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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1948, p. 6

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rAGE 5Sm r~ raiAYYa -I'EA-,.~ *~JlVI, BO.WMANtL1VILL, ONTAIO U THURSDAY ATGIUST 26' 1949 Mr. Milton Virtue and his r TYRONEther, Mrs. L. Virtue, enjayed mator trip ta Muskoka, and I Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Sandersor, towel. Norma and Luella, Regina, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Theo Dowr Mrs. T. E. Francis,' Winnipeg, Caralyn, Lakefield, with Mr. s Mani., with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mrs. R. Virtue and Mr. and IV, Werry. Lear Moore, Biblie returning ha Mr. and Mrs. Goldwyn Famnt, with his parents after a long h Valeria and Viekie, "arorto, Mr. iday. and Mrs. O. Wri.ght, Blackstack, The cammunity extends syml with Mr. and Mrâ. Frank Wright. thy ta Mr. and Mrs. Harold 5h Mr. John McMahon and Mr. Art rer and family ir the passing Jackson, Taronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Skinrer's mather, Mrs. W Mrs. Aldan Hoar. 1 Lake, at Newcastle; also ta 1M Itev. and Mrs. J. R. Trumpour J. C. Cook and Mrs. Hillard Iý calied on a nurnber of irienas Clure in the sudder passirg here.1 their father, Mr. James McBrj i&r. and Mrs. A. H. Brent with' ai Caledor township. Mr. ana MVrs, Ross kooley, Osh- Mrs. Luella Jares, Marior a awa.1 Violet, spe-n'» the weekerd in T Iir. and Mrs. Everton White otitO. witn Mr. nusseîî Wtite, luzaoetn-' Mr. and Mrs. T. Firdley, Thor ville. hilI, with Mr. and Mrs. Otto V Mvr. and Mrs. V. Daverport and tue. David, Mr. ana ai'rs. £t. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Virtue, M JIavit, 'aronto, with ivir. ana Ivirs.i R. Burgess, attandad the furaral lenry btainton anci Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Blake Stevens ai' Salira, Do>n ataintar. Friday fram Morris Fureral Ch Mr. ana tVrs. G. Alldread and pal ta Bethesda cemetery. Mr. ana Jivrs. iirtnur Xktchards at Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam wi Peterboro. Mrs. J. Lillîcrapp. Canningtc MVr. andi Mrs. H. Hardy, Baw- who is quita poorly. manvulle, with MVr. ana àirs Sorry ta hear Mrs. J. McRobe: Aildreaat. is on the sick list. Air. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor with Master Keith Hodgsori with 1 Mr. anad Mrs. btarIocagson, Bow- graridiather. Mr. L. Thonipsai. manvilie. Mr. and Mrs. W. Daeby, Brari Air. .kL&rl Colbary, Clevelard, 0., ton. Mr. and Mrs. E. Waters, IV~ with his parents, ivr. anat Mrs. . and Mrs. Farrant, Oshawa, wi Colbary. Mr. and Mrs. C. Stire. MVr. and Mrs. J. Huis and Jac- Mr. and Mrs. H. Moses. Mr. ar queline vîsîted Mr. and Mrs. W. MrS. Stan Hodgson ard farni Wood, Orono. with Mr. L. Thompson. Mrs. W. T. Word en with Mr. and Chair practice Friday aven:r Mrs.F. HllToroto.at 8:30. Mss F. HalltowrSalmo. I Womar's Institute met at tI Miss Ewid Sewagrt, Samon r, rhome ai' Mrs. W. Macdoniald, Ai BC., wthewrrandfathernd Mr. gust 18, with President Mrs. ( W.liJ.Startnaldad Mr. and Mrs. Rýosevear in the chair. It was d, . J.McdaadntMtn r. cided ta exhibit at Oshawa Fa R. B Sctt.and a committee was appainted Miss Joyce Grant, Bowmanviîîe, arrange for same. Mrs. Frics with Miss Darothy Skinner. offered ta put the flowers ini ti Mrs.JohnGrifin, auraardchurch for the comirig month. M] Muriel, Jaretville, with Mr. and H. Staintor presided for the pr( Mrs. W. Rahm. gramn which was giver by fI Mr. and Mrs. C. Larmar and Cheery Housawives. A skit w« family, Oshawa, Mrs. M. Baîl, given by Arvilia Beckett, Doroth Sharon, and Darathy, Millbrook, Skinner and Doris Park, the ther with Mr. afid Mrs. G. Rosevear. beirg "Packing a Wcakerid Bag Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brooks Readîigs were given by Dore and baby, Peterbora, Miss McKen- Rahm, Marian Hayward, Vebri zia, Coîbarne, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Taylor. A demonstratiori w: Carruthars and Mrs. Rutherford, giver by Bessia Hilîs or a Tabl Salem, with Mr. and Mrs. Wiliis Servie for Two and a three-mir Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. uta comment on saine. The Insfý Macdonald. tufe presenfed the four girls wh M; Wilbur Tenant ard family, flnished this year's. work, abs Oillia, with Mrs. Wallace Miller. their leader, with teaspoons t Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnison, Raggie match thosa received aitfth and Wibma, Miss Dorothy Hooper Achievamant Day. Sardwiche and Kerneth Johnson and friand, and cake ware served by Mr! Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bird and Stairtan's and Mrs. Skinner' Jacqueline, Bowrnanville, Mr. and graup. Those attending faît arr Mrs. H. Wood and farniiy, Long piy repaid for comirg out on suc] Sault, Mr. W. Tannant and family, a rairy day and attendarce wa Orillia, Mr. Ross and Miss Verna larger than usual. McRoberts wifh Mn. and Mrs. R. _________ Maynrd. Mrs. Neil Yellowlaes atterded a Yau canrat play with fire. Par shower at Mrs. R. Davis', Sauina,* tic ularly sa in the bush. Keal in hoorof i Miss Helen Yellaw- this in mind when matorini leas, a bride-to-be, Tuasday even- through Ortario's foresflands an( ing. refrain frarn thrawing lightac Mr. ard Mrs. Alex Berger, Ham- matches, cigarettes or cigars fron ilton, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm.I your car. Pl I - - ERIMIHTINIi ) /I * sl more Important to you ln your home, place of business or barn with the long faîl nighta approaching. Our trainedl technlcians have hadl cauntless years of experience in planning and Instailing the most economical yet most practical wiring isystem for your partieular job. why not save limle and money now and let us bring your electrical wiring up-to-date We wili giadly supply you with free astimatas no malter what size the Job may ha. HICGON ELECTRIC Your General Electrie Appliance Dealer Phone 438 Bowmanville DESIC TYPES $11-95 - $10.95 Put Up an aerial now for good radio receptian this wirter. Corn- plete Aerial Kit - 52.95 R.C.A. VICTOR PORTABLE R A DIO S Smali S43.75 Battery and Elecetrie 557.50 MANTEL RADIOS from $27.95 up lu colora 42 Ring St. B. PEDESTAL TYPE $55.00 Gueranteed! The Radio Shop PHONE 573 BOWM4N»VILLE U8 KING ST. LP. dno a COURTICE W.M. Society met at the homef and of Mrs. Cecil Fourd. In the ab- and sence ai' the presidant, Mrs. A. J. i Irs. Oke, the chair was occupied byj me Mrs. A. J. Gay, who apered the hol- meeting with a short selectiaor n "Thy Kingdom Camie" and prayar. La- After the business items ware rin- deait wit h ar invitation was ex- ai'f tanded ta all the ladies who could. Tm. ta attend the Schoal for Leaders' irs. being held at Whitby. The pro-: Xc- gramn was in charge ai' Mrs. Alan ai'f Dawn an "Temperance." Two r ide splerdid sehections were given by iMiss Lyla Osborne on "The Great and Guest" and "Home." Mrs. Dawn ,or-, gave an interesting taik or tam- perance. Piano solo given by r- Jean Gay and another reading by Ir Lyla. Devotioral was in charge~ ai' Mrs. H. F. Osborne the thame rs.j being "The Christian Responsi- Golden Wedding Celebration in Toronto .1Eldad Church (Continued from Page One) his father and mothar, Samuel ard Mary Ann Shortridge. Aside from the new mernorial windows were fourd several pin- ques and scrolls eracted from tima ta time as tribute ta horared members and ta, the service ai' the church yourg people who rallied for King and Country in twa world wars. These will be mari- tiored in detail ai'ter settirg aut the i'allowirg inscriptions on the windaws, alai' which were lead- ed and i color with the motifs ir Biblical charactar, and colored ne- plicas ai' The Saviaur. Vestibule Windows The calored windaws in the vestibule face the sur in the south. On the right window is 01 biity bowarci the Liquor Problem ory of James T. Rundie,, 1862-,I140List of Ministers on Today." Scripture reading taken! and his wife, Eliza Jan Psoe, ine iiteso la r ra- a Oterna ely by the lae anth1857-1943?" At the top: "hygiven as Revs. Eynon. James, Ed- Mrs. Osborne who, also gave an W~Pord is Truth.' (Erected by A. L. wrsadHre u ogsc explnatry alkon ame Pry- ascoe). cesion followed, including such oiers were given by Mrs. K. E. At the left, a panel of Biblical familiar names as Revs. J. J . Led- jCourtice and Mrs. G. F. Annis. ______________________ numerals accompanies this in- dy, E. E. Howard, Henry Thornas, rts Two vocal solos were given by scription: "In loving memory of F. J. Anderson, J. P. Berry, T. H.1 S Lynda Osborne. Refreshments Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Ashton Thomas Baker, 1855-1946, and his P. Anderson, C. W. Barrett, Geo. his were served. . wife, Margaret Lammiman, 1856- Brown, J. O. Totton, W. W. Jones, Re.na.Yrle stkn Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Ashton, Mr. Ashton was gardener at the 1942."l A coincidence: Eldad1 J. R. Bick, Walter Rackham. These '-1course in Montreal and will îater b20radwlor Ave., Toronto, cele- Alexandra Girls' School on Blan- Çhurch was erected in 1855. ministers served for various per- W.join Mrs. Yardley and children thi ode edngA-tr.Aefr eea eas Dur- Withii; the church proper, be- lods between 1891 and 194.Rv nîversary on August 24th, 1948. ing the war was employed ,t C!.gnning on the south-west sile Rackham was minister fromn 1932 Mt . fo anldys nEasern Onarion- Mr. Ashton was barri at Enfield, L., at Ajax, and later with the and following clear around, the to 1946 when the present minister, Mr. edhoandMs.inGeo.tedgOar e- Durham County, on October 6th, Robert Simpson Co.. Ltd., how- window inscriptions are as fol- Rev. E. S. Linstead received the dy joyend holitdys . ind esten AE 18, and Mrs. Ashton at Colum- ever, Mr. Ashton retired a few lows: charge. ngBillett, Springford. bus, Ontario County, on October! years ago. WetWnosWe no ficarerd n ng27th, 1873. They were married They had a family of four sonsst Windows W i no oici tai crane Garnet and Mrs. Tubb, accoîn- August 24th, 1898, at the home of and four daughters: Elmo, High- ~ (1) Top: Behold a Sower went. fud skonta rm ýhe panied by Bloyd and Mrs. Wilcox,, the bride by the late Rev. Isaac land Park, Mich.; Will of Ennis - oteo o.dinlvigmrnr fhuc rce Eded.the restlbarick u-Cobourg, visited in Western On- Wilcgetuceo h rd.kle;Iee(r .ADne of Joseph Reynolds, 1820-1899. dfc tEdd ietyars 'u- Witlok, grat-uele o thebride kilen; rene Mrs.M. A.Densm) an hiswiffromn the site isro ththetefarthe naofofA. G.tario and Niagara Falls. Their first home was a log cabin Merle, at home; Amy (Mrs E. L.18 and is ifAmn Con, 830 L. Pascoe which was ceded from e- Mr. and Mrs. Irving Hook and on a farm at Kemble, Ont., where Niddrie); John, and Jean (Mrs. F. 17,adteraiis.'the Crown in 1813 and the strong ir daughter Mrs. Best and husbar.d, they lived for three and a haîf D. Hubbs), and the late Herbert, (2) Top: Thine is the Kingdorn reîigious sentiment among early to Illinois, N.Y., vîsited Esli and Mrs. years. They moved ta a larger died May, 1937, ail of Toronto. the Power and the Glory: "In pioneers suggest that Eldad Chapel nd Oke. farma at Enfield and were there There are three grandsons and loving mernory of the Vice fam- accommodated religious s e r- he Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Geegan, ni 1917. moving then to the eight granddaughters, one great- ilies." vices between that early date and rs. Wilmington, Delaware, visited his house in Enfield where Mr. Ash- grandson and three great-grand- (3) Top: Corne Unto Me: "In the year 1855. A white stone a- '- sîster, Mrs. Gabourie and Mr. Ga- ton was born. While there Mr. daughters. loving memory of William WerrŽT, bove the entrance of the present he bourie. Ashton was agent for the Maple The Statesman joins with their 1835-1915, and bis wife, Elizabeth brick structure reads: simply, Leaf Fire Insurance Co. They many relatives and friends back in Bray, 1843-1919." Eldad Chapel, 1855. ayns, Mi Clr Wi.J.iay.nHat-roved to Toronto in 1925 and the horneland of Durham in wish- ()TpThsd in rm- Other Activities Y nge ihMs.A .Gy have lived on Lawlor Ave., for the ing this worthy couple many more brance of Me: "In loving memory N etreapeo o on It Bband Mrs. Courtice, babyI past twenty-three years. years of health and happiness. of Edward Pascoe, 1803-188kl, and Nobte xmlofhwc - m' Lynda, and Laretta Woods, at Ni- his wife. Mary Osborne, 1814- munity life centered about the na agara Falls. r.LisedPalC teSS. guests, the bride's mother receiv- 1896, and their families.,' (Erect- hom, te crch nd thineahol as Rv.ad r.LiseaPalC urie ..ed in a grey crepe dress with black 1e yA .Pso) rural districts. Arising fram the le and Lois. Paisley,. visited friendsEno edPciacesrs.Hrosgewsf Chapel Windows church activities were such organ-3 ~. a M. istadwa teoficat j Zred rosebuds. She was assisted by (5) Choir Loft, lefi top: Greater izations as the Sons of Temper-1 t-iclerweydin. th DwnMe- t rono Park the bridegroorn's mother who love hath fia mani than ths: '"Erect- ance and other morally conceivedI so1chose a grey silk jersey dress with ed by the Solina XomensIs-ognztos twsi h o C.G.I.T. girls spent a pleasant Th e annual picnc of Courtice black accessories. Her corsagetute in proud and lo;'il'g remory church that the Good Templars o evening at the home of Lorraine! Sunday School was held Saturday was of white gladioli.oftse ho erd nWrdogied n189 Tefrt e Tink, when a presentation of a I afternoon at Orono Park. A char- Vases of gladioli were arranged War I."' Worthy Commander was John 1 s crystal vase was made to Mrs. terd bus from Garton's Coach on the table. In the centreoth (6) Right top: That a mani lay Hughes, teacher in Solina School. -s. Metcalfe and Mrs. Bill Henry. Lnswsa o cola :0biestbewstetreteo down his life for his friends: His sans, educated there, included I .' Miss Lila Osborne, has finished Lin e asatfulNo. 8 ofschldt 1:30 biestalk ate t hretird "Erected by the Solina Women's j Sir Sam Hughes, Generals John her summercourse atHarniltonap.rn. whee a fuIl oadnof chldreandeding cakeanppedibyiamimaandiDrnd Wimes n- er ummr cure a Hailtn.awaited its arrivai. Numerous tur bride and groom. Mrs. James Istuemory nf pruud ao rv n Hahes m a wrd r. Jlamesur ýh Miss Erma Wade. is taking a'cars followed. Stark.« Mrs. Wm. Day and Mrs meory 0 thse serL" atugeds. Te er ebarcuc '~business course at Oshawa. 1 After ai had gathered at the Roy Burley served. Miss Phyllis Wr EWa l"astWnosTeda niso, os f Congratulations to Alvin and park the races began. There were Dean, Toronto, caught the bride's Es idw h an iiin oso Mrs. Metcalfe (nee Muriel Down) balloons for every smal] contes-I bouquet. Rev. Bunt proposed the East side, north ta south: (7) Temperance, at ore time was theG on their marriage. tant, minor prizes for ail the other toast ta the bride which was res- I arn the Resurreetion and the 1 banner Division of Ontario, with ý' Mr. and Mrs. Vogler and son runners. ponded ta by the bridegroom. Rev. Life: The bottom panel, inscribed,j A. L. Pascoe its most active ad- g9DcEs ohsea os Rslswr silos Bunt alsa propased the toast ta "Yield flot ta terrptation for yie ld - herent for his entire career. At ýd Diacest oceteBatR osRsuits, 7r, as olm lows: n the bridesmaid. This was res- ing is sioi." is reservecd for a later one of the Templar's meetings in Peres os ,7,7TmyGamn ponded ta. by the best 1nn. nscraotion as the. windo'. was 1860, the name "Salira" was chas- n Services on Sunday were con- Bobby Archer; girls, 6, 7, 8, Jac- eecdbyE adMiîotheb hulngspsfpprad ducted by Stan Coverley opening queline Hale. Betty Hemphill: Ltrtenwyrare op Con. 1pickmng out vowels and consonants -the service with Mrs. Hopkins boys, 9, 10, h1, Allan Thompson, left by mnotor for a trip ta Eastern ()1a h ih ftefo a.I a h dao taking over the service. Louise Jack Dixon; girls, 9, 10, 11, Beth1 Ontario. For travelling the bride (8) arIn teLightof W the fr, ohn auhesItwsgte imeao Pearce favored with a vocal sala. Dean, Shirley Brooks; boys, 12, 13,1 changed toa anavy blue suit withTWormds "naylory 58-91Wiad i metohnuhechosgin hteafsimper Bob and Mrs. Evans and Charles 14, Donald Muir, Donald Taylor; wine and black accessories. Her fe MagrtJn Gibkdsgaioofhevlg, Tes Bowrnanville, at Clarence Pen- girls, 12. 13, 14, Muriel Tate, Mar- top otwsbu.O thrre 1863-1930: "For Christ and Th-e Corners" or "Pelcher Town." found's. garet McGregor; boys, 15 and 0v- turn the bride and bridegroom Church." Present Board A rumber of frierds and neigh- er. Allan Fulton, Buddy Hockin; will reside near Part Hope. (9) 1 arn the Good Shepherd: The following members of the bars gathered at the Ed. Pidduck girls, 15 and over (balloon burst- "!n loving memnory -)f H-erbert E.Ichurch constitute the present of- home an Thursday ta extend ing), Phyllis Adams, Elva Brad - lT ~?~1)nk, 1877-1943." (Erected by * 1iil or fMaaeet greetings and make a presentation , y;wom'~i's race (carry'iIg a GOLDELN WLJJ.UING U I'm]v(). Trustee Board: A.' L. Pascoe, ta George and his bride. Clar-1 potato on the head), Mrs. R. De ! ______ O) I arn the Wziv, thp TrL:th, canvenor; S. E. Werry, C. D. Pas- emanies and expressed a hearty race (papei- bag over the head),lM.ADMR.M UNDAY isnd :he .fo aer ii*eitikonbv A. lowlees. E. R. Taylor, John Knox, weicome ta our carnmunity. Miss, Mr. Bradley, Mr. Warburton; boys' Married at the home of the F Pascoe, preseît Inrl long tinie Bruce Tink, Gardon LeaskHar- Phylis Adams presented the bride jhebra aePtrDa r bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ja- Stew'ard aof El-2ad). aid Pascoe, Raiph Davis, Clarence xith a ]ovely bouquet of gladiohi. Jack Dixor, Allan Fulton a nd icob S tevens, Maple Grave, on Plaques and Scrolls Vicc, Walter Parrinder, Jack Mrs. Orville Haoey and Mrs. Fui- Buddy Hockir; girls' sack race, August 24, 1898. Alberta Beatrice Gn the front oaf the pulpit is a Baker, Lorre Haskin. ton preserted the couple wtih a Betty Antil, Phyllis Adams; nec- and Mark Moore, son of Mr. and 1 lpnlisîîed, boronze plate inscribed: Eiders: S. E. Werry, Wesley Yel- martel dlock and lace table cioth. d'le and thread race, mer and wo- Mrs. Mark Munday, Maple Grove. '"Placed in 1- - ernory of lowices A. L. Pascoe, B. G. Stev- Responses were made by the men, Mr. and Mrs. Carman AtBokilFr.tehm fjhi tJmsMKsok l7-es .D ace young couple for the lovely gifts. Thorson, Mrs. George Johnso!A t r. 1030 m tehoe f ct t msMeesc, ?6 ns ".'ace Games and contests were erjoy- and Curtis Gearing: coat sleeve' Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munday, a 19t. ,- .-Vable ?~ascae Mcliessock Stewards: .Harold Pascoe, E. R. cd ithrefeshens bingser- ace Alce aylr rd ddi Wa -gathering of about 78 relatives. andi famil7y 1948." Mr. McKessock Taylor, John Knox, Bruce Tink, ed. b~urton, Pyîls Aams and Ahan met an Tuesday evering, August V2 Pr.iil,-ipal of Solinai School Gordon Leask. e bohaei ecvrn uto Phn.d 24, 1948, ta hanor the bride and i fr 3ýý year- and a leader ir Eldad. SundayShio Suertdt: from her torisil operation at Bow- After the races ail were served gomo 0yerfiospr ttermed, one hplte, r'WMisleari Lwea;eass. Walte manville Hospital. ice cream canes. The young folks 1arts. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Munday is a faeboz lti-Ms er ec;Te:Wle This community received a se- rcturned ta the swimming tank, o f Bowmarville. scribed: "In memory aof Edna B. Parrinder; Sec'y.: Harvey Yeliowý- vere shock, August 14. when it while the non swimmers rested, Rev. J. S. 1. Wilson aof Oshawa, Reynolds, 1937, wha 50 generauls- lees; Asst. Sec.:RaPsce became knawn that Gardon Tre- chatted or stralled over the beau- the minister at the weddîrg fifty i onated turhe ihin yten 'hu r eais: is.: E. R. alor; vail had suffered a severe stroke. tiful grounds. years aga, was happy as he open- t hscuc. Comig hme o Frday igh Arond 0 sa don totheed the evening and spoke of th e Irset in the right door aof the Orgniste: MsseEn BaLison. d Cr orghe won Fprd y ight1 round 80suchadown ta the sntt fmrig.chapel is a metai plate inscribed: Hamptn Circuit. j fornwor hewasapprenîy h buntou luchardwit th sactiy o mariae."In memory of J. Wesley Brooks Great Inspiration right. Ha was rushed ta Oshawa waitrasses, who ate later, around The wcdding party alsa includ- 1and Florence H. Brooks." (Erect- Mc oecudb rte i Hospital where everything pas- are hundred were present. The ed the bridesmaid and best mari, ed by their famiiy). th moeents that arsenfrn sible was donc, but he failed to bus returned arourd 7:30 and al]i Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens. A WthSrvceScol om eiy entimth in oElaad j respond ta treatment and passedi had spent an enjoyable holiday. note of interest was vojced when ja evc eol omnt etmn nEca a way an Monday night without re- Superintendent Eddie Warburton' a niece recalled that Mrn and Mrs 1 A framed scroll on the waii at -________________ gaining carisciousness. The ster- was in charge. Mark Munday. Sr., parents 0f the 'the right of' the chapel doors is 1 ling qualities of Gordan as a groom, and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Il anscribed: neighbor and frierd were wellStvnprtsa'hebieal For King and Country: Mem- exemplified in the large crowds WEDDING cele brated their fiitieth wedding b ers aof Eldad United Church who T n who visited the dea parlors anniversary. have volunteared for active ser- HOME PERMANENT and also attended the funeral or Rev. Wilson called on a niece, vice' with Canada's Fighting For- Deluxe Outlit.---------- 25 Thusda, aso hemary floral aof- HENDERSON-BROWN Mrs. Charles White, Oshawa, who~ ces: * denotes "Kilied in Action." Refil---- -.---......--------$1.25 1 fcrngs, numberirg about fifty Vaioaregadoirand read an address to the bride and Baker, Helen Murray, Kenneth pieces, which ircluded wraaths . aiclue ldoiarne groom. The two 'onet rn-Baker, John Jr.Nesbitt, Byron Jr. from two Geri. Motors roomns, inrmed theoal niedckgrur cIdre, Mary, daughter of Mr. Baker, Muriel Parker, Don QurtTero25t Knox Presbytarian Church, Albert frme theflrdabckrondoni BkrBeth dtr Bue or us 3 St. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Stra CucCuicWA.neg- afternaan, August l 1 and Mrs. Ivison Munday, andBaeRse PotrBucfurup bSChrmhe orie rd ann and for the weding of Olive Velma, . h aughter of Mr. ard Mrs. Broorne, John Patter, Harold Quart Thermos. $2,50,$52.75 î bos fom ereand aunon nd eldest daughtar of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Munday, Oshawa, presented j Balsar, Russell Scott, Robert Jr. man oters Re. J S.I. ilsn Clnto Brwn o Tuemn Oka purse and a beautiful bouquet Butties, Walter Scott, Gordon Pint Thermos $1,50, $1.65 aof Oshawa, was in charge of the de edroso i r n of gladiali and Mrs. Stepher Jeff- j Deboo, Arthur Smalas, James Jr. Thermos Refi- $1.00 service. Bearers were: Norman Mrs Wili Henderson, P M.art rey, presanted a lovaiy bouquet1 Dewell, Ruby Terry, Jack LnhKt Griffin, Elsan Varcaa, Russell Gay, j Hop. Wliai'nesPoto yellaw roses fromn Maple Grove Deweil, Wilfrid Werry, George LnhKt -- 8 glake Oke, Frank Balsan and Wm. Hp.WmnsIsiue r vsnEiu, ihe rgt rdPprSrite 8 Pomeroy. To the bereavcd fam- Rev. Burt performed the care- iWmnsInttt. M. vsnIElzk ihelWihFed Paper erviettes 28e ily, his widaw (ree Bertha Tay- mary and Mrs. Ross Hallowell Murday welcomed the guests ail Milîson, George Wright, Arthur WaePpr - 28 - played the weddîng music. Be- ai' whom were his aunts, uncles Milison, HowardWright, Herbert 1 lor ar dughers Ms. oran foé hecreoryMrs Mlvileor cousins. The groom tharked Milison, Jerr>Yelawlees, Donald Pienie Cups, pkg. 1. 'Clemens (Marion), Mrs. Fergus 'oc ag~PretLv"adte o vrtig Murray, David Taylor, Alan Kinsman (Audrey), and son Alar,durnstesiig " ai' ethaoregisndte Bfside terthre hlrnli oulsCrife eih at 9 deepest sympathy is extardad. In- i Walk Bte side Ygou."e eise son, Elgin and, Greta (Mrs. Gea. The aboya, evidantly, does rot CKkovadh SalthSaI 29 . 59e,8 terment was In Union cemaetery, The bride given in marriagebyBrow), Bawmanvil]e, guests in- include thase who served in the saw.her father, wora a flaor.langth cluded ReV. J. S. I. Wilson and first World War, save Wilfrid I Grape Saits .---.- 50c, $1.00 dice-1th-ra- ski. Th.nyonMrs.Wi il Muda ' RT-ard-11Mrs.1 Wars-.i haif-mile west of' Eldad. It has long since disappeared having been merged with Mount Vernon in 1863 (3) The Bible Christian ar Eldad Church, built in 1855, on the south-aast corner of the Werry farm, but several times altered as the yaars passed. It has solely and very actively survivecl. Many Improvements This church was rebuilt in 18821 and since than in rayent years a 1 modemn Sunday School with a concrete foundatior was arected in the basemant. A vestibule was added with a cernent approach and balustraded steps. The old harse-and-buggy shed at the west of the cemnefery was rnoved across the rond ta a plat ai' land darated by Thomas Baker. The latest changes have been descnibed a- bave. The cernctery adjoînirg the church is kept in excellent neat- p ~t~* 4-t Church. As the years passed very many youthful adherents of the church and the neighboring shool went on to higher education and useful service in Canada and abroad. Doctors, lawyers, teach- ers, military men, business execu- tives, form a list too long to be included in this brief review. But the heart of the church remained in the succeeding generations of rural people wbose fathers carved out a sure foundation for a way of lfe under Christian freedon. It is in their memory that the de- dicatory services will be held on Sunday, August. 29th. .Rotary Club (Continued from Page One) high tribute to the newest Lufe. guard Tubes, a product of Good- year. He declared these to be the acme of reliability, in fact the one and only real safety tube on the market. Finally, he said: "I have learned in business that success depends upon good ser- vice and this connotes a liking for one's job. For my part 1 would fot change. In view of the hu- man and safety elements in myr job I feel I arn making a real contribution to the people I arn privileged to serve." The speaker was thanked by Past President Ross Stutt and members offered a sincere round of applause for a very able effort. Father's Club Dr. Cy Semon put Bill James through his ordeal. Using tech- nical terms unfamiliar to the lay- man, his lecture on the care and feeding of infants was accompan- ied with several personal gifts, picked up here and there. He also turned to Grandfather Geo. W. James with congratulations and gratuitous advice. The final offering was a huge box of acces- sories and a lovely spray of fiow- ers for the rnother in hospital and her infant son from the Rotarians. Bill managed neat thanks in be- half of Mrs.* James and daughter Heather and her new brother, George Geoffrey. Interested visitors Includeci Prof, C. B. Sissons. Orono, Past President Geo. Shreve and Jack Meagher, Oshawa Rotarians, Rev. A. E. Eustace, Orono; Rev. E. S. Linstead, Hampton. and Elmo> Ashton and son Philip, Detroit. Mr. Ashton won the lucky draw for theatre tickets. President Howard Rundie passed on fiowers as a birthday gift for Dr. Alan McKenzie. Labor to keep alive In your breast that littie spark of celes- ;ial. fire, called Conscience.- George Washington. REPAIRING for satisfaction reasonable prices Bring Your Wateh To Us ALL WATCH REPAIRS GUARANTEED For One Year MAINSPRINGS INCLUDED MARRIS JEWELLERY BOWMAN VILLE 43 King St. W. Phone 463 Kerslake's SWEET PICKLE MIXTURE No sugar - No cooking 1gal. quantity 35c, haif gai. 20o 12 33c - 2 FOR 65C 48s EcOF>my S$1.23 Kleenex, regular 2 for 35c Kicenex, man's size ---9cq Facelle Man's size - -35e Facell ---- ---- - _ Ill, 20c Nei Style -Nev Perfume Du Maurier Cologne 51.00 - S150 -$2.00 SPECIAL VALUE $1.75 Prophylactielair Brufthes now 79e Templeton's 2-way Treat- ment for Hay Fever $1.75 vaine for 51.39 ----------- ----$1.98 UGSTORE TWe Fît Tru~es j .' JL CAIqAMAIV lirrAi-rinwAlv mkifflalsvà% FANS a a

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