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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1948, p. 11

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. WA. SEPTEMBM 2,1948 THE CANADIA!N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIRIO PAGE ELEvm SPORT NEWS rurk Droda's Hockey Ail-Stars Beat Dowmanville Ail-Stars 10-3 Stellar attraction at the great ions Club Carnival in Bowmnn- ilie, Wednesday evening, August 8, was the exhibition softbnli ame between Turk Brodn's ockey Ahl-Stars, Toronto, and he Bowmanville District Ahl- tars. Lending .3-0 at the end of d behind loase pitchîng and the ockeymen's heavy clouting in the 1a5t two frames ta go down ta de- . t4t by n score of 10-3. Husky, Teamn Broda, Maple Leaf's champion goalie, had with bimn just about the heftiest and mast rugged hockeyists in Canadian - U.S.A. tlengues. A 200-pounder himself, ibe was overtapped by giant Babe Pratt, 2b, and Ciiff Baxter, cf. Turk sparked the fans with a bit of comedy and the big Babe made it a real show by smash ing a hom- er in the last trame ta clear the sncks. Names and positions of the hockey huskies appear below. Our own Ernie Dickens of the Chicago Black Hawks, lined up with the puckstens and wielded a betty bat. The visitons weno pîped anto the ield by the BT.S. Bugle Bandi and tram there on, Johanie James ýcailed the pinys and highiights aoven the Radio Shop public ad- dress system. A bit of incongru- ity got n lnugh from the crowd when ittle Dick Little, Bowman- ville catcher, crashed into big man Pratt at 2nd ta spoil a double play. Batteries AI Dewsberry was on the bill for the visitons and pitchied win- ning slant.s ta catcher Jake Forbes. Ace Richards xent three frames for the homesters, allowing only ane hit, and no runs. He passed a 1-0 score along ta Bob Williams who went thnee frames. He fat- tened the score ta 3-0 and then began cricket bowling. Three straight waiks and n double by Broda and an ernor in centre field, aitered the score ta 5-3. Davey, an under-slilger from Hampton, completed the route by continuing the walks and Dews. berry's double and Pratt's hQmer added the other five ruas. Dews- berny with two hits. led bis mates. Gilhooley with two hits, a rua and a theft and perfect fieiding, led the homebrews. Bobby Soxers During the gaine the Hockey Ail-Stars were mobbed in the dugout betwcen frames by some 200 bobby-soxers who squeaied of MARTYN'S BOWLING ACADENY SATURDAY, SEPT. 4th OPEN 1 P.M. Corne and enjoy a good, healthy indoor sport Good Morning Young Man. 1 Have a Little Problem for You! WilI y-ou pîcase ck my tires now and sec if they are w,ýeang ,evca. Yoit camie ta the riglht place, brotheir, for tires changed every 5.0)00 miles adds 5.00(0 miles' wvear in every 25,000 miles registereci on youi' speedorncter. ANOTIIER THING TO REMIEMBEIR "GENERAL TIRES GO A LONG WAY TO MAKE FRIENDS" G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop Corner Kini and Silver Sts., Bowmanville Phone 467 delight in getting autograph books filled. F. Tomlinson acted as coaçh and manager for the visitors who got a rousing reception fromn the crowd when reminded of their heat-lapse over the ioud speaker. It was one of the hottest even- ings of the year. Summary Broda's AIl' -Stars: 10 runs, 6 bits, 2 enrors, 3 fanned, 6 walked, 1 stole, 4 extra base ciauts, 2 ieft on base. Bowmanville: 3 runs, 5 bits, 3 errons, 6 fanned, 6 walked (Little 3 times), i theft, 2 extra base bits, 10 left on. Double play, Yourth, Gilhooiey, Osborne. R. H. E. Hockeyists ... 000 005 5-10 6 2 Bowmanviile 001 020 0- 3 5 3 Umps: Ticker Crambie, plate; Ralph Ames, bases*. Players Visitons: Bill Quackenbush, ss; Jack Forbes, c; Turk Broda, lb; Ai Dewsberry, p; Babe Pratt, 2b; Vic Lynn, 3b: Ernie Dickens, If; Cliff Baxter, cf; Bill Dennison, rf. Homesters: Yourth, 3b; Dutch Osborne, lb; Gilhooley, 2b; Ted Miller, cf; Don Williams, ss; D. Little, c; Ewart Bragg. If; W. Pal- iey, nf; Ace Richards, p; Bob Wil- liams, 6; Davey, P; Ai Osborne, ib. Maple Grove Hawks Win in Serni-Finals Def eating Ebenezer The Maple Grave Hawvks made it twa straight over Ebenezer and thius qualified ta meet the bard- hitting Countice Imperials. Scoring single ruas in the first and second innings and then five in~ the third the Hawks coasted ta an 8-5 victorv. B. Holmes bad two solid bits and accounted for four out of the eight ruas. For Eben- ezer W. Oke had two bits ta iead the attack. Maple Grave led 8-2 gaing inta the seventh and ap- peared ta have the game ahI-1 wrapped up, howeven. wilh dark- aess settiag in Courtice scared 3 1 ruas. Ahi ruas were counted when Stub Downs liaed a drive ta cen- tre field and the ball was mis- judged in the darkness. Hoxveven Harry Snoxvden proceeded ta stnike-out the hast two batters ta end the game. Maple Grave 1 1 5 O0 O Ebenezer 00 11 0 03 5 Stihi piay)ing the braad of bail that they played against Ebenezer the Maple Grave'Hawks moved ta xvithin one game of the Dan- lingtan Soft," ail Cup with a dlean cut 11-6 vi ony at Maple Grave with a large cnowd in attendance. Bobby Johnson's home nun started off the Courtice attack in the finst inniag and resulted in 2 nuns. Hawever, Stan and Harry Snowdea and Barny Holmes ali cnassed the plate ta give the Hawks the iead. A lead they neyer gave up. B. Haiines' triple was the big biow. Aften a sconeless second inîng the Hawks scaned a rua in the 3nd, four marc in the 4th and three in the 5th. That put the gamne on ice and Maple Grave coasted 1 the nest of the way giving. up 4 runs in the last two innings. Kea Staiker was the big gun fan the Hawks at the plate with three extra base bits. Defensively the Snowdcn battery played well. H. Snowdcn struck out 7 and walked 3. B. Snowden catcbing kept the base runners weli in, hatid and only two runnens stol bases. Maple Grave: B. Saowden. ;H Snowdea, P; B. Hoimes, lb; S. Snowden, 2b; E. Fianev, 3b; V. jCoakson, sis; P. Finney, eÉ; K. Stal- kor. If; R. Munday. nf: R. Wheak- ly, B. Stevens and H. Finney, subs. Courtice: B. Gearing, c; W. Wclsh. p: B. Johnson, lb; K. Hut- ton. 2b; B. Wehsh, 2b; G. Boy, ss; L. Pcnfouad, cf; B. Johnson, rf; J. MeGregon, If. Rol. Colombes Wins 440-Yard Event In Inter-School Sprint Tn the Track and Field meet hereccatîx at the Lake Cou- chiching O.A.T. camp, many rec- orswere equahicd or broken. Stan perfarmer in the sprints was Don McFarlane,. Budiington High Schoal, who took the 100-yard dash in 10 seconds fiat and also starned in the relav,. But of local intcnrest was the wia of Roland Coombes, Baw- manville High School, wh'o came first in the 440-yard run with a mark of 5 secon-ds. He is a son of Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Coambes, Solem. H-e beat out star sprint- ers from Toronto University and East York Collegiate. This summer school is conduet- Juniors Tosa Gcmne Bow Out to Whitby By Score of 9-8 Bowmanville Rotary Juniors tossed themselves out of the OEA piaydowns on the Hîgh School diamond, Friday evening by handing Whitby Woives 9 un- enrned runs for a 9-8 final score. They lost the first game in Whit- by, 2-1 in n tight contest. In Fni- day's fracas witb the wenther touching 92 degrees, it wasn't the heat bi. the stupidity that iost the gamne. Again the team was s hi ft edc about. Star pitcher Dadson was assigned ta lst. First sacker Barr replaced neat 3rd. sacker Cox. Barr booted three errors by encroaching on Hooper's short stop position, fanned twice in pinches but hnmmered a 3-bag-~ g'r in the 8th ta compensate. Pi- per and Gallagher were sent in as relief inter in the gaine. Only 2 Hits Believe it or not, Whitby took the contest with a total of only two lone hits. Their 9 unearned runs came in the 3rd on 6 walks, 3 errors. It might have been warse save for Junior Hamilton at 2nd. who rallied bis mates with 2 spectacular, one-hand catches. ln batting pinches, Bowmanvilie wasn't there. Ten men were left stranded when strike out jitters gripped the team. Sturrock started on the maund for the homesters and pitched brilliant hall for 2 innings. Then he blew up in the 3rd, walked the bases full assisted by Barr's error, walked 4 men home. Junior West replatcd him, continued ta xvalk 'em home, plus another Barr error and a bit ta rf. The fans groaned when 9 runs went up on the 'board. West settled down later and held the Lobas hitless fram there in. McDonald pitched change-af- pace for Whitby and should have been easily hammered off the inaund before the 8th when Baxv- inanville rallied 3 ruas aad Neal toak over ta fan Barr as darkness feul ai-d the gaine was calied. Hamilton scarcd first for Baw- manville on a walk and Ruadle battcd him home ta be rewarded by 'being tassed out of the game fan Piper who fanned on each trip. In the 2nd. Cox hit and scored on Sturrock's single. Dad- son walked in the 5th. Martin daubled and Hoaper drove them haine but -,as stranded xvhen Piper, Barr and Cax fanned in a row. In the f8th Hlamilton waiked, stole, scorcd. Dadson did like- xise, ail due ta Hoopcr's triple which he stretched ta a homer on a wild beave. That was it. Summary XVitby: 9 runs, 2 hits, 1 errar, 8 anned, 9 walked, 3 stole, 5 left an. 1 hit by pitcher. Bowmanviile: 8 ruas, 8 bits. 4 errors, 9 fanned, 7 waiked, 5 stale, 1-2bh; 2-3bh; 10 left on. Hit by P. Gallagher. RH E Wbitby 00f9,000,00 9 2 1 Bawmanville 110,020,13 8 8 4 Oakwood Girls Beat Bowmanville Girls Bowmaniville Girls Softball Team went down to a 17-6 defeat at the hands of the Oakwood team, in Bowmanville, Friday night. jSparked by the good pitching of Perrin who striîck out 7 and walked 1, the Oakwood teamn rea- lly hit their stride in the 6th inn- ing, driving in a total of 7 runs. Shred was on the mound for the cown teama walking 5 and strik- ing out 2. Bowmanvi]ie -,as not in top form with errors in both the in- ficld and autfield. S ummary Bowmanville-6 runs, i1 bits and 6 errors. Oakwood-17 runs, 20 hits and 2 errors. Bowmanville-Ellis, c. O'-, Rourke. rf; Couvier, ss; Shred, p; Coole, 3rd; Willets, cf; Gil- hooly, 2nd; Stacey, lst; Wright, if. Oakwood-Anderson, If; West, 2nd; Harding, c; Perrin, p; Par- liment, 3rd; Osborne, ss; Rogers, lst; Wilkinson, cf; Marg Perrin, rf. cd in successive courses during school holidays as training for promising athetes. Its numbers aire recruited framn almast ail the Higli Schoois and Coliegiates of the province with entries also framn the Universities. Young Coombes is to be congratuiated on a fine performance among Ontario's best student athietes. t! Durham & Ontario Hoistein Breeders Score Well ai the Pelerboro Fair Durham and Ontario County Brown & Sons; 3, Stanley Wood; Holstein breeders captured the 4, R. and A. Davis. Championships at Peterboro Fair Cow. 2 yrs. or over, dry-1, last week. It was a repeat af their Thos. Fiett & Son, Oshawa; 2, Eari showing in the Black and White Doris, Otonabee; 3, Coughlin District Show in the same city Bras.; 4, J. H. Jose & Sons; 5, last year. T. Brown & Sons; 6, R. and A. The senior and g*and maie Davis; 7, Stewart Nelson; 8, N. championships went ta Jas. T. W. McConkey; 1, Stanley Wood, Brown & Sons, Newcastle, on their Heifer yearling, senor-1, Thas. young bull Glenafton Reliance. Flett & Son with Elmcroft Vera, The junior titie went ta the Dur- junior champion female; 2, H. W. ham Centre Bull Club. In the fe- Ormiston; 3 and 4, N. W. Mc- maie division, Hugh Ormiston, Conkey; 5, J. H. Jase & Sons; 6, Brooklin, taok the senior and Stewart Nelson. grand championships, with. both Junior Yearling Heifer-1 and reserves as well. The junior 2, Thos. Flett & Sans; 3, Stanley award xvent ta Thos. Flett & Son, Wood; 4 and 6, Stewart Nelson; 5, Oshawa.i N. W. McCankey; 7 and 10, E. J. The Ayrshire, Guernsey and Brown; 8, R. and A. Davis; 9, J. Jersey classes had no entries from H. Jase. Durham County, hence are not Senior Heifer Caif (18 entries) reported here. The Holstein a- -1, Hugh W. Ormiston with wards were as follows: Ormsdale Duchess Carrine, re- Bull, 2 yrs. and under 3-James serve junior champion female; 2, T. and E. J. Brown, Newcastle- and 9, N. W. McConkey; 3 and 4, Orono, with "Glenaftan Rag Ap- Thos. Flett & Son; 5, 7 and 15, pie Reliance," senior male cham- Coughlin Bras.; 6 and 18, Jas. T. pion and grand champion. Brown & Sons; 8 and 14, R. and Bull, 1 yr.-i, Coughlin Bras., A. Davis; il and 12, E. J. Brown; Douro and N. W. McConikey; 2, 13, Stewart Nelson; 16, J. H. Jase. Stewart Nelson, Otonabee; 3, Jas.* Junior Heifer Calf-l, J. H. Jase Bishop, Otonabee. & Sans; 2 and 6, Stanley Wood; 3, Bull caîf (11 entries)-i, Dur- J. T. Brown; 4 and 9, N. W. Mc- ham Central Bull Club, with Conkey; 5 and 11, Coughlin Bras.; "Glenafton Futurity," junior male 7 and 10, S. Nelson; 8, T. Flett champion and reserve grand & Son. champion; 2, E. J. Brown, Orono, Senior herd (bull, any age, 2 xith "Browtop Glenn Mark," re- sr. females and 2 jr. femiles)-1. serve junior maie« champion; 3, Hugh Ormiston; 2, N. W. Mc- Jas. T. Brown & Son, Newcastle; Conkey; 3, J. T. Brown & Sons; 4, Hugh W. Ormiston and Wr. L. 4. E. J. Brown; 5, J. H. Jose & Evans, Braoklin: 5, Stanley Wood Sons; 6, S. Wood; 7, Coughilin Otonabea; 6, Coughlin Bras.; 7: Bras.; 8, Stewart Nelson. Stewart Nelson; 8 and 9, J. H. nered Jase & Son, Newcastle; 10 and 11, Junior erd Js .Bov Jas. Bishop.Juirhr:1Ja.TBow& Cow, 4 yrs. andi over in milk (8 Sons; 2, H. Ormiston; 3, E. J. entries)-l, Hugh W. Ormiston, Brown; 4, N. W. McConkey; 5, with Rag Apple Hertog Doris, re- S. Wood; 6, J. H. Jase & Sans; serve senior fermale and reserve 7, Coughlin Bras.; 8, Stewart grand champion: 2, Stewart Nel- Nelson. son; 3 and .5, Jas. T. Brown & Progeny of dami-I and 2, Hugh Sons: 4, N. W. McCankey; 6, Ormiston; 3 and 4, N. W. McCon- Coughlin Bros.; 7. J. H. Jase & key: 5, S. Woad; 6 and 8, Cough- Sons; 8, Stewart Nelson. lin Bras.; 7 and 9, Stewart Nel- Cow, 4 yrs. and over, dry (8 Scfl. entries)-l. Hugli W. Ormiston, Senior get of sire-l, N. W. Mc- with Forthiyne Doileta Inka Conkey (Supreme Grand Slam); Posch, senior and grand champion 2, J1. H. Jase & Sons (Governor female: 2 & 3, N. W. McCankey; De Kol Houwtje); 3, Stewart Nel- 4 and 7, Stewart Nelson; 5, E. J. son (Kleendale Lodge Supreme). Brown; 6, Richard and Allen Junior get of sire-1, Thos.: Davis, Otonabee; 8, J. T. Tully. Fiett & Sons; 2, Couc-hlin Bras.; Cow, 3 yrs., in mik-1 and 3, 3, E. J. Brown; 4, S. Wood: 5, N. Jas. T. Brown; 2, Stanley Wood; W. McConkey; 6, Stewart Nelson; 4, Stewart Nelson. 7, .T. H. Jase & Sons. Cow, 3 yrs., dry-1 and 2, N. W. Best uddered female-1, Stew- McConkey; 3, E. J. Brown; 4 and art Nelson; 2, J. T. Brown; 3, S. 5, J. H. Jase & Sons; 6, Caughlin Waod; 4 and 6, H. Ormiston; 5, Bras. N. W. McCankey. Cow, 2 yrs. or aver, in milk- 1, Hugh Ormniston; 2, James T. Courtice Beats ZMon BREO In First Playoff Congratulations ta Mr. and Mus. Orland Eailey (nec Jane Ga e yScore 4-0 Ozetal) on being married Aug. 28th. Playing an Sauina grounds Glad ta see Mrs. James McLau- agist Zion last Thursday even- ghiin in ber home again after be- ing, Cour.ticc won the first of home ing away since December. and home games in the Darling- Mrs. H. Gill entertained their ton Football League piaydawns, famiiy and a few friends on the by a score of 4-0. The return game accassian of Donaid's Sth birth- xiii be played in Courtice, Sat- day. urday evening, Sept. 4. Nestieton Ccmeterv will boid In the other piaydowns, H-amp- Decaration Day service Sept. sth. ton went ta Orono, Saturday ta Isabel Carter spent the week- lose the first game 3-1. The re- end in Bowmanvilie with friends. turn gamne in Hampton Wednes- Mrs. E. Caughill is in Part day. came toa late ta ho reported Perry with Mrs. M. Hc-Iwitt, in this issue. Total goals deter. Mr~. Bill Haskin with friends in mine the winner. Orillia. The winners in these piaydowns Mrs. Tom Hapley called on fr1- wiil commence the piayaffs for the ends. championship of the beague on Mr. Tom Trick spent a weck in Wednesday, September 8. Cour. Toronto. tice as the league leader xiii de- Mr. and Mrs. David Warsman cide xvhcre the flrst game wili be with Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins in playcd but it will likely be in Toronto for thc exhibition. Courtice. The finals wiil be bcst Many are glad ta have the Bus1 2 of 3 games, but points xili caunt Service for the C.N.E. which re- in case of a final tic; the 3rd gamoe turns after the fireworks. ta be playcd on neutrai grounOs. Mastcr David Garrow. Beverly A feature of this year's league and Arlene, Oshawa, with *hoir games was that Hampton won ail grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- games away from home and won sell Dean. onlv two on home grounds. It is Mrs. T. Breck spent a xveek in anticipated that huge crowds wxiiil Port Hope with Mr. and Mrs. W . be at ail games in the finals coin- Breck. mencing September 8. Miss Joan Cochrane, Mr. and Latest information on the ex- Mrs. R. Carter, Mr. Nelson Hud- bibition game between Ulster Un- s-on with Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams. ited, Toronto, and Darlington Ail. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Roblin with Stars is that the game, whihi friends in Millbroak. Mr. Bryan, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rahme, Weston, Mr. and Mrs. George Rnhme, Stainfield, with Mrs. H. Rabme. Word was received of the sud- den pnssing of Mrs. Yelland, In- gersoil, the former Sarah Avery, on Aug. 3Oth. Mr. J. Averyan family are attending the funeral. Sympathy is extended to ail the relatives. Medievai phiiosophers once argued over how many angels could dance on the point of a needie. THE.0 STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 Bay Street, Toronto 1 37 yeurs ln Business WBEATRE -BOWMANVELLE COOL - AIR CONDITIONED - COOL THURSDAY - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2-3 MYSTERY,9FALSE LOVE AND MURorq! I L. I C&A AIS AUORI V comstANCF NURDo ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ALSO A SELECTED SHORT SATURDAY- SEPTEMBER 4 EX TR A Laurel-Hardy Short - Technicolor Cartoon 4UIll)-NITII SIHCW SUNDAY, SEPT. 5, 12:05 Ai'!. The only woman on an Wtand of L~AI Eerie 1! Spellbinding MONDAY - TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6-7 WLUMBIA PIC TUREý LARRY PARKS word-sman el ., r S an um 'ýP'ý ELLEN DREW Color Cartoon Gypsy Holiday Technicolor Short Mcqvietone News 3 9/on Guaranteed 3% Trust Certificates ISSUED for any amount.... for a terni of five year ... . guaraat.eed bath as ta principal and intenest . . .. Interest cheques mailed ta reach holders on due date, or, at holder's option, may be allowed ta accumulate at compound înterest. An ideal investment for individuais, eoin- panies; authorized by law for cemnetery boards, executors and other trustees. r Now ls the time to order your supply of Swiff's Canadian Fertilizer for your fal %*heat We can install a DeLaval Milker ln your barn at once and relieve you of your %vork twlce a day. Corne in and let us explain this equipment to you. WVe have now installed a new electric welder to handle repair jobs. W. H. BROWN DEALER FOR Case Farn Machinery - Frestoue Tires DeLaval Mikers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equlpinent or barn with the long fall nlghts approaching. Our trained technlcians have had countless years of experience in planning and lnst.alling the most economîical yet most practical %virlng systemn for your particular job. why not save lime and money now and let us bring your electrical wiring up-to-date W~e ivili gladly supply you with free estimates % ne matter what size the job may be. HIGGON ELECTRIC Your General Electria Appliance Dealer Phone 438 Bowxnanville 42 King St. E. el struck Hk ««I sparks womi ti si King SL W. Phone 491

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