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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1948, p. 7

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.-~.-. *,---- p. - -~ < ?RTJESAY, ATYGUST 5th, 1948 Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Palmer are holidaying with relatives at Or- lando, California. Miss Pat Clarke is vacationing at Crysta] Beach with her sister, Miss Winona Clarke. Mr. William Luxton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ris Tamblyn, Midland. Master Barry Cowling visited bis aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cowling, Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. John M. James and son, John, are bolidaying at Kilcoo Camp, near Minden. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nelles, -rnEUV ~A -NADIA N? *A 'UTESAN'BOWANVLLE'NT- Belleville, spent the weekend witlh Mrs. F .W. Nelles and Helen. Mrs. S. R. James, Norman and Douglas are vacationing at Wil. liams' Point, Lake Scugog. Miss Harriet Bartlett, Toronto, was a holiday weekend guest witb ber aunt, Miss Eva Hellyar. Miss Helen Gunn, o! Toronto, spent the weekend with ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gunn. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martyn are holidaying witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Trewin, Haydon. Misses Flora and Bella Gal- bnaith are enjoying a visit with Miss Mary Galbraith, Toronto. Mrs. Bert Curtis and daughter, Miss Charlotte Hoffman, Toron- to, are holidaying at Midland. Dr. Raymond Rogers, Ottawa, spent the weekend with his par- ents, Rev. and Mrs. W. P. Rogers. When you visit the Lions Car- nival on Wednesday, August 18, be sure you see "Leo," you'll love him! 32-2 Mr. George Underhill, Peter- boro, spent the weekend with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Under- hili. % /Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cowling and Beverley spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Sargent, Peter- boro. Mr. Loftus Papineau and friend, *Toronto, spent the weekend with biis parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Pap- i neau. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jackman, Diana and Donald, St. Catharines, were weekend guests of Mrs. H. Jewell. Mrs. Walter Willard, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Werry and visited rel- atives. Mr. and Mrs. iW. Hutchinson and Pat, Toronto, are holidaying with bis mother, Mrs. M. J. Hut- chison. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Cramp, Don- ald and Teddy are bolidaying with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Robinson, of Meaford. Mrs. Norton E. Berry, New- 4bur gh, Indiania, bas been visiting ber mother, Mrs. M. J. A. James, iQueen St. f Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Staples spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. i.E. Billett at Springford, near Brantford. Mrs. E. S. Naylor, Lillianne and Isabelle, Noranda, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Tbompson on a vacation motor trip. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith, New- ,castle, and Mr. and Mrs. R. O. ColviUle, Toronto, at Geo. Staple- ton's, Newtonville. Reeve and Mrs. A. S. Baker and Mrs. R. T. Hoskin attended the Warden's excursion at Rochester, N.Y., on August 2. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bnard, London, and Mrs. Albert Mrk, Toronto, bave been visiting their sister, Mrs. W. J. Found. SOC AND PERSONAL pho» 663 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mitchell, magazine publisher, a hotel own- Janice and Georgia, Blenheirn,1 er, a bealtb cereal manufacturer are spending a week's vacation and a candidate for the governor- witb Mn. and Mns. W. H. Bates. sbip o! Florida. Canrot juice is Miss Mary Humphrey is enjoy- tbe secret! and bere we tbought ing summer holidays as an On- rnilk was the elixir o! ife. tario farmenette with a field fonce Mr. and Mrs. Cifford Savell, at Huttonville, near Georgetown. Hardisty, Alberta, spent a cou- Miss Gladys Jamieson, Windsor, pie days with ber uncle and aunt, Mn. and Mrs. Duncan Camenon, Mn. and Mns. Frank Cryderman, Oshawa, spent the weekend with wbihe on their way to attend the their mother, Mrs. R. M. Jamie- National Liheral convention in son. Ottawa. Mrs. Savell is a daugh- ter o! Mn. Colin MeLean of Irma, Sunday Morning Class Girls' Alberta, formenly of Bowman- Bail Team is playing in Whitby on ville. Wednesday, August il at 6:30 in Winso!teLylOag aid o! Kinsman swimming pool Lodgedrawof heLodayleOeang fund. Ldeda edMna vnn Mr. nd rs.JackClatonandin the Sons of England lodge room Mon. enand M ss acCaytoandl-were: L. Handcastle, Orono, radio; son KetandMis Mnia Bel-Alden Hubbard, Bunketon, ehec- man spent the weekend witb Mn. trie tea kettie; Henry Thompson, and Mrs. Beechen Barrett, at Bap- Nestleton, electric mron; Roy Wil- t;ste Lake. kins. town, electrie dlock; R. Miss Mary Dossey, Toronto, Mn. Gibbs, town, $5.00 merchandise. Genald Cox, Richmond Hill, and Bowmanville Juveniles defeated Mn. Donald Cox, Toronto, spent the Rotary Juniors 11-9 in an ex- the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. hibition baseball garne on the K. E. Cox. High Sehool diamond, Saturday. Mn. Gordon Moorecraft and Mr. Barbit four doubles for the and Mrs. J. E. Houck motored Mrs. Juveniles and Rundle got five G. C. Bonnycastle to Campbell- bits for Junions. The young lads fond on Monday where she will promise to make a strong team visit ber sister. when tbey reach Junior age brac- Mn. and Mrs. P. E. Greenfield kets. and Joan, Mns. Annie Chartran, Mn. Vincent Davis who was Florence and Doris spent SundaY killed in the storm at Stungeon with Mr. and Mns. Russell G. Lake hast week was a nephew of Williarns, Niagara Falls, N.Y. Mn. Walter Davis, town. Mn. Da- Mrs. Herb Jamieson, Mns. R. M. vis travehled for tbe Swift Co. Jamieson and Mn. and Mrs. Dun-1 and was well known by mercb- can Cameron attended tbe Bru c e 1ants in the district. Recently hie Old Boys' and Girls' Reunion at 1 bas heen with Loblaw Co. Mn. Tara last week. Walter Davis and Miss Isabelle Mrs. R. T. Hoskin accompanied Davis attended the funenal at To- by ber daugbter, Miss Gwen Hos- ronto on Monday. kin and Miss Lexa Dingwaih have Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Hancock, returned after vacationing at Cen- Larry, Paul and Jon and Miss tre Island, Toronto. Louise Haricock, Newcastle, have Mn. and Mrs. Jobnnie Hump- returned from a lovely motor tnip hrey celebrated their silver wed- in the States, going by way o! ding annivensary xitb a family Detroit and visiting Mn. and Mrs. gatbering July 28, at their Well- C. L. Brown o! that city, then go- ington St. residence. ing on to Milwaukee, Wis., ta visit their aunt and uncle, Mn. Out-of-town guests who attend- and Mns. J. Wade, retunning by ed the Sberidan-Frizzell wedding way o! Niagara Falls. wbicb took place in Holy Trinity Cbunch, Oshawa, were: Mn. and Don't miss "Leo!" He will het Mrs. . Kae, Bomanvlle. one o! the big attractions at ther Mrs.J. KneBowranvile. Lions Club Cannival on Wednes- Mn. Albert Cator, Toronto, spent day, August 18. 32-2 the holiday with bis mothen, Mns.! unbro DracCut F. Cator and bis brother, Ed- jHomemak ing Cu il ilb gar.He aso ttened he f- 1representing the County at Peter-d neral of bis cousin, Mn. E. Sayer borough Fair, Junior Section, on1 of Salern. Ot August 26. The Blackstock Club awM. and Mrs. Hugb Sn al, tskit,' Packing a Weekend Bag" 1 away, PMn. and Mr.DanBal500 with Jean Toms and Velma Tripp Judi, vPte rsandCDaid, aale ra-tak ing part, bas been chosen for qui viite Ms. . J Snal. Ms.Peterborough. Bessie His Of Balson and children remained for Tynone Club is taking the exhib- a holiday. lit, "A Table Set for Two," and Mrs. N. Fohley, London, Eng-1 giving the comment. land, bas heen visiting Mr. and George R. Paterson, ibrother .,f Mrs. C. Bettles, Mrs. M. Hayman!Frank C. Paterson, Agiculturai and Mn. and Mrs. James Hay~- Representative. Peterbo r o u g h. man befbre flying hack to Eng- bas been appointed chairman o! land on August 7. the international food committee Mrs. Mary Haymnan, Mr. and o! the Food Administration Or- Mrs. James Hayman, Mn. and Mrs.; gan iaztion (F.A.O.), o! the United ' C. Bettles and Mary Margaret. Nations. He bas heen several I attended the Dobos - Lamborne vears agricultural adviser at the wedding in St. George's Cburch. b anadian Embassy, Washington. Oshawa, on July 24. _________ Mýrs. Herb Jamieson, Mrs. R. Ms A cornbined Wood Badge course Jamieson and Mrs. M. Comstock, for the Scoutmastens of Alberta, accompanied by Miss Louise Saskatchewan and Manitoba open- Cown, Toronto, have returned ed on Juiy 24 at Gimli, Manitoba, !nom a pleasant vacation at Lu- under the leadership o! Mn. E. F. mina Lodge, Lake o! Bays. Milis, Executive Commissioner for The editor was pleased to ne- Training, Ottawa. There were ceive a picture post card of the nine from Alberta, three fromA S.S. Manitoba fnom Ray Dudley Sask atchewan and five from Man- f on which boat Ray is spending the itoba. Following the Scoutmas- t summer, plying between Port tens course one for Cubmasters 0 McNicbol and Fort William. will open on August 9, under Mn.e Milîs' leadership with four lead- 1 Mrs. W. P. Rogers, president of. ers from Alberta, four from Sas- e Osbawa Preshyterial, was guest 'katcbewan and six !rom Manito- P speaker on Tbursday evening at ba. a joint meeting of th e Woman's ____ Association and the Womans Mis- CHINS-UP FUND CE sionary Society of Court i c e Th e balance of the rnonev in u Scoutings Cbins-up Fund wýhicb i Mns. Vania Enos, Cleveland, was raised hy Canadian Scouts tot Ohio, aged 93. is the proud great- assist their brother Scouts in oth- t great-great aunt of Robent Clare er countries during the war bas t9 Svrnons. son o!fMNr. and Mrs. Paul heen turned over to the Interna- ( Symons, St. Catharines, a ni d tional Bureau in London, England. grandson o! Mrs. Muriel Symons, Last summer the International ar Bowmanvilie. Bureau assisted D. P. Scouts t( Mn. and Mrs. Sani Dewell, o! from Germanv to attend the In- b iHampton, Mr. and Mis, Norval ternational Jamboree M"iin Last Sunday Mns. Carlton and ber 40 youngsters took the ne- sponsibility o! the service on the peak Sunday o! the season. Again 125 interested parents and friends were in attendance. The chant- ing o! the Lord's Prayer in tiny voices accompanied only by tbe bill-top breezes waas of unfor- gettable loveliness. Then came the roll caîl, action songs (tbree o! tbern hy request, Climb, Climb; Zaccbeus; The Foolisb Man). Next the tneasuren's report showing the major expenditure o! $15 for clothes to a European six-yean- old. Pictunes on colored cards were hung on a clothes line show- ing contents of the box. This was done hy Diane Bleasdell, Jean Cul- ly, Holly Fox, Judy Edwards, El- eanor Pickard, Kathenine Shaw, Manlene Child, Sandra Dilling. A pictonial lesson on "Stand- YOUR EYES and Rewritten -from previous copyrights, o! Optometrlst Disney BIdg. (Opp. P.O.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 (No. 13) A complete eye-examination sut. ficiently complete to determine the visual error and the liabilitv mr limitation o! the person, due to 'xisting working condition and environment, should appeal as be- ing equally important to both em- ployee and employer. The question may arise, wby cannot this be bandled by a vis- ual test? In reply I can only sav, athorough knowledge o! refrac- ion is necessary in sumrning up the nesuits or in arniving at a true .nding necessary in an examina- tion. Many cases needing attention nre missed in superficial examina- ions and may be easily detected .y a complete examination. (copyrighted) Wotten and farnlly. Solina, Mr. and Mrs. H. Purdy, Campbellville, and Mr. A. L. Baker spent Sun- day with Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Wil- liams, Caesarea. Mr. Geo. Starkey and Doris, Miss Joyce Leven, Forest, Misses Maxine and Mary Garton, of St. Thomas, and Mr. Harold Black, Belmont, were guests of Mrs. T. A. Garton at Bowmanville Beach. Messrs. Melbourne Wight, M. S. Staphes, W. F. Rickard and Gar- net Shield, are representing the Durbam County Liberal Associa- tion at the National Liberal As- sociation convention being held at Ottawa this week. Art Hooper is convinced more than ever that advertising in The Statesman pays. He told our re- porter that as a reslijt of his advt. in last week's paper he sold over 24 dozen cups and saucers. Yes, 24 dozen, flot 24 sets. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie J. Nichols are spending their holidays with Mn. and Mrs. L. B. Nichols at their lodge on the Madawaska Ri- ver at Calabogie. They are also visiting Mn. and Mrs. Douglas B. Nichols at Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lucas, Mont- real, Mr. and Mrs. G. McPeak, Toronto, and Mrs. H. Howell, of Montreal, Miss Lois Winters, of Montreal, and Mr. Bill Hood, of Stanley Creek, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack McNulty. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hancock, Larny, Paul and Jon, and Miss Louise Hancock, Newcastle, re- turned Tuesday from a motor trip in the United States visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wade, Milwaulkee, Wisconsin. Mr. and Mns. Geo. W. Graham and Barbara have netunned from holidaying at Niagara Falls and Lake Simcoe wberp tbey met Mr. and Mrs. N. Gilmore and Eanle, formerly of Bowmanville, who are general merchants at Lefroy, On- tario. Guests from out-of-town at- tending the reception for the Mor- row-Pascoe wedding in Oshawa, included: Mr. and Mrs. Walton Pascoe, Mrs. Cecil Crossman, Miss Jean Crossman, Mr. James Nokes, Bowmanvil1le; Mrs. W. G. McCul- loch. Orono; Mrs. Richard Pascoe, Mr. Boyd Ayre, Hampton. Bernarr MacFadden, 80-year- old physical culturist, is a father, ards of Living" was performed by TRIBUTE FROM JOHN approval of all Billy Huether, Margaret Ramm, BRACKEN a sound body . Joyce Allen, Katherine Dilling,--- striving for. Donna Dilling, Edmund Barrick, "The Boy Scouts Association of Movement has John White. Caaahs pedd eod cess in develo Then came "Mothers of Salem" and am has taslenidecord, of our countn sung by -boys' choir, David GrayadIamga o soitemsi good Canadiar Jack Fox, Bill Huether, John in the tributes that are being paid this movement White, Edmund and William Bar- on th e occasion of the Fortietb the support bu rick and the Heathen imperson- Anni versary of this Association, aIl those wvhoa ated by Judy Edwards, China; 'The achievements of the Associa- future welfare Rena Dilling, India; Laurine, tion are well known in Canada, Shaw, Japan; Bill Cornwall, ks- ard the objectives which it seeks Influence is lans o th Se; Dnni Gren to attain cannot fail to win the cbaracter.-W. Indians; Billy Murchison, Canada. Next came the fourth in the' season's series of chalk talks- lessons from a postage stam.p. At the close of the service, on i a u u i behaîf of the children, Mr. Mc- k E ! k~ Cartney presented Mrs. Carlton. with a gif t from the children-a Waterman pen and pencil set, sta- 1 tionery and stamps, for use on her I trip to the West in the latter part of August. With bis usual sincerity he told of tbe appreciation of ail the beach8 residents for bier work with the- young folks and pointed out how far-reaching it must be in cbarac- ter formation. The; exquisite basket of flowers on the centre table was from the -_________ _________ garden of Mr. John Martin of Braeside. Next Sunday at the 11:30 ser- vice Mr. W. S. McCartney will sekon "Silene, Pîese.:'The SAVI TIM E!l iosto corne and hear.1 TH OD ED RGNSAVIE LAR( (Granby Leader-Mail) An item in The Bowmanville - No ktetetoheusutIawa Statesman last. week announcing ovith meohaeuptInawe the sale of the organ factory tbere sy'stem in your house or barn and save th empbasizes the passing of the reed digging water for the stock. organ. Forty to fifty years ago, nearly B atyBras., R bis n y evr oepsesda reed or-BetyRbisaavy gan around wbich the family anida~ah' friends gatbered for an evening Otaca Systems via sing-song. Only the olden people today can even rernember it. Per- V/e can instali a DeLaval Mili baps the radio helped to put the finishings touches to the old or- a nea de a i o omi gan. a n ea de a l o oml Whatever the reason is, in re- e se n uce cent years it bas heen almost im- ese n uc e possible to give away a reed or- gan. For a time the price was SEE US ABOUT VOUR MACHINERY NEEDç about five dollars, but then it got so nobody wanted one even at 'tbat low figure. Now the borne that owns a reed organ is almost impossible to find. They were flot easy to play. w . Hai. 'nnO The keys needed a beavy band to press tbem down, and if the pîay- DEALER FOR er stopped peddling hard witb Case Farm Machlnery - Firesi both feet the music stopped witb DeLaval Milkers and Separators a groaning wbeeze.BetyBo.Sal qimn Howeven, the old reed organBety ro.SalEuimn played its part in furnisbing plea- el King st. W. sure in the farnily life the pass- ing of wbicb is so lamentable. DUR!l er pressure the labor of yers and le ,er for you k the cows S IN FUTURE mzmmmmliiý A summer cottage is in mnany senses a means of escape. To those caught in the meshes of a well- conditioned conventional lii e it is an escape into simplicity; to those cramped by circurnstance it pro- vides an oppontunity to splash in a small puddle. Into these hum- hie dwellings outmoded furnish- ings escape and nick-nacks, al carrying with them bits of family history. Here, too, repression es- capes through self-expression; the amateur carpenter wins nothing but admiration and appreciations for bis work; the housewife with ber odds and ends of chintz, proves she is an interior decora- tor in embro; and grandma with old cloth patches makes monstrous quilts wbich bnings increased love wben she hands them out to the family as soon as the northern lights play in the August skies. Here the poet dreams and scrawls, and the artist daubs at will on bis canvases. Enter if you will under the hanging sign-Lesies, 139. "Maudie, here's The Statesman to see my paintings." "Ahi rigbt, Will, bring bim in." This cbanming little abode bar- bons an accumulation of simple treasunes of some twenty-five years' gathening. It sparkles with personahity and thene on the front Iponch are Will's latest pictunes-a winter scene with honses and sleigh just like a Kriegboff-a Dobbin and a Nelhie in front of a barn-a haîf finished landscape on a easel standing heside a spe- cially designed artists' box. Let Maudie tell how Will stant- ed on this Churchilhian hobby. Wehl, wben he had to stay in bed a few years ago I got bim a $1.00 box of waten-colors. See that boat in the living roorn? That was bis first atternpt since he was a boy. Now he's got into oihs thene's no stopping birn. It's wonth a trip to see these pictures and Leslie's are mighty friendly people. At the cottages: At the Elms - Mn. and Mrs. Earl Osborne. At Orm-a-nook - Mn. and Mrs. B. Walker and Mn. and Mrs. C. Oakley. At the Barrs - Miss Margaret Humne. At Chequens - Major Erskine Duncan and Mrs. Duncan. At Bunny Burnow - Mn. and vIns. Russell Sutherland, Judy and .eonard. At the Dingle - Mrs. Hawley Sr. witb Mn. and Mrs. M. Hawley. At Choyer Cabin - Mns. Hop- :ins from England witb ber sis- te, Mrs. Ber-t Nash. At Gale Cottage - Mr. and Mrs. Vm. Huether with Bill. At EI-ti-di-sa - Mrs. E. Mul- hall and Mn. A. C. Irvine of Ton- nto with the Otts. At Happy Hutcb - Mn. and Mrs. Carl Switzer, (Evelyn Hut- binson) witb Bill, Jack and Carl. At Carîtons I -Mn. and Mrs. Noble Carlton, Susan and Danny Êrom Halifax. At the GuIl and Loon, Cedar Crest - Mn. and Mns. Clifford on Zuben. eTires Phone 497 Friendiy, Personal Service' 5 tI f.. < ,'~'. i I k Phone 438 now - $129.50 terms arranged The Radio Shop PHONE 573 BOWMANVILLE 38 KING ST. E. 'g'- Everybody says -""CI LUX is the EASIEST-TO -USE ENAMEL!" Nover painted anything before? Then CILUX was made to order for you-everybody gets good results witb it! Wide variety of Iovely colors. CILUX goes far, brushes easily. It dries smooth and bard, conveniently fast. Get CILUX today and give old furniture new life and beautyl 'CILUX** $2.30 qt. Bowmanviel 42 King 8t. E. MEDICINE GLASSES, special - 8c ENO'S "Fruit Sait" - 59c, 98C TANTOO Suntan Cream & Repelient- 57c BEEF, IRON & Wine, 16 oz., reg. 69- 53c EVER-READY Shave Creamf, reg. 33- 23c EYE CIJPS, speciai - - - - 8c SODA BICARBONATE 4-8-16 oz. 8, 12, 18c WAX PAPER, 100 ff. roil - - 31c SOAP BOXES, plasic, ass't. colors - 14c PABISAL Tabets, 100's reg. 89c- 69c BAYER ASPIRIN - - 18c, 29c, 79c GLYCERIN & Rose Waer, 4 oz.- 23c FULLER'S EARTFI, 4 oz. - -lc 16 and 40 oz. SOÀP - 200~ FOR IIAY FEVER LANTIGEN "E" $6.00 Sol teri Saler i L~I 12OAX 33c AIka-Seltzer 29c, 57e Bayver Aspirin 18c. 29c, 79ù- IVY-DRYT, for poison ivy, sumach, etc. - 59c EEN TONI Home Permanents -$ 1.50, $2.50 Refi for Toni - - - $1.25 VELVETTA 622 Repelent --49c KLEENEX, 18c, 2 for 35c, men's size 29c LANTIGEN "E" for hay fever - $6.00, ARRJD DEODORANT PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX McGREGOR E PACKAGE OP 1 I300tissnes 63/¾1x9'f I200 tissues 9" x Ir' 2 for 35C MAN'S SIZE 12-x-12'-'29c Your Local I.D.AU D U D ruggist We Deliver Phione 792 GAINADAY GLADIRON (NO TAX) s 9al " el What a treat yau hav e in store when yau iron in haif the time, comfortably seated at your new Gladiron. Patented sleeve-size roil simplifies iran- ing shirts and ather fussy items. Ecrsily cantrolled by a single, conveniently placed knee lever. Heat is automatic- ally contralled. Folds up andi rails away ta any location. Requires less than 2 square f eet of floor space for storage. t Magic" VLWODVU Limited Quantity Now Available D ULUX WHITE ENAMEL $2.90 qt. HJGGGN ELECTRIC Your General Electria Appliance Dealer IL A sound mind ln is a goal weUl worth The Boy Scout is had notable suc. lping in the youth y fundameritals of an citizenship, and it deserves flot only )t the assistance of are interested ln the eof Canada." sthe exhalation of M. Taylor. VN ,tone< rs m M R imt t"AlwAnTAW IRTAYVQIgAv InnwXAWIM v Ip j 37c, 73c 1 MINERAL OIL 39c, 59c;

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