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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1948, p. 12

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PAGETWEVE _________________ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, POWMANVTLLEP, ONTARIO entries, the suppc.r ard thcý nttcnd- WAest Beach News ance. A full accounit will appa next wc2k with naesoft e The Newcasie Independent 1 winners. (The Beach Comber) Mr. and Mrs. Syd Woodside and Thshsbeawekfsoil 1W PhneClrk 314famyily, Toronto, were iwe'ekend i events some of which have been IL -- iuets Vof Postmastcr and Mrs. thc first off its kind. i Jak Wae, and acted as godpar- This social whirl started o Mr. and Mrs C. Cook, Brant- Toronto, spcnt Sundav with Mr. ents for their infant son who %vas Saturday evening whenalrg ford, and Mrs. Norman Pingle, and Mrs. How~ard F. Wilson. It hitnda t eresCue ubrc uss are Bowmn'.uic '~ sutd Ms. ober x~as he iz s tune r. acgowanj on Sundayý afternoon at 4 o'cloek 1 Cylant Phore' to helpcebrt Gray. swbsnwgetgadagtr (Douglas Symons). the engagement announcement off Mrs. Robert Gray and Frank,4ot i id AueWlo.- and offer sincere congratulations visited friend: at Markharn. 1Miss Margaret Ashi is filng in to Miss Mary Philpott and Mr. Mr. and M11rs. Graydon Mciroe for Post Office Clerk Miss Betty Fe o e ta a Jc ony Detroit, on a motor trip to Quehec. Grav whiic she is on her ho]idays. Fred RowepOtplwe have DorneU calied on bus aunt, Mrs. Robert' Congratulations to Mr. aud Mrs. 1 Durham C~oufli y summer residents here from Tor- 1 Gray. George Edward (Ted) Hoar, (theRvsis onto for a number of years, and Mr adMr.J.H Sih.Gît fo rmer Miss Lecoe Mildrcd Col- H mean have become popular on the were weekccd guests cf Mr. and laut.woemriaoto lc beach, and made ian fast! Mrs. Saxon Graharn. Saturdav len Maole Grc'.e Unitcd Fred flowr, Chief Engineer, De- riends. Toeatnig ti Miss Kathleen Toms had her Church. partmect of the King's Printer, party included: Mr. and Mrs. R. tonsils rernoved ie Oshawa Hospi- Mrs. Blake Sanclers and Mr, Ottawa, is one Durham County-, Shaw, Mrs. H. Smnith. Mrs. C. tal on Monday. Shc bas bcen on W. R. Sandcrs, Stouffviile, -werc boy xvho does't lot the glamour Risebrook, Mr. C. Morrison, Mrs.' ber vacation and Mrs. Gordon Wednesday guests of Mrs. Olga off the Capital distract himn frern M. May, Mrs. D. Cline, Mrs. F. Garrod has been filling her place Gibson, bis annual rnonth-]ong holidayv Armstrong, Miss Marg Taylor,», in H. S. Britton's store. I-ctistr.ak Wade was '111arnng friends and relatives in his Mr. and Mrs. D. Brunton, ail off J. 'i Miss Mary O'Crecgati, Toronto, Paris oni Auigust 1,0t. atteiing native habitat. XVc rau across himlToronito, ail the Dorney tamily, i . ie1 spent tne xcekeiici witb Mr. and the fuceral cf ]his auint, Mrs. Ralph l'ast ekaho asbigmt-Mran-MsT.DyBeic Mrs. Howard F. Wilson. W'atFouî cd about bhy bis nephew, Bill Ly;- 'and Marguerite, Sandhurst, Mrs. Mrs. Bon Christie, Brcckville, The Ncwýcastlc Horticultural cett. District Representative, Do-IB.* Mavin, of the Quinn Cottage. s visiting Mrs. John Garrcd. Foe hi n usa a mno Ie The lovely engagement cake was O 1 ______ gea sîccs hthf m heflwe 'Fred, a son cf P. J1. Rowý,e, for- made and presented by Mrs. T.IN7E _____ mer assessor in Clarke Township, Dcx le. Many cf their cottager GAS _____________________________________________________ jrecalicd cames of oldtimners with friends dropped in to offer their a memory akin te his youthful ap- congratulations. pcarafice. But hoe is a veteran off On Thursday afternoon, Miss ~ the first ,vorld war whcse sons Jean Street cf 'Wenie-Verfus' was î 1 1 served in the second. His chief bhostess to ber girl friends. A very F A LL i pleasuire was, cf course. the re- enjoyable afternoon was speet in union hvt is thrre ensuclc two fricndly chit-ebat over busy ,g ~ g reughcrsiii~ Newceastle. Ho saidi needies. Mrs. F. Cole poured tea, fi I . I~1 ~ E liebu uver -av., the lccal district1 Mrs. Street was assisted by Mrs. H I H L G T lookbotter and few could match Jack Parker and Mrs. A. Lowe.j 1949: President, Bruce Murchin- ut. Jean received bier guests in dress so Vc rsdns usi A railroad on-gincor prier to the off white flowered waffle pique1 Hallman. Fred Cole; Seeretary GREET te new fil flrî xvi'~Fred ctered Goodvear-1 and wearing an orcbid corsage Mr ila iln;Tesrr Boxninille on bis roture te gain tied with silver bows. She chose iof " ih a "N w L o" cxeiucfcr writing cxarns the carne of a 'Iuckv' guest and Atuit st Dilling: Auditors, D.1 loading tohb present job. lie xas prescnted bier (Mrs. Wm. Severs,) tecneosxi osae n sophstiatedblak in the same dcpartmect as Mayor with a beautiful scenic bone Sid Little. Art Hardyv was Super- china cup acd saucer. Jean leftpeetdattem tigoL- for ierhomein orono-Sn 1bour a Weknd dress ta oes so ictendeet. Ho was'a cousin off for1berhome areorontogSnday DayWeekfocd d that d Atrseuighi Oawi nohrstme chfryu o'1 prelirninarv papers. Fred wect on son-*We'Illho secîn' you, Jean!"l the Gien Rae Trophy Race bore Fre'smoifroAferseurnghisteawitaithrcumeri Lansur are 'e n rearcdnvtaor fllU ~~~te Acmc Farmers' Dairy for fur- History was made on Bowýmac- oiLbu a hna nia be hesirn f te ea thr rac cl xpeioce.vileBeach on Sunday wben the tien is extcnded te ail local sai-1 Finally lhe ntered competition cbildren cf three cf the cottagers lors to prepare and enter their son in one of these ~ with 121 nîbers fei- a civil service xveue baptised at the Chapel-On- cati h ae e u~ n son inengineering post. Ho topped thej The-Hill. Baptismal rites wr gatber in the dr-iftw,ýood for the ulr-smart frocks in ]it ndtb pois pesut1o administ ered by Rev. S. R. Hec-' mamrnoth bon*-fire and weiner durtra, cf Tainitv Unived Church. roaspoon SattUrday evening boys! fine crepes, f ailles, tablishcicut cf the King's Printer1 Little infant daughter cf Mr. and Everycue on the beach, especiaiiy bas vor80( unlcyes xbo et rs.Norman Green and Marilcu the kiddies. are icvited te bo wools .. w4at with cultbch vast arnount Cf pamphlets Green of the 'Log Cabin.:, Misses g"uosts of the Beach Association and bocks for the varieus depart- ShIaanLvnii and Judith Ane, jat this xeiner roast. their discreet touches monts of the government. Also agîr c c c Ms 1otI isEcuîrHlybadoue isscd re hedaiv cpis c Ha- Hutehinsce, Cliffvicw cottage and cd te ber homo in Poterboro off- of drapery, pleating, sard. It is a vast undertaking. 1 Donald Edxvard, son off Mr. and eboiang tRs--hle' Comocucgonpreen plnsMrs. Donald R. White, Vancou-iHer nephew Mr. Michael VarceS peplurns. Corne in ta- te beoutify the national Capital, ver, B. C. Ail the children were reEndxxibbr Fre. cviioued hedaywhe 'granddlaugbters and nuece and 1 Mr. and Mus. W. V. Jewett and day and see aur new people from ail parts of Canada nephew of Mr. and Mrs. C. Bake- i Gien, Toronto, Miss V. Kellar.a w'~ia SuIrner resident off the Mr. and Mrs. P. MeMabon and f ail black dresses. 'Ne rugtbeprmtcda eunalo aci since its becoming a sum- sens Wayn n obiTrno puricucf hoi ta muiesin r-mer colony. At the reception held Mrs. E. Coucb, Misses Marjorie dttar to onjov te nesigt cwatto Lanaind oloxin ecCouch, Town, Mr. and - know you'll "fal" 11 deOttaatcnjoy tes nesigt te evice th olwiggeîs IrIs.E Howard Masters and Earl, S love with thern! gesteci the sebeme as leading tc present-Mr. and Mrs. C. Bake- Mr . . Maolsocac ayOo- dose naiona uuityacd rel 'well, Miss Vera Pike, Miss Shir- ne0, a c .Mses~od approcationoff Cnadiancitizn- Ilev Foat ber, Miss Gertrude Lee,Nif' IMiss WiVlma Lang, Toronto, Mr. J. M.adMs .Cre c sbîp. ~W. White, Vancouver, B. C., Mr-. JbneT1nMse Mrae audMrs. G. Krieguor, Gartb and ce udo aysviiig hi FAL MLLNE Y N W ONVILE Andrea, Islington, Miss E. Robin- i anut Mrs. F. Colle Gary's Para- FALL MILINER NE TONV LE soc ndM. ad Mrs. N. Muli- dise.'D Arrvin Daly rs.NiaaraholandandGal. TMi. and Mrs. L. W. Stewart, r Mbel Leushner, BwnnvNiBc ssc ro .î r.J. Cuîi.y's in 9 Falls, i visiting ber sister, Mrs. l ion, held its accual meeting. The 'Boskey Dell. Corne in acd ehoose a ho- J. T. Pearce. fellowing efficers will ho in Mr. and Mrs. F. Clarke anîd 11 coming bat to complote your Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stone and charge cf the beach wclfare fer BbM.cdMs .G lc Mr. and Mrs. Lcous Stone spent a 1mnadSe-at Toronto, with l lU wardrobe. nce holiday in Ottawa and Mon- ý Mus Mary Shaw. _______________troal. Mr. and Mrs. Deug Ogden, Ms .Dye mtsS duities. Dye Toronto, at Snhus. flr orw rnt Ohdon. KendoM. adsufba l tee; rec a MKo-issg.nRocia T1 lcoàirs'a Mr. DMes. W. randgs. rN- Ibis fll-swepuegVîrgî Wool oat basts i wrsucFe:Suminthei and tson Samhr.~. teM. e rs cx owa a f ll- eng b t xed cf be uti ul eav r- .haveg s d t Tbr sde il wasr a ticlFOR M ss Len Clarn d gS e Mc. acd Wiha lrefvrhemhGodnraienbrkeapl te.amendMs m . aMing, Tr. dyedl\Iiîtn. wo ecpsid pekotTane" loCî ls' bspbastemed a fbtoMr.as nMsalMli r fashione le cuif. tho tre c ssin n tu ti as a g e i c na nd MsIW. H P ec eox Tond ,fa cru froLasC.Tuly & Sis a ese, c.Wîbtr!ousa§ a uTltghtxd o euiu evr hroene roions cfheugmes nAN ed oappLindsandiln, Mr. 1 bis district have heen served bv Be ghem, Milton, v.itb Mr. Chas. Visit Our Men's Dept. RESTtre oeoinso h uce~IK~AURANT ~Mr. andMrs. J, W. Flegg, Miss o th aet:. ,passedl from the Burley came t ueY, Osbawa, with Mcs. bas gone cwn . yet enother gen- ~IWlochm eM.Sapo <. g.- ~ cral ion, tbe wifeocf the purcbaser '%nv'te es S ha-rpio entiter ccttage. bi hîug a grot grenddauglitor off fU LTx lebspottesumr n Men's Fashions ),1hoOisIbosic-,he ot Rbetthe Brit'ish fics. teîrv. she, he ANDRoer ý,unMrs. M. Currie and Mrs. J. _______________________v___AND_ Graham, Toronto, xvith Mc. and _____________________________________ j fA represoutative of the Instilute SE V EMr W.CrileEE" frthe Blind teck the evening ser-S R IEMs .Curei EE'. vice uuîde Mr. and Mrs. Allie and Bill, tori benc. evoning ie the pas- Poe85*Towne at 'Rusty Nook.' lrasenJohneF855HoeMc.and Mrs. F. Taylor, Shirlev ors l giîte r, Mrs. Rort a ey ug n hor otag s The watec ie tb "ikoe t long lest bas become delightfuliv plea- sent and everyone is' evaiieg themselves off this long ewaited treat. The young folk are kcep- iuîg the new float je constant tise. The Lufe-Guard, Mr. A. Wither- spoon, is on constant lookotut in case of accidents from 10:30 te 5:30 eecb ay. The waeocin (ho piers bas been fotued te test A foc sxximming. It wotuld sceuîî thet the lest two weeks off stîc- mer promise more plcosture ie thie weter then ail the pest days. Ont. Historical Society j' Display at C.N.E. A new oxhibit et the Canadian National Exhibition is that off thet Ontario Historical Society, on the second floor off the ColisetuIl of the .S uuety s existence, e ag ricult ual sho w. se oi i ail ils publications, noix' omount- arclua hw ing te forby-cine voltîmes, xvill ho an display. There can aIse be see copies of several îlieccsting historie docu- Im ments, the originls off Most of NO TICE - .vhich are in the possession off tbe proviecial Departmeet of Records i 24-HOUR and Archives. Tllese include Gen- erai Isaac Brock's terms for bbc We pay as hig] surrender cf Fout Detroit, 1812; D aA P.va-~ etter off 1792 xx'ittee by William i Dea or C ip le Duekson regarding the sale off o According to size and condition- negre \vench; ail original land gcnt. th seal atached: ceid the No trouble to the farmi procla nu tien isstîed. by tut' Lieut- HIGHEST PICES PA] 'nant-Gevereor, Sic Franicis Bonîd -bcad, offericg rexvards for the, PHONE 4026 PETERBOROTJ leading cebols in 1837. The bootb is beieg staffod b.y NICK PEC( Society members xvho will wl- orne visitons to the dispruv. -FARMERS SERVICE gh as $10.00 for 1Horses and Cows a-SmaIl animais removed free. rr. lie do the loading LID FOR OLD IIORSES S UGHf - REVERSÈ CHARGES )NI, Owner An oppeai forclcotbing for oe- -M-" M~AA~Av, "M sec-s shipmocî ivos lcft oe'rtcil Oshawa, Phone 1O516 O. 1ext nîcntb. A coîîîcitbee xvas ap-17 11 Peunted te Plan' Mid prepare cuir1 exhibit for Oconu Fair, narnciv Failuce tb obserxvoe aturo*s warc. Mus. J)I"Isbuu. Mcs. Millugaii, Mrs YOU TOO WILL BE AMAZED * e * ngs lowers oui efficuocv ec ad lu- : eduiia:nd Mcs. Melville Semis. creases handJicaps. Ail are so Conveneru'NMcsMi ligon introduc- coeylne htnrfitr i O' e R ge pa er îx ý. Try aur better kind ofçdry chesoe.ly li kowetiitheuirfaeiii pii Of iestspdSeaker, Mrs . rfo cene, riht es o te ter. n u 'i c hlru'sAdSee f ot ce&n orcenr rgh- teee*il cxrtoelt Hope.ss ef the others. le curni <(v R i oe.wiOvoins itis- er êtothcs. You'1agrec t's to the oves of this geniation, vm ILLRDPARER- AINTAMROF il'gïld il ýtr1( tai. cL-onle tops.Phone today.r r aeguven afo qpe f h MUM -" ' k-NW Mi- 1iKmu rriecd Oui et lluilcrest oreooia ahand rgenor'atieuu andti ive uzint foi Luchî. lhli ca I .usaiîsvciecisec that o respcuibîlity. a du,.ý March of Tirne Short . Cartoon bv ou,, Ib clu tLIillug (cf :onue ueigh- Carry Service. rests upcîî each iîdivid . ial b as- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o c k k u nti l u e s s t l e v d r e c i v e d . s i s t i n ( h o t- a r e, , i i i t h e c o n s e r v a - ( Mrs. NMelvîlle Jones sanîg ait n c- lieucf tho visioc cf those jentnur Mo..ue. e.,Acy0,3,Spt oabic SOlo "l'Il Walk Bosi doecharge. that xve may ho clive bu j Mon , T es. We ., ug 30 31 Se t. Y en." Mr. Pearce and Airs. Gii f'the_ _of____ _______ lb" n'ssdx of cv'r 1f1n seitoti îueîir joint aectc , nianetLv thbeosit cin exactod b off tho Di ztrict Anuiai Conixention inustrialI ex uiutiui. The ex-es of in oc lelst Jue. The roason the cccîuuîg gencrat(un twill bave hUIis report xva5 delax ed wes on a more exacting ticment itipun accouru11t cf fth Juix' meeting ak Oshawa Laundry (hmba be'tofcayiiI M O iti ND u a ce <,. u: i ,.:othPt. .- n t io .ouif' îlodya«id A N a Iýforci offa p:C.cu. wbeliev lizz d(.mziud xvbeh g: ec a- anti lier gccup. _________________________ - Fý - - - 'rXURSDAY. AUGUST 26, 1942 M LE RO EEviery good guIftadeeyp MAPLE GROVE feet gift is frein above, adcm etb down from the Father cf Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rogers,!lights, w:th xxhomn is no variable- Herrigton, Kansas; M. and Ms. i îîss. nectiter siîdow ai ttrnng. Rupert Masoîî, Wichitia, Kansas; -James 1:17. I M i s s I d a L y s e l , M o l i u e , I l l : x is u - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ed Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Morton PNISb au and other relatives. COUNT PN ISb au Mcs. John Hopps and Miss Lor- rccejvcd. Maxwell House caine Hopps xvho bave been spend- ing the summer et their cottage c0sts imore titai soinle are now caliing on friends and e, u t~ic -us relatives boffore ceturning to d ircoifée but t .vs '- s homne et Sacr~amento, Caiif. nsuich morec for so littlc Mrs. Lunnycliff spent lest vveek in Toonto. more i..ni extra riclineas Miss Miidrcd Snowdcn lefI eta flvb- xr place on Tuesday ex'ening to visi1t eta ior-eti hec sister, Mrs. Otis Pritchacd,i satisfaction! M a n o t i c k , a s o M r s . E . A . E } e cs o n , I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dieaey, Que. Mc. and Mrs. . Herb Babcock,* . * ., Toxwn, visited Mc. and Mcs. Stuart Mort on. Mr. and Mrs. Wiil Mtieday, Mr.* and Mrs. Steve Munday, Court- Nw ! wcight, are visiting thoir brothera I l cnd sistors and other relativ-es, cc tnedMcheMark Mundcvon frhS Mr. and Mrs. M. Munday,' Town, xvho on Tiesdey-.vening colo 53S R T breted their 5th wedieg enniver-M sery. This commucity extendsL ~ E I hecbiest conigratulations tb Mcr.jSUJJJF ing bbe 50th milestone off theur weddedlifM tourotect M Congratulations te Mr. aîd Mrs Ted Har (nec Lenore Coacutt) isriwm on their rcocn t mariaeg. Sorry f la8- .I-W FLn to lose Lecore fro; eur commuin-a ity. They wili reside ie Toronto.M aind This commtunity is sorcv to ce- port. Mc. R. L. Wocden'on the te tI * sick list, je Bowmenvilie Hos- pitl. Ho oxpeets te ho moved be Toronto Western Hospital Ibis xveek. We ail wish him e speedy ' ceccver.y. Also Mc. Wilfred Ahli- son is cecfined te bis bed, we also wisli hi; a specdy reovery. Miss Stîsie Laird xxviI1 give an eccetuut off lier trip te and from the Unit.ed Kiegdom, aIse bec ex- porionîces as an exelienge, barber for thie pest x cor, on Sundev afler- noce. Chturch sehool service will stert at 2 p.;. \t Mc. Bob Stevens Jr. bas ce- turced from spending a cotUDlo off 7 weoks x'.ith Mr. Alec Strike aI Lake Manitu,.3 Grotîps off agricuittural students frcmn the vocaticiiel sebocîs off the Norbh Central States will attend th(, Canadien National Exhibition Ibis vear as usuel. They are pac- PAGE TWELVE -là 1 1

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