TUE UAADIAN TATElAr4 O WMANVILLE, ONTARIO -------------- SEL,.. T R... - - BRING YOUREL MESSAGE BEFORE4 PAGE THUITEE PAY - CASH AND Pý SSAVE-MINIMUM COST 35c PER AD BIRTIIS IN MEMORIAM Articles For Sale BROWN-In Bowmanville Hospi- FORDER-In ever loving memary WHITE enamel caokstove. Ap- tal an August 19, 1948, ta Mr. and of aur dear husband and father, piy 6 Centre St. 35-1 Mrs. Jack Brown (nee Nonah Jas. H. Farder, who died August- e C N D ASTE M Hayward), a son. A littie brather 28, 1943. FOLDING pram, $7. 35 Temper- TA for Linda and Ted. 35-1*. "His thoughts were ail sa ful af ance St. Phone 903. 35-1w' us, POLLEY-Mr. and Mrs. George He neyer could farget, MAN'S bicycle, $12. Phone 2366. W. Polley, 3 Coleman St., Bow- And so I know that where he is 35-11 manvilie, are happy ta announce He must be watching yet. l s i e d the birth of their daughter, Bon- As angels keep their watch up JOHNSON outboard motor. Ap- nie Linda, in Bawmanvilie Has- there, piy 56 Lamb St., phone 2921. pital on August l9th, 1948. 35-P' Please, God, just let him know35* That xve down here do not forget, - SAYWELL-To Mr. and Mrs. We love and miss him so." OVAL Findlay cookstove; kitchen atteOhw eea optl adfml.35-1 Phone 2214. 35-d1r i u g a e on Tuesday, August 24, 1948, a EFFECTIVE JANUARY 23, 1948 daughten, Joan Marie. 35-1 HOOEY-In loving memory of THREE carnened kitchen cup- Mrs. Lissa Hooey who passed board; chesterfield and chair. WEARN-Mr. and Ms .L away August 18, 1945. Phone 710.' Wearn annaunce the binth of thir "This day brings back the mem- daughter in Bowmanville Hospi- ory DEERING corn bînder, ties them BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, tai on August 20th, 1948. 35-1 0f a dear one laid ta rest, laying down, in good working CARDS 0F THANKS - $1.00 per insertion And those who thînk of ber today condition. Phone 2341. 35-1 WEAVING-Mr. and Mns. R. J. Are the anes who.laved her best." Weaving (nee Muriel Moore), are -Ever remembered by nephews, FLEURY-Bisseîi manure spread- IN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus 10e a uine for verses per Insertion happy ta annaunce the birth of nieces, brother and sister. 35-1 ers for immediate delivery. R. W.NTCS OEGEETATCE O AE their son Rickey William, at the Baîl & Son, Taunton. Phone Osh..NTCS OIGEETATCE O AE Private Patient's Pavilion, Toron- KELLY-In memory of Isabelle awa 163W3. 33-3* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, WANTED, ETC. ta General Hospital on Wednes- L. Kelly, who passed away August - day, August 18th, 1948. 35-.1'* 29, 1947. SLENDOR Tablets are effective, 2 Cash Rate: 2c a word (min. 35c). Must be paid before insertion. _____________________Th ere is a link death cannot sever,' weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at If Charged: 3c a word (min. 50c). Add 25e extra for box Love and remnembrance last for- Jury & Loveil, and McGregor's numbers or replies dlrected ta this office. MARRIAGE - ever. Drug Stores. 35-11 DAW-HLLS-he mnniaa h er remembered by Peggy. beannounc-ed f tart aer, _____ 35-1 MAROON Pram aiso Misîses sîze Additional Insertions at Same Rates) younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. KELLY-In loving memary of aur mink trim. Mrs. Gardon Gray. ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE IN NOT LATER E. Daw of Hampton, Ont., ta Joyce dear daughter and sister, Isabelle, Newcastle. 35-P' THAN NOON WEDNESDAY. Cash, stamps or moneyj Olive, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. -yvhc passed away August 29, WANThl0ak inn al;odr~Ith rdr t^ e o ae John Huis of Enniskiilen, Ont. The 1 947. ANThlrak iigtbeodrwt re ogtlwrt. marniage was salemnized quietly "Oit and oft aur thoughts do wan- buffet; six leather seated chairs; i n T o o t o a M y l O h T e d e r w a s h s t a n d . A p p l y 5 1 T e m p e r - C U young couple wiil make their To the grave not fan away, ance St., Bwmanviîîe. 35-1* CLIP THIS OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCE home in Oshawa. 35-1* Where we laid aur dean da ughter wiîhvcanesbugnar and sister, Iwl aecnre ugrgr DE T SJust one year ago taday." and supplies, starting September DEATHS ~-Ever remembered by Mother, lst. Mrs. R. Robinsan, 142 King Lvsoc o aeFrR n ANNIS-At Bawmanvjl op- F. ther and brothers. 3,5-1* St. East, phone 916. 35.1 ___________ For__ SaleFor_____ tai, an Monday, August 23rd, 1948, ARY digyCLF for vealn.AsiW Gus Anjpis, beloved busband of CAR DS 0F THANKs AROD inhy sail new îast C in0Autn 0od, ROOMS witb modern convenien- Beatrice Annis, aged 53 years. M..G tvn ibst x season, ready ta sail away. F. A. Bowmanvilie. Phone 2388. 35-1* ces on highway east of Bowman-0 Puneral under Masanic auspices tedhatettak ahsnih ilnCtae a 8 et PUREBRED Jersey bull caif, two ville. Phone 2218. 35-1 tedhatettanst i eg-Beach, Bwmanville. 35-1el weeks old, will register. Clifford COTG,0t ot i o fromn Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- bans and friends for their m any CALTwTeaGEC,________boat.___Big____ob,' mveItertBwmnil kind expressions of sympathy and AL haCrneli and Dawson Swallow, phone 2219. 35.1'i Lake, Minden. C. J. Brown, 45 ____help during bis Sad bereavement. Golden Cbaff, grawn fnam first TWENTY-FOUR Rock pullets. 3 Temperance St. 35-1* P BROWN-In Bawmanvilie Hospi- 35-î1' generation seed. A. L. Blanch. mantbs aid. Phone 2865 after - t ard, phone 2544 or 2231. 35-1* 5:30. 35-1 TWO upper, 'heated, furnisbed hr tai, August 19, 1948, James Brown, Mrs. Roy Langmaid wishes ta - housekeeping moins; business peo- S bloived -husband of the late Jane thank most sincerely tbe nurses F IVE h.p. outboand mator and 12- MATCHED team of gney mares, pIe preferred; abstainers. Write E. Rae, in bis 79th year. Inter- and doctors for kind attention ft. boat, thnee ft. deck, $275, ail weigbing about 1400 lbs. Quiet, Post Office Box 5, Bawmanville. M',rât Bawmanvifl cemetery. while in Bowmanviile and Wes- new last Juiy. Apply Cottage 44, good wonkers. Rising eight years 35-1 t tern hospitais and also ber many West Side Beach, Bawmanville. aid. Phone 2419. 35-1* C________________ LAKE-At the residence of her friends for their lettons, cards, 35-1*RGSERD Jrsycw, due Wanted to Rent a' daughter, Mrs. Alfred Brown, f-ower and god wiJerseyay "SIL Broken Front, Newcastle, on Mon- tbanks. Jan day, August 23rdand 1948, Elizabeth ,SILNT Giow" ail humner and Ja. 8th: two grade yearling heif- CI_______________ dayAugut 23d, 148, lizaethtwo 45-gailon drums complote ers, well bred. Must seIl ta make A home for four bouse-broken b, Ann Lake, beloved wife of the 1 would like ta thank the doc- with taps, and 90 gais. of ail. D. room. Phone 2585. 35-1 kittens. Phone 844. 351* cï lote Wm. C. Lake, aged 77 years. tors and nurses for their kîndn ess J* Gilh aoley, 84 C hurch St. Phone TWO gaod wark haorses,- 6 and 8 SALbue rtreufrib ~Iesting at the Morris Funeral during my stay in the haspital, 2220. 35-I4* years aid; also .1 Holstein boifer ed r os Uretly eeded byish peB w a vle ni o- alsa the two gentlemen w ho caîf 2 mantls aId. Sid Connish. v u - o pe wt m l a y day afternoan. Thonce at the braugbt me in from the accideint. DRESSER, oak, two poal tables; Phone 2818. 'on opewt ml ay sidence of ber son, W. T. Lake, Many thanks alsa ta those who two 10 bail machines, doar frames, -_______________ Please phone 986 Bwavle tii Thunsday noon. Service in sent flawors, fruit, cards and gifts, building equipment and cuphoard. 35 young Yonkshire pigs, 7 ta 10 Bawanvilo t. George's Anglican Church at etc., tbey were appreciated. Appiy Wmn. Wilcox, 58 Queen St., weoks aid. Phone 2487. 35-1'* p..Interment St. George's 35.-1* -John Stainton Bawmanviîle. 35-P' WILL seil privately eigbt cows-Rom& oad W ne - &metery. - ~~~~two fresb Hoîstoins and six athers, o m&B adW ne - McBID-Dedsudeny t is COMING EVENTS WOMAN'S winter coat, spring due in December and Januany. ROOM and board accommodatian McRD -I ýsddnyathscoat and fur shortie coat, ail sizo Phone 298f). 35-1:1 for high scbool girl. Phone 2113 late residence, Caledon, Ont., on Dance at Tyrone Hall, Satunday 16; man's Elysian avercoat: Child's 3.*H Monday, August 23, 1948, Edwin August 28. Ëuth Wilson's Variet< xinter outfit 3-piece, size 3. Rea- PetsForSal C. Cook and Mns. H-. C. McClureBnd Amisin-OcP saae pieseran Dupenrne._35-1 _____ ROOM and board wanted for Higb 28 Bowma vill, in hiVetenanar. eAvenue.n a 35-1 FEM5,ALýE-deci- hound: also good Scbool girl who wauld assist witb th( Bowanvîîeinbis77t yer. ResrveSunay Setemer *TARNOFF" givos youn car the farm Callie. Apply 10 Bnadshaw bousewonk as part payment of Masonic funeral service from the and Monday, Soptember 6, Labor bnand nexv lok.1'No washing, na S . 351*I board. Write Box 119 Statesman residence, August 25. Intemment Day, for the annuai Harv est Home poihn~utdyda yrb fie 5 1 Boston Milis cemeteny. 35-1* at Tî'rone. 35- bing "Tarnof' on, and wiping off. Rel steFo Sae _______________p The adie ' Au ilia y Ca adia 16 az. tn 60c; 36 oz. tin $100. At C ENGAGEMENTS Th1ais1uilayCnda McGregon & Company, and O-BIDN o nPopc . 5 Help Wanted Au Mm adMn.Frn Ds ey, ona, lArugust meting94. s n _Os-BUILDIG__otnProsect__t___0_A Leona i1reuemetnsa borne Service Station. 35-1 ft. frontage, 166 ft. deep. Mrs. WMNwt ae blt.I-Te: Toronto, announce the engage- theme is important business ta dis- NEW set Case spring tooth bar- Brust, 103 Sugog St. 32-tf trsigwr tyoronhus e ment of their daugbter, Mary, ta css please try ta attend. 35-i rows; u1sod set spning taatb ban- TWO bouses in Onono. Ownem Pays weil. Write Box 117 States- Donald Kenneth Cox, son of Mr. roxvs; used rubber tired wagon; wiîî move same ta Newcastle arW marn Office. 35-2* and Mrs. Kenneth E. Cox, Bow- Dance wili be beld in the New-1 spring toath scuffilens; water sys- wihl sei reasanablv. Inspection in manville. The marniage wvill take castle Commuoity Hall on Labon tomrs; Swift Canadian fertilizor. invited. Choose your lat. Con.-'MALE-Capable Machine Sbap the place Saturdav, September ,itb' Day, Monday, Sept. 6 under the W. H-1-. Brown, Case Dealer, phono tact Evelyn E. Cooke, Real Estate Instructor required for September ta 1948, at 7 o'clock in Runnymcde auspices of Board of Management. 97 35-1 Broker, Newvcastle. 35-1 lst. Age unden 40. Ex-service, Sel United Cburch, Toronto. 35-1* Russ Creighton and bis new 7- ----_________ and good persanaiity. Apply, Su- rom place band in attendance. Admis- INTERNATIONAL tractor on FO ciUR roam summon cottage at peintejidont, Ontaio Training Tw sion 50c par Persan. 35-2 steel, eau sea warking; tractor Bawmanviîie Beach. Almost im- Scbool for Boys. 35-1 mei Plows; tandem diss; wagons; mediate possession, iglhts andth Il EIdad United Chunch will be pump jacks* Case 14 inch ham- weîî water. Screened porch. AVON Products requîmes Sales cas, reopened and dedicated Sunday, mer null; mýilking machines, and Livable yeam round, sacrifice sale Rersnaiei ot owman. u ________________________ Auust29t, wth ervcesat usd oail stove available. for casb-SI,loo. 'Apply A. E. ville and Newcastle. Part tino. TO FRE CAL B IfAD-7and 7:30 p.m. Rev. J. V. McNee- Phone Carl Tadd, Clake 15-20. Murdch, Real Estate Braker, Pleasant. Good income. Write F ly, president of the Bay of Quinto 342* Oshawa. 34-2 Box 116, Statesman Office. 352* tur IR N E M ANM 'h fenoi ermne, sit NEWAugust sale vlour Daveno DWELLING in Orono, 6 roans, MAN wanted fan Rawleigh busi- '(or ~/~'\ ST OK E R çs ed b3, Rev. Ivan Kennedv, chair- S74.50; thrce-piece velour chester- furnace, bath, bardwaod faons es.Slit-,50fmilies lu of In an Oshawa Prosbytery, 'field suite S169.50; electrie range, immediate possession. Bowmarîviîîe. Good profits for nci C ET 30% 1Camroont Rev. Walter Rack- fur bumer, low aven, $13950; bustiers. Write today. Rawleigh'si 221 MORE HEA ham, Manilla, former ministen elti spring-fiîîed mattresses, $24.95; DWELLINGS..We have several Dept. ML-H14SMnra pg Eldad, wiil have charge f the slat spings, $12..f0; baby cribs, houses in Bowmanville, frame and -140-S, M 32t4eaipi ovening. The chair, under the $2450. E. Murphy, phono 811. brick, good buys, ealy possession. uec.3-ofn: leadkrshipghf Mrd.mJohn Baker 35-1* FARMS-Our famn listing wi]l BECOME an independent businesssh Oshawa, Miss Lena Calrawl O, OSHAWA'S new fumnitume store- have sornething ta suit your needs. man and yaur own aoss. I uMOI ]Phone 2384 3 King St.W. mnanville, and Mr. Glenn Allin Evemything in modern chester- aood aleisman aply at one a cer Newcasle, __________ 5- field, bedroon an d dining raom WANTED-Small fanms, 25 ta 50 are amas, aindustriasondea eî Now asto, olasts - suits, and studios. Bedding and acres, n ar Orono or B wmanviie. Blue Brand Products C ., 7227, floor covonings a specialty. Quai- We have buyers for these. lAlexandra, Manntrea, ueec 1928Essx Sean emfmld 99; oube don gassly toues up liver-keeps bowels 1928 ssex edanwardrohes. special, $47.95; walnut active-restomes good health-ne- REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- indlu COM AD EEOU IID SEECIO 0 OIof seeales9c $.a9n;tcorn be c ab .3,5-1 1eraters, domestic and commercial. also COM AD SE UR ID SEECIONsPcfe ablesc $999; tcordertabes -aleHiggon Electnie 42 King St. E., hook i mets S1295; hetter qualibv ches- H Y G I E N 1 C suple rbe phono 438.26thie 17SED CARS IN PERFECT CONDITION torfield1 suites, S159: foît base fonr goods) mailed postpaid in plain sprni coverings, special 69e so. .d.: Fi-ast scaled envelope with price list. NEAT-Way Shoe Repaîn: Good, case Cas - TrdeIn * Eay er s King ice boxes, S4. 50; studio Six samples 2,5(-: 24 samples $1.00. - ubstantial worknianship, reliabil- eoanm Cash Trad -InsEasy erms couches, extra special. $49. Brad- Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov,-Rub- ijtv, dyeing, soling, sewving, etc. Wm. lev Fiirnttume Company, 38-40 ber Ca. Box 91, Hamilton, Oný, Tnyv the Neat-Way, opposite Bow- Aucti iRing St. W., Osbawa J5-tf 27- 9 manîville Cleanenu, 7-tf Notices FARM SOLD CATTLE SALE The office of Apha I. Hodgins 1 have been authorized to seil by will be closed until September public auction forE.A er l5th. 35-.3* 1 (,.; will offer 80 head of Stocker, year Sam SmifhLI and a half and year-olds, ail beef Dr. C. W. Slemon's office will HALF MILE ]EAST 0F NEWTON- breeds, at bcelcosed from August 28 to Oc- VILLE ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY, on HAYDON FARM, East of Ennis- tober 20th. 34-3 W dedy ef killen, in Darlington Township, on Dr. Storey's office will be closed W dedySp. Sa turday, Augusi 28ih July 3Oth to September 8th, incu- The following, t13 'l: sive 30-* HO SESW hy flot get your su ply when Wanda's Bauty Shop, 80Kin Grey Percheron mare, 7 years; selling cheap and weaher condi- St. West. Permanents that maing lack Percheron mare, 7 years; tions good. Our stockers are now permanent customers. For ake- bay mare, 7 years. allowed to go to U.S.A. points thus pointments, phone 2851. 33-tf DURHAM CATTLE making them scarce in the future. Roan Durham cow, 8 years old, Buy your cattle from Werry-all registered, bred May 15th, heifer T.B. tested and delivered. Notice to Creditors calf at foot, 6 months; red Durham, JACK REID, Auctioneer 35-1 cow, 6 years old, registered,'heifer Ail persons having dlaims against, calf at'foot, bred June 13th; red the estate of MAUD REYNOLDS, cow, 6 years old, bred June 22nd; FURNITURE SALE lat - he ownofBowmanville, red cow,3 years old, bred June in the County of Durham, Spins- 3rd, milking, heifer caf at foot; 1 have been authorized to sell ter, who died on or about the 7th roan cow, 5' years old, bred in by public auction for day of August, 1948, are required April, milking; red cow, 6 years F ak upro to send to the undersigned at old, bred August 16, calf at foot; akD pro Hampton, Ontario, full particulars roan cow, 5 years aid, bred Aug- 3 VETEA' V. omnil of the same on or before the 30th ust 14, caif at foot; roan cow, 6 ToA n V. B~mnil day of September, 1948, aftcr years aid, caif at foot, not bred; which date the assets of the de- Durham heifer, bred May 3;1rI 8Airief9 ceased will be distributed having Durham heifers and steers, 12 to SaturdayA Lug~ust 2 regard only to the dlaims of 14 months; Durham bull, 2 yearsJ The following valuable which the Executor shall then aid, registered. P.S. 4 heifers are HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS have notice. vaccinated, ail are vaccina ted for Chesterf-ield suite, 3 pe., (nearly DATED this 26th day of Black Leg. new); kitchen suite, 5 Pc., chrome August, 1948. LUMBER finish (nearly new); antique bed- JOHN REYNOLDS, Exec-atcr, Quantity of good lumber, ash, roorn suite, 5 piece; mattress; by APHA 1. HODCINS, basswood, hemlock.i bedding: electric washing ma- his Solicitor herein. 3.5-1 I HAY chin~e (General Electric) nearly 2 mows of hay (mixed); 2 fields new; walnut desk and chair (near. Notice To Creditors of buckwheat. ]y new); child's bed (compete); GRAIN broadloom rug 9'xll (new); In the mnatter fthe estate of 50 bushes Coronation wheatldr-esser; bathroom hamper (near. Ernest Otton Roachi, late of the (app.); 150 bushels of mixcd grain y nex); lectric toaster. electrie Town of Bowmanville, in the (app.); -14 bag of afafa, red cov- iron; electric Silex, hot plate, car- County of Durham, Paymaster, er and timothy sed'. pet sweeper (almost new); two deeased. PIGS matchng lamps (new); bedspread Take notice that al persons 1 sow, bred May 5th. and drapes to match; 2 brass having caims against the Estate. POULTRY stands (good); 2 dcetrie radios-' of the said Ernest Otton Roachi 100 pullets, mixed breed; lectric dlock;ý folding cot; doit, ho died on or about the 7th day yearling hiens. carniage; child~s tricycle; sleighk; of July, A.D., 1948, are required IMPLEIVENTS cooking lutensils; dishes; silver' on or before the 4th day of Sep- Binder, Cockshutt, 7 ft.; mower, ware; garden tools and many tmber, A.D., ':148, to send iy pre- Frost & Wood, 6 ft.; 2 cultivators; other articles. paid registered post or celiver to seed drill; rubber tired wagon; P.S.-These are al good house- te undersigned full particulars iran wheel wagon; manure sprea- hold effects, practicaiy new, don't in writing of their dlaims and the der, Cockshutt No. 3; manure miss this auctian. security, if any, held by them. sprcader,' McDeering; disc, Cock - Ternis Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. And take notice that af ter the sh u tt; 1 set toboggan sleighs; 1i LE IBRAcine lst mentioned date the Adminis- et knee sleiglis; 2 rakes, McDeer- M R W L U , A cin e ratrix shal proceed to distribute ng; hay loader, MCormick-Deer-3- te assets of the said deceased ing (new); corn binder, McCor- imong the pensons entitled there- Ick; cir cultivator (team); roil ~, h vin regrd nly o t e re; gang plow, Crown; riding pow Stafford Bros. laims of which she shall then 2 fro;gn lw al ef MONUMENTAL WORKS iave had notice and ta the ex- 2 7igeow;2st hros usion of al others.i hay racks; 2 gravel boxes; 2 stone- Open Every Day aàted at Oshawa, this 9th day ofi beats; scales, 2,000 Ibs.; Renfrew and Evenings August. A.D., D48. separator (eectic); grindstone; Phone Whitby 552 Wiihelmina Annie Roach wheeibarrow; buggy, cutter, cart; 318 Dundas St. E., Wbltby Administratrix, by he#r Solicitor, pig box, egg boxes; window Joseph P. Mangan, K.C., frames; forks, hoes, shovels, chains ________________ 141/2 King Street East, and many other articles. )shawa, Onitaia 33-3 HARNESS TICKETS TO Two sets of team harness, good; EVERYWHERE - collars; horse blankets. A r al o t a s i Auction Sales FURNITURE AiRalor Suteas Canceled Auction Sale -Mrs. -Quantity of household furniture. JURY & LOVELL loward Walsh's auctin sal Terns Cash Sale 1 p.n. (D.S.T.) Bowmanvlle hich~s 'a2derie1or A g s E.7m-r W ilbur, auctioneer. 35-1 15 King St. W. Phone 778 anr notice. 35-1" Mns. Howard Walsh wvi'1 sal hy ubi auction on Satuî-day, Aug. t 28, at 1 p.n., at bon residance. humch St., Omona, (opposite the .mouies) ber household effets ems cash. Jack Raid, auction- r. 34.2*' The undemsigned has received structions fron the executors of te astate of the late Frank Stonei saîl hy public auction, Friday, ýptamber 3, at 1 p.n., at bis late sidence, Lot 10, Con. 5, Clarke wp., aillbis farm stock, impie. ents, hay, grain, etc. Fan fur- en particulars s00 bills. TernisI h. No reserve. Jack Reid, itionear. 35-2 F'arm stock, implemants, fumni- 'e, etc., the praparty of Cranston ott, Lot 5, Con. 6, Danlington -e mile sauth and 0 mil as luding team of Clyde geldings; head of cattie; five sows and tan s; poultny; bay and grain; full ie of implements and quantity fumniture. Sale at 12:30 p.m. E L IG M rp. Tenms cash. Theron FROM YOUR OWN FAVORI untjay and Everton W hite,CO LE E N AT R ?ks. Clifford Pethick, auctian- OPE IATR 35-1 2f Livestock, hardwoad and sane 2f ilements, the praperty of Leslie Cochrane, Lot 28, Con. 9, Dan- gton Twp., 1 mile ast of En- Yardley of London d, Satunday September 4, 1948, sisting of 14 milk caws, 301 Lavender id young cattia; 8 hanses; 6 pigs; Perfume .-81.25, $1.95, $3.00 =res of number ana, dry bard-r Lotus Cologne . 1.50, $2.50 d, m ap le and boach, good road a e d r S e l ng S l s -- 5 trucks. Purchasars bave tililaedrSeinSat 6e oe lst, 1950, ta remave Wood, Bond Street 'ms cash. Sala at 12:30 sharp.I Perftume $3.50, $4.50 non Mountjay, clark; Clifford Lavender Dusting Powder $1.65 hick, auctianoor. 35-2* Yardley Lipsticks - ---- --1.25 'e undersigned bas received ,ructins ta soîl by public auc He naRb sti 1for Mns. Win. Tomdiff, 971I an St., Bawnianvilîe, on 'Sat- 1 Apple Blossom ay, August 28, the followingý Cologne' 85c, $1.25 iture,. antiques, etc.* j Heav-en Sent 4-piece walnut bedmoom Cologne $1.00, $1.50 e; 4 dressers; .3 iron beds, Api ison edrn ,esses, et; 1 chest of draw- Creani 95e sevaral smali tables, pictures, s; ornamants, looking glasses; %Apple Blossom Dusting que side boards; 2 extension Powder -1. ..8$150 ng room tablas; ward robe;; Apple Blassom Bath naphona and records; odd )iOl $1.25, $Z.25 -s; dishes; gems; crocks; gran- Apple Blossom Soap wara, etc; 2 card tables, lawn single cakes -,.--------.. 70e ver; scmeons; 2 scoop shavels; ion shovels, tools of al; kinds, ading boas, forks and rakes; kitchen chairs; Morris chair; case and writing desk con- d; nattan rocker, arnd walnut J U R Y C g rocker. Salo at i p.m nli of ain sala wvill ha held i- YOUR REXALL J. Challis Theron Mountij-., Phone 778 WeTs Yu joneer Clark KNOX AMBER HONEY 15c per lb. BRING YOUR OWN CONTAINERS TO Honey - House ORON 0 Chas. IR. Knox HONEY AND FUR FARMS Orono Phone 64 r 2 Lisî'en to the ONTARIO STOCK YARDS BULLETIN jeaturiag WALLY FORD ever' Tuesday morning _____.HEX 1430 735 a.m. ISatisfying Service STE VEN'S Phone822 MN SPECIAL! [TE NEGATIVE TO SIZE 4"x6". ACTIVE STUDIO FOLDER or 29c -T Effervescent Salis English Style Saîts -----59e AIka Seltzer.........2 --- 9c, 57e Enos Fruit Saîts ---- 59c, 98c Rexali Grape and Lemon SaIts --- ý--- ------69e Sal Hepatica -.-33c, 63c, $1.27 Brama Seltzer .... 25c, 49e, 95e Kruschen Salts ------25, 69e Fragrant Gifus Yardley Lavender Soap 3 cakes in box........-8 1.35 Adrienne Soap, 3 cakes -- - 1.00 Two Cakes Old Spice SueaP and bottle Old Spice Toilet Water, box--- - -0e Friendship's Garden Soap 3 cakes in box- - -----..1.20 Canadian Sea Pine Soap box 81.00 i adc pi VoesSa 3 cakes nbx----.L3 'es fi is Done Properly C.N.R. Ticket@ £'HURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1948 1 DRUG STORE