PAGE FOUR How Delegales Are Selecled Io Alleni Conservative Convention ai Ottawa How vwî11 Progressive Conserv- office ýwithin the party organiz; atives across Canada be reprewnt- tion. ed at the three day national con- vention of the Part v in Ottawa The Ex-Offiejo, Delegates ai starting on September 30? expectccd 10 number 237. Tii A statement from Progressive wvîl1 be; Ail Pravy Counicill Conservatîve Convention Head - sîlpporting the Prçgrcssive Coi hongservative Party, (18>; ail Progre quarters gives a tablechwn sive Conservative Se.îators, (21 representation from coast to coastai Progressive Conservatihased uipon the 255 electoral ds Vebr fPrimn,(7 tricts aUthorized for the next gen- Progrsieof nerlaetiv(6 Me ora elctin hlas yer'sreds-bers of Provincial Legisiature tribution legislation in Parlia- (,()0); ail Provincial Party' Lea( ment. Liherals based their con-* ers. (7); ail Party executive off vention mn the 24.5 seats in the cers and chairmen of Conventic present House off Commons. Sub-Committees, (31). The Pr( Altogclher there wîll ho 1.313 vincial Party Leaders, althoug delegates entitled to corne 10 the shown here, are flot includedi convention. v'ote for a new leader lie total because they are othe, for the partY and discuss the res- wîse qualified to be Ex Offlu olutions. which will form a re- Delegates. stalement of party polic.v. In addition there wl be tY Thrse fal mb three grotips.. Delegates-at-Large, expected1 Fýrst there are the delegates wvho number 311. Eaci province is ci are enfitled to credentials by xir- titled to send as many Delegate tue of parliamentary office ori at-Large as it has federal seat iHear Dowmanville On the Air "Thi*s Is -Our Town" A NEW RADIO PROGRAM over STATION CH19UMJ DIAL 1050 Each Tuesday at 5.30 P.M. (STARTING AUG. 17, '48 UNTIL OCT. 5, '48) Sponsored by the following progressive Bowmanville merchants THE RADIO SHOP MqcNULTY'S SPORTS & CYCLE THE CARTER FANILY Bakery andi Restaurant LLOYD ELLIS SHOE SHOP Repair and New Shoes BOOST YOUR TOWN OTHER BOWMANVILLE MERCHANTS ARE INVITED TO JOIN THE PROGRAM. ENQUIRIES SHIOULD BE ADDRESSED TO: E. G. HINES, e/o RADIO STATION CHUM 225 MUTUAL ST., TORONTO Hear Your Neighbours on Each Programn À Attention Fa BIGGER AND BETTER TH> NE WTON VILLE scw CuI TC ) tIIVu YCUL Ail New Up-to-date Equir Complete line of Shur-Gain and . Canada Packers Fertili: CUSTOM GRINDING, MIXINO, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO jLists off these are cornpiled -by the t "'~ 1 ~ o o ni a a a Cr cerned with systems of goverfi. provincial Progressive Conserva- r± u Lr n ±±ma ~ ~ ~ rI ~S ieL a ment but with a worid-wide con. id tive Associations and tie dele- ______________________________ Pays Near $250 h e Gi L a flict off ideologies. gates are supposed 10 provîd i"cfý. ~ ~ ~ ' f~ Where do we find a solution to cross-section off the comrnunitv . ,And . .Poultry D h g ihs rIlm ffrorn labor 10 business, from farm-_____i"Tie busines off the world is thspo1m ing b lthe professions. These wil' Darlington Council met Augusl the business o fevery Canadian."1 Men off goodwill everywhere a- total 255. 5th with Reeve K. Squair pre- F d of our Members off Par- know that moral standards and Addd lobthem will be special siding. liament, a former House leader., the guidance off God are the cil Cornitte appinte 10 etterccntlv. He referred 10 the two sure foundation fôr personal and reYouth Delegates -at-Large repre- xvih Jmes St ark eine ogse- deooestrvn frpo rin ainllf.Thyin le- aesonting t're Young Progressive, ihJmsSak e n osr-1h 'lockîs trioffroer ntindae i x ed nthe iovI erarn eyConservatîve Associations as fol- ported that they, had not settled th ccpitoErpe'an.x- yePrseinteor-chg orslosOtaian Qubc ie ,u pressed tie belief that the survival ideology off Moral Re-Armanient. <of whm fur ustbe ~ V - Canada's democracy depends This ideo]ogy goes deeper than ~ , othe provinesputtdaageliai forobat upon lier giving a lead to the thle polilical or economic systems es oigwomen); terpoineheing injured by pItinafootgotting away from any oe which men disagree. Its fouit- .1thre oaci (off whom one must be tirough a hiole in a metal culvert l"olfie.dtnismrladprtulc- ve 'a voung wornan). AlFo rated as ;vps i-eccived. lie adjuster sug-aofes.dinismrlndprtulc- ail De legates-al -Large will be lie off- gse htteCuii ivsok "" is pa na uie ito pnwiha mno r-ficers off the Progressive Conserv- . gse ha h onclLvs o "e anust seak in united Vgooicto n onavicrilITeno CS, ative ~~~~~~~~~-- ~~Valîsers value this animal and re - an berdy1tro aigowilcngee aieStudent Fueraionand one ot1 i nsrneCrpn. our weigtito thle international It is a uniting ideology which in d- delegale from each universitv Clifford Pethiick applied to have picture 10 back up our principles,." 1 proving consistently and ona ff- i cluii. There will tierefore be 56 . Here is sound tiinking that should wvor]d scale that men and women OhDeegts-t-area s'dewalk raised and repaired in penetrate the minds and hearts off every nation, clas creed, back. [1 eeaeatLre representing Enniskillen. Counicil agreed I o - adinad1gru ndpntovewcnu- 0o young mon and \women directIv-. place gravel and cernent enougi off andtv e trxhere nd grounand d itof whan u ii Boti youti and Canadas W0-i make is realize tiat i ud l n fgtfrwa abest for inh meiîfolkutllhead naasw«.fr h o.imental problem todai is not con- lir country. in eiiol'\ýillberepresented agaîn nlsgvasumyi er- -and in larger nurnîers-among J. R. Reý od aeasmnr ci0 tie riding represeiitatix7es xvho off lie Assessrnent Roll. will ho tie largest block off dele-- Reeve Squaîr reporled Ihal he hoi gales at the convention. Each fed ; and James Brown had inspect toeral riding asoiation-caIcuIat- lie waler course lirougi lie Mm Wrnic o F a mr .~ed on the new federal House mnem- Clemience fxas agdreable 10hae es-iership off 2555-will he entitled Wien Mr. and Mrs. Blake (Lois Austin and George Eldridge) thle dilci oponed up. IF YOU lIANT VS~ TO REMOVE 101 R DEAD FARM 6TOCK to send re egas for eaci arrive home with their daugiler Joan (June Carlson) they flnd After consideirabie discussion WîITHIN AN HOI R WITHOUT CHARGF doule roomier constituencies, no taxi is 10 be had at lie raitwav station, lie popular high Darlington Council agîeed to have dobe mme osiunl s hool teacier, Carl Blackburn (playcd by Hardie Alirigil) the vvord "Construction" added 10to" ~ ~ ~ suci as Halif ax. %vil] send six dol- cornes along and offers to give lie Blakes a ride home. In lne agreement and %vith tiat addi- Cali us ollect, .uowmanvile 2679 egates. The,- xiii also hie enlilled i appreciation,' a fow weeks later Mrs. Blake demands Blackburn tion leave lie agreement as il now t endaelgal 0 i nu ie lae- e fired from his nost on lie higi school faculty. The scene is stands, between Darlinglon and FOR CRIPPLED HORSES WE PAY$180 nt eor absetooegante. ac from ,,Mom and Dad," lie new hygiene picture which cornes to Clarke Couincils re Town Lino SHG A _ off sick o betdI t..thie Royal Theatre for ant engagemnt starting, August 30. Elliot Division. 1_S__ S -------- ---- 8-0 A special requesthlas gone outt Fories. nolod radio conîmentalor on healli and hygieno xiii G. F. Annis visited lie council: AND FOR OLD HORSES AS$30 to lie riding ascain frornJ appear in person here, -with the attraction. regarding weeds and their des- $IG0.AS0 M. Macdnnnell, K.C.. M.P., Pre-- ruction. I H A --------------------------- ident of tie Pr-ogressive Conrv- olveAsoiain f CnaathtClcrk was auithorized to inter- We are aile to pay these prices Ircause we feed the meat atveAsocatonofCaad, ha 'reat Record Mvade ±Near Drowning view Nelson Osborne re Parký theire siould ho at Icaqt one young Bulig10uac.t our ow'n animais. person and one -vomnan included i By Canadian Hols'tein Saved by Red Cross Buildigtsroadnee. E. F. among ever.v groupoftreid Marston, visiterf lie counicil re- A G IL F R A M ine delegales. The total nuniier OnIv a ver * select groîîp offSociety isAd garding lie xvater on Town Lino ..1,TRN of ridîng delegates, entitied to vote Carai cows have ever made east and norti off Highway No. 2. RR ,TRN will ho 765. l'early bulterfat records exceed- Red Cross First Aid material is Tiese bills were paid:I____________________________________ _______ __ Iing 1200 ibs, off butterfal. lie lat- up-to-date, effective, and helpful Relief $221- 1----------1 Ge erl ros est addition 10 tuis group is Sefl- and Red Cross is teaciing first aid Harold Quarrie, G n rlField r S ing Roy al Wing. a pureired Hol- to nurses in training, Boy Scout culting grass ------ - 13.50 Bes inMan Yers ton owned iv Albert Seiling. El- leaders. physical and health edu- G. F. Annis, mira, Ont., xvi-ose production o cation sturlents at Toronto Uni- il sieep inspection 10.90 lieAuus Motiy ro 1219 ibs, fat froni 28.505 ibs. milk versity. Because Wray Simms, a N.J. Woodie. TheAugst ontly ropRe-was made in 365 days on three guard at tie Dow Ciemnical plant i siheep inspection ---- 3.75 port issucd iv tic OntarioDea j- mesý-a-dayN milking under lie in Sarnia, iad a liorougi training Fred Roibins. ment off Agriculture lists estimat - supervision off lie Federal Deparl- in First Aid, a man is alive loday. sieop damages---------- 6.00 ed vields off field crops ,whicli montoff Agricultur~e. This is lie a man wio verY nriv lost his liffe Grant Bennett, show lie season off 1948 10 o l hé third higiest lhree limes-a-dav ,01ile swimming.sie daas- ---45 j best in recent yoars. Grain wa-, miiking record evor made iv 'a Mr. anpMdsmagmes -ee--is---Norma 4ro5n ]odgýed i0 sonie districts and hait Canadian Holstein. being exceed- ing relatives near Ingersoîl tuis sieep damages--------1735 took a toil in c(ertain areas but on1 cd onlv iy lie Worid Record off sommer and visited a swimming Sidney Worden, the xvioie the production was 126.1is,. fat made iy Monîvic spot on lie Thomes River known sieep damages -------- -68.50 considered excellent. 1 Rag Apple Colantia Aiiekerk at as Pearce's Landing. An aîorm Mrs. M. J1. Courtice, 1Acreage off faîl wheat was lie Mount Victoria Farims, Hudson spread liaI a mari was drowned. poultry damages - 87.50 gratest sinco 1910 and le ave-1 Heiglits, Quee, in 1941 and le Afer a consideale searci. thieT. D. Hogarth, July salary 145.00 age vie d, 32 us els per acre w asi 1257 ibs. iîiterfat m ade last ear àip f o m of a m n w s l c t d J . H g r i iod. lie total off 27,47.OOt) hii- eàl iy Rockwood Hoîsteins, St. hi s brotier-in-iaw:. Albert Barker H.E.P.C., street lighting 110.00 she Is is lie argest ever harvested Norbert, Manitoba. Only one 1]. off St. Thoma , t taiedinar'IH.E.P.C., service charges 4.05 inteprovince. S. Holstein hias exceeded "Wing's" iialrsrton meaeyJ.DHgrhCrk pine gîrains were ahove av- i!record, this being Peible Beach tifical wrsironheimed iatelim.HgatCek o rage. Total production is esti- Veda Seconda wilh a record Off and took tomns for nearly tw'o Tie Argentine 1947-48 sunflow- Es 2ae 15 million bushels , up 1227lis, fat hours. when lie man survived and o r crop is officiall o stîmated at 25 million usiels fOo liertn O e best day on lest. 'ýWing" uhs life was saved. 988 tiousand metie tons (2.178dy n fe vr a.I' ra ra year average and over 69 mi'- produced 110 ibs., milk (lie oquiv- Wray Simms look lie Red Cross million pounds) a 44 per cent in-.. oandft erya.I' aeltet lions in excess off 1947. Oats aie aient off 44 quarts) and in one instructr'cus nFtAdceaeoe i 97co n anytime. Pepsi's quîck deliciouî flavour really coned aIth41.7busels10peacre, monti gave 3,147 ibs. milk last winter. tînder lie auspices of!6f0 per cent increase over tie satisfies your thir3t, doesn't just tease it. So Mixed grains are estimated at 42.1InT charge off Winig" whie mak- Sarnia Township Brancli of Redi 1939-48 average. This is lie sec- wbenever you're thirsty, drink a Pepsi. * cmpaod vit anaveageoff37.. ng thus gî-oat record was Herman Cross: and feels that the saving off on'd official estimate and is 85.4 Bal, a elnd1Frees. a native off Eel River Cross- one liffe is a big divîden o stosn os(8 ilo i. acrageoff62210 b 929 ilts ng, N.B. u-ho is herd manager for eff orts. ielow lie firsî. year's 228.000 acres. Yieid this Mr~. Seiling. "Wing" is a richly vear is estimated aI 32.55 bushels ired mem ber off lie noted Rag9 per acre, as against 30.9 over lie Apple family, tracing no less than 10 year poîriod. Total tuis vear five limes 10 lie famous Johanna *will ho around 7,350,000 busiels. Rag Apple Pabst. iFal wheat figures for Durham-_________ ICounty are com-pacatively as fol- SOIT AR TX bow-s: IIE ANTX 1947 On July 14. 1948. lie Soviet Go- acres per acre bcîshels verniment iticreased lie tax on i 16,00188 46,2 far-m incomes off independennît 1948 fairmers. Members off co-operative ars pet-re ushrl; farms (Koicios) are affected onlv 19,300 32 617,600 t,0 lie extent tiat tiex derîve an o income from themr priviiege off Somte people pursue happiness. r cîltivating an acre off ]and and off Others croate il k leeping cowxs, pies and poultrv, as -- their income from Kolcios is'froc off tax. lie rate on lie basic amounit off 2.00)1 ruiles ($400) is increased from 8 10 il per cent. rm er ! Bsinss DrecoryThe Big-horn has been hunted out of Legal much of its former range in the United NN EVER îv. R. STRIKE, K.C. States. In Canada too, the Rocky i Barrîster - Solicitor - Notary Mountain Sheep je decreasing Money 10 Ican - Plion e 791 -easeo over-hunting an outrirtht 19 IL L Bowmanx'ille, Ontario ocig e o t anfcn LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. pahn;asto t anfcn Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Kh 1Ti-gSîretWBoravle horns is a pDrized trophy. If we in "BETTER VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY AT STAPLETON'S" A FINISH FOR EVERY SURFACE - INSIDE AND OUTSIDE - for sale by -I. F. c. CRGWE 101 ET G[N STREET - - BOIVMANVIi.' DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates off Royal Dental College. and Facully off Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 ar..10 6 p.m. daily. 9 a.m. to 12 nioon Wednesday. Closed Sunday. Office Phone 790 Resider'ce: Dr. J, C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudeli 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in is home 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 ar..10 6 p.m. daily 9 ar..10 12 noon, Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 - - 23-50 Monuments The Rutter Granite Compan7 Pbonef 501 - P 0. Box 622 Port, Hope, Ont. Opfometry_ __ JOHN T. McCREERY 22 Optometriýzt 22Division St., Bowmanville Office Hou rls: Monda'.v - T.îcsda.v, 7-8 Thursdav 2-8 p.m. Bowmanville 2024, Port Hope 248 The Carolina1 tered juet for Paroquet was elaugh- feathere, It je now extinct, a bitter leeson to us to preserve what we ccii o! our vanishing wildlife. TCARL RW II GES W*TERILIO. ONTARIO TOURS TO ENJOY - TOURS TO PROTECI Di 39 1 \4, or teitOcYIT BT cAeRtmeGIUs 77- 7ý ý- ' ýýll 1--ffl- ý . > - THURSDAY, AUGtYST 16, 1048 19