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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1948, p. 11

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TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, ONTAPMO When they assemble armed for a B L E ISFO Contrais Lifted on Exports bo U.S. deadly bout BLEISFO Ear cocked for a deadly din, Their weapons primed for a foie BR L 0f Beel Caille, Calves,,Beef, Vfeal without D While the foe is lord within. ~ IRDE ISj The inter-denominational char- (Officiai Release to The 1 As to the number of cattle which ace fteCae ervices was Statesman) miîght be exported to thelUnited aain e otrCatel he! eal Effective since Augustl6. export States. in 1944 exports of beef. - one hundred worshippers repre- control of beef caftle and calves, mainiy to Great Britain, were senting most branches of the es- beef and v'eal. dressed and other equivalent to more than 600,000 tablished churches along with the edilebef ad ea prdutshead of cattle. Sînce that time various dissenting bodies witness- cadibe efoo d conaning eats, export surpluses have dropped off ed a christcning ceremony per- canne dscpates a in discon*ts until, in 'the flrst seven months of formed by Rev. S. R. Henderson ____ ainu e. Control bas be imposed this vear. exports amounted to of Trinitv United Church, Bow-BLC an WHT WA LE tiud oto a moe nthe equivalent of only 35.000 head ni manville.. Namies of babies christ-BAC an WHT RLE September. 1942. to maintain sliP- of cattie. However, in recentr ened were: Marlou Jean Green. Birdland's.nearest imitation of plis o bef fr Cnadan onsm- ecks cattle marketings have daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman a zebra is the Black and White ersan t ad n heenoremntbeen on the increase, and there is O V Green: Donald Edward White, son Warbler. This is the odmm of price controls. no doubt that there wi]1 be a sub i of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. White: ber of the family. The bird creeps Officiais of the Dominion De- stantial seasonal surplus of beef 'J IV Judith Anne Hutchinson and on tree trunks in a most un-- partment of Agriculture point out fntCanvea dr. n the remainder FE MAYASM R Sharon Lynne Hutchinson, daugh- Warbler-like way, is entirely rht whe er'trtin onte oet United States Bureau'ofERhANY ASUMME ters of Mr. an-d Mrs. M. R. (Bert) streaked, excepting the white un- r- ititoso te!T ictUitdSae ueu(Contributed) Hutchinson., derparts, which on account of its number of cattle imported at the of Animal Industrv requirements Next Sunday Mr. Harrap will strange mode of progression wve minimum dutv of I1' cents percatendcvefoexrtoth When the chili o! autun spea1on Tattle Tale Grey." seldom see, and has no yellow pound five weight. the total quota, United States from Canada in creeps into the late August nights iBrigyu ekd gets marking-quite unusual for a under the new trade agreement is carload lots for slaughter do not and the melancholy ring of loc- rig~u ee us. Warbler. The female is less con- 400 000 head annuallv, for cattle have to be tested but must be ust.s filîs the air, we begin to spicuious than the rmale, with weîhig ve 70 ouds istadacomanedbyanoficaIveer thin k fondly of central heatingB fainter stripes and pale brownish of the old total of 225,000 head. inarian's certificate. esystegmhtbats.hs ad inner- ...Stdn1 ie The colors of the juveniles In addition tri, live cattlet» Canadian Range cattle and calves forc-spng atrss. udld - To Be Guests of C.N.E. 1 aresomcwhat veiledt and there is bee! and bee! by-products may port to the United States from round our cottage fires, somne o! 1a. liglit buif wash on their sides. also find a nmirket in the United !Canada, for purposes other than us may actually wonder why we On vvarriors J..ay Nevertheless, the zebra bird is at Staesunerth nw it rteofslugte. ua hvepase aneset out so eagerly in the spring aîî times easy to identify by its 3 cents per- potînrl established bY gative ttiherctîlin test w tli htîr' oedr uliueo no- nWrir'Dy, August 28. at costume. the Geneva agreenîînt instead of ty days prior Io exportation, and . "ne nrae f nteteCnda Ntoa xiiin Mniotilta varia," or "the vani- the old rate of 6 cents per pound. cattle. and cakves if over six B thevtrnvko htw "Canada's greatest instruments for egrated nioss-plucker." which is montbns of agc. other than steersshîreunntsaon itte keepîng the peace," as Kat Aitken, horioogs'nmefrts sp~ dbefrsmutalopasold magic in our eyes, hungry forwoes dir ector of teh Cn.e. suitable. The striped bird sear- a e ai e t s o r c l o i h i f dsan dls or t e sc i e t eiwil b h n r d ches in the m oss of trees. Insccts (a negatîveates thr rclsi 3esi0 oddsanauifo hegucsts of th~e Women's Division. and grubs are gleaned from here f <Bngs iseae) itbi 30 axsfirst 'breatb o! clover-laden air, They are 600 'ouing Canadians ,n h rvcsofbr.Atog prior to exportation and be ac- forthe ovfltsond f t esog conoifredby heireduatios t c<mpn~d y crtfiat isîedsparrow in th fields, They know , uttnig h hu this active little Warblcr does all orenorcdbya alrid etri-how often we'll recaîl, through e mog ts marketing up in trees. its nest arian of the Canadian Govern- the dreary', hectic months ahead, ands attendiîig high scbol 5 and is made on the ground, either at ment. collegiates within a 500 mile rad-thfotfatrn orbsea AIl cattle and calves entern the peaceful beauty of moonlit iýo oot.BwavleHg h oto rn rbsd rngwater sighing gently on the lso oot.BwavleHg rock somcwhat after the fashion W"-91$Cllthe United States are subjcct toi shore, or the sense of f reedom that School will be represented by fte v Id'.Te oro iseton bv a veternra !te-Gerald Morris and Gwen Griffith. f v te Oenb'-s.ha e fured or nspect f hewe feltt wben the breakers thun- r five whitofetshhave0a reddish r~~ United States Bureau of Animal ýdered down the windswcpt beach Sn tecti of their600 wastoc brown wSreath around their larg- E ndustrv at port of entry and may 'and we walked with the spray o h ai !tersblsi er end. berejectcd for physical dcfects,r whipping into otir faces, They standing, leadership qualities and eabnraî s reieceo i-knwhwote elear echo- ,It is to these young people we birdi is sometimes known is ee e Sae Bra ing in our minds, the wild cries ms okt eptepaeof ý"lc n ht ree, n The nîte Staes Breauof of the gulîs that follow in the ms okt eptepae 'lc n ht ree, n Animal Industry will flot permit:wk !tefsemnsluc the future. so what more appro- is equaltx good. Tbough there is the transportation by motor truck a it, gofes cugingoutacoss the r priate guests could be invited to no' relationship betwecn it and aMeel is huginioungrngsth M e h n ig iintgo the United States o! cattle in- lake at uns:o o wfl our Warriors' Day lunclicon," thie the Brown Creeper. its habits are tcnded for slaughter unless sucb will flock to uis memories of the wvomen's director said. r similar. It cao actually beat the Co dto s fcattle are accompanied by tuber- lslvallows that dart and skimn above Thisîluncbeon to or out-: Creeper tl' w ane on Co diio s !culin and blood test certificates as the bill when the sun is settin ning young Canadians ailbeconacîrc hrint ha brnch requîred for Canadian cattle en- quietîy i h west. addressed b * two o! thbeir ownan iceahrztlbac n BECAUSE insurance isyu tering the United States for brecd- i*ewl oebc, h l number. Fourteen vear-old Lor- the maniner o! a Nuthatcb. A s or ing or dairy purposes. timers say cordi and d telve d and e Welch o! Ancaster. Ont., will jerkY. zigzag movemcnt carnies safeguard against loss due toi Export permits are flow beîng chop and a,to ightndwele and discuss, "What Youth has to Give it along in the pattern of a her- destruction to your property, freelY issued to anyone dcsiring to pestÉ; and baulky stoves, to bath Canada." Richard Stockhouse, 18- f ingbone stitch. be sure you have a sufficient export oats and barley from Cao- in a basin oc shiver in the lake iYear-old Belleville youth will re- 'J'he Black and White Warb- ada, and since August 1, equaliz- to wake in the night to the un:' pl'y with "What Canada bas to ler's thin, unmusical voice may amounit to nicet toda3-*s chan- ation fees formerly cbarged on the lovcly horns o! diesel locomotives. Give Us." ýbe heard attempting two differ- gigcniin.export o! oats and barley have We',lI comne back, we'll grumblei Both these young people arc cnt songs. The most famulian one gigcniin.ibeen discontinuied. and we'îî love ft." financing their studies with monev consists of eight or ten notes o! Thi agncyis ead tohel iearned froni profitable hobbies, 'the same pitch uttered quickly ThisESTOCK TOreaFORE hIN At the Cottages Miss Welch by growing and seli. and without occasional pauses, you ceku your inuac ..FR GA t W. H. Carlton's IL: Lynn ing flowers and Stackbouse by sounding like "tsee, tsee, tsee."1 chrak e UP is euanceUK AM Dwi gbt o! Toronto. playing the saxaphone in a dance The sharp note o! alarm is "pit." ta ak sreIt s deuae. Livcstock production is going' At La!-A-Lot: Mn. and Mns. band.I For some weeks these Warb- 14o obligation on your part. ahcad in the United Kingdom. it Burr and Bob; Mr. and Mrs. J.i Names of the 600 to wbom ini ler. gather in flocks and move May we? is officially announced that dur- 'Cooper and Susan. tations have be-en sent wcre sub- about in company with Chicka- ing the past twelve months, the At Noble Carlton's: Mn. and mitted to the C.N.E. women's dir- dees and Downy, Woodpeckers. JaM ~nuniber of brceding sows hbas i-Ms Gray Steele and Bonny, ector by bigh schol and collegiate B, the cnd o! September the Ja es creased by 60 per cent and thef Tommy and Catherine. principals. cxccpt in rural ai'eas 'Voungsters are sufficiently devel- S u~ar B.e number of poultry under one year At Happy Hutch, with the here selection was made by tea- oped to starf on hitrpsu. old by 95 per cent. Altogether, Sweitzers: "Auntie Jean" Saund- chers in the public schools. Birds that have spent the sum- tNSURANCE - 'REAL ESTATE there are at lcast 10 million more ers aften a weekend at Oak Lake. me sfr-rh sGetBa hens in Britain now than there At Braeside: Mr. Arthur Bea -___ __________ Phone, Off ice 681, Rem. 493 were a year ago. OfficiaI poultry cock, Regina, Sask.: Rev. and Mrs. ISRAEL DIVIDED neturns issued in June give the Mernill Ferguson, Helen, Miriamn KnStreet . Bowmanille total on March 4 as 44,378,000. This and Pauline, on furlough from (Christian Science Monitor) lin Sshould mean 670 million more Africa; Mn. and Mrs. Roy -'er-. Isnael's provisional govcrnment home-produced cggs this year. guson and Sandra, Blacksiuck; r~atmtn oda ihasr Mr. and Mrs. Stewart James, îous donestir and foreign policy. Norman and Douglas; Mn. andI The issue, bencath the domestir Mrs. Lewis Deweii and Randy, political split, which is obvious. - on.bouls down to whetber the world's / At Chequers: Mn. and Mrs. Alan newcst nepublic leans towand Dicsonan Sadra M. ad Ms.Russia or the United States in itsi Douglas Smith, Douglas and Poliie1 1 ce8B~Wallis, Toronto; Miss Charlot htPlaccmad NE#F/CZ0 T 1oofflTAÂ', Wood, Gore's Landing. fsrsetoftht Pal ah, commados I should be seeîng you, at once, about our At Grey Sennen: Mrs. Edmund nco!tesrliAmbed- NW DMNO EUIYBarrick o! Pt. Coîborne. solvcd as a sepanate militarv M NEW DOINONSEURTYPOLICY organization with its own head- because . . Th.hplonteHl quarters. Mn. Ben-Gurion's polit- On Saturday night, Aug. 2lst,lical Party is the Mapai, the It'a the most comprehensive plan yet de- the annual -business meeting off general labor party wbich con- vised, It pays 2-ways, by providing finan- the Chapel was hcld at the homne nesponds somcwhat to the British cial protection for your family now (ink of Mn. and Mrs. Bill Carlton. M.rs. Labor Party in complexion. unîts of $5,0001 and by building a fund W. H. Carlton, President, was in Opposing Mn, Ben-Gunion on neirmet.the chair. After the regular non- the Palmach issue is the Mapaam, for ourowntine business rcsulting from the the extreme left-wn fusion Wish you'd phone me, and minutes and the treasurer's re- party, to which most Palmach LETS TALK THIS OVER pont, arrangements were made members belong. Mapaam is a for alterations to the outside ben- coalition o! minonities, including WM LLYCTT, owmnvlle, nt. Phne: ~82 ches to make thîern more uut'"u't- the Hashomir Hatzair (Young able; also money was voîcd for Guardians) and leftist splinten the purchase o! additionai hymn groups. The Hatzair Party found- and psalm books. cd and is supponîing some two A $15.00 donation was Put. asidei dozen communal settlementî, ________________________________________________ for the Bowmanville Hospital in where about 5,000 Jcws practice xi recognîtion o! the fact. Ihat its Communist endeavon. services are always available for fIn Ibis fight, the revisionists, on viions to the Beach in timne o!f the right wing o! Israels political e OAYVAoug~~ KIN 'S TA I crergcncy.fo stage are silent. One o! the guid- ncxt AX vseao:M.H .Cntn n ibsbbn h cnso lAI I I S.S.nxt wek1 complete 'details, writede6 'O - i ~ II ~ At the 11:30 service Mn. George ______ I 1i Harrap spoke froni another o! bis' to Ontario Holiday, p arresting commercial slogans 'A Roomn 1004, Victory New Orie if it Fadies." In a sik- i BidnTrno ing method he poinîed out the BidnTrno a ~~~essenlial qîîalifY o! sincenîîv in LT AETE u > J ~~the characler o! an upright man.LE'MAET M As is tisial with this speaker he WANT TO COME BACK took hî,ý hearers through the AR! AND ON-THRD pa2cs o! hisîory 10 substantiate Iet's see they get the bi.; statements. He read fî'om ba ehv Qofr FOR THE ROUND TRIP bs ehv oofr F sacrcd h;storv t nre story o! Jc'ro- GO: An'vîume fram 12:00 o'clock noo hoani: then h e old o! Bedes Everyone benefits from Frida%. September 3rd, unil200p. m. !aitf-!il accoîîn>tn hshstr0ilh icm tons ui blonda%, Septemiber 6th. crxEîlî.an.d st niîtu ETI-RN: I eaing destinaiion not Liter n maeyo! Chamberlain and ness brings to Ontario. thnmidnighr, Septeiiher -th. Itle. :e . e fac-t that se!f So it's in your interest Scandird 'lime cideptîoni is thp ifrzi mark o! iin- For inormation and restri-ations contact sîincenîîy, as poet.îcally expresscd to encourage friends your Candi4n Pacific dgent. ~o n.e ~cr gyJm es C. Mc - from ot her parts to share Nall 'v: uOnai odys If angels mnourn over mundar. u OtroHoias Th ock it - I TOURIST BUSINESS A', a farce the mimîcrontas' IS GOOD BUSINESS On the sur.iît plains of earth;ý' PAGE ELEVV( Lake perhaps go no further than ILS. 1949 WHEAT of 1948. On the basis of the 1938. Florida. while others winter in Centrai and even South Amenica. The 'United States Departmeiit 47 average yield of 15 busheis per The f act is they ahl move down I o! Agriculture bas recommended arte14 rpo hsrdc about the sanie distance, keepîng for 1949 a wbeat area of 71.5 Miil- arte14 po hsrde their relative positions. lion acres, about eight per cent ed a creage would total about 1.1 Do birds 'leave foot-pnints? less than the estimated acreage thousand million bushels. r- PROTEOT THAT czé GENERAL SOUEEGEEI WITH *Safer Stops with Action-Traction I *Extra Miteage 0 Blowout Protection! *Quieter Running e Easier Steeringi *Low-Pressure Comfort *Smart Stylel LET us SHOW YOU HOW woRKs G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop Corner King and Silver Sts., Bowmanville Phone 467 j [Àý w TMEYRE SO FR!SH AND COOLu Listen te Ontorlo Holiday Cm'S 10.45 pa. Mon., We04 Thu% I.. el .dvw#bm.I, oheul Ouftel. Heudeys p.bhhdu *01hpM umi.eum$ v h,.LabaLi Uuld TffURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1P49 ""Goes a Long Way To Make Friends" - -- --- - M- -- - - m ir&, À

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