P'AGE NraHl]wTMn Mr evieCu -BROWN'Sf STARK VILLE ENNISKILLEN ' Miss Kathleen Brown entertain- Miss omHalwlanMry SvieCu ladies will mect ed a number of her littie friencis spent Suincay with Mr. and Mrs. on Sept. 7 at the home of Mrs. ri apaty Al eprtagoodtime. Gordon Hallox aIl, MutFrs. Floyd Beckett's. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Turner Miss Audrcy Farrow, New- Mr. Gordon Werry, Toronto, and Smwt Mr. and Mrs. T. castie, spent the week-end at1 with his sister, Mrs. J. R. Ormis- Wilson. home. ton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cuison spent. Mr-. J. Davies, Toronto. Mr. and Mr. Fred H. Ellis spent a week the weekend in Toronto. Mrs. 'Howard McGahey. Mr. L.: holidaying at Fenelon Falls. Mr. Sidney Brown took a loari DMcGahcv-, U.S.A., withi Mr. and Congratulations to Miss Wilma f0 Toronto and attendied ihe ball Mrs. J. Hallowell. Wotton on winning a radio at the game between Toronto and Syra- M.adMs Llew Hallowell Lions Carnival, Bowmanville. cuse.and famil v were in Toronto. I Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simpson of si MrMrd ocasbeuwrig urdh lallowýell has re-j Hampton accompanied Mr. and ici Mrf0dCxhsbenw i undt Toronto f0 rcsume her1 Mrs. John Oke to visit a soldier ili on a contract at Delhi for the dlutics aftcr a pleasant vocation. pal at Scarboro.I 8, past two weeks. Miss H. Hallowell, Toronto, at Mr. Allen Stainton, Haydon, arn home. with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. ocYDONors. J. Smales visited in To-i ____ DONronto. l ta: _____ V LELLILLE Dr. and Mrs. Clarke Dorland1 Sundy Scoolwillre-pen hisand farnily, Lapeer, Mich., are heSundayatS2 p.m but crch ser Sunda School \vas wcll attend- spending a wcek with Mr. and hoce b wihdcdnthindek.ail toachers wcre prescnt.! Mrs. John Dorland. A vcewond erfl ihathbeld Church folloxvedc witb Dr. Oke 1 Mrs. W. Wotten, Mr. and Mrs.: -qi the hundrds ofgladiolibhloos speaking on "Christ Working E. Herring. Oshawa, callcd on Mr. thehunred ofgldioi boom iWith Us. Dr. Oke, who bas just and Mrs. R. MeNcil. Eat Mr. P. A. Yegerings. You r rcturncd from holidiays, brou ght Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry and E reporter has many an occasion f0 with him same paintings to illus- family attcnded the Eldad Churchl goci view their beauty as the flowers trato seevcral places whcre he had rc-openinig on Sunday and xisited the are beside her corn patch. becn. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Werry. hoc W.A. will be held next Thurs-j Miss Hclene Barrou-clough is Mr. and Mrs. E. Lingard and leal day evening at the parsonage I writing hcr rummer rehcol cxams family, Bowmanvi]le, Mr. Frank hea with the men as guests. Every- in Port Hope and we wvish ber Spry, Rochester, N.Y., with Mr. Pri one welcome. succcss. and M rs. Edgar Wright. of Miss Dora Black with friends Mrs. Charles Snell returnedi Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ormiston ac-C o1 inToronto. from visiting bcr daugliter, Mrs. companicd by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ai it à er Mr. Gardon Denby, Toronto,;Fro d Tuf ford, Bunkcr Hill. AFhton and Mrs. Artbur Brunt' sac Mrs. Keneth Hardy and babe, Long 1i Xcncsdav- visitors wjth Mrs. . attcn'dcd th, 25th veiding anni- B ho( Sault, at Mr. F. Denhy's.1 Edgarii Bar-ro-,veou;h wer i\Misscs !c~r of Mr. aid 7/r.-. J. A. A 0oW Mr. and MrF. Louis Ashton and Bcnc'Br-dMn utnAk~haTrno iacle fail, ornt, t c.Heryand Gloria zuui Alfrcd Nichoils. on \1r. ai-dc Mrs. F. Ashton on ivi pu Ahtn'.MisFes Eilccn Aluin, Ncwcaqtle. ýt1iir 5th imnnivrrrry. Ci pw Ashtn's. 1and Paulinc Pcters, Morrisi, spent Mrs. May Pearce, Mrs. R. W. 'J'Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham at. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. JreWest Orange, N.J., Mizs C] fiel Mr. Cyrus Ashton's, Biîrketon.. Pa\vne. 1 Flacrence Werry, Bowmanville, Bi an( Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. B. Binstcd ind were Tuesday evening tea gueszts cal Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martyn, Bow- Mr. and Mr--. B. Ecien motorcd ta at Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry's. p ovf manville,, at Mr. W. Trewin's. Niagar~a. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fontaine Misses Eilecn Allun, Newcastle, familv spent Sunday with ber 4have returned home t0 Toronto and Ruth and Murray Pay ne spent parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Beach, after holidaying at Mr. E. A. Mc- Sna tLk cgg adn Nis.Mrs. Arnold Thorndyýke, Shar- Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil visited 0 Misses May and Winnifred Tre- Ion Ann and Ca rol spent Tbursday friends in Oshawa. win in Toronto.ibMrCPan. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rodman, Mrs. e W bc F. E. tei eh~ wî a inj c'. Iti gg 'Il 11» closed A& P Storesi Monday Sep- Labour Dz M.-....... ..... KELLOGG'S ALL WHEAT Pkg. 14e CAMPBELL'S TON. LOUP 2 Tins19 HEINZ ASSORTED LOUPS 2 n25e CORONATION PLAIN OUUu QUEEN 16-oz. 5 CHICKEN IADDIE *Tin M3 * CUSTOM GROUNO IA&P 1830R COFFEE lb 51C~ .- -.. . - - LIQUFW CERITO 11 SOLID PACK TUNA FISHI HEINZ KETCHUP A & P CA7DY-OPANGE SLICES «'« FOR FiPJ!fl BAKING CRISCO SLICED LOAF? Bti.25 7-oz. L~ Tin 45e~ 13 or B3tI 6 lb. 29e lb. 47e lb. -45e ONA, NEW PACK, STANDARD GREEN PEAS ungî-îd2d 20-o7 tîn JjC ONA, NEW PACK (Pectin Added) STRAWDERRY JANM 24-oz jar 36c ANN PAGE PEANUT BUTTER lb-oz jar 35C QIKOR REGULAR QU KE GAT S * gepkg25c ANN PAGE, WHITE or BROWN MILIK BREAD de 24oz loaf lOc A & P FRUITS And VEGETARLES There Is Only One Price - None Higher GRANGESCALIFORNIA VALENCIA Doz.2O CALFORIAMARSH 5for GRAPEFRUIT CALFORNo.A-10's 29e LENONS IMPORTED FRESH No. 1 CeHlo 2 APPLESONTARIO GROWN DUCHESS 3 Ibo. 7 POTAOES ONTARIO GROWN - Qt. M U NA GROWN 3 Ibo. ONIONS ~ OiKINGNo . 1 J O CAROSONTARIO GROWN MARSH 3 Ibo. jQe CONONTARIO GROWN YELLOW Doz. ~ELRYSALS Pasca Sweet 2 for15 NATIVE GROWN NIAGARA PEACHES. THE FAMOUS 'IV" VARIETIES NOW AT THEIR BEST FOR PRESERVING. BUV TODAY. 8PQuulkiy Meuts ore nds A & Fi,îest Quuity RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF HANDIED MPROAST VFRY LITTLE 13ONE r' CTLET STEAK OR OS VEAI. MES ORCOPNILK FED SMOKED HAMS W HOLE OR HALF POR LSHOULDERB-gS SOK ED SHANIK I.E--, COTTAGE ROUIS SMOKED-- IBREAKFAST BRàCON SI.ICEI) MOK ED ]BACUL BACON PEANIEALEI), SICED- EXCLUSIVELY lb 59, m 11) 63C 11 173C t. 6 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Early September Wedding Miss Jean Elizabcth Jobb and Mr. S. T. J. Finboiv who are to be married in King Street United Church, Oshawa, on Saturday, September 4. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Lt.-Col. and Mrs. P. H. Jobb, Oshawa, formerly of B]ackstock, and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Finbow, Toronto. k. Armstrong, Lindsay, with Mc. ind Mrs. M. J. Hobbs. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon, 3ow-manville, at Mc. and Mcs. H. .nnis. Mrs. E. Strutt with Mr. and Irs. H. Eowins at their cottage, acsarca. Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and ýharles at Mc. and Mcs. Gardon ee l's, Bowmanville. àss Jean Rabbins. Mc. W. D.' :etbick, Mc. Flo.vd Pethick, To- onto, at Mc. and Mrs. S. R. Peth- ck's. Mc. and Mrs. Russell Spinks, urple Hill, Mir. and Mcs. Howard )ke, Osbawxa, witb Walter Oke's. Miss Nora Werry. Kedron, visit,- id with H. MeGill's and E.A Tercy's. Mc. and Mrs. Roy MeGili and amily witb Fred Billett's, Scar- jro Bluffs. Mc. and Mrs. P. Ellis and fam- ly witb hec parents. Mc. and Mrs. Vanvolkenborg, Havelock. Mc. and Mrs. Harvey McGill ýd Gartb, Mc. and Mrs. J. A. Verry attended the re-opening af ldad Cburcb at Sauina. W.A. mneetingý was bcld at Mrs. arvey McGill's witb a good at- endance, Mrs. F. Beckett was in harge of the pcog-ram. A reading as given b.y Mrs. A. Wearn; Mrs. Vestover. Haydon, favoured with fine solo; a verY comical read- g was given by Mcs. F. W. Wec- y:Mrs. R. M. Seymour gave an talian folk sang; Mrs. E. Trewin ave a ceading. Lunch was secved ytbe gcoup. Meeting closad witb ei theme sang and prayer. Mc. and Mrs. George Bradley id family. Bucwasb. are visiting itb Mcs. Mary Griffin. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Miss Mary Bowen returned on1 Sunday, Aug. 22, fromn a xveek's motor tour in western Ontario and spent until the 27th at hec home bere.' While sbe was home h er mother took a mucb necdled ýholiday in Toronto visiling ber sister, Mrs. E. B. Stockda le. Wm. C. Bowen, son of Mr. and Mcs. Howard Bowr'n. motored ta Lawreniceburg, Indiana, last wcok and rctucned on Sundav aceom- panicd bx' bis cousins, Margacet, MaEgdalene and Dorcos Sappen- field. On Monday evcning iney went xith Bill ta Toronto where tbey will visit their relatives. Mc. andi Mr,. Alden Gibson. El- roy. Jack and Dennis and Miss Audrey Clemenit also called at tha Bowen's Sundavit ernoon. Tom Lowden is in Bowmanville Hospital suffecinga from injuries sustaincd xvhen bis truck vs hit by a transport on Monday aven- ing. We trust bis injuries are not vecy rexions or painful. Màiss Helen Turner underwvent an appcnctomv, opecation two weeks ago. We becar she is mak- ingi splendid rccojvacv. Miss Pauline Bcancb was homo fcom Petarboro avec the wcek- end. NE WTON VILLE Sorcy ta bear ai the ilinesaf 'Mr. J. J. Mellor. Mc. annd Mrs. Hecb Claver, Peterboro, and Miss Joyce Burley, Kenrial, visited Mrs. Tom Lang-I sta ff. Congyratulations ta Sirmucl Mcc- ciii Jonces (Bud) wh'o baving pascd bis fliving test in Oshaw-a is row a fuli fledgcd pilaf. Mc. and Mcs. Willis Farrow accomnaricd Mc. and Mrs. Clar- encoBucey Cowanvile, ta Jar- Miss Bertha Thompron is hol- ida y in g with fricnds at Selkirk on Lake Erie. Mr. and Mcs. Willis Joncs. Fac and Bud and Mrs. C. W. Joncs have returned fromn a cottarle at i Rice Lake. Miss Martha V. Kceff rccentlv out fcom Hoiiand visit- inig bec sister, Mx-s. Lawrence Cil- mec. Niagara Falls, was a guest ai Fae foc a %week. Miss Emma Rowland, Ncw1- castle, is visiting Mrs. C. Buriay. >Just heet and rub ini MINARD'S, and noie the àikrelief you get. uleselssfas-dring 0 etrong or ucipleasant odor. Get a boutle ioday; keep 5-6 i handy. LA A"Ge SI ZI 5c SOLINA Sunday Visitors: Dr. and Mrs. George Wcccy and Ca rolyn, Mc. and Mrs. Charles IWerry, Oshawa; Mc. and Mrs. Er- nie Werry and family, Mc. and Mrs. Harvey MeGili and Garth, Enniskillen; Miss Nora Werry, Kedron; Mc. and Mrs. Geo. Bray, ITaronto; Mc. and Mrs. N. Wright,' 1 Maple Grave, at S. &'~and Was. Wercy 's. Mc. and Mrs. Bryce Brown, Mrs. R. J. McKessoek, Oshawa; Mrs. Les Snowden and 3Eob, Maple Grave; Miss Marjorie Coucb, Bow- manville; Miss Helen Baker, To- ronta, at Jack and Tom Baker's. Mc. and Mrs. Jack Large, Bow manville, at Walter Parrindars. Mrs. Douglas McLaogblin and Mavis, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Mc- Laugblin and Phil, Oshawa; Mcs. Fred Tamblyn, Orono; Mr. and Mcs. Russell Van Horn, Wbitby;! Mc. and Mrs. Lew Cryclerman, Hampton at Harold Pascoe's Mc. and Mrs. Harold Spencer, Toronto; Mc. and Mrs. Jack Goy- ne, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crame, Mc. Arthuir Gcing, Oshawa; Mc. and Mrs. Norman Leach, Taunton; Mc. and Mrs. A. L. Blanehard, Hamp- taoi, xvlt Mrs. Chas. Blanhard. Mrs. Tennyson Peraman, Mi sses Mary and Elsie Dyer. Columbus Mr. an.d Mrr. \Ves. Hoskin, Hamp- ton, a' Lamne Hoskin's. Mc. and Mcs. Hilton Tink and family, Ebenezer; Mc. and Mrs. Clarence Tink and family, Hamp- ton; Mc. and Mcs. Cea. Waltcrs, Toccata, at Bruce Tink's. Mr. and Mcs. Fred Daniels, Mr, and Mrs. Colin Daniels, Mc. Nel- son Danicîs, Oshawa; Mc. and Mcs. Harvey Pascoe, Mc. Donald Mou ntjoy, Kedron; Mcs. Frank Crassman, Oshawa, aý Cecil Pas- coe's. Rex'. and Mcs. E. S. Linstead and Ilda. Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cbapman, Mcs. Norman Graham, Pickering; Mr. and Mcs. James A. Werry. Enniskillen; Mc. and Mcs. Evectt Ellioti. Mary and Barbara, Bowmanvillc; Mc. and Mr. Clarence Weccy, Mrs. Fletcher Wcrry, Miss Wilma Wer- îy, Kedron; Mc. and Mcs. Achie Keitb, Oshawva: Mi5-ros Aura and Lyla Osborne, Ebenezer, at A. L. Paseoe's.1 Miss Betty Ferguson. Oshawa, with ber cousin, Jean Montgom- ery. Mc. and Mcs. Chacles Reynolds and Joan, Mc. and M1s. Norman Reynolds, Messrs Bruce and Ed- gar' Rcynolds, Mrs. Eva Dorrieott, MVrs. Eva Sanderson. Miss Ida Reynolds. Toronto; Mcs. A. A. ~Cowle, Mcs. Mabel Afflioldcr,l Mr. and Mcs. J. E. H. Davis, Miss Bessie Reynolds. Mc. Arthur Has- kcli, Oshawa; Mc. and Mrs. Jack Reynoldls, Ruth and Fac, Mc. and VIrs. J1. R. ReYnolds, Mc. and Mrs. Sam Dew&ell, Hampton: Mc. Glenn Ajllin, Newcastle; Miss Jean Rain- cy, Orono; Mcs. Reg. Somerville, Mlary and Eleanor, ChcrrywýýNood; MIr. and Mcs. Hamv Westley, Bowmanville, at J. W. Yellow- ees' Mir. and Mcs. D. E. Hamac Misst VIargacet Hamer. Brooklin Mir'_ and Mcs. Walter Davis, Jonc and Johin, Kedron, at Campbell Ham- e's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MeGili, Keith and Raya, Enniskillcni, at Roy Langmaid's. Mr. and Mcs. Erncst Larmer, Lois, Becyl and Clan, BI.ackstockli; pN7ieNE 7t5 - BOWMANVIILE fHURSDAY, SEPTEM3ER 2, IS4S Miss Lena Taylor, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Ervan Rainey and Gerald, Orono, at E. R. Taylor's. Mr. and M.rs. 'Geo. Gibson, Taunton; Mrs. Beatrice, Sheridan, Oshawa; Mies Marilyn Leask, Bawmanville, at Clarence Vice's. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yellow- lees, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jebson and family, Elnitroft Farm, Col- umbus; Mrs. Lew Van Nest, Mrs. Leslie Evans, Mr. Charles Evans, IMiss Nancy Lammiman, Mr. Bill Lammiman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Annon, Oshawa; Lorraine and Walter Tink, Ebenezer, at Russell Vice's. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milison, Hampton. at E. Millson's. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees, Mr. Archie Cation, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott, Sandra and Donald, Petarboco; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlaes, Carol and Donna, Mr. arnd Mrs. Frank Wright, Grant and Beverly, Tyrone, at Ernest Hoekaday's. Mrs. H. Malcolm, Mrs. R. Mil- ler and Margaret, Miss Sadie Malcolm, Brougham, at J. Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Potter,1 Brenda and Ricky. Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whiteheadl, Mr. Douglas Nicholîs, Courtice; Mr. Harry Pottar, Toronto, at Alex Potter's. Mr. W. R. Westlake, Oshawa, at Frank Westlal:e's. Mc. and Mrs. Jack Yellowlccs and Gladys werg guests at the Powell - Yellowlees wedding at Columbus on Satucday. MUiss Annie Patter accompanied by Miss Dorotby Taylor, Toronto, bias returnad ta Toronto after two weeks' vacation in Muntreal and the Laurentians and with hec parents, Mc. and Mrs. Alex Pat- ter. Mc. and Mcs. C. D. Pascoe at- tended the funcral af little Mac- lena Grills at Valentia on Satur- day. Mc. and Mrs. Percv Westlal:e, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Nelson' lte DACKDONE - of INDUSTf--Ry Even in normal tirnes, CanadiaËn industry rèquire-s alot of lumber. Expanding at the rapid rate of the last f e,%& vears, industry's demands on the lumber trade have been without precedé-nt in our history. LiterciIly, every- body wants lumber . . . f or more business, better ho mes, bigger offices. Fiee and family, Taunton, on a trip to Niagara Falls. Mc. and Mrs. JTack Yellowlees, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees, Mrs. Ralph Davis and Miss Ida Reynolds visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Grills at Valentia prior f0 the funeral ai their little daughter, Marlene. Sympathy is expressed to Mr. Bill Cain on the death of his father in Toronto. Mr. A. L. Pascoe, Mc. Frank Pascoe, Mrs. H. E. Tink attended the funeral of Everett Mackay at Brooklin last ,Tuesday. In the football playoff series, Courtice defeated Zion here last Thursday night 4-0. Mrs. H. E. Tink visited friends at Cberrywood. Mc. and Mrs. A. L. Stevens, John, Joe and Jill xith their par- ents at Oshawa. Happiness is not othar than scundness and perfection of mind. God has endowed man with in- alirnable rigbts, among wbicb arec self-government, reason and con- science.-Mary Baker Eddy. Do K!izc« sir. 1Z 01 ORLWINQ COMPANY LIMITED v A Delicious Cool Drink Directions: Malce tea exactly as usual . .While stili hot pour into glasses filed with craicked ice... Add sugar and lemon to taste* 91@5îD TVA To the phenomenal demands macle on il, the lu mber industry's response has been remarkable. We are, as always endeavouring to sup. ply your needs with quality hemlock, Jack vine, white pine and spruce. LUMIER CO, LIMITED e,7s SMt/lORS Of eANADA (/v'MITED' The freedom you enloy in Canada is buif on the principle of equal justice for ail. To carry ouf this principie, thousonds of Ontario men and women have chosen Law as a career. The years fhey are giving f0 sfudy and appren- ficeship enables them f0 guide and protecf your inferests. As cham- pions of freedom, Canadian Lawyers earn the titis Mouidors of Canada Unlimited. XMUMDAY, SEPTMOLM 2, 1948 MEANS REVOLUTION (The Financial Post) If Canadians evec allow the CCF party to take over powerat Ottawa, they know now exactly what is in store for themn. There are no "ifs" or "buts" about the platform approved at Winnipeg last week. There are no suggest- ions for careful investigation of realities and probabilities to be followed by possible action. Hece is a straight one, two, three pro- position. In one way and anothec the program would giva the CCF di- rect, permanent and absolute con., trol over all production, distribu. tion and consomption and over the lives and savings of ail people engaged in those activities. That means revolotion and the regi- mentation of an entire people by a political pacty. The inspicing RCMP musical tide, discontintied wban war broke oi. has been resumcd. The Soviet iovernmcnt's pub- lishing bouse is prînting the works af Dickens and Walter Scott. ý 1