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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1948, p. 8

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..................................................................~..... _?CR BIKGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVL2P.ONTrARIO !Tr)AV. ATîr4TT~'r ~ft ¶OLU The Orono News t 2Tura 1,a number of frien& J ors met at the home Cochrane to spendt Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. entertained at the home of Mr. After the company w Glen Tamblyn, Belleville, on the and Mrs. Leroy Hamilton, Les- order an address wasr birth of their daughter, on August kard. Mr. Rogers taking the Gordon Moffatt of B 2G, in Montreal. church service there in the after- a former neighbor, th Mrs. C. H. Frost, came home on floon. cabinet of silver fiai Saturday from a Toronto hospi- Miss Shirley Porter, Reg.N., hias sandwich tray werep tai, wherc she underwent a ser- returned from a three week's trip Mrs. John Moffatt in jous eye operation. Her many through the West to Vancouver of the many services r jriends aýe pleased that she is and Victoria, visiting relatives en community in the pa! jnaking a good recovery. route at Calgary, Banff and other Mrs. Cochrane, aithoul Miss Patsy Mofl at visite&. in points. She la now spending a surprise, nmade a m( Cobourg. week with her parents, Mr. and reply, the rest of theE Mr. J. Stevenson is visiting his Mrs. N. F. Porter, before resum- spent in chat and wvas scon in Montreal. ing ber duties in Oshawa Hospi- a tasty lunch. Mrs. C. Powers was in town tai. over the weekend. Orono Women's Institute met Mr. Bob Keane has purch ased a met August 20 at the home of STARK VII .grocery business in Brighton. His Mrs. O. W. Rolph. The ladies friends wish himi every success in enjoyed the sunshine on the spa- his new venture. icious lawn. There was a short Miss Williams, Tci A pleasant atternoon was spent hbusiness meeting first and at it her sister, Mrs. Fred' at the home of Mrs. 1. Winter, last termination, Mrs. Robinson, the Mr. D. Shutka and1 Wednesday, when members Of president, introduced Miss Judith awa, at M. Shiltka's. iGroup 2 X.M.S. met to enjoy af- St. John, Toronto, Public Lib- Mrs. G. Plum and sc ternoon tea, and to present one raries. Her talk gave somoe insight with her brother. Art of their members, Mrs. R. Sutton, into the function of the libraries Miss Norma Hal]owe with a lite membership certifi- and about Miss St. John's work with Mrs. Jack W; cate. Tfley also opened patches on in partictilar, which is at «'Boys' Solund. a travelling apron, that realized aJ and Girls' House" a children's 1i- Mr. and Mrs. Clare good sum ot meney. brary on St. George St. It is and famiiy with Mr. Mr. J. J. Mellor is confined to hoped te estahlish enough librar. Biirley, Newtonville. Oshawa Hospital thnough illness. ies in Toronto, situated se that Mr. and Mns. Orni Mr. and Mrs. W. Cobbledick no child will have more than ten manville, visitcd Mn., spent sevenal days with Mr. and blocks to walk to visit one. Somne Mr. and Mrs. Haro Mns. R. .Rosborough at their cet- idea of thein importance was given clough and son, Weslei take ncx-r Lakefield. by the explanation of the part MeKay's. Miss Agnes Waddell and iss played by books for the \'cny Miss Audney Farrow, Kae Waddell have returnedno young, in thein school wonk in at Howard Fanrow's. holidaying at Chandos Lake, Aps- laten years. Mrs. Rolph thankcd Mr. and Mrs. Llew ley. MissSt. John for giving uis a most and familv. Miss Bei Mr. and Mrs. W. Stainton and enjoYable talk. Tea xvas scnved wvell and Mn. and Mrs. relatives enjoyed a holiday at a accompanied hy beautiful plates 1 had a delightful picni( cottage on Lake Scugog. of dainty sandwiches and cakes, Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Albent Menton ac- ite bring a very pleasant after- Mr. and Mrs. W. Wc companied by Mrs. J. Morris and1 noon te a close. mily vîsited Mn. ai Ivrs. N. Cobbledick motoned te Wood, Peterboro. London and points west last week Mn. R. Bolton, Tono spending several days visiting Mn. and Mrs. Shutka. friends. They returrned home on niiuWNSMn. and Mrs. Richa Thursday. their cousin, Mn. A. Dl Mr. Douglas Elliot, Saint John, n MdissH BlamMih oono ith Mr.Woa' Çq.B., is visiting his uncle and aunt: r n r.H elm ihTrno ihM.a Mn. and Mns. R. E. Logan. He, Mr. and Mrs. H. Reichnath. Wood. reports that his fathen, Mn. Alex Mr. Sidney Brown held a suc- Elliot, who lias been serious]y 111 cessftîl sale of stock and imnpie- E NS I for several months, is impnoving ments on Wednesday. N IKL but still conflned te bcd. Miss Kay Green visited in Or- A severe thundenstonm hit Lan- ~Ilia., caster's Garage and did considen- Mn. and Mrs. KeitF îRev. W. P. Rogers, Bowman- able damage to their stinroom. atMn.aid JMsn' yille, conducted the church ser- MisBet Sehesn.a be andMTrntoat v, vice Sunday monning at Ms ParktphnonhsbenSadSt.rot, tM Church, andi Miss Margaret Allen enjeying holidays at home and at H. Stevens'. of Bowmanville sang a heautiful1 the same time convalescing from Congratulations te çolo. Rev. and Mrs. Rogers were ber recent operation. Mrs. R. J. Wcaving, the binth of a son and ef Mn. and Mrs. W.F Prof. and Mns. W. Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. M r. and Mns. Knapi Mr. and Mns. J. C.I IDavid, Hampton, wii Mns. James Smales. Mr. Clauide Smith, Hunt spent Sundaya Lakze and Peterboro. Mn. N. Pinch call nepbew Mr. Kennethi j,\Freland One-Third rfth R oundTrip G;o from 12 o'cl,,ck noon Friday, septI3d.,,to and iicuding2 pm Monda, Sct. 6th. Return Limit: leavedestination not later than 12 o'cIock midnight, Tuesday, Sept. 7th. (AUil imes slown art Staidard Tirne> Pafl in/orma:ion/rom any agent the DACKDONE of INDUSTII Even in normal times, Canladian industry requires a lot of lumber. Expanding at the rapid rate of the last f ew years, industry's demands on the lumber trade have been without precedent in our history. Literally, every- body wants lumber . . . for more business, better homes, bigger offices. To the phenomenal demancls made on it, the lumber industry's response has been remarkable. We are, as always endeavouring to sup- ply your needs with quality hemlock, jack pine, white pine-.and spruce. The Sheppard & Gui LUMIER CO@ LIMITED H 0 HNR 7 19 - BOWMANVILLE ~T<1*I Mrs. Jack Potts, Haydon. 1 RISE Mr. and Mrs: Donald Lee and SOLINA Wayne, Oshawa, with Mn. and____ ýing, August Mrs. Walter Ferguson. Sincerest sympathy is expressed Is and neigh- Mr. and Mns. John Slemon are to Mr. B. G. Stevens on the sud- eof Mrs. Roy spending. a couple of days at den death of Mrs. Stevens last the evenîng. Marmora Lake. Wednesday. was callèd to Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton and Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor at- read by Mrs. family with Mr. and Mns. C. tended the wedding of their Bewmanville, English, Newcastle. nephew, Mr. Ted Hoar, and Miss then a îoveîy Miss Kay McNeil, Mrs. Silas Lenone Collacutt at Maple Grove iware and a Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. H. Siemon, on Saturday. presented by Toroiflto, visited Mn. and Mrs. R. Miss Helen Baker has returned appreciation MeNeil. to Toronto after a pleasant vaca- rendered this Miss Kathryn Siemon Mrith ber tion in Quebec and with berpar- ast 29 years. grandmother Mrs. Ro y Knox, ents, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Baker. îght stae Mr.Hamtnd . .SiMrs. Ralph Davis, Mns. Wesley îos sutabe M. nd rs.H. ieon, Ton- Yellowlees and Miss Gladys Yel- evening wvas ente, with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh lowiees wene hostesses at a mis- sfollowed by1 Annis.. ceîîaneous showen in honour of Mrs. C. Soper, Mrs. L. V. Dis- Miss Helen Yel]owlees held at ney, Mrs. Dr. Brown, Oshawa, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph called on Mrs. R. McNcil. Davis last Tuesday evening. L EMiss Florence Van Nest, Tor- Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Mr. ILE onto spent Monday with ber cu and Mns. Harold Pasécoe and Mns. sins, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wenry. S. E. Werny attended the funeral >nonto, with Ms.EDeeMisCrD- of Gordon Trevail at Countice. Todd. geer, Haydon, visited Mrs. R. Mrs. Roy Langmaid returned friend, Osb- McNeil. home from Toronto Western Hos- Congratulations te Mr. and pital on Sunday. Mns. Laurence Weann on the ar- Visitons: son, Toronto, rival of a fine baby girl.Ms.Jc Dai ndKr, hur an MKary Mn. and Mrs. Don Carr ad outhampton; Mn. and Mns. Gor- cl ad ar family with Mn. and Mrs. Walten don Scott and Norman. Guelph: Tark, Owen Carr, Codrington, and Mn. and Mn. Charles Scott, Delhi, with Mrs. H. Herrington, Frankfend. Mn. B. G. Stevens and Mr. and rnce Gilmer Miss Florence Van Nest, Ton- Mrs R. C. Scott. and Mri. C. ente, is visiting Mr. and Mns. E. Mr. Fnank Co%\,ing, Hampton, îisen Bw-Wright. with bis sisten, Mn. Sid Rockaday. A. Mnte. !vlMaster Ray Ashton, Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown and A. Mnto. with Master Bort Wenry. Mns. R. J. McKessock, Oshawa, at Ild Barow. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Oke, Mr. A. L. Pascoc's. eyville, at A. and Mrs. John Oke, Enniskillenl, Miss Lois Larmer, Blackstock. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton and at .E. R. Taylon's. v, Newcastle, Larry, Purpie Hill, wvith fricnds Mn. and Mns. Harvey Hanris at Consecon.wxith friends in Oshawa. sz Hallowell Miss Carol Wright, at Mn. W. Mn. and Mns. C. C. Cook, Brant- eulab Halle- Sanderson's, East Whitby. fond, at Mn. Jack Yellowlees'. sA. Dobson Mn., and Mns. Fred Billett and Masten Douglas Millson. Teren- ie at Willow family, Scarboro Bluffs, visited te, witb bis grandpancnts, Mn. and Mn. and Mrs. Roy McGilI, Miss MrÏs. E. Milison. Vood and fa- Reva MeGilI netunning home with Mn. and Mns. George Bouîtillier, ýd Mns, L. them for holidays. Mns. A. Bennett, Mn. Leonard Bic- Masters Joe McGill and Clark wett, Ncw Tononto: Miss Carelyn .nte, visîted Wennv are holidaying with Mn. Balson, Bowmanvilie, at A. J. 1 * ~and Mns. J. Bonnowdale, Oshawa., BaIson's, ards visited Mn. and Mns. Fred Toms and' __________ Dobson. Jean, Punple Hill, Mns. William 1and friend, RudelI and Scotty, Bowmanville, B R E O id Mns. W. vjith Mrs. Minerva and Mn. and B R E O Mrs. Earl Trewin. ___ Mn. Donald and Owen Geibel-iMns. B. Hubband ententained 18 baus w'ho have been assisting children at a bînthday panty in LEN xvith the hanvest on the farms of honoun cf ber gnanddaughten, Eani Tnewin .and Harvey MeGilI Lînda Slingcnland on Satunday. hiave retîînned Ie thein home in A dance, sponsoned by Mn. and h Fenguson Vegneville. Alberta. 1 Mrs. J. Van Dam, was held at ns, Oshawa Mn. and Mrs. Milton Staintoni Devitt's Hall on Saturday and y Davis and and family and Miss Ruîth Lamb was well attended. VIn. and Mns. wene back xvith Mn. and Mns. W. Mn. and Mns. Clarence Avery J. Stainton's at Vicw Lake. x\'cre in Little Britain with Mn. oMn. and Rex' and Mns. M. R. Sandenson and Mrs. George Avery and Mn. Tenante, on and familv, Toronto. Miss Miriam andl Mrs. George Rabme, Saint- da gnandson Swain. Blackstock, with Mn. and fielcl. H. Moore. Mns. Will Rohinson, Kendal. Mn. and Mns. O'Brien, Bowm an- B. Dunbar, Miss Sliîrlcv Milîs is visiting ville, Miss June Ongetal, Tononto, .B. Sma les,i cousins at Acton. Ruby and Onland with Mn. and pp, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. W. Pellard and M .Tm alv Smales and familY, Oshawa, with Mn. and I Mn. and Mns. Dave Gatcheil at th Mn. and IMns. P. Ellis. Mn. and Mrs. Stephenson's, Beth- Miss R. die ILecti\v, Hengelo, an. iand Mns. Helland. is enjeying a visit with Mn. and Mns. Stacey, Oshawa, at Stungeon ber sisten andi bnothcn-in-law, Mn. andi Mns. H. Thompson, Mn. and Mns. Albert Zilvensmit. Cherry Vallcy, Mn. and Mrs. H. Ied on bis______- Osborne and Paul Graham, Ce-ý Grnaha m. -bourg and Mn. H. Osborne, Mont- V. Robb andH real, with Mn. and Mrs, Ken Rob- bave been HAY ONlin. h Mn. and Mn.' and Mns. B. Powens and Mns Vena Sonny te repent that Henry Ash- childnen. Cookstown, Mn. and Mns. Mrs Venaton is sick in bcd. Tom Ashton and famiiy with Mn. 'thick, Ton- Mn. andi Mns. Don Camenon at- and Mns. C. Ashton. Mns. S. R. tcnded flie funenai of James Mns. Mary Nicholson, Halifax, Brown in Bewmanville on Sun- N. S., Mns. J. Rogers and Ban- sNurse in day. bana, with Mn. and Mns. J. A. ospital, bas Miss Grace Tnewin, Toronto, is Tom pkins. b ]ave. heiidaying with ber parents., Mn. and Mns. W. Menton. Osb- veland, Ohio Mn. and Mns. A. Beech at Mn. awa, Mn. and Mns. Fred Kensey ich, Oshawa Evenctt Becch's, Pont Hope. and *tby, Omnemee, with Mns. L. is omeaf- Mn. and Mns. R. Anderson and Hlaesmari who bas gene to Omne- is omeaf-Bevcnly, Tenonte, at Mns. T. Cow- mec, and Oshawa for a few days. ber daugh- 'ling's. Mn. and Mrs. Archie Connelley, Weston. Mrs. E. H. Lormen, Mn. Btîd1 Toronto, witb Mn. and Mrs. Frank h Mn. and Lormen, Buffalo, N.Y., at Mn. F. 1 Holnoyd. Ashton's. Mns. Leonard Coates and Ted- ~ Mn. and Mns. Louis Asbton and dN and Ruîssell Howe are staying family, Mns. E. Westbuny, Toron- with Fneddie Carter for a week. te, iwith relatives. Mn. and Mrs. E. N. Hubband Mn. and Mns. Macklin, Tyrone, and June, Hamilton, Mn. and Mns. at Mn. W. Tnewin's. J1. A. Smith and Onvis, Mn. and Mn. and Mns. Harold Gay and Mns. Leenard Van Volkenberg, family, Oshawa, Miss Shirley Gar- Osh'awa, wýith Mn. and Mns. J. rancI, Toronto, at Mn. Chas. Gar- Cunnan. rand's. Mn. and Mrs. E. Adams, Albert Mn. and Mns. John Histed. and Lois MeMullen, Janetville, Hamilton, Mns. E. Strutt, Enni-l with Mn. and Mns. Ross Oke, Osh- shillen, at Mn. Jack Pott's. awi. Mns. J. Trick, Mn. aind Mrs. H. Trick and farnily with Mn. and FamiI Beuions Mns. Grant Cannochan. Famil Reunolis Mns. Sarah Yelland, Ingersoîl. Mns. George Daniels, Cari and STEPIIENS PICNIC Shirley, Ingensoîl, Mns. Williamý On Sturay fienoo, Algl';tSharpe, Detroit, Mich., at Mn. and On atnda atenoo;_AgstMrs. Orville Greer's.- w ý,, D#qj1 i f -0? 1 fait.dr Yi no str ng odor. Economicel six. 65c o ifderaio et Binstead, Douglas Bee, Laura WESLEY ILLE instead and Muriel Austin. Miss Joan Judge, Toronto, with Sunday School was held at il Miss Dolores Dickerso. arn. with an attendance of 29, Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Thorn- and wîth ahl teachers present. dyke, Sharon Ann and Carol, There was no church service as iwith. Mr. and Mrs. Brimacombe, Dr. ke i on is hlidas. rOsaca. Dr. Okedi ns htrooida the We are happy to hear Ihat Mn. On Wdneday ftenoontheNeal Nicholîs is recovering ro annual Sunday Scbool piccie was bis tonsil openation. held at Pont Britain shores. AI- Monday evening visitons with though there %were showers off Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Barrow- and on the races wene beld. Win- clough wene Mn. and Mns. Bob nens in the races were: Hill and Laurel and Mrs. Reg. Primany-7Donna Oughtned, Pearl Bec, Port Hope. Austin; Jr. girîs-Ainsîje Bec, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Barrow- Helen Austin; Jr. boys-Hubert clough and Bill with Mn. Art Binstead, Douglas Bec. Sr. boys MKay of Starkville. -Alex Magee, Neai Nicholis; Sn. girls-Helen and Laura P'nçtead; Mns. Hunt, Port Hope, and Miss girls three legged race -Anita' Shiela Roy, Toronto, spent Tues- Nicholîs: and Muriel Austin; boys day afternoon with Mns. C. .3 legged nace-Neal Nicholls, Ah- Payne. ex Magee; Ring Toss-Evelyn Harold and Leo Parnell have Binstead, Neai Nichoils; Adult neturned fnom bolidays wvith their ring toss-M.rs. George Tufford. grandpanents. Mn. and Mrs. Pan- Nail guessing cpntest-M ie teous, Newcastle. Austin; Wheelbarrow race-Hh-Mns. Demili and daughtens, rw 10 KING SI 1' -<Silks 'Port Hope, with Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Hale. Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mrs. C. Payne were Mn. and Mnr& Pency Snell and Mrs. L. Hold- awvay and Miss Eilene Allun, New. castle. RECORD SET IN FIRST SIX MONTHS 0F '48 Ontario continues te be a Mecca for United States visitons. During the finst six months of the current year, 302,021 pensons entened this province on Travellers' Vehicle Permits alone te exceed last year's record numben by 13.6%, the Minister of Travel and Pub- licity announced. Despite this new record, June was the finst month te show a de- crease for 1948. Due te the forest fine situation iin Northern Ontario at the time and the publicity given travel restrictions, the volume of motor parties entering Ontanio in June was 121.805 as companed with 125,324, in June last year. * SOCKEYE SALMON Tin 37c CLARKSCOOD TASTE-CHOICE DESSERT IRISH STEW Tin0z 1 9c PEiA R S '2Oz. 23, IEDLU7NDS 01,D SALT-IN OIL MEAT BALLS Tin O34c SARDINES 15"" 0210 STELLA-CIIOICE CUT JAYMAX-BABY WAX BEANS 2T2nz25c CHEESE. 11f I',/-I IItUITS-MEATS-V-EGETABLES jolLIY GO<D-I'ITTED 5 Oz. BADJFOOD 4 Tins 25c ATS h Ro23c 29C SAI1ADA-OR ANGE PEKOE AUSTRALIAN-NEW PACK TEA BAGS of 30 839c CURRANTS"". 17c NEWV PA*CK-PITTED-( IJOICE ]RED GTO-CIIOICE RED CHERRIESTn Z31c JUICE TONMATO Tins .25C NENV' PACK-1-REJ> VARJOUS BRANDS-CHTOICE RASPBERRIES Tin039cpEiAS5 2'o,0 27c SOLEX LAMPS 100 WATT 20o ALL BRANDS-EVAPORATED 25-40 t z 60 Watt Ea. 1 5c MILK Tn29 H ARXEST-F AN('Y AYLNIER-RASPBERRY APPLESAUCE 20 z."ino jAM Wlh Fl 33c EGGS MWANTFD M'e pay higliest market prices for t-ggq. Ship- ping tags available at onr stores. See manager for particulars. Reg. grading station 0-29. VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, BATURDAY AT'GUST 26th, 27th, 28th Fruits & Vegotablos Juiey Italian Juîcy California Size 344 LEMONS, size 360 - doz. 19c Sunkisi Oranges - doz. 22c Ontario No. 1 Callfornla Seedless New Potaloes - 10 lbs. 25c Grapefruit size 126 - doz. 49c See Us Firsi Watch Our Windows ONTARIO NO.- 1 PEACRES YELLOW FLESH FREESTONE ,.~ ~ J., +MMSDAY. AUGUST 2C. 1949 9

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