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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1948, p. 1

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r - ~1r~ -~-~ r~'-y~ ~-~- -~* - ~4n4bi~rn he t4te~num "'Durham County's Gireat Family Journal " VLM94BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5th, 1948 6c PER COPYNUBR3 Manager Tells How Business, Bureau Local Contractors *1 Open Subdivisions at Ornanization Helus Combat Varicnn-çi Meadowview Blvd. Civic Holiday Sp< owmanville is suffering fromn Typ s o No ey ac ets i ana a rds advertising ouses or apart- Civic Holiday Sports Day atth Inthe first seven montbs of quasi-member. ments for rent are fioodcd with West Beach left nothing ta be de- layathe Better Business (4) A series of educational pos 11rgent p i e a s from desperate sired but mare smiling rays from house-hunters asking for consid- Old Sol. Fami Saturday evening u1reau, Taronto ,savedl Ontarioa ters runninig into many tbausands ertion. Last winter. many peo- until midnigbt, MaIndayý, the people mare than $98,000 by se- are regularly circulated, telling pewr oedt iei u-coýýso red n usswr eyscrdby ruso misrepre- and hoxv they are worked. thev were unable to find housing amusement and sing-songs. setton ffl-anih pera- (5) An e mployee educatoa accommodation uptown. On Saturday evening Master toscntnl ntemov a]-i- leaflet ta bc posted on facor ithcnis uh as ti x Michael Varcoe walkcd off witb moteverywhcre ta gouge tbe bulletin boards, furtber tells the it gullible. Tbat's about tbe xxay story and these now appear in 65 itnt, citizens of Bowmanville the amateur contest witb his bar- Art Haskeli, General Manager ofl Ontario High Scbools and Colleg- will be plcased ta know that there monica renditions af Tbe Irish the Bureau, fixed attention of bis lates. are new homes for sale. Wasberwoman and the Belîs of alert audience at Bowmanville Ro- (6) A fart ibookiet, pocket size, Contractars Bud Hay a nd Rani5St. L\ary and several encores. tary Club as guest speaker at Fr1- forms a series that reaches thous- Hetbcrington have plans draxvn Congratulations Michael! Little day's luncheon in the Balmoral 'ands. It outiines problems of tbe 1uP for a ne\v street ta be calied !David Shaw, two-years-old, cap- Hotel. family budget an almost every MeadoAwvýiev Baulevard xxhich' j tivated bis audience wben he sang In irtroducing Mr. Haskcll, tbe i item of expenditure. It also cx- ta run east from Manvers road, througb the mike in cllear, mu- memer wre ldbvTe Mori pain Cnaa' buinsssytem. approximat'v me rmtesical tones "Jesus Loves Me," and rnembes wer toldb ' v ed Mo-ris lains anadas busness pr asent ;ovednihim.oi Ted that the speaker was billed for an 'It is available ta anyone at a cost 'Nursery Corner. exeyn rsn lvdhm e appearance at the club txxa xcck1s of only a postage stamp on a let- Tbe homes that are ta be built wCunrl, boy spranohi adiprize ago but no cgge notified hlm of the 'ter. on tbis boulevard are undeniablv nwner, dcigbtep biau ience assumed engagement. A Toronto Student Contact picture book homes. If yourb Rotaian Mr Hakel hasbee ' 7) 'ù-îî~ he ureu c esleanta he ode trnd autiful soprano solos. A sing- Roaran M. asel asben,(7 Fnll te uraueploys tastesla ote oentedsang followed led by Mrs. Micheli webeamed four times as a speak-' ahficidman homeoo travelsow ,afeda votaesabout On- trsth oeo tmroarîd Mr.'. Wmi. Carlton at the pi- er at the local club and alwasba aa iitgsbosinteCl whicb is tbe latest style in archi- aaadMs .Svr.slit sometbing fresh ta tell about bbhe lbgiate brackets, ta tell students tecture, complete witb a covered1 and Mr. Michael Varcoe on his1 fine work be directs. of the fundamentais of business breczewav oncîn h grg1aroia Bureau Slogan and warn of bbc hazards in its xith tbe bouse.Fotoe h The Treasure Hunt sbarted off Continuing tbe time tried sla-j patb. This service is availabie ta prcfcr the rustic designs there is the Mna civtb h gan of the Better Busines Bureau: anyý school simply by asking. Itbth Cape Cod or- Canadian Chalet, povMd a aetivithedies wic "Before you invest-Investigate" bas pravcd its wortb as a pra- Fr the more formai style there, Wýinners were, ist, Miss Joyce AI- this organization, said tbe speak- tical means of education. The~ is the Simple Colonial, combining lin, 2nd, Jim Gabourie, 3rd, Da-- er, has expanded st.eadily and im- cosb is borne wbolly by the mcm- sîmplicity and dignity, whioh adds i ere th an ees proved its technique until taday bers of the Bureau. up ta a good laoking home for a d ere t, an ees modeate rice iýSand castie building xinners its active mcmbersbip embraces In summing up, Mr. Haskcll said moderlsate prie osto-th. vene: lst, Michael Varcoe, 2nd, mare than 1,400 business firms in 'that iii tbe first six months of hes îandsca ee ots fi John Fox, 3rd, Catherine Sbaw. Ontario and is affiliatcd with 22 this viorn over 15,000 enquiries and bre ilb ag nubt The hiýhlight of the races wvere Chambers of Commerce. It op- complaints have been received have an expansive backya rd, with eraes oley uon he ocspai tam ho ntaia ublc a a e-ample roomn for a gardon as well. 'he vaten sports and especially by inembers but its service is. suit of organization and pubict In short these now homes viii the DgDry bibcuc 1"ybc bbc answer ta anyone'spraver gret deal of excitement and in given freely ta anyone seeking in- abo'.e autlined. He suggested tt dd places disappointment ta tbe mas-r formation and assistance within that the savîng ta tbemn of more attractive and pracical, anade- te r, especiaily Susie wbo had been its competence. lts purpose is ta than $98,000 flyjsiidti finite aid in lessening aur bousing receiving rigid training for weeks eliminate ail forms of rackets and effective form of public protec- problem. previousiv, wben w-cil in the ieadc this potet he ockts f ts ionwhih s oen or nybusi- A very unique and interesting turned and swam ta the starting thumbs arnectthe pubiclkes o ess tio hch pi n afor any panof tis street and the new barge! The winner was a litte t Mmr.Hskea n te public alienss . t aap n oeat ie eofhomes ta be built are attract!vely black Spaniel owned by David distinct ways in which the Bur- community sccurity given by an Thu ad ia hso Don fai a d ce cmeiany the Bte O.Inccs eau contacts and informs the pno- organization with nothing ta sel h ai hp o' altiodpaecm Tly h oc lic on its'activities. Tbey wcrc but service. see thîs display. dog of Wm. Carlton III. Little j quoted as faibows: Business 'Tinker" Cale, water spanici, p 7-Point Setup Charlie Tyrreil, who reciveda .w.i 1a trained and entered byr Catherine d (1) A weekiy broadcast, Satur- club accolade an -being elected ceto Cln ilngthae iming obst pace.raey days, over CFRB, teiling the p ub- Deputy District Grand Master of IArtheRow nim Bgotstrceisr- lic directby of bbc service. This te Masonie Lodge, moved tbc Thursday, August 5 maunted tbe obstacles ta came in fi has been a feature for the past 12 vote of tbanks ta the speaker who 6:45 p.m.-Softball, Mike's Imps. first and second.b years and has brougbt tbousands received great appiause tagether vs. Pepsi Cola at Public Sebool. In the swimming race, open, Billr, of enquiries, inciuding scores with a memento from Past Pres- 8:30 p.m.-Softball League Meet- Carlton and Jim Battreli led the r from Bowmanviiie district. ident Mcl Dale, officiating for ing, Public Scboo]. race, tl (2) Cards ta tbe number "of ov- prosident Doc Rundle. Friday, August 6 The war punt race tvas open ta b er 1,500 are displayed in city Visitors included Tom Dcnsem, 6:45 p.m.-Softball.B.T.S. x's. 'al ages and severai crews started m street cars and busses, teliing Wolv'erhampton, Engiand, mpm- Pepsi Cola at Public School. but only the crews of Catherine ti commuters and shoppers what the ber of the Goodyear Organization; Saturday, August 7 iln n iiCrtnfnse Buea ae.Rev. S. R. Henderson, new pastor, 3 p.m.-Junior Basebail Playoff, in time ta win the awards. (3) Cads ta the number of av- Trinity United Cburcb, and Ro- Cobourg vs. Boxvmanville, h rw eemd po h aergarly inscrbed tarian Billy Bacall, Toronto. Monday, August 9 Theiowspeeymande paddtest' , y nelps f ebe irs A brief report on Rotary Carn- 2 p.m.-Playground Hop Scotch Bill Cariton's 'Stalwarts," Alan h at xpai dieclyhow wagcs ival revealed a very handsome Taunnament at Public School.j Mc Tavisb, Bob Black, Don Mas- repoeee gantfrauds and net revenue for use in commun- 6:4,5 p.m.-Softball. Mikc's Imps.I ters and Pat Doyle. Catherine Id achempoye tusbecomes a ity service. vs. Rurals at Pubhlie. ,4,__ __.. ois Program 50-Bus. Whectt Club Announce Winners 'oves Big SuccÈs In Field Competition Last year, Durham County, Gord Lawson and Terry Masters. through the co-operation of the Mr. A. Witherspoan, aur popu- Ontario Crops Branch and the lar life-guard, conducted and Maple Leaf Milling Company, started the water races which formed a "Fifty-Bushel Wheat proved -most popular to the on- Club" in common with fourteen loaker. Mr. Witherspoon has other counties. proved indispensable to the Beach, With the exception of Orme by saving two young lives whoi Parker who used Registered Daw- lhad been overcome in the bar- 'son's Golden Chaff, ail other con- bar. testants grew the new fail wheat, The following list of prize win- Corneil, 55., In ail, there are fif- ners are worthy of mention: Boys' teenconties entered in the con- race, 6 and 7 years, Don Cattran test \Vith eachi having a County and Brian Martyn. Competition in two sections: (1) Girls' race, 8-9-10, Gladys Mar- Field Score; (2) Yied. shall, Joan Giange. Boys', 8-9-10, The three high competitors in DougFord VinentVanstone, cacb county are eligibie for In- John Bottrell. Girls', 11-12-13,trCuy mpiiowths - Dorothy Kilpatrick, Barbara God- ples ta be sent to the Royal Win- dard, and Helen Ford. Boys, Il ter Fair. The Maple Leaf Mill- 12-13, Pat Doyle, Frank Hodder ing Co. furnishes prize money for and Roy Bains. this competition as well as the County Competition. The total The special prize ta the young- prize money for the rloyal is $335, est child present \vent ta little dividcd into ten prizes with first Mary Lou Green, eleven weeks prize, bcing $75 and tenth prize aid. S10.00. Girls' Sboe Race, Barbara God- Cornell 595 Wbeat. during the dard, Carol Dorney. Boys' Shoe! two vcars it bias 'been grown in Race, John Bottreil and Jim Bat- Ontario, bas given a good account treli. The married men's race of itself. Things in its favor are: ýwas won by fleet-footed Bill Kil- (a) It is very resistant to loose patrick and Stan Cook. The srnut; (b) The heads of wheat are Wheelbarrow race, Ist, Dorothy cxtrenl long and well filled. Kilpatrick and Cannie King, 2, One grower caunted the kernels James and John Bottrell. Girls' from several long heads and they i-iegged race, 1, Bernice Finnie averaged close ta sixty per head. and Betty Moril, 2, Dorothy Kil- There is seine slight speculation patrick and oCnnie King. that Corneli may flot be quite as Boys' 3-legged race, John and hardy as the Dawsons'. Jim Bottreil, Terry Masters and On Jttly 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, Alan Mclavish. Ladies' spot ev E. A. Summers, Agricultural Re- ent was found by Mrs. C. S. Me- prosentative, for Durham, along m~an. Men's spot, Mr. Mel Me- with extra assistance, took sam- ."ulty. The egg throwing contest pies tram each field which. will boasted the largest number of be sent to Guelph ta arrive at contestants and was won by Mr. the yield s. In ail, samples were Bill Kilpatrick and sister Dora- taken from thirteen fields. Twelve thy. Mr. Bert Nash at 305 lbs. fields were judged on a field score wion the prize for the biggest per-' by Alex Davidson, of Agincourt, son prese'nt uncontested. with the standing being as fol- After the games had 'been en- lows: (The yieids will be an- o yed b y il, M ay r S d n e Li tie n o u n ced la te r). j o e d b y al , M a o r S i n y i t l e ,a m e A d d r e s s S c o r e picked the lucky winner of the ra- Safr a ap9 ~ lia, which for the first time in StNestieVonCap9/2 years went ta a resident of the Bruce Tink 89½/ beacb, Mr. Chas. Severs. Hampton Several draws were made be- Walter Longyear 8812 aore -the attendance prize could apelrf be awarded ta Billy Micheli. Sor- ampbellickrof8tV *y indeed will be those who did Bowmanvîile not remain for the draw when Elmer Scott 82 bhey hear tbey had been chosen, Campbclleraft but absent. The consolation prizeLlyKeog vent ta the wife of the Associa- Ll oyd eg8; ion president, Mrs. Bruce Mur- atHp cio.-Ernest Larmer 79! It is hoped ta conclude some f Ruse rag the games on Saturday evening, RseBrangvi61e to use up the renlraining prizes an John Cruickshank 76 hand.Hapo The Sports Day Committce un- OrmeHapton6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -c Z c o o lJ J ll in g c h o s e f o r he r c r e w a m i x - w s h a t a k a l w b e p d M i N e w c a s t le6 ia l c a p e e f r t 1 Cnd a TusaAuut1 d boat of seasoned sailars in1 make this another succcssful day MlMHl 8 Pasaealcmlt o 2p.m.-Playgroundi Horscshoes JocjliDrtyKlarck netranetfral Port HopeLin Club Carnival ta be beid o nttt T a u r n m e n t J o y e A l i a , D r o t b K î i a t ~ î k i n n t e r a î n m n t f r a i W a l t r R e n o l d 6 4 ½ b bt h H g h S b o o i g n o u d s , W d - O P u b i c A f a i r 6:45 p.m.-Sftbal, Ppsi Cola vs.:Pr Hope nesday evening, August 18. aC- Rurals, at Public Sohool. Tt is beleved tat hr Wednesday, August il wan anivaleMynagdr, Seen y Sttesm n Stff W iter2 p.m.-Plavground Track.an .- % Iy rund fields of around 40 bu.. or ve, clare mhat this year's show xvi Thcid ay uus 2fields may go 50 bu., or more. J. Formerhy held on the Publi ntî,Uic tts n Recently returncd from a two Idown there.TusaAgs 2jprarwiesm ftobs ebn brta xe. Laesl nentoa far 2 . . Pa go n ae al T. Bown, w o sowed oats in is Seool grounds, the change v a n d ilh rsrtt drs x n o t h s t o r a o u n b b w e t e n S n n y C a l f o r i a cp. . - l y r u d a e a h t If i e l d t h i s s p i n g , r e p o r t s t h a t i s m a d e t a b b c l a r g e r f i e l d t a a c c o m - b c lt:o f r n e o h a a haif of the United States, witb sidc To those who bave beard so H:igh m.Shofll eCoav. is te best wheat la which lie 0v- modate bbc great exhibition soft inIsiueo ulcAfisa trips into Oid Mexico, Art Baker, is baw it was introduced ta me. .BTS. .- .' . >_______ _ jn cm drve a isnen.Farers ish- bailrotogae eenarofkeyte Lk ocihngta ug hs tafrtierfrte sta tean Costitt bcl iin fnom Rena,-. otae any of bbc above growers and Bowmanviiie Ail-Stars.BeteoPrscsfrPecl s has tod som of te sbay ta he 'BggostLitti Cityla Amnica"Free otel x'bawihl bve Conehav95 sed on and5956 p.. forneatswiîî nno6ned boayfoyR. G.Cayew editor. Many of bis observations May 18, tbc Califonnia sun was Fe oe Suites for sale. be at a premium among bbc vas ic-rsdn o hlisEoti obscured by a biinding snowstorm O0ffered ayor and thnong anticipated. CmayadCanaîo b n we are sure will be of iaterest ta that slowed bbc train as lb passed ee - n ec e sMn rzssiueCmite readers, sa as time permit, ho ýbetween 15 foot sinowbaaks in bbc Members of Council Wes Foahlowsin bc bil aebc Prfso axBli w111 write several articles wbich high Sierras. An bour laber the I nsîty, ann ul sin u tioapa ndrdfeetha-gen fmetlbcs rio n gea pog bc .A artpropnictor, Bal- Baseball, swimming, pitcbing yau can caunit on at least a double Mn. and Mrs. Harold Masters mdboo dt e l uli srawinutîUieoutadn at- ings. This first colunvt sketches imora mejthf orsznawa.g Mn.moracrnie, Masters.e, ewtllh,'hohoaanndoonc1edefan OsaweMin VrnietbsAmenicars wlndb anbbc adfor- ! acemnt. ourdyslaerem- i otlBomavFoursnta onoltesan mvis wata eaur.ToonoatGod--Nff -itnspce o bteRokeelerFonra the background of Itis extended tnn in b atnSea nbcwittcn invitation ta May'or and 'Trot, i mdE-uf.-ans- attractive antd expensiv travels. Any opinions expressed lî mpeinal v alley, 240 feet beiow Cauîtcil ta be bis guests in the w drfi aytasen sx um IHrsshcsMnrad n. oofoRede-thbce ccas j wl gv ddess n"h will be his owî.-Editor. sea level, tbc Ihermometer regis- bcst suites in bbc bouse aven any 1 mer weeks. Witen scîtool bouls You dont bave ta take second !vous, have moved ta Oshawa, j Pnis secfued dscion.i uretweed oeraean ei ornInteal o Irpltces supenfiuotsstangdescsibeeailhPolicyey0frSovietng up resi Plans for the trip erc aMade îered 103 inthebcshade. In Mexico cser twvkediHoceraesan bgi t rngInth fîlyo whlplcetaDael tosngboscbos cwen tetarhekig p os- bcne nvetis ha wilbean 'hePrblms0fPat-l 'it xas hge than that and bbchervcsw ffrdfe frealîy he able ta look 'back and now.Wibh Wednesday~'s sucçess jdnead m.Fe Cl rdfound in bbe setup amnong bt Bian"M.Thm. 1 lml asrcbnteasedin andiaftinç'ml et itaogwt b charge. The letter as read in M.ad . Fe ol ndbootbs. The public is assured btofbbNeYrkTmwh wa prcasd n aadanfuds -el en. igt logwih t'ConelTuesday night had aiso a tbink aven al bbc good times bbat under yonr cap, you shonld be Garv, Mn. and Mns. Wm. Currie bcsb that couid be dieviscd t'onr o h atsvea entsbe Ohna a lctosich ntîht i Franycsoalid Lna AneleSanchage. "Try ta get a full yau bad. But xvby tlink of school neady ta challenge aaybady. lb and'Donothy Ana motored totahb e evngoffnadfoi.D-asndtacerbcwkofi- Ontafrio f niting la adx'ag rnce sco d LosvcntAneMas 19 nigbsseptbnafitdwtha iehk hs h ume em bu wbdcdStates antd points easb avencr tafn vil ae sofwuand b ite ios D-ieNaonatakSucsa of dature. Meanrtime tnhe jobc i and brawn hilis for hundneds of bbc s treet sbouting, can-honking, is oniy itaif aven and there is stili which bbc best bossons came from, holiday weekend. výertiement and an bbc draw icwosarilsntisube hv ofha r e adagdo.fnaliv tae j b e b rsltc tednet e- ay b t and magnich ifîd f uus aadprtcf- -South or North Ward. However, IMrs. W. Wonnacotb. Miss Joan kets on sale about toxvn.wowicpas, ilasogv exmvesnee x nigdb naivs al fember aad arho Sp-here are tbbc utsand yucait Wonnacotb are eajoying a cruise tafcgtufteU gaf tuasuts 3in theGeongin Bay nd Nont Publi Weande bwo ddnesss PtbCuieichng. Mn came toa aguarnaee ta do son' son in 54 ycars. Eye-ennui w eknds wl lb Snaym rnom dawa ta dark. Night seems 10 deiefr, Lairdsedl rigtofShore aboard tbc M. S. Normac. In orden ta attracb public sup-smt b c s eivdonvin irgated ale'T heletten touîched ofsar Ie o re u ofsto outeeNorth b rd, 8; Vn. o and- o tecar"n"' b'lNatonswil stf rtnsort ofa businne nlîvd Mr. vand ffsar Mit cep ptafsto yuths 1 easWL.d a WSbtrfeet W we, ee eoir*e in.. ploatUibdcu~ iSIO acn st forenthe of wb.-enc.green archards bearin bae ending it a unanimans vote day s, especially whon Mom o a iltSuhWr,2.Trno elt eon o h u Prip ornge an leonswere in- cl h ufwfrlgisot n wouid sanction tbbcLise of personia', 1ripe oraîtgese andationemons cai bc urfw.orligtt ot, ad ilets Sut Wad,2anToono.iieil treda re lc t hwedf nscrtieabo fcboarsitcpo ~~îesont~aO[~ o5rev , veetalersedalre abeibaelst-dof '.lbcnt ntthta ora i no thi ot scpayfnghe gang, W 1ear, BPnkeanlsnloaandMistua shKeehliosClbbatoaloeNorthd ndo~o fudsfo te orny.Soth ely.Itcaeoickata ombbc d,21 ohaston and Masan, 'of Torontto, Mn. and Mns. Jack ntnnity bebtermont. la bhe, cuiRsech irtoafbclnna. nort your onwat, onv ourditonaviix ý v'c fr bsan ansumtionng avs- complaint on bbc saine lines iriade lare s a îaoust ela t bakic he South Ward, 12. Pre adsns onwM trlspeeth inFCu otiterr ocnop lwasntatifoliy.w1 witb ., ar was entirelv lgnoned by Just mebniyobattmiR 12 yeans, G. Richards and A. Ja tetl Wn-efs" rnee ra evc nsa-tebs nwteootit nti The agreement, therefore, is car- hl u, epatns Aagteethe Police Contmittee'. lb was dis- t netabrno le t)aightRichards. Nantht Wand, 2 1, Terrv iThe weekly cuchre will he heid sorng with bhc Departmientofcnietwiisndbcveka riod eut in a senies ta be înflictedx'ivs hetedb maîan closed that police bad flot even van will be able ta be up that antd Hughes, Southt Ward, 14. i Pt Mns. Strcet's cottage, 'Wenc-Ecuaina vîe sieofo-Cuccin an wilneko lîponsubseîbensaltovtave bc i . 13deansR. Lae. Solh ,Verfus" on Thursday eveaiîtg at, cents that. have had great appeal"h oi cnmeOtok patene a olo vîatiswnthen.1ranges, \was the truie Sunay Cali- co lenedbbcanaia3 uk-boaîirnuhR.one labbcmaSougtSa21Ward Ig aegop atî i-an lt mlctoso b painet olw\hti rte.1cerise authanizcd in a tawn by- dont be too grouchy xvben the RihrsNot ad,î*'81pm.mnal Cîrcl Tou fonnia. The wealth of California iaw.BaebairM. and Mrs. N. Bottreli ad tit any wiil recallbbc Lesie asalPa o uoe"Cn CrlTor production, wbat we buy fram jM ant aekonta bedtime cali reaches'your cars. Bsbl astourist pnigipratm - Mnvies Witb players ike the oales. n M.adMs laleBusl et.an.mn oe aai b y r a il, b b c o t e e x t e n d e d t h e s u b j e c t o f e n q n ir v . A n o t h e itse g a e n rite n dw m n il e o m a n T d d imp o rta n ta ti t s t h t a v m o n -e l e Leavng owm îtvlle ay 5. hen, w at w so la ret ra e Mn. a d Mrs. hanlie ounsai, tebbe, nd maa tnotcd anadianceudetH norabl thrsonsChicantooiSaneFdamcinn.aBellleiagersebbc SoiwaviQuan- ahoian speakersswholwibltattendin!, co, thence ta Las Angeles for apI ained of bbc noise and per-man- Badminton Club xvi lt avte sol hv frtcls bas l Oe. Not tbe least was bbe Lions spon-EtntlAfirJ .Mea reunio and vsit log postaned.ent botel guests, bogethen witit 50 have an addition or you xiii baveail bbc leagues in a fcw years. 1 Mrs. Fred Colo was hastcss la sarsb 1ip of bbc dcbnît.of bbc talentr, ..,DvdCos.MPC From that point. extcîtded mabor iMns. Anne Colwill, R.R. 4, 0w- on more natepayers living la tbe ta sec youn movies ln shifts. 200 The South Ward seemed ta bave bcls uhribnsvra dyugpinstRyC.Dh'.Mlir.Cndai ietra tours permitted a close-rpip ~ew of en Sound, (formeriy of Hampton) xiciaitx- have had their sleep con- is an axvful lot of kids ta croivd in the best bail players but now tbce beantfiui prizes werc awarded. loy of Bowmnanviiie.UnedSelornsfAmia devcbopments that have taken in renewiitglber subscfiption ta sfaîttly .iabcrrnptcd. Counicîl mov- antd it mnust bave been a lîttie j total stands ait 4-3 for lte South' _______Cnmmunity Centre Gog .Fruoeio fbt place since a former visit mal,\,'The Statesman xvibes: I enjov cd ta bring tbc cxisting by-iaxv bard for somte of you ta sec lte, i Ward la bbc series and bbe NorthThlagitmo xedur years befare. The taurrincludeà rcading bbc home aews every uP ta date and Mayor Sidney Lit- sre'nFia.Js ee-Wn rebraeîgt aeteBTS eeated The lrgipenie of xetu sMntelStiA.F .Llm a dip labo Mexico -wbicb viilibe \wcek. We aiways hav'e taken ttle oltahbbcpress, be, personallv ber that ex'en if yonî oaa see mucb .ead. beore12e InCmauie fete x'ibIlfo turn trip bisected Arizaota, New and 1 am no kil now as I was 83 j te h 10 s osec tiat te lav.' as j. fw1ebalyoubiatwo'tbe bstye, ithbieaanitWar BS f 1 b Selt'Thre i1 h dib Mexico and Texas labo Newv Or- iast May. I am a cipple andcîtforc-cd. Ho said if a shakeu pI boahappy if 'you block titoir vicv.. wahking away with bbc 13-il vic- t'e ne caeadiamoned1-3at ' e tiondantricatineesrough oidTbegous n i b Jeans, titence nnti the b Msisvaik witb a crutei but I have Or sitakedowavas necessar3' lb Those mavies an Fridav wene tory. Howeven, ilb wasn't an easy 'biteebsbaj oli imodatbtJottii isrct re2pc9.aswi be led by bitetheehi known psy- to Bowmanvilic. The tripbonicit- bore with rm.% nieco and ber itus- just likc bcing in Algonquin Park thal b abtrefrrvn e Hbîgamco.St cntby tteitor h oa omnb oni.Clmi nvriyo iesb cd abut 3 stats. jband, Mn. and Mrs. Ewart Cneep- xibb ail those wihd animais rua- at tbe next game. Kids, wby dont bieam nte TS.rcacbin edthin Tibyte i onservationbaerviedjt"TePscoogc Apah The original intention xvas tao r. Witb kial regards toa ah My NU fONSRICing araund the screen. And ta t .u sec if you can't get voun ma- lcaecoigtvewndw centre main observ~ations on ag- -fionds la gaod aid Durbam lOn Fridav, August 6. at 8 Prn. 'jislas on hale uatry western o- o c pand Se ihpobabelyplate. ound-disk machines have beenD KaiPlyiatone"Te riubridvbpxnsat rnCounty. us-a gbitean indr' tio Iîcca pion ofs roaby Rev.asd orS.alpeR. w reculprailadvlia pos atnder Hv e tar ftevs th ndtiomnisfte afSTniRity n-vie, exvea if Gene Autrey on Roy jnst waiting for yon ta ask lber. iRichards, te winaing pitcher pnnhae e or locahleopl Te hi ra rnsomto" nbt - Rogers wertr'diig pitetiicturo.rN Have-vou hontdfovetaedvwalkedfeigtbsohave becometeigoftlcss.tTiUn-C îs-upi ouTitevBaakd wnlkeofeSovie the gaxernmcant's anlsterity pro- te Busv Becs tram Brantîford'.' Roghirbxiibaepaewttner a sk if "o i e ite car-oSwimming Wlo nbcmun o ie msSeal Campaign bas been cnmnPlc,. gram. Therefore, te tonin sk:ecd ,Thcy vii! be ab The Salvation reeption afiltrvacislaceb ite S n oakifyulk h a- Waten aatd swimming is bbe an- chaiked up an exea fixe and fixe. carried an in co-operatinîn xvîth Albe<metnsaetat the agiculîiral pernmtcr of te 'Arnt on Saturdav and Sunday ' dat Scitool roaîtt. At this srvceton. Bît lte best part of all was 1%.ting tar ,ou are thînking D. MW:l!iamns ted bbc batting wibh te Oitania T.B. A ' ocîation and iepbi nleîhiisaeixi western states> Coi-,ver.it ions 'Anigust 7thIland Stb. On Satnîrday jtbbcpublicare cordiallx- invited. sn-ogflma b , a bolit these day's and no vaitder. a single. double. triple and home flinds wevr(- alNoca1el o oier tbt fiec ie(îai along te route provîded qnîibc an 'a'. 8 p at.a grand nMnsical fesia umr.sestkngpr i it sure is tua la sec if yonî catLast week ilbvas iit.strnicbron at rn nia a (vc trps tabal. C. Os- IX-Ray vr~W, î b cosn $2,200. Isiuea uî insgb ioa resntx~xx' o cî:-xv!1 be givea. Speciali items wîll 1 n - _nsev_ ear Rv.T iag ler ttani te kils aext 1 lite pool attbite Training School borne tolixved xviit a double. l'outilServiceDinsAfir,2 zens an domestîc polît-:cs iand inclule carnet and accardion sa i Kennedy, tbc chairman of Oshit on. Ti te s lin mfr, yaîî gt an ud y ite c t h vekpo,2 h0f s ndma rrB . M e1 2 ru s, e12 ol:n tixites Ba chl Sq arsTociaO tt world problems. Titese tvere las, r.ovelby numbeîrs an bicycle aiva Prèeýbyb-er\ Rex-. W.C. Smithnobfenxtsme,1tagtancudsmacsbi pl,2btsalOros.Mks2rueainwîtbteBchAoi- brough furtter lbo pr miaeicp pn p and xvbîsles, ocal nd pi- ef Pot Pen y and Rex'. R. M.Sey- aut t asktoe on ta bc ono eng ohaftbieppool anand 25 a 7 bit and berro s.athn4ta p ovide a lit guar au bc hic et bie varel aa lntp rbath by the aimost concurrent tanin cf aita duets and trios. Don't miss -mour of Enaiskiilen r and you can practice up by Iengtbs of thte pool.1 Lineup: lake and of paramoît intntserie iihnbrlyClt President Trmnan aven te samne iearing tese evangelists - Mr. ___________ caiing te cows. Titis week bbcewitole scene of B.T.S:-Jackman, Little, D. Wil- te wonk of te Lions Club con-mîdpbisuob Ttane area. A close-up viow of hint and Mrs. R. Bossant, Candidate With swimming takiag up most action tunned ta Omono. Each cf liamns, Miller, Werry, Richards, blnes nîniversal attention tapoedtrmbeCaivlwî was miade available at a pres.s and Mrs. W. Bossant and twelve- Mm. and Nr Craig Langile.: of your limne it is vemy donbtfnil'sou bave ane whoic day au Orono Sienton, Pollard, Kwa.YuuIti Activities wltich do su e îe acniu b oka buncheon la Las Angeles. Ho stoie xear.old Bobby. 'Meetings on Oî,x .ailMn ai I Mrs. OzŽcd: f titere will be aniv maties nextl Park, end wbat a datý' Ai rît iag MksHacv Wilson. R. rî'.rcit4ta ntiniize jd l- s.ot by.Tt niain lte spotliht ram Hollvwooa forj Zunidav at 1Il a-ntancd 7p nit1 " - :s'-( -Peterroro. Fnr1 iday. Hwxeif aid mai: There at 10 a .m.. first titere is bbc iarn. 'atrnrroa C. Ositai rfe. "1(- lr.ee' Man'.more' thirig (oranai aIî,rag, a day. Ho xas forgotten aven S:LnI.t,' Sciool a'. 2.3 Op.m. A:: -elthon parer. .Dr .and Mrs wa.-alher 'akes A turn for lte xorst hike al: aro'inri thc park. thon a K:~t Brougt, Summnensford.(ou'<lhe rmrrr:red kbu'erouiiz iaa e ~ra.a o hîei night. Thats the waâ, it Lacs are we.come.1 3?-1 ~ra ...n etre St. and bte main cornes tumbling downi swimn, ±ollowed by lunch. Davy. ila eni~e aîfr h u-îbidn otrcmui» Town Council Rires Dou Catcher Approves New $4,200.00 Fence To Tackle Local Noise Nuisance May or Sidney Little presded at lor James carried motion to get fi the regular council meeting on breakdown of some. Tuesay ightwhih delt ith Auditors W. E. Johnstn Co. Tues ay ight whi h de lt lth tender for 1948 audit $575, ap expenditures totalling araund $9,- proved and balance of accaunit 000 and determined n a few it- paid. Letter from enginers, PrcJ; ems of aw enforcement that ave br, Redfern C., Toronto, re fence falen into a state f lassitude the at disposal plant had been already past year Absent wcre Council- anticipated. lor Diiiing and Deputy Reeve AI- Ontario Municipal Board wrote lison who is reported on a trip encîosing copy of letter of coml- averseas. Discussions and decis- plaint of citizens that bridge at ions were generally unanimous. tawn dump was not rcpaircd. Tax mony allocated incuded Cerk will state te case for the $4271 for July accounts and $4,- town and ask confirmation that 200 for a new fence ta enclose the1 province is responsibe for 75 per disposai plant. The fence, of lat- cent of the cost. Meantime cou- est induistrial design, xii be u- 'cil is waiting for visit fîom dis- chin-proof, "hog tigt, horse igh trict enginer. and bull strang" and was consid- New~ Business ered good insurance against lia- Civie Committee xvas authoriz- biliby in case any children wand- cd ta name local dolegates in- cned about bbc plant and, became vited ta reception of Ontario's injured in the machinent-. Warn LutGoenrfrPieM - ing signs wili also be erected. - ieut.ovIerando. rieMn Dog Catcher Councilbor Janmes rcponted un- Deaiing with a bill of $16 from satisfacbory response of Toronto temporary d o g catcher, Mn. Construction Ca. ta agroed re- Knapp, council decided ta offer pairs on four houses, Veterans' him tbc job on a permanent 'basis Ave. Town solicitor was instruot- on a set sohedule of remuncration. cd ta pursue the matter. Rates are: Pickup, $5, lethai ser- vice $3, trip ta Oshawa pound $3, New business-Rate for mak - daily keep 75c for tree cîar ing foundations for headstones at days. Claiming wners and those ccmcetery raisd from S50c ta 75c identifid througbh icense tags per u. ft., due ta costs of labor xiii be assssed as above. Cost and mateiais. Two catch basins of unidentifid stays paid by tax- xill be installd in Memorial payos. Park. Rqust of Board of Education On compiaint of C. A. Jarrctt, for special joint meeting re ncw propnietor, Balmoral Hotel, Coun- South Ward Seboot will be deait cil decided an an immediate with immediately. ceckup of police ta stop ood- umism opposite the otel and ta Planning trged enfoce tbc by-law caling for i- Mayor concluded bbc session cense fees for juke boxes. Sec wibb a stong recammendation to details in a sepaate colum. crea te a local Town Planning Requests Commission. He found in a per- sonal survey that littie data on Gencral: A cinder patb requcst- sites, water service, sewage facil- cd by F. Griffin. New 'barber ities, left officiais unprepared to shop ciosing bouns approved. Pc- invite new industries ta town. In tition for cemeat sidewalk, Jane view of proposed migration of St., approved. Boulevard wilbe British industries announced by changed on King St. on request of Premier Drew, it is iikely stops Bowmanviile Motor Sales. will be taken ta appoint a Com- H. W. Knapp asked permission mission. for sign opposite his properby. Committec of Couincil author- Letter from Counby Cberk advis- ized ta go ta Belleville ta inter- ed county' rate assessed munici- i,,view district engineer on instal- pality xvas $24.079, approximatcly 9lngfbask-signal lights at C.N.R. tbe same as hast year. Council- level cnossing. Lions Club Annual Carnival :ir~~' :~"~ f.

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