THUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1948. _________________________________________________________***ANADJIN STAT.LMN'BON fLW iA NVTLICE < ONT'A -- SPORT Firsi Juvenile Base Ends in Dispute in The first game in the 3-game! fel OBA. Juvenile District play- tat downs between Markiiam -and Bowmanville on the High School 3 diamond, Fridav ex'ening, cndcc 'i in a 9th inning dispute with thlin score 11-10 for the visitors. While boc the gabble continued, darkncss w fell and the game ivas ca]led bv - a an incompletc gamne it wou id ha-ve rfr to te playcd over agiin. ' q he fo OBA. executive wiil decide the1E issue. o The ruckîs carnc with thec bases cha loaded on 2 bits and a walk off idi pitcher Gallaghrr The itnird b)at- ýFa] ter bit a short fl 'v te Sellers init left who made a shocý-:tri!ig catch Lev at grass level as the runu crs ad- cd vanced. Thc bhall(idn't bouinceo, came up deran in the fielder 's mit.i the Capt. Galiaghcr then touchcd '2nd emnpty baFss to dlaim a triple put- ano out. Markham protested but the the umps called it as stated. at1 It %vas flot gooci bail save :n -CS spasms. Bowmaiinville hadrl an, 9 hi wcak spots but came from belhind cd, after Hamilton lefitu"n mouind Bi down 5-0 in the 2r.dý. Gallaghier crro took over and was assistcd in a stol( recovcry by two honiers lover the Hit fence by Levitt and B-iir. Both teams bootcd frc"ly on easv 1C( chances, 8 each. Markham's 9 hitsJ ing wanadian Mafion'a Col. K. R. Marshall, President Elwood A. Hughes, Geaeral Manager Let it Blow! YOU Won't Cire if Insulate Your Hom, Roof and ivindowvs thats .%here comfort and snialler fuel bis1 IVith Our hiow'er method of Ins betw'een the wails of Your homne. free estimate and let our experts cOmnfort lu cold %veather to coe PHIONE 4! SEALTII Home Il I ineffectiveness which left 10 men ' stranded on bases. The crowd Playoffs Start Sat'day Last Year's Champs Recreation Calendar howled wl4en Barr was told to In Football League Bow to B.T.S. Teamn N ES ~ steal home, score tied and noet Thursday, August 26th N E W S ~~out in the 5th. Gallagher!ea Courtice Leads Taking the ]ead in the first PpiCl s uas man walk ta 2nd in the 8th £nd i_______5_ PepsT.. efat i oayvs. Ruas. 7 catcher DeGeer let another rcarch Courtice Football Team, champ- inning th 5 rnscapo iesMk s B.T.S.deetFrayAust7h Ist on a strikeout. Young Frank ions of the Darlington League last ed5attear'lischmpiondkes .MF i ls vs. .T.S.,Mem relieved DeGeer in the 8th to stop year, won top place in the final M-5 a gthePbi colgons OF il s awoMm ~ba1l Tilt the scamper for passed bals.H Estanding by defeating Tyrone 3-0 Mi.'swern't blPtarcor Markham, 230 204 ()(X il 9 8 the same time Hampton won over n the th and ere n again inonday, vs Auguest O N int B'ville 030 132 10- 10 8 8 Enniskilîcn 2-1 ta take the second th. tadwr o able ta ser- Rurals s. MikTes.aAg 1 Umps-L. C. Murphy, Stouff- place in the roster. This leaves iul hetnteBTS edi ville, plate; Bill Bagneil, bases. the four top teams intheplay- any inning of the game.___________ il short of Bowrnanville's 8 inl downs before the winning two Ames headed the hitting with a al bases. cnetfrte14 hmin triple, followed by B. Williams' COF Girls Tie Scoring J-uniors Drop First 'st o te148camin with a double. Markam ot git c 2 unsThepiadows wîl ommnce Richards, the winning pitcher, VlWith Newtonville tarhe t a erronsan 2wl. OVVrunisviJJv , STurdpay eenngwith Hammptnechaîked up 4 strike-outs and 5 1 aria the 2s n i2 err n ak oW out Dsc Sanudarone ngingwin Orponmewalks. B. Williams on the mound Belles at ania the nd ith ou Deeèr nd ron tanlin inOron. Te for Mike's struck eut 3 and walk- )oted at 2nd on an easy relIer, Tight basebaîl ail the way In return gamne will be played 'n cd 6 I usiuigfrteMpeLa hicb resulted in 3 more runs as the first game cf a 3-game OBA Hampton the following Wednes- umr:BTS- us isiAlSa otalgiea h ot t n aksad a scthh the Bnowaonvîlle uirs ondthe IZion nd 2 errons. Mike's-5 runs, 6 Iponed Lions Carnival, Thursday It ak n cac omnil uir nte Cpurtice will play off with bii its and 4 errons. f vening, Newtonville Belles and e final 4 tallies in the 6th carne losing end in Wbitby, Saturday,10n Solina grounds simultaneously B.T.S.: Mason, 2nd; Connors, c; BowmanVillc's C.OF. Ladies put :)i 3 bits, 3 errons. wben the Wolves took the con- witb the rcturn game deciding theW.agelrfD. ilamstonapitecnttbeoeacd Bowmanvilie get 3 in the 2nd test 2-1. WiBasuel rfFD.ansiamaret;oadvisedtd cntta bftr le-e errons nd a ht sueHnFantoarDadsodandeSurrockworkedMiller, cf, Richards, p; Kowal, jstands then nain endcd the contcst 3 eror an a itby amiton Ddso an Strrck orkd 11phon-e league officiais in case Of 3rd; Slemon, ss; Pollard, If. in the finst cf the 5th. COF. had eo inc te3a but fanneGerd a the mviNaliesent rthe route for time and date changes, but the Mi'ke's: D. Ferguson, lst; Wil- the batting edge but their four anceto learbutfannd a he ill, Nol wnt te rute f above was the understand:ng son. ss; Summcrsford (5), Amas, errors contributed te the final tic 1 cvery time up in the game.f Whitby. The Wolves luckcd twO given the press. 1 c; C. Osborne, 2nd; B. Williams, at 5-5. Ils walked and sconcd in the h its in the 7th te win the cdge. Current, bettiirg k that Courtice p; Cameron. rf: McKnight, cf; The scores in cach frame al- i hoHmired nd 2 morn te ros s- an eWhtb ot 7 hitsabotieal- andHampton wjÎllbe the finalists White, 3nd; Hately, If. most indicate reciprocal courte- vithmrdad2mrecos ne.Wibygt7htmce2but Y0ou neyer cao tell. Dates cf sies. Hcre's how it went: First on Barr's smash, errored at errons. Bo-wmaioville clippcd 6 hits hie finals ill be annouinced in0-:scn,2, hr 1, int. Hamilton added another __n crrored once. That's the limit rf due course. In the meantime the Maple Grove Hawks f'ormt00:son2-2, fitrieiot.d .1-1 th, and Levitt waiked for the the rdpor-t rcccived b i o-Lciague will furnish an Ail-Star F aefoibhn nec rm i score as Gallagber singled for uITn. tc2m ta play Ulster United, To- Ti nee nand kp even ciii by crashing other bobbic. Barn's bomen in rente, in Tyrone Park, Soft'-" eut ktwohm usyFn oet S7th totalied the scnamble-out rot S ScDt. 4th or 7tb. The date has flot S o al. Game seethe issue settled on another 11-10 before thea debadle, P rs osGaine y________ rmd csion. its, 8er-rors, 7fanned. 7 wal: Giving Royals ytLencnfridnnFrdyth apeGav adtsOfGallagher "uimphed"' at 6 sole 12b,1-b, le" 1-3 T Acrin Hawks tnimmcd Ebenazer Tuxis the plate and Murray Tighe on 3owmanville: 10 runs, 8 bits, 8 o f the two eut of three semi-final bases.btefntc h it b 'ors, 14 fanncd, 3 walkcd, 7 To Port H p Teain scries. uimps got bis fingers crosscd, stub- le, 1-3b, 2 hemers, 10 left on. Port Hope Ontanios ivith twoH p With the score tied 5-5 ln the born y ignored the officiai score by pitcher, Falls. garnes won in the 3 eut of senies, iigte2dgmei tcMpeGrv rk o i f 3 outs on Newtonvil]c, made it Coaching Shifts Intermediate OBA plav-do\wnis, Put Plavigte n ae 4 oMal rvaboefo i uts te retire the side. In the oaching shifts and loose calc-i a peaac frte 3rd gamce 5-g'ame OBA Intermediate play - nuns. The big blow cf the innîng sa me rmCOF a nw contributed te BQwmanville's against Bowmanvihle Royals ~ o .iiseries iii Port Hope, Satur- was E. Finney's 3-run borner.itefanCFwson iha the High School grounds T7uesday dcv, Bew'manville Royals lest te Bath teams phae odbi ih ad n u stedlg avcing Pots ansdecine *bt'Port H-ope Ontarios te make the errons fexv and far between. This fell. on the apparent uîîderstanding ,uent twe straiglit wins for the could be because the Maphe Grov eva Sunary: rn, ht, that a fou!rth garne wouid draw ,Ports.ý infiaid bas be en skimmed and eros awtnle, 25 runs, 52htsl, 1 anothier big gate on their îhome "Iron Arii" Woods went th~ e lle1 aexrase iindt. akd,2soe groutnds. The payoff came ývlieîi route for Ontanios, w'bila 'Dutcb"' Ebenezen opcnad the scenîng Ports usad thraa substitute pitcb-1 Osborne wciit 5 frames for the! Ini the first înning whîen H. Snow- ers wbo let the RayaIs uit fraelv 1I Balas befora being reiievad bv den waiked the first four men ha 19 low, ncldin 4hom (r'la Piper. Woods allowad 10 faced. Tbey coîîtinuad te bold tha runs, 3 triples and 4 doubles. b its, faiîied 4, walkcd 1, hîeid 8r lead as a walk, errer and 3 bits Roaas rmnped home -withî a 16-31 straîîdied on bases, wbila bisr nettad themn 3 more runs je the liamns, Wilson bomrard. Rovais momîîdsmcîî alloead 14 faund bis ranîge and with B.0 1 RIws fne'batin pactce fbis, fanned 4, walked 4, stranded Snewdcn catcbiîîg oeaof bis best C oi g Royals 1hichndiay shaepenlown witb 3 an- gne ftaycar procaaded te ofensiv win tay harnthgamiroîshold Ebenezen te 2 runs for thie offninvPotHope. Atthaet RoaIs ro".'ili ctdw iatesnk ,T e Score: R H E irernaining 5 innings. Ail told 9 ... ..phayad bnlilant bail ail the wy Ports 3(12 042 00x Il 14 5; eut routa and 6 walked. Two taigail ficlding chances \Witb- U s Fair, Ohwplt;Maphe GoVrIoyIF UN utan teady gcout arn e, r ena cf te c. cfMoore, Pete, bases. 7walked, K. Staîker lçading off, P I L BC steaix he eas on n epofthbitsttof- scored 3 cf the Hawks' mns. the easo, ad kct his sattc- iThe second and ,,,ssibly the , e d save, in the 6tlî whîcn Ports Iîuv nles B a last garne cf thuis sanies is scbedul taiîa buce o lcro u ven eat d for Tuesday evaning. A repart fSati .------ o f the garne. Dagger Dawhcy op- Markham in Second wilha in îiext weak's papen. enedfe orts, was touchîed for If Maple Grave wins thay wîll f ""fanesandyIch ed 7. nT ahe Man- uePlaydown open a sanies witîî Courtice on B L 1V TA Leaguend ______._Ten an-Friday on a diarnond ta be chosenV TA Sager (Satchal Paige) Wakeiy lob- BwavîeJueieBs bai , Courtice. bcd show- benders -foc 4 frama Tcam wcnt te Markhani for the Ebenezen 1 3 O O i 1 O 6 with 'better success. second gamne in thoir 3,gama OBA Mapla Groea1 1 3 O 6 1 0 12 Ted Bagnaîl, lst up for Royals, playdowns witb Markham and bomred te spark the teani. came bom decisive winnens by a B lil N O T E : Hooper and Yeurtli doubhed, Gil 4-1 scr.B w an il il bit, Furey waiked and Manager The first game xvas calledinI A W BSC01 Ai Osborne singled a piîîch bit te Box'nanville b.v hie Stouffville Def eat CobourgIT AS WOB ICO pap the team for the reniainder! umps as "no contet' sinca it end- Inu County Town PIH..FRT TO ENT of the gaine. RayaIs scored in cd in a dispute in the 9th frama. ___PIHSFRT evary frarne but the 6th. The in- But bis repent te, tha OBA evid-P > ~~~~~field was again bnilliant , taking ently put a difforent construction P]aying under floodlights, thfA DSEicTOP ail chances without an errer, on the decisioni and the ruling was , Bewrnmanvilhe COF. Girls Soft- It Yotîrth was thea star witii4 bits, a ,vin for -Marklîam 11-10. bailTeaICE.e bleta quczIN inchudling a double, a triple andf Witlî a changed lineup in Mark- out a 7-6 ,vin ever Cobourg, SEVIE n a orner. Wilson bit for 3, oe a îiar, the locaîs wcnt te îown te .tlîat town on Tuesday nighît. PBI h orner, one a triple. Gilhoiolcy bit gct reveuige. Falls teck the Thora twa tearns bave phayedPULCSRIE HA fer 3, fielded 9 outs, bcd an lin- niounud anîd wciît the route w&itb twica bafone, oe game was a win Ulm assisted double play. HoopDený expcricncodl catcher Gaihaghier, for Cobourg and the ethen a tue SIGNIFICANTLYVIA 1 crashed 2 doublas. Its a winning rwbruro silnals lad te the remrnaî- garne, se that this victory for thie infield. able taily cf 15 stnike-outs fori local team avens up the sanies. Morgan caugbt 5 iiînings anîd Falls. At that, as the rbjts and Tha score standing at 6-6 for ratired te let young Gallagher pe ors coitumos shîow, the game tat n t înîg tloe it up for the rernaindor. Ho did. wais net on ico at anv tinie. But- like a tia game but Bowrnanvihhe SLeading bittons Yourth ancd Gil- toii.bav svitii two, bitsq, oe a carne thîrouîgh with the needed nun booley were bit -by the pitche ornoeu-, provcdthie deciding factor ini the 7th.' but net sîo\ved up. Thae 500 fanîs i in the scornug. Bo'rnivjIhe: Ellis, O'Rourke, at the gama bcd a field day wat- Juusttolencure that arbitrating Coche. Sbred, Perfect, Kilpatnick, cbing a total cf 30 bits in the \would ho completeîy fair the! Joli, WiIiatts, Kennedy. sitgfa st. tecuns agreo \Iax.ý Sid Litt la Cborg: Reedy, McEntae, Med- Srnrnary: Ports, 3 ru ns, Il1itof Boxymi-anville te 'ccli tbem at, b CobT o rL asy hw 1 errer, 5 fanned, i ,valk, 1 tlîcft, the plate. Thîe Stouffviliî urnps H. Masev, Shater, C. Smnith. 0 extra base clouts, 6 lcft on. liandicd them bases in a mariner to Royals, 16 runs, 19 bits, O or- give Markhia thie bre~aks. bhut as I ons, 5 fanned, 4 stole, 6 waIîks, 1lihe lflth imlper hae failed bis favse 4 doble,31triple,, 4 boYrnos, Ili orltrs in face cf Itle hocals limaIv let n.hftnc.Ump Little accidtbe aS CH OO L IR H E lic saw tîmoni, got ne rasphernie. Ponts 000 003 001 3 ilIi The finial gunie was proposci jRoyals 411 710 lix 16 19 0 for nmcutrai grounds in Oshawva but e Boyals--T. Bagnelî, If; Hochper, flic, final docision was te toss a* ss; Yourtb, 3h: Gilhooleoy. 2b; Wil- coi-n te pla.v cither iin Bowrnan- liamrs, cf: Wilson, lb: Furax'. p; vislle' or ýIarkham. Tt is boped ~ ""~ IW. Bagne]]. If: Morgan, c: Gal-i- hat1 at ncipaeli- h '~~1'~fl1"'t~~\'7S~~-'J ililx '.l~ ____ iHum Ta Ilo w, G. Jon(e, H. Bill We have speccalized ln: n te i F oncs Panoil L.Bm- Fountain Pans lU r "" t,ý,F Jns erel L i- Mechanical Penilsn Zlppered Loose Leaf F gedai oes lan etge ut., EnJa3 more Cobourg Girls Tie Nt ok n coldair orne In nd hat \ith Bowmanville this Fali and Wlnter by lnstalllng Insujators nomw Iho Bg isultionive an Prk or fne isulaiPi ateralsa rcturn game withi suItIn ie aripak or ineinuhain maerals. BowmranvilI CO.' F 4others Bri savlng labor, material and time. Cali us now for a JrXz' softball teanu rnanaged 1a1 ndyngu . a 'h nevu agv sdo a complete Insulation job for you ta assure your KVeping ahmead ail the way itFah s Iookcd ias thougl tie lhonma teaare.ahi cen customers promptY wo uld hbea ae te heat this Ce- bourg outfit wbhad syo 4-3 in, and courtecus service. TE R Il ft T uer t ho s:i tr ccsiosfl(uer n Astlh.Hw d'vicross the plate rJ. W. JE WEL L in me ls cv:i u i ýcr-thing, . ~sultion Co Ld tI. "BG 20 as r BewmaCo.îLidoEllis. O'Rourke, L HN 5 I'. Shrecd, Gi!hoolîy, Wilhets, **.PH E55 BOTANILE45 QUEEN ST* cmcv JoilI.Wright.' 'ý*- 27 Rint St. W., Bowimanvilie ITR TE C',horrg:ReaN, cEntee. E.X IM. Medhurst, FS mith, C. Sn-mth. _____________ ________________________ FA5E FIVU Dual-Cycle Motor Important Factor In Development of a new dual- frequency electrie moton which is expected ta eliminate some of the jmost important financial and pro- duction pnoblems fan Ontario in- dustries involved in the forthcam- ing Hydro cycle changeover, bas been announced by Crawford Gardon, Jr., President, English Ehectnie Company of Canada, Lim- ited, St. Catharines. The dual- fequency mater designed by Eng- lish Ehectnics engineens, will op- enate equalhy wcli on cither 25- cycle on 60-cycle cument, and bas been developed specificahly ta case industny aven the changeever per- iod in the present 25-cycle area. "This mater will have an impor- tant affect on both the taxpayan and an industry," stated Mr. Gar- don. "industmy wiii benefit ha- cause there wihi be ne casthy de- lays involved during the change-j over whan such matcrs ara in use. - Prasent 25-cycle industnial mctors1 wihi be eut cf use for scme tirne during the changeaven in orden C.OF.: 5 runs, 8 bits, 4 errons, SEE THE FILTER QUEEN Canada's Bagless Vacuum Cleaner 1 The Royal Theatre L- Only -August 30, 31, Sept. i OAD SHOW ENGAGEMENT! tg Beyond Description! A. L. KITCHING rHE MANAGEMENT 0F rHIS THEATRE BELIE VES aLIGATIONS TO ACCOM. FERTAIN ITS PATRONS fERFORM A PUBLIC HUNAN i T WE PRESENT TIR MOTION PICTURE... T be~ îng Your Daughters fring Your Sons! 1 7m L - BOWXAN VILLE 'r»" 61 94 SEGREGATED ' AUDIENCES WOMEN ONLY at1 2&7 pm DOORS OPEN AT 1.30 - 6.30 MER ONLY~ a t 9 P. M. TICKETS ON SALE AT 7.30 LIMITEO, TIO s EAT 8UN a CA PAOITY 50C INC AlL SHOWS IC n'Ur. rAlvAnTA" PHONE 812 ý94 3 that they rnay be rebuilt for 60- cycle openation. The new dual- fmequency motor, however, will continue ta operate machlnery throughout the change and there- after." The avenage tax payer and Hy- dro consumer is affected on an equally important scale, depend- ing on the numben of the new mo1- tans in use at the time of the changeover. The publicly-owned Hydro system bas committed it- self ta bear major portion of the axpense cf changing over present 25-cycle equipment ta 60-cycle op- enation in the affected areas. If ai new industniai clectric nitor installations in the 25-cycle area frcm now an ccnsist of dual-fre- quency matons, there will be no moton changeover expense ta the Hydro and the taxpayer whatever, Mr. Gordon points out, except for such ohd-type matons as are stili in use at tha time. The naw mater bas been fully tested and cantains ncthing more ta weaneut than present mators, it is statcd. The Cornpany, a sub- sidiany cf John beglis Co., has ap- plicd for patents on the design. The law of nature is, Do the thing, and you shall bave the Power: but tbey who do flot the ,L 1 FEABLESS 1