- every driver every minute be ls travelling along the bighway. At 50 miles 1600,000, payroll $550,000, mana- have lists tionist of the Dominion. IPer hour a car travels roughly three car-lengths before mind and muscle ger's salary $10,000, which is less fdifferent Oron o-Congratulations ta Missý can translate the slght of danger into a font on the brake pedal; then It than 1 % o! sales or 2 % o! pay- ir persan- M. E. Knox and Mr. Raymond goes another seven car-lengths before 1- stopls. Common sense indicates roll. POLM ckers go their University exams.--D. Ca., ar ahead in movng traffic. Now let's came ta the big fel-&C 46th Battalion, drilling in the lows. This time a giant Amern- Ih rb rc Armouries for the'*past nine weeks can corporation, sales $,0.0, paraded Sunday marning ta the 007ar5.8200,0,nme il Preshyterian Churcb, under the General Council 0f The Accident Tax of employees 289,000. Total re- i E cammand of Lieut. J. C. Gamey. TTa.-f' uneration of 12 top executives, -4 The concrete work of the faunda- U ie h rhR p r According ta figures released $2.200.000. It works out at 1/ of OAYUST 2 1 tien and cellar of the new resi- On Overseas Relief by the Industrial Accident Prev- 1 % of sales or 14 o! 1 % af pay- dence of the Provincial Forestry ____ ention Associations, The Ontario rail. In other words for every Farm, Mr. H. M. Linton, west side Workmen's Compensation Board $40 of payroll management got vlaehas be completed. Among the matters of business C vlaesrheduled for discussion at the awarded a total of $4,802,171.39 10or. What's the meaning of al » ~~Maple Grave - Congratulations General Council of The United last montb for compensation and this? It means that the big exe- icH od a te Lloyd Snowden an his mar- Church o! Canada meeting in medical aid. This was ta take care cutives, those who direct large in-V Co Iic a > niage ta Miss Bessie Crago on Vancouver in September is a re- o! accidentai industrial injuries dustries, are paid high salaries Wednesday. pota vresRle. te t men and women in this pro- but in concerns of this size thefo th twn f A very pretty wedding took United Cburch o! Canada has vince and included part.of the number o! workers is sa large place on Monday at the home o! names and addresses of -2000 in- cast o! bringing up pension figur- that if we eliminated these sal- air, Mrs. S. Penfound, South Darling- dividuals who have been des- es t the sum fixed at this spring's aries and piaid workers' wages ta ton, when bier daughter Muriel cribed by British churches as session of the Ontario Legislature. top executives it would hardly be o m n il vas united in marriage with Mel- being in need o! food. T he In Jupe the Board received ne- enaugb ta wet the whistle of the b>' ville H. Staples, Toronto. Churcb also has a list o! minîsters ports of 15,910 industnial injuries average man an the papyroîl. a d rsetul eu s i iiest 1to and congregations ovenseas in wbicb included 35 fatalities. In an .Letflyre u stalc-ien o ack JuIy 5th, 1923 need of heîp. June of 1947 the total awands*** aesiThos. Tod, welI known baker The General Council will be told were $1,435,926.50 for awards Sometimes the inference is that observe the sarne. isk and confectionen, was killed by a that food is urgently needed in witb 13,684 accidents o! whicb 49 the large part of tbe income of ad moton car in front o! Harry AI- Western Continental Euroe. were fatalities. big corporations goes ta the men TrIT c lin's store. Another matter which wll be at the top, when measured in SIDNEY ITTI LE., Mayor W. J. Bragg, Liberal candidate discussed by the General on Prince Pbillip, in addition ta volume o! production, it is insig- T w f~ in provincial election, officiai ma- cil is the work o! the Lay Advis- being the king's son-in-law, is ai- nificant. To n f owmanvl e L joritv was 181. ory Council. The Council wîîî -se bis aide-de-camp. Nevertheless 1 bold tha- t these Pnize essay on the "Early His- meet just preceding the meeting Tbough a good motive cannot critcisms are valuable. Tbeyfhav GOD SAVE THE KING tory of Sauina," by Ruth McKes- o! Genenal Council ta hear re- sanctify a bad action, a bad mo- brougbt forth the answering facts. sock was published in a two-caî- ports from its constituent groups tive w!il always vitiate a good ac-~ Capitalism bas its faults and its umn article. It makes very in and ta plan for the special cm- tion.-William Jay. weaknesses. It bas neyer been teresting reading today. phasis in ]ay programns for the T. W. Stanley's lawn bowling next two yeans. rink composed o! J. J. Mason, J. Mr. W. W. Brown, Hamilton, D. Canruthers, A:. B. McMutry General Secretary of the Lay Ad- w~on the Col. Farewell Trophy at visary Council, is retiring from *the Wbitby taurnament. bis office, and bis successor will v'..Elwood Fennell won the Strath- be appointed. cana Gold Medal in musketry for Teatvte !teRdaCm Durham County as a member o! mitee a! The United Church of Bowmanville Public Scbool Cadet Canada will also be presented Corps. to the General Council. Larger HIerbert A. Fletcher won four use o! radio transmission is plan- fi rsts four seconds, a silver me- ned in connection wîth the Edu- entries at the Ontario Rose Show the celebration of the 25th An- in. Toronto. niversary o! Churcb Union. Mrs. Irwin B. Gane and daugh- tr o! London, England, visited hr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thas. . oultr. I T!rQflC...desair ... a liletime's work burned out by a Rev. E. R. James was inducted J .llD JIcre ssm th a.Th ine , rtor o! the parish o! Clarke, ý R B D crls ma hC smoulderinrr camplire. hsi o on1lr comprising St. George's, Newcas- one inniocent man's loss-the guilty seldom sufer-but ci le,, and St. Saviaur's, Orono. .> serious loss to every orna in alimer wildlife and da eldown the S.S. Hall stairs SI I SS sra s lmns pvill Baker's Scbool - Miss Alice by * ngs er upon resigning after teach- By bev gth simple ue oftew dswhc evr rouf ing three years was bonared withsorma ob s ring a presentation by ber pupils. The ra a pradsotmnoes o a helppevn .... address was signed by Velma Or- the forest loss which costs CanadiQils eryfu milo chard, Gea. Milîson and Edna /7 olr ra ibrao Carr. dlar ya. i ime aoe. Enniskillen-E. E. Staples bas ,77r resigned after teaching aur schoal «' e- for tbee ya---Themupis - i "4 \ý--ýýAtankful off Texaco ire-Chief gasoline v give you many srnootb and effortiess miles off care-free drivir There is no finer gasoline at the price. Corne in . .à fili up yc tank with Texaca Fire-Chiel îoday and enjoy new natai economy ; s a e ww driving pleasurei STOCKER'S GARAGE MIARFAK LUBRICATION - FIRESTONE TIRES 153 King Street East Phone 804 'î¶?~'/Because "it does the rest, Kodak Verichroi ail your picture-takini clear sparkling Canadian Kodak Co., Li If's made in Canada . Kodak Film ... the fii s .48~ nIURSDAY, JULY 22nd, 1948 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOW11ANVILLE, ONTARIO ibAlzie '

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