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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1948, p. 11

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r- THURSDAY, AUGUST 5th, 1948 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIRIO BRJNG YOUR IIR EPAVCSHAN MESSAGE BEFORE SV-IIU 12,000 READERS COST 3c PER A 0%-O%-ý------ ------ Livestock For Sale r BIRTHS i FORTY small pigs. Phono 2388. MARRIOTT-Mr. and Mes, J. 32-1* Maeiott. Leîth, Scotland (n EIGHT pigs, seven sxeeks old.fBty isrns. formeriy Phon 2495. .2-1Bowmanvillo). are happy toaa Phon 245. 31 fnounce tise arrisai of thete son,( THIRTEEN Yorkshire pigs. seei hSsturday, Juiv 24th, 1948, at tl 0]k od- Phono 282.3. 32-1 Elsie Engles Maternmty Hospit, _______________Scotland, 32 R "STERED Sborthorn bull, t ars old. ROI- cauglif MOOR-Mr. and Mrs. Haro p ne 14)4 r 3 Port Perr. 32.1*Moe (ueeo Eîleen Stephen ____ ____ -.wsto annaunce tise birth FRESH Holstein cows and spring-I their daugister. Heatiser Eileen. ers, also sanie two-year-aid Roi- Jul' 29, 1948, aI Bownisnvil stein heifers, springing, and sanie Hospital. A sistor for George. pigs. Ralpis Davis. Sauina. Phonoe 32 2413 Bownianville. 3- __________________SMITH-Mr. and Mrs. Frai rSmith are happy' 10 aunounce tl fbirtis of a babl daugister. boi Julî' 28tb, 1948. at Bowmanx'il Hospital. A baby sister for Bobi Beverly, Brian and Bruce. 32 MARRIAGE fMALCOLM-BROOKS-On Sa -urday, July 24, 1948, at 2:310c c lock mn Trunîty United Cbum r Bownisnville, Ont.. by Rex. J. Griffith, Gwendoî'n Dore- 7. daugisteo<f Mr. and Mrs. Sami. W. Brooks. Providence, ta Law once Stanleyv Malcolm,. son of MV and Mes. Stanley H. Malcolr rNestieton, Ontario. 32- WILCOX-McPHAIL - At E rPal's United Churcis pacsonsl ami July 24, 1948, witb Rev, G.i r Quigul'Y officiating, Mary Emr MePhaîl. daugistor of Mr. and Mi Let an expert Rugis MePhail, Toronto, was li *or ited in marriage with Gardon Mi WOkon ton Wiicox, son of Mr. and Mi your raiesMiltan Wiicox, Bowmanvile. 32 Bing yr'ur brakeoernsot us. DE TH Our emclianics su(-E xper;enced snd iD Â H work ta NATIONAL SAFETY COUN-1 COUSINS-At tise resîdence, Dui CIL Standards focry'oue protection. 1harton. Saturday. Jul1' 3lst. 194 We'll be glied t give yoîm a FREE MarI- Jane Cousins, xidloxv of Re brake inspetion. Maybe a litile Arthur D. Cousins, aged 82 l'es: adjustenent wîll do, Suiti relining s Funeral froni the Marris Funer necessaey, we'll iruuaîl the fanois I Chapel. Interment Bowmanvil Grey-Rock Bo]anced Lininqs ta cemeterv. gîve you new-car breking action.f- ELFORD-At tise residence of hg 1 dugherMrs. Lerme Cabbledic BOB TOCK R"S ewcastle, on Thursday, Juiî' 2 iwfeofth late John Elford, sgt G A R A E 98 yeaes. Funeral fron tise Ma ris' Funeral Chsape]. Intermet TEXACO PRODÜCTS Bownianville Cemetery. MARFAK LU'BRICATIOýN SAYER-At bis residence Saliu FIRESTONE TIRES on Juiy 301h, 1948. Ernest 'Jobhn SaI'er, beloved busband of Carc 153 King St. E. Phone 804 lino Lucy Sas'er, aged 63 year Fuinerai from Morris Funer, T At Chapel. Internient Bowvniauîvilî ceeterv, r..: ' f IN MEMORIAM ~~THOMPSON-In memory of a bci *-bt£D- RAKEL QS loved son and brother, Norma Edgar Thonipson xx'ho xas Rile in action in France, August 91: 1944. Dawn tise lange of niemory i . r Tise iight is nes'er dim, Hl A M P'T Q N Until tise stars forget bo shine We will remeniber hiii. Quick and sudden came bis cal. Millilg CoRis ,udden deatis sucprised us a ii gIts sad but true, we wonder ,h IVE IVILL BI'Y -Exver remenihered by Dad. Brothers and Sîsters. 3:11 Ont. Fali Wheati ENA MET AT TOP PRICES r-__ ___ Me. and Mrs. James H. Aber iîthy wisis to announce tis e n Phono 2141 We Deliver gagement of their on].,',dauigitei CEC'IL R. LOCKMWOOD Ruts Isabelle, ho Harold Williai PropretorSt. John, son of Me. auîd Mr5 PmoprietorLloyd St. John, Sunderland. Thi f sedding will take place Auiîm ___________________ 21. 32-1 fMr. sud Mes. R. A. Sudds. Pi'ov douce. annotice tise engageen WVAN TED> .of thoîr eldest daugister. eere Joan, to Edwaed Ral'mond Wig gans, son of Me. and Mes. Wig Young Vomen gans, Couetice. Tise wedding cil take place lise latter part of Sep Young Men tme.3- f or Me. snd Mes. CliîîîouîBeýosco an llarvestiiu 1'aches, I'Iums nautîce tise engagement of thie Pears . pI, Grapes, To- eîdest daugbtee, Olive Velma, t( snatoes anud oaliter Fýi'I Fruits Tcueman Oakden Renderson, soi and Vezetables of Mr. and Mes. William Hender ('amp I>imetcrs, ('noks. son. Port Hope. Tise marriag( %vuIlltaRe place in Newtons'iile Un ('amp A.ssistants also wanted ited Chuircis. Satîrdav. Augusîtiihg ..\iiiiuuirh, in 14th, at theee o'clock. 32-i1 Farmi Service Force ('amps - Fowl a Chickens m Eggs Highest Market Prices PICKERING FARMS LJMITED 1'shitby 336 - Nlght or Day WHITBY, ONTARIO Articles For Sale 1 Auction Sales guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bal- D. Aply212Kîn E.32-~ M SyneyBron. ot 1 -son. Stafford Bros. FORD coach. 19.3.3. gond conditio.MrSynyB w.Lt21Con. Mvr. and Mrq. J. C. Macnab and MONUMENTAL IVORKS D-Apl 22 ig . ,Clarke w.14mlse- of three daughters spent their holi- eemi P T TTA TqTvp,12mlses of ONIAC~T TPÇ VI N' Newcastle, has rented his farm ;davs with relatives at Barrie and Open Every Day condiNTIon.edn,19:34, inl go0dI1.~~.J.I.nd T will seil by public auction on with Mr. Art Newman, Bancroft. and Evenings on Wednesay August l8th, at 1 p.1 Mrs. E. H. Co]e is visiting Miss Phone lVhitby 552 he CHESTERFIELD and c~ir. ~m. three Percheron horses; 30 Elsie MacMillan at Glengary.31DndsS.EWtb ai. QHEbeSeTERLDaP hon ir1. 321 neV . Durham and Hereford cattle: 200 Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Mountjoy, 38Dna t . Vib 2-1 l~a 'ving hens and a fullI une of good I-lIng Mr. Will Mountja of 1HAY and straw\. F. S. Allen, C l.assifi e d am mcior. Tr1cah ntn Id poo54 32-I No reserve. Jack Reid, auction-1 Mouintjoy, Fraude, Saskatchewan. s) phne.54 eer. 32-1 Mrs. Wes Hoskin with Mr. and Of OLDSMOBILE opera coupe. 193. A Mrs. R. Wood, Orono.AFE on ingondonditio ,__ t adio an OrmîtionSl o 3 and 4.t o c esa n ingM nd.V a slen hdid ha gS erviceF le heater. 209 King St. E. 32-1 y in g R a te implements, the property of W. B. 'the church service on SUflday ev eiIîy 1 McCLARY Electric stove. foure VSion 8, East Whitby. One conces- on "The Christian Church and its bunrin ve.Poo74 EFFECTIVE JANUARY 23, 1948 Sion narth of Columbus, 212 miles Influence in the Commnunity." j ____ 3ndoen Pon 2. east on Saturday, August 7th, 1948 Many valuable and h le 1 p STfE E1H1 tho- _t at 1:30 p.m., including: ImpIe- thoughts wece presented whice E V E )rn NEbbscib20b4( ch. monts: New manuire spreadec, new are worthy of consideration and- lie wîth m attress. AppI,, T. J. Webh, BRHDAHEGAEETIRIGS Massey-Harris oil bath mower; profit. Next Sunday ovening the -A -X1 by 2,5 Brownr Street. 32-1 CIRS OFATH NGAGEM100 eMrisriAEn rubber. tired wagon: Kid Kan- Young People will have charge A _____________CRS0FT1K $.0pr neto garoo gang plow; cultivator. near-1 of the service and Ted Kersey who - TRUMPET: double shait motor: ly new; autotrac on rubber: mc-1 is a student at Enmmanuel College. hn 2 jig saw: lathe: chisel set. ie\ IN MEMORIAIS - $1.00 plus 10e a line for verses per insertion Cormick-Deering binder, 7 fi.; Toronto,.,vill be the speaker. -Appty 13 Carlisle Avir. 32-1-~ Cockshutt seed drili 15 disc; horse Mr. and Mrs. Lou Williamson, BOWMANVILLE - ONT. at- rake; brooder bouse lOxlO. Hor-1 Ponty-\pool. and Mc. Dalton Wil- o- RENFREW Cook Siove, crecai NOTICES, COMING EVENTS, ARTICLES FOR SALE, ses: Matched toam of chestnut !liamson. Toronto, visited at Per- h, enrnmcî hot xatee front and res- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, WANTED, ETC. mares, 4 and 5 years oid, saddle cy Deweli's. E. ecvoir. Phono 2-487. .2- s ae eawr mn 5).Ms opi eoeisrin or driving horse 10 years old sot MrS. Jack Baker. Solina. Mrs. Ifl MASSEY-Harris btdr ery I hre:3 vrd(i.5c.Ad2cetafrbx of hrass mounted team show brh hs Thsn n hliPtr hî.telrv I Cagd eawrd(i.5e.Ad 5 xr o o ness. Cattie: 50 head of cattl boro, Miss Janice Baker, George- ,r- noeW- Apply William Riznek. numbers or replies directed to this office.cnssigosokr, fat cattle, town, Mr. Arthur Baker. Bow,- Ir.Cortce .i .feesh cows and springers. swine: enanville. visited at Sami Dew,ýell's. m(Additional Insertions at Same Rates) 3 so\l With 25 pigs, 7 weeks old.1 Mrs. Will Thompson. St. Marys, à PIANOS of ail kind- sold for cash 1 sow dite middle of August. 12 Mc. and Mrs. Albert Balson. Sa - or according Io crodlit regulations. pigs jîîst weaned, also some shoats. lina. Visited relatives in the vil- t.For information, tellophoneF 1 ALI, (LASSIFIED ADS MU'ST BE IN NOT LATER Sheep: 10 young Leicester ewes lage. ig Mitchell, 492, Bown anvilie. 2I THAN NOON WEDNESDAY. Cash, stamps or money with 10 lambs ready for market. Me. and Mrs. C. Carrick, Mr. C. TREhmrPreto order with order to fret iow rate. Furniture: cook stove, t extension and Mrq. Pat Whitnell and Mrs ma ,HE unrPrfcinca i table, 1 Findlav Quebec heater, i Elliott Terry, Toronto, at Jack fo a ~nja.é stoeadovn c-ruletr man's bicycle. other articles too Reynolds'.d i-etc. Mrs. Nornan AI lin. Nexî-i numerous ta mention. Ted Jack- iMc. and Mrs. JIack Reynolds FOR r TWEVE tns cfgoodmîxe bas _________________________________________________theffL pontihe weken witsMissBes baled-. Appîx', Ed. Fnwler, Biiikec-_________________________________ LBLseByod tHa ae AKERY ton. Lot 23, Con. 1, Cartvrihtý BLACK, foue-year-old mare. Anv . AND For______on knowing its wheeeabouts, P in-__ or R n N otices please phon o Neil Curtis, 81 r 10, ±am ily .ILu fliuI R WHITE onarnl cooklsove xvth FIVE caom hrated apartrncnt.-- - Orono. 32-1* 48, waterfront: two 6" Sileni Glow oil WIýrite P.O. box 304. Bowmaiivilîe.1 Wanda's Beauty Shop will re- --- --AOAMSFERGUSO PICNI rs hurners and t\\,6 45 gaI. druîms. 3.*oe ody uutlt 3- COMING EVENTS The Adams and Ferguson ce- ~R S A R N r.IPhono 24118. 3 2 -tL----OnyteB 7 -.union was held at Geneva Park on InyteB s aiSxvîimrnînR nool is now open at, Decoration Day at Newýýton\ille'jl1.Aot8 atdw o IeAKROYD dinghy.. sait n Ia ýt' Wanted to Rent the Creani of Barlev Park. 32-1 ceemetery, next Sunday, August 8. supper and mare came in the ove- QLJALITY soason. ruad~~ te sail awny. F A. at 2:30. 32-1 nn aejytedne N 1 Dilling, Cottage N.3,wet'FU o iecoe osail The ofTice of W. R. Strike xiii trBahBowvnanvi le. t- conventienes. fairl,, central. v,.itb eeoh fo1igst9ht u- ae tTvoeStiday, A- The races %were mucheniioy-ed k, option to busv. Write Box 1,i b lseifo Atut9 A gusta7.eRth WlonesaViArit- at'd-suppr'wi'hconRstICEo .9 HVOE omnil. iist 28th. inclusive. 3 1-2*ig Adm. ut isson 's 32.1* * SERVICErwhih onss. 29d CErunning sdan, 19'0,.in gond Statosman Office, B______ Band._ '. girls, 4 yoars and under, Sheila 1 edrunig condition. Alsn"o 1Bndidisin50.3'1Brao -bos- vasar n ~~d( 'veec tc'ie3u yc.2e Dr. Fergitson's Office xvilii oBarbli os.4yar n u-Phone 855 edwelilý;o.an pk RO ls Haydoni ComimunitY picnie xvîiI der, Douglas Barrabaîl; girls,7 r- MeLatiglîlin, phone 1014 r 3. Port ioed from July lst ta August 71h, ;ohi audv feno.Ag-yas 1ie ade os hIe bmas ed i c ~ ogl h ri, O iaio t., Bo man Sile. p i clusv.1x* b ed us n u tl u îst A atudn, W on a. Au-. ears, Rîîth Adans ; boys, 4 y 7r ,t Pcry. 2 Real Estate For Sae icui* 3- s .a ron Pr.'x ron ears, Larry Pearce; girls, ton tcome. 32-1 .y ac-s. Vaughn Stephenson: bos, PIANO, large va inut istrea. <i SOL ID brick bouse. 4 coonis. on L ..C. Mason Law Offi(-o will ho _____'ltin eat-s. Allan Adamis; girls. 141 i" tmanîig * iro C.. c MAune St., Bnn:nil 32- 123 rd. 31-3il a pot iuck supper at 6 p.ii. and Fav Adamis; shoe race, Vaiuglîn1 O-Ardagis. Newecastle. Humuiscen"l BUILDING lot on Prospect Si.50 1 - 1îeawiî hocloed concert. outsidetlnta Stevenson; sioe kickiîîg. Mes. Sidý lmhn f.i.aatc on.3 fretîtagýe .166 fi. deep. NIcs. 1 Dr. Store 'Yqofcs Vl e lsc :3 .'.Adiso 5c hl Barrahaîl: rnarried ladies, Mcs. aiPrust, 1(13 Seiigog St. 32-if Jîîlv 30tt to Se--ptembe-- BIh, indlu- e n 25c.i. R :licky spot. Mes. J. le TEN hiisheîs of bheit îrk0clpert- sîv323-7*Tia- lac; oldest lady. Mcs. Dinah hushet: potatoos. $1.75 per biag. TWO frarne hiîgalowýs. 5 and 6 Ve Dance at Sauina Schooi. Satllir- Adamis. Conn.: oidest man, Mr. -nmedium. l.IL)((i prbu:(1u1emoi lssI vaie ndgrat Mler ea11aonxil oHot Waler i d.aaý. Mle' Baf ao ilh day, August 7, immediately aftl-r l Adamis. Roseneath: young- toaru. plo\v. A. Shriibb, phoîîe Write PO. Box 146 or- phone 468. elosed for holidiay5 fi-rn Atigiist; the gamiio f football, Hampton est habs-. Glenn Rae, Brampton.j - 28(1 2-i :2-I l4h t0 September 6th. 31-.1 versus zSauina, at Solini. - ase fieseetdfrnoxt year ieain anNUMER of zzctiai-,ri tiimbrr:. s, RIGHT roonied bouse x"ýith haîf of rain dance will silîl ho held. :are: Peesident, Lloyd Fei-uso ,:6 incises. andi 6x6l incisos and in Ici ne me land witis a ciosen tfriit trocs. De. Birks, office svili ho closod 31-2 Osisasva sec cetarv, Henry Adams, h 18 foot lon,,: soini mabcrial> ru- .\pIy Dan Kiibe. R.R .3, Bo%\- froni JuIy 9th to August 8tli. 1 Hamipton: tîreastirer, Keitis Fer- e a s abloforxx ndov san.E. i nnuviîle(Ni Pl~ GoveI. 32.Pieture show Tisursclay night. guson. Enniskillen; lunch commit- Atigust 5, 7:30 and 9:30'p n. ttee,McadMe.CrFrgon Swain.E R.R.. I.2Biimkes-on .22-Ii Oddfellows Hall. Ponty-\pool. Alsa Enniskillon: Mr. and MVrs. Sid Agenit for MOTORE on Ne.I2cHigiis and 2oi- Permanent w 'ave tonc fnîîourcnsdance in thse hall. Satîrrlay, Auîg- EacraoaIî Maple Grave: sparts! .3 HilyDai re, ;m.n 2ii ncIite posscssion. Appîx AInx born,,absiilrte satiîsfactionî geai - ig rîls3c hido k aito.adM.adMs iIOMagnc shliplds and saddle hnils. good m1i111- AoibiR.R. 3, Bsravll.aie.For appointrneîît phout3ccln13.1* KeitHamptguo,niskir.lan . O B1nr ning condition, S-22.-)or xchat 0, C 2-i Ocnphonee9. 0-4- , h xvserided ta bans'e ie.pie-urer yau. Appix' Rod Simnp:on, Tt niii.- -____avetepic liller. Phîone 271 t SF.VEFN-eeoon(idouse, 3-pc. bath,- Be sure ta hear the B-risy -B's" nic tho ihird Saturday in July i Installed ini Any Type YOR sen l ob~hnxnex.ibirds, newfxioreaceandil bue-ilLcgal Notice i froni Brantford at tise Salvatisn nexi. year at, Geneva ÉPark. An YOURcar ill ook iiirdneed , lIras.and iil ) -in 1 lIAiniv Cîtadel on Satuidav, î-ust Id time dance broalit the day fFric yo, lie-Ta-of rUtrlhi 7th, 8 pin. and Stindayý, Aulîito1 a close and allisopî1ng ta meet c nc * . Tanof. JsiCr19it c. amelot and garage. imniediate Take notice tuai. a nmotiu îlt8 aiiandn ie n of 1(-0/ lii, o. e~son. Apply 33 O'DeIl. ho lîcard on Wednesday. bthe 2 Sibh. lai n i tts er aewt (30C.36-07 titi S1.0. Atevýciilig service tIise otiior chîirch We were please o ave xit 1300 3 or . i,&1. .A'Mcmxvinx ile and ci c Aig.itA..,198.at10cangregations ,vill varship withlius Mrs. Dinah Adanis of Conn. Jack Uoug - ~~~ .rg r & C o 1n, a i x i i e F R v m a î o c î i k i i t h d e f o r n o o n . b e r so 1(h o i s . M u s i c a l p r g r a n i a u S a u r d a y a n d M r . W i I i A d a n s o f R o s e n e i ho n 3 43 R n t W n-licýne bu' b and pastiîec. cunning .digJgenCabrsi iso dPHalovnen wl2ho384eîtd 3'bbKinagr bthavc he80mak IrFLASI-IGUN nbii nn 1,iir ma:a<i~:nian ari 101tx34 %with L r 1n Hl nthie City of Toc- Bossnt fanil of rasntfod.b vthewo eho p.e bilî e wlhewih0lsmfr. __________________ mîo take flaïsh i ctll n xii 19ans - ni pe (tIOx25: si lo a:natee in liane aiî oio for ail order declaring (bat a 1Bs n at fBatod \oW ip hvwl e u o carain aviig lmeor lînîI ns r" ira iin ioiisel ndbarn; ton- ýpresirnpiion bas been eitabîished s rviees on Sinldav lilho i(,n- niany nmoreya setn ofsiit,.Wiltk the death of Sidney AIbert ducted hY the ovangeîîsts. 32-1 l etn uai e.ilIke1 -a 11,x" rîoîîed fcatî ie oue:nilk con- I____________________________of___________________________ typ)e Of flatSlîbuLlb. Coniplet(,n lithd six niîles froni Boxv\man- Hep buem i ae of tise City of Osis- 1 colecter andi adapter feroi- îi e S 12,5(0, Charles Stiro w ieCutî fOtraan ll-'(L t \pi.asb b. rce$25 . on hoe 12299-4farniIyof tise Town of LindsayHA P O typ.31. h 31 1Pri -.2.0. h e Poo22.- i0 tise Coîîuîîy of Victoria, Barber. obeseklgd - - _______- ~Am-y persan having ans- infor- - o esokIge utfOSHAWA'S îîewvfîîrîîtîîre aire f Wanted niabion Fi!-taItise wisereabtouts of Dr. aind Mmc5. Harry-vPhiiîiips and 'Yli 'hesad ideYAler Hpbrnsoli, Jack. Rochester. N.Y., s'isited in seconds feld,' bedrooni and, dinin.g oo PROBATION OFFICER for tise noxv or since tise lst day of Sep- j is auni. Mrs. MVelissa Sivs fsuitos, and studios. Beddîng andl 1"anil', Court of tise United Couin- tombher, A.D., 1924, please coin- Mr. atnd Mrs. Jack Revnoîds and Ihe feminine wayl I tlm Covoriing9- a specialix . QuaI ut of Northumiberland and Duc- nirnicate vith bise undecsigned. fami vtrea Norland xv,\iîisrela- *uv nierchani ' cî.eai liiie i antii i. Da ted ait Oshawca, this 1 7th day tive.s du riîîg the xveekoiîd. prices. Bofireu, uvusul Brad .plia uu for Ibis position svtll of Julv. A.D., 1948. Mes. T. Wrai spenî a few dayr le\.S Newe Viii iiiture SiciStoc, :8-40 I le ectxd p until Atiguisi 11t1h, MîIiW. S. Greer, K.C. xxifinhibeson, Jackson andMe rKing Sui. W., Oslînnýa. 24-1ifi 1948, atnrishould hocniailed staîing Barrister, Solicitor, Wcas', Oshsawxa. Ir,îIiaîificatioîs ilari Kinîg Street East, Mr. Kennotis Pirdon. Tor-oiita., SWEE T-S CEN TED ýo USED Model S Ca f racter-, oi ARRY R. DEYMAN,. 17 Kin t-ugshawa Ontario 10- spent (lhe xeekond ,vith bu. i iibiser; isecl iitîbc i dx 211.Fs.Cobouirg, Onta ,rio, Secrola cx' Prdoan. s r n .J -Beatty Brmoý; prissiesxtni of tise Fanîily Court Conimitîee. f EP IR r. ot. Al oota e ýe Rabbins anîd Mce.\ i sr ex312 .Dxes tenis auîd Oaco pee~uresx. Ir ilS.REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- MisMne ausdMe.C e Nevif Cae sping Oîoub rr seel Nanted To Buy erators, domestic and commercial. E. Jeffre1v xisiied Me. and Mes. nssitCaîd afl*r/or soc-____. _-__- ýrirn ' i fÇ f __fee-ling rniarue nien. xx aomen cmil fîormor's soin andt oaugtiter-in-Iaw, TORONO nwi(hýwti *Id.' N ex "L,,e 1a iqi auit ed '-Me.-ad Mes. Anson Baisce sxho __ FOO?~1 gni lurihie , Mr. A, . ur Becih. of léix donl, eo~xSu ta uug.t.have îcnfvmax cri fran i Rcu- q:ui:es hristx,,.g i.,,ti:(i - , si-r oî thaiîk hois cla'tix e', eo]% 5c t i rg i9iF moud HillI taMoffatt wbore An- I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1os faoxk lI:-li î.~b'p rc-- n uîlii ;met'rs. r ' on xîlbe herdi.cman foc Mr. aui( t a ko soth n t r p" i dli rs andclgît s xcývile ouin -Grant Camnphol I. Thox a: *sa ssut tni,pro- h enîî n ý5z isauesiax - .n ie Goicr-al HJ- s uto Vred Me. and i Mes Peter'Wai,..Hlar- gresu ecaipi. .Vnnî'i..so ,~ici. ornti. Also spociali Csni or ony-. Mrs. Ed. Wade. Ebenezer. preferrîl ,n,,,,.. p F nui i u t iîuîsbTorgonto san.fuodsPLOWING and CUltiating. Aiso r and Mes. 'W. J. Trick. Oshawa. lunug c uîut : i. ci i xx in heusoitnu fai ni xx rk and John Deerp repaie work and Mr. and Mu~ :.e n i r..J R L V L Wriie Box 1, 4 :îri' f cnî,tî.. Agauuî, thaîîkmng rr ýi parts:. F. S. Allen, phiono 59 1. 1rin*S i. M ae':s, a ndriMIusF W. J -Iail. 32-il 19-t£ Trick, Oshawa, %vere Sunda, "il__________________________ t . - 14 il i PAdE 'ELEVEN il

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