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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1948, p. 5

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S-. - . .. - . '.-. t- -- - ------.----- .~ ----.-....-............... THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO WEDDINGS ENGLISH JOURNEY ZMON J MIH-OGRS(By Walter R. Legge, publisher of the Leader-Mail, Gramsby, SMIT -ROERSQue., and Past President of the Canadian Wcekly Ncwspapers (Intended for Last Week) St. John's Anglican Church,î Association.) There xiii be na Sunday Schooi Bomwmanville, was .the setting for mrhile Rev. Linstead is on holi- a quiet wedding on Saturday af- (Article No. 5) days. syternoon, July 24, when Muriel Mr. and Mes. Milton Brima- Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nothing seems ta have such a "William 'Penn, 1718, Hannah combe, Ronnie and Russell, Mes- Robert C. Rogers, 4ecame the aeraof he nglish etoplte cas-thenthe a726.mA1erhamsrs. Fred and Joshua Brimacombe, E@ecelxm- bride of Arthur John Smith, snatro h nls epea h ntewyfo 7esa Osaca, at Ray Cameron's. _________ o Me and Mrs. N. N. Smith. Rev. gasoline restrictions, and motor- tSerGen is the cottage at' Mr. and Mrs. Bernard'McEwen Hello Homnemakers! If there is bernies and ]et stand in the hot 'J dePencier Wright performed ists seem ta attempt any kind of ChoutSt G eshr itnadFy, libra usl one thing that will make a gour- fruit juice .5 minutes. Chillin 'the ceeemony. deception ta get around them. wrote "Paradise Lost." Stainton's, Ray Cameeon's and met out of an othewise simple clecteîc refrigerator. Serve plain Given in marriage by ber fa- In a desperate effort ta enforce. . Wes Cameeon's. soul, it is the ]ushne-zs, the juci- or with haîf-frazen ceeam. ther, the bride was lovely in aI the regulations the authorities When the Plague was raging in nes ad hecoorul rry f he Pech nd~Iîo cmpte street length frock of white silk hav st more severe penalties London in 1665, Thomas Ellwood Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fisher, nessandthecolofularry o the Peah ad 'MlonComote jersey with matching hat and a which appear ta be out of ail pro- a Quaker, at the request of Mil- Mes. Alex Fisher xisited Mrs. G. summcr's fruits and berrnes. The 11. cups diced peaches cosg f African roses. Mrs. portion ta the punishment for Chto located a smaîl cottage at Fisher's brother at Christie St. fact that they are pecishable and 1 12- up diced melon clra ln teneotebrd, euh more seriaus offences. The, Calfout St. Giles, where Milton Hospital, Toronto, They aiso vis- deictev rarat ees a ak 12 ups gcanulated sugar wearing a' mauve crepe dress withr new regulations in effect froimoved ta get am-ay from the ited Mr. and Mes. Harvey We'b- them even more temptîr.g. 2111CLps, v.ater White aceessories and corsage of I ,une lst make it more difficult Plague, and it was hiere that he ster, Todmorden. The amateurio co eaious that 2 tahiespoons ginger syrup pithanains Mr larWaeer to catch illegal users. 1 wrote most of 'Paradise Lost.' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Osh- frut ervd it m~t 1-9 tablespoons finely chopped gin- lin acted as best man. Up to June Ist no car could teavel Tectaedtsfo bu awa, Mr. Wesley Brown, Alber- sm aisbt.Tefruit som-vgcciForithe rception a the hom on the road at aIl except by per- 16 00 and 0remains much the saine ta, at N. Hircock's. soewis hghy ecagnThedin aIl paefut Maeasrp f Frte eeto h oemit for essential work. However, as mwhen Milton iived in it. It is Mr. David Todd, Pittsburg, Pa., pote" f Prepare fruitoMake a sinuaio of the bride's parents, Mrs. Ro- there seemned to be thousanso ovamsuamnsee ya ot ilns leading dining rooms for this rea- sugar and mwatcr, when slightly gers chose a turquoise frock with thttediigwstnwtrusemandntinsirsted- Me. Kand Mes.GodnVne so.thickened add the ginger and gin- White accessories and corsage of ways t prove Bttedi ontutc n otan is d) M. n r.Gro eh, son. Cmpteéer syrp. Bring Io a bil and add red carnatios The go's O essential.' itions of "Paradise Lost" "Para- and Leam, Pickering Bah at ~umeCmoepeaches and melon. Simmer slow- ther m-ore a white ensemble with Since June lst it is flot neces- dise Regained" and numerous Arnold Venner's. Bring '14 cup siîgac andi 2 tops Iv- until fruit is slightly transpac- white accessories and red camna- sary Io prove that a car is doing other items. Miss Isobel Robbins is holi- water ta a bail, anci cook Î min- cnt. Remove fruit ta secving dish tian corsage. essential work, but the allowance apes andsi lmer antdv8frab- ndPo ae fru tCill twcellin olaig cdig n t o f peteol is 0 pitifully small that It is a mast picturesque spot daying with her aunt, Mrs, F. applesand simer getly fo 5 Pou over ruit. hill wll in o the automobolietip owner positionnoblithwnarpbeautiful aaid garden.od gProutProtickeceinng minutes. Add 1 quart frcsh black- 1lcrerfieaa n ev ronto. Me. and Mrs. Smith wi isMryllsege a e J tpp e wi whipped erv ereside in Oshawa. is flot much improved. Before lcaving Chaulfout Sts.ay esbegrba e ________mhipe rem.I To catch drivers with illegal Ciles a word should be said about turned home from Camp near clesired, sprinkle with chapped quantities of gasoline ,all used for its beautiful old church. The Stirling. CH ntsDORS-FULKNR cmmecia drvingis ein coor-chancel and nave date feom the Miss Linda Slingerland, Bow- DORKS-FAI'LKNER commercial driving is being color- manville. is holidaying et Percy Baked Feaches ~ed, and if ans' of this colored gas- iDt cntry te.oeh ise ro W AT lare pechesTrinity United Church. Bow- alIne is found in a private car, the 1260, the chance] aech from 1410, W T H6 Iablepoachs bo sugar inanville. was the scene on July punishment is really fantastically and the clock from 1710. In the M0Nrq. F. B. Glaspel at Ray Scott:s l' cup hat \vater Margaret, daughter ofMe.an There as nc thougbt that con- b rok en since 1217. Csma atLodAr',ich- ]REPABRING cPchelcp in haitan Mrs. John Faulkner, Bowman- tinu--Il 'v crossed my mi, and that On the ,val]ssin cr Id me- mondHil remnove pits. Place 12 tablespoon1 ville, and William Edward Docks, is that the transportation systems, dieval paintings have recentl *y Mr. and Mes. Gerry Glespel and of sugar and dot of butter in each son of Mr. and Mes. Edward Dorks bath railways and buses, are now been discoveced and are no0Wbc family at Huntsville. haîf. Place in shallow baking of New Toronto. Rev. J. E. Grif- Flovernmcnt owned and aperated. Ing restored. On~e is a scen e of Mr. and Mes. Milton Fisher, for satisfaction dish. Add the w-ater. Bake in fith was the officiating ciergy- To eut the use of private cars ta the beheading of John the BaPtist DaltonadBry*Ceaee clectric aven i 375 degrcs fr man, performing the ceremonya minimum must force people. ta shomwing the executianer and on Af.are ary's.araa 1n I20 Minutes. Serve with creain.1 against a backkround of snow- use the government transportation aine. Mr. 'and Mes. Alex MeMaster Refigerator Cake halan roe.M.W E.Cmnol. Every pacish church has saine and family, Mes. J. W. MeMaster reasonable prices 1 can (1-1/3 cups) smvcetened Wockman Pla .-ed the wedding Eeyhr I went. I heard the Unique featuce such as this. at George Hilts, Williams Point. Brn Vu Vac T s condensed milk mutsic and accompanied Miss Lor. lamecnt that m.,,hasts could flot Miss Jean Cameron bas retuen- Brn orWthT s 1jcplmnjuice yne Whit.e Who sang "Because," drive me araund as much as they cd froin holidaying at Huntsville. 1 g okduigtesigning of the register. xi-hed an account of the gasoline HIS OWN BUTSINESS Miss Peggy Killen, Me. Tom Few grains sait The 'bride, who was given in restrictions. ureTontaRb.Kil's ALL WTCH RPAIRS 11,' cupý casphecries or halvedi macciage by her father, chose a However, m7ith saine little motar (The Scene, Braccbridge, Ontario) [CMr.neTrntoChas.obttcKilleands stcaw berrnes period gown of ivory satin. Hec driving and bY thc use of buses You know him. He ]ives in sons, Toronto, at Russell Per- G1AR N EE egg whitce white net veil with silk embroid-I was able ta keep cantinually On ' every rural neighborbood and in 1j nS 1pound gaa rces ery trimming mwas caught in erth move and sce samething in- eVerY cit 'v block. Ofteil he is a Messrs. Cameron Stainton and =Combine the condensed miik. haie with a band of white flow- tcî-esting and unusual eveeydav. competent. industniaus, thrifty Steve Sobil are on a motor trip F or une Year icinon juice and sait. Add the ers. As I mentioned befoce, 'b stav- persan. His place is well kept. through Western Ontario. egg yolk and mix m-ell. Add the Matron of honor was Mes. Er- ing at a central place it is possilIe WMr. not at work he usualy ma MAINSPRINGS INCLUDED fruit and fold in the stilv beat- flest Simnkins of Oshawa and the ta get almost everywherc that onc be found at home. - Mc.an xd Me.Hn esbr _____en egg white. Line a round or bridesmaid was- Miss Maxine m-ould wish ta go. It is surprising He pays bis taxes but lie does Mr. and Mrs. Les Haskin, of oblong pan or mold with grahain Hume, of Adrian, Michigan. Both ta find that there is very feequent flot vote. He attends church but Thornton's Corners, Me. George crackers and caver v ith fruit. Add attendants were gowned alike in OUs service usually about every heo ill not work in it. He gees ta Knowlton. North Oshawa, at Ray âother layer of grahain crackers floor-length dresses of salmon hait houe or houe, toaIamost any lodge but he xiiinont hold office. Cameron's. ten the remaining mixture. Cov- Pink with inatching beaddresses. place within a reasonable dis- j His childccn go ta Ehoel but he 1Me. and Mrs. Tom Abbott, Larry 1cAR 'r wsitb cracker ceumbs. Chili sev- Tbe *v carried bouquets of sm-eet 1 tance. i wili ont take part in seblool meet- and Stanley, Enniskilien, at Per- oal houes or over-night ini the 'peas. 1 shail tey ta desceibe a feu, ot ings. He enjays the beauty of bis cv Davidson's. as~~. the intercsting placese I visited -ownbut heowm'Ilnat 'belong ta the -Me. andMr.RfrCmeo JE W E L LE RY serve iceri ah avec Unmolý,id ndbet man was th.eRbier g ar- jlrnst every hainlet in England horticulturalsrocicty. He believes and daughtcrs at Bert Hoskin's. creain and gaenished with w'hole 'no of Toronto. The ushers were lissm acetshrine, sm nmol rolc, oibthe does 1Heny BOIVMANVILLE bernecs. Serves six. Messes. George Faulkner and Er- particulaeiv aid or beautiful' nolhing ta prarnote it. Me. andMes. Chris. Chant and 43 King St. W. Phone 463 nest Simkins. church, an ancient castle or saine H-eininds that'little part of his famnily, Milliken, at Arnold Ven- UnFefisnesswil wok whn A th recptin wich as eldassociation mwith a fainous wri ter, av-n husincss ,vhich lies,; within his ne's. I Uselîshesswil wak wen t te rcepionwhih ws bldauthor, statesman or hero. f awn n cat fences, but ]et sanie- Tbe football leain bave been WCe wock unseifishlY. later at the home of the bride, the One of the first places I visi ted thing go wrong or dispîcase hiun d aing better. On Juiy 21 thicy bride's mother received ber guesîs v-as Stoke Pages and there are in the conduet of that greater part defeated Enniskillen 2-i and on j n a dress of navy blue with wvite few, more beautifut spots in Eng-J of bis evn-nbusiness m-hich is cvý- Saturdlay night thev held Cour- faceessocies and she wvas assisted land. To get to thiat famous erybady's business and heo' wilI iet - tc epU h DAY AND NIGI4T by the bridegroom's mothee who church\ aed I took a bus froin Ami- sucl îkeapitude a g2t.2gotioekboy an god uckt! INGS T AXI chose a flomwered siik jersey drcss ersbarn,' a journey of about haif with black teimming. The home an hour, and waiked about a quar- was decorated with pink and tee ofamielogatean TX HNORCAB drives Up ta ahimiletealong aadwrete and T HNORwiesramr n -iewd hedge bordered road. your door, youre about ta enjay ding belîs. Stoke Pages churebvard insp le- ro d'ay wi e Li ve In ~"Me. and Mes. Darks plan a wed- e d Thomas Gray, the poet, ta write the utmost in safe, ca rteous, de- dling trip ta points west. The Iwh at is considered the most beau- 4 ~~~~~pendable transportation service. 'bride teav-elled in a white dress1 tiful poem i0 the English iang------------------- with matching accessaries, and a uiage, the "Elegy in a Countey w . red shortie coat. On their ce- Churchyard," which starts: 24H u Srietomn, the ncwly-rnarried pair wil'The curfew tolis the knell of reside in Oshawa. parting day, The Iowing herd winds sinwiy FIVE NEW CARS - PASSENGERS INSURED 0c r thc lea, Who walks witb Beauty bas no 'The ploughinan hameward plods Cail Us For Prompt Service need of fear; bis Weary wav, The suni and mnoon and stars keep And lae the wocrld ta d'arkness pace andtta mc. Telephones: Day 561, Nighf 561, 707, 922 Ini itlehnsrhum, heried adtom. Inisbl ans etoe h rind There are bundreds of similarr- OPERTEDBY ATHNGUEBRO. yarchueches and chuechyacds in Eng- OPRAE B ATAGU RO.And time, itself, gro«'ýs beautiful- land, just as aId or eider, just as t i là, dim. pretty, but Gray-s pocin bas made _____-Robert Nathan Stake Pages famous foc as long as . __________________________________________________________________the_________ Ir he Eniishlanguge i spokn. I is recordcd that Wolfe an the eve - fof the capture of Qucbec quoted this pacin and as ho came to the, The paths of glocy lead but ta f he grav e" said witb prophetic words that v-c would rather have been the %vritee of that pocin than the man Who would take Quebc ri .. Gray himself was buried in the naine does not appear an the tombsan tob sbimoe.Hs but a tabiet inftic church wall vr nearby records his burial "in the saine tomb upon which be bas so __________________feeilngly inscribed bis grief et the 4-.loss of a beloved panent." Hevs - and walking about a mile. tovs . . . are srnie of the mîodern- enja samuchwhe ya pou tht w nderulThav Jordiyn8 Meeting Hou.se produies creaied hv the imagination enjo somuchwhe youpou tha woderfl gavy as uiltin 688and ivas oneco the carly gatberîng places foe the and terlinical knowledge of Cana- over southern f ried chicken owes a lot ta dairy products Quakers or Society of Fciends. dian designers. f The earl-y Quakers werc subjcct........ ta a geeat deal of persecution and because its made with fresh, rich cream. Enrich other one of their geeatest advocates in their tine of trial and trîbula- recipes with the milks, the creams, which not only add 'hou xvas William Penn who in G. H. WOOD raised suficient monev in 1681 foundcd Pensvlvan'a- 1 so much ta flavor but also ta the nutritional value ofAsigtbcpcedbeet- 12tauyain-ortaoapat ing House is a plain and simple ouilding bath inside and out, the- emploi ing twa workers. Since then his your menus. 'exterior iooking much like a inost Mnrg. îdsr n ossetepa unassumning bouse.of afSlalhlhaelullis401pn I ~~~~~~~~~~~nside at the ceai- is a sort of o asunli aeb~ i opn Mbalcon%' in V-hichiîs a sîîîalmu into t he lîiggest sanitation producets *seumn contaiiîing nîany original oriyanizatiofl in Canada manîîfactîîring inantisccipts and lettens writtcn1M R nR a a ry hy William Penîn. and other items 76 eate items. I I * 7 ~~~~~~~~~~imaiely assated with thefruacmiatofitieasanpnd ro: Quakers. MR. WOOD savs': 'i've a Iwax's felt ilat business success cornes Kig i W o m nvle% es <and in chidren. 1Pnn hetw.ýern labour and rna;iagement. andl nowhere i thatcon ________________________________________________________________ grave at the head of m-hich is ai resunOurits small stone with oniy the wordinB. ULlCilOU Wlcounltry now". 1: THURSDAY. AUGUST 5th. 948 d.ik for il iher tvay . . . otk trade-marks mean the Jame thing. HANBLY'S C OSHAWA aGreater Canada, - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ALaCANAD IAN' To t)AY FOR Ille first lime the label .1l-Citaadian' rail he applied to a growing (hiversitN of products - froîn kitchen and garden chairs to modern aircraft. Increasing use of original Canadian dlesignl is one more inidication of Canada's continuiiing advance - with -uleninig areas of oJ1)1orIlJiity vavaiting the enterprise of votitg Can-adians. Canada bias becomc one of tihe great maîiîîifacî,îrinfr nations; and flot ol are we , now ouîr (lesigners are aj>plN-ingrflew processes and thc developanent of disiLînctively, Caiiadiani products. irors are hcing tires applied ta .a dlistinctive ire rleveloped hlfian acliiex-e- in is modern rint. IN FASHION, 10<), there*s a "New a nd fabrics are dlevelopc<1 and Canadilan d css esigners win in. crpasing, rerognition in world style centres. Todlav Canadla's fashion indlustry has hecoiuae big business. ONE OF A SERIEZ PRESENTED UT O&0fl CAMADIANS O CNADAS PESENT GREATNEWI 'i<1> f- i PAGE11 Bleakey Bock ivenHowexer, ony part of the W Blea ley Bloc Gi en ,work is ta be taken off anid Renewal Treatment tipper regians beautified wi 0f PintandPlatr. addition of some paint. This improvement is not on the outside, but is tobe iThe Bleakley Block on King St., teenal aperation as weil. including Knox's Shoe Store, chitectural physician is Cawting's Drug Store and Atiin's Murdoch, w-ho is paînting lifting peocess that is guarantced ever the need arises.Mt Makt sîndroigafaetno-ndad'gpa te 1 ta greatly improve the appear- The improvements, when coin,- ance of the wbole building. ýpîet&d will make this block onS fShocked by the immensity of of the best iooking buildil!P ii the scaffolding, ail your reporter Bowmanville with Messrs. KfnlX, could deduce %vas that the two Cowiing and Altin keepiflq theil' upper storcys mere ta be removed. stores modern and attractive. STRETCH FOR IUCK9 PAUSE FOR A COKE.# -r I -y "1 't MIM. PHONE 755

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