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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1948, p. 9

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THUtRSDAY, AUGUST 26,1948r THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIO BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Percy Phayre andi Noel, Taronto, wlth Mr. and Mrs.' Ronald Ginn. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Franka and daughter and Mrs. M. Franks, Peterboro, with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy. Miss Gertrud'e Henry, Toronto,i with her mother, Mrs. James Hernry. Mrs. Ross Curtis and Helen, Co- bourg, with Mrs. Robt. Bruce and Miss M. King. Mrs. Frank Saywell, Oshawa, with Mr. Howard Saywell.* Mr. and Mrs. Harold Farder, Toronto, with Mrs. Joseph Far- der. Miss Vivian Sadler, Toronto, at home. Miss Valerie Faint, Toronto, with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Wright. Miss Nora Henry, Janetville, with Mrs. Fred Bailey. Miss Joyce Edgerton, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edger- ton. Miss Audrey Mountjoy, Toron- to, with her parents. Miss Mabel Van Camp, Toronto, and Miss Helen Van Camp, Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Van Camp. Mr. Clarence Parr, Bowman- ville, with Mrs. Robt. Parr and Miss Eva Parr. Miss Verna McNally, Coiborne, with Mrs. J. Forder and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forder and Joyce, Mrs. Jno. Forder and Vera with friends near Peterboro. Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Sanderson andi family. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Swain. Congratulations and best wish- es to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Swain (Constance Wheeler) who were married in the United Church on August 2lst. A good crowd gathered to see the hardball game on Saturday between a Toronto team, the "Uniques" and the local team witl- reinforcements. Toronto won 8-4, Divine Love always bas met and alÏways wilI meet every hu- man need.-Mary Baker Eddy. United States Women Killed in Crash Near Bowmanville i14 The above picture shows the car in which a lady tounist from Il U.S.A. met almost instant death in a highway crash near Ma] Grave on No. 2 Highway last Thursday. The woman, Mrs. Elizabe Blake, 45, Plainfield, N.J., was with ber busband who lost contr of the car and it swerved into the path of a truck driven by R( Bunston, Toronto. The impact crusbed Mrs. Blake, causing a ski fracture and internai injuries which resulted in death before doctor could be summoned. Mr. Blake suffered a broken right ar and many bruises. He was taken ta Bowmanville Hospital by D I WA~ThI~ I FOWL . CHICKENS . EGGS HIGHEST MARKET PRICES' PICKERING FARMS LIMITED WhltbY 336 - Night or Day WHITY, ONTARfO ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Eddyvez Richmond Hill, Mrs. Wilb Smith and Kenneth, Oshawa, A. W. Prescott's. Miss Evelyn Cunningham, M M. Potts, Guelph, at Walli Pascoe's. Mrs. D. Cunningham h returned with them to Brussel: Mr. Elmo Ashton and Phili, Detroit, at Harold Ormiston's-. Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Tambi: and family, Orono, at Wilfr Bowman's. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stephe son and Yvonne, Mr. Harry St phenson, Mr. and Mrs. Joe SI phenson, Whitby, at Leona. Stephenson's. Miss Betty Burgess, Long Sau with Miss Rose Marie Prescott, Mr. and Mrs, T. R. Bowmý and family, Barrie, at Godfr Bowman's. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescc and family, and Alymer Prescc NA 54,,,, M4'b6? 7/ o As a licensed driver, you hold tbht power of life and death- Wield It ln favor of life by exercising ex. treme, deliberate caution each time you take the mheeL s- 1? Today this child blithely skips rope with her comrades . . . If You make one false move at the wheel she may be hopelessly crippled. even dead, tomorrow. Keep her safe by being a safe drlver-Your traffio police ls your guide! School days will soon be here agaln-and with them the need for more than usual drlving care. Tblnk of each child in your path as your own-tben cross that intersec- tion, turn down that street. he ple eth roi oy ull Sa )r. (Oshawa Times-Gazette Photo) motored to Niagara Falls andD iyPouto visîted at Mr. W. Hamphill's, Long DShowsPrdcase Branch. S o sD ce s Ian, Mrs. Charley Prescott and fam )et ily, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mr5. Compared 'Nith 1947 at Wilbert Smith and family, Miss ____ Vaîrie Murray, Oshawa, at Edgar Deptonofhebspaur issPnsots seasons for same years, dairy pro- acea Kenneth Smith, Oshawa, spent duction in Ontario bas decline at has ekwt uryPect. atm cs stand almost at a Miss Consina Samis, Oshawa, all-time high. This was disclosed Miss Joyce Abernethy, Peterboro, in the August issue of the Monthly Pat Milton Samis'. Dairy Report put out by the On- yn Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman, Mrs. Leo- tario Dept. of Agriculture. idnard Stephenson and Mrs. A. W. Production of creamery butter rdPrescott attended the funeral af fell duning July by almost 4 per- Mrs. Gardon Moore, Toronto. cent and is 3.5 per cent down f or n- There was a fairly good attend-tefis7mntso198 te- ance at church Sunday in spite hese prmodtonfwas9 do. te- of the heat. Mrs. A. MacRae sang cheenpoto the se ohth rd a solo wbich was greatly enjoyed. 17.8 percetfrhesm oh 1 and 21.1 for the 7 months. Whole 1 Rev. Seymour's sermon was much 1miik aît, appreciated by bath old and cent sales also feil by 9.8 per- . 1 young, as usual. cn in July and 9.4 for the year. iany Sales of chocolate milk and pro- .ey duction of processed factory milk were up slightly for the period. Ott Lake Shore, Clarke But total sales value, with milk tt ____ at an average of 17.2c up from * Mis Joce MrtinwitbMiss15.~2c a year ago, and butter aver- Raes Venneapton.w Ms aging 67.5c, and cheese up ta 34.3, .produced cash returns higher than Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Martin a year aga. and family had a picnic at Orano The report quotes creamery Park with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence butter production in Durham: Tutrner, Providence, and Mr. andi County as below that of a year Mrs. Arnold Venner, Hampton. 1aga. In the first 7 months of 1947 Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskerville production reached 629,811 lbs«. and family with Mr. and Mrs. During the same period thîs year1 Frank Johns, Oshawa. the figure is 582,311. No factony Miss Linda Wilson. Oshawa, is cheese is produceci in the county. visiting Miss Marilyn Baskerville. Mr. Bey. Jaynes was home from Thamesford. O send out thy light and thy Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and truth; let them lead me; let themn Lois and Miss Doreen Alldred bring me unto thy holy bill and Onono, with friends in Belleville.'ta thy tabernacles.-Psalms 43:3. Miss Hazel Powell with Mr. and Mrs. Don Coulter, Downsview. Miss Elaine Powell is home a!- ter visiting in Oshawa. Miss Marlene Bedwin with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. V lu Taylor, Courtice. Misses Ellena and Natalie Kas- lauskas o! St. Jeans, Quebec, vis- ~ ited their brother, Mr. Nigmas Kaslauskas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hendry. IS ALL YOU NEED ]IF YOU j Miss Gladys Whitney, Oshawa, Cnqa y o ývnia with Miss Audrey Adams. aean onadfy ortagoini *Mr. L. S. Souch, BowM7anville,SeodMrge with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Adams. YOU GET Mr. and Mrs. A. L Gibson, o! A modern new home with Courtland. N.Y., with Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. ail of the following features. Mr. and Mrs. F. Adsett and Jan- 1. A gaod location. et are holidaying in Quebec. 2. An excellent investment SympathY is extended ta Mr. as well as a home. Bill Lake and Mrs. Alf Brown 3. Repayment o! mortgage and thêir families upon the death is probably iess than of their mother, Mrs. Wm. Lake, your present rent. n SrMr. Gardon Martin took a car- 4. Efficient f oor plan. load of Swine Club boys, Alec 5. Large rooms with plenty Iand Lloyd Martin, Geo. Skeiding o! light and air. and Russel Powell ta Toronto 6. Brick construction with where they went truh aaafull 7' basements. UPackers Ltd.,an thoure-Cand 7. Hardwood floors. Feed and Farm and wene served 8 ulinlae wls dinner by Canada Packers in t 8 anFu llinuatdwai large dining noom. Then on ta n eîig 1Cooksville ta judge swine. 9. Ample supply o! double elroms. si al h elricplgsimal . If we acknowledge God ln al 10. Some bouses neady for aur ways, He bas promised safe- occupancy very soon. ]Y ta direct aur steps, and in our experience we shall find the pro- 11. Built by cantractors who misefulflled-Payon.know their business, ta misefuiflle.-pasonN.H.A. specifications. C. J. Austin and is making satisfactory progress. The driver and a passenger in the truck escaped with minor bruises. In the police investigation it was learned that the Blake car was travelling at a high rate of speed and the truck driver could flot avoid the collision when the car swerved across the road. The auto was almost a complete wreck, the truck only slightly damaged. Mr. Blake was unable ta explain why the car went out of control. Don't delay seeing us for further details, illustrated bookiet and prices. These homes are sefling be- fore they are finished. You must act quickly if you want a home of your own before the snow flies again. Monthly Payments Start at $25.50 per month. (principal and interest) Ask for Mr. Nash at 4400 chofield SC JN SURANCE Realtors 6 Slmcoe St. N. OSHAWA resulted in superlative ComforS flot yet ntroduced on Canadlaii. rallroads. The "Train of Tomor4-ý row" la in operation today ove. scores of stretches in the United- States. Extra fares charjged oný super-trains are flot exorbitant., They are worth it. Cost of Cclifornia Trip Governed by Mode of Travel (Second Article by Staff Writer A. L. Baker) The advent of air and niotar- car travel bas brought many chan- ges in getting about, even for long ja'urneys. Much free advice was offered an ways and means for a return trip to California. Many were stili hazy an what personal funds Ottawa wouid permit for the journey. Were transportation costs within the U.S.A. ta apply against the meagre funds permit- ted under the government's total- itarian decree? The banker and the ticket agent cleared the ques- tion. The banker said: "We can pro- vide U.S.A. currency or travel- ler's checks only in the amount authorized by the government. The ordinary limit is $150 a year. You can spend it solely and wholly in the U.S.A. Any balance aver $10 in yaur pocket on return must be turned in." After three mon- ths' correspondence and the comn- pletion o! a haif-mile of officiai forms the amount sought was se- cured. The rigamarole decided our vote in the next election. Five Ways ta GO The ticket agent said: "You can buy complete transportation for the trip in any authonized public means of travel, including berths, wholly with Canadian funds."1 That is to say, on trains, in planes or motor coaches. Meals, tips and other extras came out of the thin sheaf of travellers checks secured at the bank. Accommodations and services were described. Train travel was chosen as most suitable for a circle tour and the contacts necessary ta get a reporter's view of western agriculture in theUS Readers planning any extended journey in the U.S.A. may be- fit from what was learned from experienced sources. Aside from train, plane or bus, with regular sehedules and rates, we were told ta scan the personal columns of newspapers. Small ads appear a]most daily: <'Motoring ta (place and date) can accommadate share-expense companian." It is a modern form of economical tra- vel. Others said: "Yau can "thumb it'I both ways, make time five ways for a trip. Take yaur choice. Public conveyance fares for the round trip ta Las Angeles were quoted about as follows. Motor bus, $85; plane $270-$285; train, $270, inciuding sleeping accom- modation. With air travel, berths and meals are free. Travelling by bus, low-cost meals are secur- ed at terminais. Cost of meals and services on modemn U.S.A. trains are expensive, compared with cafe prices in the home town, but considering quality and service, it was an agreeabie change, The outline above may be found. useful for anyone contemplating a tour across the border in any dir- ection. A fifrther article will des- cribe modemn train accommoda- tions in the U.S.A. Enlightened competition among many unes bas Courtesy keeps motor traffle' moving. The Department of, Highways urges you to atmn at a' high level of courtesy in drivlng.: You won't lose much trne, YOia will make it easier for other- drivers; and you WMf avoid. wrecking lives, limbs, and cars. You Cm Make Mony by £oUleting club eIdofer »ornw hlankets mile frmj old wo.fl.s. j 'm3 - new awool o rewofl .ai blat, . n newest colts. DIRECT PROM MILL TO YOU SATISFACTION GUARANTEEO Also obtainabIe wuthout tom In et aid wooiienàa. WRITI FOR CATALOGUE TODAY MIDLAND MILL$ LoEPT. 22 MIDLAND, ONT. _________ M e-s IONA, NEW PACK, CUT WAX IONA (Pectin Adcfed) IPLUN JAN KING OSCAR SARDINES CHOICE DESSERT PEARS1 2jo< Septenmber WoM's Day Magazine Now On Sale NEW PACK, CHOICE MAJESTIC HM CLEAME - 20-oz. d20< HIGH QUALTX LOW PRICE ANN PAGE MILK BREAD I White or Brown 24,0Z LOAF 1O c 2o.37s CUSTOM GROUND 8 O'CLOCI" COFFEi fh 47e ý-i$w FRUITS VEGETABLES OnIy One Price None Higher THIS IS PEAK WEEK FOR BLUEBERRIES- BUY AND PRESERVE THEM TODAY. FRESH PICKED, No. 1 BLUEM-BEERIES 'qt.3.49 CALIFORNIA VALENCIA No. 1, 344's OR N uS . * Doz.1 < CALIFOR41A SEEDLESS No. 1, 1001 GRAPERUIT * * for 29< NATIVE DUCHESS, Domestic Grade A%]PLES . . 3 Ibm. 17e SELECTED-QUALITrY, No. 1 LENOIIS...o 12< SALMON FLESH, SUOAR SWEET No. 1 Approximatoly 10 Melons CANTALUPES . 20k. 12 SNOW WHITE, LARGE HEADS, No. 1 CAULm F l mWE.ea.19 MARSH GROWN, FRESH WASHED, No. 1 C-OT 4 Ibs. 10< NEW CROP, No. 1 POTATGES 10Obs.219 FRESH RIPE, No. I TONATIIES -.-. bask. 39e, WOODBURYS FACIAL SOAP 3 CAKs 2.8c FANCV & CHOICI- TONAiTO JUICE NEW CROP AUSTRALIAN RAISINS SEEDLESS A & P FRESH CANOV JELLY BEANS AYLMER SWEET RELISE FINE CANADIAN OD»CEME AVLMER (Pectin Added) STRAWDERRY JAR ANN PAGE ICED RAISIN LOAF BLENDED PICKI.LING VISEUAR CONCENTRATED SUPERSIJDS 20-0x. 2 lb.. 299 lM. ne< 16-:02. < *lb. 47e<. 24-ox.36 *PIcg. IIus~ A & P Quality Meat Us Canada's Finest Quality E . Red w Blue Bramd Beef HandIed Exdusively IPORK SBOURDERS smoked shankleu lb 4 9c BAqCONsmoked breakfast sliced lb 59Cindless lb 65c DACK BACON peamealt±ci sliced lb 7 3c by the piece, lb 6 9c COTTAGE ROLLS smoked s a a lb 6 3c SMOIM HA I whole or haîf -a- îb6 Zc DURIUES WlmRSchoice akinleas a - lb 4 15C COD FU.LETirsh COHOE SmiAIMON sh m a a a m lb3 3c m hYthe piece lb 49c 6teaks lb .52c 1~ * . 24-o: 25e ~J4 BE CAREFULS 1pace contributed in the service of the community by JOHN LABATT LIMITED LOW RAIL FARES to the Canad'n National EXHIBITION AT TORONTO AUG. 27th - SEPT. Ilth Faie and one third for the Round Trip (Government Tax Extra) Good going Thursday, Aug. 26 to Saturday, Sept, Ili c]. RETURN LIMIT-SEPT. 15TH Full information fromn any agent CANADIAN NATIONAL L-M PAGB 34w,àt Q OMAXCE PEROZ beel 3-1b. 29% Tin l=ý

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