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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1948, p. 3

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Z7-.~1 TPTMtzrv. ATr7c;T' T5th, 1948 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO At 3 p.m., Jly 26, a 1948 Pon- i while attempting to make a turn tiac car driven by Williami Ander- and turned over on the west $ide son. Toronto. travelling north on af the road. Highway 35. near Pontypool, No one seriousy burt, but there skidded on the mwet pavement, was extensive damage ta the car. ~eb--:.op ci L:cc . ýi gven three Anglican clergymen authar- 1 ity to practise divine healing. Keep always with you. whcr- ever your. course may lie, thej company of great thoughts.-H. H. Asquith.i Womens. Institute Enjoys Addresses On Agriculture and Flower Culture Bowmaox ile Women's Institute ious pink flowers but only one met in the Union Hall an July 29 ced and one white variety. Dou. with Mrs. Walter Davis, vice pres- bie blue ones xiii soon be avail- ident, presiding for the brief bus- able but it is impossible ta grow iness meeting which preceded an a y-ellow.% African Violet. Fame excellent prograni on agriculture' and fortune await the producer and flower culture. of a yellow African Violet. Mrs. Fred Baker, cenvener, out- These flow.ers bloom almost the: lined agriculture as we know it in year around and thrive better our couintry.,ý. She said agriculture away fromn direct sunlight in a s flot merely a vocation or occu- raom at a lemperatuce from 62 ta pation but a science ta cultivate 73 dc'grees. and produce. Quoting from chap- Cold water splashed on the ter- of Genesis she proved that leaves xill cause spots spoiling agriculture is the oldest industry their attracliveness.. The plants 1 n existence. There is a stability should nat be allowed ta stand in about tilliog the soul not found in watec but shauld be watered with any other industry as yeai- afler xater* 10 degrees warmner than year we sow and xve ceap. in peace coam temperature, from the top ime or war timne in order ta live. of the pot and the sali should be Mý/rs. Baker nat anlv mentioned allowed ta become fairly dry be- briefly the satisfaction and plea- tween wateriogs. ure that cornes from wxorking African Violets can be propa- vit.h the soul but stressed the ne- gated by divis ion, stem-cuttiogs, essity of grawving and pcaducing leaf-cuttings and by seed, almost foodstuffs ta feed aur people, the Fny month in the year. Leaves British and those in European may be raoted in water with pro- caunitries. She dcplored the' de- pcr heat, humidity and light con- erted and uncultivated ]and in dilions and afterwards potted ina ur province when thiere igs o a mir of txvo parts garden1 nuch undernaurishment and star- soil, anc part leaf-mold, ane part vation in the \vorld. peat or weli raoted manure and She concluded her very excel- one p)art of sharp sand for uni- lnt talk xith the thoughît that formly goad results. cientists À-Pre refining aur grain Mrs. Davis stressed that the to the place that 100 manv min- fia Violet is ane, plant that rai n te etalsfo cao be grawn in the average iealth arc being extcacted. hanse equally as wl si grecen bouse. On flowec culture Mrs. Walter Dclightfui musical numbers Davis gave a fine papcr an the wicre giv'en by Miss Joan Green- 7aýre anid growth of African Via- ficld and Mrs. Edwin Wood. els. She said African Violets'M ..1 Teksn ap< vote 0i Ic tc ci ci ie b( bi 'i sp ar 'Car no0 relation ta trtîe viole :t bclong with plants as Gloxir as and Achimines. 0f four knoxw ;pries anl ' two are grow,%nlhei nd then, ,rlo,-it,-rof ,4,..,, 41.-. I crs is growing by leaps ari b.oîin ds. 17 There are eeveral shadeso 121 blues and purpies aiso lavende andli lac shades. There are var SUNNYSIDE BEACH TORONTO FREE STAGE SHOW NIGHTLY 8:00 p.m. DANCING SEA BREEZE 9:00 p.m. Sunnyside Pool niow open Free Parking for 5,000 Cars Picnic areas crvailable for out of town l visitops. For LA. 0357 - reservations cali MR. J. VAN EVERA Pep~l *today, and olten euerv day. It's a real treat anytirne. So. whenever youre thirsty or wanîta add de- ight to a moment of relaxation, drink a Pepsi. Remeniher, you get more for your moocy in that big 12-ounce boule. in Ca-daf.pg lCnn f (-gd, L..g,gd. School authorities agree: REO end only REO, builds the sch gives maximum safety. And the reason is simple! REO m, assembles, services and guarantees a complete bus-no e> Thaf makes REO alone responsible for the high quality ai safeîy of REO school buses from tires ta top. Corne in or ci demonstration anytime. Delivery guaranteed. Wed in St John's Anqrliccan Chu rch Mr. and Mrs. Elwood EarI Shackleton following their marruage recentiy in St. John's Anglican Church, Boxvranvile. The bride, who ýwas Miss Rachel Wright befoce hec marriage, Ns daighter of Mc, and Mrs. Thomas Wright, of Bnxvnanxilic. The bride- groom is son of MjU. and Mrs. John Shackleton, Bowmanville. BURKETON Mc. and Mrs. A.C. Shackladx. Ls Angeles. Calf.. with er sis- ter. Mrs. B. Hubbard. Miss Betty Vigar and Mr. Pal McCready, Norwich, Mr. and Mrs. iHarry Strutt and Phyllis. Oshawa, at Mc. and Mrs. Ben Hubbard's. Mr. Orland Bailey, Miama, Flac- ida. motored ail the wa - vta spend a month's vacation with his par- i cols. Mr. and Mcs. Tom Bailey. Mrs. M. Morris, Toronto, is vis- itiog wilh Mrs. J. Por'ter. Mc. John Parler returned home after a successful aperation in Toronto. Mc. Will Hoskins is at Niagara Falls xith relatives and friends. Mc. and Mrs. A. Massie with Mc. and Mrs. Neban. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Grace and famfly had the pleasure of the latter's parents, Mc. and Mrs. H. Cracker, Beaverton. foc a txvo weeks' vacation, after their returo from visiting in the U.S.A. with their son. Thcy aiso spent same time in Western Canada wilh an- ather son. Congregalional meeting vas held Juiy 28 xith Rex'. R. M. Sev. mour in the chaiu- and Mrs. Bussell Dean, secretary, to make arrange- ments ta finish the work an the church and painting, etc. Mr. Harold Gatcheil, Toronto, jwith bis father and Mc. and Mrs. A. Dean. jMr. Cecii Coates and June. Tac- ono, with Mr, and Mrs. Carter. Three Auto Accidents Over the Weekend , ts of- .. - Involvinag U.S.inVisitorsi t- of thanks to the speakers and mu-l Highway accidents during the vnsîcians. Rcfceshrnents serx'ed b',; County Health Unit Mr. and Mrs. Smith Pastwek included thefollowhng: Mcs. ake r hemenhcgr. pco-'*en hy Daxvid Licbowitz, Brooklit, ciued he eetng.Gives .iadvice About Enjoy Plane Trip N.Y., xvth bis wife in the car, id oiryltsT Brts se travelling east ail JulY 23, ivcnt ta _____Can___er pass anothe-r car', skidded off the er To Do Honor ta During the past decade, our Wth sa man ' of thîe tao\vn's the ditch. ,r- kno\viedge o poliomvclitis dis- citizens flvi ng ta thbe Old Country, The driver and bis wife were LMiss J. Nora \Verry case has been considerabiv ad- in the lastfex'ý' months, youc ce- attended by Dr. Austin and bath x'anced thcough many scientifie parler clecidcd ta pay a xisit ta xvere taken ta Bowmanviiie Hos- OnSauda vcigJYy3 studins. The causative agent of some of these lucky people andci pitl. Mr. Licbowitz xvas dis- the sisters, brothers, nieçes and 1oirylii sk1nasaxi-fndottî mresosgie charged the foliowing day, but oepexv ofMis J.Nor Wcryus it is a living micra-organism, frorn their trip. 1 Mrs. Lieboxvitz is still coîîfined, gathecedofpiscfshJ.ionrat eynat identificd bv the ordinary la- Since thec -ar, Engiand's econ-1 suffering from a slight concus- gathredpicic ashon t te bralory, microscope and labora- amnie piight bas been sa publicized sion. home of Mr. and Mcs. E. A. Werry,. tory' procedures. The virus bias Ihat the average Canadian be- Appraximatciv 10:310 arn., Julvf Enniskiiien to do honor, long 0v'- been cecavered from sexvage and lieves that the English people are 23, a 1946 Oldsmobiie driven b'- erdue ta Nora and la gix'e expres- fil sion of love and appreciation facsonrlo lensthotuo ny doing vithout luxuries, Miss Helen Weisburg, Pennpo the kmndnesses and remembrances and exceents of man. that xve think arc essentials, but cecding east an No. 2 Highway, hcstowed on lhem thcough the Poliiaryelitis bas been rcporled aretrsi;ovtarigbdah l erHitpFrm ato ev 3 cars. o occasion from ail counities and ire that their tables are nati tanxiile, turned out toa ax'id bit- f About sevenly sat down ta a districts in Ontario. Outbceaks as ciabaratel *v laden as could bc ling a bunip, skidded and went Eounteous supper at tables ar- 'are mare commrnn during the lat- boped, haxvex-er, starvatian i15 001 th rough the guide rail and turned ranged on theî spaciaus lawn after ter part of July, August and Scp- in the immediate horizon. u ipside down in the dilch. No ona vhich the gathcring was calied tember and the first txvo weeks Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Smith, ivas seriousi -y hurt, but there \vasý ta ordier and an address xvas cead of October. The disease is mare Loyers Lane, wcre txva of aur considerable darnage talte car. by, Jas. A. Wecry and Eleanor frequent during Ibis period, ai- cosmopolitans, w'ho made te trip Mountjoy presented Aunt Nora tbough cases have occîîrred iin the ta Engiand, their native land. w-îth a beautiful %vrist watcb. prox'ince during the w i nteCr eaxillg Mootreat by air, theý Miss Nora Wecry, taken by sur- maonths. first stop .vas at Goose Bay, La- priîse, made an appropriate repiy The present state of scicotifie brader. After the ocoan crossing of thanks. know\ledge suggcst.s that it is the plane came down aI Pces-wick, Afler sang and a rouising cbeer, sprcad frorn cases or carrier-s and Scotiand, before proceeding on ta te ex'eniog was spent in chit- possibiy by nik and fod cantam- Lndon. Mc. and Mrs. Srnith xvcrc pca chat and good-byes with good inated by flics or by watec pal- met by fricnds at the airport, ivho xishes. led by sewage, etc. Prevenlion drave them .ta Brighton. co-operation of the public and in- werc greatiy irnpressed by tbe, E NFIELD cludes ail measures- ta sustain magnificent sccnery. The ms health aod attention ta personal striking aspect of the landscape and general sanitation. xvere the hedges of rhadoclcnd- Miss Helen Smith and Miss à)B sure your food is pro- cons that lined the coads. Roses' Ruth Clarke, Oshawa, spent the 1tced from flics. Have your bouse and England go together and the weekend with Miss Ruth Prescot. thoroughiv sccccned and kill e.v- rase gardens are breatb-takingly A Miss Evelyn Cunningham, of ecy flxr that gains enlry before beautiful. Bratfod, is M.PotsGuelph, il reac hes youc food. An insecti- The hîstory of a nation îs ta ha Mrs. D. Cunninghamn, Brussels, at cide such as D.D.T. may be used. fouind ia ils anent buildings . 111 Malc as Mcs.FrdTyoan (2) If you bave an autside toilaI England it is especially enshrined Mr. nd Ms. Fed Tylorandmake su'e it is fly -proaf and use mn lte aid parish churches scatter- O RE Pau, ornt, r.an Ms.Frnkplenty of chiocide of lime. cd thcoughout lte country'. Mc. Kily, Aileen, and Marion Stin- (3) Kccp your garbage cox'crcdanMs.Sihxcefrntei son. Merritton, at James $tark's. ta prex'ent the breeding of flics. visitink ilwo of these churches. Mr. and Mrs. Harald Prescott, (4) Do not cat raw fruit or One of them xvas te Parisb Mcnat . ad reots. Bob Smith and ntil they are thor- Chturch. of St. Margaret, Rotter- F la n n e le tt ranatA WM reots. vebgemathles ougblyivxashed or peeied. This dean. This chur-ch bias records of Jack Taylor, Toronto, at T. Tay- inclucies viid or ather fruit pick- ils Vicars from 1299 an. The ar- lor's. cd from the bushes or tracs. Do chitecture of this chuu'ch shows The Orrnislon familv hbeld their 001 drink unsafe rniik or w'aî-. exidence of Saxon, Norman, Plan- 70 farnilv pienie at the home of Mc. (5) Wash al dishes and cook- tagenet andi Victorian styles. The' and Mcs. J. Stark last week. ing utensils in boiiing hot ivater. olhcr chuîrch that xx'asvitdva Mis s Muriel Burgrqs. of T (6)f Do flot bathe or swin the Parish Chuu'ch of St. Denx-'s, ISauilt, is spending the summer polluted waters. Rotheî-fieid. This church vas built xvit Mrs Edgr I-rcsctt.(7) Do not allow cbildrcn ta b1inte 13th century xilb sorne laI- ox'er-excrcise or get chiiled, ai-d ci. additions. No one cari.burt your feelings Isec tltay get extra rest. each day. In the eotertainiment world, ivjhu ha oa c cotient.A 'oid crow ds.Tf upicous ,. -np-lte theatres are packed ex'eryý _____ it1hlbxvxcr ormal i dressdis- THIS 15 ONE NVALI'E VOITIVO'T %VA Ppeîe ring thceva aclha ETTE BLANKETS IVITH BORDERS 0F1 not, as yet, comae back loto vogue. The stores are 001 iacking mec- PRICE LUNE. IDEAI, FOR (HIILVY chanclise, lioxx'ex'cc, the bigh prices NOTE THE SIZE. NOTE THE PRICF. p - m ake shopping an cxtrcmeiy cx- li Pc fac as polies arc conccrned, MI W r B U in Engiand, as avcrywbacc aIse, P R LIE there is alwavs someane ta crili- P R IE this is that inimitable British op- TEA TOWELS'c timismn that cati alw~aYs sec belter days in the verv near future. Cekdsgsn leo eiiapr 0 Returning homon bv air, Mr. andChcdeinofluoreInapt Mfs. Smnith had the unique expar- linen tea toivel that ivill niake glassrs '4 8 ieut(- ofcf aliog breakfast ln Ice- and dishes sparkic and shine. Size 20x32. land fit 4 o'clock in the rnorning. Buy them in haif dozen lots. The next stop xvas Gander, Nexw- s ~~foîîodland, and tho home.,9 a On] - a favorc-d fexx are lucky39 a cooîgh tlabha ble tacros lica o( - LeDA caio n-e ut a ifet iota and ex- huUir uas a comple[e eci«celetrliiacons oÇr lte fit-ýt tima. Ex- on ýhS M E P R S Unit to nîeet ih s tr ancosîaî- haxve been in Can- ada for aver two geocrations, 1ev-HA F erthclaess tva still sccrn ta hax-e s utet y standards tics x-ihEngaod, Ireiand, Scot- 1,dadWae. o lswî A clearance of the balance of our Spor I-agnat that sarne of Lis look longi- broken ranges that include Bathers, SJi -uix c distant shboras. Hxe-r Dresses.' Take advantage of this tinie !hte narration of thrze wondcrfi The REO Safety Schoot Bus is axpcrianhcs rnay prov(-te Ilvait-. REDU(ED TO iva utacded bv niallY, ta start a ai complefe vehicle, engineered savings account for just such an îool bus that throughout for safer transporta- ato.~ L T S -L icnfcueorns do ac-cuc or wban n bdaubt a IY O anfcuetion of students-lt's safer than docloi- -iouid ha cansîiitcd. N T I G W O xtras te buy. ndc complete any-yes, any school bus on 'dcxidis uhe pastoral nama ie3pyBtn Yr htwl ntu cclfrafl f lte 4.900inace airpunt recentlAfn l oayI r htwl ntu ai orafuithe road. daediîîated utnNew. York. mbinoxely 'ocks, baby things, or loveiy 44 sweaters. tolors are red, .ihite, Pink, 4836 powder, brown, na'.y and goid. -~ -. w - w -. Browne Motor Sales 2 *'ALTiON ST. PORT IIOPE, ONT. PHIONE'.. REO.; BUILT, SOLO AND SERWICED IN C.A V.A REGVLAR 35c 29c oz. An every.day film for evcry.ulay picture-takers, Kodak Verichronie Film gives youu more of tiiose sparkling, praise-wunning snapshots. Canadian Kodak Co., Limited, Toronto. s made in Canada ... Kodak Film the ilm in the familiar yellow boxc "KODAK" IS A TRADE-MARK Values w K E R'S D BORDER :e Blankets Vo0 ANT TO MISS. PURE IVIITEF FLANNET#e ROSE OR BLUJE. SEC'ONDS 0F A HIGIIER NdGHTS AT THE COTTAGE OR HOM.F GET SEVERAL PAIRS. RAYON DAMASK A fine quality rayon damasmk cloth ln cream rolor. Reduced right from regular stoc'k to clear at this lov prire. Size 50"x50". REGITLAR $4.10 $3.29 ea. VEAR and DRESSES.- PRICE rtsw ear and Summer I>refsses. Odd and horts. Halters, and Cotton and Chambray Ily sile now. 0 IIALF-PRICE LADIES' COTTON JEEP SOCKS Fine nicrcerized cotton ankiet socks ln a choice of three colors, bmw n. Yellow or navy. Sizes 9 to 101j.* Specially priced to cicar. REGULAR 39c 33c Pr. Phone 451 THE MODE RN STORE Bowrnanville 'g -t 1 ame4 steÀf 1?ùn4id r 1 PAGE THREZ, 90 Phone 451 THE MODERN STORE . Bownaanville

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